diff options
-rw-r--r--advtrains_interlocking/textures/at_il_ts_highlight_particle.pngbin0 -> 7164 bytes
-rw-r--r--advtrains_itrainmap/textures/itm_example.pngbin154460 -> 0 bytes
37 files changed, 4067 insertions, 1889 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/api_doc.txt b/advtrains/api_doc.txt
index 5668ba3..6b338a7 100644
--- a/advtrains/api_doc.txt
+++ b/advtrains/api_doc.txt
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ advtrains.register_wagon(name, prototype, description, inventory_image)
# Wagon prototype properties
... all regular luaentity properties (mesh, textures, collisionbox a.s.o)...
- drives_on = {default=true},
- ^- used to define the tracktypes (see below) that wagon can drive on. The tracktype identifiers are given as keys, similar to privileges)
max_speed = 10,
^- optional, default 10: defines the maximum speed this wagon can drive. The maximum speed of a train is determined by the wagon with the lowest max_speed value.
seats = {
diff --git a/advtrains/copytool.lua b/advtrains/copytool.lua
index 0c1cdfe..8a6d2f7 100644
--- a/advtrains/copytool.lua
+++ b/advtrains/copytool.lua
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ minetest.register_tool("advtrains:copytool", {
local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under)
if not node then atprint("[advtrains]Ignore at placer position") return itemstack end
local nodename=node.name
- if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, {default=true})) then
+ if(not advtrains.is_track(nodename)) then
atprint("no track here, not placing.")
return itemstack
diff --git a/advtrains/couple.lua b/advtrains/couple.lua
index 3e6c432..49c8a5d 100644
--- a/advtrains/couple.lua
+++ b/advtrains/couple.lua
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ minetest.register_entity("advtrains:couple", {
on_step=function(self, dtime)
- if advtrains.wagon_outside_range(self.object:getpos()) then
+ if advtrains.wagon_outside_range(self.object:get_pos()) then
--atdebug("Couple Removing outside range")
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ minetest.register_entity("advtrains:couple", {
tp2=advtrains.path_get_interpolated(train2, train2.end_index)
local pos_median=advtrains.pos_median(tp1, tp2)
- if not vector.equals(pos_median, self.object:getpos()) then
+ if not vector.equals(pos_median, self.object:get_pos()) then
diff --git a/advtrains/debugitems.lua b/advtrains/debugitems.lua
index e672308..2236cba 100644
--- a/advtrains/debugitems.lua
+++ b/advtrains/debugitems.lua
@@ -51,3 +51,89 @@ minetest.register_chatcommand("atyaw",
+ description = "Wagon position tester",
+ groups = {cracky=1}, -- key=name, value=rating; rating=1..3.
+ inventory_image = "drwho_screwdriver.png",
+ wield_image = "drwho_screwdriver.png",
+ stack_max = 1,
+ range = 7.0,
+ on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+ end,
+ --[[
+ ^ Shall place item and return the leftover itemstack
+ ^ default: minetest.item_place ]]
+ on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
+ local pos = pointed_thing.under
+ local trains = advtrains.occ.get_trains_at(pos)
+ for train_id, index in pairs(trains) do
+ local wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center = advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, index)
+ if wagon_num then
+ atdebug(wagon_num, wagon_id, offset_from_center)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+local function trackitest(initial_pos, initial_connid)
+ local ti, pos, connid, ok
+ ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(initial_pos, initial_connid, 500, true)
+ atdebug("Starting at pos:",initial_pos,initial_connid)
+ while ti:has_next_branch() do
+ pos, connid = ti:next_branch() -- in first iteration, this will be the node at initial_pos. In subsequent iterations this will be the switch node from which we are branching off
+ atdebug("Next Branch:",pos, connid)
+ ok = true
+ while ok do
+ ok, pos, connid = ti:next_track()
+ atdebug("Next Track:", ok, pos, connid)
+ end
+ end
+ atdebug("End of traverse. Visited: ",table.concat(ti.visited, ","))
+ description = "Track Iterator Tester (leftclick conn 1, rightclick conn 2)",
+ groups = {cracky=1}, -- key=name, value=rating; rating=1..3.
+ inventory_image = "advtrains_track_swlcr_45.png",
+ wield_image = "advtrains_track_swlcr_45.png",
+ stack_max = 1,
+ range = 7.0,
+ on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+ if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end
+ trackitest(pointed_thing.under, 2)
+ end,
+ on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
+ if pointed_thing.type ~= "node" then return end
+ trackitest(pointed_thing.under, 1)
+ end,
+ {
+ params = "",
+ description = "Performs an audit of all track definitions currently loaded and checks for potential problems",
+ func = function(name, param)
+ for name, ndef in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do
+ --TODO finish this!
+ if ndef.at_conns then
+ -- check if conn_map is there and if it has enough entries
+ if #ndef.at_conns > 2 then
+ if #ndef.at_conn_map < #ndef.at_conns then
+ atwarn("AUDIT: Node",name,"- Not enough connmap entries! Check ndef:",ndef)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end,
diff --git a/advtrains/helpers.lua b/advtrains/helpers.lua
index cf890ca..d7e691d 100644
--- a/advtrains/helpers.lua
+++ b/advtrains/helpers.lua
@@ -292,18 +292,19 @@ function advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, other_conns)
-- Going from the rail at pos (does not need to be rounded) along connection with id conn_idx, if there is a matching rail, return it and the matching connid
--- returns: <adjacent pos>, <conn index of adjacent>, <my conn index>, <railheight of adjacent>
+-- returns: <adjacent pos>, <conn index of adjacent>, <my conn index>, <railheight of adjacent>, (adjacent conns table), (adjacent connmap table)
-- parameter this_conns_p is connection table of this rail and is optional, is determined by get_rail_info_at if not provided.
-function advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_posnr, this_conns_p, conn_idx, drives_on)
+function advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_posnr, this_conns_p, conn_idx)
local this_pos = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(this_posnr)
local this_conns = this_conns_p
+ local _
if not this_conns then
_, this_conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(this_pos)
if not conn_idx then
for coni, _ in ipairs(this_conns) do
- local adj_pos, adj_conn_idx, _, nry, nco = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_pos, this_conns, coni)
- if adj_pos then return adj_pos,adj_conn_idx,coni,nry, nco end
+ local adj_pos, adj_conn_idx, _, nry, nco, ncm = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_pos, this_conns, coni)
+ if adj_pos then return adj_pos,adj_conn_idx,coni,nry, nco, ncm end
return nil
@@ -317,34 +318,46 @@ function advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_posnr, this_conns_p, conn_idx, drives_
adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y + 1
- local nextnode_ok, nextconns, nextrail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(adj_pos, drives_on)
+ local nextnode_ok, nextconns, nextrail_y, nextconnmap=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(adj_pos)
if not nextnode_ok then
adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y - 1
conn_y = conn_y + 1
- nextnode_ok, nextconns, nextrail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(adj_pos, drives_on)
+ nextnode_ok, nextconns, nextrail_y, nextconnmap=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(adj_pos)
if not nextnode_ok then
return nil
local adj_connid = advtrains.conn_matches_to({c=conn.c, y=conn_y}, nextconns)
if adj_connid then
- return adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, nextconns
+ return adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, nextconns, nextconnmap
return nil
-- when a train enters a rail on connid 'conn', which connid will it go out?
--- nconns: number of connections in connection table:
--- 2 = straight rail; 3 = turnout, 4 = crossing, 5 = three-way turnout (5th entry is a stub)
+-- Since 2.5: This mapping is contained in the conn_map table in the node definition!
-- returns: connid_out
-local connlku={[2]={2,1}, [3]={2,1,1}, [4]={2,1,4,3}, [5]={2,1,1,1}}
-function advtrains.get_matching_conn(conn, nconns)
- return connlku[nconns][conn]
+function advtrains.get_matching_conn(conn, conn_map)
+ if tonumber(conn_map) then
+ error("Legacy call to get_matching_conn! Instead of nconns, conn_map needs to be provided!")
+ end
+ if not conn_map then
+ --OK for two-conn rails, just return the other
+ if conn==1 then return 2 end
+ if conn==2 then return 1 end
+ error("get_matching_conn: For connid >=3, conn_map must not be nil!")
+ end
+ local cout = conn_map[conn]
+ if not cout then
+ error("get_matching_conn: Connid "..conn.." not found in conn_map which is "..atdump(conn_map))
+ end
+ return cout
-function advtrains.random_id()
+function advtrains.random_id(lenp)
local idst=""
- for i=0,5 do
+ local len = lenp or 6
+ for i=1,len do
return idst
@@ -470,3 +483,149 @@ else
+-- TrackIterator interface --
+-- Metatable:
+local trackiter_mt = {
+ -- Internal State:
+ -- branches: A list of {pos, connid, limit} for where to restart
+ -- pos: The *next* position that the track iterator will return
+ -- bconnid: The connid of the connection of the rail at pos that points backward
+ -- tconns: The connections of the rail at pos
+ -- limit: the current limit
+ -- visited: a key-boolean table of already visited rails
+ -- get whether there are still unprocessed branches
+ has_next_branch = function(self)
+ return #self.branches > 0
+ end,
+ -- go to the next unprocessed branch
+ -- returns track_pos, track_connid of the switch/crossing node where the track branches off
+ next_branch = function(self)
+ local br = table.remove(self.branches, 1)
+ -- Advance internal state
+ local adj_pos, adj_connid, _, _, adj_conns, adj_connmap = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(br.pos, nil, br.connid)
+ self.pos = adj_pos
+ self.bconnid = adj_connid
+ self.tconns = adj_conns
+ self.tconnmap = adj_connmap
+ self.limit = br.limit - 1
+ self.visited[advtrains.encode_pos(br.pos)] = true
+ self.last_track_already_visited = false
+ return br.pos, br.connid
+ end,
+ -- get the next track along the current branch,
+ -- potentially adding branching tracks to the unprocessed branches list
+ -- returns track_pos, track_connid, track_backwards_connid
+ -- On error, returns nil, reason; reason is one of "track_end", "limit_hit", "already_visited"
+ next_track = function(self)
+ if self.last_track_already_visited then
+ -- see comment below
+ return nil, "already_visited"
+ end
+ local pos = self.pos
+ if not pos then
+ -- last run found track end. Return false
+ return false, "track_end"
+ end
+ -- if limit hit, return nil to signal this
+ if self.limit <= 0 then
+ return nil, "limit_hit"
+ end
+ -- select next conn (main conn to follow is the associated connection)
+ local old_bconnid = self.bconnid
+ local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(self.bconnid, self.tconnmap)
+ if self.visited[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] then
+ -- node was already seen
+ -- Due to special requirements for the track section updater, return this first already visited track once
+ -- but do not process any further rails on this branch
+ -- The next call will then throw already_visited error
+ self.last_track_already_visited = true
+ return pos, mconnid, old_bconnid
+ end
+ -- If there are more connections, add these to branches
+ for nconnid,_ in ipairs(self.tconns) do
+ if nconnid~=mconnid and nconnid~=self.bconnid then
+ table.insert(self.branches, {pos = self.pos, connid = nconnid, limit=self.limit})
+ end
+ end
+ -- Advance internal state
+ local adj_pos, adj_connid, _, _, adj_conns, adj_connmap = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, self.tconns, mconnid)
+ self.pos = adj_pos
+ self.bconnid = adj_connid
+ self.tconns = adj_conns
+ self.tconnmap = adj_connmap
+ self.limit = self.limit - 1
+ self.visited[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] = true
+ self.last_track_already_visited = false
+ return pos, mconnid, old_bconnid
+ end,
+ add_branch = function(self, pos, connid)
+ table.insert(self.branches, {pos = pos, connid = connid, limit=self.limit})
+ end,
+ is_visited = function(self, pos)
+ return self.visited[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)]
+ end,
+-- Returns a new TrackIterator object
+-- Parameters:
+-- initial_pos: the initial track position of the track iterator
+-- initial_connid: the connection index in which to traverse. If nil, adds a "branch" for every connection of the track (traverse in all directions)
+-- limit: maximum distance from the start point after which the traverser stops
+-- follow_all: if true, follows all branches at multi-connection tracks, even the ones pointing backwards or the crossing track on crossings. If false, follows only switches in driving direction.
+-- Functions of the returned TrackIterator can be called via the Lua : notation, such as ti:next_track()
+-- If only the main track needs to be followed, use only the ti:next_track() function and do not call ti:next_branch().
+function advtrains.get_track_iterator(initial_pos, initial_connid, limit, follow_all)
+ local ti = {
+ visited = {}
+ }
+ if initial_connid then
+ ti.branches = { {pos = initial_pos, connid = initial_connid, limit=limit} }
+ else
+ -- get track info here
+ local node_ok, conns, rail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(initial_pos)
+ assert(node_ok, "get_track_iterator called with non-track node!")
+ ti.branches = {}
+ for coni, _ in pairs(conns) do
+ table.insert(ti.branches, {pos = initial_pos, connid = coni, limit=limit})
+ end
+ end
+ ti.limit = limit -- safeguard if someone adds a branch before calling anything
+ setmetatable(ti, {__index=trackiter_mt})
+ return ti
+Example TrackIterator usage structure:
+local ti, pos, connid, ok
+ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(initial_pos, initial_connid, 500, true)
+while ti:has_next_branch() do
+ pos, connid = ti:next_branch() -- in first iteration, this will be the node at initial_pos. In subsequent iterations this will be the switch node from which we are branching off
+ repeat
+ <do something with the track>
+ if <track satisfies an abort condition> then break end --for example, when traversing should stop at TCBs this can check if there is a tcb here
+ pos, connid = ti:next_track()
+ until not pos -- this stops the loop when either the track end is reached or the limit is hit
+ -- while loop continues with the next branch ( diverging branch of one of the switches/crossings) until no more are left
+Example for walking only a single track (without branching):
+local ti, pos, connid, ok
+ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(initial_pos, initial_connid, 500, true)
+pos, connid = ti:next_branch() -- this always needs to be done at least one time, and gets the track at initial_pos
+ <do something with the track>
+ if <track satisfies an abort condition> then break end --for example, when traversing should stop at TCBs this can check if there is a tcb here
+ ok, pos, connid = ti:next_track()
+until not ok -- this stops the loop when either the track end is reached or the limit is hit
diff --git a/advtrains/init.lua b/advtrains/init.lua
index 1cba255..3bd8374 100644
--- a/advtrains/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains/init.lua
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ dofile(advtrains.modpath.."/trainhud.lua")
@@ -233,6 +234,9 @@ end
+if minetest.settings:get_bool("advtrains_register_debugitems") then
+ dofile(advtrains.modpath.."/debugitems.lua")
@@ -474,7 +478,7 @@ advtrains.avt_save = function(remove_players_from_wagons)
"atc_brake_target", "atc_wait_finish", "atc_command", "atc_delay", "door_open",
"text_outside", "text_inside", "line", "routingcode",
"il_sections", "speed_restriction", "speed_restrictions_t", "is_shunt",
- "points_split", "autocouple", "atc_wait_autocouple", "ars_disable",
+ "path_ori_cp", "autocouple", "atc_wait_autocouple", "ars_disable",
--then save it
diff --git a/advtrains/nodedb.lua b/advtrains/nodedb.lua
index 41ac089..ff07df4 100644
--- a/advtrains/nodedb.lua
+++ b/advtrains/nodedb.lua
@@ -264,23 +264,23 @@ end
--get_node with pseudoload. now we only need track data, so we can use the trackdb as second fallback
--nothing new will be saved inside the trackdb.
---true, conn1, conn2, rely1, rely2, railheight in case everything's right.
+--true, conns, railheight, connmap in case everything's right.
--false if it's not a rail or the train does not drive on this rail, but it is loaded or
--nil if the node is neither loaded nor in trackdb
--the distraction between false and nil will be needed only in special cases.(train initpos)
-function advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, drives_on)
+function advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
local rdp=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos)
local node=ndb.get_node_or_nil(rdp)
if not node then return end
local nodename=node.name
- if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, drives_on)) then
+ if(not advtrains.is_track(nodename)) then
return false
- local conns, railheight, tracktype=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
+ local conns, railheight, connmap = advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
- return true, conns, railheight
+ return true, conns, railheight, connmap
diff --git a/advtrains/oldtracks.lua b/advtrains/oldtracks.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c415143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains/oldtracks.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+--advtrains by orwell96, see readme.txt
+--dev-time settings:
+--If the old non-model rails on straight tracks should be replaced by the new...
+--false: no
+--true: yes
+ --you'll probably want to override mesh here
+ --you'll probably want to override mesh here
+--definition preparation
+local function conns(c1, c2, r1, r2) return {{c=c1, y=r1}, {c=c2, y=r2}} end
+local function conns3(c1, c2, c3, r1, r2, r3) return {{c=c1, y=r1}, {c=c2, y=r2}, {c=c3, y=r3}} end
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "cr",
+ },
+ cr={
+ conns = conns(0,7),
+ desc = "curve",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ trackworker = "swlst",
+ },
+ swlst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,7),
+ desc = "left switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "swrst",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ switchprefix = "swl",
+ },
+ swlcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,7,8),
+ desc = "left switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "swrcr",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ switchprefix = "swl",
+ },
+ swrst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,9),
+ desc = "right switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ switchprefix = "swr",
+ },
+ swrcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,9,8),
+ desc = "right switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ switchprefix = "swr",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ trackworker={
+ ["swrcr"]="st",
+ ["swrst"]="st",
+ ["cr"]="swlst",
+ ["swlcr"]="swrcr",
+ ["swlst"]="swrst",
+ },
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ l={
+ conns = conns3(0,7,9),
+ desc = "Y-turnout (left)",
+ switchalt = "r",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "l",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ },
+ r={
+ conns = conns3(0,9,7),
+ desc = "Y-turnout (right)",
+ switchalt = "l",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "r",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ }
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="l",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ l={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=7}, {c=8}, {c=9}, {c=0} },
+ desc = "3-way turnout (left)",
+ switchalt = "s",
+ switchst="l",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ },
+ s={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=9}, {c=0} },
+ desc = "3-way turnout (straight)",
+ switchalt ="r",
+ switchst = "s",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ },
+ r={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=9}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=0} },
+ desc = "3-way turnout (right)",
+ switchalt = "l",
+ switchst="r",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ }
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="l",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ vst1={conns = conns(8,0,0,0.5), rail_y = 0.25, desc = "steep uphill 1/2", slope=true},
+ vst2={conns = conns(8,0,0.5,1), rail_y = 0.75, desc = "steep uphill 2/2", slope=true},
+ vst31={conns = conns(8,0,0,0.33), rail_y = 0.16, desc = "uphill 1/3", slope=true},
+ vst32={conns = conns(8,0,0.33,0.66), rail_y = 0.5, desc = "uphill 2/3", slope=true},
+ vst33={conns = conns(8,0,0.66,1), rail_y = 0.83, desc = "uphill 3/3", slope=true},
+ },
+ regsp=true,
+ slopeplacer={
+ [2]={"vst1", "vst2"},
+ [3]={"vst31", "vst32", "vst33"},
+ max=3,--highest entry
+ },
+ slopeplacer_45={
+ [2]={"vst1_45", "vst2_45"},
+ max=2,
+ },
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ trackworker={},
+ increativeinv={},
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "st",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "st",
+ },
+ },
+ tpdefault="st",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep=2,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "cr",
+ },
+ cr={
+ conns = conns(0,6),
+ desc = "curve",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ trackworker = "swlst",
+ },
+ swlst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,6),
+ desc = "left switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "swrst",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ },
+ swlcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,6,8),
+ desc = "left switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "swrcr",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ },
+ swrst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,10),
+ desc = "right switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ },
+ swrcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,10,8),
+ desc = "right switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ trackworker={
+ ["swrcr"]="st",
+ ["swrst"]="st",
+ ["cr"]="swlst",
+ ["swlcr"]="swrcr",
+ ["swlst"]="swrst",
+ },
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep = 1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=4}, {c=12} },
+ desc = "perpendicular crossing",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "st",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ regstep = 1,
+ variant={
+ ["30l"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=1}, {c=9} },
+ desc = "30/90 degree crossing (left)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "45l"
+ },
+ ["45l"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=2}, {c=10} },
+ desc = "45/90 degree crossing (left)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "60l",
+ },
+ ["60l"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=3}, {c=11}},
+ desc = "60/90 degree crossing (left)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "60r",
+ },
+ ["60r"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=5}, {c=13} },
+ desc = "60/90 degree crossing (right)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "45r"
+ },
+ ["45r"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=6}, {c=14} },
+ desc = "45/90 degree crossing (right)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "30r",
+ },
+ ["30r"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=15}},
+ desc = "30/90 degree crossing (right)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "30l",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="30l",
+ rotation={""},
+ trackworker = {
+ ["30l"] = "45l",
+ ["45l"] = "60l",
+ ["60l"] = "60r",
+ ["60r"] = "45r",
+ ["45r"] = "30r",
+ ["30r"] = "30l",
+ }
+advtrains.ap.t_diagonalcrossing = {
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ ["30l45r"]={
+ conns = {{c=1}, {c=9}, {c=6}, {c=14}},
+ desc = "30left-45right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60l30l",
+ },
+ ["60l30l"]={
+ conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=1}, {c=9}},
+ desc = "30left-60right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60l45r"
+ },
+ ["60l45r"]={
+ conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=6}, {c=14}},
+ desc = "60left-45right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60l60r"
+ },
+ ["60l60r"]={
+ conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=5}, {c=13}},
+ desc = "60left-60right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60r45l",
+ },
+ --If 60l60r had a mirror image, it would be here, but it's symmetric.
+ -- 60l60r is also equivalent to 30l30r but rotated 90 degrees.
+ ["60r45l"]={
+ conns = {{c=5}, {c=13}, {c=2}, {c=10}},
+ desc = "60right-45left diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60r30r",
+ },
+ ["60r30r"]={
+ conns = {{c=5}, {c=13}, {c=7}, {c=15}},
+ desc = "60right-30right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="30r45l",
+ },
+ ["30r45l"]={
+ conns = {{c=7}, {c=15}, {c=2}, {c=10}},
+ desc = "30right-45left diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="30l45r",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="30l45r",
+ rotation={""},
+ trackworker = {
+ ["30l45r"] = "60l30l",
+ ["60l30l"] = "60l45r",
+ ["60l45r"] = "60l60r",
+ ["60l60r"] = "60r45l",
+ ["60r45l"] = "60r30r",
+ ["60r30r"] = "30r45l",
+ ["30r45l"] = "30l45r",
+ }
+advtrains.trackpresets = advtrains.ap
+--definition format: ([] optional)
+ nodename_prefix
+ texture_prefix
+ [shared_texture]
+ models_prefix
+ models_suffix (with dot)
+ [shared_model]
+ formats={
+ st,cr,swlst,swlcr,swrst,swrcr,vst1,vst2
+ (each a table with indices 0-3, for if to register a rail with this 'rotation' table entry. nil is assumed as 'all', set {} to not register at all)
+ }
+ common={} change something on common rail appearance
+[18.12.17] Note on new connection system:
+In order to support real rail crossing nodes and finally make the trackplacer respect switches, I changed the connection system.
+There can be a variable number of connections available. These are specified as tuples {c=<connection>, y=<rely>}
+The table "at_conns" consists of {<conn1>, <conn2>...}
+the "at_rail_y" property holds the value that was previously called "railheight"
+Depending on the number of connections:
+2 conns: regular rail
+3 conns: switch:
+ - when train passes in at conn1, will move out of conn2
+ - when train passes in at conn2 or conn3, will move out of conn1
+4 conns: cross (or cross switch, depending on arrangement of conns):
+ - conn1 <> conn2
+ - conn3 <> conn4
+-- Notify the user if digging the rail is not allowed
+local function can_dig_callback(pos, player)
+ local ok, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if not ok and player then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("This track can not be removed!") .. " " .. reason)
+ end
+ return ok
+function advtrains.register_tracks(tracktype, def, preset)
+ advtrains.trackplacer.register_tracktype(def.nodename_prefix, preset.tpdefault)
+ if preset.regtp then
+ advtrains.trackplacer.register_track_placer(def.nodename_prefix, def.texture_prefix, def.description, def)
+ end
+ if preset.regsp then
+ advtrains.slope.register_placer(def, preset)
+ end
+ for suffix, var in pairs(preset.variant) do
+ for rotid, rotation in ipairs(preset.rotation) do
+ if not def.formats[suffix] or def.formats[suffix][rotid] then
+ local img_suffix = suffix..rotation
+ local ndef = advtrains.merge_tables({
+ description=def.description.."("..(var.desc or "any")..rotation..")",
+ drawtype = "mesh",
+ paramtype="light",
+ paramtype2="facedir",
+ walkable = false,
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {-1/2-1/16, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2+1/16, -1/2+2/16, 1/2},
+ },
+ mesh = def.shared_model or (def.models_prefix.."_"..img_suffix..def.models_suffix),
+ tiles = {def.shared_texture or (def.texture_prefix.."_"..img_suffix..".png"), def.second_texture},
+ groups = {
+ attached_node = advtrains.IGNORE_WORLD and 0 or 1,
+ advtrains_track=1,
+ ["advtrains_track_"..tracktype]=1,
+ save_in_at_nodedb=1,
+ dig_immediate=2,
+ not_in_creative_inventory=1,
+ not_blocking_trains=1,
+ },
+ can_dig = can_dig_callback,
+ after_dig_node=function(pos)
+ advtrains.ndb.update(pos)
+ end,
+ after_place_node=function(pos)
+ advtrains.ndb.update(pos)
+ end,
+ at_nnpref = def.nodename_prefix,
+ at_suffix = suffix,
+ at_rotation = rotation,
+ at_rail_y = var.rail_y
+ }, def.common or {})
+ if preset.regtp then
+ ndef.drop = def.nodename_prefix.."_placer"
+ end
+ if preset.regsp and var.slope then
+ ndef.drop = def.nodename_prefix.."_slopeplacer"
+ end
+ --connections
+ ndef.at_conns = advtrains.rotate_conn_by(var.conns, (rotid-1)*preset.regstep)
+ local ndef_avt_table
+ if var.switchalt and var.switchst then
+ local switchfunc=function(pos, node, newstate)
+ newstate = newstate or var.switchalt -- support for 3 (or more) state switches
+ -- this code is only called from the internal setstate function, which
+ -- ensures that it is safe to switch the turnout
+ if newstate~=var.switchst then
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=def.nodename_prefix.."_"..(var.switchprefix or "")..newstate..rotation, param2=node.param2})
+ advtrains.invalidate_all_paths(pos)
+ end
+ end
+ ndef.on_rightclick = function(pos, node, player)
+ if advtrains.check_turnout_signal_protection(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
+ advtrains.setstate(pos, nil, node)
+ advtrains.log("Switch", player:get_player_name(), pos)
+ end
+ end
+ if var.switchmc then
+ ndef.mesecons = {effector = {
+ ["action_"..var.switchmc] = function(pos, node)
+ advtrains.setstate(pos, nil, node)
+ end,
+ rules=advtrains.meseconrules
+ }}
+ end
+ ndef_avt_table = {
+ getstate = var.switchst,
+ setstate = switchfunc,
+ }
+ end
+ local adef={}
+ if def.get_additional_definiton then
+ adef=def.get_additional_definiton(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ end
+ ndef = advtrains.merge_tables(ndef, adef)
+ -- insert getstate/setstate functions after merging the additional definitions
+ if ndef_avt_table then
+ ndef.advtrains = advtrains.merge_tables(ndef.advtrains or {}, ndef_avt_table)
+ end
+ minetest.register_node(":"..def.nodename_prefix.."_"..suffix..rotation, ndef)
+ --trackplacer
+ if preset.regtp then
+ local tpconns = {conn1=ndef.at_conns[1].c, conn2=ndef.at_conns[2].c}
+ if var.tpdouble then
+ advtrains.trackplacer.add_double_conn(def.nodename_prefix, suffix, rotation, tpconns)
+ end
+ if var.tpsingle then
+ advtrains.trackplacer.add_single_conn(def.nodename_prefix, suffix, rotation, tpconns)
+ end
+ end
+ advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked(def.nodename_prefix, suffix, rotation, var.trackworker)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ advtrains.all_tracktypes[tracktype]=true
+function advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, drives_on_p)
+ local drives_on = drives_on_p
+ if not drives_on then drives_on = advtrains.all_tracktypes end
+ local hasentry = false
+ for _,_ in pairs(drives_on) do
+ hasentry=true
+ end
+ if not hasentry then drives_on = advtrains.all_tracktypes end
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
+ return false
+ end
+ local nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
+ for k,v in pairs(drives_on) do
+ if nodedef.groups["advtrains_track_"..k] then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function advtrains.get_track_connections(name, param2)
+ local nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[name]
+ if not nodedef then atprint(" get_track_connections couldn't find nodedef for nodename "..(name or "nil")) return nil end
+ local noderot=param2
+ if not param2 then noderot=0 end
+ if noderot > 3 then atprint(" get_track_connections: rail has invaild param2 of "..noderot) noderot=0 end
+ local tracktype
+ for k,_ in pairs(nodedef.groups) do
+ local tt=string.match(k, "^advtrains_track_(.+)$")
+ if tt then
+ tracktype=tt
+ end
+ end
+ return advtrains.rotate_conn_by(nodedef.at_conns, noderot*AT_CMAX/4), (nodedef.at_rail_y or 0), tracktype
+-- Function called when a track is about to be dug or modified by the trackworker
+-- Returns either true (ok) or false,"translated string describing reason why it isn't allowed"
+function advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if advtrains.get_train_at_pos(pos) then
+ return false, attrans("Position is occupied by a train.")
+ end
+ -- interlocking: tcb, signal IP a.s.o.
+ if advtrains.interlocking then
+ -- TCB?
+ if advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcb(pos) then
+ return false, attrans("There's a Track Circuit Break here.")
+ end
+ -- signal ip?
+ if advtrains.interlocking.db.is_ip_at(pos, true) then -- is_ip_at with purge parameter
+ return false, attrans("There's a Signal Influence Point here.")
+ end
+ end
+ return true
+-- slope placer. Defined in register_tracks.
+--crafted with rail and gravel
+local sl={}
+function sl.register_placer(def, preset)
+ minetest.register_craftitem(":"..def.nodename_prefix.."_slopeplacer",{
+ description = attrans("@1 Slope", def.description),
+ inventory_image = def.texture_prefix.."_slopeplacer.png",
+ wield_image = def.texture_prefix.."_slopeplacer.png",
+ groups={},
+ on_place = sl.create_slopeplacer_on_place(def, preset)
+ })
+--(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+function sl.create_slopeplacer_on_place(def, preset)
+ return function(istack, player, pt)
+ if not pt.type=="node" then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: not pointing at node"))
+ return istack
+ end
+ local pos=pt.above
+ if not pos then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: not pointing at node"))
+ return istack
+ end
+ local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: space occupied!"))
+ return istack
+ end
+ if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
+ minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player:get_player_name())
+ return istack
+ end
+ --determine player orientation (only horizontal component)
+ --get_look_horizontal may not be available
+ local yaw=player.get_look_horizontal and player:get_look_horizontal() or (player:get_look_yaw() - math.pi/2)
+ --rounding unit vectors is a nice way for selecting 1 of 8 directions since sin(30°) is 0.5.
+ local dirvec={x=math.floor(math.sin(-yaw)+0.5), y=0, z=math.floor(math.cos(-yaw)+0.5)}
+ --translate to direction to look up inside the preset table
+ local param2, rot45=({
+ [-1]={
+ [-1]=2,
+ [0]=3,
+ [1]=3,
+ },
+ [0]={
+ [-1]=2,
+ [1]=0,
+ },
+ [1]={
+ [-1]=1,
+ [0]=1,
+ [1]=0,
+ },
+ })[dirvec.x][dirvec.z], dirvec.x~=0 and dirvec.z~=0
+ local lookup=preset.slopeplacer
+ if rot45 then lookup=preset.slopeplacer_45 end
+ --go unitvector forward and look how far the next node is
+ local step=1
+ while step<=lookup.max do
+ local node=minetest.get_node(vector.add(pos, dirvec))
+ --next node solid?
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to or advtrains.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
+ --do slopes of this distance exist?
+ if lookup[step] then
+ if minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") or istack:get_count()>=step then
+ --start placing
+ local placenodes=lookup[step]
+ while step>0 do
+ minetest.set_node(pos, {name=def.nodename_prefix.."_"..placenodes[step], param2=param2})
+ if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then
+ istack:take_item()
+ end
+ step=step-1
+ pos=vector.subtract(pos, dirvec)
+ end
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: Not enough slope items left (@1 required)", step))
+ end
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: There's no slope of length @1",step))
+ end
+ return istack
+ end
+ step=step+1
+ pos=vector.add(pos, dirvec)
+ end
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: no supporting node at upper end."))
+ return itemstack
+ end
+--END code, BEGIN definition
+--definition format: ([] optional)
+ nodename_prefix
+ texture_prefix
+ [shared_texture]
+ models_prefix
+ models_suffix (with dot)
+ [shared_model]
+ formats={
+ st,cr,swlst,swlcr,swrst,swrcr,vst1,vst2
+ (each a table with indices 0-3, for if to register a rail with this 'rotation' table entry. nil is assumed as 'all', set {} to not register at all)
+ }
+ common={} change something on common rail appearance
diff --git a/advtrains/passive.lua b/advtrains/passive.lua
index fe4790c..231da82 100644
--- a/advtrains/passive.lua
+++ b/advtrains/passive.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-- passive.lua
--- API to passive components, as described in passive_api.txt of advtrains_luaautomation
--- This has been moved to the advtrains core in turn with the interlocking system,
--- to prevent a dependency on luaautomation.
-local deprecation_warned = {}
+-- Rework for advtrains 2.5: The passive API now uses the reworked node_state system. Please see the comment in tracks.lua
function advtrains.getstate(parpos, pnode)
local pos
@@ -19,20 +15,8 @@ function advtrains.getstate(parpos, pnode)
local node=pnode or advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
local st
- if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.getstate then
- st=ndef.advtrains.getstate
- elseif ndef and ndef.luaautomation and ndef.luaautomation.getstate then
- if not deprecation_warned[node.name] then
- minetest.log("warning", node.name.." uses deprecated definition of ATLATC functions in the 'luaautomation' field. Please move them to the 'advtrains' field!")
- end
- st=ndef.luaautomation.getstate
- else
- return nil
- end
- if type(st)=="function" then
- return st(pos, node)
- else
- return st
+ if ndef and ndef.advtrains then
+ return ndef.advtrains.node_state
@@ -45,31 +29,48 @@ function advtrains.setstate(parpos, newstate, pnode)
if type(pos)~="table" or (not pos.x or not pos.y or not pos.z) then
- error("Invalid position supplied to getstate")
+ error("Invalid position supplied to setstate")
local node=pnode or advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
- local st
- if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.setstate then
- st=ndef.advtrains.setstate
- elseif ndef and ndef.luaautomation and ndef.luaautomation.setstate then
- if not deprecation_warned[node.name] then
- minetest.log("warning", node.name.." uses deprecated definition of ATLATC functions in the 'luaautomation' field. Please move them to the 'advtrains' field!")
- end
- st=ndef.luaautomation.setstate
- else
- return nil
+ if not ndef or not ndef.advtrains then
+ return false, "missing_node_def"
+ end
+ local old_state = ndef.advtrains.node_state
+ if old_state == newstate then
+ -- nothing needs to be done
+ return true
+ if not ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
+ return false, "missing_node_state_map"
+ end
+ local new_node_name = ndef.advtrains.node_state_map[newstate]
+ if not new_node_name then
+ return false, "no_such_state"
+ end
+ -- prevent state switching when route lock or train is present
if advtrains.get_train_at_pos(pos) then
- return false
+ return false, "train_here"
- if advtrains.interlocking and advtrains.interlocking.route.has_route_lock(minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) then
- return false
+ if advtrains.interlocking and advtrains.interlocking.route.has_route_lock(minetest.encode_pos(pos)) then
+ return false, "route_lock_here"
- st(pos, node, newstate)
+ -- perform the switch
+ local new_node = {name = new_node_name, param2 = node.param2}
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, new_node)
+ -- if callback is present, call it
+ if ndef.advtrains.node_on_switch_state then
+ ndef.advtrains.node_on_switch_state(pos, new_node, old_state, newstate)
+ end
+ -- invalidate paths (only relevant if this is a track)
+ advtrains.invalidate_all_paths(pos)
return true
@@ -86,12 +87,7 @@ function advtrains.is_passive(parpos, pnode)
local node=pnode or advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
- if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.getstate then
- return true
- elseif ndef and ndef.luaautomation and ndef.luaautomation.getstate then
- if not deprecation_warned[node.name] then
- minetest.log("warning", node.name.." uses deprecated definition of ATLATC functions in the 'luaautomation' field. Please move them to the 'advtrains' field!")
- end
+ if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
return true
return false
@@ -102,20 +98,10 @@ end
function advtrains.set_fallback_state(pos, pnode)
local node=pnode or advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
- local st
- if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.setstate
- and ndef.advtrains.fallback_state then
- if advtrains.get_train_at_pos(pos) then
- return false
- end
- if advtrains.interlocking and advtrains.interlocking.route.has_route_lock(minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) then
- return false
- end
- ndef.advtrains.setstate(pos, node, ndef.advtrains.fallback_state)
- return true
- end
+ if not ndef or not ndef.advtrains or not ndef.advtrains.node_fallback_state then
+ return false, "no_fallback_state"
+ end
+ return advtrains.setstate(pos, ndef.advtrains.node_fallback_state, node)
diff --git a/advtrains/path.lua b/advtrains/path.lua
index f2b8a13..28df529 100644
--- a/advtrains/path.lua
+++ b/advtrains/path.lua
@@ -33,17 +33,16 @@
-- If you need to proceed along the path by a specific actual distance, it does NOT work to simply add it to the index. You should use the path_get_index_by_offset() function.
-- creates the path data structure, reconstructing the train from a position and a connid
--- Important! train.drives_on must exist while calling this method
-- returns: true - successful
-- nil - node not yet available/unloaded, please wait
-- false - node definitely gone, remove train
function advtrains.path_create(train, pos, connid, rel_index)
local posr = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(pos)
- local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, train.drives_on)
+ local node_ok, conns, rhe, connmap = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
if not node_ok then
return node_ok
- local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(connid, #conns)
+ local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(connid, connmap)
train.index = rel_index
train.path = { [0] = { x=posr.x, y=posr.y+rhe, z=posr.z } }
train.path_cn = { [0] = connid }
@@ -207,23 +206,19 @@ function advtrains.path_get(train, index)
while index > pef do
local pos = train.path[pef]
local connid = train.path_cn[pef]
- local node_ok, this_conns, adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns
+ local node_ok, this_conns, adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns, next_connmap
if pef == train.path_trk_f then
node_ok, this_conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
if not node_ok then error("For train "..train.id..": Path item "..pef.." on-track but not a valid node!") end
- adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, this_conns, connid, train.drives_on)
+ adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns, next_connmap = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, this_conns, connid)
pef = pef + 1
if adj_pos then
advtrains.occ.set_item(train.id, adj_pos, pef)
- -- If we have split points, notify accordingly
- local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(adj_connid, #next_conns)
- if #next_conns==3 and adj_connid==1 and train.points_split and train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(adj_pos)] then
- --atdebug(id,"has split points restored at",adj_pos)
- mconnid = 3
- end
+ local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(adj_connid, next_connmap)
+ -- NO split points handling here. It is only required for backwards path calculation
adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y + nextrail_y
train.path_cp[pef] = adj_connid
train.path_cn[pef] = mconnid
@@ -246,23 +241,26 @@ function advtrains.path_get(train, index)
while index < peb do
local pos = train.path[peb]
local connid = train.path_cp[peb]
- local node_ok, this_conns, adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns
+ local node_ok, this_conns, adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns, next_connmap
if peb == train.path_trk_b then
node_ok, this_conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
if not node_ok then error("For train "..train.id..": Path item "..peb.." on-track but not a valid node!") end
- adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, this_conns, connid, train.drives_on)
+ adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns, next_connmap = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, this_conns, connid)
peb = peb - 1
if adj_pos then
advtrains.occ.set_item(train.id, adj_pos, peb)
- -- If we have split points, notify accordingly
- local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(adj_connid, #next_conns)
- if #next_conns==3 and adj_connid==1 and train.points_split and train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(adj_pos)] then
- -- atdebug(id,"has split points restored at",adj_pos)
- mconnid = 3
+ local mconnid = advtrains.get_matching_conn(adj_connid, next_connmap)
+ -- If, for this position, we have remembered the origin conn, apply it here
+ if next_connmap then -- only needs to be done when this track is a turnout (>2 conns)
+ local origin_conn = train.path_ori_cp[advtrains.encode_pos(adj_pos)]
+ if origin_conn then
+ atdebug("Train",train.id,"at",adj_pos,"restoring turnout origin CP",origin_conn,"for path item",index)
+ mconnid = origin_conn
+ end
adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y + nextrail_y
train.path_cn[peb] = adj_connid
train.path_cp[peb] = mconnid
@@ -375,6 +373,19 @@ function advtrains.path_get_index_by_offset(train, index, offset)
return c_idx + frac
+-- The path_dist[] table contains absolute distance values for every whole index.
+-- Use this function to retrieve the correct absolute distance for a fractional index value (interpolate between floor and ceil index)
+-- returns: absolute distance from path item 0
+function advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, index)
+ local start_index_f = atfloor(index)
+ local frac = index - start_index_f
+ -- ensure path exists
+ advtrains.path_get_adjacent(train, index)
+ local dist1, dist2 = train.path_dist[start_index_f], train.path_dist[start_index_f+1]
+ return dist1 + (dist2-dist1)*frac
function advtrains.path_clear_unused(train)
diff --git a/advtrains/settingtypes.txt b/advtrains/settingtypes.txt
index 2b627cb..79a1e4c 100644
--- a/advtrains/settingtypes.txt
+++ b/advtrains/settingtypes.txt
@@ -7,6 +7,10 @@ advtrains_show_ids (Show ID's in infotext) bool false
# You probably want to leave this setting set to false.
advtrains_enable_debugging (Enable debugging) bool false
+# Register certain debug items, for example the tunnelborer
+# Do not use on productive servers!
+advtrains_register_debugitems (Register Debug Items) bool false
# Enable the logging of certain events related to advtrains
# Logs are saved in the world directory as advtrains.log
# This setting is useful for multiplayer servers
diff --git a/advtrains/signals.lua b/advtrains/signals.lua
index b26c950..58d28a5 100644
--- a/advtrains/signals.lua
+++ b/advtrains/signals.lua
@@ -40,9 +40,6 @@ local suppasp = {
for r,f in pairs({on={as="off", ls="green", als="red"}, off={as="on", ls="red", als="green"}}) do
- advtrains.trackplacer.register_tracktype("advtrains:retrosignal", "")
- advtrains.trackplacer.register_tracktype("advtrains:signal", "")
for rotid, rotation in ipairs({"", "_30", "_45", "_60"}) do
local crea=1
if rotid==1 and r=="off" then crea=0 end
@@ -108,8 +105,8 @@ for r,f in pairs({on={as="off", ls="green", als="red"}, off={as="on", ls="red",
can_dig = can_dig_func,
after_dig_node = after_dig_func,
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains:retrosignal", r, rotation, nil)
minetest.register_node("advtrains:signal_"..r..rotation, {
drawtype = "mesh",
@@ -179,8 +176,8 @@ for r,f in pairs({on={as="off", ls="green", als="red"}, off={as="on", ls="red",
can_dig = can_dig_func,
after_dig_node = after_dig_func,
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains:signal", r, rotation, nil)
local crea=1
diff --git a/advtrains/track_reg_helper.lua b/advtrains/track_reg_helper.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbb2d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains/track_reg_helper.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
+-- New track registration helper
+-- Retains the old table-template-based definition format, but adapts it to the new (advtrains 2.5)
+-- track definition system
+-- Note to future: This is actually just a work-saver, avoiding me to port over all the crossing nodes as well as the linetrack tracks.
+-- Future track mods should please directly use the appropriate advtrains.register_node_4rot() API and not rely on this!
+--definition preparation
+local function conns(c1, c2, r1, r2) return {{c=c1, y=r1}, {c=c2, y=r2}} end
+local function conns3(c1, c2, c3, r1, r2, r3) return {{c=c1, y=r1}, {c=c2, y=r2}, {c=c3, y=r3}} end
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "cr",
+ },
+ cr={
+ conns = conns(0,7),
+ desc = "curve",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ trackworker = "swlst",
+ },
+ swlst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,7),
+ desc = "left switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "swrst",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ switchprefix = "swl",
+ conn_map = {2,1,1},
+ stmref = "swl",
+ },
+ swlcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,7),
+ desc = "left switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "swrcr",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ switchprefix = "swl",
+ conn_map = {3,1,1},
+ stmref = "swl",
+ },
+ swrst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,9),
+ desc = "right switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ switchprefix = "swr",
+ conn_map = {2,1,1},
+ stmref = "swr",
+ },
+ swrcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,9),
+ desc = "right switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ switchprefix = "swr",
+ conn_map = {3,1,1},
+ stmref = "swr",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ trackworker={
+ ["swrcr"]="st",
+ ["swrst"]="st",
+ ["cr"]="swlst",
+ ["swlcr"]="swrcr",
+ ["swlst"]="swrst",
+ },
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ statemaps = {
+ swl = { st = "swlst", cr = "swlcr"},
+ swr = { st = "swrst", cr = "swrcr"}
+ }
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ l={
+ conns = conns3(0,7,9),
+ desc = "Y-turnout (left)",
+ switchalt = "r",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "l",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ conn_map = {2,1,1},
+ stmref = "sw",
+ tpsingle = true,
+ },
+ r={
+ conns = conns3(0,7,9),
+ desc = "Y-turnout (right)",
+ switchalt = "l",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "r",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ conn_map = {3,1,1},
+ stmref = "sw",
+ }
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="l",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ statemaps = {
+ sw = { l = "l", r = "r"}
+ }
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ l={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=7}, {c=8}, {c=9}},
+ desc = "3-way turnout (left)",
+ switchalt = "s",
+ switchst="l",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ conn_map = {2,1,1,1},
+ stmref = "sw",
+ },
+ s={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=7}, {c=8}, {c=9}},
+ desc = "3-way turnout (straight)",
+ switchalt ="r",
+ switchst = "s",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ conn_map = {3,1,1,1},
+ stmref = "sw",
+ tpsingle = true,
+ },
+ r={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=7}, {c=8}, {c=9}},
+ desc = "3-way turnout (right)",
+ switchalt = "l",
+ switchst="r",
+ switchprefix = "",
+ conn_map = {4,1,1,1},
+ stmref = "sw",
+ }
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="l",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ statemaps = {
+ sw = { l = "l", s = "s", r = "r"}
+ }
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ vst1={conns = conns(8,0,0,0.5), rail_y = 0.25, desc = "steep uphill 1/2", slope=true},
+ vst2={conns = conns(8,0,0.5,1), rail_y = 0.75, desc = "steep uphill 2/2", slope=true},
+ vst31={conns = conns(8,0,0,0.33), rail_y = 0.16, desc = "uphill 1/3", slope=true},
+ vst32={conns = conns(8,0,0.33,0.66), rail_y = 0.5, desc = "uphill 2/3", slope=true},
+ vst33={conns = conns(8,0,0.66,1), rail_y = 0.83, desc = "uphill 3/3", slope=true},
+ },
+ regsp=true,
+ slopeplacer={
+ [2]={"vst1", "vst2"},
+ [3]={"vst31", "vst32", "vst33"},
+ max=3,--highest entry
+ },
+ slopeplacer_45={
+ [2]={"vst1_45", "vst2_45"},
+ max=2,
+ },
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ trackworker={},
+ increativeinv={},
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "st",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "st",
+ },
+ },
+ tpdefault="st",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=2,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = conns(0,8),
+ desc = "straight",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "cr",
+ },
+ cr={
+ conns = conns(0,6),
+ desc = "curve",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ trackworker = "swlst",
+ },
+ swlst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,6),
+ desc = "left switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "swrst",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ },
+ swlcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,6,8),
+ desc = "left switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "swrcr",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ },
+ swrst={
+ conns = conns3(0,8,10),
+ desc = "right switch (straight)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "cr",
+ switchmc = "on",
+ switchst = "st",
+ },
+ swrcr={
+ conns = conns3(0,10,8),
+ desc = "right switch (curve)",
+ trackworker = "st",
+ switchalt = "st",
+ switchmc = "off",
+ switchst = "cr",
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ trackworker={
+ ["swrcr"]="st",
+ ["swrst"]="st",
+ ["cr"]="swlst",
+ ["swlcr"]="swrcr",
+ ["swlst"]="swrst",
+ },
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep = 1,
+ variant={
+ st={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=4}, {c=12} },
+ desc = "perpendicular crossing",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "st",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="st",
+ rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep = 1,
+ variant={
+ ["30l"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=1}, {c=9} },
+ desc = "30/90 degree crossing (left)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "45l",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["45l"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=2}, {c=10} },
+ desc = "45/90 degree crossing (left)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "60l",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["60l"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=3}, {c=11}},
+ desc = "60/90 degree crossing (left)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "60r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["60r"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=5}, {c=13} },
+ desc = "60/90 degree crossing (right)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "45r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["45r"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=6}, {c=14} },
+ desc = "45/90 degree crossing (right)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "30r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["30r"]={
+ conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=15}},
+ desc = "30/90 degree crossing (right)",
+ tpdouble = true,
+ tpsingle = true,
+ trackworker = "30l",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="30l",
+ rotation={""},
+ trackworker = {
+ ["30l"] = "45l",
+ ["45l"] = "60l",
+ ["60l"] = "60r",
+ ["60r"] = "45r",
+ ["45r"] = "30r",
+ ["30r"] = "30l",
+ }
+advtrains.ap.t_diagonalcrossing = {
+ v25_format = true,
+ regstep=1,
+ variant={
+ ["30l45r"]={
+ conns = {{c=1}, {c=9}, {c=6}, {c=14}},
+ desc = "30left-45right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60l30l",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["60l30l"]={
+ conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=1}, {c=9}},
+ desc = "30left-60right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60l45r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["60l45r"]={
+ conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=6}, {c=14}},
+ desc = "60left-45right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60l60r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["60l60r"]={
+ conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=5}, {c=13}},
+ desc = "60left-60right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60r45l",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ --If 60l60r had a mirror image, it would be here, but it's symmetric.
+ -- 60l60r is also equivalent to 30l30r but rotated 90 degrees.
+ ["60r45l"]={
+ conns = {{c=5}, {c=13}, {c=2}, {c=10}},
+ desc = "60right-45left diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="60r30r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["60r30r"]={
+ conns = {{c=5}, {c=13}, {c=7}, {c=15}},
+ desc = "60right-30right diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="30r45l",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ ["30r45l"]={
+ conns = {{c=7}, {c=15}, {c=2}, {c=10}},
+ desc = "30right-45left diagonal crossing",
+ tpdouble=true,
+ tpsingle=true,
+ trackworker="30l45r",
+ conn_map = {2,1,4,3},
+ },
+ },
+ regtp=true,
+ tpdefault="30l45r",
+ rotation={""},
+ trackworker = {
+ ["30l45r"] = "60l30l",
+ ["60l30l"] = "60l45r",
+ ["60l45r"] = "60l60r",
+ ["60l60r"] = "60r45l",
+ ["60r45l"] = "60r30r",
+ ["60r30r"] = "30r45l",
+ ["30r45l"] = "30l45r",
+ }
+advtrains.trackpresets = advtrains.ap
+--definition format: ([] optional)
+ nodename_prefix
+ texture_prefix
+ [shared_texture]
+ models_prefix
+ models_suffix (with dot)
+ [shared_model]
+ formats={
+ st,cr,swlst,swlcr,swrst,swrcr,vst1,vst2
+ (each a table with indices 0-3, for if to register a rail with this 'rotation' table entry. nil is assumed as 'all', set {} to not register at all)
+ }
+ common={} change something on common rail appearance
+[18.12.17] Note on new connection system:
+In order to support real rail crossing nodes and finally make the trackplacer respect switches, I changed the connection system.
+There can be a variable number of connections available. These are specified as tuples {c=<connection>, y=<rely>}
+The table "at_conns" consists of {<conn1>, <conn2>...}
+the "at_rail_y" property holds the value that was previously called "railheight"
+Depending on the number of connections:
+2 conns: regular rail
+3 conns: switch:
+ - when train passes in at conn1, will move out of conn2
+ - when train passes in at conn2 or conn3, will move out of conn1
+4 conns: cross (or cross switch, depending on arrangement of conns):
+ - conn1 <> conn2
+ - conn3 <> conn4
+-- Notify the user if digging the rail is not allowed
+local function can_dig_callback(pos, player)
+ local ok, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if not ok and player then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("This track can not be removed!") .. " " .. reason)
+ end
+ return ok
+local function append_statemap_suffix(state_map, nnpref, rot)
+ local t = {}
+ for state, nn in pairs(state_map) do
+ t[state] = nnpref .. "_" .. nn .. rot
+ end
+ return t
+function advtrains.register_tracks(tracktype, def, preset)
+ if not preset.v25_format then
+ error("advtrains.register_tracks(): A track preset for pre-v2.5 is used with advtrains 2.5+. Mod probably defines own track preset instead of using it from the advtrains.ap table! Please check track mod compatibility!")
+ end
+ if preset.regtp then
+ local nnprefix = def.nodename_prefix
+ minetest.register_craftitem(":"..nnprefix.."_placer", {
+ description = def.description,
+ inventory_image = def.texture_prefix.."_placer.png",
+ wield_image = def.texture_prefix.."_placer.png",
+ groups={advtrains_trackplacer=1, digtron_on_place=1},
+ liquids_pointable = false,
+ on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+ local name = placer:get_player_name()
+ if not name then
+ return itemstack, false
+ end
+ if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
+ local pos=pointed_thing.above
+ local upos=vector.subtract(pointed_thing.above, {x=0, y=1, z=0})
+ if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, name) then
+ return itemstack, false
+ end
+ if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].buildable_to then
+ local s = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(upos).name] and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(upos).name].walkable
+ if s then
+ -- minetest.chat_send_all(nnprefix)
+ local yaw = placer:get_look_horizontal()
+ advtrains.trackplacer.place_track(pos, nnprefix, name, yaw)
+ if not advtrains.is_creative(name) then
+ itemstack:take_item()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return itemstack, true
+ end,
+ })
+ advtrains.trackplacer.set_default_place_candidate(def.nodename_prefix, def.nodename_prefix.."_"..preset.tpdefault)
+ end
+ if preset.regsp then
+ advtrains.slope.register_placer(def, preset)
+ end
+ for suffix, var in pairs(preset.variant) do
+ for rotid, rotation in ipairs(preset.rotation) do
+ if not def.formats[suffix] or def.formats[suffix][rotid] then
+ local img_suffix = suffix..rotation
+ local ndef = advtrains.merge_tables({
+ description=def.description.."("..(var.desc or "any")..rotation..")",
+ drawtype = "mesh",
+ paramtype="light",
+ paramtype2="facedir",
+ walkable = false,
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {-1/2-1/16, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2+1/16, -1/2+2/16, 1/2},
+ },
+ mesh = def.shared_model or (def.models_prefix.."_"..img_suffix..def.models_suffix),
+ tiles = {def.shared_texture or (def.texture_prefix.."_"..img_suffix..".png"), def.second_texture},
+ groups = {
+ attached_node = advtrains.IGNORE_WORLD and 0 or 1,
+ advtrains_track=1,
+ ["advtrains_track_"..tracktype]=1,
+ save_in_at_nodedb=1,
+ dig_immediate=2,
+ not_in_creative_inventory=1,
+ not_blocking_trains=1,
+ },
+ can_dig = advtrains.track_can_dig_callback,
+ after_dig_node = advtrains.track_update_callback,
+ after_place_node = advtrains.track_update_callback,
+ at_rail_y = var.rail_y
+ }, def.common or {})
+ if preset.regtp then
+ ndef.drop = def.nodename_prefix.."_placer"
+ end
+ if preset.regsp and var.slope then
+ ndef.drop = def.nodename_prefix.."_slopeplacer"
+ end
+ --connections
+ ndef.at_conns = advtrains.rotate_conn_by(var.conns, (rotid-1)*preset.regstep)
+ -- NEW since 2.5
+ ndef.at_conn_map = var.conn_map
+ local ndef_avt_table = {}
+ if var.switchalt and var.switchst then
+ -- NEW since 2.5
+ ndef.on_rightclick = advtrains.state_node_on_rightclick_callback
+ ndef_avt_table.node_state = var.switchst
+ ndef_avt_table.node_next_state = var.switchalt
+ -- obtain and build statemap
+ local state_map = preset.statemaps[var.stmref]
+ if not state_map then error("On registering "..def.nodename_prefix.."_"..suffix..rotation..", stmref of variant doesn't reference entry in preset.statemaps") end
+ ndef_avt_table.node_state_map = append_statemap_suffix(state_map, def.nodename_prefix, rotation)
+ if var.switchmc then
+ local vswitchalt = var.switchalt
+ ndef.mesecons = {effector = {
+ ["action_"..var.switchmc] = function(pos, node)
+ advtrains.setstate(pos, vswitchalt, node)
+ end,
+ rules=advtrains.meseconrules
+ }}
+ end
+ end
+ local adef={}
+ if def.get_additional_definiton then
+ adef=def.get_additional_definiton(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ end
+ ndef = advtrains.merge_tables(ndef, adef)
+ -- insert getstate/setstate functions after merging the additional definitions
+ if ndef_avt_table then
+ ndef.advtrains = advtrains.merge_tables(ndef.advtrains or {}, ndef_avt_table)
+ end
+ -- NEW since 2.5: add appropriate fields for trackworker rotation
+ -- get the next rotation step
+ local num_rots = #preset.rotation
+ if rotid >= num_rots then
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_rot = def.nodename_prefix.."_"..suffix..preset.rotation[1]
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_rot_incr_param2 = true
+ else
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_rot = def.nodename_prefix.."_"..suffix..preset.rotation[rotid+1]
+ end
+ if var.trackworker then
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_var = def.nodename_prefix.."_"..var.trackworker..rotation
+ end
+ local the_node_name = def.nodename_prefix.."_"..suffix..rotation
+ --trackplacer
+ if preset.regtp and (var.tpsingle or var.tpdouble) then
+ advtrains.trackplacer.register_candidate(
+ def.nodename_prefix,
+ the_node_name,
+ ndef,
+ var.tpsingle,
+ var.tpdouble,
+ true)
+ end
+ -- All set, go ahead and register node!
+ --atdebug("track_reg_helper: Registering ",the_node_name," as",ndef)
+ minetest.register_node(":"..the_node_name, ndef)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- slope placer. Defined in register_tracks.
+--crafted with rail and gravel
+local sl={}
+function sl.register_placer(def, preset)
+ minetest.register_craftitem(":"..def.nodename_prefix.."_slopeplacer",{
+ description = attrans("@1 Slope", def.description),
+ inventory_image = def.texture_prefix.."_slopeplacer.png",
+ wield_image = def.texture_prefix.."_slopeplacer.png",
+ groups={},
+ on_place = sl.create_slopeplacer_on_place(def, preset)
+ })
+--(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
+function sl.create_slopeplacer_on_place(def, preset)
+ return function(istack, player, pt)
+ if not pt.type=="node" then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: not pointing at node"))
+ return istack
+ end
+ local pos=pt.above
+ if not pos then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: not pointing at node"))
+ return istack
+ end
+ local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: space occupied!"))
+ return istack
+ end
+ if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
+ minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player:get_player_name())
+ return istack
+ end
+ --determine player orientation (only horizontal component)
+ --get_look_horizontal may not be available
+ local yaw=player.get_look_horizontal and player:get_look_horizontal() or (player:get_look_yaw() - math.pi/2)
+ --rounding unit vectors is a nice way for selecting 1 of 8 directions since sin(30°) is 0.5.
+ local dirvec={x=math.floor(math.sin(-yaw)+0.5), y=0, z=math.floor(math.cos(-yaw)+0.5)}
+ --translate to direction to look up inside the preset table
+ local param2, rot45=({
+ [-1]={
+ [-1]=2,
+ [0]=3,
+ [1]=3,
+ },
+ [0]={
+ [-1]=2,
+ [1]=0,
+ },
+ [1]={
+ [-1]=1,
+ [0]=1,
+ [1]=0,
+ },
+ })[dirvec.x][dirvec.z], dirvec.x~=0 and dirvec.z~=0
+ local lookup=preset.slopeplacer
+ if rot45 then lookup=preset.slopeplacer_45 end
+ --go unitvector forward and look how far the next node is
+ local step=1
+ while step<=lookup.max do
+ local node=minetest.get_node(vector.add(pos, dirvec))
+ --next node solid?
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to or advtrains.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
+ --do slopes of this distance exist?
+ if lookup[step] then
+ if minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") or istack:get_count()>=step then
+ --start placing
+ local placenodes=lookup[step]
+ while step>0 do
+ minetest.set_node(pos, {name=def.nodename_prefix.."_"..placenodes[step], param2=param2})
+ if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then
+ istack:take_item()
+ end
+ step=step-1
+ pos=vector.subtract(pos, dirvec)
+ end
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: Not enough slope items left (@1 required)", step))
+ end
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: There's no slope of length @1",step))
+ end
+ return istack
+ end
+ step=step+1
+ pos=vector.add(pos, dirvec)
+ end
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: no supporting node at upper end."))
+ return itemstack
+ end
diff --git a/advtrains/trackplacer.lua b/advtrains/trackplacer.lua
index fe76290..e6111dc 100644
--- a/advtrains/trackplacer.lua
+++ b/advtrains/trackplacer.lua
@@ -3,311 +3,234 @@
--all new trackplacer code
local tp={
- tracks={}
+ groups={}
-function tp.register_tracktype(nnprefix, n_suffix)
- if tp.tracks[nnprefix] then return end--due to the separate registration of slopes and flats for the same nnpref, definition would be overridden here. just don't.
- tp.tracks[nnprefix]={
- default=n_suffix,
- single_conn={},
- single_conn_1={},
- single_conn_2={},
- double_conn={},
- double_conn_1={},
- double_conn_2={},
- --keys:conn1_conn2 (example:1_4)
- --values:{name=x, param2=x}
- twcycle={},
- twrotate={},--indexed by suffix, list, tells order of rotations
- modify={},
- }
-function tp.add_double_conn(nnprefix, suffix, rotation, conns)
- local nodename=nnprefix.."_"..suffix..rotation
- for i=0,3 do
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].double_conn[((conns.conn1+4*i)%16).."_"..((conns.conn2+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].double_conn[((conns.conn2+4*i)%16).."_"..((conns.conn1+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].double_conn_1[((conns.conn1+4*i)%16).."_"..((conns.conn2+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].double_conn_2[((conns.conn2+4*i)%16).."_"..((conns.conn1+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- end
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].modify[nodename]=true
-function tp.add_single_conn(nnprefix, suffix, rotation, conns)
- local nodename=nnprefix.."_"..suffix..rotation
- for i=0,3 do
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].single_conn[((conns.conn1+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].single_conn[((conns.conn2+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].single_conn_1[((conns.conn1+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].single_conn_2[((conns.conn2+4*i)%16)]={name=nodename, param2=i}
- end
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].modify[nodename]=true
+--[[ New in version 2.5:
+The track placer no longer uses hacky nodename pattern matching.
+The base criterion for rotating or matching tracks is the common "ndef.advtrains.track_place_group" property.
+Only rails where this field is set are considered for replacement. Other rails can still be considered for connection.
+Replacement ("bending") of rails can only happen within their respective track place group. Only two-conn rails are allowed in the trackplacer.
-function tp.add_worked(nnprefix, suffix, rotation, cycle_follows)
- tp.tracks[nnprefix].twcycle[suffix]=cycle_follows
- if not tp.tracks[nnprefix].twrotate[suffix] then tp.tracks[nnprefix].twrotate[suffix]={} end
- table.insert(tp.tracks[nnprefix].twrotate[suffix], rotation)
+The track registration functions register the candidates for any given track_place_group in two separate collections:
+- double: tracks that can be used to connect both ends of the rail
+- single: tracks that will be used to connect conn1 when only a single end is to be connected
+When track placing is requested, the calling code just supplies the track_place_group to be placed.
- rewrite algorithm.
- selection criteria: these will never be changed or even selected:
- - tracks being already connected on both sides
- - tracks that are already connected on one side but are not bendable to the desired position
- the following situations can occur:
- 1. there are two more than two rails around
- 1.1 there is one or more subset(s) that can be directly connected
- -> choose the first possibility
- 2.2 not
- -> choose the first one and orient straight
- 2. there's exactly 1 rail around
- -> choose and orient straight
- 3. there's no rail around
- -> set straight
-local function istrackandbc(pos_p, conn)
- local tpos = pos_p
- local cnode=minetest.get_node(advtrains.dirCoordSet(tpos, conn.c))
- if advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(cnode.name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then
- local cconns=advtrains.get_track_connections(cnode.name, cnode.param2)
- return advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, cconns)
- end
- --try the same 1 node below
- tpos = {x=tpos.x, y=tpos.y-1, z=tpos.z}
- cnode=minetest.get_node(advtrains.dirCoordSet(tpos, conn.c))
- if advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(cnode.name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then
- local cconns=advtrains.get_track_connections(cnode.name, cnode.param2)
- return advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, cconns)
- end
- return false
+local function rotate(conn, rot)
+ return (conn + rot) % 16
-function tp.find_already_connected(pos)
- local dnode=minetest.get_node(pos)
- local dconns=advtrains.get_track_connections(dnode.name, dnode.param2)
- local found_conn
- for connid, conn in ipairs(dconns) do
- if istrackandbc(pos, conn) then
- if found_conn then --we found one in previous iteration
- return true, true --signal that it's connected
- else
- found_conn = conn.c
+-- Register a track node as candidate
+-- tpg: the track place group to register the candidates for
+-- NOTE: This value is automatically added to the node definition (ndef) in field ndef.advtrains.track_place_group!
+-- name, ndef: the node name and node definition table to register
+-- as_single: whether the rail should be considered as candidate for one-endpoint connection
+-- Typically only set for the straight rail variants
+-- as_double: whether the rail should be considered as candidate for two-endpoint connection
+-- Typically set for straights and curves
+-- ignore_2conn_for_legacy_xing: skips the 2-connection assertion - ONLY for compatibility with the legacy crossing nodes, DO NOT USE!
+function tp.register_candidate(tpg, name, ndef, as_single, as_double, ignore_2conn_for_legacy_xing)
+ --atdebug("TP Register candidate:",tpg, name, as_single, as_double)
+ --get or create TP group
+ if not tp.groups[tpg] then
+ tp.groups[tpg] = {double = {}, single1 = {}, single2 = {}, default = {name = name, param2 = 0} }
+ -- note: this causes the first candidate to ever be registered to be the default (which is typically what you want)
+ -- But it can be overwritten using tp.set_default_place_candidate
+ end
+ local g = tp.groups[tpg]
+ -- get conns
+ if not ignore_2conn_for_legacy_xing then
+ assert(#ndef.at_conns == 2)
+ end
+ local c1, c2 = ndef.at_conns[1].c, ndef.at_conns[2].c
+ local is_symmetrical = (rotate(c1, 8) == c2)
+ -- store all possible rotations (param2 values)
+ for i=0,3 do
+ if as_double then
+ g.double[rotate(c1,i*4).."_"..rotate(c2,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
+ if not is_symmetrical then
+ g.double[rotate(c2,i*4).."_"..rotate(c1,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
+ -- if the track is unsymmetric (e.g. a curve), we may require the "wrong" orientation to fill a gap.
+ if as_single then
+ g.single1[rotate(c1,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
+ g.single2[rotate(c2,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
+ end
+ end
+ -- Set track place group on the node
+ if not ndef.advtrains then
+ ndef.advtrains = {}
+ end
+ ndef.advtrains.track_place_group = tpg
+-- Sets the node that is placed by the track placer when there is no track nearby. param2 defaults to 0
+function tp.set_default_place_candidate(tpg, name, param2)
+ if not tp.groups[tpg] then
+ tp.groups[tpg] = {double = {}, single1 = {}, single2 = {}, default = {name = name, param2 = param2 or 0} }
+ else
+ tp.groups[tpg].default = {name = name, param2 = param2 or 0}
- return found_conn
-function tp.rail_and_can_be_bent(originpos, conn)
- local pos=advtrains.dirCoordSet(originpos, conn)
- local newdir=(conn+8)%16
- local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
- if not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(node.name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then
+local function check_or_bend_rail(origin, dir, pname, commit)
+ local pos = advtrains.pos_add_dir(origin, dir)
+ local back_dir = advtrains.oppd(dir);
+ local node_ok, conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ if not node_ok then
+ -- try the node one level below
+ pos.y = pos.y - 1
+ node_ok, conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ end
+ if not node_ok then
return false
- local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
- local nnpref = ndef and ndef.at_nnpref
- if not nnpref then return false end
- local tr=tp.tracks[nnpref]
- if not tr then return false end
- if not tr.modify[node.name] then
- --we actually can use this rail, but only if it already points to the desired direction.
- if advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(node.name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then
- local cconns=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
- return advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, cconns)
+ -- if one conn of the node here already points towards us, nothing to do
+ for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
+ if back_dir == conn.c then
+ return true
- -- If the rail is not allowed to be modified, also only use if already in desired direction
+ -- can we bend the node here?
+ local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if not ndef or not ndef.advtrains or not ndef.advtrains.track_place_group then
+ return false
+ end
+ -- now the track must be two-conn, else it wouldn't be allowed to have track_place_group set.
+ --assert(#conns == 2) -- cannot check here, because of legacy crossing hack
+ -- Is player and game allowed to do this?
if not advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos) then
- local cconns=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
- return advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, cconns)
+ return false
- --rail at other end?
- local adj1, adj2=tp.find_already_connected(pos)
- if adj1 and adj2 then
- return false--dont destroy existing track
- elseif adj1 and not adj2 then
- if tr.double_conn[adj1.."_"..newdir] then
- return true--if exists, connect new rail and old end
- end
+ if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, pname) then
return false
- else
- if tr.single_conn[newdir] then--just rotate old rail to right orientation
- return true
+ end
+ -- we confirmed that track can be modified. Does there exist a suitable connection candidate?
+ -- check if there are any unbound ends
+ local bound_connids = {}
+ for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
+ local adj_pos, adj_connid = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, conns, connid)
+ if adj_pos then
+ bound_connids[#bound_connids+1] = connid
- return false
-function tp.bend_rail(originpos, conn)
- local pos=advtrains.dirCoordSet(originpos, conn)
- local newdir=advtrains.oppd(conn)
- local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
- local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
- local nnpref = ndef and ndef.at_nnpref
- if not nnpref then return false end
- local tr=tp.tracks[nnpref]
- if not tr then return false end
- --is rail already connected? no need to bend.
- local conns=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
- if advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, conns) then
- return
+ -- depending on the nummber of ends, decide
+ if #bound_connids == 2 then
+ -- rail is within a fixed track, do not break up
+ return false
- --rail at other end?
- local adj1, adj2=tp.find_already_connected(pos)
- if adj1 and adj2 then
- return false--dont destroy existing track
- elseif adj1 and not adj2 then
- if tr.double_conn[adj1.."_"..newdir] then
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, tr.double_conn[adj1.."_"..newdir])
- return true--if exists, connect new rail and old end
+ -- obtain the group table
+ local g = tp.groups[ndef.advtrains.track_place_group]
+ if #bound_connids == 1 then
+ -- we can attempt double
+ local bound_dir = conns[bound_connids[1]].c
+ if g.double[back_dir.."_"..bound_dir] then
+ if commit then
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, g.double[back_dir.."_"..bound_dir])
+ end
+ return true
- return false
- if tr.single_conn[newdir] then--just rotate old rail to right orientation
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, tr.single_conn[newdir])
+ -- rail is entirely unbound, we can attempt single1
+ if g.single1[back_dir] then
+ if commit then
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, g.single1[back_dir])
+ end
return true
- return false
-function tp.placetrack(pos, nnpref, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing, yaw)
- --1. find all rails that are likely to be connected
- local tr=tp.tracks[nnpref]
- local p_rails={}
- local p_railpos={}
+local function track_place_node(pos, node, ndef)
+ --atdebug("track_place_node: ",pos, node)
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, node)
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if ndef and ndef.after_place_node then
+ ndef.after_place_node(pos)
+ end
+-- Main API function to place a track. Replaces the older "placetrack"
+-- This function will attempt to place a track of the specified track placing group at the specified position, connecting it
+-- with neighboring rails. Neighboring rails can themselves be replaced ("bent") within their own track place group,
+-- if the player is permitted to do this.
+-- Order of preference is:
+-- Connect two track ends if possible
+-- Connect one track end if any rail is near
+-- Place the default track if no tracks are near
+-- The function returns true on success.
+function tp.place_track(pos, tpg, pname, yaw)
+ -- 1. collect neighboring tracks and whether they can be connected
+ --atdebug("tp.place_track(",pos, tpg, pname, yaw,")")
+ local cand = {}
for i=0,15 do
- if tp.rail_and_can_be_bent(pos, i, nnpref) then
- p_rails[#p_rails+1]=i
- p_railpos[i] = pos
- else
- local upos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y-1, z=pos.z}
- if tp.rail_and_can_be_bent(upos, i, nnpref) then
- p_rails[#p_rails+1]=i
- p_railpos[i] = upos
- end
+ if check_or_bend_rail(pos, i, pname) then
+ cand[#cand+1] = i
- -- try double_conn
- if #p_rails > 1 then
- --iterate subsets
- for k1, conn1 in ipairs(p_rails) do
- for k2, conn2 in ipairs(p_rails) do
- if k1~=k2 then
- local dconn1 = tr.double_conn_1
- local dconn2 = tr.double_conn_2
- if not (advtrains.yawToDirection(yaw, conn1, conn2) == conn1) then
- dconn1 = tr.double_conn_2
- dconn2 = tr.double_conn_1
- end
- -- Checks are made this way round so that dconn1 has priority (this will make arrows of atc rails
- -- point in the right direction)
- local using
- if (dconn2[conn1.."_"..conn2]) then
- using = dconn2[conn1.."_"..conn2]
- end
- if (dconn1[conn1.."_"..conn2]) then
- using = dconn1[conn1.."_"..conn2]
- end
- if using then
- -- has found a fitting rail in either direction
- -- if not, continue loop
- tp.bend_rail(p_railpos[conn1], conn1, nnpref)
- tp.bend_rail(p_railpos[conn2], conn2, nnpref)
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, using)
- local nname=using.name
- if minetest.registered_nodes[nname] and minetest.registered_nodes[nname].after_place_node then
- minetest.registered_nodes[nname].after_place_node(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
- end
- return
+ --atdebug("Candidates: ",cand)
+ -- obtain the group table
+ local g = tp.groups[tpg]
+ if not g then
+ error("tp.place_track: for tpg="..tpg.." couldn't find the group table")
+ end
+ --atdebug("Group table:",g)
+ -- 2. try all possible two-endpoint connections
+ for k1, conn1 in ipairs(cand) do
+ for k2, conn2 in ipairs(cand) do
+ if k1~=k2 then
+ -- order of conn1/conn2: prefer conn2 being in the direction of the player facing.
+ -- the combination the other way round will be run through in a later loop iteration
+ if advtrains.yawToDirection(yaw, conn1, conn2) == conn2 then
+ -- does there exist a suitable double-connection rail?
+ --atdebug("Try double conn: ",conn1, conn2)
+ local node = g.double[conn1.."_"..conn2]
+ if node then
+ check_or_bend_rail(pos, conn1, pname, true)
+ check_or_bend_rail(pos, conn2, pname, true)
+ track_place_node(pos, node) -- calls after_place_node implicitly
+ return true
- -- try single_conn
- if #p_rails > 0 then
- for ix, p_rail in ipairs(p_rails) do
- local sconn1 = tr.single_conn_1
- local sconn2 = tr.single_conn_2
- if not (advtrains.yawToDirection(yaw, p_rail, (p_rail+8)%16) == p_rail) then
- sconn1 = tr.single_conn_2
- sconn2 = tr.single_conn_1
- end
- if sconn1[p_rail] then
- local using = sconn1[p_rail]
- tp.bend_rail(p_railpos[p_rail], p_rail, nnpref)
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, using)
- local nname=using.name
- if minetest.registered_nodes[nname] and minetest.registered_nodes[nname].after_place_node then
- minetest.registered_nodes[nname].after_place_node(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
- end
- return
- end
- if sconn2[p_rail] then
- local using = sconn2[p_rail]
- tp.bend_rail(p_railpos[p_rail], p_rail, nnpref)
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, using)
- local nname=using.name
- if minetest.registered_nodes[nname] and minetest.registered_nodes[nname].after_place_node then
- minetest.registered_nodes[nname].after_place_node(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
- end
- return
- end
+ -- 3. try all possible one_endpoint connections
+ for k1, conn1 in ipairs(cand) do
+ -- select single1 or single2? depending on yaw
+ local single
+ if advtrains.yawToDirection(yaw, conn1, advtrains.oppd(conn1)) == conn1 then
+ single = g.single1
+ else
+ single = g.single2
+ end
+ --atdebug("Try single conn: ",conn1)
+ local node = single[conn1]
+ if node then
+ check_or_bend_rail(pos, conn1, pname, true)
+ track_place_node(pos, node) -- calls after_place_node implicitly
+ return true
- --use default
- minetest.set_node(pos, {name=nnpref.."_"..tr.default})
- if minetest.registered_nodes[nnpref.."_"..tr.default] and minetest.registered_nodes[nnpref.."_"..tr.default].after_place_node then
- minetest.registered_nodes[nnpref.."_"..tr.default].after_place_node(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
- end
-function tp.register_track_placer(nnprefix, imgprefix, dispname, def)
- minetest.register_craftitem(":"..nnprefix.."_placer",{
- description = dispname,
- inventory_image = imgprefix.."_placer.png",
- wield_image = imgprefix.."_placer.png",
- groups={advtrains_trackplacer=1, digtron_on_place=1},
- liquids_pointable = def.liquids_pointable,
- on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- local name = placer:get_player_name()
- if not name then
- return itemstack, false
- end
- if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
- local pos=pointed_thing.above
- local upos=vector.subtract(pointed_thing.above, {x=0, y=1, z=0})
- if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, name) then
- return itemstack, false
- end
- if minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name] and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(pos).name].buildable_to then
- local s
- if def.suitable_substrate then
- s = def.suitable_substrate(upos)
- else
- s = minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(upos).name] and minetest.registered_nodes[minetest.get_node(upos).name].walkable
- end
- if s then
--- minetest.chat_send_all(nnprefix)
- local yaw = placer:get_look_horizontal()
- tp.placetrack(pos, nnprefix, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing, yaw)
- if not advtrains.is_creative(name) then
- itemstack:take_item()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return itemstack, true
- end,
- })
+ -- 4. if nothing worked, set the default
+ local node = g.default
+ track_place_node(pos, node) -- calls after_place_node implicitly
+ return true
description = attrans("Track Worker Tool\n\nLeft-click: change rail type (straight/curve/switch)\nRight-click: rotate rail/bumper/signal/etc."),
@@ -316,116 +239,93 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("advtrains:trackworker",{
wield_image = "advtrains_trackworker.png",
stack_max = 1,
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- local name = placer:get_player_name()
- if not name then
+ local name = placer:get_player_name()
+ if not name then
+ return
+ end
+ local has_aux1_down = placer:get_player_control().aux1
+ if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
+ local pos=pointed_thing.under
+ if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, name) then
- local has_aux1_down = placer:get_player_control().aux1
- if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
- local pos=pointed_thing.under
- if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, name) then
- return
- end
- local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
+ local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
- --if not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(minetest.get_node(pos).name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then return end
- local nnprefix, suffix, rotation=string.match(node.name, "^(.+)_([^_]+)(_[^_]+)$")
- --atdebug(node.name.."\npattern recognizes:"..nnprefix.." / "..suffix.." / "..rotation)
- --atdebug("nntab: ",tp.tracks[nnprefix])
- if not tp.tracks[nnprefix] or not tp.tracks[nnprefix].twrotate[suffix] then
- nnprefix, suffix=string.match(node.name, "^(.+)_([^_]+)$")
- rotation = ""
- if not tp.tracks[nnprefix] or not tp.tracks[nnprefix].twrotate[suffix] then
- minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), attrans("This node can't be rotated using the trackworker!"))
- return
- end
- end
- -- check if the node is modify-protected
- if advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(minetest.get_node(pos).name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then
- -- is a track, we can query
- local can_modify, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
- if not can_modify then
- local str = attrans("This track can not be rotated!")
- if reason then
- str = str .. " " .. reason
- end
- minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), str)
- return
+ -- New since 2.5: only the fields in the node definition are considered, no more hacky pattern matching on the nodename
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if not ndef.advtrains or not ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_rot then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), attrans("This node can't be rotated using the trackworker!"))
+ return
+ end
+ -- check if the node is modify-protected
+ if advtrains.is_track(node.name) then
+ -- is a track, we can query
+ local can_modify, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if not can_modify then
+ local str = attrans("This track can not be rotated!")
+ if reason then
+ str = str .. " " .. reason
- end
- if has_aux1_down then
- --feature: flip the node by 180°
- --i've always wanted this!
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=node.name, param2=(node.param2+2)%4})
- return
- end
- local modext=tp.tracks[nnprefix].twrotate[suffix]
- if rotation==modext[#modext] then --increase param2
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=nnprefix.."_"..suffix..modext[1], param2=(node.param2+1)%4})
+ minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), str)
- else
- local modpos
- for k,v in pairs(modext) do
- if v==rotation then modpos=k end
- end
- if not modpos then
- minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), attrans("This node can't be rotated using the trackworker!"))
- return
- end
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=nnprefix.."_"..suffix..modext[modpos+1], param2=node.param2})
+ if has_aux1_down then
+ --feature: flip the node by 180°
+ --i've always wanted this!
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=node.name, param2=(node.param2+2)%4})
+ return
+ end
+ local new_node = {name = ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_rot, param2 = node.param2}
+ if ndef.advtrains.trackworker_rot_incr_param2 then
+ new_node.param2 = ((node.param2 + 1) % 4)
+ end
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, new_node)
+ end
on_use=function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing)
- local name = user:get_player_name()
- if not name then
- return
+ local name = user:get_player_name()
+ if not name then
+ return
+ end
+ if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
+ local pos=pointed_thing.under
+ local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
+ if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, name) then
+ return
- if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
- local pos=pointed_thing.under
- local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
- if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, name) then
- return
- end
- --if not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(minetest.get_node(pos).name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then return end
- if advtrains.get_train_at_pos(pos) then return end
- local nnprefix, suffix, rotation=string.match(node.name, "^(.+)_([^_]+)(_[^_]+)$")
- --atdebug(node.name.."\npattern recognizes:"..nodeprefix.." / "..railtype.." / "..rotation)
- if not tp.tracks[nnprefix] or not tp.tracks[nnprefix].twcycle[suffix] then
- nnprefix, suffix=string.match(node.name, "^(.+)_([^_]+)$")
- rotation = ""
- if not tp.tracks[nnprefix] or not tp.tracks[nnprefix].twcycle[suffix] then
- minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), attrans("This node can't be changed using the trackworker!"))
- return
- end
- end
- -- check if the node is modify-protected
- if advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(minetest.get_node(pos).name, advtrains.all_tracktypes) then
- -- is a track, we can query
- local can_modify, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
- if not can_modify then
- local str = attrans("This track can not be changed!")
- if reason then
- str = str .. " " .. reason
- end
- minetest.chat_send_player(user:get_player_name(), str)
- return
+ -- New since 2.5: only the fields in the node definition are considered, no more hacky pattern matching on the nodename
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if not ndef.advtrains or not ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_var then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), attrans("This node can't be changed using the trackworker!"))
+ return
+ end
+ -- check if the node is modify-protected
+ if advtrains.is_track(node.name) then
+ -- is a track, we can query
+ local can_modify, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if not can_modify then
+ local str = attrans("This track can not be rotated!")
+ if reason then
+ str = str .. " " .. reason
+ minetest.chat_send_player(placer:get_player_name(), str)
+ return
- local nextsuffix=tp.tracks[nnprefix].twcycle[suffix]
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=nnprefix.."_"..nextsuffix..rotation, param2=node.param2})
- else
- atprint(name, dump(tp.tracks))
+ local new_node = {name = ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_var, param2 = node.param2}
+ advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, new_node)
+ end
diff --git a/advtrains/tracks.lua b/advtrains/tracks.lua
index 261818e..661da8a 100644
--- a/advtrains/tracks.lua
+++ b/advtrains/tracks.lua
@@ -1,751 +1,272 @@
---advtrains by orwell96, see readme.txt
---dev-time settings:
---If the old non-model rails on straight tracks should be replaced by the new...
---false: no
---true: yes
- --you'll probably want to override mesh here
- --you'll probably want to override mesh here
---definition preparation
-local function conns(c1, c2, r1, r2) return {{c=c1, y=r1}, {c=c2, y=r2}} end
-local function conns3(c1, c2, c3, r1, r2, r3) return {{c=c1, y=r1}, {c=c2, y=r2}, {c=c3, y=r3}} end
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- st={
- conns = conns(0,8),
- desc = "straight",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "cr",
- },
- cr={
- conns = conns(0,7),
- desc = "curve",
- tpdouble = true,
- trackworker = "swlst",
- },
- swlst={
- conns = conns3(0,8,7),
- desc = "left switch (straight)",
- trackworker = "swrst",
- switchalt = "cr",
- switchmc = "on",
- switchst = "st",
- switchprefix = "swl",
- },
- swlcr={
- conns = conns3(0,7,8),
- desc = "left switch (curve)",
- trackworker = "swrcr",
- switchalt = "st",
- switchmc = "off",
- switchst = "cr",
- switchprefix = "swl",
- },
- swrst={
- conns = conns3(0,8,9),
- desc = "right switch (straight)",
- trackworker = "st",
- switchalt = "cr",
- switchmc = "on",
- switchst = "st",
- switchprefix = "swr",
- },
- swrcr={
- conns = conns3(0,9,8),
- desc = "right switch (curve)",
- trackworker = "st",
- switchalt = "st",
- switchmc = "off",
- switchst = "cr",
- switchprefix = "swr",
- },
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="st",
- trackworker={
- ["swrcr"]="st",
- ["swrst"]="st",
- ["cr"]="swlst",
- ["swlcr"]="swrcr",
- ["swlst"]="swrst",
- },
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- l={
- conns = conns3(0,7,9),
- desc = "Y-turnout (left)",
- switchalt = "r",
- switchmc = "off",
- switchst = "l",
- switchprefix = "",
- },
- r={
- conns = conns3(0,9,7),
- desc = "Y-turnout (right)",
- switchalt = "l",
- switchmc = "on",
- switchst = "r",
- switchprefix = "",
- }
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="l",
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- l={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=7}, {c=8}, {c=9}, {c=0} },
- desc = "3-way turnout (left)",
- switchalt = "s",
- switchst="l",
- switchprefix = "",
- },
- s={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=9}, {c=0} },
- desc = "3-way turnout (straight)",
- switchalt ="r",
- switchst = "s",
- switchprefix = "",
- },
- r={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=9}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=0} },
- desc = "3-way turnout (right)",
- switchalt = "l",
- switchst="r",
- switchprefix = "",
- }
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="l",
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- vst1={conns = conns(8,0,0,0.5), rail_y = 0.25, desc = "steep uphill 1/2", slope=true},
- vst2={conns = conns(8,0,0.5,1), rail_y = 0.75, desc = "steep uphill 2/2", slope=true},
- vst31={conns = conns(8,0,0,0.33), rail_y = 0.16, desc = "uphill 1/3", slope=true},
- vst32={conns = conns(8,0,0.33,0.66), rail_y = 0.5, desc = "uphill 2/3", slope=true},
- vst33={conns = conns(8,0,0.66,1), rail_y = 0.83, desc = "uphill 3/3", slope=true},
- },
- regsp=true,
- slopeplacer={
- [2]={"vst1", "vst2"},
- [3]={"vst31", "vst32", "vst33"},
- max=3,--highest entry
- },
- slopeplacer_45={
- [2]={"vst1_45", "vst2_45"},
- max=2,
- },
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- trackworker={},
- increativeinv={},
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- st={
- conns = conns(0,8),
- desc = "straight",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "st",
- },
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="st",
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- st={
- conns = conns(0,8),
- desc = "straight",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "st",
- },
- },
- tpdefault="st",
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep=2,
- variant={
- st={
- conns = conns(0,8),
- desc = "straight",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "cr",
- },
- cr={
- conns = conns(0,6),
- desc = "curve",
- tpdouble = true,
- trackworker = "swlst",
- },
- swlst={
- conns = conns3(0,8,6),
- desc = "left switch (straight)",
- trackworker = "swrst",
- switchalt = "cr",
- switchmc = "on",
- switchst = "st",
- },
- swlcr={
- conns = conns3(0,6,8),
- desc = "left switch (curve)",
- trackworker = "swrcr",
- switchalt = "st",
- switchmc = "off",
- switchst = "cr",
- },
- swrst={
- conns = conns3(0,8,10),
- desc = "right switch (straight)",
- trackworker = "st",
- switchalt = "cr",
- switchmc = "on",
- switchst = "st",
- },
- swrcr={
- conns = conns3(0,10,8),
- desc = "right switch (curve)",
- trackworker = "st",
- switchalt = "st",
- switchmc = "off",
- switchst = "cr",
- },
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="st",
- trackworker={
- ["swrcr"]="st",
- ["swrst"]="st",
- ["cr"]="swlst",
- ["swlcr"]="swrcr",
- ["swlst"]="swrst",
- },
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep = 1,
- variant={
- st={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=4}, {c=12} },
- desc = "perpendicular crossing",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "st",
- },
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="st",
- rotation={"", "_30", "_45", "_60"},
- regstep = 1,
- variant={
- ["30l"]={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=1}, {c=9} },
- desc = "30/90 degree crossing (left)",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "45l"
- },
- ["45l"]={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=2}, {c=10} },
- desc = "45/90 degree crossing (left)",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "60l",
- },
- ["60l"]={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=3}, {c=11}},
- desc = "60/90 degree crossing (left)",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "60r",
- },
- ["60r"]={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=5}, {c=13} },
- desc = "60/90 degree crossing (right)",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "45r"
- },
- ["45r"]={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=6}, {c=14} },
- desc = "45/90 degree crossing (right)",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "30r",
- },
- ["30r"]={
- conns = { {c=0}, {c=8}, {c=7}, {c=15}},
- desc = "30/90 degree crossing (right)",
- tpdouble = true,
- tpsingle = true,
- trackworker = "30l",
- },
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="30l",
- rotation={""},
- trackworker = {
- ["30l"] = "45l",
- ["45l"] = "60l",
- ["60l"] = "60r",
- ["60r"] = "45r",
- ["45r"] = "30r",
- ["30r"] = "30l",
- }
-advtrains.ap.t_diagonalcrossing = {
- regstep=1,
- variant={
- ["30l45r"]={
- conns = {{c=1}, {c=9}, {c=6}, {c=14}},
- desc = "30left-45right diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="60l30l",
- },
- ["60l30l"]={
- conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=1}, {c=9}},
- desc = "30left-60right diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="60l45r"
- },
- ["60l45r"]={
- conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=6}, {c=14}},
- desc = "60left-45right diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="60l60r"
- },
- ["60l60r"]={
- conns = {{c=3}, {c=11}, {c=5}, {c=13}},
- desc = "60left-60right diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="60r45l",
- },
- --If 60l60r had a mirror image, it would be here, but it's symmetric.
- -- 60l60r is also equivalent to 30l30r but rotated 90 degrees.
- ["60r45l"]={
- conns = {{c=5}, {c=13}, {c=2}, {c=10}},
- desc = "60right-45left diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="60r30r",
- },
- ["60r30r"]={
- conns = {{c=5}, {c=13}, {c=7}, {c=15}},
- desc = "60right-30right diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="30r45l",
- },
- ["30r45l"]={
- conns = {{c=7}, {c=15}, {c=2}, {c=10}},
- desc = "30right-45left diagonal crossing",
- tpdouble=true,
- tpsingle=true,
- trackworker="30l45r",
- },
- },
- regtp=true,
- tpdefault="30l45r",
- rotation={""},
- trackworker = {
- ["30l45r"] = "60l30l",
- ["60l30l"] = "60l45r",
- ["60l45r"] = "60l60r",
- ["60l60r"] = "60r45l",
- ["60r45l"] = "60r30r",
- ["60r30r"] = "30r45l",
- ["30r45l"] = "30l45r",
- }
-advtrains.trackpresets = advtrains.ap
---definition format: ([] optional)
- nodename_prefix
- texture_prefix
- [shared_texture]
- models_prefix
- models_suffix (with dot)
- [shared_model]
- formats={
- st,cr,swlst,swlcr,swrst,swrcr,vst1,vst2
- (each a table with indices 0-3, for if to register a rail with this 'rotation' table entry. nil is assumed as 'all', set {} to not register at all)
- }
- common={} change something on common rail appearance
-[18.12.17] Note on new connection system:
-In order to support real rail crossing nodes and finally make the trackplacer respect switches, I changed the connection system.
-There can be a variable number of connections available. These are specified as tuples {c=<connection>, y=<rely>}
-The table "at_conns" consists of {<conn1>, <conn2>...}
-the "at_rail_y" property holds the value that was previously called "railheight"
-Depending on the number of connections:
-2 conns: regular rail
-3 conns: switch:
- - when train passes in at conn1, will move out of conn2
- - when train passes in at conn2 or conn3, will move out of conn1
-4 conns: cross (or cross switch, depending on arrangement of conns):
- - conn1 <> conn2
- - conn3 <> conn4
--- Notify the user if digging the rail is not allowed
-local function can_dig_callback(pos, player)
- local ok, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
- if not ok and player then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("This track can not be removed!") .. " " .. reason)
- end
- return ok
-function advtrains.register_tracks(tracktype, def, preset)
- advtrains.trackplacer.register_tracktype(def.nodename_prefix, preset.tpdefault)
- if preset.regtp then
- advtrains.trackplacer.register_track_placer(def.nodename_prefix, def.texture_prefix, def.description, def)
- end
- if preset.regsp then
- advtrains.slope.register_placer(def, preset)
- end
- for suffix, var in pairs(preset.variant) do
- for rotid, rotation in ipairs(preset.rotation) do
- if not def.formats[suffix] or def.formats[suffix][rotid] then
- local img_suffix = suffix..rotation
- local ndef = advtrains.merge_tables({
- description=def.description.."("..(var.desc or "any")..rotation..")",
- drawtype = "mesh",
- paramtype="light",
- paramtype2="facedir",
- walkable = false,
- selection_box = {
- type = "fixed",
- fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2},
- },
- mesh = def.shared_model or (def.models_prefix.."_"..img_suffix..def.models_suffix),
- tiles = {def.shared_texture or (def.texture_prefix.."_"..img_suffix..".png"), def.second_texture},
- groups = {
- attached_node = advtrains.IGNORE_WORLD and 0 or 1,
- advtrains_track=1,
- ["advtrains_track_"..tracktype]=1,
- save_in_at_nodedb=1,
- dig_immediate=2,
- not_in_creative_inventory=1,
- not_blocking_trains=1,
- },
- can_dig = can_dig_callback,
- after_dig_node=function(pos)
- advtrains.ndb.update(pos)
- end,
- after_place_node=function(pos)
- advtrains.ndb.update(pos)
- end,
- at_nnpref = def.nodename_prefix,
- at_suffix = suffix,
- at_rotation = rotation,
- at_rail_y = var.rail_y
- }, def.common or {})
- if preset.regtp then
- ndef.drop = def.nodename_prefix.."_placer"
- end
- if preset.regsp and var.slope then
- ndef.drop = def.nodename_prefix.."_slopeplacer"
- end
- --connections
- ndef.at_conns = advtrains.rotate_conn_by(var.conns, (rotid-1)*preset.regstep)
- local ndef_avt_table
- if var.switchalt and var.switchst then
- local switchfunc=function(pos, node, newstate)
- newstate = newstate or var.switchalt -- support for 3 (or more) state switches
- -- this code is only called from the internal setstate function, which
- -- ensures that it is safe to switch the turnout
- if newstate~=var.switchst then
- advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name=def.nodename_prefix.."_"..(var.switchprefix or "")..newstate..rotation, param2=node.param2})
- advtrains.invalidate_all_paths(pos)
- end
- end
- ndef.on_rightclick = function(pos, node, player)
- if advtrains.check_turnout_signal_protection(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
- advtrains.setstate(pos, nil, node)
- advtrains.log("Switch", player:get_player_name(), pos)
- end
- end
- if var.switchmc then
- ndef.mesecons = {effector = {
- ["action_"..var.switchmc] = function(pos, node)
- advtrains.setstate(pos, nil, node)
- end,
- rules=advtrains.meseconrules
- }}
- end
- ndef_avt_table = {
- getstate = var.switchst,
- setstate = switchfunc,
- }
- end
- local adef={}
- if def.get_additional_definiton then
- adef=def.get_additional_definiton(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
- end
- ndef = advtrains.merge_tables(ndef, adef)
- -- insert getstate/setstate functions after merging the additional definitions
- if ndef_avt_table then
- ndef.advtrains = advtrains.merge_tables(ndef.advtrains or {}, ndef_avt_table)
- end
- minetest.register_node(":"..def.nodename_prefix.."_"..suffix..rotation, ndef)
- --trackplacer
- if preset.regtp then
- local tpconns = {conn1=ndef.at_conns[1].c, conn2=ndef.at_conns[2].c}
- if var.tpdouble then
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_double_conn(def.nodename_prefix, suffix, rotation, tpconns)
- end
- if var.tpsingle then
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_single_conn(def.nodename_prefix, suffix, rotation, tpconns)
- end
- end
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked(def.nodename_prefix, suffix, rotation, var.trackworker)
- end
- end
- end
- advtrains.all_tracktypes[tracktype]=true
-function advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, drives_on_p)
- local drives_on = drives_on_p
- if not drives_on then drives_on = advtrains.all_tracktypes end
- local hasentry = false
- for _,_ in pairs(drives_on) do
- hasentry=true
- end
- if not hasentry then drives_on = advtrains.all_tracktypes end
- if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
- return false
- end
- local nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
- for k,v in pairs(drives_on) do
- if nodedef.groups["advtrains_track_"..k] then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
-function advtrains.get_track_connections(name, param2)
- local nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[name]
- if not nodedef then atprint(" get_track_connections couldn't find nodedef for nodename "..(name or "nil")) return nil end
- local noderot=param2
- if not param2 then noderot=0 end
- if noderot > 3 then atprint(" get_track_connections: rail has invaild param2 of "..noderot) noderot=0 end
- local tracktype
- for k,_ in pairs(nodedef.groups) do
- local tt=string.match(k, "^advtrains_track_(.+)$")
- if tt then
- tracktype=tt
- end
- end
- return advtrains.rotate_conn_by(nodedef.at_conns, noderot*AT_CMAX/4), (nodedef.at_rail_y or 0), tracktype
--- Function called when a track is about to be dug or modified by the trackworker
--- Returns either true (ok) or false,"translated string describing reason why it isn't allowed"
-function advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
- if advtrains.get_train_at_pos(pos) then
- return false, attrans("Position is occupied by a train.")
- end
- -- interlocking: tcb, signal IP a.s.o.
- if advtrains.interlocking then
- -- TCB?
- if advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcb(pos) then
- return false, attrans("There's a Track Circuit Break here.")
- end
- -- signal ip?
- if advtrains.interlocking.db.is_ip_at(pos, true) then -- is_ip_at with purge parameter
- return false, attrans("There's a Signal Influence Point here.")
- end
- end
- return true
--- slope placer. Defined in register_tracks.
---crafted with rail and gravel
-local sl={}
-function sl.register_placer(def, preset)
- minetest.register_craftitem(":"..def.nodename_prefix.."_slopeplacer",{
- description = attrans("@1 Slope", def.description),
- inventory_image = def.texture_prefix.."_slopeplacer.png",
- wield_image = def.texture_prefix.."_slopeplacer.png",
- groups={},
- on_place = sl.create_slopeplacer_on_place(def, preset)
- })
---(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
-function sl.create_slopeplacer_on_place(def, preset)
- return function(istack, player, pt)
- if not pt.type=="node" then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: not pointing at node"))
- return istack
- end
- local pos=pt.above
- if not pos then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: not pointing at node"))
- return istack
- end
- local node=minetest.get_node(pos)
- if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: space occupied!"))
- return istack
- end
- if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
- minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player:get_player_name())
- return istack
- end
- --determine player orientation (only horizontal component)
- --get_look_horizontal may not be available
- local yaw=player.get_look_horizontal and player:get_look_horizontal() or (player:get_look_yaw() - math.pi/2)
- --rounding unit vectors is a nice way for selecting 1 of 8 directions since sin(30°) is 0.5.
- local dirvec={x=math.floor(math.sin(-yaw)+0.5), y=0, z=math.floor(math.cos(-yaw)+0.5)}
- --translate to direction to look up inside the preset table
- local param2, rot45=({
- [-1]={
- [-1]=2,
- [0]=3,
- [1]=3,
- },
- [0]={
- [-1]=2,
- [1]=0,
- },
- [1]={
- [-1]=1,
- [0]=1,
- [1]=0,
- },
- })[dirvec.x][dirvec.z], dirvec.x~=0 and dirvec.z~=0
- local lookup=preset.slopeplacer
- if rot45 then lookup=preset.slopeplacer_45 end
- --go unitvector forward and look how far the next node is
- local step=1
- while step<=lookup.max do
- local node=minetest.get_node(vector.add(pos, dirvec))
- --next node solid?
- if not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or not minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].buildable_to or advtrains.is_protected(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
- --do slopes of this distance exist?
- if lookup[step] then
- if minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") or istack:get_count()>=step then
- --start placing
- local placenodes=lookup[step]
- while step>0 do
- minetest.set_node(pos, {name=def.nodename_prefix.."_"..placenodes[step], param2=param2})
- if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then
- istack:take_item()
- end
- step=step-1
- pos=vector.subtract(pos, dirvec)
- end
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: Not enough slope items left (@1 required)", step))
- end
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: There's no slope of length @1",step))
- end
- return istack
- end
- step=step+1
- pos=vector.add(pos, dirvec)
- end
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("Can't place: no supporting node at upper end."))
- return itemstack
- end
---END code, BEGIN definition
---definition format: ([] optional)
- nodename_prefix
- texture_prefix
- [shared_texture]
- models_prefix
- models_suffix (with dot)
- [shared_model]
- formats={
- st,cr,swlst,swlcr,swrst,swrcr,vst1,vst2
- (each a table with indices 0-3, for if to register a rail with this 'rotation' table entry. nil is assumed as 'all', set {} to not register at all)
- }
- common={} change something on common rail appearance
+-- tracks.lua
+-- rewritten with advtrains 2.5 according to new track registration system
+Tracks in advtrains are defined by the node definition. They must have at least 2 connections, but can have any number.
+Switchable nodes (turnouts, single/double-slip switches) are implemented by having a separate node (node name) for each of the possible states.
+ minetest.register_node(nodename, {
+ ... usual node definition ...
+ groups = {
+ advtrains_track = 1,
+ advtrains_track_<tracktype>=1
+ ^- these groups tell that the node is a track
+ not_blocking_trains=1,
+ ^- this group tells that the node should not block trains although it's walkable.
+ },
+ at_rail_y = 0,
+ ^- Height of this rail node (the y position of a wagon that stands centered on this rail)
+ at_conns = {
+ [1] = { c=0..15, y=0..1 },
+ [2] = { c=0..15, y=0..1 },
+ ( [3] = { c=0..15, y=0..1 }, )
+ ( [4] = { c=0..15, y=0..1 }, )
+ ( ... )
+ }
+ ^- Connections of this rail. There are two general cases:
+ a) SIMPLE TRACK - the track has exactly 2 connections, and does not feature a turnout, crossing or other contraption
+ For simple tracks, except for the at_conns table no further setup needs to be specified. A train entering on conn 1 will go out at conn 2 and vice versa.
+ A track with only one connection defined is not permitted.
+ b) COMPOUND TRACK - the track has more than 2 connections
+ This will be used for turnouts and crossings. Tracks with more than 2 conns MUST define 'at_conn_map'.
+ Switchable nodes, whose state can be changed (e.g. turnouts) MUST define a 'state_map' within the advtrains table as well.
+ This differs from the behavior up until 2.4.2, where the conn mapping was fixed.
+ ^- Connection definition:
+ - c is the direction of the connection (0-16). For the mapping to world directions see helpers.lua.
+ - Connections will be auto-rotated with param2 of the node (horizontal, param2 values 0-3 only)
+ - y is the height of the connection (rail will only connect when this matches)
+ ^- The index of a connection inside the conns table (1, 2, 3, ...) is referred throughout advtrains code as 'connid'
+ ^- IMPORTANT: For switchable nodes (any kind of turnout), it is crucial that for all of the node's variants the at_conns table stays the same. See below.
+ at_conn_map = {
+ [1] = 2,
+ [2] = 1,
+ [3] = 1,
+ }
+ ^- Connection map of this rail. It specifies when a train enters the track on connid X, on which connid it will leave
+ This field MUST be specified when the number of connections in at_conns is greater than 2
+ This field may, and obviously will, vary between nodes for switchable nodes.
+ can_dig = advtrains.track_can_dig_callback
+ after_dig_node = advtrains.track_update_callback
+ after_place_node = advtrains.track_update_callback
+ ^- the code in these 3 default minetest API functions is required for advtrains to work, however you can add your own code
+ on_rightclick = advtrains.state_node_on_rightclick_callback
+ ^- Must be added if the node is a turnout and if it should be switched by right-click. It will cause the turnout to be switched to next_state.
+ advtrains = {
+ on_train_enter=function(pos, train_id, train, index) end
+ ^- called when a train enters the rail
+ on_train_leave=function(pos, train_id, train, index) end
+ ^- called when a train leaves the rail
+ -- The following function is only in effect when interlocking is enabled:
+ on_train_approach = function(pos, train_id, train, index, has_entered, lzbdata)
+ ^- called when a train is approaching this position, called exactly once for every path recalculation (which can happen at any time)
+ ^- This is called so that if the train would start braking now, it would come to halt about(wide approx) 5 nodes before the rail.
+ ^- has_entered: when true, the train is already standing on this node with its front tip, and the enter callback has already been called.
+ Possibly, some actions need not to be taken in this case. Only set if it's the very first node the train is standing on.
+ ^- lzbdata should be ignored and nothing should be assigned to it
+ -- The following information is required if the node is a turnout (e.g. can be switched into different positions)
+ node_state = "st"
+ ^- The name of the state this node represents
+ ^- Conventions for this field are as follows:
+ - Two-way straight/turn switches: 'st'=straight branch, 'cr'=diverting/turn branch
+ - 3-way turnouts, Y-turnouts: 'l'=left branch, 's'=straight branch, 'r'=right branch
+ node_next_state = "cr"
+ ^- The name of the state that the turnout should be switched to when it is right-clicked
+ node_fallback_state = "st"
+ ^- The name of the state that the turnout should "fall back" to when it is released
+ Only used by the interlocking system, when a route on the node is released it is switched back to this state.
+ node_state_map = {
+ ["st"] = "<node name of the st variant>",
+ ["cr"] = "<node name of the cr variant>",
+ ... etc ...
+ }
+ ^- Map of state name to the appropriate node name that should be set by advtrains when a switch is requested
+ Note that for all of those nodes, the at_conns table must be identical (however the conn_map will vary)
+ node_on_switch_state = function(pos, node, oldstate, newstate)
+ ^- Called when the node state is switched by advtrains, after the node replacement has commenced.
+ Turnout switching can happen programmatically via advtrains.setstate(pos, state), via user right_click or via the interlocking system.
+ In no other situation is it permissible to exchange track nodes in-place, unless both at_conns and at_conn_map stay identical.
+ Note that the fields node_state, node_next_state and node_state_map completely replace the getstate/setstate functions.
+ There must be a one-to-one mapping between states and node names and no function can be defined for state switching.
+ This principle enables the seamless working of the interlocking autorouter and reduces failure points.
+ The node_state_* system can also be used as drop-in replacement for the passive-API-enabled nodes (andrews-cross, mesecon_switch etc.)
+ The advtrains API functions advtrains.getstate() and advtrains.setstate() remain the programmatic access points, but will now utilize the new state system.
+ trackworker_next_rot = <nodename of next rotation step>,
+ ^- if set, right-click with trackworker will set this node
+ trackworker_rot_incr_param2 = true
+ ^- if set, trackworker will increase node param2 on rightclick
+ trackworker_next_var = <nodename of next variant>
+ ^- if set, left-click with trackworker will set this node
+ }
+ })
+-- This file provides some utilities to register tracks, but tries to not get into the way too much
+function advtrains.track_can_dig_callback(pos, player)
+ local ok, reason = advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if not ok and player then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), attrans("This track can not be removed!") .. " " .. reason)
+ end
+ return ok
+function advtrains.track_update_callback(pos)
+ advtrains.ndb.update(pos)
+function advtrains.state_node_on_rightclick_callback(pos, node, player)
+ if advtrains.check_turnout_signal_protection(pos, player:get_player_name()) then
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.node_next_state then
+ advtrains.setstate(pos, ndef.advtrains.node_next_state, node)
+ advtrains.log("Switch", player:get_player_name(), pos)
+ end
+ end
+-- advtrains.register_node_4rot(name, nodedef)
+-- Registers four rotations for the node defined by nodedef (0°, 30°, 45° and 60°; the 4 90°-steps are already handled by the param2, resulting in 16 directions total).
+-- You must provide the definition for the base node, and certain fields are altered automatically for the 3 additional rotations:
+-- name: appends the suffix "_30", "_45" or "_60"
+-- description: appends the rotation (human-readable) in parenthesis
+-- tiles_prefix: if defined, "tiles" field will be set as prefix..rotationExtension..".png"
+-- mesh_prefix, mesh_suffix: if defined, "mesh" field will be set as prefix..rotationExtension..suffix
+-- at_conns: are rotated according to the node rotation
+-- node_state_map, trackworker_next_var: appends the suffix appropriately.
+-- groups: applies save_in_at_nodedb and not_blocking_trains groups if not already present
+-- The nodes are registered in the trackworker to be rotated with right-click.
+-- definition_mangling_function is an optional parameter. For each of the 4 rotations, it gets passed the modified node definition and may perform final modifications to it.
+-- signature: function definition_mangling_function(name, nodedef, rotationIndex, rotationSuffix)
+-- Example usage: define the setstate function of turnouts (if that is not done via the "automatic" way of state_node_map)
+local rotations = {
+ {i = 0, s = "", h = " (0)", n = "_30"},
+ {i = 1, s = "_30", h = " (30)", n = "_45"},
+ {i = 2, s = "_45", h = " (45)", n = "_60"},
+ {i = 3, s = "_60", h = " (60)", n = ""},
+function advtrains.register_node_4rot(ori_name, ori_ndef, definition_mangling_function)
+ for _, rot in ipairs(rotations) do
+ local ndef = table.copy(ori_ndef)
+ if ori_ndef.advtrains then
+ -- make sure advtrains table is deep-copied because we may need to replace node_state_map
+ ndef.advtrains = table.copy(ori_ndef.advtrains)
+ else
+ ndef.advtrains = {} -- we need the table later for trackworker
+ end
+ -- Perform the name mangling
+ local suffix = rot.s
+ local name = ori_name..suffix
+ ndef.description = ori_ndef.description .. rot.h
+ if ori_ndef.tiles_prefix then
+ ndef.tiles = { ori_ndef.tiles_prefix .. suffix .. ".png" }
+ end
+ if ori_ndef.mesh_prefix then
+ ndef.mesh = ori_ndef.mesh_prefix .. suffix .. ori_ndef.mesh_suffix
+ end
+ -- rotate connections
+ if ori_ndef.at_conns then
+ ndef.at_conns = advtrains.rotate_conn_by(ori_ndef.at_conns, rot.i)
+ end
+ -- update node state map if present
+ if ori_ndef.advtrains then
+ if ori_ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
+ local new_nsm = {}
+ for state, nname in pairs(ori_ndef.advtrains.node_state_map) do
+ new_nsm[state] = nname .. suffix
+ end
+ ndef.advtrains.node_state_map = new_nsm
+ end
+ if ori_ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_var then
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_var = ori_ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_var .. suffix
+ end
+ -- apply trackworker rot field
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_next_rot = ori_name .. rot.n
+ ndef.advtrains.trackworker_rot_incr_param2 = (rot.n=="")
+ end
+ -- apply groups
+ ndef.groups.save_in_at_nodedb = 1
+ ndef.groups.not_blocking_trains = 1
+ -- give the definition mangling function an option to do some adjustments
+ if definition_mangling_function then
+ definition_mangling_function(name, ndef, rot.i, suffix)
+ end
+ -- register node
+ minetest.register_node(":"..name, ndef)
+ -- if this has the track_place_group set, register as a candidate for the track_place_group
+ if ndef.advtrains.track_place_group then
+ advtrains.trackplacer.register_candidate(ndef.advtrains.track_place_group, name, ndef, ndef.advtrains.track_place_single, true)
+ end
+ end
+-- track-related helper functions
+function advtrains.is_track(nodename)
+ if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then
+ return false
+ end
+ local nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[nodename]
+ if nodedef and nodedef.groups.advtrains_track then
+ return true
+ end
+ return false
+-- returns the connection tables of the track with given node details
+-- returns: conns table, railheight, conn_map table
+function advtrains.get_track_connections(name, param2)
+ local nodedef=minetest.registered_nodes[name]
+ if not nodedef then atprint(" get_track_connections couldn't find nodedef for nodename "..(name or "nil")) return nil end
+ local noderot=param2
+ if not param2 then noderot=0 end
+ if noderot > 3 then atprint(" get_track_connections: rail has invaild param2 of "..noderot) noderot=0 end
+ if not nodedef.at_conns then
+ return nil
+ end
+ --atdebug("Track connections of ",name,param2,":",nodedef.at_conns)
+ return advtrains.rotate_conn_by(nodedef.at_conns, noderot*AT_CMAX/4), (nodedef.at_rail_y or 0), nodedef.at_conn_map
+-- Function called when a track is about to be dug or modified by the trackworker
+-- Returns either true (ok) or false,"translated string describing reason why it isn't allowed"
+function advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos)
+ if advtrains.get_train_at_pos(pos) then
+ return false, attrans("Position is occupied by a train.")
+ end
+ -- interlocking: tcb, signal IP a.s.o.
+ if advtrains.interlocking then
+ -- TCB?
+ if advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcb(pos) then
+ return false, attrans("There's a Track Circuit Break here.")
+ end
+ -- signal ip?
+ if advtrains.interlocking.db.is_ip_at(pos, true) then -- is_ip_at with purge parameter
+ return false, attrans("There's a Signal Influence Point here.")
+ end
+ end
+ return true
diff --git a/advtrains/trainlogic.lua b/advtrains/trainlogic.lua
index a0fdaa1..cb1f9a6 100644
--- a/advtrains/trainlogic.lua
+++ b/advtrains/trainlogic.lua
@@ -280,10 +280,12 @@ function advtrains.train_ensure_init(id, train)
assertdef(train, "velocity", 0)
--assertdef(train, "tarvelocity", 0)
assertdef(train, "acceleration", 0)
- assertdef(train, "id", id)
+ if train.id ~= id then
+ train.id = id
+ end
+ assertdef(train, "path_ori_cp", {})
- if not train.drives_on or not train.max_speed then
+ if not train.max_speed then
--atprint("in ensure_init: missing properties, updating!")
@@ -861,13 +863,10 @@ local function tnc_call_enter_callback(pos, train_id, train, index)
run_callbacks_enter_node(pos, train_id, train, index)
-- check for split points
- if mregnode and mregnode.at_conns and #mregnode.at_conns == 3 and train.path_cp[index] == 3 then
- -- train came from connection 3 of a switch, so it split points.
- if not train.points_split then
- train.points_split = {}
- end
- train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] = true
- --atdebug(train_id,"split points at",pos)
+ if mregnode and mregnode.at_conn_map then
+ -- If this node has >2 conns (and a connmap), remember the connection where we came from to handle split points
+ atdebug("Train",train_id,"at",pos,"saving turnout origin CP",train.path_cp[index],"for path item",index)
+ train.path_ori_cp[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] = train.path_cp[index]
local function tnc_call_leave_callback(pos, train_id, train, index)
@@ -882,18 +881,11 @@ local function tnc_call_leave_callback(pos, train_id, train, index)
run_callbacks_leave_node(pos, train_id, train, index)
-- split points do not matter anymore. clear them
- if train.points_split then
- if train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] then
- train.points_split[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] = nil
- --atdebug(train_id,"has passed split points at",pos)
- end
- -- any entries left?
- for _,_ in pairs(train.points_split) do
- return
- end
- train.points_split = nil
+ if mregnode and mregnode.at_conn_map then
+ -- If this node has >2 conns (and a connmap), remember the connection where we came from to handle split points
+ atdebug("Train",train_id,"at",pos,"removing turnout origin CP for path item",index," because train has left it")
+ train.path_ori_cp[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] = nil
- -- WARNING possibly unreachable place!
function advtrains.tnc_call_approach_callback(pos, train_id, train, index, lzbdata)
@@ -1034,10 +1026,9 @@ end
-- Note: safe_decouple_wagon() has been moved to wagons.lua
--- this function sets wagon's pos_in_train(parts) properties and train's max_speed and drives_on (and more)
+-- this function sets wagon's pos_in_train(parts) properties and train's max_speed (and more)
function advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(train_id, invert_flipstate)
local train=advtrains.trains[train_id]
- train.drives_on=advtrains.merge_tables(advtrains.all_tracktypes)
--FIX: deep-copy the table!!!
train.extent_h = 0;
@@ -1053,7 +1044,16 @@ function advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(train_id, invert_flipstate)
if data then
local wagon = advtrains.wagon_prototypes[data.type or data.entity_name]
if not wagon then
- atwarn("Wagon '",data.type,"' couldn't be found. Please check that all required modules are loaded!")
+ local ent = advtrains.wagon_objects[w_id]
+ local pdesc
+ if ent then
+ pdesc = "at " .. minetest.pos_to_string(ent:get_pos())
+ elseif train.last_pos then
+ pdesc = "near " .. minetest.pos_to_string(train.last_pos)
+ else
+ pdesc = "at an unknown location"
+ end
+ atwarn(string.format("Wagon %q %s could not be found. Please check that all required modules are loaded!", data.type, pdesc))
wagon = advtrains.wagon_prototypes["advtrains:wagon_placeholder"]
@@ -1070,13 +1070,6 @@ function advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(train_id, invert_flipstate)
- if wagon.drives_on then
- for k,_ in pairs(train.drives_on) do
- if not wagon.drives_on[k] then
- train.drives_on[k]=nil
- end
- end
- end
train.max_speed=math.min(train.max_speed, wagon.max_speed)
train.extent_h = math.max(train.extent_h, wagon.extent_h or 1);
@@ -1188,8 +1181,24 @@ function advtrains.invert_train(train_id)
+ -- Before flipping the train, we must check if there are any points on the path
+ -- which will become split on rotating, and store their cn (which will become the cp)
+ local ori_cp_after_flip = {}
+ for index = atround(train.end_index),atround(train.index) do
+ local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, index)
+ local ok, conns, railheight, connmap = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ if ok and connmap then
+ atdebug("Reversing Train",train.id," ori_cp Checks: at",pos,"saving turnout origin CP",train.path_cn[index],"for path item",index)
+ ori_cp_after_flip[advtrains.encode_pos(pos)] = train.path_cn[index]
+ end
+ end
+ -- Actual rotation happens here! This sets the path restore position to the end of the train, inverting the connid.
advtrains.path_setrestore(train, true)
+ -- clear the origin cp list because it is now invalid, and replace it by what we built prior.
+ train.path_ori_cp = ori_cp_after_flip
-- rotate some other stuff
if train.door_open then
train.door_open = - train.door_open
diff --git a/advtrains/wagons.lua b/advtrains/wagons.lua
index fe1a0f8..f231546 100644
--- a/advtrains/wagons.lua
+++ b/advtrains/wagons.lua
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ function advtrains.register_wagon(sysname_p, prototype, desc, inv_img, nincreati
local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under)
if not node then atprint("[advtrains]Ignore at placer position") return itemstack end
local nodename=node.name
- if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, prototype.drives_on)) then
+ if(not advtrains.is_track(nodename)) then
atprint("no track here, not placing.")
return itemstack
@@ -1382,7 +1382,7 @@ function advtrains.register_wagon(sysname_p, prototype, desc, inv_img, nincreati
local yaw = placer:get_look_horizontal()
local plconnid = advtrains.yawToClosestConn(yaw, tconns)
- local prevpos = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pointed_thing.under, tconns, plconnid, prototype.drives_on)
+ local prevpos = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pointed_thing.under, tconns, plconnid)
if not prevpos then
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "The track you are trying to place the wagon on is not long enough!")
@@ -1407,7 +1407,6 @@ advtrains.register_wagon("advtrains:wagon_placeholder", {
collisionbox = {-0.3,-0.3,-0.3, 0.3,0.3,0.3},
visual_size = {x=0.7, y=0.7},
initial_sprite_basepos = {x=0, y=0},
- drives_on = advtrains.all_tracktypes,
max_speed = 5,
seats = {
@@ -1418,3 +1417,64 @@ advtrains.register_wagon("advtrains:wagon_placeholder", {
}, "Wagon placeholder", "advtrains_wagon_placeholder.png", true)
+-- Helper function to retrieve the wagon at a certain position in a train, given its train ID and the desired index within that train's path
+-- Returns: wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center
+-- wagon_num: The n'th wagon in the train (index into "trainparts" table)
+-- wagon_id: The wagon ID. Obtain wagon data from advtrains.wagons[wagon_id], and subsequently the wagon prototype via advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(data)
+-- offset_from_center: The offset (an absolute distance value) from the center point of the wagon. Positive is towards the end of the train, negative towards the start. (note that this is inverse to the counting direction of the index!)
+--[[ To get the wagon standing at a certain world position, you first need to retrieve the index via the occupation table, as follows:
+ local trains = advtrains.occ.get_trains_at(pos)
+ for train_id, index in pairs(trains) do
+ local wagon_num, wagon_id, wagon_data, offset_from_center = advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, index)
+ if wagon_num then
+ ...
+ end
+ end
+function advtrains.get_wagon_at_index(train_id, w_index)
+ local train = advtrains.trains[train_id]
+ if not train then error("Passed train id "..train_id.." doesnt exist") end
+ -- ensure init - always required
+ advtrains.train_ensure_init(train_id, train)
+ -- Use path dist to determine the offset from the start of the train
+ local dstart = advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, train.index)
+ local dtarget = advtrains.path_get_path_dist_fractional(train, w_index)
+ local dist_from_start = dstart - dtarget -- NOTE: dist_from_start is supposed to be positive, but dtarget will be smaller than dstart
+ -- if dist_from_start is <0, we are outside of train
+ if dist_from_start < 0 then
+ return nil
+ end
+ -- scan over wagons to see if dist_from_start falls into its window
+ local start_pos = 0
+ local center_pos
+ local end_pos
+ local i = 1
+ while train.trainparts[i] do
+ local w_id = train.trainparts[i]
+ -- get wagon prototype to retrieve wagon span
+ local wdata = advtrains.wagons[w_id]
+ if wdata then
+ local wtype, wproto = advtrains.get_wagon_prototype(wdata)
+ local wagon_span = wproto.wagon_span
+ -- determine center and end pos
+ center_pos = start_pos + wagon_span
+ end_pos = center_pos + wagon_span
+ if start_pos <= dist_from_start and dist_from_start < end_pos then
+ -- Found the correct wagon in the train!
+ local offset_from_center = dist_from_start - center_pos
+ return i, w_id, wdata, offset_from_center
+ end
+ -- go on
+ start_pos = end_pos
+ else
+ error("Wagon "..w_id.." from train "..train_id.." doesnt exist!")
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ -- nothing found, dist must be further back
+ return nil
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
index e23b0e5..4213c3d 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
@@ -2,71 +2,19 @@
-- saving the location of TCB's, their neighbors and their state
-The interlocking system is based on track circuits.
-Track circuit breaks must be manually set by the user. Signals must be assigned to track circuit breaks and to a direction(connid).
-To simplify the whole system, there is no overlap.
-== Trains ==
-Trains always occupy certain track circuits. These are shown red in the signalbox view (TRAIN occupation entry).
-== Database storage ==
-The things that are actually saved are the Track Circuit Breaks. Each TCB holds a list of the TCBs that are adjacent in each direction.
-TC occupation/state is then saved inside each (TCB,Direction) and held in sync across all TCBs adjacent to this one. If something should not be in sync,
-all entries are merged to perform the most restrictive setup.
-== Traverser function ==
-To determine and update the list of neighboring TCBs, we need a traverser function.
-It will start at one TCB in a specified direction (connid) and use get_adjacent_rail to crawl along the track. When encountering a turnout or a crossing,
-it needs to branch(call itself recursively) to find all required TCBs. Those found TCBs are then saved in a list as tuples (TCB,Dir)
-In the last step, they exchange their neighbors.
-== TC states ==
-A track circuit does not have a state as such, but has more or less a list of "reservations"
-type can be one of these:
-TRAIN See Trains obove
-ROUTE Route set from a signal, but no train has yet passed that signal.
-Not implemented (see note by reversible): OWNED - former ROUTE segments that a train has begun passing (train_id assigned)
- - Space behind a train up to the next signal, when a TC is set as REVERSIBLE
-Certain TCs can be marked as "allow call-on".
-== Route setting: ==
-Routes are set from a signal (the entry signal) to another signal facing the same direction (the exit signal)
-Remember that signals are assigned to a TCB and a connid.
-Whenever this is done, the following track circuits are set "reserved" by the train by saving the entry signal's ID:
-- all TCs on the direct way of the route - set as ROUTE
-Route setting fails whenever any TC that we want to set ROUTE to is already set ROUTE or TRAIN from another signal (except call-on, see below)
-Apart from this, we need to set turnouts
-- Turnouts on the track are set held as ROUTE
-- Turnouts that purpose as flank protection are set held as FLANK (NOTE: left as an idea for later, because it's not clear how to do this properly without an engineer)
-Note: In SimSig, it is possible to set a route into an still occupied section on the victoria line sim. (at the depot exit at seven sisters), although
- there are still segments set ahead of the first train passing, remaining from another route.
- Because our system will be able to remember "requested routes" and set them automatically once ready, this is not necessary here.
-== Call-On/Multiple Trains ==
-It will be necessary to join and split trains using call-on routes. A call-on route may be set when:
-- there are no ROUTE reservations
-- there are TRAIN reservations only inside TCs that have "allow call-on" set
-== TC Properties ==
-Note: Reversible property will not be implemented, assuming everything as non-rev.
-This is sufficient to cover all use cases, and is done this way in reality.
- REVERSIBLE - Whether trains are allowed to reverse while on track circuit
- This property is supposed to be set for station tracks, where there is a signal at each end, and for sidings.
- It should in no case be set for TCs covering turnouts, or for main running lines.
- When a TC is not set as reversible, the OWNED status is cleared from the TC right after the train left it,
- to allow other trains to pass it.
- If it is set reversible, interlocking will keep the OWNED state behind the train up to the next signal, clearing it
- as soon as the train passes another signal or enters a non-reversible section.
-CALL_ON_ALLOWED - Whether this TC being blocked (TRAIN or ROUTE) does not prevent shunt routes being set through this TC
-== More notes ==
-- It may not be possible to switch turnouts when their TC has any state entry
== Route releasing (TORR) ==
A train passing through a route happens as follows:
Route set from entry to exit signal
-Train passes entry signal and enters first TC past the signal
--> Route from signal cleared (TCs remain locked)
--> ROUTE status of first TC past signal cleared
+Train passes entry signal and enters first TS past the signal
+-> Route from signal cleared (TSs remain locked)
+-> 'route' status of first TS past signal cleared
+-> 'route_post' (holding the turnout locks) remains set
Train continues along the route.
-Whenever train leaves a TC
+Whenever train leaves a TS
-> Clearing any routes set from this TC outward recursively - see "Reversing problem"
-Whenever train enters a TC
--> Clear route status from the just entered TC
+-> Free turnout locks and clear 'route_post'
+Whenever train enters a TS
+-> Clear route status from the just entered TC (but not route_post)
Note that this prohibits by design that the train clears the route ahead of it.
== Reversing Problem ==
Encountered at the Royston simulation in SimSig. It is solved there by imposing a time limit on the set route. Call-on routes can somehow be set anyway.
@@ -89,6 +37,22 @@ Another case of this:
The / here is a non-interlocked turnout (to a non-frequently used siding). For some reason, there is no exit node there,
so the route is set to the signal at the right end. The train is taking the exit to the siding and frees the TC, without ever
having touched the right TC.
+== Terminology / Variable Names ==
+"tcb" : A TCB table (as in track_circuit_breaks)
+"tcbs" : One side of a tcb (that is tcb == {[1] = tcbs, [2] = tcbs})
+"sigd" : A table of format {p=<position>, s=<side aka connid>} by which a "tcbs" is uniqely identified.
+== Section Autorepair & Turnout Cache ==
+As fundamental part of reworked route programming mechanism, Track Section objects become weak now. They are created and destroyed on demand.
+ildb.repair_tcb automatically checks all nearby sections for issues and repairs them automatically.
+Also the database now holds a cache of the turnouts in the section and their position for all possible driving paths.
+Every time a repair operation takes place, and on every track edit operation, the affected sections need to have their cache updated.
local TRAVERSER_LIMIT = 1000
@@ -111,7 +75,45 @@ advtrains.interlocking.npr_rails = {}
function ildb.load(data)
if not data then return end
if data.tcbs then
- track_circuit_breaks = data.tcbs
+ if data.tcbpts_conversion_applied then
+ track_circuit_breaks = data.tcbs
+ else
+ -- Convert legacy pos_to_string tcbs to new advtrains.encode_pos position strings
+ for pts, tcb in pairs(data.tcbs) do
+ local pos = minetest.string_to_pos(pts)
+ if pos then
+ -- that was a pos_to_string
+ local epos = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ atdebug("ILDB converting TCB position format",pts,"->",epos)
+ track_circuit_breaks[epos] = tcb
+ else
+ -- keep entry, it is already new
+ track_circuit_breaks[pts] = tcb
+ end
+ -- convert the routes.[].locks table keys
+ for t_side,tcbs in pairs(tcb) do
+ if tcbs.routes then
+ for t_rnum,route in pairs(tcbs.routes) do
+ for t_rsnm,rseg in ipairs(route) do
+ local locks_n = {}
+ for lpts,state in pairs(rseg.locks) do
+ local lpos = minetest.string_to_pos(lpts)
+ if lpos then
+ local epos = advtrains.encode_pos(lpos)
+ atdebug("ILDB converting tcb",pts,"side",t_side,"route",t_route,"lock position format",lpts,"->",epos)
+ locks_n[epos] = state
+ else
+ -- already correct format
+ locks_n[lpts] = state
+ end
+ end
+ rseg.locks = locks_n
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
if data.ts then
track_sections = data.ts
@@ -120,7 +122,23 @@ function ildb.load(data)
signal_assignments = data.signalass
if data.rs_locks then
- advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks = data.rs_locks
+ if data.tcbpts_conversion_applied then
+ advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks = data.rs_locks
+ else
+ advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks = {}
+ for pts, lta in pairs(data.rs_locks) do
+ local pos = minetest.string_to_pos(pts)
+ if pos then
+ -- that was a pos_to_string
+ local epos = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ atdebug("ILDB converting Route Lock position format",pts,"->",epos)
+ advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks[epos] = lta
+ else
+ -- keep entry, it is already new
+ advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_locks[pts] = lta
+ end
+ end
+ end
if data.rs_callbacks then
advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_callbacks = data.rs_callbacks
@@ -176,8 +194,7 @@ function ildb.save()
rs_callbacks = advtrains.interlocking.route.rte_callbacks,
influence_points = influence_points,
npr_rails = advtrains.interlocking.npr_rails,
- supposed_aspects = advtrains.interlocking.save_supposed_aspects(),
- distant = advtrains.distant.save(),
+ tcbpts_conversion_applied = true, -- remark that legacy pos conversion has taken place
return data
@@ -190,6 +207,9 @@ TCB data structure
-- This is the "A" side of the TCB
[1] = { -- Variant: with adjacent TCs.
ts_id = <id> -- ID of the assigned track section
+ xlink = <other sigd> -- If two sections of track are not physically joined but must function as one TS (e.g. knights move crossing), a bidirectional link can be added with exactly one other TCB.
+ -- TS search will behave as if these two TCBs were physically connected.
signal = <pos> -- optional: when set, routes can be set from this tcb/direction and signal
-- aspect will be set accordingly.
routeset = <index in routes> -- Route set from this signal. This is the entry that is cleared once
@@ -202,20 +222,54 @@ TCB data structure
signal_name = <string> -- The human-readable name of the signal, only for documenting purposes
routes = { <route definition> } -- a collection of routes from this signal
route_auto = <boolean> -- When set, we will automatically re-set the route (designated by routeset)
+ auto_block_signal_mode = <boolean> -- Simplified mode for simple block signals:
+ -- Signal has only one route which is constantly re-set (route_auto is implied)
+ -- Supposed to be used when only a single track section is ahead and it directly ends at the next signal
+ -- UI only offers to enable or disable the signal
+ -- ARS is implicitly disabled on the signal
-- This is the "B" side of the TCB
[2] = { -- Variant: end of track-circuited area (initial state of TC)
ts_id = nil, -- this is the indication for end_of_interlocking
- section_free = <boolean>, --this can be set by an exit node via mesecons or atlatc,
- -- or from the tc formspec.
+Route definition
+routes = {
+ [i] = {
+ -- one table for each track section on the route
+ -- Note that the section ID is implicitly inferred from the TCB
+ 1 = {
+ locks = { -- component locks for this section of the route.
+ 800080008000 = st
+ }
+ next = S[(-23,9,0)/2] -- the start TCB of the next route segment (pointing forward)
+ }
+ 2 = {
+ locks = {}
+ -- if next is omitted, then there is no final TCB (e.g. a buffer)
+ }
+ name = "<the route name>"
+ ars = { <ARS rule definition table> }
+ use_rscache = false -- if true, the track section's rs_cache will be used to set locks in addition to the locks table
+ -- this is disabled for legacy routes, but enabled for all new routes by default
+ -- Fields used by the autorouter:
+ ar_end_sigd = <sigd> -- the sigd describing the end of the route. Used for merging route options on recalculation
+ }
Track section
[id] = {
name = "Some human-readable name"
tc_breaks = { <signal specifier>,... } -- Bounding TC's (signal specifiers)
- -- Can be direct ends (auto-detected), conflicting routes or TCBs that are too far away from each other
+ rs_cache = { [startTcbPosEnc] = { [endTcbPosEnc] = { [componentPosEnc] = "state" } } }
+ -- Saves the turnout states that need to be locked when a route is set from tcb#x to tcb#y
+ -- e.g. "800080008005" = { "800080007EEA" = { "800080008000" = "st" } }
+ -- start TCB end TCB switch pos
+ -- Recalculated on every change via update_rs_cache
+ -- Note that the tcb side number is not saved because it is unnecessary
route = {
origin = <signal>, -- route origin
entry = <sigd>, -- supposed train entry point
@@ -231,7 +285,9 @@ Track section
-- first says whether to clear the routesetting status from the origin signal.
-- locks contains the positions where locks are held by this ts.
-- 'route' is cleared when train enters the section, while 'route_post' cleared when train leaves section.
trains = {<id>, ...} -- Set whenever a train (or more) reside in this TC
+ -- Note: The same train ID may be contained in this mapping multiple times, when it has entered the section in two different places.
@@ -244,24 +300,13 @@ signal_assignments = {
+-- Maximum scan length for track iterator
+local TS_MAX_SCAN = 1000
-function ildb.create_tcb(pos)
- local new_tcb = {
- [1] = {},
- [2] = {},
- }
- local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
- if not track_circuit_breaks[pts] then
- track_circuit_breaks[pts] = new_tcb
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
+-- basic functions
function ildb.get_tcb(pos)
- local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
+ local pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
return track_circuit_breaks[pts]
@@ -271,227 +316,614 @@ function ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
return tcb[sigd.s]
-function ildb.create_ts(sigd)
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
- local id = advtrains.random_id()
- while track_sections[id] do
- id = advtrains.random_id()
- end
- track_sections[id] = {
- name = "Section "..id,
- tc_breaks = { sigd }
- }
- tcbs.ts_id = id
function ildb.get_ts(id)
return track_sections[id]
+-- retrieve full tables. Please use only read-only!
+function ildb.get_all_tcb()
+ return track_circuit_breaks
+function ildb.get_all_ts()
+ return track_sections
+function tsrepair_notify(notify_pname, ...)
+ if notify_pname then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(notify_pname, advtrains.print_concat_table({"TS Check:",...}))
+ end
--- various helper functions handling sigd's
-local sigd_equal = advtrains.interlocking.sigd_equal
-local function insert_sigd_nodouble(list, sigd)
- for idx, cmp in pairs(list) do
- if sigd_equal(sigd, cmp) then
- return
+-- Checks the consistency of the track section at the given position, attempts to autorepair track sections if they are inconsistent
+-- There are 2 operation modes:
+-- 1: pos is NOT a TCB, tcb_connid MUST be nil
+-- 2: pos is a TCB, tcb_connid MUST be given
+-- @param pos: the position to start from
+-- @param tcb_connid: If provided node is a TCB, the direction in which to search
+-- @param notify_pname: the player to notify about reparations
+-- Returns:
+-- ts_id - the track section that was found
+-- nil - No track section exists
+function ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos, tcb_connid, notify_pname)
+ --atdebug("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos", pos, tcb_connid)
+ -- check prereqs
+ if ildb.get_tcb(pos) then
+ if not tcb_connid then error("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos: Startpoint is TCB, must provide tcb_connid!") end
+ else
+ --if tcb_connid then error("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos: Startpoint is not TCB, must not provide tcb_connid!") end
+ -- do not give error here, for some applications do not require it
+ end
+ -- STEP 1: Ensure that only one section is at this place
+ -- get all TCBs adjacent to this
+ local all_tcbs = ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(pos, tcb_connid)
+ local first_ts = true
+ local ts_id
+ for _,sigd in ipairs(all_tcbs) do
+ ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(sigd)
+ local tcbs_ts_id = sigd.tcbs.ts_id
+ if first_ts then
+ -- this one determines
+ ts_id = tcbs_ts_id
+ first_ts = false
+ else
+ -- these must be the same as the first
+ if ts_id ~= tcbs_ts_id then
+ -- inconsistency is found, repair it
+ --atdebug("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos: Inconsistency is found!")
+ tsrepair_notify(notify_pname, "Track section inconsistent here, repairing...")
+ return ildb.repair_ts_merge_all(all_tcbs, false, notify_pname)
+ -- Step2 check is no longer necessary since we just created that new section
+ end
- table.insert(list, sigd)
+ -- only one found (it is either nil or a ts id)
+ --atdebug("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos: TS consistent id=",ts_id,"")
+ if not ts_id then
+ tsrepair_notify(notify_pname, "No track section found here.")
+ return
+ -- All TCBs agreed that there is no section here.
+ end
+ local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
+ if not ts then
+ -- This branch may never be reached, because ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(sigd) is already supposed to clear out missing sections
+ error("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos: Resolved to nonexisting section although ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(sigd) was supposed to prevent this. Panic!")
+ end
+ ildb.purge_ts_tcb_refs(ts_id)
+ -- STEP 2: Ensure that all_tcbs is equal to the track section's TCB list. If there are extra TCBs then the section should be split
+ -- ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(sigd) has already make sure that all tcbs are found in the ts's tc_breaks list
+ -- That means it is sufficient to compare the LENGTHS of both lists, if one is longer then it is inconsistent
+ if #ts.tc_breaks ~= #all_tcbs then
+ --atdebug("check_and_repair_ts_at_pos: Partition is found!")
+ tsrepair_notify(notify_pname, "Track section partition found, repairing...")
+ return ildb.repair_ts_merge_all(all_tcbs, false, notify_pname)
+ end
+ tsrepair_notify(notify_pname, "Found section", ts.name or ts_id, "here.")
+ return ts_id
--- This function will actually handle the node that is in connid direction from the node at pos
--- so, this needs the conns of the node at pos, since these are already calculated
-local function traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, count, brk_when_found_n)
- local adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y, next_conns = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, conns, connid, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
- if not adj_pos then
- --atdebug("Traverser found end-of-track at",pos, connid)
- return
+-- Helper function to prevent duplicates
+local function insert_sigd_if_not_present(tab, sigd)
+ local found = false
+ for _, ssigd in ipairs(tab) do
+ if vector.equals(sigd.p, ssigd.p) and sigd.s==ssigd.s then
+ found = true
+ end
- -- look whether there is a TCB here
- if #next_conns == 2 then --if not, don't even try!
- local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(adj_pos)
- if tcb then
- -- done with this branch
- --atdebug("Traverser found tcb at",adj_pos, adj_connid)
- insert_sigd_nodouble(found_tcbs, {p=adj_pos, s=adj_connid})
- return
+ if not found then
+ table.insert(tab, sigd)
+ end
+ return not found
+-- Starting from a position, search all TCBs that can be reached from this position.
+-- In a non-faulty setup, all of these should have the same track section assigned.
+-- This function does not trigger a repair.
+-- @param inipos: the initial position
+-- @param inidir: the initial direction, or nil to search in all directions
+-- @param per_track_callback: A callback function called with signature (pos, connid, bconnid) for every track encountered
+-- Returns: a list of sigd's describing the TCBs found (sigd's point inward):
+-- {p=<pos>, s=<side>, tcbs=<ref to tcbs table>}
+function ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(inipos, inidir, per_track_callback)
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: inipos",inipos,"inidir",inidir,"")
+ local found_sigd = {}
+ local ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(inipos, inidir, TS_MAX_SCAN, true)
+ -- if initial start is TCBS and has xlink, need to add that to the TI
+ local inisi = {p=inipos, s=inidir};
+ local initcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(inisi)
+ if initcbs then
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(inisi, true)
+ if initcbs.xlink then
+ -- adding the tcb will happen when this branch is retrieved again using ti:next_branch()
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: Putting xlink Branch for initial node",initcbs.xlink)
+ ti:add_branch(initcbs.xlink.p, initcbs.xlink.s)
- -- recursion abort condition
- if count > TRAVERSER_LIMIT then
- --atdebug("Traverser hit counter at",adj_pos, adj_connid)
- return true
+ local pos, connid, bconnid, tcb
+ while ti:has_next_branch() do
+ pos, connid = ti:next_branch()
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: BRANCH: ",pos, connid)
+ bconnid = nil
+ is_branch_start = true
+ repeat
+ -- callback
+ if per_track_callback then
+ per_track_callback(pos, connid, bconnid)
+ end
+ tcb = ildb.get_tcb(pos)
+ if tcb then
+ local using_connid = bconnid
+ -- found a tcb
+ if is_branch_start then
+ -- A branch cannot be a TCB, as that would imply that it was a turnout/crossing (illegal)
+ -- UNLESS: (a) it is the start point or (b) it was added via xlink
+ -- Then the correct conn to use is connid (pointing forward)
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: Inserting TCB at branch start",pos, connid)
+ using_connid = connid
+ end
+ -- add the sigd of this tcb and a reference to the tcb table in it
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: Found TCB: ",pos, using_connid, "ts=", tcb[using_connid].ts_id)
+ local si = {p=pos, s=using_connid, tcbs=tcb[using_connid]}
+ -- if xlink exists, add it now (only if we are not in branch start)
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(si, true)
+ if not is_branch_start and si.tcbs.xlink then
+ -- adding the tcb will happen when this branch is retrieved again using ti:next_branch()
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: Putting xlink Branch",si.tcbs.xlink)
+ ti:add_branch(si.tcbs.xlink.p, si.tcbs.xlink.s)
+ end
+ insert_sigd_if_not_present(found_sigd, si)
+ if not is_branch_start then
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_track()
+ is_branch_start = false
+ --atdebug("get_all_tcbs_adjacent: TRACK: ",pos, connid, bconnid)
+ until not pos
- -- continue traversing
- local counter_hit = false
- for nconnid, nconn in ipairs(next_conns) do
- if adj_connid ~= nconnid then
- counter_hit = counter_hit or traverser(found_tcbs, adj_pos, next_conns, nconnid, count + 1, brk_when_found_n)
- if brk_when_found_n and #found_tcbs>=brk_when_found_n then
- break
+ return found_sigd
+-- Called by frontend functions when multiple tcbs's that logically belong to one section have been determined to have different sections
+-- Parameter is the output of ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(pos)
+-- Returns the ID of the track section that results after the merge
+function ildb.repair_ts_merge_all(all_tcbs, force_create, notify_pname)
+ --atdebug("repair_ts_merge_all: Instructed to merge sections of following TCBs:")
+ -- The first loop does the following for each TCBS:
+ -- a) Store the TS ID in the set of TS to update
+ -- b) Set the TS ID to nil, so that the TCBS gets removed from the section
+ local ts_to_update = {}
+ local ts_name_repo = {}
+ local any_ts = false
+ for _,sigd in ipairs(all_tcbs) do
+ local ts_id = sigd.tcbs.ts_id
+ --atdebug(sigd, "ts=", ts_id)
+ if ts_id then
+ local ts = track_sections[ts_id]
+ if ts then
+ any_ts = true
+ ts_to_update[ts_id] = true
+ -- if nonstandard name, store this
+ if ts.name and not string.match(ts.name, "^Section") then
+ ts_name_repo[#ts_name_repo+1] = ts.name
+ end
+ sigd.tcbs.ts_id = nil
- return counter_hit
+ if not any_ts and not force_create then
+ -- nothing to do at all, just no interlocking. Why were we even called
+ --atdebug("repair_ts_merge_all: No track section present, will not create a new one")
+ return nil
+ end
+ -- Purge every TS in turn. TS's that are now empty will be deleted. TS's that still have TCBs will be kept
+ for ts_id, _ in pairs(ts_to_update) do
+ local remain_ts = ildb.purge_ts_tcb_refs(ts_id)
+ end
+ -- Create a new fresh track section with all the TCBs we have in our collection
+ local new_ts_id, new_ts = ildb.create_ts_from_tcb_list(all_tcbs)
+ tsrepair_notify(notify_pname, "Created track section",new_ts_id,"from TCBs:", all_tcbs)
+ return new_ts_id
--- Merges the TS with merge_id into root_id and then deletes merge_id
-local function merge_ts(root_id, merge_id)
- local rts = ildb.get_ts(root_id)
- local mts = ildb.get_ts(merge_id)
- if not mts then return end -- This may be the case when sync_tcb_neighbors
- -- inserts the same id twice. do nothing.
- if not ildb.may_modify_ts(rts) then return false end
- if not ildb.may_modify_ts(mts) then return false end
- -- cobble together the list of TCBs
- for _, msigd in ipairs(mts.tc_breaks) do
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(msigd)
+-- For the specified TS, go through the list of TCBs and purge all TCBs that have no corresponding backreference in their TCBS table.
+-- If the track section ends up empty, it is deleted in this process.
+-- Should the track section still exist after the purge operation, it is returned.
+function ildb.purge_ts_tcb_refs(ts_id)
+ local ts = track_sections[ts_id]
+ if not ts then
+ return nil
+ end
+ local has_changed = false
+ local i = 1
+ while ts.tc_breaks[i] do
+ -- get TCBS
+ local sigd = ts.tc_breaks[i]
+ local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
if tcbs then
- insert_sigd_nodouble(rts.tc_breaks, msigd)
- tcbs.ts_id = root_id
+ if tcbs.ts_id == ts_id then
+ -- this one is legit
+ i = i+1
+ else
+ -- this one is to be purged
+ --atdebug("purge_ts_tcb_refs(",ts_id,"): purging",sigd,"(backreference = ",tcbs.ts_id,")")
+ table.remove(ts.tc_breaks, i)
+ has_changed = true
+ end
+ else
+ -- if not tcbs: was anyway an orphan, remove it
+ --atdebug("purge_ts_tcb_refs(",ts_id,"): purging",sigd,"(referred nonexisting TCB)")
+ table.remove(ts.tc_breaks, i)
+ has_changed = true
- advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(msigd.p)
- -- done
- track_sections[merge_id] = nil
+ if #ts.tc_breaks == 0 then
+ -- remove the section completely
+ --atdebug("purge_ts_tcb_refs(",ts_id,"): after purging, the section is empty, is being deleted")
+ track_sections[ts_id] = nil
+ return nil
+ else
+ if has_changed then
+ -- needs to update route cache
+ ildb.update_rs_cache(ts_id)
+ end
+ return ts
+ end
-local lntrans = { "A", "B" }
-local function sigd_to_string(sigd)
- return minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p).." / "..lntrans[sigd.s]
+-- For the specified TCBS, make sure that the track section referenced by it
+-- (a) exists and
+-- (b) has a backreference to this TCBS stored in its tc_breaks list
+function ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(sigd)
+ local tcbs = sigd.tcbs or ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
+ if not tcbs or not tcbs.ts_id then return end
+ local ts = ildb.get_ts(tcbs.ts_id)
+ if not ts then
+ --atdebug("tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(",sigd,"): TS does not exist, setting to nil")
+ -- TS is deleted, clear own ts id
+ tcbs.ts_id = nil
+ return
+ end
+ local did_insert = insert_sigd_if_not_present(ts.tc_breaks, {p=sigd.p, s=sigd.s})
+ if did_insert then
+ --atdebug("tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(",sigd,"): TCBS was missing reference in TS",tcbs.ts_id)
+ ildb.update_rs_cache(tcbs.ts_id)
+ end
--- Check for near TCBs and connect to their TS if they have one, and syncs their data.
-function ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, connid)
- local found_tcbs = { {p = pos, s = connid} }
- local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
- if not node_ok then
- atwarn("update_tcb_neighbors but node is NOK: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
- return
+function ildb.create_ts_from_tcb_list(sigd_list)
+ local id = advtrains.random_id(8)
+ while track_sections[id] do
+ id = advtrains.random_id(8)
+ end
+ --atdebug("create_ts_from_tcb_list: sigd_list=",sigd_list, "new ID will be ",id)
+ local tcbr = {}
+ -- makes a copy of the sigd list, for use in repair mechanisms where sigd may contain a tcbs field which we dont want
+ for _, sigd in ipairs(sigd_list) do
+ table.insert(tcbr, {p=sigd.p, s=sigd.s})
+ local tcbs = sigd.tcbs or ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
+ if tcbs.ts_id then
+ error("Trying to create TS with TCBS that is already assigned to other section")
+ end
+ tcbs.ts_id = id
- --atdebug("Traversing from ",pos, connid)
- local counter_hit = traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, 0)
+ local new_ts = {
+ tc_breaks = tcbr
+ }
+ track_sections[id] = new_ts
+ -- update the TCB markers
+ for _, sigd in ipairs(sigd_list) do
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(sigd.p)
+ end
- local ts_id
- local list_eoi = {}
- local list_ok = {}
- local list_mismatch = {}
- local ts_to_merge = {}
- for idx, sigd in pairs(found_tcbs) do
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
- if not tcbs.ts_id then
- --atdebug("Sync: put",sigd_to_string(sigd),"into list_eoi")
- table.insert(list_eoi, sigd)
- elseif not ts_id and tcbs.ts_id then
- if not ildb.get_ts(tcbs.ts_id) then
- atwarn("Track section database is inconsistent, there's no TS with ID=",tcbs.ts_id)
- tcbs.ts_id = nil
- table.insert(list_eoi, sigd)
+ ildb.update_rs_cache(id)
+ return id, new_ts
+-- RS CACHE --
+node_from_to_list - cache of from-to connid mappings and their associated state.
+Acts like a cache, built on demand by ildb.get_possible_out_connids(nodename)
+node_name = {
+ from_connid = {
+ to_connid = state
+ }
+local node_from_to_state_cache = {}
+function ildb.get_possible_out_connids(node_name, in_connid)
+ if not node_from_to_state_cache[node_name] then
+ node_from_to_state_cache[node_name] = {}
+ end
+ local nt = node_from_to_state_cache[node_name]
+ if not nt[in_connid] then
+ local ta = {}
+ --atdebug("Node From/To State Cache: Caching for ",node_name,"connid",in_connid)
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name]
+ if ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
+ for state, tnode in pairs(ndef.advtrains.node_state_map) do
+ local tndef = minetest.registered_nodes[tnode]
+ -- verify that the conns table is identical - this is purely to catch setup errors!
+ if not tndef.at_conns or not tndef.at_conn_map then
+ --atdebug("ndef:",ndef,", tndef:",tndef)
+ error("In AT setup for node "..tnode..": Node set as state "..state.." of "..node_name.." in state_map, but is missing at_conns/at_conn_map!")
+ end
+ if #ndef.at_conns ~= #tndef.at_conns then
+ --atdebug("ndef:",ndef,", tndef:",tndef)
+ error("In AT setup for node "..tnode..": Conns table does not match that of "..node_name.." (of which this is state "..state..")")
+ end
+ for connid=1,#ndef.at_conns do
+ if ndef.at_conns[connid].c ~= tndef.at_conns[connid].c then
+ --atdebug("ndef:",ndef,", tndef:",tndef)
+ error("In AT setup for node "..tnode..": Conns table does not match that of "..node_name.." (of which this is state "..state..")")
+ end
+ end
+ -- do the actual caching by looking at the conn_map
+ local target_connid = tndef.at_conn_map[in_connid]
+ if ta[target_connid] then
+ -- Select the variant for which the other way would back-connect. This way, turnouts will switch to the appropriate branch if the train joins
+ local have_back_conn = (tndef.at_conn_map[target_connid])==in_connid
+ --atdebug("Found second state mapping",in_connid,"-",target_connid,"have_back_conn=",have_back_conn)
+ if have_back_conn then
+ --atdebug("Overwriting",in_connid,"-",target_connid,"=",state)
+ ta[target_connid] = state
+ end
+ else
+ --atdebug("Setting",in_connid,"-",target_connid,"=",state)
+ ta[target_connid] = state
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ error("Node From/To State Cache: "..node_name.." doesn't have a state map, is not a switchable track! Panic!")
+ end
+ nt[in_connid] = ta
+ end
+ return nt[in_connid]
+local function recursively_find_routes(s_pos, s_connid, locks_found, result_table, scan_limit)
+ --atdebug("Recursively restarting at ",s_pos, s_connid, "limit left", scan_limit)
+ local ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(s_pos, s_connid, scan_limit, false)
+ local pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_branch()
+ pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_track()-- step once to get ahead of previous turnout
+ local last_pos
+ repeat
+ local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node_or_nil(pos)
+ --atdebug("Walk ",pos, "nodename", node.name, "entering at conn",bconnid)
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
+ -- Stop, this is a switchable node. Find out which conns we can go at
+ --atdebug("Found turnout ",pos, "nodename", node.name, "entering at conn",bconnid)
+ local pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ if locks_found[pts] then
+ -- we've been here before. Stop
+ --atdebug("Was already seen! returning")
+ return
+ end
+ local out_conns = ildb.get_possible_out_connids(node.name, bconnid)
+ for oconnid, state in pairs(out_conns) do
+ --atdebug("Going in direction",oconnid,"state",state)
+ locks_found[pts] = state
+ recursively_find_routes(pos, oconnid, locks_found, result_table, ti.limit)
+ locks_found[pts] = nil
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ --otherwise, this might be a tcb
+ local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(pos)
+ if tcb then
+ -- we found a tcb, store the current locks in the result_table
+ local end_pkey = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ --atdebug("Found end TCB", pos, end_pkey,", returning")
+ if result_table[end_pkey] then
+ atwarn("While caching track section routing, found multiple route paths within same track section. Only first one found will be used")
- --atdebug("Sync: put",sigd_to_string(sigd),"into list_ok")
- ts_id = tcbs.ts_id
- table.insert(list_ok, sigd)
+ result_table[end_pkey] = table.copy(locks_found)
- elseif ts_id and tcbs.ts_id and tcbs.ts_id ~= ts_id then
- atwarn("Track section database is inconsistent, sections share track!")
- atwarn("Merging",tcbs.ts_id,"into",ts_id,".")
- table.insert(list_mismatch, sigd)
- table.insert(ts_to_merge, tcbs.ts_id)
+ return
+ -- Go forward
+ last_pos = pos
+ pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_track()
+ until not pos -- this stops the loop when either the track end is reached or the limit is hit
+ --atdebug("recursively_find_routes: Reached track end or limit at", last_pos, ". This path is not saved, returning")
+-- Updates the turnout cache of the given track section
+function ildb.update_rs_cache(ts_id)
+ local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
+ if not ts then
+ error("Update TS Cache called with nonexisting ts_id "..(ts_id or "nil"))
- if ts_id then
- local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
- for _, sigd in ipairs(list_eoi) do
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
- tcbs.ts_id = ts_id
- table.insert(ts.tc_breaks, sigd)
- advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(sigd.p)
+ local rscache = {}
+ --atdebug("== Running update_rs_cache for ",ts_id)
+ -- start on every of the TS's TCBs, walk the track forward and store locks along the way
+ for start_tcbi, start_tcbs in ipairs(ts.tc_breaks) do
+ start_pkey = advtrains.encode_pos(start_tcbs.p)
+ rscache[start_pkey] = {}
+ --atdebug("Starting for ",start_tcbi, start_tcbs)
+ local locks_found = {}
+ local result_table = {}
+ recursively_find_routes(start_tcbs.p, start_tcbs.s, locks_found, result_table, TS_MAX_SCAN)
+ -- now result_table contains found route locks. Match them with the other TCBs we have in this section
+ for end_tcbi, end_tcbs in ipairs(ts.tc_breaks) do
+ if end_tcbi ~= start_tcbi then
+ end_pkey = advtrains.encode_pos(end_tcbs.p)
+ if result_table[end_pkey] then
+ --atdebug("Set RSCache entry",end_pkey.."-"..end_pkey,"=",result_table[end_pkey])
+ rscache[start_pkey][end_pkey] = result_table[end_pkey]
+ result_table[end_pkey] = nil
+ end
+ end
- for _, mts in ipairs(ts_to_merge) do
- merge_ts(ts_id, mts)
+ -- warn about superfluous entry
+ for sup_end_pkey, sup_entry in pairs(result_table) do
+ --atwarn("In update_rs_cache for section",ts_id,"found superfluous endpoint",sup_end_pkey,"->",sup_entry)
+ ts.rs_cache = rscache
+ --atdebug("== Done update_rs_cache for ",ts_id, "result:",rscache)
-function ildb.link_track_sections(merge_id, root_id)
- if merge_id == root_id then
- return
+--- DB API functions
+local lntrans = { "A", "B" }
+function ildb.sigd_to_string(sigd)
+ return minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p).." / "..lntrans[sigd.s]
+-- Create a new TCB at the position and update/repair the adjoining sections
+function ildb.create_tcb_at(pos)
+ --atdebug("create_tcb_at",pos)
+ local pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ track_circuit_breaks[pts] = {[1] = {}, [2] = {}}
+ local all_tcbs_1 = ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(pos, 1)
+ --atdebug("TCBs on A side",all_tcbs_1)
+ local all_tcbs_2 = ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(pos, 2)
+ --atdebug("TCBs on B side",all_tcbs_2)
+ -- perform TS repair
+ ildb.repair_ts_merge_all(all_tcbs_1, false)
+ ildb.repair_ts_merge_all(all_tcbs_2, false)
+-- Remove TCB at the position and update/repair the now joined section
+function ildb.remove_tcb_at(pos)
+ --atdebug("remove_tcb_at",pos)
+ local pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ local old_tcb = track_circuit_breaks[pts]
+ track_circuit_breaks[pts] = nil
+ -- purge the track sections adjacent
+ if old_tcb[1].ts_id then
+ ildb.purge_ts_tcb_refs(old_tcb[1].ts_id)
- merge_ts(root_id, merge_id)
+ if old_tcb[2].ts_id then
+ ildb.purge_ts_tcb_refs(old_tcb[2].ts_id)
+ end
+ -- update xlink partners
+ if old_tcb[1].xlink then
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(old_tcb[1].xlink)
+ end
+ if old_tcb[2].xlink then
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(old_tcb[2].xlink)
+ end
+ advtrains.interlocking.remove_tcb_marker(pos)
+ -- If needed, merge the track sections here
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos, nil)
+ return true
-function ildb.remove_from_interlocking(sigd)
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
- if not ildb.may_modify_tcbs(tcbs) then return false end
- if tcbs.ts_id then
- local tsid = tcbs.ts_id
- local ts = ildb.get_ts(tsid)
- if not ts then
- tcbs.ts_id = nil
- return true
+-- Xlink: Connecting not-physically-connected sections handling
+-- Ensures that the xlink of this tcbs is bidirectional
+function ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(sigd, suppress_repairs)
+ local tcbs = sigd.tcbs or ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
+ local osigd = tcbs.xlink
+ if not osigd then return end
+ local otcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(tcbs.xlink)
+ if not otcbs then
+ --atdebug("validate_tcb_xlink",sigd,": Link partner ",osigd,"orphaned")
+ tcbs.xlink = nil
+ if not suppress_repairs then
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(sigd.p, sigd.s)
- -- remove entry from the list
- local idx = 1
- while idx <= #ts.tc_breaks do
- local cmp = ts.tc_breaks[idx]
- if sigd_equal(sigd, cmp) then
- table.remove(ts.tc_breaks, idx)
- else
- idx = idx + 1
+ return
+ end
+ if otcbs.xlink then
+ if not vector.equals(otcbs.xlink.p, sigd.p) or otcbs.xlink.s~=sigd.s then
+ --atdebug("validate_tcb_xlink",sigd,": Link partner ",osigd,"backreferencing to someone else (namely",otcbs.xlink,") clearing it")
+ tcbs.xlink = nil
+ if not suppress_repairs then
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(sigd.p, sigd.s)
+ --atdebug("validate_tcb_xlink",sigd,": Link partner ",osigd," was backreferencing to someone else, now updating that")
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(osigd)
- tcbs.ts_id = nil
- --ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(sigd.p, sigd.s)
- if #ts.tc_breaks == 0 then
- track_sections[tsid] = nil
+ else
+ --atdebug("validate_tcb_xlink",sigd,": Link partner ",osigd,"wasn't backreferencing, clearing it")
+ tcbs.xlink = nil
+ if not suppress_repairs then
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(sigd.p, sigd.s)
- advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(sigd.p)
- if tcbs.signal then
- return false
- end
- return true
-function ildb.remove_tcb(pos)
- local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
- if not track_circuit_breaks[pts] then
- return true --FIX: not an error, because tcb is already removed
+function ildb.add_tcb_xlink(sigd1, sigd2)
+ --("add_tcb_xlink",sigd1, sigd2)
+ local tcbs1 = sigd1.tcbs or ildb.get_tcbs(sigd1)
+ local tcbs2 = sigd2.tcbs or ildb.get_tcbs(sigd2)
+ if vector.equals(sigd1.p, sigd2.p) then
+ --atdebug("add_tcb_xlink Cannot xlink with same TCB")
+ return
- for connid=1,2 do
- if not ildb.remove_from_interlocking({p=pos, s=connid}) then
- return false
- end
+ if not tcbs1 or not tcbs2 then
+ --atdebug("add_tcb_xlink TCBS doesnt exist")
+ return
- track_circuit_breaks[pts] = nil
- return true
+ if tcbs1.xlink or tcbs2.xlink then
+ --atdebug("add_tcb_xlink One already linked")
+ return
+ end
+ -- apply link
+ tcbs1.xlink = {p=sigd2.p, s=sigd2.s}
+ tcbs2.xlink = {p=sigd1.p, s=sigd1.s}
+ -- update section. It should be sufficient to call update only once because the TCBs are linked anyway now
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(sigd1.p, sigd1.s)
-function ildb.dissolve_ts(ts_id)
- local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
- if not ildb.may_modify_ts(ts) then return false end
- local tcbr = advtrains.merge_tables(ts.tc_breaks)
- for _,sigd in ipairs(tcbr) do
- ildb.remove_from_interlocking(sigd)
+function ildb.remove_tcb_xlink(sigd)
+ --atdebug("remove_tcb_xlink",sigd)
+ -- Validate first. If Xlink is gone already then, nothing to do
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink(sigd)
+ -- Checking all of these already done by validate
+ local tcbs = sigd.tcbs or ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
+ local osigd = tcbs.xlink
+ if not osigd then
+ -- validate already cleared us
+ --atdebug("remove_tcb_xlink: Already gone by validate")
+ return
- -- Note: ts gets removed in the moment of the removal of the last TCB.
- return true
+ local otcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(tcbs.xlink)
+ -- clear it
+ otcbs.xlink = nil
+ tcbs.xlink = nil
+ -- Update section for ourself and the other one
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(sigd.p, sigd.s)
+ ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(osigd.p, osigd.s)
+function ildb.create_ts_from_tcbs(sigd)
+ --atdebug("create_ts_from_tcbs",sigd)
+ local all_tcbs = ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(sigd.p, sigd.s)
+ ildb.repair_ts_merge_all(all_tcbs, true)
+-- Remove the given track section, leaving its TCBs with no section assigned
+function ildb.remove_ts(ts_id)
+ --atdebug("remove_ts",ts_id)
+ local ts = track_sections[ts_id]
+ if not ts then
+ error("remove_ts: "..ts_id.." doesn't exist")
+ end
+ while ts.tc_breaks[i] do
+ -- get TCBS
+ local sigd = ts.tc_breaks[i]
+ local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
+ if tcbs then
+ --atdebug("cleared TCB",sigd)
+ tcbs.ts_id = nil
+ else
+ --atdebug("orphan TCB",sigd)
+ end
+ i = i+1
+ end
+ track_sections[ts_id] = nil
-- Returns true if it is allowed to modify any property of a track section, such as
@@ -516,38 +948,8 @@ function ildb.may_modify_tcbs(tcbs)
return true
--- Utilize the traverser to find the track section at the specified position
--- Returns:
--- ts_id, origin - the first found ts and the sigd of the found tcb
--- nil - there were no TCBs in TRAVERSER_MAX range of the position
--- false - the first found TCB stated End-Of-Interlocking, or track ends were reached
-function ildb.get_ts_at_pos(pos)
- local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
- if not node_ok then
- error("get_ts_at_pos but node is NOK: "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
- end
- local limit_hit = false
- local found_tcbs = {}
- for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do -- Note: a breadth-first-search would be better for performance
- limit_hit = limit_hit or traverser(found_tcbs, pos, conns, connid, 0, 1)
- if #found_tcbs >= 1 then
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(found_tcbs[1])
- local ts
- if tcbs.ts_id then
- return tcbs.ts_id, found_tcbs[1]
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- if limit_hit then
- -- there was at least one limit hit
- return nil
- else
- -- all traverser ends were track ends
- return false
- end
+-- Signals/IP --
-- returns the sigd the signal at pos belongs to, if this is known
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua
index 9aa0c06..dd08b4a 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ dofile(modpath.."tool.lua")
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/route_prog.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/route_prog.lua
index 6abe431..34807cd 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/route_prog.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/route_prog.lua
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ C. punch a turnout (or some other passive component) to fix its state (toggle)
The route visualization will also be used to visualize routes after they have been programmed.
+-- TODO duplicate
+local lntrans = { "A", "B" }
+local function sigd_to_string(sigd)
+ return minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p).." / "..lntrans[sigd.s]
-- table with objectRefs
local markerent = {}
@@ -237,10 +242,10 @@ local function get_last_route_item(origin, route)
return route[#route].next
-local function do_advance_route(pname, rp, sigd, tsname)
+local function do_advance_route(pname, rp, sigd, tsref)
table.insert(rp.route, {next = sigd, locks = rp.tmp_lcks})
rp.tmp_lcks = {}
- chat(pname, "Added track section '"..tsname.."' to the route.")
+ chat(pname, "Added track section '"..(tsref and (tsref.name or "") or "--EOI--").."' to the route.")
local function finishrpform(pname)
@@ -253,8 +258,9 @@ local function finishrpform(pname)
local term_tcbs = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcbs(terminal)
if term_tcbs.signal then
+ local signalname = (term_tcbs.signal_name or "") .. sigd_to_string(terminal)
form = form .. "label[0.5,1.5;Route ends at signal:]"
- form = form .. "label[0.5,2 ;"..term_tcbs.signal_name.."]"
+ form = form .. "label[0.5,2 ;"..signalname.."]"
form = form .. "label[0.5,1.5;WARNING: Route does not end at a signal.]"
form = form .. "label[0.5,2 ;Routes should in most cases end at signals.]"
@@ -423,20 +429,20 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if fields.advance then
-- advance route
if not is_endpoint then
- do_advance_route(pname, rp, this_sigd, this_ts.name)
+ do_advance_route(pname, rp, this_sigd, this_ts)
if fields.endhere then
if not is_endpoint then
- do_advance_route(pname, rp, this_sigd, this_ts.name)
+ do_advance_route(pname, rp, this_sigd, this_ts)
if can_over and fields.endover then
if not is_endpoint then
- do_advance_route(pname, rp, this_sigd, this_ts.name)
+ do_advance_route(pname, rp, this_sigd, this_ts)
- do_advance_route(pname, rp, over_sigd, over_ts and over_ts.name or "--EOI--")
+ do_advance_route(pname, rp, over_sigd, over_ts)
@@ -486,6 +492,8 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local terminal = get_last_route_item(rp.origin, rp.route)
rp.route.terminal = terminal
rp.route.name = fields.name
+ -- new routes now always use the rscache
+ rp.route.use_rscache = true
table.insert(tcbs.routes, rp.route)
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/route_ui.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/route_ui.lua
index 1999941..a1a331d 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/route_ui.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/route_ui.lua
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function atil.show_route_edit_form(pname, sigd, routeid)
local function itab(t)
tab[#tab+1] = minetest.formspec_escape(string.gsub(t, ",", " "))
- itab("TCB "..sigd_to_string(sigd).." ("..tcbs.signal_name..") Route #"..routeid)
+ itab("TCB "..sigd_to_string(sigd).." ("..(tcbs.signal_name or "")..") Route #"..routeid)
-- this code is partially copy-pasted from routesetting.lua
-- we start at the tc designated by signal
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/routesetting.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/routesetting.lua
index 9973569..24b3199 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/routesetting.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/routesetting.lua
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ function ilrs.set_route(signal, route, try)
local first = true
local i = 1
local rtename = route.name
- local signalname = ildb.get_tcbs(signal).signal_name
+ local signalname = (ildb.get_tcbs(signal).signal_name or "") .. sigd_to_string(signal)
local c_tcbs, c_ts_id, c_ts, c_rseg, c_lckp
local signals = {}
local nodst
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function ilrs.set_route(signal, route, try)
c_tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(c_sigd)
if not c_tcbs then
if not try then atwarn("Did not find TCBS",c_sigd,"while setting route",rtename,"of",signal) end
- return false, "No TCB found at "..sigd_to_string(c_sigd)..". Please reconfigure route!"
+ return false, "No TCB found at "..sigd_to_string(c_sigd)..". Please update or reconfigure route!"
if i == 1 then
nodst = c_tcbs.nodst
@@ -74,28 +74,49 @@ function ilrs.set_route(signal, route, try)
return false, "Section '"..c_ts.name.."' is occupied!", c_ts_id, nil
- for pts, state in pairs(c_rseg.locks) do
+ -- collect locks from rs cache and from route def
+ local c_locks = {}
+ if route.use_rscache and c_ts.rs_cache and c_rseg.next then
+ -- rscache needs to be enabled, present and next must be defined
+ start_pkey = advtrains.encode_pos(c_sigd.p)
+ end_pkey = advtrains.encode_pos(c_rseg.next.p)
+ if c_ts.rs_cache[start_pkey] and c_ts.rs_cache[start_pkey][end_pkey] then
+ for lp,lst in pairs(c_ts.rs_cache[start_pkey][end_pkey]) do
+ atdebug("Add lock from RSCache:",lp,"->",lst)
+ c_locks[lp] = lst
+ end
+ elseif not try then
+ atwarn("While setting route",rtename,"of",signal,"segment "..i..",required path from",c_tcbs,"to",c_rseg.next,"was not found in the track section's RS cache. Please check!")
+ end
+ end
+ -- add all from locks, these override the rscache
+ for lpts,lst in pairs(c_rseg.locks) do
+ atdebug("Add lock from Routedef:",lp,"->",lst,"overrides",c_locks[lp] or "none")
+ c_locks[lp] = lst
+ end
+ for lp, state in pairs(c_locks) do
local confl = ilrs.has_route_lock(pts, state)
- local pos = minetest.string_to_pos(pts)
+ local pos = advtrains.decode_pos(lp)
if advtrains.is_passive(pos) then
local cstate = advtrains.getstate(pos)
if cstate ~= state then
- local confl = ilrs.has_route_lock(pts)
+ local confl = ilrs.has_route_lock(lp)
if confl then
- if not try then atwarn("Encountered route lock while a real run of routesetting routine, at position",pts,"while setting route",rtename,"of",signal) end
- return false, "Lock conflict at "..pts..", Held locked by:\n"..confl, nil, pts
+ if not try then atwarn("Encountered route lock while a real run of routesetting routine, at position",pos,"while setting route",rtename,"of",signal) end
+ return false, "Lock conflict at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..", Held locked by:\n"..confl, nil, lp
elseif not try then
advtrains.setstate(pos, state)
if not try then
- ilrs.add_route_lock(pts, c_ts_id, "Route '"..rtename.."' from signal '"..signalname.."'", signal)
- c_lckp[#c_lckp+1] = pts
+ ilrs.add_route_lock(lp, c_ts_id, "Route '"..rtename.."' from signal '"..signalname.."'", signal)
+ c_lckp[#c_lckp+1] = lp
if not try then atwarn("Encountered route lock misconfiguration (no passive component) while a real run of routesetting routine, at position",pts,"while setting route",rtename,"of",signal) end
- return false, "No passive component at "..pts..". Please reconfigure route!"
+ return false, "No passive component at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)..". Please update track section or reconfigure route!"
-- reserve ts and write locks
@@ -152,6 +173,8 @@ function ilrs.set_route(signal, route, try)
return true
+-- Change 2024-01-27: pts is not an encoded pos, not a pos-to-string!
-- Checks whether there is a route lock that prohibits setting the component
-- to the wanted state. returns string with reasons on conflict
function ilrs.has_route_lock(pts)
@@ -217,7 +240,7 @@ function ilrs.free_route_locks_indiv(pts, ts, nocallbacks)
-- TODO use luaautomation timers?
if not nocallbacks then
minetest.after(0, ilrs.update_waiting, "lck", pts)
- minetest.after(0.5, advtrains.set_fallback_state, minetest.string_to_pos(pts))
+ minetest.after(0.5, advtrains.set_fallback_state, advtrains.decode_pos(pts))
-- frees all route locks, even manual ones set with the tool, at a specific position
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/tcb_ts_ui.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/tcb_ts_ui.lua
index 9aea18c..bfec648 100755
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/tcb_ts_ui.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/tcb_ts_ui.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
local players_assign_tcb = {}
local players_assign_signal = {}
+local players_assign_xlink = {}
local players_link_ts = {}
local ildb = advtrains.interlocking.db
@@ -89,12 +90,8 @@ minetest.register_node("advtrains_interlocking:tcb_node", {
local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(tcbpos)
if not tcb then return true end
for connid=1,2 do
- if tcb[connid].ts_id or tcb[connid].signal then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Can't remove TCB: Both sides must have no track section and no signal assigned!")
- return false
- end
- if not ildb.may_modify_tcbs(tcb[connid]) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Can't remove TCB: Side "..connid.." forbids modification (shouldn't happen).")
+ if tcb[connid].signal then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Can't remove TCB: Both sides must have no signal assigned!")
return false
@@ -103,18 +100,11 @@ minetest.register_node("advtrains_interlocking:tcb_node", {
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, player)
if not oldmetadata or not oldmetadata.fields then return end
+ local pname = player:get_player_name()
local tcbpts = oldmetadata.fields.tcb_pos
if tcbpts and tcbpts ~= "" then
local tcbpos = minetest.string_to_pos(tcbpts)
- local success = ildb.remove_tcb(tcbpos)
- if success and player then
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "TCB has been removed.")
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Failed to remove TCB!")
- minetest.set_node(pos, oldnode)
- local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
- meta:set_string("tcb_pos", minetest.pos_to_string(tcbpos))
- end
+ ildb.remove_tcb_at(tcbpos, pname)
@@ -168,19 +158,18 @@ minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
if vector.distance(pos, tcbnpos)<=20 then
local node_ok, conns, rhe = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos, advtrains.all_tracktypes)
if node_ok and #conns == 2 then
- local ok = ildb.create_tcb(pos)
- if not ok then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: TCB already exists at this position! It has now been re-assigned.")
+ -- if there is already a tcb here, reassign it
+ if ildb.get_tcb(pos) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Already existed at this position, it is now linked to this TCB marker")
+ else
+ ildb.create_tcb_at(pos, pname)
- ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, 1)
- ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, 2)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(tcbnpos)
meta:set_string("tcb_pos", minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
meta:set_string("infotext", "TCB assigned to "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos))
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Successfully configured TCB")
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(pos)
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: This is not a normal two-connection rail! Aborted.")
@@ -198,24 +187,17 @@ minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
if is_signal then
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.set_aspect then
- if ndef.advtrains.supported_aspects and not ndef.advtrains.supported_aspects.dst_shift then
- local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
- if tcbs then
- tcbs.signal = pos
- if not tcbs.signal_name then
- tcbs.signal_name = "Signal at "..minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p)
- end
- if not tcbs.routes then
- tcbs.routes = {}
- end
- ildb.set_sigd_for_signal(pos, sigd)
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Successfully assigned signal.")
- advtrains.interlocking.show_ip_form(pos, pname, true)
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Internal error, TCBS doesn't exist. Aborted.")
+ local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
+ if tcbs then
+ tcbs.signal = pos
+ if not tcbs.routes then
+ tcbs.routes = {}
+ ildb.set_sigd_for_signal(pos, sigd)
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Successfully assigned signal.")
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_ip_form(pos, pname, true)
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Cannot use distant signal. Aborted.")
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Internal error, TCBS doesn't exist. Aborted.")
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Configuring TCB: Cannot use static signals for routesetting. Aborted.")
@@ -232,29 +214,37 @@ end)
-- TCB Form
-local function mktcbformspec(tcbs, btnpref, offset, pname)
+local function mktcbformspec(pos, side, tcbs, offset, pname)
local form = ""
+ local btnpref = side==1 and "A" or "B"
local ts
+ -- ensure that mapping and xlink are up to date
+ ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists({p=pos, s=side, tcbs=tcbs})
+ ildb.validate_tcb_xlink({p=pos, s=side, tcbs=tcbs})
+ -- Note: repair operations may have been triggered by this
if tcbs.ts_id then
ts = ildb.get_ts(tcbs.ts_id)
if ts then
- form = form.."label[0.5,"..offset..";Side "..btnpref..": "..minetest.formspec_escape(ts.name).."]"
+ form = form.."label[0.5,"..offset..";Side "..btnpref..": "..minetest.formspec_escape(ts.name or tcbs.ts_id).."]"
form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+0.5)..";5,1;"..btnpref.."_gotots;Show track section]"
- if ildb.may_modify_tcbs(tcbs) then
- -- Note: the security check to prohibit those actions is located in database.lua in the corresponding functions.
- form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";2.5,1;"..btnpref.."_update;Update near TCBs]"
- form = form.."button[3 ,"..(offset+1.5)..";2.5,1;"..btnpref.."_remove;Remove from section]"
- end
tcbs.ts_id = nil
form = form.."label[0.5,"..offset..";Side "..btnpref..": ".."End of interlocking]"
form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+0.5)..";5,1;"..btnpref.."_makeil;Create Interlocked Track Section]"
- --if tcbs.section_free then
- --form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";5,1;"..btnpref.."_setlocked;Section is free]"
- --else
- --form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";5,1;"..btnpref.."_setfree;Section is blocked]"
- --end
+ end
+ -- xlink
+ if tcbs.xlink then
+ form = form.."label[0.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";Link:"..ildb.sigd_to_string(tcbs.xlink).."]"
+ form = form.."button[4.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";1,1;"..btnpref.."_xlinkdel;X]"
+ else
+ if players_assign_xlink[pname] then
+ form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";4,1;"..btnpref.."_xlinklink;Link "..ildb.sigd_to_string(players_assign_xlink[pname]).."]"
+ form = form.."button[4.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";1,1;"..btnpref.."_xlinkabrt;X]"
+ else
+ form = form.."label[0.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";No Link]"
+ form = form.."button[4.5,"..(offset+1.5)..";1,1;"..btnpref.."_xlinkadd;+]"
+ end
if tcbs.signal then
form = form.."button[0.5,"..(offset+2.5)..";5,1;"..btnpref.."_sigdia;Signalling]"
@@ -274,8 +264,8 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_form(pos, pname)
if not tcb then return end
local form = "size[6,9] label[0.5,0.5;Track Circuit Break Configuration]"
- form = form .. mktcbformspec(tcb[1], "A", 1, pname)
- form = form .. mktcbformspec(tcb[2], "B", 5, pname)
+ form = form .. mktcbformspec(pos, 1, tcb[1], 1, pname)
+ form = form .. mktcbformspec(pos, 2, tcb[2], 5, pname)
minetest.show_formspec(pname, "at_il_tcbconfig_"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos), form)
@@ -302,13 +292,13 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local tcb = ildb.get_tcb(pos)
if not tcb then return end
local f_gotots = {fields.A_gotots, fields.B_gotots}
- local f_update = {fields.A_update, fields.B_update}
- local f_remove = {fields.A_remove, fields.B_remove}
local f_makeil = {fields.A_makeil, fields.B_makeil}
- local f_setlocked = {fields.A_setlocked, fields.B_setlocked}
- local f_setfree = {fields.A_setfree, fields.B_setfree}
local f_asnsig = {fields.A_asnsig, fields.B_asnsig}
local f_sigdia = {fields.A_sigdia, fields.B_sigdia}
+ local f_xlinkadd = {fields.A_xlinkadd, fields.B_xlinkadd}
+ local f_xlinkdel = {fields.A_xlinkdel, fields.B_xlinkdel}
+ local f_xlinklink = {fields.A_xlinklink, fields.B_xlinklink}
+ local f_xlinkabrt = {fields.A_xlinkabrt, fields.B_xlinkabrt}
for connid=1,2 do
local tcbs = tcb[connid]
@@ -317,28 +307,33 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(tcbs.ts_id, pname)
- if f_update[connid] then
- ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, connid)
- end
- if f_remove[connid] then
- ildb.remove_from_interlocking({p=pos, s=connid})
- end
if f_makeil[connid] then
- -- try sinc_tcb_neighbors first
- ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, connid)
- -- if that didn't work, create new section
if not tcbs.ts_id then
- ildb.create_ts({p=pos, s=connid})
- ildb.sync_tcb_neighbors(pos, connid)
+ ildb.create_ts_from_tcbs({p=pos, s=connid})
- -- non-interlocked
- if f_setfree[connid] then
- tcbs.section_free = true
+ end
+ if tcbs.xlink then
+ if f_xlinkdel[connid] then
+ ildb.remove_tcb_xlink({p=pos, s=connid})
- if f_setlocked[connid] then
- tcbs.section_free = nil
+ else
+ local osigd = players_assign_xlink[pname]
+ if osigd then
+ if f_xlinklink[connid] then
+ ildb.add_tcb_xlink({p=pos, s=connid}, osigd)
+ players_assign_xlink[pname] = nil
+ elseif f_xlinkabrt[connid] then
+ players_assign_xlink[pname] = nil
+ end
+ else
+ if f_xlinkadd[connid] then
+ players_assign_xlink[pname] = {p=pos, s=connid}
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "TCB Link: Select linked TCB now!")
+ minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
+ return -- to not reopen form
+ end
if f_asnsig[connid] and not tcbs.signal then
@@ -362,10 +357,7 @@ end)
-- TS Formspec
--- textlist selection temporary storage
-local ts_pselidx = {}
-function advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(ts_id, pname, sel_tcb)
+function advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(ts_id, pname)
if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "interlocking") then
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Insufficient privileges to use this!")
@@ -374,7 +366,7 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(ts_id, pname, sel_tcb)
if not ts_id then return end
local form = "size[10,10]label[0.5,0.5;Track Section Detail - "..ts_id.."]"
- form = form.."field[0.8,2;5.2,1;name;Section name;"..minetest.formspec_escape(ts.name).."]"
+ form = form.."field[0.8,2;5.2,1;name;Section name;"..minetest.formspec_escape(ts.name or "").."]"
form = form.."button[5.5,1.7;1,1;setname;Set]"
local hint
@@ -387,26 +379,8 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(ts_id, pname, sel_tcb)
form = form.."textlist[0.5,3;5,3;tcblist;"..table.concat(strtab, ",").."]"
if ildb.may_modify_ts(ts) then
- if players_link_ts[pname] then
- local other_id = players_link_ts[pname]
- local other_ts = ildb.get_ts(other_id)
- if other_ts then
- if ildb.may_modify_ts(other_ts) then
- form = form.."button[5.5,3;3.5,1;mklink;Join with "..minetest.formspec_escape(other_ts.name).."]"
- form = form.."button[9 ,3;0.5,1;cancellink;X]"
- end
- end
- else
- form = form.."button[5.5,3;4,1;link;Join into other section]"
- hint = 1
- end
- form = form.."button[5.5,4;4,1;dissolve;Dissolve Section]"
+ form = form.."button[5.5,4;4,1;remove;Remove Section]"
form = form.."tooltip[dissolve;This will remove the track section and set all its end points to End Of Interlocking]"
- if sel_tcb then
- form = form.."button[5.5,5;4,1;del_tcb;Unlink selected TCB]"
- hint = 2
- end
@@ -425,17 +399,12 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(ts_id, pname, sel_tcb)
form = form.."button[5.5,7;4,1;reset;Reset section state]"
- if hint == 1 then
- form = form.."label[0.5,0.75;Use the 'Join' button to designate rail crosses and link not listed far-away TCBs]"
- elseif hint == 2 then
- form = form.."label[0.5,0.75;Unlinking a TCB will set it to non-interlocked mode.]"
- elseif hint == 3 then
+ if hint == 3 then
form = form.."label[0.5,0.75;You cannot modify track sections when a route is set or a train is on the section.]"
--form = form.."label[0.5,1;Trying to unlink a TCB directly connected to this track will not work.]"
- ts_pselidx[pname]=sel_tcb
minetest.show_formspec(pname, "at_il_tsconfig_"..ts_id, form)
@@ -447,45 +416,15 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
-- independent of the formspec, clear this whenever some formspec event happens
- local tpsi = ts_pselidx[pname]
- ts_pselidx[pname] = nil
local ts_id = string.match(formname, "^at_il_tsconfig_(.+)$")
if ts_id and not fields.quit then
local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
if not ts then return end
- local sel_tcb
- if fields.tcblist then
- local tev = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.tcblist)
- sel_tcb = tev.index
- ts_pselidx[pname] = sel_tcb
- elseif tpsi then
- sel_tcb = tpsi
- end
if ildb.may_modify_ts(ts) then
- if players_link_ts[pname] then
- if fields.cancellink then
- players_link_ts[pname] = nil
- elseif fields.mklink then
- ildb.link_track_sections(players_link_ts[pname], ts_id)
- players_link_ts[pname] = nil
- end
- end
- if fields.del_tcb and sel_tcb and sel_tcb > 0 and sel_tcb <= #ts.tc_breaks then
- if not ildb.remove_from_interlocking(ts.tc_breaks[sel_tcb]) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Please unassign signal first!")
- end
- sel_tcb = nil
- end
- if fields.link then
- players_link_ts[pname] = ts_id
- end
- if fields.dissolve then
- ildb.dissolve_ts(ts_id)
+ if fields.remove then
+ ildb.remove_ts(ts_id)
minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
@@ -494,7 +433,7 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if fields.setname then
ts.name = fields.name
if ts.name == "" then
- ts.name = "Section "..ts_id
+ ts.name = nil
@@ -571,7 +510,7 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(pos)
ts = ildb.get_ts(tcbs.ts_id)
if ts then
- itex[connid] = ts.name
+ itex[connid] = ts.name or tcbs.ts_id or "???"
itex[connid] = "--EOI--"
@@ -594,6 +533,36 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(pos)
markerent[pts] = obj
+function advtrains.interlocking.remove_tcb_marker(pos)
+ local pts = advtrains.roundfloorpts(pos)
+ if markerent[pts] then
+ markerent[pts]:remove()
+ end
+ markerent[pts] = nil
+local ts_showparticles_callback = function(pos, connid, bconnid)
+ minetest.add_particle({
+ pos = pos,
+ velocity = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ acceleration = {x=0, y=0, z=0},
+ expirationtime = 10,
+ size = 7,
+ vertical = true,
+ texture = "at_il_ts_highlight_particle.png",
+ glow = 6,
+ })
+-- Spawns particles to highlight the clicked track section
+-- TODO: Adapt behavior to not dumb-walk anymore
+function advtrains.interlocking.highlight_track_section(pos)
+ local all_tcbs = ildb.get_all_tcbs_adjacent(pos, nil, ts_showparticles_callback)
+ for _,sigd in ipairs(all_tcbs) do
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(sigd.p)
+ end
-- Signalling formspec - set routes a.s.o
-- textlist selection temporary storage
@@ -610,11 +579,10 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.show_signalling_form(sigd, pname, sel_rte, calle
local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs(sigd)
if not tcbs.signal then return end
- if not tcbs.signal_name then tcbs.signal_name = "Signal at "..minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p) end
if not tcbs.routes then tcbs.routes = {} end
local form = "size[7,10.25]label[0.5,0.5;Signal at "..minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p).."]"
- form = form.."field[0.8,1.5;5.2,1;name;Signal name;"..minetest.formspec_escape(tcbs.signal_name).."]"
+ form = form.."field[0.8,1.5;5.2,1;name;Signal name;"..minetest.formspec_escape(tcbs.signal_name or "").."]"
form = form.."button[5.5,1.2;1,1;setname;Set]"
if tcbs.routeset then
@@ -743,7 +711,11 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
sel_rte = tpsi
if fields.setname and fields.name and hasprivs then
- tcbs.signal_name = fields.name
+ if fields.name == "" then
+ tcbs.signal_name = nil -- do not save a signal name if it isnt used (equivalent to track sections)
+ else
+ tcbs.signal_name = fields.name
+ end
if tcbs.routeset and fields.cancelroute then
if tcbs.routes[tcbs.routeset] and tcbs.routes[tcbs.routeset].ars then
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/textures/at_il_ts_highlight_particle.png b/advtrains_interlocking/textures/at_il_ts_highlight_particle.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ba3622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/textures/at_il_ts_highlight_particle.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua
index 5d38b3a..4ebc56c 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua
@@ -3,14 +3,74 @@
local ilrs = advtrains.interlocking.route
+local function node_right_click(pos, pname)
+ if advtrains.is_passive(pos) then
+ local form = "size[7,5]label[0.5,0.5;Route lock inspector]"
+ local pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ local rtl = ilrs.has_route_lock(pts)
+ if rtl then
+ form = form.."label[0.5,1;Route locks currently put:\n"..rtl.."]"
+ form = form.."button_exit[0.5,3.5; 5,1;clear;Clear]"
+ else
+ form = form.."label[0.5,1;No route locks set]"
+ form = form.."button_exit[0.5,3.5; 5,1;emplace;Emplace manual lock]"
+ end
+ minetest.show_formspec(pname, "at_il_rtool_"..pts, form)
+ return
+ end
+ -- If not a turnout, check the track section and show a form
+ local node_ok, conns, rail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ if not node_ok then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Node is not a track!")
+ return
+ end
+ if advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcb(pos) then
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_form(pos, pname)
+ return
+ end
+ local ts_id = advtrains.interlocking.db.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos)
+ if ts_id then
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_ts_form(ts_id, pname)
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "No track section at this location!")
+ end
+local function node_left_click(pos, pname)
+ local node_ok, conns, rail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ if not node_ok then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Node is not a track!")
+ return
+ end
+ if advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcb(pos) then
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_tcb_marker(pos)
+ return
+ end
+ local ts_id = advtrains.interlocking.db.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos, nil, pname)
+ if ts_id then
+ advtrains.interlocking.db.update_rs_cache(ts_id)
+ advtrains.interlocking.highlight_track_section(pos)
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "No track section at this location!")
+ end
- description = "Interlocking tool\nright-click turnouts to inspect route locks",
+ description = "Interlocking tool\nPunch: Highlight track section\nPlace: check route locks/show track section info",
groups = {cracky=1}, -- key=name, value=rating; rating=1..3.
inventory_image = "at_il_tool.png",
wield_image = "at_il_tool.png",
stack_max = 1,
- on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
- local pname = placer:get_player_name()
+ on_place = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
+ local pname = player:get_player_name()
if not pname then
@@ -20,27 +80,23 @@ minetest.register_craftitem("advtrains_interlocking:tool",{
if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
local pos=pointed_thing.under
- if advtrains.is_passive(pos) then
- local form = "size[7,5]label[0.5,0.5;Route lock inspector]"
- local pts = minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
- local rtl = ilrs.has_route_lock(pts)
- if rtl then
- form = form.."label[0.5,1;Route locks currently put:\n"..rtl.."]"
- form = form.."button_exit[0.5,3.5; 5,1;clear;Clear]"
- else
- form = form.."label[0.5,1;No route locks set]"
- form = form.."button_exit[0.5,3.5; 5,1;emplace;Emplace manual lock]"
- end
- minetest.show_formspec(pname, "at_il_rtool_"..pts, form)
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Cannot use this here.")
- return
- end
+ node_right_click(pos, pname)
+ on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
+ local pname = player:get_player_name()
+ if not pname then
+ return
+ end
+ if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {interlocking=true}) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Insufficient privileges to use this!")
+ return
+ end
+ if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
+ local pos=pointed_thing.under
+ node_left_click(pos, pname)
+ end
+ end
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
@@ -51,7 +107,7 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local pos
local pts = string.match(formname, "^at_il_rtool_(.+)$")
if pts then
- pos = minetest.string_to_pos(pts)
+ pos = advtrains.decode_pos(pts)
if pos then
if advtrains.is_passive(pos) then
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/train_sections.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/train_sections.lua
index ec7f95f..260f5a4 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/train_sections.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/train_sections.lua
@@ -174,13 +174,13 @@ advtrains.te_register_on_create(function(id, train)
-- let's see what track sections we find here
local index = atround(train.index)
local pos = advtrains.path_get(train, index)
- local ts_id, origin = ildb.get_ts_at_pos(pos)
+ local ts_id = ildb.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos, 1) -- passing connid 1 - that always exists
if ts_id then
local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
if ts then
setsection(id, train, ts_id, ts, origin)
- atwarn("ILDB corruption: TCB",origin," has invalid TS reference")
+ atwarn("While placing train, TS didnt exist ",ts_id)
-- Make train a shunt move
train.is_shunt = true
diff --git a/advtrains_itrainmap/init.lua b/advtrains_itrainmap/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 0443609..0000000
--- a/advtrains_itrainmap/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-local map_def={
- example = {
- p1x=168,
- p1z=530,
- p2x=780,
- p2z=1016,
- background="itm_example.png",
- },
-local itm_cache={}
-local itm_pdata={}
-local itm_conf_mindia=0.1
-minetest.register_privilege("itm", { description = "Allows to display train map", give_to_singleplayer = true, default = false })
-local function create_map_form_with_bg(d)
- local minx, minz, maxx, maxz = math.min(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.min(d.p1z, d.p2z), math.max(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.max(d.p1z, d.p2z)
- local form_x, form_z=10,10
- local edge_x, edge_z = form_x/(maxx-minx), form_z/(maxz-minz)
- local len_x, len_z=math.max(edge_x, itm_conf_mindia), math.max(edge_z, itm_conf_mindia)
- local form="size["..(form_x+edge_x)..","..(form_z+edge_z).."] background[0,0;0,0;"..d.background..";true] "
- local lbl={}
- for pts, tid in pairs(advtrains.detector.on_node) do
- local pos=minetest.string_to_pos(pts)
- form=form.."box["..(edge_x*(pos.x-minx))..","..(form_z-(edge_z*(pos.z-minz)))..";"..len_x..","..len_z..";red]"
- lbl[sid(tid)]=pos
- end
- for t_id, xz in pairs(lbl) do
- form=form.."label["..(edge_x*(xz.x-minx))..","..(form_x-(edge_z*(xz.z-minz)))..";"..t_id.."]"
- end
- return form
-local function create_map_form(d)
- if d.background then
- return create_map_form_with_bg(d)
- end
- local minx, minz, maxx, maxz = math.min(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.min(d.p1z, d.p2z), math.max(d.p1x, d.p2x), math.max(d.p1z, d.p2z)
- local form_x, form_z=10,10
- local edge_x, edge_z = form_x/(maxx-minx), form_z/(maxz-minz)
- local len_x, len_z=math.max(edge_x, itm_conf_mindia), math.max(edge_z, itm_conf_mindia)
- local form="size["..(form_x+edge_x)..","..(form_z+edge_z).."]"
- local lbl={}
- for x,itx in pairs(itm_cache) do
- if x>=minx and x<=maxx then
- for z,y in pairs(itx) do
- if z>=minz and z<=maxz then
- local adn=advtrains.detector.get({x=x, y=y, z=z})
- local color="gray"
- if adn then
- color="red"
- lbl[sid(adn)]={x=x, z=z}
- end
- form=form.."box["..(edge_x*(x-minx))..","..(form_z-(edge_z*(z-minz)))..";"..len_x..","..len_z..";"..color.."]"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for t_id, xz in pairs(lbl) do
- form=form.."label["..(edge_x*(xz.x-minx))..","..(form_x-(edge_z*(xz.z-minz)))..";"..t_id.."]"
- end
- return form
-local function cache_ndb()
- itm_cache={}
- local ndb_nodes=advtrains.ndb.get_nodes()
- for y, xzt in pairs(ndb_nodes) do
- for x, zt in pairs(xzt) do
- for z, _ in pairs(zt) do
- if not itm_cache[x] then
- itm_cache[x]={}
- end
- itm_cache[x][z]=y
- end
- end
- end
-minetest.register_chatcommand("itm", {
- params="[x1 z1 x2 z2] or [mdef]",
- description="Display advtrains train map of given area.\nFirst form:[x1 z1 x2 z2] - specify area directly.\nSecond form:[mdef] - Use a predefined map background(see init.lua)\nThird form: No parameters - use WorldEdit position markers.",
- privs={itm=true},
- func = function(name, param)
- local mdef=string.match(param, "^(%S+)$")
- if mdef then
- local d=map_def[mdef]
- if not d then
- return false, "Map definiton not found: "..mdef
- end
- itm_pdata[name]=map_def[mdef]
- minetest.show_formspec(name, "itrainmap", create_map_form(d))
- return true, "Showing train map: "..mdef
- end
- local x1, z1, x2, z2=string.match(param, "^(%S+) (%S+) (%S+) (%S+)$")
- if not (x1 and z1 and x2 and z2) then
- if worldedit then
- local wep1, wep2=worldedit.pos1[name], worldedit.pos2[name]
- if wep1 and wep2 then
- x1, z1, x2, z2=wep1.x, wep1.z, wep2.x, wep2.z
- end
- end
- end
- if not (x1 and z1 and x2 and z2) then
- return false, "Invalid parameters and no WE positions set"
- end
- local d={p1x=x1, p1z=z1, p2x=x2, p2z=z2}
- itm_pdata[name]=d
- minetest.show_formspec(name, "itrainmap", create_map_form(d))
- return true, "Showing ("..x1..","..z1..")-("..x2..","..z2..")"
- end,
-minetest.register_chatcommand("itm_cache_ndb", {
- params="",
- description="Cache advtrains node database again. Run when tracks changed.",
- privs={itm=true},
- func = function(name, param)
- cache_ndb()
- return true, "Done caching node database."
- end,
-local timer=0
-function advtrains_itm_mainloop(dtime)
- timer=timer-math.min(dtime, 0.1)
- if timer<=0 then
- for pname,d in pairs(itm_pdata) do
- minetest.show_formspec(pname, "itrainmap", create_map_form(d))
- end
- timer=2
- end
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
- if formname=="itrainmap" and fields.quit then
- itm_pdata[player:get_player_name()]=nil
- end
-function advtrains_itm_init()
- --automatically run itm_cache_ndb
- minetest.after(2, cache_ndb)
diff --git a/advtrains_itrainmap/mod.conf b/advtrains_itrainmap/mod.conf
deleted file mode 100644
index 6468fc4..0000000
--- a/advtrains_itrainmap/mod.conf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-title=Advanced Trains Interactive Train Map (currently broken)
-description=Map formspec showing tracks and trains
diff --git a/advtrains_itrainmap/textures/itm_example.png b/advtrains_itrainmap/textures/itm_example.png
deleted file mode 100644
index caf084a..0000000
--- a/advtrains_itrainmap/textures/itm_example.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/advtrains_line_automation/init.lua b/advtrains_line_automation/init.lua
index 7b758bc..e7d0ea6 100644
--- a/advtrains_line_automation/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_line_automation/init.lua
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. DIR_DELI
diff --git a/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua b/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua
index 0ed03bb..67e0fec 100755
--- a/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_signals_ks/init.lua
@@ -151,15 +151,6 @@ local mainaspects_shunt = {
for _, rtab in ipairs({
{rot = "0", sbox = {-1/8, -1/2, -1/2, 1/8, 1/2, -1/4}, ici=true},
{rot = "30", sbox = {-3/8, -1/2, -1/2, -1/8, 1/2, -1/4},},
@@ -239,7 +230,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
after_dig_node = advtrains.interlocking.signal_after_dig,
-- rotatable by trackworker
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains_signals_ks:hs", typ, "_"..rot)
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
@@ -282,7 +273,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
after_dig_node = advtrains.interlocking.signal_after_dig,
-- rotatable by trackworker
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains_signals_ks:ra", typ, "_"..rot)
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
-- Schilder:
@@ -319,7 +310,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
after_dig_node = advtrains.interlocking.signal_after_dig,
-- rotatable by trackworker
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains_signals_ks:"..prefix, typ, "_"..rot, nxt)
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
for typ, prts in pairs {
@@ -420,7 +411,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
t.drop = "advtrains_signals_ks:zs3_off_0"
t.selection_box.fixed[1][5] = 0
minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_ks:zs3_"..typ.."_"..rot, t)
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains_signals_ks:zs3", typ, "_"..rot)
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
-- Zs 3v
local t = table.copy(def)
@@ -429,7 +420,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
t.drop = "advtrains_signals_ks:zs3v_off_0"
t.tiles[3] = t.tiles[3] .. "^[multiply:yellow"
minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_ks:zs3v_"..typ.."_"..rot, t)
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains_signals_ks:zs3v", typ, "_"..rot)
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
minetest.register_node("advtrains_signals_ks:mast_mast_"..rot, {
@@ -454,7 +445,7 @@ for _, rtab in ipairs({
drop = "advtrains_signals_ks:mast_mast_0",
- advtrains.trackplacer.add_worked("advtrains_signals_ks:mast","mast", "_"..rot)
+ --TODO add rotation using trackworker
-- Crafting
@@ -486,6 +477,23 @@ minetest.register_craft({
+ output = "advtrains_signals_ks:zs3_off_0 2",
+ recipe = {
+ {"","default:steel_ingot",""},
+ {"default:steel_ingot","dye:white","default:steel_ingot"},
+ {"","advtrains_signals_ks:mast_mast_0",""}
+ },
+ output = "advtrains_signals_ks:zs3v_off_0 2",
+ recipe = {
+ {"","default:steel_ingot",""},
+ {"default:steel_ingot","dye:yellow","default:steel_ingot"},
+ {"","advtrains_signals_ks:mast_mast_0",""}
+ },
local sign_material = "default:sign_wall_steel" --fallback
if minetest.get_modpath("basic_materials") then
sign_material = "basic_materials:plastic_sheet"
diff --git a/advtrains_trackmap/fsrender.lua b/advtrains_trackmap/fsrender.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..340b08c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_trackmap/fsrender.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+-- fsrender.lua
+-- Rendering of a grid of characters into a formspec
+local tm = advtrains.trackmap
+function tm.render_grid_formspec(formsize_x, formsize_y, gridtbl, origin_pos, width, height)
+ local grid = gridtbl.grid
+ local gcolor = gridtbl.gcolor
+ local s = {
+ "formspec_version[3]",
+ "size["..formsize_x..","..formsize_y.."]",
+ "no_prepend[]",
+ "bgcolor[white;false;white]",
+ "style_type[label;font=mono]",
+ "label[0,0;",
+ minetest.get_color_escape_sequence("black")
+ }
+ local last_color = nil
+ for z=height-1, 0, -1 do
+ -- render a row
+ for x=0,width-1 do
+ local apos_x = origin_pos.x + x
+ local apos_z = origin_pos.z + z
+ local chr = " "
+ if grid[apos_x] and grid[apos_x][apos_z] then
+ local color = gcolor[apos_x][apos_z]
+ if color ~= last_color then
+ -- change the color of the text
+ table.insert(s, minetest.get_color_escape_sequence(color or "black"))
+ last_color = color
+ end
+ chr = grid[apos_x][apos_z]
+ end
+ table.insert(s, chr)
+ end
+ table.insert(s,"\n")
+ end
+ table.insert(s, "]")
+ table.insert(s, "style_type[label;font=]") -- reset font style
+ return table.concat(s)
+end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advtrains_trackmap/grid.lua b/advtrains_trackmap/grid.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c98b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_trackmap/grid.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+-- grid.lua
+-- routines taking the tracks and building a grid out of them
+local tm = advtrains.trackmap
+-- Maximum scan length for track iterator
+local TS_MAX_SCAN = 1000
+-- Get a character matching the class requested by chr, in the correct orientation for conndir
+-- The characters will be chosen from the unicode frame set if appropriate
+-- valid character classes -, =, |
+local char_equiv = {
+ ["-"] = {"│", "/", "─", "\\\\"}, -- single-line
+ ["="] = {"║", "/", "═", "\\\\"}, -- double-line
+ ["|"] = {"─", "\\\\", "│", "/"}, -- break (i.e. TCB, perpendicular to orientation)
+local dir_to_charmap = {
+ [15] = 1,
+ [ 0] = 1,
+ [ 1] = 1,
+ [ 2] = 2,
+ [ 3] = 3,
+ [ 4] = 3,
+ [ 5] = 3,
+ [ 6] = 4,
+ [ 7] = 1,
+ [ 8] = 1,
+ [ 9] = 1,
+ [10] = 2,
+ [11] = 3,
+ [12] = 3,
+ [13] = 3,
+ [14] = 4,
+function tm.rotate_char_class_by_conn(chr, conndir)
+ --atdebug("rotatechar", chr, conndir, "dircharmap", dir_to_charmap[conndir], "charequiv", char_equiv[chr])
+ return char_equiv[chr][dir_to_charmap[conndir]]
+-- Generate a grid map by walking tracks starting from the given position start_pos
+-- For every track that is visited, node_callback is called.
+-- signature: node_callback(pos, conns, connid)
+-- should return a table as follows:
+-- {
+-- char = "X" -- the character to use in this place, defaults to guessing a fitting frame character
+-- color = "colorstring" or nil -- the color to render the character with
+-- stop = false -- if true, the iterator will stop following this branch
+-- }
+-- Returning nil will assume defaults.
+-- return value: a table:
+-- {
+-- grid = <grid> - access abs_grid[x][y] - contains one character per cell
+-- min_pos = <pos> - the minimum pos contained in this grid
+-- max_pos = <pos> - the maximum pos
+-- }
+function tm.generate_grid_map(start_pos, node_callback)
+ local ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(start_pos, nil, TS_MAX_SCAN, true)
+ local grid = {} -- grid[x][y]
+ local gcolor = {} -- grid[x][y]
+ local gylev = {} -- grid[x][y]
+ local gminx, gmaxx, gminz, gmaxz = start_pos.x, start_pos.x, start_pos.z, start_pos.z
+ while ti:has_next_branch() do
+ pos, connid = ti:next_branch()
+ repeat
+ local ok, conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ local c = node_callback(pos, conns, connid)
+ local chr = c and c.char
+ --atdebug("init",pos.x,pos.z,chr,"")
+ if not chr then
+ chr = tm.rotate_char_class_by_conn("=", conns[connid].c)
+ end
+ -- add the char to the grid
+ if not grid[pos.x] then
+ grid[pos.x] = {}
+ gcolor[pos.x] = {}
+ gylev[pos.x] = {}
+ end
+ -- ensure that higher rails are rendered on top
+ local prev_ylev = gylev[pos.x][pos.z]
+ if not prev_ylev or prev_ylev < pos.y then
+ grid[pos.x][pos.z] = chr
+ gylev[pos.x][pos.z] = pos.y
+ if c and c.color then
+ gcolor[pos.x][pos.z] = c.color
+ end
+ end
+ gminx = math.min(gminx, pos.x)
+ gmaxx = math.max(gmaxx, pos.x)
+ gminz = math.min(gminz, pos.z)
+ gmaxz = math.max(gmaxz, pos.z)
+ if c and c.stop then break end
+ pos, connid = ti:next_track()
+ until not pos
+ end
+ return {
+ grid = grid,
+ gcolor = gcolor,
+ min_pos = {x=gminx, z=gminz},
+ max_pos = {x=gmaxx, z=gmaxz},
+ }
diff --git a/advtrains_trackmap/init.lua b/advtrains_trackmap/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..060e597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_trackmap/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+-- Advtrains track map
+-- Replacement of itrainmap
+advtrains.trackmap = {}
+local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. DIR_DELIM
diff --git a/advtrains_trackmap/mod.conf b/advtrains_trackmap/mod.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..633f1e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_trackmap/mod.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title=Advanced Trains Track Map
+description=Formspec-based map to display track layouts
diff --git a/advtrains_trackmap/viewer.lua b/advtrains_trackmap/viewer.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7205c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/advtrains_trackmap/viewer.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+-- viewer.lua
+-- standalone chatcommand/tool trackmap viewer window
+local tm = advtrains.trackmap
+local function node_left_click(pos, pname)
+ local node_ok, conns, rail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
+ if not node_ok then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Node is not a track!")
+ return
+ end
+ local function node_callback(npos, conns, connid)
+ if vector.equals(pos, npos) then
+ return {color = "red"}
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ local gridtbl = tm.generate_grid_map(pos, node_callback)
+ local fslabel = tm.render_grid_formspec(20, 20, gridtbl, {x=pos.x-35, z=pos.z-22}, 70, 44)
+ minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_trackmap:test", fslabel)
+ description = "Trackmap Tool\nPunch: Show map",
+ groups = {cracky=1}, -- key=name, value=rating; rating=1..3.
+ inventory_image = "at_il_tool.png",
+ wield_image = "at_il_tool.png",
+ stack_max = 1,
+ on_use = function(itemstack, player, pointed_thing)
+ local pname = player:get_player_name()
+ if not pname then
+ return
+ end
+ if pointed_thing.type=="node" then
+ local pos=pointed_thing.under
+ node_left_click(pos, pname)
+ end
+ end
+}) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/advtrains_train_track/init.lua b/advtrains_train_track/init.lua
index 87720e2..5065155 100755..100644
--- a/advtrains_train_track/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_train_track/init.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,182 @@
-- Default tracks for advtrains
-- (c) orwell96 and contributors
+local default_boxen = {
+ ["st"] = {
+ [""] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {-1/2-1/16, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2+1/16, -1/2+2/16, 1/2},
+ }
+ },
+ ["_30"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, 0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_45"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_60"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ ["cr"] = {
+ [""] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.6875, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.3750, -0.5000, -1.000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_30"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.7500, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-0.3750, -0.5000, 0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, 1.188},
+ {0.7500, -0.5000, 0.2500, 1.063, -0.3750, 0.8750}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_45"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.125, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.6875},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.9375, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.06250},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_60"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.8125, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.188, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.1875, -0.5000, 0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3125, 0.8750},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, -0.9375, 0.3125, -0.3125, -0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ ["swlst"] = {
+ [""] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.6250, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.3125, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.9375, -0.3125, -0.06250}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_30"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, 0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_45"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.1875, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.8125, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_60"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ ["swrst"] = {
+ [""] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.6250, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.8125, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.4375, -0.3125, -0.06250}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_30"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, 0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_45"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.1875, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, 0.5000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-0.8125, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.5000, -0.3750, -0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_60"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ },
+default_boxen["swlcr"] = default_boxen["swlst"]
+default_boxen["swrcr"] = default_boxen["swrst"]
advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
@@ -10,6 +186,14 @@ advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
+ get_additional_definiton = function(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ if default_boxen[suffix] ~= nil and default_boxen[suffix][rotation] ~= nil then
+ return default_boxen[suffix][rotation]
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+ end,
}, advtrains.ap.t_30deg_flat)
@@ -21,6 +205,59 @@ minetest.register_craft({
+local y3_boxen = {
+ [""] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -1.125, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.4375}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_30"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.875, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.4375, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5625},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8125, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ --UX FIXME: - 3way - have to place straight route before l and r or the
+ --nodebox overlaps too much and can't place the straight track node.
+ ["_45"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.1250, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.1250, -0.5000, -0.9375, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_60"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ --{-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.875, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.875, -0.5000, -0.5, 1.0, -0.3750, 0.5},
+ --{-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.4375, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5625},
+ {-0.4375, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.5625, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ --{0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8125, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, -0.2500, 1.0000, -0.3750, 0.8125},
+ }
+ }
+ },
+local function y3_turnouts_addef(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ return y3_boxen[rotation] or {}
-- y-turnout
advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
@@ -30,6 +267,7 @@ advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
formats = {},
+ get_additional_definiton = y3_turnouts_addef,
}, advtrains.ap.t_yturnout)
output = 'advtrains:dtrack_sy_placer 2',
@@ -48,6 +286,7 @@ advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
description=attrans("3-way turnout"),
formats = {},
+ get_additional_definiton = y3_turnouts_addef,
}, advtrains.ap.t_s3way)
output = 'advtrains:dtrack_s3_placer 1',
@@ -59,6 +298,35 @@ minetest.register_craft({
-- Diamond Crossings
+local perp_boxen = {
+ [""] = {}, --default size
+ ["_30"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -1.000, 1.000, -0.3750, 1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_45"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.8125, -0.5000, -0.8125, 0.8125, -0.3750, 0.8125}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["_60"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -1.000, 1.000, -0.3750, 1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
-- perpendicular
advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
@@ -67,7 +335,10 @@ advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
description=attrans("Perpendicular Diamond Crossing Track"),
- formats = {}
+ formats = {},
+ get_additional_definiton = function(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ return perp_boxen[rotation] or {}
+ end
}, advtrains.ap.t_perpcrossing)
@@ -79,6 +350,73 @@ minetest.register_craft({
+local ninety_plus_boxen = {
+ ["30l"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, 0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["30r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, -0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, -0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["45l"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["45r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 0.8750, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -0.5000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.5000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60l"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, -0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
-- 90plusx
-- When you face east and param2=0, then this set of rails has a rail at 90
-- degrees to the viewer, plus another rail crossing at 30, 45 or 60 degrees.
@@ -89,7 +427,10 @@ advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
description=attrans("90+Angle Diamond Crossing Track"),
- formats = {}
+ formats = {},
+ get_additional_definiton = function(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ return ninety_plus_boxen[suffix] or {}
+ end,
}, advtrains.ap.t_90plusx_crossing)
output = 'advtrains:dtrack_xing90plusx_placer 2',
@@ -99,6 +440,7 @@ minetest.register_craft({
{'', '', 'advtrains:dtrack_placer'}
-- Deprecate any rails using the old name scheme
label = "Upgrade legacy 4590 rails",
@@ -119,6 +461,83 @@ minetest.register_lbm({
-- This will replace any items left in the inventory
minetest.register_alias("advtrains:dtrack_xing4590_placer", "advtrains:dtrack_xing90plusx_placer")
+local diagonal_boxen = {
+ ["30r45l"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, -0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, -0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60l30l"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60l60r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -1.000, 1.000, -0.3750, 1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60r30r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, -0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["30l45r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, 0.5000, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.8750, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.5000, -0.3750, 0.2500},
+ {0.5000, -0.5000, -0.2500, 0.8750, -0.3750, 1.000},
+ {-0.1250, -0.5000, -1.375, 0.1875, -0.3750, -1.000}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60l45r"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {-1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, 0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {-0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {-1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ ["60r45l"] = {
+ selection_box = {
+ type = "fixed",
+ fixed = {
+ {1.000, -0.5000, -0.5000, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.5000},
+ {1.000, -0.5000, -0.8750, -0.2500, -0.3750, -0.5000},
+ {0.2500, -0.5000, 0.5000, -1.000, -0.3750, 0.8750},
+ {1.375, -0.5000, -0.1250, 1.000, -0.3750, 0.1875}
+ }
+ }
+ },
-- Diagonal
-- This set of rail crossings is named based on the angle of each intersecting
-- direction when facing east and param2=0. Rails with l/r swapped are mirror
@@ -131,6 +550,9 @@ advtrains.register_tracks("default", {
description=attrans("Diagonal Diamond Crossing Track"),
formats = {},
+ get_additional_definiton = function(def, preset, suffix, rotation)
+ return diagonal_boxen[suffix] or {}
+ end,
}, advtrains.ap.t_diagonalcrossing)
output = 'advtrains:dtrack_xingdiag_placer 2',