path: root/doc/lua_api.txt
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authorHybrid Dog <>2017-08-28 20:21:28 +0200
committerparamat <>2017-09-28 20:32:16 +0100
commit7e488b926b97df387bea68f71406123332b7a707 (patch)
treea8db1e6f91d14b8b13a12d47fe17e57abc249622 /doc/lua_api.txt
parent5258f3b857b289702078241e00fc7fe8aadde180 (diff)
Lua_api.txt: Clarify arguments of functions, plus some cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/lua_api.txt')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/doc/lua_api.txt b/doc/lua_api.txt
index 31a8210de..a2722b2f5 100644
--- a/doc/lua_api.txt
+++ b/doc/lua_api.txt
@@ -2163,32 +2163,48 @@ For the following functions `x` can be either a vector or a number:
Helper functions
-* `dump2(obj, name="_", dumped={})`
- * Return object serialized as a string, handles reference loops
-* `dump(obj, dumped={})`
- * Return object serialized as a string
+* `dump2(obj, name, dumped)`: returns a string which makes `obj` human readable,
+ handles reference loops
+ * `obj`: arbitrary variable
+ * `name`: string, default: `"_"`
+ * `dumped`: table, default: `{}`
+* `dump(obj, dumped)`: returns a string which makes `obj` human readable
+ * `obj`: arbitrary variable
+ * `dumped`: table, default: `{}`
* `math.hypot(x, y)`
* Get the hypotenuse of a triangle with legs x and y.
Useful for distance calculation.
-* `math.sign(x, tolerance)`
+* `math.sign(x, tolerance)`: returns `-1`, `0` or `1`
* Get the sign of a number.
- Optional: Also returns `0` when the absolute value is within the tolerance (default: `0`)
-* `string.split(str, separator=",", include_empty=false, max_splits=-1, sep_is_pattern=false)`
- * If `max_splits` is negative, do not limit splits.
- * `sep_is_pattern` specifies if separator is a plain string or a pattern (regex).
- * e.g. `string:split("a,b", ",") == {"a","b"}`
-* `string:trim()`
- * e.g. `string.trim("\n \t\tfoo bar\t ") == "foo bar"`
-* `minetest.wrap_text(str, limit, [as_table])`: returns a string or table
- * Adds newlines to the string to keep it within the specified character limit
- Note that returned lines may be longer than the limit since it only splits at word borders.
- * limit: Maximal amount of characters in one line
- * as_table: optional, if true return table of lines instead of string
-* `minetest.pos_to_string({x=X,y=Y,z=Z}, decimal_places))`: returns string `"(X,Y,Z)"`
- * Convert position to a printable string
- Optional: 'decimal_places' will round the x, y and z of the pos to the given decimal place.
-* `minetest.string_to_pos(string)`: returns a position
- * Same but in reverse. Returns `nil` if the string can't be parsed to a position.
+ * tolerance: number, default: `0.0`
+ * If the absolute value of `x` is within the `tolerance` or `x` is NaN,
+ `0` is returned.
+* `string.split(str, separator, include_empty, max_splits, sep_is_pattern)`
+ * `separator`: string, default: `","`
+ * `include_empty`: boolean, default: `false`
+ * `max_splits`: number, if it's positive, splits aren't limited,
+ default: `-1`
+ * `sep_is_pattern`: boolean, it specifies whether separator is a plain
+ string or a pattern (regex), default: `false`
+ * e.g. `"a,b":split","` returns `{"a","b"}`
+* `string:trim()`: returns the string whithout whitespace pre- and suffixes
+ * e.g. `"\n \t\tfoo bar\t ":trim()` returns `"foo bar"`
+* `minetest.wrap_text(str, limit, as_table)`: returns a string or table
+ * Adds newlines to the string to keep it within the specified character
+ limit
+ * Note that the returned lines may be longer than the limit since it only
+ splits at word borders.
+ * `limit`: number, maximal amount of characters in one line
+ * `as_table`: boolean, if set to true, a table of lines instead of a string
+ is returned, default: `false`
+* `minetest.pos_to_string(pos, decimal_places)`: returns string `"(X,Y,Z)"`
+ * `pos`: table {x=X, y=Y, z=Z}
+ * Converts the position `pos` to a human-readable, printable string
+ * `decimal_places`: number, if specified, the x, y and z values of
+ the position are rounded to the given decimal place.
+* `minetest.string_to_pos(string)`: returns a position or `nil`
+ * Same but in reverse.
+ * If the string can't be parsed to a position, nothing is returned.
* `minetest.string_to_area("(X1, Y1, Z1) (X2, Y2, Z2)")`: returns two positions
* Converts a string representing an area box into two positions
* `minetest.formspec_escape(string)`: returns a string
@@ -2542,7 +2558,7 @@ Call these functions only at load time!
### Authentication
* `minetest.notify_authentication_modified(name)`
* Should be called by the authentication handler if privileges changes.
- * To report everybody, set `name=nil`.
+ * `name`: string, if ommited, everybody is reported
* `minetest.check_password_entry(name, entry, password)`
* Returns true if the "db entry" for a player with name matches given
* password, false otherwise.
@@ -2581,12 +2597,15 @@ and `minetest.auth_reload` call the authetification handler.
### Environment access
* `minetest.set_node(pos, node)`
-* `minetest.add_node(pos, node): alias set_node(pos, node)`
- * Set node at position (`node = {name="foo", param1=0, param2=0}`)
+* `minetest.add_node(pos, node): alias to `minetest.set_node`
+ * Set node at position `pos`
+ * `node`: table `{name=string, param1=number, param2=number}`
+ * If param1 or param2 is omitted, it's set to `0`.
+ * e.g. `minetest.set_node({x=0, y=10, z=0}, {name="default:wood"})`
* `minetest.swap_node(pos, node)`
* Set node at position, but don't remove metadata
* `minetest.remove_node(pos)`
- * Equivalent to `set_node(pos, "air")`
+ * By default it does the same as `minetest.set_node(pos, {name="air"})`
* `minetest.get_node(pos)`
* Returns the node at the given position as table in the format
`{name="node_name", param1=0, param2=0}`, returns `{name="ignore", param1=0, param2=0}`
@@ -3117,10 +3136,11 @@ These functions return the leftover itemstack.
* `name`: `"breath"` or `"health"`
* `hud_definition`: definition to replace builtin definition
* `minetest.send_join_message(player_name)`
- * Can be overridden by mods to change the join message
+ * This function can be overridden by mods to change the join message.
* `minetest.send_leave_message(player_name, timed_out)`
- * Can be overridden by mods to change the leave message
-* `minetest.hash_node_position({x=,y=,z=})`: returns an 48-bit integer
+ * This function can be overridden by mods to change the leave message.
+* `minetest.hash_node_position(pos)`: returns an 48-bit integer
+ * `pos`: table {x=number, y=number, z=number},
* Gives a unique hash number for a node position (16+16+16=48bit)
* `minetest.get_position_from_hash(hash)`: returns a position
* Inverse transform of `minetest.hash_node_position`
@@ -3386,9 +3406,14 @@ This is basically a reference to a C++ `ServerActiveObject`
* `set_wielded_item(item)`: replaces the wielded item, returns `true` if successful
* `set_armor_groups({group1=rating, group2=rating, ...})`
* `get_armor_groups()`: returns a table with the armor group ratings
-* `set_animation({x=1,y=1}, frame_speed=15.0, frame_blend=0, frame_loop=true)`
+* `set_animation(frame_range, frame_speed, frame_blend, frame_loop)`
+ * `frame_range`: table {x=num, y=num}, default: `{x=1, y=1}`
+ * `frame_speed`: number, default: `15.0`
+ * `frame_blend`: number, default: `0.0`
+ * `frame_loop`: boolean, default: `true`
* `get_animation()`: returns `range`, `frame_speed`, `frame_blend` and `frame_loop`
-* `set_animation_frame_speed(frame_speed=15.0)`
+* `set_animation_frame_speed(frame_speed)`
+ * `frame_speed`: number, default: `15.0`
* `set_attach(parent, bone, position, rotation)`
* `bone`: string
* `position`: `{x=num, y=num, z=num}` (relative)
@@ -3418,18 +3443,25 @@ This is basically a reference to a C++ `ServerActiveObject`
##### LuaEntitySAO-only (no-op for other objects)
-* `set_velocity({x=num, y=num, z=num})`
-* `get_velocity()`: returns `{x=num, y=num, z=num}`
-* `set_acceleration({x=num, y=num, z=num})`
-* `get_acceleration()`: returns `{x=num, y=num, z=num}`
+* `set_velocity(vel)`
+ * `vel` is a vector, e.g. `{x=0.0, y=2.3, z=1.0}`
+* `get_velocity()`: returns the velocity, a vector
+* `set_acceleration(acc)`
+ * `acc` is a vector
+* `get_acceleration()`: returns the acceleration, a vector
* `set_yaw(radians)`
* `get_yaw()`: returns number in radians
* `set_texture_mod(mod)`
* `get_texture_mod()` returns current texture modifier
-* `set_sprite(p={x=0,y=0}, num_frames=1, framelength=0.2,
- select_horiz_by_yawpitch=false)`
- * Select sprite from spritesheet with optional animation and DM-style
- texture selection based on yaw relative to camera
+* `set_sprite(p, num_frames, framelength, select_horiz_by_yawpitch)`
+ * Select sprite from spritesheet with optional animation and Dungeon Master
+ style texture selection based on yaw relative to camera
+ * `p`: {x=number, y=number}, the coordinate of the first frame
+ (x: column, y: row), default: `{x=0, y=0}`
+ * `num_frames`: number, default: `1`
+ * `framelength`: number, default: `0.2`
+ * `select_horiz_by_yawpitch`: boolean, this was once used for the Dungeon
+ Master mob, default: `false`
* `get_entity_name()` (**Deprecated**: Will be removed in a future version)
* `get_luaentity()`
@@ -3470,9 +3502,13 @@ This is basically a reference to a C++ `ServerActiveObject`
* Should usually be called in `on_joinplayer`
* `get_inventory_formspec()`: returns a formspec string
* `get_player_control()`: returns table with player pressed keys
- * `{jump=bool,right=bool,left=bool,LMB=bool,RMB=bool,sneak=bool,aux1=bool,down=bool,up=bool}`
+ * The table consists of fields with boolean value representing the pressed
+ keys, the fields are jump, right, left, LMB, RMB, sneak, aux1, down and up
+ * example: `{jump=false, right=true, left=false, LMB=false, RMB=false,
+ sneak=true, aux1=false, down=false, up=false}`
* `get_player_control_bits()`: returns integer with bit packed player pressed keys
- * bit nr/meaning: 0/up ,1/down ,2/left ,3/right ,4/jump ,5/aux1 ,6/sneak ,7/LMB ,8/RMB
+ * bit nr/meaning: 0/up, 1/down, 2/left, 3/right, 4/jump, 5/aux1, 6/sneak,
+ 7/LMB, 8/RMB
* `set_physics_override(override_table)`
* `override_table` is a table with the following fields:
* `speed`: multiplier to default walking speed value (default: `1`)
@@ -3627,36 +3663,42 @@ It can be created via `ItemStack(x)`, where x is an `ItemStack`,
an itemstring, a table or `nil`.
#### Methods
-* `is_empty()`: Returns `true` if stack is empty.
-* `get_name()`: Returns item name (e.g. `"default:stone"`).
-* `set_name(item_name)`: Returns boolean whether item was cleared
+* `is_empty()`: returns `true` if stack is empty.
+* `get_name()`: returns item name (e.g. `"default:stone"`).
+* `set_name(item_name)`: returns a boolean indicating whether the item was cleared
* `get_count()`: Returns number of items on the stack.
-* `set_count(count)`: Returns boolean whether item was cleared
-* `get_wear()`: Returns tool wear (`0`-`65535`), `0` for non-tools.
-* `set_wear(wear)`: Returns boolean whether item was cleared
-* `get_meta()`: Returns ItemStackMetaRef. See section for more details
+* `set_count(count)`: returns a boolean indicating whether the item was cleared
+ * `count`: number, unsigned 16 bit integer
+* `get_wear()`: returns tool wear (`0`-`65535`), `0` for non-tools.
+* `set_wear(wear)`: returns boolean indicating whether item was cleared
+ * `wear`: number, unsigned 16 bit integer
+* `get_meta()`: returns ItemStackMetaRef. See section for more details
* `get_metadata()`: (DEPRECATED) Returns metadata (a string attached to an item stack).
* `set_metadata(metadata)`: (DEPRECATED) Returns true.
* `clear()`: removes all items from the stack, making it empty.
* `replace(item)`: replace the contents of this stack.
* `item` can also be an itemstring or table.
-* `to_string()`: Returns the stack in itemstring form.
-* `to_table()`: Returns the stack in Lua table form.
-* `get_stack_max()`: Returns the maximum size of the stack (depends on the item).
-* `get_free_space()`: Returns `get_stack_max() - get_count()`.
-* `is_known()`: Returns `true` if the item name refers to a defined item type.
-* `get_definition()`: Returns the item definition table.
-* `get_tool_capabilities()`: Returns the digging properties of the item,
- or those of the hand if none are defined for this item type
-* `add_wear(amount)`: Increases wear by `amount` if the item is a tool.
-* `add_item(item)`: Put some item or stack onto this stack.
- Returns leftover `ItemStack`.
-* `item_fits(item)`: Returns `true` if item or stack can be fully added to
- this one.
-* `take_item(n=1)`: Take (and remove) up to `n` items from this stack.
- Returns taken `ItemStack`.
-* `peek_item(n=1)`: copy (don't remove) up to `n` items from this stack.
- Returns taken `ItemStack`.
+* `to_string()`: returns the stack in itemstring form.
+* `to_table()`: returns the stack in Lua table form.
+* `get_stack_max()`: returns the maximum size of the stack (depends on the item).
+* `get_free_space()`: returns `get_stack_max() - get_count()`.
+* `is_known()`: returns `true` if the item name refers to a defined item type.
+* `get_definition()`: returns the item definition table.
+* `get_tool_capabilities()`: returns the digging properties of the item,
+ or those of the hand if none are defined for this item type
+* `add_wear(amount)`
+ * Increases wear by `amount` if the item is a tool
+ * `amount`: number, integer
+* `add_item(item)`: returns leftover `ItemStack`
+ * Put some item or stack onto this stack
+* `item_fits(item)`: returns `true` if item or stack can be fully added to
+ this one.
+* `take_item(n)`: returns taken `ItemStack`
+ * Take (and remove) up to `n` items from this stack
+ * `n`: number, default: `1`
+* `peek_item(n)`: returns taken `ItemStack`
+ * Copy (don't remove) up to `n` items from this stack
+ * `n`: number, default: `1`
### `PseudoRandom`
A 16-bit pseudorandom number generator.
@@ -4427,7 +4469,7 @@ Definition tables
^ base tiles. You can use this to colorize only specific parts of
^ your texture. If the texture name is an empty string, that
^ overlay is not drawn. Since such tiles are drawn twice, it
- ^ is not recommended to use overlays on very common nodes.
+ ^ is not recommended to use overlays on very common nodes. ]]
special_tiles = {tile definition 1, Tile definition 2}, --[[
^ Special textures of node; used rarely (old field name: special_materials)
^ List can be shortened to needed length ]]