path: root/advtrains/advtrains/couple.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains/advtrains/couple.lua')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/advtrains/couple.lua b/advtrains/advtrains/couple.lua
index 3693e84..ac4dfce 100644
--- a/advtrains/advtrains/couple.lua
+++ b/advtrains/advtrains/couple.lua
@@ -31,58 +31,56 @@ minetest.register_entity("advtrains:discouple", {
get_staticdata=function() return "DISCOUPLE" end,
on_punch=function(self, player)
- return advtrains.pcall(function()
- --only if player owns at least one wagon next to this
- local own=player:get_player_name()
- if self.wagon.owner and self.wagon.owner==own and not self.wagon.lock_couples then
- local train=advtrains.trains[self.wagon.train_id]
- local nextwgn_id=train.trainparts[self.wagon.pos_in_trainparts-1]
- for aoi, le in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
- if le and le.is_wagon then
- if le.unique_id==nextwgn_id then
- if le.owner and le.owner~=own then
- minetest.chat_send_player(own, attrans("You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple."))
- return
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ --only if player owns at least one wagon next to this
+ local own=player:get_player_name()
+ if self.wagon.owner and self.wagon.owner==own and not self.wagon.lock_couples then
+ local train=advtrains.trains[self.wagon.train_id]
+ local nextwgn_id=train.trainparts[self.wagon.pos_in_trainparts-1]
+ for aoi, le in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if le and le.is_wagon then
+ if le.unique_id==nextwgn_id then
+ if le.owner and le.owner~=own then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(own, attrans("You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple."))
+ return
+ end
+ atprint("Discouple punched. Splitting train", self.wagon.train_id)
+ advtrains.split_train_at_wagon(self.wagon)--found in trainlogic.lua
+ self.object:remove()
+ elseif self.wagon.lock_couples then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(own, "Couples of one of the wagons are locked, can't discouple!")
+ else
+ minetest.chat_send_player(own, attrans("You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple."))
- atprint("Discouple punched. Splitting train", self.wagon.train_id)
- advtrains.split_train_at_wagon(self.wagon)--found in trainlogic.lua
- self.object:remove()
- elseif self.wagon.lock_couples then
- minetest.chat_send_player(own, "Couples of one of the wagons are locked, can't discouple!")
- else
- minetest.chat_send_player(own, attrans("You need to own at least one neighboring wagon to destroy this couple."))
- end
- end)
+ end)
on_step=function(self, dtime)
- return advtrains.pcall(function()
- local t=os.clock()
- if not self.wagon then
- self.object:remove()
- atprint("Discouple: no wagon, destroying")
- return
- end
- --getyaw seems to be a reliable method to check if an object is loaded...if it returns nil, it is not.
- if not self.wagon.object:getyaw() then
- atprint("Discouple: wagon no longer loaded, destroying")
- self.object:remove()
- return
- end
- local velocityvec=self.wagon.object:getvelocity()
- self.updatepct_timer=(self.updatepct_timer or 0)-dtime
- if not self.old_velocity_vector or not vector.equals(velocityvec, self.old_velocity_vector) or self.updatepct_timer<=0 then--only send update packet if something changed
- local flipsign=self.wagon.wagon_flipped and -1 or 1
- self.object:setpos(vector.add(self.wagon.object:getpos(), {y=0, x=-math.sin(self.wagon.object:getyaw())*self.wagon.wagon_span*flipsign, z=math.cos(self.wagon.object:getyaw())*self.wagon.wagon_span*flipsign}))
- self.object:setvelocity(velocityvec)
- self.updatepct_timer=2
- end
- atprintbm("discouple_step", t)
- end)
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ local t=os.clock()
+ if not self.wagon then
+ self.object:remove()
+ atprint("Discouple: no wagon, destroying")
+ return
+ end
+ --getyaw seems to be a reliable method to check if an object is loaded...if it returns nil, it is not.
+ if not self.wagon.object:getyaw() then
+ atprint("Discouple: wagon no longer loaded, destroying")
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
+ end
+ local velocityvec=self.wagon.object:getvelocity()
+ self.updatepct_timer=(self.updatepct_timer or 0)-dtime
+ if not self.old_velocity_vector or not vector.equals(velocityvec, self.old_velocity_vector) or self.updatepct_timer<=0 then--only send update packet if something changed
+ local flipsign=self.wagon.wagon_flipped and -1 or 1
+ self.object:setpos(vector.add(self.wagon.object:getpos(), {y=0, x=-math.sin(self.wagon.object:getyaw())*self.wagon.wagon_span*flipsign, z=math.cos(self.wagon.object:getyaw())*self.wagon.wagon_span*flipsign}))
+ self.object:setvelocity(velocityvec)
+ self.updatepct_timer=2
+ end
+ atprintbm("discouple_step", t)
+ end)
@@ -105,82 +103,78 @@ minetest.register_entity("advtrains:couple", {
on_activate=function(self, staticdata)
- return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if staticdata=="COUPLE" then
- --couple entities have no right to exist further...
- atprint("Couple loaded from staticdata, destroying")
- self.object:remove()
- return
- end
- end)
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ if staticdata=="COUPLE" then
+ --couple entities have no right to exist further...
+ atprint("Couple loaded from staticdata, destroying")
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
+ end
+ end)
get_staticdata=function(self) return "COUPLE" end,
on_rightclick=function(self, clicker)
- return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if not self.train_id_1 or not self.train_id_2 then return end
- local id1, id2=self.train_id_1, self.train_id_2
- if self.train1_is_backpos and not self.train2_is_backpos then
- advtrains.do_connect_trains(id1, id2, clicker)
- --case 2 (second train is front)
- elseif self.train2_is_backpos and not self.train1_is_backpos then
- advtrains.do_connect_trains(id2, id1, clicker)
- --case 3
- elseif self.train1_is_backpos and self.train2_is_backpos then
- advtrains.invert_train(id2)
- advtrains.do_connect_trains(id1, id2, clicker)
- --case 4
- elseif not self.train1_is_backpos and not self.train2_is_backpos then
- advtrains.invert_train(id1)
- advtrains.do_connect_trains(id1, id2, clicker)
- end
- atprint("Coupled trains", id1, id2)
- self.object:remove()
- end)
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ if not self.train_id_1 or not self.train_id_2 then return end
+ local id1, id2=self.train_id_1, self.train_id_2
+ if self.train1_is_backpos and not self.train2_is_backpos then
+ advtrains.do_connect_trains(id1, id2, clicker)
+ --case 2 (second train is front)
+ elseif self.train2_is_backpos and not self.train1_is_backpos then
+ advtrains.do_connect_trains(id2, id1, clicker)
+ --case 3
+ elseif self.train1_is_backpos and self.train2_is_backpos then
+ advtrains.invert_train(id2)
+ advtrains.do_connect_trains(id1, id2, clicker)
+ --case 4
+ elseif not self.train1_is_backpos and not self.train2_is_backpos then
+ advtrains.invert_train(id1)
+ advtrains.do_connect_trains(id1, id2, clicker)
+ end
+ atprint("Coupled trains", id1, id2)
+ self.object:remove()
+ end)
on_step=function(self, dtime)
- return advtrains.pcall(function()
- local t=os.clock()
- if not self.train_id_1 or not self.train_id_2 then atprint("Couple: train ids not set!") self.object:remove() return end
- local train1=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_1]
- local train2=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_2]
- if not train1 or not train2 then
- atprint("Couple: trains missing, destroying")
- self.object:remove()
- return
- end
- if not train1.path or not train2.path or not train1.index or not train2.index or not train1.end_index or not train2.end_index then
- atprint("Couple: paths or end_index missing. Might happen when paths got cleared")
- return
- end
- local tp1
- if not self.train1_is_backpos then
- tp1=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train1.path, train1.index)
- else
- tp1=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train1.path, train1.end_index)
- end
- local tp2
- if not self.train2_is_backpos then
- tp2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, train2.index)
- else
- tp2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, train2.end_index)
- end
- if not tp1 or not tp2 or not (vector.distance(tp1,tp2)<couple_max_dist) then
- atprint("Couple: train end positions too distanced, destroying")
- self.object:remove()
- return
- else
- local pos_median=advtrains.pos_median(tp1, tp2)
- if not vector.equals(pos_median, self.object:getpos()) then
- self.object:setpos(pos_median)
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ local t=os.clock()
+ if not self.train_id_1 or not self.train_id_2 then atprint("Couple: train ids not set!") self.object:remove() return end
+ local train1=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_1]
+ local train2=advtrains.trains[self.train_id_2]
+ if not train1 or not train2 then
+ atprint("Couple: trains missing, destroying")
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
- end
- atprintbm("couple step", t)
- end)
+ if not train1.path or not train2.path or not train1.index or not train2.index or not train1.end_index or not train2.end_index then
+ atprint("Couple: paths or end_index missing. Might happen when paths got cleared")
+ return
+ end
+ local tp1
+ if not self.train1_is_backpos then
+ tp1=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train1.path, train1.index)
+ else
+ tp1=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train1.path, train1.end_index)
+ end
+ local tp2
+ if not self.train2_is_backpos then
+ tp2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, train2.index)
+ else
+ tp2=advtrains.get_real_index_position(train2.path, train2.end_index)
+ end
+ if not tp1 or not tp2 or not (vector.distance(tp1,tp2)<couple_max_dist) then
+ atprint("Couple: train end positions too distanced, destroying")
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
+ else
+ local pos_median=advtrains.pos_median(tp1, tp2)
+ if not vector.equals(pos_median, self.object:getpos()) then
+ self.object:setpos(pos_median)
+ end
+ end
+ atprintbm("couple step", t)
+ end)