path: root/advtrains/helpers.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains/helpers.lua')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 91 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/helpers.lua b/advtrains/helpers.lua
index f2e969f..3864d81 100644
--- a/advtrains/helpers.lua
+++ b/advtrains/helpers.lua
@@ -52,97 +52,6 @@ function atround(number)
return math.floor(number+0.5)
-rely1, rely2 tell to which height the connections are pointed to. 1 means it will go up the next node
-function advtrains.conway(midreal, prev, drives_on)--in order prev,mid,return
- local mid=advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(midreal)
- local midnode_ok, middir1, middir2, midrely1, midrely2=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(mid, drives_on)
- if not midnode_ok then
- return nil
- end
- local next, chkdir, chkrely, y_offset
- y_offset=0
- --atprint(" in order mid1,mid2",middir1,middir2)
- --try if it is dir1
- local cor1=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir2)--<<<<
- if cor1.x==prev.x and cor1.z==prev.z then--this was previous
- next=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir1)
- if midrely1>=1 then
- next.y=next.y+1
- --atprint("found midrely1 to be >=1: next is now "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil"))
- y_offset=1
- end
- chkdir=middir1
- chkrely=midrely1
- --atprint("dir2 applied next pos:",minetest.pos_to_string(next),"(chkdir is ",chkdir,")")
- end
- --dir2???
- local cor2=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir1)--<<<<
- if atround(cor2.x)==atround(prev.x) and atround(cor2.z)==atround(prev.z) then
- next=advtrains.dirCoordSet(mid, middir2)--dir2 wird überprüft, alles gut.
- if midrely2>=1 then
- next.y=next.y+1
- --atprint("found midrely2 to be >=1: next is now "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil"))
- y_offset=1
- end
- chkdir=middir2
- chkrely=midrely2
- --atprint(" dir2 applied next pos:",minetest.pos_to_string(next),"(chkdir is ",chkdir,")")
- end
- --atprint("dir applied next pos: "..(next and minetest.pos_to_string(next) or "nil").."(chkdir is "..(chkdir or "nil")..", y-offset "..y_offset..")")
- --is there a next
- if not next then
- --atprint("in conway: no next rail(nil), returning!")
- return nil
- end
- local nextnode_ok, nextdir1, nextdir2, nextrely1, nextrely2, nextrailheight=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next), drives_on)
- --is it a rail?
- if(not nextnode_ok) then
- --atprint("in conway: next "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." not a rail, trying one node below!")
- next.y=next.y-1
- y_offset=y_offset-1
- nextnode_ok, nextdir1, nextdir2, nextrely1, nextrely2, nextrailheight=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next), drives_on)
- if(not nextnode_ok) then
- --atprint("in conway: one below "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." is not a rail either, returning!")
- return nil
- end
- end
- --is this next rail connecting to the mid?
- if not ( (((nextdir1+8)%16)==chkdir and nextrely1==chkrely-y_offset) or (((nextdir2+8)%16)==chkdir and nextrely2==chkrely-y_offset) ) then
- --atprint("in conway: next "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." not connecting, trying one node below!")
- next.y=next.y-1
- y_offset=y_offset-1
- nextnode_ok, nextdir1, nextdir2, nextrely1, nextrely2, nextrailheight=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next), drives_on)
- if(not nextnode_ok) then
- --atprint("in conway: (at connecting if check again) one below "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." is not a rail either, returning!")
- return nil
- end
- if not ( (((nextdir1+8)%16)==chkdir and nextrely1==chkrely) or (((nextdir2+8)%16)==chkdir and nextrely2==chkrely) ) then
- --atprint("in conway: one below "..minetest.pos_to_string(next).." rail not connecting, returning!")
- --atprint(" in order mid1,2,next1,2,chkdir "..middir1.." "..middir2.." "..nextdir1.." "..nextdir2.." "..chkdir)
- return nil
- end
- end
- --atprint("conway found rail.")
- return vector.add(advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(next), {x=0, y=nextrailheight, z=0}), chkdir
---TODO use this
-function advtrains.oppd(dir)
- return ((dir+8)%16)
function advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(vec)
return {x=math.floor(vec.x+0.5), y=math.floor(vec.y), z=math.floor(vec.z+0.5)}
@@ -176,6 +85,20 @@ function advtrains.yawToAnyDir(yaw)
return min_conn
+function advtrains.yawToClosestConn(yaw, conns)
+ local min_connid, min_diff=1, 10
+ for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
+ local uvec = vector.normalize(advtrains.dirToCoord(conn.c))
+ local yaw1 = math.atan2(uvec.z, uvec.x)
+ local diff = advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(yaw, yaw1)
+ if diff < min_diff then
+ min_connid = connid
+ min_diff = diff
+ end
+ end
+ return min_connid
function advtrains.minAngleDiffRad(r1, r2)
local pi, pi2 = math.pi, 2*math.pi
@@ -300,3 +223,95 @@ end
function advtrains.ms_to_kmh(speed)
return speed * 3.6
+-- 4 possible inputs:
+-- integer: just do that modulo calculation
+-- table with c set: rotate c
+-- table with tables: rotate each
+-- table with integers: rotate each (probably no use case)
+function advtrains.rotate_conn_by(conn, rotate)
+ if tonumber(conn) then
+ return (conn+rotate)%AT_CMAX
+ elseif conn.c then
+ return { c = (conn.c+rotate)%AT_CMAX, y = conn.y}
+ end
+ local tmp={}
+ for connid, data in ipairs(conn) do
+ tmp[connid]=advtrains.rotate_conn_by(data, rotate)
+ end
+ return tmp
+--TODO use this
+function advtrains.oppd(dir)
+ return advtrains.rotate_conn_by(dir, AT_CMAX/2)
+--conn_to_match like rotate_conn_by
+--other_conns have to be a table of conn tables!
+function advtrains.conn_matches_to(conn, other_conns)
+ if tonumber(conn) then
+ for connid, data in ipairs(other_conns) do
+ if advtrains.oppd(conn) == data.c then return connid end
+ end
+ return false
+ elseif conn.c then
+ for connid, data in ipairs(other_conns) do
+ local cmp = advtrains.oppd(conn)
+ if cmp.c == data.c and (cmp.y or 0) == (data.y or 0) then return connid end
+ end
+ return false
+ end
+ local tmp={}
+ for connid, data in ipairs(conn) do
+ local backmatch = advtrains.conn_matches_to(data, other_conns)
+ if backmatch then return backmatch, connid end --returns <connid of other rail> <connid of this rail>
+ end
+ return false
+-- returns: <adjacent pos>, <conn index of adjacent>, <my conn index>, <railheight of adjacent>
+function advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_posnr, this_conns_p, conn_idx, drives_on)
+ local this_pos = advtrains.round_vector_floor_y(this_posnr)
+ local this_conns = this_conns_p
+ if not this_conns then
+ _, this_conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(this_pos)
+ end
+ if not conn_idx then
+ for coni, _ in ipairs(this_conns) do
+ local adj_pos, adj_conn_idx, _, nry = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(this_pos, this_conns, coni)
+ if adj_pos then return adj_pos,adj_conn_idx,coni,nry end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ local conn = this_conns[conn_idx]
+ local conn_y = conn.y or 0
+ local adj_pos = advtrains.dirCoordSet(this_pos, conn.c);
+ while conn_y>=1 do
+ conn_y = conn_y - 1
+ adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y + 1
+ end
+ local nextnode_ok, nextconns, nextrail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(adj_pos, drives_on)
+ if not nextnode_ok then
+ adj_pos.y = adj_pos.y - 1
+ conn_y = conn_y + 1
+ nextnode_ok, nextconns, nextrail_y=advtrains.get_rail_info_at(adj_pos, drives_on)
+ if not nextnode_ok then
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ local adj_connid = advtrains.conn_matches_to({c=conn.c, y=conn_y}, nextconns)
+ if adj_connid then
+ return adj_pos, adj_connid, conn_idx, nextrail_y
+ end
+ return nil
+local connlku={[2]={2,1}, [3]={2,1,1}, [4]={2,1,4,3}}
+function advtrains.get_matching_conn(conn, nconns)
+ return connlku[nconns][conn]