path: root/advtrains/couple.lua
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Remove "couple locks" and apply protection to the actual coupling process, an...orwell962018-11-10
* No static_save for discouple entitiesorwell962018-10-30
* Handle the case that a train is not initialized (train_ensure_init returns ni...orwell962018-10-29
* Fix final bugs and to-do's (u.a.save/load system)orwell962018-06-14
* Mainly make collisions and coupling workorwell962018-06-14
* Implement collisions. (does not work yet, still code errors)orwell962018-06-14
* Correct discouple positionorwell962018-01-22
* Fix crashorwell962018-01-17
* Add bord computer to trainsorwell962018-01-09
* Add modifiable wagon extentsorwell962017-11-23
* Fix occasional crash in discouple on_punchorwell962017-11-14
* Fix coupling and collisions in certain casesorwell962017-10-25
* Remove zip release files, move mod to root, exclude assets from Makefile (#92)rubenwardy2017-09-20
* Restructure mod directoryorwell962017-01-04
* fix discouple not disappearing and a logical mistake with ownersorwell962017-01-02
* Do not duplicate definitions of 'print' in every fileorwell962017-01-02
* spawn couple on train collisionorwell962016-12-31
* Turning mod into a modpack and separating the trains from the core modorwell962016-12-20
lass="hl kwa">end function ac.save() return {nodes = ac.nodes} end function ac.after_place_node(pos, player) local meta=minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", ac.getform(pos, meta)) meta:set_string("infotext", "LuaAutomation component, unconfigured.") local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos) --just get first available key! for en,_ in pairs(atlatc.envs) do ac.nodes[ph]={env=en} return end end function ac.getform(pos, meta_p) local meta = meta_p or minetest.get_meta(pos) local envs_asvalues={} local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos) local nodetbl = ac.nodes[ph] local env, code, err = nil, "", "" if nodetbl then code=nodetbl.code or "" err=nodetbl.err or "" env=nodetbl.env or "" end local sel = 1 for n,_ in pairs(atlatc.envs) do envs_asvalues[#envs_asvalues+1]=n if n==env then sel=#envs_asvalues end end local form = "size[10,10]dropdown[0,0;3;env;"..table.concat(envs_asvalues, ",")..";"..sel.."]" .."button[4,0;2,1;save;Save]button[7,0;2,1;cle;Clear local env] textarea[0.2,1;10,10;code;Code;"..minetest.formspec_escape(code).."]" .."label[0,9.8;"..err.."]" return form end function ac.after_dig_node(pos, node, player) advtrains.invalidate_all_paths(pos) advtrains.ndb.clear(pos) local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos) ac.nodes[ph]=nil end function ac.on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, player) if not minetest.check_player_privs(player:get_player_name(), {atlatc=true}) then minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "Missing privilege: atlatc - Operation cancelled!") return end local meta=minetest.get_meta(pos) local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos) local nodetbl = ac.nodes[ph] or {} --if fields.quit then return end if fields.env then nodetbl.env=fields.env end if fields.code then nodetbl.code=fields.code end if fields.save then nodetbl.err=nil end if fields.cle then nodetbl.data={} end ac.nodes[ph]=nodetbl meta:set_string("formspec", ac.getform(pos, meta)) if nodetbl.env then meta:set_string("infotext", "LuaAutomation component, assigned to environment '"..nodetbl.env.."'") else meta:set_string("infotext", "LuaAutomation component, invalid enviroment set!") end end function ac.run_in_env(pos, evtdata, customfct_p) local ph=minetest.pos_to_string(pos) local nodetbl = ac.nodes[ph] if not nodetbl then atwarn("LuaAutomation component at",ph,": Data not in memory! Please visit component and click 'Save'!") return end local meta if minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) then meta=minetest.get_meta(pos) end if not nodetbl.env or not atlatc.envs[nodetbl.env] then atwarn("LuaAutomation component at",ph,": Not an existing environment: "..(nodetbl.env or "<nil>")) return false end if not nodetbl.code or nodetbl.code=="" then atwarn("LuaAutomation component at",ph,": No code to run! (insert -- to suppress warning)") return false end local customfct=customfct_p or {} -- add interrupt function customfct.interrupt=function(t, imesg) assertt(t, "number") assert(t >= 0) atlatc.interrupt.add(t, pos, {type="int", int=true, message=imesg, msg=imesg}) --Compatiblity "message" field. end -- add digiline_send function, if digiline is loaded if minetest.global_exists("digiline") then customfct.digiline_send=function(channel, msg) assertt(channel, "string") digiline:receptor_send(pos, digiline.rules.default, channel, msg) end end local datain=nodetbl.data or {} local succ, dataout = atlatc.envs[nodetbl.env]:execute_code(datain, nodetbl.code, evtdata, customfct) if succ then atlatc.active.nodes[ph].data=atlatc.remove_invalid_data(dataout) else atlatc.active.nodes[ph].err=dataout atwarn("LuaAutomation ATC interface rail at",ph,": LUA Error:",dataout) if meta then meta:set_string("infotext", "LuaAutomation ATC interface rail, ERROR:"..dataout) end end if meta then meta:set_string("formspec", ac.getform(pos, meta)) end end function ac.on_digiline_receive(pos, node, channel, msg) atlatc.interrupt.add(0, pos, {type="digiline", digiline=true, channel = channel, msg = msg}) end atlatc.active=ac