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2 files changed, 136 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
index 551d21a..492326c 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/database.lua
@@ -189,10 +189,10 @@ Track section
[id] = {
name = "Some human-readable name"
tc_breaks = { <signal specifier>,... } -- Bounding TC's (signal specifiers)
- rs_cache = { [<x>-<y>] = { [<encoded pos>] = "state" } }
+ rs_cache = { [<x>] = { [<y>] = { [<encoded pos>] = "state" } } }
-- Saves the turnout states that need to be locked when a route is set from tcb#x to tcb#y
- -- e.g. "1-2" = { "800080008000" = "st" }
- -- Recalculated on every change via update_ts_cache
+ -- e.g. 1 = { 2 = { "800080008000" = "st" } }
+ -- Recalculated on every change via update_rs_cache
route = {
origin = <signal>, -- route origin
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ function ildb.purge_ts_tcb_refs(ts_id)
if has_changed then
-- needs to update route cache
- ildb.update_ts_cache(ts_id)
+ ildb.update_rs_cache(ts_id)
return ts
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ function ildb.tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(sigd)
local did_insert = insert_sigd_if_not_present(ts.tc_breaks, {p=sigd.p, s=sigd.s})
if did_insert then
atdebug("tcbs_ensure_ts_ref_exists(",sigd,"): TCBS was missing reference in TS",tcbs.ts_id)
- ildb.update_ts_cache(tcbs.ts_id)
+ ildb.update_rs_cache(tcbs.ts_id)
@@ -532,23 +532,149 @@ function ildb.create_ts_from_tcb_list(sigd_list)
- ildb.update_ts_cache(id)
+ ildb.update_rs_cache(id)
return id, new_ts
+-- RS CACHE --
+node_from_to_list - cache of from-to connid mappings and their associated state.
+Acts like a cache, built on demand by ildb.get_possible_out_connids(nodename)
+node_name = {
+ from_connid = {
+ to_connid = state
+ }
+local node_from_to_state_cache = {}
+function ildb.get_possible_out_connids(node_name, in_connid)
+ if not node_from_to_state_cache[node_name] then
+ node_from_to_state_cache[node_name] = {}
+ end
+ local nt = node_from_to_state_cache[node_name]
+ if not nt[in_connid] then
+ local ta = {}
+ atdebug("Node From/To State Cache: Caching for ",node_name,"connid",in_connid)
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name]
+ if ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
+ for state, tnode in pairs(ndef.advtrains.node_state_map) do
+ local tndef = minetest.registered_nodes[tnode]
+ -- verify that the conns table is identical - this is purely to catch setup errors!
+ if not tndef.at_conns or not tndef.at_conn_map then
+ atdebug("ndef:",ndef,", tndef:",tndef)
+ error("In AT setup for node "..tnode..": Node set as state "..state.." of "..node_name.." in state_map, but is missing at_conns/at_conn/map!")
+ end
+ if #ndef.at_conns ~= #tndef.at_conns then
+ atdebug("ndef:",ndef,", tndef:",tndef)
+ error("In AT setup for node "..tnode..": Conns table does not match that of "..node_name.." (of which this is state "..state..")")
+ end
+ for connid=1,#ndef.at_conns do
+ if ndef.at_conns[connid].c ~= tndef.at_conns[connid].c then
+ atdebug("ndef:",ndef,", tndef:",tndef)
+ error("In AT setup for node "..tnode..": Conns table does not match that of "..node_name.." (of which this is state "..state..")")
+ end
+ end
+ -- do the actual caching by looking at the conn_map
+ local target_connid = tndef.at_conn_map[in_connid]
+ if ta[target_connid] then
+ -- Select the variant for which the other way would back-connect. This way, turnouts will switch to the appropriate branch if the train joins
+ local have_back_conn = (tndef.at_conn_map[target_connid])==in_connid
+ atdebug("Found second state mapping",in_connid,"-",target_connid,"have_back_conn=",have_back_conn)
+ if have_back_conn then
+ atdebug("Overwriting",in_connid,"-",target_connid,"=",state)
+ ta[target_connid] = state
+ end
+ else
+ atdebug("Setting",in_connid,"-",target_connid,"=",state)
+ ta[target_connid] = state
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ error("Node From/To State Cache: "..node_name.." doesn't have a state map, is not a switchable track! Panic!")
+ end
+ nt[in_connid] = ta
+ end
+ return nt[in_connid]
+local function recursively_find_routes(s_pos, s_connid, locks_found, result_table, scan_limit)
+ atdebug("Recursively restarting at ",s_pos, s_connid, "limit left", scan_limit)
+ local ti = advtrains.get_track_iterator(s_pos, s_connid, scan_limit, false)
+ local pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_branch()
+ pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_track()-- step once to get ahead of previous turnout
+ repeat
+ local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node_or_nil(pos)
+ atdebug("Walk ",pos, "nodename", node.name, "entering at conn",bconnid)
+ local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
+ if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.node_state_map then
+ -- Stop, this is a switchable node. Find out which conns we can go at
+ atdebug("Found turnout ",pos, "nodename", node.name, "entering at conn",bconnid)
+ local pts = advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
+ if locks_found[pts] then
+ -- we've been here before. Stop
+ atdebug("Was already seen! returning")
+ return
+ end
+ local out_conns = ildb.get_possible_out_connids(node.name, bconnid)
+ for oconnid, state in pairs(out_conns) do
+ atdebug("Going in direction",oconnid,"state",state)
+ locks_found[pts] = state
+ recursively_find_routes(pos, oconnid, locks_found, result_table, ti.limit)
+ locks_found[pts] = nil
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ --otherwise, this might be a tcb
+ local tcbs = ildb.get_tcbs({p=pos, s=bconnid})
+ if tcbs then
+ -- we found a tcb, store the current locks in the result_table
+ local table_key = advtrains.encode_pos(pos).."_"..bconnid
+ atdebug("Found end TCB", table_key,", returning")
+ if result_table[table_key] then
+ atwarn("While caching track section routing, found multiple route paths within same track section. Only first one found will be used")
+ else
+ result_table[table_key] = table.copy(locks_found)
+ end
+ return
+ end
+ -- Go forward
+ pos, connid, bconnid = ti:next_track()
+ until not pos -- this stops the loop when either the track end is reached or the limit is hit
-- Updates the turnout cache of the given track section
-function ildb.update_ts_cache(ts_id)
+function ildb.update_rs_cache(ts_id)
local ts = ildb.get_ts(ts_id)
if not ts then
error("Update TS Cache called with nonexisting ts_id "..(ts_id or "nil"))
local rscache = {}
+ atdebug("== Running update_rs_cache for ",ts_id)
-- start on every of the TS's TCBs, walk the track forward and store locks along the way
- -- TODO: Need change in handling of switches
- atdebug("update_ts_cache",ts_id,"TODO: implement")
+ for start_tcbi, start_tcbs in ipairs(ts.tc_breaks) do
+ rscache[start_tcbi] = {}
+ atdebug("Starting for ",start_tcbi, start_tcbs)
+ local locks_found = {}
+ local result_table = {}
+ recursively_find_routes(start_tcbs.p, start_tcbs.s, locks_found, result_table, TS_MAX_SCAN)
+ -- now result_table contains found route locks. Match them with the other TCBs we have in this section
+ for end_tcbi, end_tcbs in ipairs(ts.tc_breaks) do
+ local table_key = advtrains.encode_pos(end_tcbs.p).."_"..end_tcbs.s
+ if result_table[table_key] then
+ atdebug("Set RSCache entry",start_tcbi.."-"..end_tcbi,"=",result_table[table_key])
+ rscache[start_tcbi][end_tcbi] = result_table[table_key]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ts.rs_cache = rscache
+ atdebug("== Done update_rs_cache for ",ts_id, "result:",rscache)
+--- DB API functions
local lntrans = { "A", "B" }
function ildb.sigd_to_string(sigd)
return minetest.pos_to_string(sigd.p).." / "..lntrans[sigd.s]
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua
index 6723f88..ef0f06e 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/tool.lua
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ local function node_left_click(pos, pname)
local ts_id = advtrains.interlocking.db.check_and_repair_ts_at_pos(pos)
if ts_id then
+ advtrains.interlocking.db.update_rs_cache(ts_id)
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "No track section at this location!")