path: root/advtrains/advtrains/wagons.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains/advtrains/wagons.lua')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 438 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/advtrains/wagons.lua b/advtrains/advtrains/wagons.lua
index 2ceea86..3325879 100644
--- a/advtrains/advtrains/wagons.lua
+++ b/advtrains/advtrains/wagons.lua
@@ -50,21 +50,21 @@ function wagon:on_activate(sd_uid, dtime_s)
function wagon:get_staticdata()
-return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if not self:ensure_init() then return end
- atprint("[wagon "..((self.unique_id and self.unique_id~="" and self.unique_id) or "no-id").."]: saving to wagon_save")
- --serialize inventory, if it has one
- if self.has_inventory then
- local inv=minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="advtrains_wgn_"..self.unique_id})
- self.ser_inv=advtrains.serialize_inventory(inv)
- end
- --save to table before being unloaded
- advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id]=advtrains.merge_tables(self)
- advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id].entity_name=self.name
- advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id].name=nil
- advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id].object=nil
- return self.unique_id
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ if not self:ensure_init() then return end
+ atprint("[wagon "..((self.unique_id and self.unique_id~="" and self.unique_id) or "no-id").."]: saving to wagon_save")
+ --serialize inventory, if it has one
+ if self.has_inventory then
+ local inv=minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="advtrains_wgn_"..self.unique_id})
+ self.ser_inv=advtrains.serialize_inventory(inv)
+ end
+ --save to table before being unloaded
+ advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id]=advtrains.merge_tables(self)
+ advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id].entity_name=self.name
+ advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id].name=nil
+ advtrains.wagon_save[self.unique_id].object=nil
+ return self.unique_id
+ end)
--returns: uid of wagon
function wagon:init_new_instance(train_id, properties)
@@ -149,38 +149,38 @@ end
-- Remove the wagon
function wagon:on_punch(puncher, time_from_last_punch, tool_capabilities, direction)
-return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if not self:ensure_init() then return end
- if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then
- return
- end
- if self.owner and puncher:get_player_name()~=self.owner and (not minetest.check_player_privs(puncher, {train_remove = true })) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("This wagon is owned by @1, you can't destroy it.", self.owner));
- return
- end
- if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
- if not self:destroy() then return end
- local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
- if not inv:contains_item("main", self.name) then
- inv:add_item("main", self.name)
- end
- else
- local pc=puncher:get_player_control()
- if not pc.sneak then
- minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon."))
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ if not self:ensure_init() then return end
+ if not puncher or not puncher:is_player() then
+ if self.owner and puncher:get_player_name()~=self.owner and (not minetest.check_player_privs(puncher, {train_remove = true })) then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("This wagon is owned by @1, you can't destroy it.", self.owner));
+ return
+ end
+ if minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
+ if not self:destroy() then return end
+ local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
+ if not inv:contains_item("main", self.name) then
+ inv:add_item("main", self.name)
+ end
+ else
+ local pc=puncher:get_player_control()
+ if not pc.sneak then
+ minetest.chat_send_player(puncher:get_player_name(), attrans("Warning: If you destroy this wagon, you only get some steel back! If you are sure, hold Sneak and left-click the wagon."))
+ return
+ end
- if not self:destroy() then return end
+ if not self:destroy() then return end
- local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
- for _,item in ipairs(self.drops or {self.name}) do
- inv:add_item("main", item)
+ local inv = puncher:get_inventory()
+ for _,item in ipairs(self.drops or {self.name}) do
+ inv:add_item("main", item)
+ end
- end
+ end)
function wagon:destroy()
--some rules:
@@ -215,263 +215,262 @@ end
function wagon:on_step(dtime)
-return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if not self:ensure_init() then return end
- local t=os.clock()
- local pos = self.object:getpos()
- if not pos then
- atprint("["..self.unique_id.."][fatal] missing position (object:getpos() returned nil)")
- return
- end
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ if not self:ensure_init() then return end
+ local t=os.clock()
+ local pos = self.object:getpos()
+ if not pos then
+ atprint("["..self.unique_id.."][fatal] missing position (object:getpos() returned nil)")
+ return
+ end
- self.entity_name=self.name
- --is my train still here
- if not self.train_id or not self:train() then
- atprint("[wagon "..self.unique_id.."] missing train_id, destroying")
- self.object:remove()
- return
- end
- if not self.seatp then
- self.seatp={}
- end
- if not self.seatpc then
- self.seatpc={}
- end
- --Legacy: remove infotext since it does not work this way anyways
- self.infotext=nil
+ self.entity_name=self.name
+ --is my train still here
+ if not self.train_id or not self:train() then
+ atprint("[wagon "..self.unique_id.."] missing train_id, destroying")
+ self.object:remove()
+ return
+ end
+ if not self.seatp then
+ self.seatp={}
+ end
+ if not self.seatpc then
+ self.seatpc={}
+ end
+ --Legacy: remove infotext since it does not work this way anyways
+ self.infotext=nil
- --custom on_step function
- if self.custom_on_step then
- self:custom_on_step(self, dtime)
- end
+ --custom on_step function
+ if self.custom_on_step then
+ self:custom_on_step(self, dtime)
+ end
- --driver control
- for seatno, seat in ipairs(self.seats) do
- local driver=self.seatp[seatno] and minetest.get_player_by_name(self.seatp[seatno])
- local has_driverstand=seat.driving_ctrl_access and self.seatp[seatno] and minetest.check_player_privs(self.seatp[seatno], {train_operator=true})
- if has_driverstand and driver then
- advtrains.update_driver_hud(driver:get_player_name(), self:train(), self.wagon_flipped)
- elseif driver then
- --only show the inside text
- local inside=self:train().text_inside or ""
- advtrains.set_trainhud(driver:get_player_name(), inside)
- end
- if driver and driver:get_player_control_bits()~=self.seatpc[seatno] then
- local pc=driver:get_player_control()
- self.seatpc[seatno]=driver:get_player_control_bits()
- if has_driverstand then
- --regular driver stand controls
- advtrains.on_control_change(pc, self:train(), self.wagon_flipped)
- else
- -- If on a passenger seat and doors are open, get off when W or D pressed.
- local pass = self.seatp[seatno] and minetest.get_player_by_name(self.seatp[seatno])
- if pass and self:train().door_open~=0 then
- local pc=pass:get_player_control()
- if pc.up or pc.down then
- self:get_off(seatno)
- end
- end
- end
- if pc.aux1 and pc.sneak then
- self:get_off(seatno)
+ --driver control
+ for seatno, seat in ipairs(self.seats) do
+ local driver=self.seatp[seatno] and minetest.get_player_by_name(self.seatp[seatno])
+ local has_driverstand=seat.driving_ctrl_access and self.seatp[seatno] and minetest.check_player_privs(self.seatp[seatno], {train_operator=true})
+ if has_driverstand and driver then
+ advtrains.update_driver_hud(driver:get_player_name(), self:train(), self.wagon_flipped)
+ elseif driver then
+ --only show the inside text
+ local inside=self:train().text_inside or ""
+ advtrains.set_trainhud(driver:get_player_name(), inside)
- end
- end
- --check infotext
- local outside=self:train().text_outside or ""
- if self.object:get_properties().infotext~=outside then
- self.object:set_properties({infotext=outside})
- end
- local gp=self:train()
- local fct=self.wagon_flipped and -1 or 1
- --door animation
- if self.doors then
- if (self.door_anim_timer or 0)<=0 then
- local dstate = (gp.door_open or 0) * fct
- if dstate ~= self.door_state then
- local at
- --meaning of the train.door_open field:
- -- -1: left doors (rel. to train orientation)
- -- 0: closed
- -- 1: right doors
- --this code produces the following behavior:
- -- if changed from 0 to +-1, play open anim. if changed from +-1 to 0, play close.
- -- if changed from +-1 to -+1, first close and set 0, then it will detect state change again and run open.
- if self.door_state == 0 then
- at=self.doors.open[dstate]
- self.object:set_animation(at.frames, at.speed or 15, at.blend or 0, false)
- self.door_state = dstate
+ if driver and driver:get_player_control_bits()~=self.seatpc[seatno] then
+ local pc=driver:get_player_control()
+ self.seatpc[seatno]=driver:get_player_control_bits()
+ if has_driverstand then
+ --regular driver stand controls
+ advtrains.on_control_change(pc, self:train(), self.wagon_flipped)
- at=self.doors.close[self.door_state or 1]--in case it has not been set yet
- self.object:set_animation(at.frames, at.speed or 15, at.blend or 0, false)
- self.door_state = 0
+ -- If on a passenger seat and doors are open, get off when W or D pressed.
+ local pass = self.seatp[seatno] and minetest.get_player_by_name(self.seatp[seatno])
+ if pass and self:train().door_open~=0 then
+ local pc=pass:get_player_control()
+ if pc.up or pc.down then
+ self:get_off(seatno)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if pc.aux1 and pc.sneak then
+ self:get_off(seatno)
- self.door_anim_timer = at.time
- else
- self.door_anim_timer = (self.door_anim_timer or 0) - dtime
- end
- --DisCouple
- if self.pos_in_trainparts and self.pos_in_trainparts>1 then
- if gp.velocity==0 and not self.lock_couples then
- if not self.discouple or not self.discouple.object:getyaw() then
- local object=minetest.add_entity(pos, "advtrains:discouple")
- if object then
- local le=object:get_luaentity()
- le.wagon=self
- --box is hidden when attached, so unuseful.
- --object:set_attach(self.object, "", {x=0, y=0, z=self.wagon_span*10}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
- self.discouple=le
- else
- atprint("Couldn't spawn DisCouple")
+ --check infotext
+ local outside=self:train().text_outside or ""
+ if self.object:get_properties().infotext~=outside then
+ self.object:set_properties({infotext=outside})
+ end
+ local gp=self:train()
+ local fct=self.wagon_flipped and -1 or 1
+ --door animation
+ if self.doors then
+ if (self.door_anim_timer or 0)<=0 then
+ local dstate = (gp.door_open or 0) * fct
+ if dstate ~= self.door_state then
+ local at
+ --meaning of the train.door_open field:
+ -- -1: left doors (rel. to train orientation)
+ -- 0: closed
+ -- 1: right doors
+ --this code produces the following behavior:
+ -- if changed from 0 to +-1, play open anim. if changed from +-1 to 0, play close.
+ -- if changed from +-1 to -+1, first close and set 0, then it will detect state change again and run open.
+ if self.door_state == 0 then
+ at=self.doors.open[dstate]
+ self.object:set_animation(at.frames, at.speed or 15, at.blend or 0, false)
+ self.door_state = dstate
+ else
+ at=self.doors.close[self.door_state or 1]--in case it has not been set yet
+ self.object:set_animation(at.frames, at.speed or 15, at.blend or 0, false)
+ self.door_state = 0
+ end
+ self.door_anim_timer = at.time
- end
- else
- if self.discouple and self.discouple.object:getyaw() then
- self.discouple.object:remove()
+ else
+ self.door_anim_timer = (self.door_anim_timer or 0) - dtime
- end
- --for path to be available. if not, skip step
- if not gp.path then
- self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0})
- return
- end
- if not self.pos_in_train then
- --why ever. but better continue next step...
- advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(self.train_id)
- return
- end
- local index=advtrains.get_real_path_index(self:train(), self.pos_in_train)
- --atprint("trainindex "..gp.index.." wagonindex "..index)
- --automatic get_on
- --needs to know index and path
- if self.door_entry and gp.door_open and gp.door_open~=0 and gp.velocity==0 then
- --using the mapping created by the trainlogic globalstep
- for i, ino in ipairs(self.door_entry) do
- --fct is the flipstate flag from door animation above
- local aci = index + ino*fct
- local ix1=gp.path[math.floor(aci)]
- local ix2=gp.path[math.floor(aci+1)]
- -- the two wanted positions are ix1 and ix2 + (2nd-1st rotated by 90deg)
- -- (x z) rotated by 90deg is (-z x) (http://stackoverflow.com/a/4780141)
- local add = { x = (ix2.z-ix1.z)*gp.door_open, y = 0, z = (ix1.x-ix2.x)*gp.door_open }
- local pts1=vector.round(vector.add(ix1, add))
- local pts2=vector.round(vector.add(ix2, add))
- if minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(pts1).name, "platform")>0 then
- local ckpts={
- pts1,
- pts2,
- vector.add(pts1, {x=0, y=1, z=0}),
- vector.add(pts2, {x=0, y=1, z=0}),
- }
- for _,ckpos in ipairs(ckpts) do
- local cpp=minetest.pos_to_string(ckpos)
- if advtrains.playersbypts[cpp] then
- self:on_rightclick(advtrains.playersbypts[cpp])
+ --DisCouple
+ if self.pos_in_trainparts and self.pos_in_trainparts>1 then
+ if gp.velocity==0 and not self.lock_couples then
+ if not self.discouple or not self.discouple.object:getyaw() then
+ local object=minetest.add_entity(pos, "advtrains:discouple")
+ if object then
+ local le=object:get_luaentity()
+ le.wagon=self
+ --box is hidden when attached, so unuseful.
+ --object:set_attach(self.object, "", {x=0, y=0, z=self.wagon_span*10}, {x=0, y=0, z=0})
+ self.discouple=le
+ else
+ atprint("Couldn't spawn DisCouple")
+ else
+ if self.discouple and self.discouple.object:getyaw() then
+ self.discouple.object:remove()
+ end
- end
- --position recalculation
- local first_pos=gp.path[math.floor(index)]
- local second_pos=gp.path[math.floor(index)+1]
- if not first_pos or not second_pos then
- --atprint(" object "..self.unique_id.." path end reached!")
- self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=0,z=0})
- return
- end
- --checking for environment collisions(a 3x3 cube around the center)
- if not gp.recently_collided_with_env then
- local collides=false
- for x=-1,1 do
- for y=0,2 do
- for z=-1,1 do
- local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(vector.add(first_pos, {x=x, y=y, z=z}))
- if (advtrains.train_collides(node)) then
- collides=true
+ --for path to be available. if not, skip step
+ if not gp.path then
+ self.object:setvelocity({x=0, y=0, z=0})
+ return
+ end
+ if not self.pos_in_train then
+ --why ever. but better continue next step...
+ advtrains.update_trainpart_properties(self.train_id)
+ return
+ end
+ local index=advtrains.get_real_path_index(self:train(), self.pos_in_train)
+ --atprint("trainindex "..gp.index.." wagonindex "..index)
+ --automatic get_on
+ --needs to know index and path
+ if self.door_entry and gp.door_open and gp.door_open~=0 and gp.velocity==0 then
+ --using the mapping created by the trainlogic globalstep
+ for i, ino in ipairs(self.door_entry) do
+ --fct is the flipstate flag from door animation above
+ local aci = index + ino*fct
+ local ix1=gp.path[math.floor(aci)]
+ local ix2=gp.path[math.floor(aci+1)]
+ -- the two wanted positions are ix1 and ix2 + (2nd-1st rotated by 90deg)
+ -- (x z) rotated by 90deg is (-z x) (http://stackoverflow.com/a/4780141)
+ local add = { x = (ix2.z-ix1.z)*gp.door_open, y = 0, z = (ix1.x-ix2.x)*gp.door_open }
+ local pts1=vector.round(vector.add(ix1, add))
+ local pts2=vector.round(vector.add(ix2, add))
+ if minetest.get_item_group(minetest.get_node(pts1).name, "platform")>0 then
+ local ckpts={
+ pts1,
+ pts2,
+ vector.add(pts1, {x=0, y=1, z=0}),
+ vector.add(pts2, {x=0, y=1, z=0}),
+ }
+ for _,ckpos in ipairs(ckpts) do
+ local cpp=minetest.pos_to_string(ckpos)
+ if advtrains.playersbypts[cpp] then
+ self:on_rightclick(advtrains.playersbypts[cpp])
+ end
- if collides then
- if self.collision_count and self.collision_count>10 then
- --enable collision mercy to get trains stuck in walls out of walls
- --actually do nothing except limiting the velocity to 1
- gp.velocity=math.min(gp.velocity, 1)
- gp.tarvelocity=math.min(gp.tarvelocity, 1)
+ --position recalculation
+ local first_pos=gp.path[math.floor(index)]
+ local second_pos=gp.path[math.floor(index)+1]
+ if not first_pos or not second_pos then
+ --atprint(" object "..self.unique_id.." path end reached!")
+ self.object:setvelocity({x=0,y=0,z=0})
+ return
+ end
+ --checking for environment collisions(a 3x3 cube around the center)
+ if not gp.recently_collided_with_env then
+ local collides=false
+ for x=-1,1 do
+ for y=0,2 do
+ for z=-1,1 do
+ local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(vector.add(first_pos, {x=x, y=y, z=z}))
+ if (advtrains.train_collides(node)) then
+ collides=true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if collides then
+ if self.collision_count and self.collision_count>10 then
+ --enable collision mercy to get trains stuck in walls out of walls
+ --actually do nothing except limiting the velocity to 1
+ gp.velocity=math.min(gp.velocity, 1)
+ gp.tarvelocity=math.min(gp.tarvelocity, 1)
+ else
+ gp.recently_collided_with_env=true
+ gp.velocity=2*gp.velocity
+ gp.movedir=-gp.movedir
+ gp.tarvelocity=0
+ self.collision_count=(self.collision_count or 0)+1
+ end
- gp.recently_collided_with_env=true
- gp.velocity=2*gp.velocity
- gp.movedir=-gp.movedir
- gp.tarvelocity=0
- self.collision_count=(self.collision_count or 0)+1
+ self.collision_count=nil
+ end
+ --FIX: use index of the wagon, not of the train.
+ local velocity=(gp.velocity*gp.movedir)/(gp.path_dist[math.floor(index)] or 1)
+ local acceleration=(gp.last_accel or 0)/(gp.path_dist[math.floor(index)] or 1)
+ local factor=index-math.floor(index)
+ local actual_pos={x=first_pos.x-(first_pos.x-second_pos.x)*factor, y=first_pos.y-(first_pos.y-second_pos.y)*factor, z=first_pos.z-(first_pos.z-second_pos.z)*factor,}
+ local velocityvec={x=(first_pos.x-second_pos.x)*velocity*-1, z=(first_pos.z-second_pos.z)*velocity*-1, y=(first_pos.y-second_pos.y)*velocity*-1}
+ local accelerationvec={x=(first_pos.x-second_pos.x)*acceleration*-1, z=(first_pos.z-second_pos.z)*acceleration*-1, y=(first_pos.y-second_pos.y)*acceleration*-1}
+ --some additional positions to determine orientation
+ local aposfwd=gp.path[math.floor(index+2)]
+ local aposbwd=gp.path[math.floor(index-1)]
+ local yaw
+ if aposfwd and aposbwd then
+ yaw=advtrains.get_wagon_yaw(aposfwd, second_pos, first_pos, aposbwd, factor)+math.pi--TODO remove when cleaning up
- self.collision_count=nil
+ yaw=math.atan2((first_pos.x-second_pos.x), (second_pos.z-first_pos.z))
- end
- --FIX: use index of the wagon, not of the train.
- local velocity=(gp.velocity*gp.movedir)/(gp.path_dist[math.floor(index)] or 1)
- local acceleration=(gp.last_accel or 0)/(gp.path_dist[math.floor(index)] or 1)
- local factor=index-math.floor(index)
- local actual_pos={x=first_pos.x-(first_pos.x-second_pos.x)*factor, y=first_pos.y-(first_pos.y-second_pos.y)*factor, z=first_pos.z-(first_pos.z-second_pos.z)*factor,}
- local velocityvec={x=(first_pos.x-second_pos.x)*velocity*-1, z=(first_pos.z-second_pos.z)*velocity*-1, y=(first_pos.y-second_pos.y)*velocity*-1}
- local accelerationvec={x=(first_pos.x-second_pos.x)*acceleration*-1, z=(first_pos.z-second_pos.z)*acceleration*-1, y=(first_pos.y-second_pos.y)*acceleration*-1}
- --some additional positions to determine orientation
- local aposfwd=gp.path[math.floor(index+2)]
- local aposbwd=gp.path[math.floor(index-1)]
- local yaw
- if aposfwd and aposbwd then
- yaw=advtrains.get_wagon_yaw(aposfwd, second_pos, first_pos, aposbwd, factor)+math.pi--TODO remove when cleaning up
- else
- yaw=math.atan2((first_pos.x-second_pos.x), (second_pos.z-first_pos.z))
- end
- if self.wagon_flipped then
- yaw=yaw+math.pi
- end
- self.updatepct_timer=(self.updatepct_timer or 0)-dtime
- if not self.old_velocity_vector
- or not vector.equals(velocityvec, self.old_velocity_vector)
- or not self.old_acceleration_vector
- or not vector.equals(accelerationvec, self.old_acceleration_vector)
- or self.old_yaw~=yaw
- or self.updatepct_timer<=0 then--only send update packet if something changed
- self.object:setpos(actual_pos)
- self.object:setvelocity(velocityvec)
- self.object:setacceleration(accelerationvec)
- self.object:setyaw(yaw)
- self.updatepct_timer=2
- if self.update_animation then
- self:update_animation(gp.velocity)
+ if self.wagon_flipped then
+ yaw=yaw+math.pi
- end
- self.old_velocity_vector=velocityvec
- self.old_acceleration_vector=accelerationvec
- self.old_yaw=yaw
- atprintbm("wagon step", t)
+ self.updatepct_timer=(self.updatepct_timer or 0)-dtime
+ if not self.old_velocity_vector
+ or not vector.equals(velocityvec, self.old_velocity_vector)
+ or not self.old_acceleration_vector
+ or not vector.equals(accelerationvec, self.old_acceleration_vector)
+ or self.old_yaw~=yaw
+ or self.updatepct_timer<=0 then--only send update packet if something changed
+ self.object:setpos(actual_pos)
+ self.object:setvelocity(velocityvec)
+ self.object:setacceleration(accelerationvec)
+ self.object:setyaw(yaw)
+ self.updatepct_timer=2
+ if self.update_animation then
+ self:update_animation(gp.velocity)
+ end
+ end
+ self.old_velocity_vector=velocityvec
+ self.old_acceleration_vector=accelerationvec
+ self.old_yaw=yaw
+ atprintbm("wagon step", t)
+ end)
function advtrains.get_real_path_index(train, pit)
@@ -492,88 +491,87 @@ function advtrains.get_real_path_index(train, pit)
function wagon:on_rightclick(clicker)
-return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if not self:ensure_init() then return end
- if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then
- return
- end
- if clicker:get_player_control().aux1 then
- --advtrains.dumppath(self:train().path)
- --minetest.chat_send_all("at index "..(self:train().index or "nil"))
- --advtrains.invert_train(self.train_id)
- atprint(dump(self))
- return
- end
- local pname=clicker:get_player_name()
- local no=self:get_seatno(pname)
- if no then
- if self.seat_groups then
- local poss={}
- local sgr=self.seats[no].group
- for _,access in ipairs(self.seat_groups[sgr].access_to) do
- if self:check_seat_group_access(pname, access) then
- poss[#poss+1]={name=self.seat_groups[access].name, key="sgr_"..access}
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ if not self:ensure_init() then return end
+ if not clicker or not clicker:is_player() then
+ return
+ end
+ if clicker:get_player_control().aux1 then
+ --advtrains.dumppath(self:train().path)
+ --minetest.chat_send_all("at index "..(self:train().index or "nil"))
+ --advtrains.invert_train(self.train_id)
+ atprint(dump(self))
+ return
+ end
+ local pname=clicker:get_player_name()
+ local no=self:get_seatno(pname)
+ if no then
+ if self.seat_groups then
+ local poss={}
+ local sgr=self.seats[no].group
+ for _,access in ipairs(self.seat_groups[sgr].access_to) do
+ if self:check_seat_group_access(pname, access) then
+ poss[#poss+1]={name=self.seat_groups[access].name, key="sgr_"..access}
+ end
- end
- if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec then
- poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Show Inventory"), key="inv"}
- end
- if self.owner==pname then
- poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Wagon properties"), key="prop"}
- end
- if not self.seat_groups[sgr].require_doors_open or self:train().door_open~=0 then
- poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Get off"), key="off"}
- else
- if clicker:get_player_control().sneak then
- poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Get off (forced)"), key="off"}
+ if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec then
+ poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Show Inventory"), key="inv"}
+ end
+ if self.owner==pname then
+ poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Wagon properties"), key="prop"}
+ end
+ if not self.seat_groups[sgr].require_doors_open or self:train().door_open~=0 then
+ poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Get off"), key="off"}
- poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("(Doors closed)"), key="dcwarn"}
+ if clicker:get_player_control().sneak then
+ poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("Get off (forced)"), key="off"}
+ else
+ poss[#poss+1]={name=attrans("(Doors closed)"), key="dcwarn"}
+ end
- end
- if #poss==0 then
- --can't do anything.
- elseif #poss==1 then
- self:seating_from_key_helper(pname, {[poss[1].key]=true}, no)
- else
- local form = "size[5,"..1+(#poss).."]"
- for pos,ent in ipairs(poss) do
- form = form .. "button_exit[0.5,"..(pos-0.5)..";4,1;"..ent.key..";"..ent.name.."]"
+ if #poss==0 then
+ --can't do anything.
+ elseif #poss==1 then
+ self:seating_from_key_helper(pname, {[poss[1].key]=true}, no)
+ else
+ local form = "size[5,"..1+(#poss).."]"
+ for pos,ent in ipairs(poss) do
+ form = form .. "button_exit[0.5,"..(pos-0.5)..";4,1;"..ent.key..";"..ent.name.."]"
+ end
+ minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_seating_"..self.unique_id, form)
- minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_seating_"..self.unique_id, form)
+ else
+ self:get_off(no)
- self:get_off(no)
- end
- else
- --do not attach if already on a train
- if advtrains.player_to_train_mapping[pname] then return end
- if self.seat_groups then
- if #self.seats==0 then
- if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec then
- minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_inv_"..self.unique_id, self:get_inventory_formspec(pname))
+ --do not attach if already on a train
+ if advtrains.player_to_train_mapping[pname] then return end
+ if self.seat_groups then
+ if #self.seats==0 then
+ if self.has_inventory and self.get_inventory_formspec then
+ minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_inv_"..self.unique_id, self:get_inventory_formspec(pname))
+ end
+ return
- return
- end
- local doors_open = self:train().door_open~=0 or clicker:get_player_control().sneak
- for _,sgr in ipairs(self.assign_to_seat_group) do
- if self:check_seat_group_access(pname, sgr) then
- for seatid, seatdef in ipairs(self.seats) do
- if seatdef.group==sgr and not self.seatp[seatid] and (not self.seat_groups[sgr].require_doors_open or doors_open) then
- self:get_on(clicker, seatid)
- return
+ local doors_open = self:train().door_open~=0 or clicker:get_player_control().sneak
+ for _,sgr in ipairs(self.assign_to_seat_group) do
+ if self:check_seat_group_access(pname, sgr) then
+ for seatid, seatdef in ipairs(self.seats) do
+ if seatdef.group==sgr and not self.seatp[seatid] and (not self.seat_groups[sgr].require_doors_open or doors_open) then
+ self:get_on(clicker, seatid)
+ return
+ end
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Can't get on: wagon full or doors closed!"))
+ minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Use Sneak+rightclick to bypass closed doors!"))
+ else
+ self:show_get_on_form(pname)
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Can't get on: wagon full or doors closed!"))
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Use Sneak+rightclick to bypass closed doors!"))
- else
- self:show_get_on_form(pname)
- end
+ end)
function wagon:get_on(clicker, seatno)
@@ -718,80 +716,79 @@ function wagon:show_wagon_properties(pname)
minetest.show_formspec(pname, "advtrains_prop_"..self.unique_id, form)
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
-return advtrains.pcall(function()
- local uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_geton_(.+)$")
- if uid then
- for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
- if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
- if fields.inv then
- if wagon.has_inventory and wagon.get_inventory_formspec then
- minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "advtrains_inv_"..uid, wagon:get_inventory_formspec(player:get_player_name()))
- end
- elseif fields.seat then
- local val=minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.seat)
- if val and val.type~="INV" and not wagon.seatp[player:get_player_name()] then
- --get on
- wagon:get_on(player, val.index)
- --will work with the new close_formspec functionality. close exactly this formspec.
- minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), formname, "")
+ return advtrains.pcall(function()
+ local uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_geton_(.+)$")
+ if uid then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
+ if fields.inv then
+ if wagon.has_inventory and wagon.get_inventory_formspec then
+ minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), "advtrains_inv_"..uid, wagon:get_inventory_formspec(player:get_player_name()))
+ end
+ elseif fields.seat then
+ local val=minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.seat)
+ if val and val.type~="INV" and not wagon.seatp[player:get_player_name()] then
+ --get on
+ wagon:get_on(player, val.index)
+ --will work with the new close_formspec functionality. close exactly this formspec.
+ minetest.show_formspec(player:get_player_name(), formname, "")
+ end
- end
- uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_seating_(.+)$")
- if uid then
- for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
- if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
- local pname=player:get_player_name()
- local no=wagon:get_seatno(pname)
- if no then
- if wagon.seat_groups then
- wagon:seating_from_key_helper(pname, fields, no)
+ uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_seating_(.+)$")
+ if uid then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
+ local pname=player:get_player_name()
+ local no=wagon:get_seatno(pname)
+ if no then
+ if wagon.seat_groups then
+ wagon:seating_from_key_helper(pname, fields, no)
+ end
- end
- uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_prop_(.+)$")
- if uid then
- for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
- if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
- local pname=player:get_player_name()
- if pname~=wagon.owner then
- return true
- end
- if fields.save or not fields.quit then
- for sgr,sgrdef in pairs(wagon.seat_groups) do
- if fields["sgr_"..sgr] then
- local fcont = fields["sgr_"..sgr]
- wagon.seat_access[sgr] = fcont~="" and fcont or nil
- end
- end
- if fields.lock_couples then
- wagon.lock_couples = fields.lock_couples == "true"
+ uid=string.match(formname, "^advtrains_prop_(.+)$")
+ if uid then
+ for _,wagon in pairs(minetest.luaentities) do
+ if wagon.is_wagon and wagon.initialized and wagon.unique_id==uid then
+ local pname=player:get_player_name()
+ if pname~=wagon.owner then
+ return true
- if fields.text_outside then
- if fields.text_outside~="" then
- wagon:train().text_outside=fields.text_outside
- else
- wagon:train().text_outside=nil
+ if fields.save or not fields.quit then
+ for sgr,sgrdef in pairs(wagon.seat_groups) do
+ if fields["sgr_"..sgr] then
+ local fcont = fields["sgr_"..sgr]
+ wagon.seat_access[sgr] = fcont~="" and fcont or nil
+ end
- end
- if fields.text_inside then
- if fields.text_inside~="" then
- wagon:train().text_inside=fields.text_inside
- else
- wagon:train().text_inside=nil
+ if fields.lock_couples then
+ wagon.lock_couples = fields.lock_couples == "true"
+ end
+ if fields.text_outside then
+ if fields.text_outside~="" then
+ wagon:train().text_outside=fields.text_outside
+ else
+ wagon:train().text_outside=nil
+ end
+ if fields.text_inside then
+ if fields.text_inside~="" then
+ wagon:train().text_inside=fields.text_inside
+ else
+ wagon:train().text_inside=nil
+ end
+ end
- end
+ end)
function wagon:seating_from_key_helper(pname, fields, no)
local sgr=self.seats[no].group
@@ -855,42 +852,42 @@ function advtrains.register_wagon(sysname, prototype, desc, inv_img)
on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing)
return advtrains.pcall(function()
- if not pointed_thing.type == "node" then
- return
- end
+ if not pointed_thing.type == "node" then
+ return
+ end
- local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under)
- if not node then atprint("[advtrains]Ignore at placer position") return itemstack end
- local nodename=node.name
- if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, prototype.drives_on)) then
- atprint("no track here, not placing.")
+ local node=minetest.get_node_or_nil(pointed_thing.under)
+ if not node then atprint("[advtrains]Ignore at placer position") return itemstack end
+ local nodename=node.name
+ if(not advtrains.is_track_and_drives_on(nodename, prototype.drives_on)) then
+ atprint("no track here, not placing.")
+ return itemstack
+ end
+ if not minetest.check_player_privs(placer, {train_place = true }) and minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, placer:get_player_name()) then
+ minetest.record_protection_violation(pointed_thing.under, placer:get_player_name())
+ return
+ end
+ local conn1=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
+ local id=advtrains.create_new_train_at(pointed_thing.under, advtrains.dirCoordSet(pointed_thing.under, conn1))
+ local ob=minetest.add_entity(pointed_thing.under, "advtrains:"..sysname)
+ if not ob then
+ atprint("couldn't add_entity, aborting")
+ end
+ local le=ob:get_luaentity()
+ le.owner=placer:get_player_name()
+ local wagon_uid=le:init_new_instance(id, {})
+ advtrains.add_wagon_to_train(le, id)
+ if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
+ itemstack:take_item()
+ end
return itemstack
- end
- if not minetest.check_player_privs(placer, {train_place = true }) and minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.under, placer:get_player_name()) then
- minetest.record_protection_violation(pointed_thing.under, placer:get_player_name())
- return
- end
- local conn1=advtrains.get_track_connections(node.name, node.param2)
- local id=advtrains.create_new_train_at(pointed_thing.under, advtrains.dirCoordSet(pointed_thing.under, conn1))
- local ob=minetest.add_entity(pointed_thing.under, "advtrains:"..sysname)
- if not ob then
- atprint("couldn't add_entity, aborting")
- end
- local le=ob:get_luaentity()
- le.owner=placer:get_player_name()
- local wagon_uid=le:init_new_instance(id, {})
- advtrains.add_wagon_to_train(le, id)
- if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then
- itemstack:take_item()
- end
- return itemstack
- end)
+ end)