path: root/assets/blender/mbb/modern_japanlocomotive_windows_join.blend1
blob: 68f1790a98c250a380497e9b219493640d76e285 (plain)
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# Update/create minetest po files

# an auxiliary function to abort processing with an optional error
# message
abort() {
	test -n "$1" && echo >&2 "$1"
	exit 1

# The po/ directory is assumed to be parallel to the directory where
# this script is. Relative paths are fine for us so we can just
# use the following trick (works both for manual invocations and for
# script found from PATH)
scriptisin="$(dirname "$(which "$0")")"

# The script is executed from the parent of po/, which is also the
# parent of the script directory and of the src/ directory.
# We go through $scriptisin so that it can be executed from whatever
# directory and still work correctly
cd "$scriptisin/.."

test -e po || abort "po/ directory not found"
test -d po || abort "po/ is not a directory!"

# Get a list of the languages we have to update/create

cd po || abort "couldn't change directory to po!"

# This assumes that we won't have dirnames with space, which is
# the case for language codes, which are the only subdirs we expect to
# find in po/ anyway. If you put anything else there, you need to suffer
# the consequences of your actions, so we don't do sanity checks

for lang in * ; do
	if test ! -d $lang; then
	langs="$langs $lang"

# go back
cd ..

# First thing first, update the .pot template. We place it in the po/