path: root/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
index c419e72..7e280ad 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/signal_api.lua
@@ -31,16 +31,15 @@ asp = {
-- -1 = section is free, maximum speed permitted
-- false = Signal doesn't provide distant signal information.
- info = {
- -- the character of call_on and dead_end is purely informative
- call_on = <boolean>, -- Call-on route, expect train in track ahead (not implemented yet)
- dead_end = <boolean>, -- Route ends on a dead end (e.g. bumper) (not implemented yet)
- w_speed = <integer>,
- -- "Warning speed restriction". Supposed for short-term speed
- -- restrictions which always override any other restrictions
- -- imposed by "speed" fields, until lifted by a value of -1
- -- (Example: german Langsamfahrstellen-Signale)
+ -- the character of call_on and dead_end is purely informative
+ call_on = <boolean>, -- Call-on route, expect train in track ahead (not implemented yet)
+ dead_end = <boolean>, -- Route ends on a dead end (e.g. bumper) (not implemented yet)
+ w_speed = <integer>,
+ -- "Warning speed restriction". Supposed for short-term speed
+ -- restrictions which always override any other restrictions
+ -- imposed by "speed" fields, until lifted by a value of -1
+ -- (Example: german Langsamfahrstellen-Signale)
@@ -103,11 +102,9 @@ advtrains = {
dst = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
shunt = <boolean/nil>,
- info = {
- call_on = <boolean/nil>,
- dead_end = <boolean/nil>,
- w_speed = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
- }
+ call_on = <boolean/nil>,
+ dead_end = <boolean/nil>,
+ w_speed = {<speed1>, ..., <speedn>} or nil,
Example for supported_aspects:
@@ -116,11 +113,10 @@ advtrains = {
dst = {0, false}, -- can show only if next signal shows "blocked", no other information.
shunt = false, -- shunting by this signal is never allowed.
- info = {
- call_on = false,
- dead_end = false,
- w_speed = nil,
- } -- none of the information can be shown by the signal
+ call_on = false,
+ dead_end = false,
+ w_speed = nil,
+ -- none of the information can be shown by the signal
@@ -166,14 +162,34 @@ local DANGER = {
main = 0,
dst = false,
shunt = false,
- info = {}
advtrains.interlocking.DANGER = DANGER
-local function fillout_aspect(asp)
- if not asp.info then
- asp.info = {}
+advtrains.interlocking.GENERIC_FREE = {
+ main = -1,
+ shunt = false,
+ dst = false,
+local function convert_aspect_if_necessary(asp)
+ if type(asp.main) == "table" then
+ local newasp = {}
+ if asp.main.free then
+ newasp.main = asp.main.speed
+ else
+ newasp.main = 0
+ end
+ if asp.dst.free then
+ newasp.dst = asp.dst.speed
+ else
+ newasp.dst = 0
+ end
+ newasp.proceed_as_main = asp.shunt.proceed_as_main
+ newasp.shunt = asp.shunt.free
+ -- Note: info table not transferred, it's not used right now
+ return newasp
+ return asp
function advtrains.interlocking.update_signal_aspect(tcbs)
@@ -193,7 +209,7 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.signal_after_dig(pos)
function advtrains.interlocking.signal_set_aspect(pos, asp)
- fillout_aspect(asp)
+ asp = convert_aspect_if_necessary(asp)
local node=advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
local ndef=minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.set_aspect then
@@ -226,7 +242,16 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.signal_rc_handler(pos, node, player, itemstack,
local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
if ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.set_aspect then
-- permit to set aspect manually
- minetest.show_formspec(pname, "at_il_sigasp_"..minetest.pos_to_string(pos), "field[aspect;Set Aspect ('A' to assign IP);D0D0D]")
+ local function callback(pname, aspect)
+ ndef.advtrains.set_aspect(pos, node, aspect)
+ end
+ local isasp = ndef.advtrains.get_aspect(pos, node)
+ advtrains.interlocking.show_signal_aspect_selector(
+ pname,
+ ndef.advtrains.supported_aspects,
+ "Set aspect manually", callback,
+ isasp)
--static signal - only IP
advtrains.interlocking.show_ip_form(pos, pname)
@@ -234,45 +259,13 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.signal_rc_handler(pos, node, player, itemstack,
-minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
- local pname = player:get_player_name()
- local pts = string.match(formname, "^at_il_sigasp_(.+)$")
- local pos
- if pts then pos = minetest.string_to_pos(pts) end
- if pos and fields.aspect then
- if fields.aspect == "A" then
- advtrains.interlocking.show_ip_form(pos, pname)
- return
- end
- local mfs, msps, dfs, dsps, shs = string.match(fields.aspect, "^([FD])([-0-9]+)([FD])([-0-9]+)([FD])$")
- local asp = {
- main = {
- free = mfs=="F",
- speed = tonumber(msps),
- },
- shunt = {
- free = shs=="F",
- },
- dst = {
- free = dfs=="F",
- speed = tonumber(dsps),
- },
- info = {
- call_on = false, -- Call-on route, expect train in track ahead
- dead_end = false, -- Route ends on a dead end (e.g. bumper)
- }
- }
- advtrains.interlocking.signal_set_aspect(pos, asp)
- end
-- Returns the aspect the signal at pos is supposed to show
function advtrains.interlocking.signal_get_supposed_aspect(pos)
local sigd = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_sigd_for_signal(pos)
if sigd then
local tcbs = advtrains.interlocking.db.get_tcbs(sigd)
if tcbs.aspect then
- return tcbs.aspect
+ return convert_aspect_if_necessary(tcbs.aspect)
return DANGER;
@@ -286,8 +279,7 @@ function advtrains.interlocking.signal_get_aspect(pos)
if ndef and ndef.advtrains and ndef.advtrains.get_aspect then
local asp = ndef.advtrains.get_aspect(pos, node)
if not asp then asp = DANGER end
- fillout_aspect(asp)
- return asp
+ return convert_aspect_if_necessary(asp)
return nil
@@ -421,44 +413,45 @@ local players_aspsel = {}
suppasp: "supported_aspects" table
purpose: form title string
callback: func(pname, aspect) called on form submit
+isasp: aspect currently set
-function advtrains.interlocking.show_signal_aspect_selector(pname, p_suppasp, p_purpose, callback, p_isasp)
+function advtrains.interlocking.show_signal_aspect_selector(pname, p_suppasp, p_purpose, callback, isasp)
local suppasp = p_suppasp or {
- main = {}, dst = {}, shunt = {}, info = {},
+ main = {0, -1}, dst = {false}, shunt = false, info = {},
local purpose = p_purpose or ""
- local isasp = p_isasp and fillout_aspect(p_isasp)
local form = "size[7,5]label[0.5,0.5;Select Signal Aspect:]"
form = form.."label[0.5,1;"..purpose.."]"
- --TODO
form = form.."label[0.5,1.5;== Main Signal ==]"
- if suppasp.main == 0 then
- local st = 2
- if isasp and not isasp.main.free then st=1 end
- form = form.."dropdown[0.5,2;2;main_free;danger,free;"..st.."]"
- end
- if suppasp.main.speed then
- local selid = 1
- if isasp and isasp.main.speed then
- for idx, spv in ipairs(suppasp.main.speed) do
- if spv == isasp.main.speed then
- selid = idx
- break
- end
- end
+ local selid = 1
+ local entries = {}
+ for idx, spv in ipairs(suppasp.main) do
+ local entry
+ if spv == 0 then
+ entry = "Halt"
+ elseif spv == -1 then
+ entry = "Continue at maximum speed"
+ elseif not spv then
+ entry = "Continue\\, speed limit unchanged (no info)"
+ else
+ entry = "Continue at speed of "..spv
+ end
+ -- hack: the crappy formspec system returns the label, not the index. save the index in it.
+ entries[idx] = idx.."| "..entry
+ if isasp and spv == (isasp.main or false) then
+ selid = idx
- form = form.."label[2.3,1;Speed:]"
- form = form.."dropdown[3,2;2;main_speed;"..table.concat(suppasp.main.speed, ",")..";"..selid.."]"
+ form = form.."dropdown[0.5,2;6;main;"..table.concat(entries, ",")..";"..selid.."]"
form = form.."label[0.5,3;== Shunting ==]"
- if suppasp.shunt.free == nil then
+ if suppasp.shunt == nil then
local st = 1
- if isasp and isasp.shunt.free then st=2 end
- form = form.."dropdown[0.5,3.5;2;shunt_free;---,allowed;"..st.."]"
+ if isasp and isasp.shunt then st=2 end
+ form = form.."dropdown[0.5,3.5;6;shunt_free;---,allowed;"..st.."]"
form = form.."button_exit[0.5,4.5; 5,1;save;OK]"
@@ -483,12 +476,10 @@ local function usebool(sup, val, free)
return sup
-local function usespeed(sup, val)
- if sup then
- return tonumber(val)
- else
- return nil
- end
+-- other side of hack: extract the index
+local function ddindex(val)
+ return tonumber(string.match(val, "^(%d+)|"))
-- TODO use non-hacky way to parse outputs
@@ -499,17 +490,12 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if psl then
if formname == "at_il_sigaspdia_"..psl.token then
if fields.save then
+ local maini = ddindex(fields.main)
+ if not maini then return end
local asp = {
- main = {
- free = usebool(psl.suppasp.main.free, fields.main_free, "free"),
- speed = usespeed(psl.suppasp.main.speed, fields.main_speed),
- },
- dst = {
- free = true, speed = -1,
- },
- shunt = {
- free = usebool(psl.suppasp.shunt.free, fields.shunt_free, "allowed"),
- },
+ main = psl.suppasp.main[maini],
+ dst = false,
+ shunt = usebool(psl.suppasp.shunt, fields.shunt_free, "allowed"),
info = {}
psl.callback(pname, asp)