Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Added support for scheduled departure times which allows to show U+S departur...Christian Struck2013-01-25
* Add missing parameterMarkus Holtermann2013-01-25
* Fix day-change bugs in bvggrabber.api.DepartureMarkus Holtermann2013-01-25
* Partial revert auf recent cleanup to make the tests run on Python 3.2 againMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Add coverage for travisMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* CleanupMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Add first attempt of ActualDepartureQueryApiMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Add base QueryApi and Departure classes including simple testsMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* * We use beautifulsoup4 and python-dateutilMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* rename readme back to rstMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Update README / add Travis-CI statusMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* We rely on beautifulsoupMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Add api moduleMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Set correct encoding headerMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Add tests to setup.py and exclude them during installationMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* We require Python >= 3.2Markus Holtermann2013-01-24
* Add travis-ci configMarkus Holtermann2013-01-24
* changed variable names to more corresponding ones. Code will be from now on c...Christian Struck2013-01-24
* Added the latest nongit app-prototype version to gitChristian Struck2013-01-23
* init main packageMarkus Holtermann2013-01-23
* initial cleanupMarkus Holtermann2013-01-23
* Initial commitMarkus Holtermann2013-01-23