path: root/assets/blender/mbb/signal.blend
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Advanced Trains [advtrains] API documentation
To use the API, mods must depend on 'advtrains'.
All boolean values in definition tables default to 'false' and can be omitted.
### Wagons
Wagons are registered using the function

advtrains.register_wagon(name, prototype, description, inventory_image)
- 'name' is the internal name of the wagon. It should follow the mod naming convention, however, this is not enforced.
	For compatibility reasons, if a mod name is omitted, the wagon will be registered in the advtrains: namespace.
	Example: A wagon with name="engine_tgv" will be registered as "advtrains:engine_tgv".
	!IMPORTANT! You must not append a ":" at the start of the name, even if you want to bypass the mod naming convention check. This is because internally the register_wagon function
	appends a ":" automatically.
- 'prototype' is the lua entity prototype. The regular definition keys for luaentites apply. Additional required and optional properties see below. DO NOT define 'on_step', 'on_activate', 'on_punch', 'on_rightclick' and 'get_staticdata' since these will be overridden. Use 'custom_*' instead.
- 'description' is the description of the inventory item that is used to place the wagon.
- 'inventory_image' is the inventory image of said item.

# Wagon prototype properties
	... all regular luaentity properties (mesh, textures, collisionbox a.s.o)...
	drives_on = {default=true},
	^- used to define the tracktypes (see below) that wagon can drive on. The tracktype identifiers are given as keys, similar to privileges)
	max_speed = 10,
	^- optional, default 10: defines the maximum speed this wagon can drive. The maximum speed of a train is determined by the wagon with the lowest max_speed value.
	seats = {
	^- contains zero or more seat definitions. A seat is a place where a player can be attached when getting on a wagon.
			name="Left front window",
			^- display name of this seat
			attach_offset={x=0, y=10, z=0},
			^- this value is passed to 'set_attach'
			view_offset={x=0, y=6, z=0},
			^- player:set_eye_offset is called with this parameter.
			^- optional. Defines the seat group. See 'seat_groups' below
			-!- Note: driving_ctrl_access field has moved to seat group definition,
			-!- but is still partwise supported here. If you don't use seat groups yet,
			-!- you really should change NOW!
	seat_groups = {
	^- If defined, activates advanced seating behavior. See "seating behavior".
		default = {
			name = "Seats"
			^- name of this seat group, to be shown in get-on menu.
			access_to = {"foo", "bar"}
			^- List of seat groups you can access from this seat using the menu when sitting inside the train.
			require_doors_open = true
			^- Only allow getting on and off if doors are open.
			^- If the seat is a driver stand, and players sitting here should get access to the train's driving control.
	assign_to_seat_group = {"default"},
	^- optional, like seat_groups. When player right_clicks the wagon, player will be assigned to the first free seat group in the list.
	^- optional. If defined, defines door animation frames. Opposite door has to be closed during animation period.
	^- Remember, advtrains can't handle doors on both sides opened simultaneously.
			[-1]={frames={x=0, y=20}, time=1}, -- open left doors
			[1]={frames={x=40, y=60}, time=1}  -- open right doors
			sound = <simpleSoundSpec>
			^- The sound file of the doors opening. If none is specified, nothing is played.
			[-1]={frames={x=20, y=40}, time=1}, -- close left doors
			[1]={frames={x=60, y=80}, time=1} -- close right doors
			sound = <simpleSoundSpec>
			^- The sound file of the doors closing. If none is specified, nothing is played.
	door_entry={ 1.5, -1.5 }
	^- optional. If defined, defines the locations of the doors on the model as distance from the object center on the path.
	^- Getting on by walking in then takes effect.
	^- Positive values mean front, negative ones back. Resulting position is automatically shifted to the right side.

	coupler_types_front = {scharfenberg=true},
	coupler_types_back = {chain=true},
	^- Defines the available coupler types on this wagon on the front and back side. Wagon will only couple to wagons that have a matching coupler. (this property does not have any visual impact)
	^- Default: not given (nil) - causes the wagon to couple to any other wagon regardless of coupler type.
	^- Empty table ({}): This wagon does not couple to any other wagon (e.g. for Linetrack vehicles)
	^- Register coupler types using ''advtrains.register_coupler_type(type, name)''. advtrains defines the default types "chain" (Buffer and Chain) and "scharfenberg" (Scharfenberg coupler).

	^- How far this wagon extends from its base position. Is the half of the wagon length.
	^- Used to determine in which distance the other wagons have to be positioned. Will require tweaking.
	wheel_positions = {1.5, -1.5},
	^- Optional: if defined, the wagon will be placed so that these 2 wheel positions are on the track
	^- This parameter is recommended for long wagons (wagon_span >= 2).
	^- The position is a distance relative to the center of the wagon.
	^- Must have exactly 2 entries, corresponding to the front (1) and rear (2) wheel of the wagon object. 1st must be greater than 2nd.
	^- If not provided, the simple 1-position positioning logic will be used (wagon is positioned with the center on the track)

	extent_h = 1,
	^- Determines the collision box extent in x/z direction. Defaults to 1 (=3x3)
	^- The actual bounding box size is (extent_h*2)+1, so 0 means 1x1, 1 means 3x3 and 2 means 5x5
	extent_v = 2,
	^- Determines the collision box extent in y direction. Defaults to 2 (=3).
	^- The actual bounding box size is extent_v+1, so 0 means 1, 1 means 2, 2 means 3 a.s.o.
	horn_sound = <simpleSoundSpec>,
	^- The sound file of the horn. If none is specified, this wagon can't sound a horn. The specified sound file will be looped.
	drops = {"default:steelblock 3"}
	^- List of itemstrings what to drop when the wagon is destroyed
	has_inventory = false
	^- If this wagon has an inventory. The inventory is saved with the wagon.
	^- the following settings are ignored if not.
	inventory_list_sizes = {