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1 files changed, 31 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/trainhud.lua b/advtrains/trainhud.lua
index b1e2036..9d9d475 100644
--- a/advtrains/trainhud.lua
+++ b/advtrains/trainhud.lua
@@ -233,40 +233,41 @@ function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip)
if train.tarvelocity then
hud:add(1+train.tarvelocity*11, 85, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":transform"FY":multiply"cyan")
- local lzbdisp
local lzb = train.lzb
- if lzb and lzb.checkpoints then
- local oc = lzb.checkpoints
- for i = 1, #oc do
- if advtrains.interlocking then
- local udata = oc[i].udata
- if udata and udata.signal_pos then
- local sigd = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_sigd_for_signal(udata.signal_pos)
- if sigd then
- local tcbs = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcbs(sigd) or {}
- if tcbs.route_rsn then
- table.insert(st, ("%s: %s"):format(minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p), tcbs.route_rsn))
- end
- end
+ local lzbdisp = {c = "darkslategray", d = 888}
+ if lzb and lzb.checkpoints and lzb.checkpoints[1] then
+ local cp = lzb.checkpoints[1]
+ if advtrains.interlocking and cp.udata and cp.udata.signal_pos then
+ local sigd = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_sigd_for_signal(cp.udata.signal_pos)
+ if sigd then
+ local tcbs = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcbs(sigd) or {}
+ if tcbs.route_rsn then
+ table.insert(st, ("%s: %s"):format(minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p), tcbs.route_rsn))
- local spd = oc[i].speed
- spd = advtrains.speed.min(spd, train.speed_restriction)
- if spd == -1 then spd = nil end
- local c = not spd and "lime" or (type(spd) == "number" and (spd == 0) and "red" or "orange") or nil
- if c then
- if spd and spd~=0 then
- hud:add(1+spd*11, 50, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":multiply"red")
- end
- local dist = math.floor(((oc[i].index or train.index)-train.index))
- dist = math.max(0, math.min(999, dist))
- lzbdisp = {c = c, d = dist}
- break
- end
- end
- if not lzbdisp then
- lzbdisp = {c = "darkslategray", d = 888}
+ local spd = cp.speed
+ local c, arrow
+ if not spd or spd == -1 then
+ c = "lime"
+ elseif spd == 0 then
+ c = "red"
+ elseif not res or spd <= res then
+ c = "orange"
+ arrow = true
+ elseif spd <= max then
+ c = "yellow"
+ arrow = true
+ else
+ c = "cyan"
+ arrow = true
+ end
+ if arrow then
+ hud:add(1+spd*11, 50, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":multiply"red")
+ end
+ local dist = math.floor(((cp.index or train.index)-train.index))
+ dist = math.max(0, math.min(999, dist))
+ lzbdisp = {c = c, d = dist}
hud:add_fill(130, 10, 30, 5, lzbdisp.c)
hud:add_fill(130, 35, 30, 5, lzbdisp.c)