path: root/advtrains/trainhud.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains/trainhud.lua')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/trainhud.lua b/advtrains/trainhud.lua
index 22aa6cf..b8eb512 100644
--- a/advtrains/trainhud.lua
+++ b/advtrains/trainhud.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
--trainhud.lua: holds all the code for train controlling
+local T = advtrains.texture
advtrains.hud = {}
advtrains.hhud = {}
@@ -184,98 +186,41 @@ function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip)
local vel = advtrains.abs_ceil(train.velocity)
local vel_kmh=advtrains.abs_ceil(advtrains.ms_to_kmh(train.velocity))
- local tlev=train.lever or 1
+ local tlev=train.lever or 3
if train.velocity==0 and not train.active_control then tlev=1 end
if train.hud_lzb_effect_tmr then
- local ht = {"[combine:440x110:0,0=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:440x110)"}
+ local hud = T.combine(440, 110, "black")
local st = {}
if train.debug then st = {train.debug} end
- -- seven-segment display
- local function sevenseg(digit, x, y, w, h, m)
- --[[
- -1-
- 2 3
- -4-
- 5 6
- -7-
- ]]
- local segs = {
- {h, 0, w, h},
- {0, h, h, w},
- {w+h, h, h, w},
- {h, w+h, w, h},
- {0, w+2*h, h, w},
- {w+h, w+2*h, h, w},
- {h, 2*(w+h), w, h}}
- local trans = {
- [0] = {true, true, true, false, true, true, true},
- [1] = {false, false, true, false, false, true, false},
- [2] = {true, false, true, true, true, false, true},
- [3] = {true, false, true, true, false, true, true},
- [4] = {false, true, true, true, false, true, false},
- [5] = {true, true, false, true, false, true, true},
- [6] = {true, true, false, true, true, true, true},
- [7] = {true, false, true, false, false, true, false},
- [8] = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true},
- [9] = {true, true, true, true, false, true, true}}
- local ent = trans[digit or 10]
- if not ent then return end
- for i = 1, 7, 1 do
- if ent[i] then
- local s = segs[i]
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("%d,%d=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:%dx%d^%s)",x+s[1], y+s[2], s[3], s[4], m)
- end
- end
- end
-- lever
- ht[#ht+1] = "275,10=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:cyan^[resize\\:5x18)"
- ht[#ht+1] = "275,28=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:white^[resize\\:5x18)"
- ht[#ht+1] = "275,46=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:orange^[resize\\:5x36)"
- ht[#ht+1] = "275,82=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:red^[resize\\:5x18)"
- ht[#ht+1] = "292,16=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:darkslategray^[resize\\:6x78)"
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("280,%s=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:gray^[resize\\:30x18)",18*(4-tlev)+10)
+ hud:add_multicolor_fill_topdown(275, 10, 5, 90, 1, "cyan", 1, "white", 2, "orange", 1, "red")
+ hud:add_lever_topdown(280, 10, 30, 90, 18, 6, (4-tlev)/4, "gray", "darkslategray")
-- reverser
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("245,10=(advtrains_hud_arrow.png^[transformFY%s)", flip and "" or "^[multiply\\:cyan")
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("245,85=(advtrains_hud_arrow.png%s)", flip and "^[multiply\\:orange" or "")
- ht[#ht+1] = "250,35=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[colorize\\:darkslategray^[resize\\:5x40)"
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("240,%s=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:25x15^[colorize\\:gray)", flip and 65 or 30)
+ hud:add(245, 10, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":transform"FY":multiply(flip and "gray" or "cyan"))
+ hud:add(245, 85, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":multiply(flip and "orange" or "gray"))
+ hud:add_lever_topdown(240, 30, 25, 50, 15, 5, flip and 1 or 0, "gray", "darkslategray")
-- train control/safety indication
- if train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command then
- ht[#ht+1] = "10,10=(advtrains_hud_atc.png^[resize\\:30x30^[multiply\\:cyan)"
- end
- if train.hud_lzb_effect_tmr then
- ht[#ht+1] = "50,10=(advtrains_hud_lzb.png^[resize\\:30x30^[multiply\\:red)"
- end
- if train.is_shunt then
- ht[#ht+1] = "90,10=(advtrains_hud_shunt.png^[resize\\:30x30^[multiply\\:orange)"
- end
+ hud:add(10, 10, T"advtrains_hud_atc.png":resize(30, 30):multiply((train.tarvelocity or train.atc_command) and "cyan" or "darkslategray"))
+ hud:add(50, 10, T"advtrains_hud_lzb.png":resize(30, 30):multiply(train.hud_lzb_effect_tmr and "red" or "darkslategray"))
+ hud:add(90, 10, T"advtrains_hud_shunt.png":resize(30, 30):multiply(train.is_shunt and "orange" or "darkslategray"))
-- door
- ht[#ht+1] = "187,10=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:26x30^[colorize\\:white)"
- ht[#ht+1] = "189,12=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:22x11)"
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("170,10=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:15x30^[colorize\\:%s)", train.door_open==-1 and "white" or "darkslategray")
- ht[#ht+1] = "172,12=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:11x11)"
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("215,10=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:15x30^[colorize\\:%s)", train.door_open==1 and "white" or "darkslategray")
- ht[#ht+1] = "217,12=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:11x11)"
+ hud:add_fill(187, 10, 26, 30, "white"):add_fill(189, 12, 22, 11, "black")
+ hud:add_fill(170, 10, 15, 30, train.door_open==-1 and "white" or "darkslategray"):add_fill(172, 12, 11, 11, "black")
+ hud:add_fill(215, 10, 15, 30, train.door_open==1 and "white" or "darkslategray"):add_fill(217, 12, 11, 11, "black")
-- speed indication(s)
- sevenseg(math.floor(vel/10), 320, 10, 30, 10, "[colorize\\:red\\:255")
- sevenseg(vel%10, 380, 10, 30, 10, "[colorize\\:red\\:255")
- for i = 1, vel, 1 do
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("%d,65=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:8x20^[colorize\\:white)", i*11-1)
- end
- for i = max+1, 20, 1 do
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("%d,65=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:8x20^[colorize\\:darkslategray)", i*11-1)
- end
+ hud:add_n7seg(320, 10, 110, 90, vel, 2, "red")
+ hud:add_segmentbar_leftright(10, 65, 217, 20, 3, 20, max, 20, "darkslategray", 0, vel, "white")
if res and res > 0 then
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("%d,60=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:3x30^[colorize\\:red\\:255)", 7+res*11)
+ hud:add_fill(7+res*11, 60, 3, 30, "red")
if train.tarvelocity then
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("%d,85=(advtrains_hud_arrow.png^[multiply\\:cyan^[transformFY^[makealpha\\:#000000)", 1+train.tarvelocity*11)
+ hud:add(1+train.tarvelocity*11, 85, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":transform"FY":multiply"cyan")
+ local lzbdisp
local lzb = train.lzb
if lzb and lzb.checkpoints then
local oc = lzb.checkpoints
@@ -285,37 +230,38 @@ function advtrains.hud_train_format(train, flip)
if spd == -1 then spd = nil end
local c = not spd and "lime" or (type(spd) == "number" and (spd == 0) and "red" or "orange") or nil
if c then
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("130,10=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:30x5^[colorize\\:%s)",c)
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("130,35=(advtrains_hud_bg.png^[resize\\:30x5^[colorize\\:%s)",c)
if spd and spd~=0 then
- ht[#ht+1] = sformat("%d,50=(advtrains_hud_arrow.png^[multiply\\:red^[makealpha\\:#000000)", 1+spd*11)
+ hud:add(1+spd*11, 50, T"advtrains_hud_arrow.png":multiply"red")
- local floor = math.floor
- local dist = floor(((oc[i].index or train.index)-train.index))
+ local dist = math.floor(((oc[i].index or train.index)-train.index))
dist = math.max(0, math.min(999, dist))
- for j = 1, 3, 1 do
- sevenseg(floor((dist/10^(3-j))%10), 119+j*11, 18, 4, 2, "[colorize\\:"..c)
- end
+ lzbdisp = {c = c, d = dist}
+ if not lzbdisp then
+ lzbdisp = {c = "darkslategray", d = 888}
+ end
+ hud:add_fill(130, 10, 30, 5, lzbdisp.c)
+ hud:add_fill(130, 35, 30, 5, lzbdisp.c)
+ hud:add_n7seg(131, 18, 28, 14, lzbdisp.d, 3, lzbdisp.c)
if res and res == 0 then
- st[#st+1] = attrans("OVERRUN RED SIGNAL! Examine situation and reverse train to move again.")
+ table.insert(st, attrans("OVERRUN RED SIGNAL! Examine situation and reverse train to move again."))
if train.atc_command then
- st[#st+1] = sformat("ATC: %s%s", train.atc_delay and advtrains.abs_ceil(train.atc_delay).."s " or "", train.atc_command or "")
+ table.insert(st, ("ATC: %s%s"):format(train.atc_delay and advtrains.abs_ceil(train.atc_delay).."s " or "", train.atc_command or ""))
- return table.concat(st,"\n"), table.concat(ht,":")
+ return table.concat(st,"\n"), tostring(hud)
local _, texture = advtrains.hud_train_format { -- dummy train object to demonstrate the train hud
max_speed = 15, speed_restriction = 15, velocity = 15, tarvelocity = 12,
active_control = true, lever = 3, ctrl = {lzb = true}, is_shunt = true,
- door_open = 1, lzb = {oncoming = {{spd=6, idx=125.7}}}, index = 0,
+ door_open = 1, lzb = {checkpoints = {{speed=6, index=125.7}}}, index = 100,