path: root/advtrains
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains')
4 files changed, 621 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/gui b/advtrains/locale/gui
index 6326916..7f455e4 100755
--- a/advtrains/locale/gui
+++ b/advtrains/locale/gui
@@ -1,184 +1,638 @@
package require Tk
-global translationTemplate
-global translationData
-global translationLangs
+# Auxiliary functions
+proc maybe_lindex {lst idx fallback} {
+ set val [lindex $lst $idx]
+ if {$val eq {}} {
+ return $fallback
+ } else {
+ return $val
+ }
+proc firstupper {str} {
+ return [string cat [string toupper [string index $str 0]] [string range $str 1 end]]
+# CLI arguments
+# NOTE: This will likely be changed in the future
+set translationDomain [maybe_lindex $argv 0 "advtrains"]
+set translationDir [maybe_lindex $argv 1 "."]
+# Translation file I/O, etc
+set translationTemplatePath [file join $translationDir "template.txt"]
+proc translationFilePaths {} {
+ global translationDir translationDomain
+ return [glob -path [file join $translationDir $translationDomain] ".*.tr"]
proc readTranslationTemplate {} {
- global translationTemplate
- set translationTemplate [list]
- set handle [open "template.txt" "r"]
- fconfigure $handle -translation lf
- set lst [list]
- while {[gets $handle line] >= 0} {
- if {$line eq ""} {
- lappend lst ""
- } elseif {[string match "#*" $line]} {
- lappend lst $line
- } elseif {[regexp {^(.+[^@])=.+$} $line x str]} {
- lappend lst $str
- }
- }
- set translationTemplate $lst;
- close $handle
+ global translationTemplate translationTemplatePath
+ set translationTemplate [list]
+ set handle [open $translationTemplatePath "r"]
+ fconfigure $handle -translation lf
+ while {[gets $handle line] >= 0} {
+ if {$line eq ""} {
+ lappend translationTemplate $line
+ } elseif {[string match {#*} $line]} {
+ lappend translationTemplate $line
+ } elseif {[regexp {^(.+[^@])=.+$} $line x str]} {
+ lappend translationTemplate $str
+ }
+ }
+ close $handle
proc readTranslationFiles {} {
- global translationData
- global translationLangs
- array set translationData [list]
- set translationLangs [list]
- set tbl [list]
- set filelist [glob "advtrains.*.tr"]
- foreach fn $filelist {
- if {[regexp {\.([^.]+)\.} $fn x lang]} {
- set handle [open $fn "r"];
- fconfigure $handle -translation lf
- while {[gets $handle line] >= 0} {
- if {[regexp {^([^#].+[^@])=(.+)$} $line x ori tr]} {
- set translationData($lang,$ori) $tr
+ global translationData translationLangs
+ array set translationData [list]
+ set translationLangs [list]
+ foreach fn [translationFilePaths] {
+ if {[regexp {\.([^.]+)\.tr$} $fn x lang]} {
+ set handle [open $fn "r"]
+ fconfigure $handle -translation lf
+ while {[gets $handle line] >= 0} {
+ if {[regexp {^([^#].+[^@])=(.+)$} $line x ori tr]} {
+ set translationData($lang,$ori) $tr
+ }
+ }
+ lappend translationLangs $lang
+ close $handle
- }
- lappend translationLangs $lang
- close $handle
- }
- }
- set translationLangs [lsort $translationLangs]
-proc loadTranslationToTreeView {} {
- global translationTemplate;
- global translationData;
- set lang [.f.langSelect get];
- set tree .f.translationView;
- $tree delete [$tree children {}];
- set parent {};
- foreach i [lrange $translationTemplate 1 end] {
- if {$i eq ""} {
- # nop
- } elseif {[regexp {\#+\s*(.+)} $i x comment]} {
- set parent [$tree insert {} end -text $comment -tags {notranslate}];
- } elseif {[info exists translationData($lang,$i)]} {
- $tree insert $parent end -text $i -values [list $translationData($lang,$i)]
- } else {
- $tree insert $parent end -text $i -values [list $i]
- }
- }
- updateEntrySelection
-proc updateTranslations {} {
- readTranslationTemplate
- readTranslationFiles
-proc updateTranslationsToGUI {} {
- updateTranslations
- loadTranslationToTreeView
-proc updateEntrySelection {args} {
- global translationData
- global origEntry
- global trEntry
- global refEntry
- set reflang [.f.refLang get]
- set focuseditem [.f.translationView focus]
- set origEntry [.f.translationView item $focuseditem -text]
- if {[.f.translationView tag has notranslate $focuseditem]} {
- .f.trEntry state disabled
- set trEntry ""
- } else {
- .f.trEntry state !disabled
- set trEntry [lindex [.f.translationView item $focuseditem -value] 0]
- }
- if {[info exists translationData($reflang,$origEntry)]} {
- set refEntry $translationData($reflang,$origEntry)
- } else {
- set refEntry ""
- }
-proc applyTranslationString {args} {
- global translationData
- global origEntry
- global trEntry
- set focuseditem [.f.translationView focus]
- if {![.f.translationView tag has notranslate $focuseditem]} {
- set lang [.f.langSelect get]
- set translationData($lang,$origEntry) $trEntry
- .f.translationView item $focuseditem -values [list $trEntry]
- }
-proc applyTranslationChanges {} {
- global translationTemplate
- global translationData
- global translationLangs
- foreach lang $translationLangs {
- set handle [open [string cat "advtrains." $lang ".tr"] "w"]
+ }
+ set translationLangs [lsort $translationLangs]
+proc readTranslations {} {
+ readTranslationTemplate
+ readTranslationFiles
+proc writeTranslationTemplate {} {
+ global translationTemplate translationTemplatePath
+ set handle [open $translationTemplatePath "w"]
fconfigure $handle -translation lf
- foreach i $translationTemplate {
- if {$i eq ""} {
- puts $handle ""
- } elseif {[string match "#*" $i]} {
- puts $handle $i
- } elseif {[info exists translationData($lang,$i)]} {
- puts $handle [string cat $i "=" $translationData($lang,$i)]
- } else {
- puts $handle [string cat $i "=" $i]
- }
+ foreach line $translationTemplate {
+ if {$line eq ""} {
+ puts $handle ""
+ } elseif {[string match {#*} $line]} {
+ puts $handle $line
+ } else {
+ puts $handle "$line=$line"
+ }
close $handle
- }
-# GUI
+proc writeTranslationFiles {} {
+ global translationDir translationDomain translationData translationLangs translationTemplate
+ foreach lang $translationLangs {
+ set handle [open [file join $translationDir "$translationDomain.$lang.tr"] "w"]
+ fconfigure $handle -translation lf
+ foreach i $translationTemplate {
+ if {$i eq ""} {
+ puts $handle ""
+ } elseif {[string match {#*} $i]} {
+ puts $handle $i
+ } else {
+ puts $handle [format "%s=%s" $i [getTranslationString $lang $i]]
+ }
+ }
+ close $handle
+ }
+proc writeTranslations {} {
+ writeTranslationTemplate
+ writeTranslationFiles
+proc hasTranslationString {lang str} {
+ return [expr {[getTranslationString $lang $str] ne $str}]
+proc maybeGetTranslationString {lang str} {
+ set tr [getTranslationString $lang $str]
+ if {$tr eq $str} {
+ return {}
+ } else {
+ return $tr
+ }
+proc getTranslationString {lang str} {
+ global translationData
+ if {[info exists translationData($lang,$str)]} {
+ return $translationData($lang,$str)
+ } else {
+ return $str
+ }
+proc setTranslationString {lang ori tr} {
+ global translationData
+ set translationData($lang,$ori) $tr
+proc rewordTranslationString {old new} {
+ global translationData translationLangs
+ foreach lang $translationLangs {
+ if {[hasTranslationString $lang $old]} {
+ setTranslationString $lang $new [getTranslationString $lang $old]
+ } else {
+ setTranslationString $lang $new $new
+ }
+ }
+# GUI helpers
+proc gAddTab {basename title elems dummies} {
+ global gMainNotebook
+ gAddFrame $basename $elems $dummies
+ $gMainNotebook add "$gMainNotebook.$basename" -text $title
+proc gAddFrame {basename elems dummies} {
+ global gMainNotebook
+ set varbase [string cat "g" [firstupper $basename]]
+ set varname "${varbase}Frame"
+ set pathname "$gMainNotebook.$basename"
+ global $varname
+ set $varname $pathname
+ ttk::frame $pathname -padding 5
+ foreach i $elems {
+ set varname [string cat $varbase [firstupper $i]]
+ global $varname
+ set $varname "$pathname.$i"
+ }
+ foreach i $dummies {
+ set varname [string cat $varbase [firstupper $i]]
+ global $varname
+ set $varname {}
+ }
+proc gReloadTranslations {} {
+ readTranslations
+ gTrLoadTranslations
+ gTmLoadTranslations
+proc gAddMenu {varname parent menuname entries} {
+ global $varname
+ set path "${parent}.${menuname}"
+ set $varname $path
+ $parent configure -menu [menu $path -tearoff false]
+ foreach i $entries {
+ $path add {*}$i
+ }
+ return $parent
+set gMenuItemNotImplemented [list command -state disabled -label "(Not implemented)"]
+proc gNotImplemented {args} {
+ tk_messageBox -message "Not implemented" -icon error -type ok
+# Main window
-wm title . "Advtrains l10n GUI"
-grid [ttk::frame .f -padding 5] -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
+set gMainFrame ".f"
+set gMainFrameWidgetCount 0
+foreach i [list readBtn writeBtn notebookTopSeparator notebook] {
+ set [string cat "gMain" [firstupper $i]] "$gMainFrame.$i"
+wm title . "Advtrains Translation File Editor"
grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1
grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1
-grid rowconfigure .f 3 -weight 1
-grid columnconfigure .f 1 -weight 1
-foreach i [list 4 5 6] {grid rowconfigure .f $i -uniform bottom}
-ttk::combobox .f.langSelect -values $translationLangs -state readonly
-grid .f.langSelect -column 0 -row 0 -sticky we
-bind .f.langSelect <<ComboboxSelected>> {loadTranslationToTreeView}
-.f.langSelect current 0
-ttk::button .f.updateBtn -text "Read translation files" -command updateTranslationsToGUI
-grid .f.updateBtn -column 0 -row 1 -sticky we
-ttk::button .f.writeBtn -text "Write changes" -command applyTranslationChanges
-grid .f.writeBtn -column 0 -row 2 -sticky we
-ttk::treeview .f.translationView -columns "translation" -yscrollcommand ".f.translationScroll set"
-grid .f.translationView -column 1 -row 0 -rowspan 4 -columnspan 2 -sticky nsew
-bind .f.translationView <<TreeviewSelect>> updateEntrySelection
-ttk::scrollbar .f.translationScroll -orient vertical -command ".f.translationView yview"
-grid .f.translationScroll -column 3 -row 0 -sticky ns -rowspan 4
-ttk::label .f.origLabel -text "Original" -anchor w
-grid .f.origLabel -column 0 -row 4 -sticky nswe
-ttk::entry .f.origEntry -state readonly -textvariable origEntry
-grid .f.origEntry -column 1 -row 4 -sticky nswe -columnspan 3
-ttk::label .f.trLabel -text "Translated" -anchor w
-grid .f.trLabel -column 0 -row 5 -sticky nswe
-ttk::entry .f.trEntry -textvariable trEntry
-grid .f.trEntry -column 1 -row 5 -sticky nswe -columnspan 3
-trace add variable trEntry write applyTranslationString
-ttk::combobox .f.refLang -values [linsert $translationLangs 0 ""] -state readonly
-grid .f.refLang -column 0 -row 6 -sticky nswe
-bind .f.refLang <<ComboboxSelected>> updateEntrySelection
-ttk::entry .f.refEntry -state readonly -textvariable refEntry
-grid .f.refEntry -column 1 -row 6 -sticky nswe -columnspan 3
+ttk::frame $gMainFrame
+grid $gMainFrame -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
+grid rowconfigure $gMainFrame 2 -weight 1
+foreach i [list \
+ [ttk::button $gMainReadBtn -text "Reload translation files" -command gReloadTranslations] \
+ [ttk::button $gMainWriteBtn -text "Write changes" -command writeTranslations] \
+] {
+ grid $i -column $gMainFrameWidgetCount -row 0 -sticky ns
+ incr gMainFrameWidgetCount
+grid columnconfigure $gMainFrame $gMainFrameWidgetCount -weight 1
+ttk::separator $gMainNotebookTopSeparator -orient horizontal
+grid $gMainNotebookTopSeparator -column 0 -row 1 -columnspan [expr {1+$gMainFrameWidgetCount}] -sticky ew
+ttk::notebook $gMainNotebook
+grid $gMainNotebook -column 0 -row 2 -columnspan [expr {1+$gMainFrameWidgetCount}] -sticky nsew
+# Translation Manager
+# FIXME?: it seems like Tcl requires -textvariable globals to be set first before they are accessible
+gAddTab tr "Translations" \
+ [list langSelect refLangSelect readBtn writeBtn treeviewFrame origTextLabel origTextField translatedTextLabel translatedTextField refTextLabel refTextField] \
+ [list langValue refLangValue origTextValue translatedTextValue refTextValue]
+set gTrTreeview "$gTrTreeviewFrame.main"
+set gTrTreeviewScrollbar "$gTrTreeviewFrame.scrollbar"
+grid rowconfigure $gTrFrame 0 -weight 1
+grid columnconfigure $gTrFrame 2 -weight 1
+ttk::frame $gTrTreeviewFrame -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
+grid $gTrTreeviewFrame -column 0 -row 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky nsew
+grid rowconfigure $gTrTreeviewFrame 0 -weight 1
+grid columnconfigure $gTrTreeviewFrame 0 -weight 1
+ttk::treeview $gTrTreeview -selectmode browse -columns {translation} -yscrollcommand {$gTrTreeviewScrollbar set}
+grid $gTrTreeview -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
+bind $gTrTreeview <<TreeviewSelect>> gTrTreeviewSelectionCallback
+ttk::scrollbar $gTrTreeviewScrollbar -orient vertical -command {$gTrTreeview yview}
+grid $gTrTreeviewScrollbar -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ns
+$gTrTreeview heading #0 -text "Original text"
+lmap i [list \
+ [list \
+ [ttk::label $gTrOrigTextLabel -text "Original" -anchor w] \
+ {} \
+ [ttk::entry $gTrOrigTextField -state readonly -textvariable gTrOrigTextValue] \
+ ] \
+ [list \
+ [ttk::label $gTrTranslatedTextLabel -text "Translation" -anchor w] \
+ [ttk::combobox $gTrLangSelect -exportselection false -state readonly -textvariable gTrLangValue] \
+ [ttk::entry $gTrTranslatedTextField -textvariable gTrTranslatedTextValue] \
+ ] \
+ [list \
+ [ttk::label $gTrRefTextLabel -text "Reference" -anchor w] \
+ [ttk::combobox $gTrRefLangSelect -exportselection false -state readonly -textvariable gTrRefLangValue] \
+ [ttk::entry $gTrRefTextField -state readonly -textvariable gTrRefTextValue] \
+ ] \
+] row [list 1 2 3] {
+ lmap item $i col [list 0 1 2] {
+ if {$item eq ""} {
+ continue
+ }
+ grid $item -column $col -row $row -sticky nswe
+ }
+ grid rowconfigure $gTrFrame $row -uniform bottom
+ incr gTrRowCount
+bind $gTrLangSelect <<ComboboxSelected>> gTrLoadTranslationsToTreeview
+trace add variable gTrTranslatedTextValue write gTrApplyTranslationString
+bind $gTrRefLangSelect <<ComboboxSelected>> gTrTreeviewSelectionCallback
+proc gTrLoadTranslationsToTreeview {} {
+ global translationTemplate gTrTreeview gTrLangValue
+ $gTrTreeview heading translation -text "Translation: $gTrLangValue"
+ set prevFocus [$gTrTreeview item [$gTrTreeview focus] -text]
+ array set openedSections [list]
+ foreach i [$gTrTreeview children {}] {
+ if {[$gTrTreeview item $i -open]} {
+ set openedSections([$gTrTreeview item $i -text]) 1
+ }
+ }
+ $gTrTreeview delete [$gTrTreeview children {}]
+ set parent {}
+ foreach i [lrange $translationTemplate 1 end] {
+ if {[regexp {^\#+\s*(.+)} $i x comment]} {
+ set parent [$gTrTreeview insert {} end -text $comment -tags {notranslate}]
+ if {[info exists openedSections($comment)]} {
+ $gTrTreeview item $parent -open true
+ }
+ if {$comment eq $prevFocus} {
+ $gTrTreeview focus $parent
+ $gTrTreeview selection set $parent
+ }
+ } elseif {$i ne ""} {
+ set last [$gTrTreeview insert $parent end -text $i -values [list [maybeGetTranslationString $gTrLangValue $i]]]
+ if {$i eq $prevFocus} {
+ $gTrTreeview focus $last
+ $gTrTreeview selection set $last
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gTrTreeviewSelectionCallback
+proc gTrTreeviewSelectionCallback {} {
+ global gTrOrigTextValue gTrTreeview gTrLangSelect gTrLangValue gTrRefLangSelect gTrRefLangValue gTrTranslatedTextField gTrTranslatedTextValue gTrRefTextField gTrRefTextValue
+ set focused [$gTrTreeview focus]
+ set gTrOrigTextValue [$gTrTreeview item $focused -text]
+ if {$focused eq ""} {
+ $gTrTranslatedTextField state disabled
+ $gTrRefTextField state disabled
+ set gTrTranslatedTextValue "Select an entry to translate"
+ set gTrRefTextValue ""
+ } elseif {[$gTrTreeview tag has notranslate $focused]} {
+ $gTrTranslatedTextField state disabled
+ $gTrRefTextField state disabled
+ set gTrTranslatedTextValue "Category names cannot be translated"
+ set gTrRefTextValue ""
+ } else {
+ $gTrTranslatedTextField state !disabled
+ set gTrTranslatedTextValue [maybeGetTranslationString $gTrLangValue $gTrOrigTextValue]
+ set gTrRefTextValue [maybeGetTranslationString $gTrRefLangValue $gTrOrigTextValue]
+ if {$gTrRefLangValue eq ""} {
+ $gTrRefTextField state disabled
+ set gTrRefTextValue ""
+ } elseif {$gTrRefTextValue eq ""} {
+ $gTrRefTextField state disabled
+ set gTrRefTextValue "The selected string is not yet translated to the reference language"
+ } else {
+ $gTrRefTextField state !disabled
+ }
+ }
+ $gTrLangSelect selection clear
+ $gTrRefLangSelect selection clear
+proc gTrLoadTranslations {} {
+ global translationLangs gTrLangSelect gTrLangValue gTrRefLangSelect gTrRefLangValue
+ set prevLang $gTrLangValue
+ set prevRefLang $gTrRefLangValue
+ $gTrLangSelect configure -values $translationLangs
+ $gTrRefLangSelect configure -values [linsert $translationLangs 0 ""]
+ if {[llength $translationLangs] < 1} {
+ tk_messageBox -icon error type ok -title "Error" -message "No translation files present."
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if {$prevLang ni $translationLangs} {
+ $gTrLangSelect current 0
+ }
+ if {$prevRefLang ni $translationLangs} {
+ $gTrRefLangSelect current 0
+ }
+ gTrLoadTranslationsToTreeview
+proc gTrApplyTranslationString args {
+ global gTrTreeview gTrLangValue gTrOrigTextValue gTrTranslatedTextValue
+ set focused [$gTrTreeview focus]
+ if {![$gTrTreeview tag has notranslate $focused]} {
+ setTranslationString $gTrLangValue $gTrOrigTextValue $gTrTranslatedTextValue
+ $gTrTreeview item $focused -values [list $gTrTranslatedTextValue]
+ }
+# Translation Template Editor
+gAddTab tm "Template" \
+ [list addStringMenuBtn addHeadingMenuBtn removeMenuBtn moveMenuBtn textField setMenuBtn treeviewFrame] \
+ [list textValue]
+set gTmTreeview "$gTmTreeviewFrame.main"
+set gTmTreeviewScrollbar "$gTmTreeviewFrame.scrollbar"
+set gTmRowCount 0
+foreach i [list \
+ [gAddMenu gTmAddStringMenu [ttk::menubutton $gTmAddStringMenuBtn -text "Add string"] "menu" [list \
+ [list command -label "Insert before current entry" -command {gTmInsertStringAt true 0}] \
+ [list command -label "Insert after current entry" -command {gTmInsertStringAt true 1}] \
+ [list command -label "Insert as the first entry" -command {gTmInsertStringAt false 0}] \
+ [list command -label "Insert as the last entry" -command {gTmInsertStringAt false end}] \
+ ]] \
+ [gAddMenu gTmAddHeadingMenu [ttk::menubutton $gTmAddHeadingMenuBtn -text "Add heading"] "menu" [list \
+ [list command -label "Insert before current section" -command {gTmInsertHeadingAt true 0}] \
+ [list command -label "Insert after current section" -command {gTmInsertHeadingAt true 1}] \
+ ]] \
+ [gAddMenu gTmRemoveMenu [ttk::menubutton $gTmRemoveMenuBtn -text "Remove"] "menu" [list \
+ [list command -label "Remove entry" -command gTmDeleteEntry] \
+ [list command -label "Remove section" -command gTmDeleteEntry] \
+ [list command -label "Merge with previous section" -command gTmMergeWithPrevious] \
+ ]] \
+ [gAddMenu gTmMoveMenu [ttk::menubutton $gTmMoveMenuBtn -text "Move"] "menu" [list \
+ [list command -label "Up" -command {gTmMoveInSection true -1}] \
+ [list command -label "Down" -command {gTmMoveInSection true 1}] \
+ [list command -label "To first" -command {gTmMoveInSection false 0}] \
+ [list command -label "To last" -command {gTmMoveInSection false end}] \
+ ]] \
+] {
+ grid $i -column 1 -row $gTmRowCount -sticky we
+ incr gTmRowCount
+ttk::frame $gTmTreeviewFrame -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
+grid $gTmTreeviewFrame -column 0 -row 0 -rowspan [expr {1+$gTmRowCount}] -sticky nsew
+grid rowconfigure $gTmTreeviewFrame 0 -weight 1
+grid columnconfigure $gTmTreeviewFrame 0 -weight 1
+grid rowconfigure $gTmFrame $gTmRowCount -weight 1
+grid columnconfigure $gTmFrame 0 -weight 1
+ttk::treeview $gTmTreeview -selectmode browse -show tree -yscrollcommand {$gTmTreeviewScrollbar set}
+bind $gTmTreeview <<TreeviewSelect>> gTmTreeviewSelectionCallback
+grid $gTmTreeview -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nsew
+ttk::scrollbar $gTmTreeviewScrollbar -orient vertical -command {$gTmTreeview yview}
+grid $gTmTreeviewScrollbar -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ns
+incr gTmRowCount
+ttk::entry $gTmTextField -textvariable gTmTextValue
+grid $gTmTextField -column 0 -row $gTmRowCount -sticky nsew
+gAddMenu gTmSetMenu [ttk::menubutton $gTmSetMenuBtn -text "Set"] "menu" [list \
+ [list command -label "Set heading" -command gTmSetEntry] \
+ [list command -label "Set and copy translations" -command gTmSetEntryAndCopy] \
+ [list command -label "Set without copying translations" -command gTmSetEntry] \
+grid $gTmSetMenuBtn -column 1 -row $gTmRowCount -sticky nsew
+proc gTmLoadTranslationsToTreeview {} {
+ global translationTemplate gTmTreeview
+ set prevFocus [$gTmTreeview item [$gTmTreeview focus] -text]
+ array set openedSections [list]
+ foreach i [$gTmTreeview children {}] {
+ if {[$gTmTreeview item $i -open]} {
+ set openedSections([$gTmTreeview item $i -text]) 1
+ }
+ }
+ $gTmTreeview delete [$gTmTreeview children {}]
+ set parent {}
+ foreach i [lrange $translationTemplate 1 end] {
+ if {[regexp {^\#+\s*(.+)} $i x comment]} {
+ set parent [$gTmTreeview insert {} end -text $comment -tags {heading}]
+ if {[info exists openedSections($comment)]} {
+ $gTmTreeview item $parent -open true
+ }
+ if {$comment eq $prevFocus} {
+ $gTmTreeview focus $parent
+ $gTmTreeview selection set $parent
+ }
+ } elseif {$i ne ""} {
+ set last [$gTmTreeview insert $parent end -text $i]
+ if {$i eq $prevFocus} {
+ $gTmTreeview focus $last
+ $gTmTreeview selection set $last
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ gTmTreeviewSelectionCallback
+proc gTmTreeviewSelectionCallback {} {
+ global gTmTreeview gTmTextField gTmTextValue gTmAddStringMenu gTmAddHeadingMenu gTmRemoveMenu gTmMoveMenu gTmSetMenu
+ set focused [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ if {$focused eq {}} {
+ $gTmTextField state disabled
+ set gTmTextValue "Select an entry to edit"
+ foreach m [list $gTmAddStringMenu $gTmAddHeadingMenu $gTmRemoveMenu $gTmMoveMenu $gTmSetMenu] {
+ for {set i 0} {$i <= [$m index end]} {incr i} { $m entryconfigure $i -state disabled}
+ }
+ } else {
+ $gTmTextField state !disabled
+ set headingSetState disabled
+ set entrySetState normal
+ if {[$gTmTreeview tag has heading $focused]} {
+ set headingSetState normal
+ set entrySetState disabled
+ }
+ foreach ent [list \
+ [list $gTmAddStringMenu \
+ [list 0 -state $entrySetState] \
+ [list 1 -state $entrySetState] \
+ [list 2 -state normal] \
+ [list 3 -state normal] \
+ ] \
+ [list $gTmAddHeadingMenu \
+ [list 0 -state normal] \
+ [list 1 -state normal] \
+ ] \
+ [list $gTmMoveMenu \
+ [list 0 -state normal] \
+ [list 1 -state normal] \
+ [list 2 -state normal] \
+ [list 3 -state normal] \
+ ] \
+ [list $gTmRemoveMenu \
+ [list 0 -state $entrySetState] \
+ [list 1 -state $headingSetState] \
+ [list 2 -state $headingSetState] \
+ ] \
+ [list $gTmSetMenu \
+ [list 0 -state $headingSetState] \
+ [list 1 -state $entrySetState] \
+ [list 2 -state $entrySetState] \
+ ] \
+ ] {
+ set m [lindex $ent 0]
+ lmap i [lrange $ent 1 end] {
+ $m entryconfigure {*}$i
+ }
+ }
+ set gTmTextValue [$gTmTreeview item $focused -text]
+ }
+proc gTmUpdateTemplateAux {parent} {
+ global translationTemplate gTmTreeview
+ foreach i [$gTmTreeview children $parent] {
+ set tval [$gTmTreeview item $i -text]
+ if {[$gTmTreeview tag has heading $i]} {
+ lappend translationTemplate {}
+ set tval "# $tval"
+ }
+ lappend translationTemplate $tval
+ gTmUpdateTemplateAux $i
+ }
+proc gTmUpdateTemplate {} {
+ global translationTemplate translationDomain
+ set translationTemplate [list "# textdomain: $translationDomain"]
+ gTmUpdateTemplateAux {}
+ gTrLoadTranslations
+ gTmLoadTranslationsToTreeview
+proc gTmSetEntry {} {
+ global gTmTreeview gTmTextValue
+ $gTmTreeview item [$gTmTreeview focus] -text $gTmTextValue
+ gTmUpdateTemplate
+proc gTmSetEntryAndCopy {} {
+ global gTmTreeview gTmTextValue
+ set focus [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ rewordTranslationString [$gTmTreeview item $focus -text] $gTmTextValue
+ gTmSetEntry
+proc gTmInsertStringAt {relative idx} {
+ global gTmTreeview
+ set focus [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ set parent [$gTmTreeview parent $focus]
+ set relidx [$gTmTreeview index $focus]
+ if {[$gTmTreeview tag has heading $focus]} {
+ set parent $focus
+ set relindex 0
+ }
+ set newidx $idx
+ if {$relative} {
+ set newidx [expr {$idx+$relidx}]
+ }
+ set item [$gTmTreeview insert $parent $newidx -text {}]
+ $gTmTreeview focus $item
+ $gTmTreeview selection set $item
+proc gTmInsertHeadingAt {relative idx} {
+ global gTmTreeview
+ set focus [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ if {![$gTmTreeview tag has heading $focus]} {
+ set focus [$gTmTreeview parent $focus]
+ }
+ set parent [$gTmTreeview parent $focus]
+ set relidx [$gTmTreeview index $focus]
+ if {$focus eq {}} {
+ set parent {}
+ set relidx 0
+ }
+ set newidx $idx
+ if {$relative} {
+ set newidx [expr {$idx+$relidx}]
+ }
+ set item [$gTmTreeview insert $parent $newidx -text {} -tags {heading}]
+ $gTmTreeview focus $item
+ $gTmTreeview selection set $item
+proc gTmMoveInSection {relative idx} {
+ global gTmTreeview
+ set focus [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ set parent [$gTmTreeview parent $focus]
+ set relidx [$gTmTreeview index $focus]
+ set newidx $idx
+ if {$relative} {
+ set newidx [expr {$idx+$relidx}]
+ }
+ $gTmTreeview move $focus $parent $newidx
+ gTmUpdateTemplate
+proc gTmDeleteEntry {} {
+ global gTmTreeview
+ $gTmTreeview delete [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ gTmUpdateTemplate
+proc gTmMergeWithPrevious {} {
+ global gTmTreeview
+ set parent [$gTmTreeview focus]
+ set prev [$gTmTreeview prev $parent]
+ set newindex end
+ if {$prev eq {}} {
+ set prev [$gTmTreeview parent $parent]
+ set newindex 0
+ }
+ foreach i [$gTmTreeview children $parent] {
+ $gTmTreeview move $i $prev $newindex
+ }
+ $gTmTreeview delete $parent
+ gTmUpdateTemplate
+proc gTmLoadTranslations {} {
+ gTmLoadTranslationsToTreeview
+# Initialization
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/template.txt b/advtrains/locale/template.txt
index f63aa5f..d7c814c 100644
--- a/advtrains/locale/template.txt
+++ b/advtrains/locale/template.txt
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Train copied!=Train copied!
You are not allowed to build tracks without the track_builder privilege=You are not allowed to build tracks without the track_builder privilege
You are not allowed to build near tracks without the track_builder privilege=You are not allowed to build near tracks without the track_builder privilege
You are not allowed to build tracks at this protected position=You are not allowed to build tracks at this protected position
-You are not allowed to build near tracks at this protected position=You are not allowed to build tracks at this protected position
+You are not allowed to build near tracks at this protected position=You are not allowed to build near tracks at this protected position
You are not allowed to operate turnouts and signals (missing railway_operator privilege)=You are not allowed to operate turnouts and signals (missing railway_operator privilege)
# Train HUD/Formspecs
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/update-all.sh b/advtrains/locale/update-all.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 480a1d2..0000000
--- a/advtrains/locale/update-all.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-for i in advtrains.*.tr; do
- ${LUA:-luajit} update-l10n.lua $i && mv $i.new $i;
diff --git a/advtrains/locale/update-l10n.lua b/advtrains/locale/update-l10n.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e56bf3..0000000
--- a/advtrains/locale/update-l10n.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-local lang = tostring(arg[1]) or error("Invalid filename supplied")
-local tfn = lang
-local f = io.open(tfn, "rb") or error("Cannot read from translation file")
-local tf = {}
-for l in f:lines() do
- tf[#tf+1] = l
-local ot = {[0] = ""}
-local f = io.open("template.txt", "rb") or error("Cannot read from translation template")
-for l in f:lines() do
- if l == "" then -- blank line
- if ot[#ot] ~= l then ot[#ot+1] = l end
- elseif l:find("^#") then -- comment
- if ot[#ot] ~= l then ot[#ot+1] = l end
- else
- s = l:match("^(.+[^@]=)")
- if s then
- local found = false
- for i = 1, #tf, 1 do
- if tf[i]:find(s, 1, true) == 1 then
- found = i
- break
- end
- end
- if found then
- local fc = found-1
- while fc > 0 do
- if not tf[fc]:find("^#") then break end
- fc = fc-1
- end
- for i = fc+1, found, 1 do
- if ot[#ot] ~= tf[i] then ot[#ot+1] = tf[i] end
- end
- else
- if ot[#ot] ~= l then ot[#ot+1] = l end
- end
- end
- end
-local f = io.open(tfn..".new", "wb") or error("Cannot write to translation file")