path: root/assets/blender/mbb/tr-logo.png
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Diffstat (limited to 'assets/blender/mbb/tr-logo.png')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
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-- mesecon_controller.lua
-- Mesecon-interfaceable Operation Panel alternative
-- Looks like a Mesecon Luacontroller

-- Luacontroller Adapted Code
-- From Mesecons mod https://mesecons.net/
-- (c) Jeija and Contributors

local BASENAME = "advtrains_luaautomation:mesecon_controller"

local rules = {
	a = {x = -1, y = 0, z =  0, name="A"},
	b = {x =  0, y = 0, z =  1, name="B"},
	c = {x =  1, y = 0, z =  0, name="C"},
	d = {x =  0, y = 0, z = -1, name="D"},

local function generate_name(ports)
	local d = ports.d and 1 or 0
	local c = ports.c and 1 or 0
	local b = ports.b and 1 or 0
	local a = ports.a and 1 or 0
	return BASENAME..d..c..b..a

local function set_port(pos, rule, state)
	if state then
		mesecon.receptor_on(pos, {rule})
		mesecon.receptor_off(pos, {rule})

local function clean_port_states(ports)
	ports.a = ports.a and true or false
	ports.b = ports.b and true or false
	ports.c = ports.c and true or false
	ports.d = ports.d and true or false

-- Local table for storing which Mesecons off events should be ignored
-- Indexed by hex encoded position
local ignored_off_events = {}

local function set_port_states(pos, ports)
	local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
	local name = node.name
	local vports = minetest.registered_nodes[name].virtual_portstates
	local new_name = generate_name(ports)

	if name ~= new_name and vports then
		-- Problem:
		-- We need to place the new node first so that when turning
		-- off some port, it won't stay on because the rules indicate
		-- there is an onstate output port there.
		-- When turning the output off then, it will however cause feedback
		-- so that the luacontroller will receive an "off" event by turning
		-- its output off.
		-- Solution / Workaround:
		-- Remember which output was turned off and ignore next "off" event.
		local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
		local railtbl = atlatc.active.nodes[ph]
		if not railtbl then return end

		local ign = railtbl.ignored_off_events or {}
		if ports.a and not vports.a and not mesecon.is_powered(pos, rules.a) then ign.A = true end
		if ports.b and not vports.b and not mesecon.is_powered(pos, rules.b) then ign.B = true end
		if ports.c and not vports.c and not mesecon.is_powered(pos, rules.c) then ign.C = true end
		if ports.d and not vports.d and not mesecon.is_powered(pos, rules.d) then ign.D = true end
		railtbl.ignored_off_events = ign

		advtrains.ndb.swap_node(pos, {name = new_name, param2 = node.param2})

		-- Apply mesecon state only if node loaded
		-- If node is not loaded, mesecon update will occur on next load via on_updated_from_nodedb
		if advtrains.is_node_loaded(pos) then
			if ports.a ~= vports.a then set_port(pos, rules.a, ports.a) end
			if ports.b ~= vports.b then set_port(pos, rules.b, ports.b) end
			if ports.c ~= vports.c then set_port(pos, rules.c, ports.c) end
			if ports.d ~= vports.d then set_port(pos, rules.d, ports.d) end

local function on_updated_from_nodedb(pos, newnode, oldnode)
	-- Switch appropriate Mesecon receptors depending on the node change
	local vports = minetest.registered_nodes[oldnode.name].virtual_portstates
	local ports = minetest.registered_nodes[newnode.name].virtual_portstates
	if ports.a ~= vports.a then set_port(pos, rules.a, ports.a) end
	if ports.b ~= vports.b then set_port(pos, rules.b, ports.b) end
	if ports.c ~= vports.c then set_port(pos, rules.c, ports.c) end
	if ports.d ~= vports.d then set_port(pos, rules.d, ports.d) end

local function ignore_offevent(pos, rule)
	local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
	local railtbl = atlatc.active.nodes[ph]
	if not railtbl then return nil end
	local ign = railtbl.ignored_off_events
	if ign and ign[rule.name] then
		ign[rule.name] = nil
		return true
	return false

local valid_ports = {a=true, b=true, c=true, d=true}

local function fire_event(pos, evtdata)