diff options
2 files changed, 66 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/helpers.lua b/helpers.lua
index 511d32e..e9ea256 100644
--- a/helpers.lua
+++ b/helpers.lua
@@ -353,79 +353,18 @@ end
local hext = { [0]="0",[1]="1",[2]="2",[3]="3",[4]="4",[5]="5",[6]="6",[7]="7",[8]="8",[9]="9",[10]="A",[11]="B",[12]="C",[13]="D",[14]="E",[15]="F"}
local dect = { ["0"]=0,["1"]=1,["2"]=2,["3"]=3,["4"]=4,["5"]=5,["6"]=6,["7"]=7,["8"]=8,["9"]=9,["A"]=10,["B"]=11,["C"]=12,["D"]=13,["E"]=14,["F"]=15}
-local f = atfloor
-local function hex(i)
- local x=i+32768
- local c4 = x % 16
- x = f(x / 16)
- local c3 = x % 16
- x = f(x / 16)
+-- Hex functions changed for 8bit
+function advtrains.hex(i)
+ local x=math.floor(i)
local c2 = x % 16
- x = f(x / 16)
+ x = math.floor(x / 16)
local c1 = x % 16
- return (hext[c1]) .. (hext[c2]) .. (hext[c3]) .. (hext[c4])
+ return (hext[c1]) .. (hext[c2])
local function c(s,i) return dect[string.sub(s,i,i)] end
-local function dec(s)
- return (c(s,1)*4096 + c(s,2)*256 + c(s,3)*16 + c(s,4))-32768
--- Takes a position vector and outputs a encoded value suitable as table index
--- This is essentially a hexadecimal representation of the position (+32768)
-function advtrains.encode_pos(pos)
- return hex(pos.y) .. hex(pos.x) .. hex(pos.z)
--- decodes a position encoded with encode_pos
-function advtrains.decode_pos(pts)
- local stry = string.sub(pts, 1,4)
- local strx = string.sub(pts, 5,8)
- local strz = string.sub(pts, 9,12)
- return, dec(stry), dec(strz))
---[[ Benchmarking code
-local tdt = {}
-local tlt = {}
-local tet = {}
-for i=1,1000000 do
- tdt[i] =, 65535), math.random(-65536, 65535), math.random(-65536, 65535))
- if i%1000 == 0 then
- tlt[#tlt+1] = tdt[i]
- end
-local t1=os.clock()
-for i=1,1000000 do
- local pe = advtrains.encode_pos(tdt[i])
- local pb = advtrains.decode_pos(pe)
- tet[pe] = i
-for i,v in ipairs(tlt) do
- local lk = tet[advtrains.encode_pos(v)]
-tet = {}
-for i=1,1000000 do
- local pe = minetest.pos_to_string(tdt[i])
- local pb = minetest.string_to_pos(pe)
- tet[pe] = i
+function advtrains.dec(s)
+ return (c(s,1)*16 + c(s,2))
-for i,v in ipairs(tlt) do
- local lk = tet[minetest.pos_to_string(v)]
---2018-11-29 16:57:08: ACTION[Main]: [advtrains]endec 1.786451 s
---2018-11-29 16:57:10: ACTION[Main]: [advtrains]pts 2.566377 s
diff --git a/main.lua b/main.lua
index 6b7323d..a99fe7c 100644
--- a/main.lua
+++ b/main.lua
@@ -5,13 +5,24 @@
local maxc = 5000
-- embed an image called "world.png"
-local wimg = true
+local wimg = false
-- image file resolution (not world resolution!)
local wimresx = 3000
local wimresy = 3000
-- one pixel is ... nodes
local wimscale = 4
+-- y ranges and line colors
+-- Minimum y level drawn
+local drminy = -30
+-- Color of min y level
+local colminy = {r=0, g=0, b=255}
+-- Maximum y level drawn
+local drmaxy = 70
+-- Color of max y level
+local colmaxy = {r=255, g=0, b=0}
datapath = (arg[1] or "").."/"
@@ -111,7 +122,7 @@ svgfile:write('viewBox="'..(-maxc)..' '..(-maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..
-<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="2" stroke="red" stroke-width="1" />
+<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="5" stroke="red" stroke-width="1" />
if wimg then
@@ -183,16 +194,58 @@ end
plcnt = 0
+local function hexcolor(clr)
+ return "#"..advtrains.hex(clr.r)..advtrains.hex(clr.g)..advtrains.hex(clr.b)
+local function cfactor(ry)
+ local y = ry - (ry%4)
+ local fac = (y-drminy)/(drmaxy-drminy)
+ return fac
+local function pl_header(fac)
+ local color = {
+ r = colminy.r + (colmaxy.r-colminy.r)*fac,
+ g = colminy.g + (colmaxy.g-colminy.g)*fac,
+ b = colminy.b + (colmaxy.b-colminy.b)*fac,
+ }
+ local c = hexcolor(color)
+ return '<polyline style="fill:none;stroke:'..c..';stroke-width:1" points="'
local function polyline_write(pl)
- local str = {'<polyline style="fill:none;stroke:black;stroke-width:1" points="'}
+ local p1y = cfactor(pl[1].y)
+ local str = {pl_header(p1y)}
local i
local e
+ local lastcf = p1y
local lastldir = {x=0, y=0}
for i=1,#pl do
e = pl[i]
- -- Note that we mirror y, so positive z is up
- table.insert(str, e.x .. "," .. -(e.z) .. " ")
+ local cf = cfactor(e.y)
+ if cf ~= lastcf then
+ if lastcf <= 1 and lastcf >= 0 then
+ -- insert final point
+ -- Note that we mirror y, so positive z is up
+ table.insert(str, e.x .. "," .. -(e.z) .. " ")
+ table.insert(str, '" />\n')
+ plcnt = plcnt + 1
+ end
+ if cf <= 1 and cf >= 0 then
+ table.insert(str, pl_header(cf))
+ end
+ end
+ if cf <= 1 and cf >= 0 then
+ -- Note that we mirror y, so positive z is up
+ table.insert(str, e.x .. "," .. -(e.z) .. " ")
+ end
+ lastcf = cf
table.insert(str, '" />\n')