path: root/data/luaobjects/test/server.lua
diff options
authorPerttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>2011-02-23 11:10:09 +0200
committerPerttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>2011-02-23 11:10:09 +0200
commitbe32adc872a085f6ced03000362b352b121fa103 (patch)
tree9d3dfd06322829759dcb364be2b19becccb34c79 /data/luaobjects/test/server.lua
parent9778347c7f118f6b74153f1d2c8070920352eb68 (diff)
updated scripting api a bit
--HG-- rename : data/luaobjects/test/client.lua => data/scripts/objects/test/client.lua rename : data/luaobjects/test/server.lua => data/scripts/objects/test/server.lua
Diffstat (limited to 'data/luaobjects/test/server.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 154 deletions
diff --git a/data/luaobjects/test/server.lua b/data/luaobjects/test/server.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e79d277ac..000000000
--- a/data/luaobjects/test/server.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
--- Server-side code of the test lua object
--- Some helper functions and classes
-function vector_subtract(a, b)
- return {X=a.X-b.X, Y=a.Y-b.Y, Z=a.Z-b.Z}
-function vector_add(a, b)
- return {X=a.X+b.X, Y=a.Y+b.Y, Z=a.Z+b.Z}
-function vector_multiply(a, d)
- return {X=a.X*d, Y=a.Y*d, Z=a.Z*d}
--- Actual code
-counter = 0
-counter2 = 0
-counter3 = 0
-counter4 = 0
-death_counter = 0
--- This is got in initialization from object_get_base_position(self)
-position = {X=0,Y=0,Z=0}
-rotation = {X=0, Y=math.random(0,360), Z=0}
-dir = 1
-temp1 = 0
-function on_step(self, dtime)
- --[[if position.Y > 9.5 then
- position.Y = 6
- end
- if position.Y < 5.5 then
- position.Y = 9]]
- -- Limit step to a sane value; it jumps a lot while the map generator
- -- is in action
- if dtime > 0.5 then
- dtime = 0.5
- end
- -- Returned value has these fields:
- -- * int content
- -- * int param1
- -- * int param2
- p = {X=position.X, Y=position.Y-0.35, Z=position.Z}
- n = object_get_node(self, p)
- f = get_content_features(n.content)
- if f.walkable then
- dir = 1
- else
- dir = -1
- end
- -- Keep the object approximately at ground level
- position.Y = position.Y + dtime * 2.0 * dir
- -- Move the object around
- position.X = position.X + math.cos(math.pi+rotation.Y/180*math.pi)
- * dtime * 2.0
- position.Z = position.Z + math.sin(math.pi+rotation.Y/180*math.pi)
- * dtime * 2.0
- -- This value has to be set; it determines to which player the
- -- object is near to and such
- object_set_base_position(self, position)
- counter4 = counter4 - dtime
- if counter4 < 0 then
- counter4 = counter4 + math.random(0.5,8)
- -- Mess around with the map
- np = vector_add(position, {X=0,Y=0,Z=0})
- object_place_node(self, np, {content=0})
- -- A node could be digged out with this:
- -- object_dig_node(self, np)
- end
- counter3 = counter3 - dtime
- if counter3 < 0 then
- counter3 = counter3 + math.random(1,4)
- rotation.Y = rotation.Y + math.random(-180, 180)
- end
- -- Send some custom messages at a custom interval
- counter = counter - dtime
- if counter < 0 then
- counter = counter + 0.25
- if counter < 0 then
- counter = 0
- end
- message = "pos " .. position.X .. " " .. position.Y .. " " .. position.Z
- object_add_message(self, message)
- message = "rot " .. rotation.X .. " " .. rotation.Y .. " " .. rotation.Z
- object_add_message(self, message)
- end
- -- Mess around with the map
- --[[counter2 = counter2 - dtime
- if counter2 < 0 then
- counter2 = counter2 + 3
- if temp1 == 0 then
- temp1 = 1
- object_dig_node(self, {X=0,Y=1,Z=0})
- else
- temp1 = 0
- n = {content=1}
- object_place_node(self, {X=0,Y=5,Z=0}, n)
- end
- end]]
- -- Remove the object after some time
- death_counter = death_counter + dtime
- if death_counter > 30 then
- object_remove(self)
- end
--- This stuff is passed to a newly created client-side counterpart of this object
-function on_get_client_init_data(self)
- -- Just return some data for testing
- return "result of get_client_init_data"
--- This should return some data that mostly saves the state of this object
--- Not completely implemented yet
-function on_get_server_init_data(self)
- -- Just return some data for testing
- return "result of get_server_init_data"
--- When the object is loaded from scratch, this is called before the first
--- on_step(). Data is an empty string or the output of an object spawner
--- hook, but such things are not yet implemented.
--- At reload time, the last output of get_server_init_data is passed as data.
--- This should initialize the position of the object to the value returned
--- by object_get_base_position(self)
--- Not completely implemented yet
-function on_initialize(self, data)
- print("server object got initialization: " .. data)
- position = object_get_base_position(self)