path: root/advtrains_interlocking
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Diffstat (limited to 'advtrains_interlocking')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 439 deletions
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/aspect.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/aspect.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d5c81..0000000
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/aspect.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,296 +0,0 @@
---- Signal aspect handling.
--- @module advtrains.interlocking.aspect
-local registered_groups = {}
-local default_aspect = {
- main = false,
- dst = false,
- shunt = true,
- proceed_as_main = false,
-local signal_aspect = {}
-local signal_aspect_metatable = {
- __eq = function(asp1, asp2)
- for _, k in pairs {"main", "dst", "shunt", "proceed_as_main"} do
- local v1, v2 = (asp1[k] or false), (asp2[k] or false)
- if v1 ~= v2 then
- return false
- end
- end
- if asp1.group and asp1.group == asp2.group then
- return asp1.name == asp2.name
- end
- return true
- end,
- __index = function(asp, field)
- local val = signal_aspect[field]
- if val then
- return val
- end
- val = default_aspect[field]
- if val == nil then
- return nil
- end
- local group = registered_groups[rawget(asp, "group")]
- if group then
- local aspdef = group.aspects[rawget(asp, "name")]
- if aspdef[field] ~= nil then
- val = aspdef[field]
- end
- end
- return val
- end,
- __tostring = function(asp)
- local st = {}
- if asp.group and asp.name then
- table.insert(st, ("%q in %q"):format(asp.name, asp.group))
- end
- if asp.main then
- table.insert(st, ("current %d"):format(asp.main))
- end
- if asp.main ~= 0 then
- if asp.dst then
- table.insert(st, string.format("next %d", asp.dst))
- end
- end
- if asp.main ~= 0 and asp.proceed_as_main then
- table.insert(st, "proceed as main")
- end
- return ("[%s]"):format(table.concat(st, ", "))
- end,
-local function quicknew(t)
- return setmetatable(t, signal_aspect_metatable)
---- Signal aspect class.
--- @type signal_aspect
---- Return a plain version of the signal aspect.
--- @param[opt=false] raw Bypass metamethods when fetching signal aspects
--- @return A plain copy of the signal aspect object.
-function signal_aspect:plain(raw)
- local t = {}
- for _, k in pairs {"main", "dst", "shunt", "proceed_as_main", "group", "name"} do
- local v
- if raw then
- v = rawget(self, k)
- else
- v = self[k]
- end
- t[k] = v
- end
- return t
---- Create (or copy) a signal aspect object.
--- Note that signal aspect objects can also be created by calling the `advtrains.interlocking.aspect` table.
--- @return The newly created signal aspect object.
-function signal_aspect:new()
- if type(self) ~= "table" then
- return quicknew{}
- end
- local newasp = {}
- for _, k in pairs {"main", "dst"} do
- if type(self[k]) == "table" then
- if self[k].free then
- newasp[k] = self[k].speed
- else
- newasp[k] = 0
- end
- else
- newasp[k] = self[k]
- end
- end
- if type(self.shunt) == "table" then
- newasp.shunt = self.shunt.free
- newasp.proceed_as_main = self.shunt.proceed_as_main
- else
- newasp.shunt = self.shunt
- end
- for _, k in pairs {"group", "name"} do
- newasp[k] = self[k]
- end
- return quicknew(newasp)
---- Modify the signal aspect in-place to fit in the specific signal group.
--- @param group The signal group. The `nil` indicates a generic group.
--- @return The (now modified) signal aspect itself.
-function signal_aspect:to_group(group)
- local cg = self.group
- local gdef = registered_groups[group]
- if type(self.name) ~= "string" then
- self.name = nil
- end
- if not gdef then
- for k in pairs(default_aspect) do
- rawset(self, k, self[k])
- end
- self.group = nil
- self.name = nil
- return self
- elseif cg == group and gdef.aspects[self.name] then
- return self
- end
- local newidx = 1
- if self.main == 0 then
- newidx = #gdef.aspects
- end
- local cgdef = registered_groups[cg]
- if cgdef then
- local idx = (cgdef.aspects[self.name] or {}).index
- if idx then
- if idx >= #cgdef.aspects then
- idx = #gdef.aspects
- elseif idx >= #gdef.aspects then
- idx = #gdef.aspects-1
- end
- newidx = idx
- end
- end
- self.group = group
- self.name = gdef.aspects[newidx][1]
- return self
---- Modify the signal aspect in-place to indicate a specific distant aspect.
--- @param dst The distant aspect
--- @param[opt=1] shift The phase shift of the current signal.
--- @return The (now modified) signal aspect itself.
-function signal_aspect:adjust_distant(dst, shift)
- if (shift or -1) < 0 then
- shift = 1
- end
- if not dst then
- self.dst = nil
- return self
- end
- if self.main ~= 0 then
- self.dst = dst.main
- else
- self.dst = nil
- return self
- end
- local dgdef = registered_groups[dst.group]
- if dgdef then
- if self.group == dst.group and shift == 0 then
- self.name = dst.name
- else
- local idx = (dgdef.aspects[dst.name] or {}).index
- if idx then
- idx = math.max(idx-shift, 1)
- self.group = dst.group
- self.name = dgdef.aspects[idx][1]
- end
- end
- end
- return self
---- Signal groups.
--- @section signal_group
---- Register a signal group.
--- @function register_group
--- @param def The definition table.
-local function register_group(def)
- local t = {}
- local name = def.name
- if type(name) ~= "string" then
- return error("Expected signal group name to be a string, got " .. type(name))
- elseif registered_groups[name] then
- return error(string.format("Attempt to redefine signal group %q, previously defined in %s", name, registered_groups[name].defined))
- end
- t.name = name
- t.defined = debug.getinfo(2, "S").short_src or "[?]"
- local label = def.label or name
- if type(label) ~= "string" then
- return error("Label is not a string")
- end
- t.label = label
- local mainasps = {}
- for idx, asp in pairs(def.aspects) do
- local idxtp = type(idx)
- if idxtp == "string" then
- local t = {}
- t.name = idx
- local label = asp.label or idx
- if type(label) ~= "string" then
- return error("Aspect label is not a string")
- end
- t.label = label
- for _, k in pairs{"main", "dst", "shunt"} do
- t[k] = asp[k]
- end
- mainasps[idx] = t
- end
- end
- if #def.aspects < 2 then
- return error("Insufficient entries in signal aspect list")
- end
- for idx, asplist in ipairs(def.aspects) do
- if type(asplist) ~= "table" then
- asplist = {asplist}
- else
- asplist = table.copy(asplist)
- end
- if #asplist < 1 then
- error("Invalid entry in signal aspect list")
- end
- for _, k in ipairs(asplist) do
- if type(k) ~= "string" then
- return error("Invalid signal aspect ID")
- end
- local asp = mainasps[k]
- if not asp then
- return error("Invalid signal aspect ID")
- end
- if asp.index ~= nil then
- return error("Attempt to assign a signal aspect to multiple numeric indices")
- end
- asp.index = idx
- end
- mainasps[idx] = asplist
- end
- t.aspects = mainasps
- registered_groups[name] = t
---- Get the definition of a signal group.
--- @function get_group_definition
--- @param name The name of the signal group.
--- @return[1] The definition for the signal group (if present).
--- @return[2] The nil constant (otherwise).
-local function get_group_definition(name)
- local t = registered_groups[name]
- if t then
- return table.copy(t)
- else
- return nil
- end
-local lib = {
- register_group = register_group,
- get_group_definition = get_group_definition,
-local libmt = {
- __call = function(_, ...)
- return signal_aspect.new(...)
- end,
-return setmetatable(lib, libmt)
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/distant_ui.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/distant_ui.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index bb66dc4..0000000
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/distant_ui.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-local F = advtrains.formspec
-local D = advtrains.distant
-local I = advtrains.interlocking
-function I.make_short_dst_formspec_component(pos, x, y, w)
- local main, set_by = D.get_main(pos)
- if main then
- local pts_main = minetest.pos_to_string(main)
- local desc = attrans("The assignment is made with an unknown method.")
- if set_by == "manual" then
- desc = attrans("The assignment is made manually.")
- elseif set_by == "routesetting" then
- desc = attrans("The assignment is made by the routesetting system.")
- end
- return table.concat {
- F.S_label(x, y, "This signal is a distant signal of @1.", pts_main),
- F.label(x, y+0.5, desc),
- F.S_button_exit(x, y+1, w/2-0.125, "dst_assign", "Reassign"),
- F.S_button_exit(x+w/2+0.125, y+1, w/2-0.125, "dst_unassign", "Unassign"),
- }
- else
- return table.concat {
- F.S_label(x, y, "This signal is not assigned to a main signal."),
- F.S_label(x, y+0.5, "The distant aspect of the signal is not used."),
- F.S_button_exit(x, y+1, w, "dst_assign", "Assign")
- }
- end
-function I.make_dst_list_formspec_component(pos, x, y, w, h)
- local ymid = y+0.25+h/2
- local dstlist = {}
- for pos, _ in pairs(D.get_dst(pos)) do
- table.insert(dstlist, minetest.pos_to_string(advtrains.decode_pos(pos)))
- end
- return table.concat {
- F.S_label(x, y, "Distant signals:"),
- F.textlist(x, y+0.5, w-1, h-0.5, "dstlist", dstlist),
- F.image_button_exit(x+w-0.75, ymid-0.875, 0.75, 0.75, "cdb_add.png", "dst_add", ""),
- F.image_button_exit(x+w-0.75, ymid+0.125, 0.75, 0.75, "cdb_clear.png", "dst_del", ""),
- }
-function I.make_dst_formspec_component(pos, x, y, w, h)
- return I.make_short_dst_formspec_component(pos, x, y, w, h)
- .. I.make_dst_list_formspec_component(pos, x, y+2, w, h-2)
-function I.show_distant_signal_form(pos, pname)
- return I.show_ip_form(pos, pname)
-local signal_pos = {}
-local function init_signal_assignment(pname, pos)
- if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "interlocking") then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("This operation is not allowed without the @1 privilege.", "interlocking"))
- return
- end
- if not D.appropriate_signal(pos) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Incompatible signal."))
- return
- end
- signal_pos[pname] = pos
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Please punch the signal to use as the main signal."))
-local distant_pos = {}
-local function init_distant_assignment(pname, pos)
- if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "interlocking") then
- minetest.send_chat_player(pname, attrans("This operation is now allowed without the @1 privilege.", "interlocking"))
- return
- end
- if not D.appropriate_signal(pos) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Incompatible signal."))
- return
- end
- distant_pos[pname] = pos
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Please punch the signal to use as the distant signal."))
-minetest.register_on_punchnode(function(pos, node, player, pointed_thing)
- local pname = player:get_player_name()
- if not minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "interlocking") then
- return
- end
- local spos = signal_pos[pname]
- local distant = false
- if not spos then
- spos = distant_pos[pname]
- if not spos then
- return
- end
- distant = true
- end
- signal_pos[pname] = nil
- distant_pos[pname] = nil
- local is_signal = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "advtrains_signal") >= 2
- if not (is_signal and D.appropriate_signal(pos)) then
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Incompatible signal."))
- return
- end
- minetest.chat_send_player(pname, attrans("Successfully assigned signal."))
- if distant then
- D.assign(spos, pos, "manual")
- else
- D.assign(pos, spos, "manual")
- end
-local dstsel = {}
-function advtrains.interlocking.handle_dst_formspec_fields(pname, pos, fields)
- if not (pos and minetest.check_player_privs(pname, "interlocking")) then
- return
- end
- if fields.dst_unassign then
- D.unassign_dst(pos)
- elseif fields.dst_assign then
- init_signal_assignment(pname, pos)
- elseif fields.dst_add then
- init_distant_assignment(pname, pos)
- elseif fields.dstlist then
- dstsel[pname] = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.dstlist).index
- elseif fields.dst_del then
- local selid = dstsel[pname]
- if selid then
- local dsts = D.get_dst(pos)
- local pos
- for p, _ in pairs(dsts) do
- selid = selid-1
- if selid <= 0 then
- pos = p
- break
- end
- end
- if pos then
- D.unassign_dst(advtrains.decode_pos(pos))
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua b/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua
index c3b1119..ee08c30 100644
--- a/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua
+++ b/advtrains_interlocking/init.lua
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ end
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()) .. DIR_DELIM
---advtrains.interlocking.aspect = dofile(modpath.."aspect.lua")