path: root/src/collision.h
diff options
authorPerttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>2012-03-15 13:18:21 +0200
committerPerttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>2012-03-15 13:18:21 +0200
commit8551ddc839dc3b35a3f33a3bb4ff33f8d9c5f87d (patch)
tree9f3249bf74836ab0134706e0a1cf729f6df2997a /src/collision.h
parenteea3277b81625277b634d1f5409b46075ebe28ff (diff)
Use a more standard order of yes/no/cancel/whatever buttons in dialogs
Diffstat (limited to 'src/collision.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
+if mappath then
+ mapfile = io.open(mappath, "r")
+ cont = mapfile:read("*a"):sub(1, -7) -- remove </svg> end tag
+ svgfile:write(cont)
+ svgfile:write([[
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20010904//EN"
@@ -120,13 +154,12 @@ svgfile:write([[
xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" ]])
-svgfile:write('viewBox="'..(-maxc)..' '..(-maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..'" >')
+ svgfile:write('viewBox="'..(-maxc)..' '..(-maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..' '..(2*maxc)..'" >')
+ svgfile:write([[
<circle cx="0" cy="0" r="5" stroke="red" stroke-width="1" />
if wimg then
local wimx = -(wimresx*wimscale/2)
local wimy = -(wimresy*wimscale/2)
@@ -272,53 +305,70 @@ local function polyline_write(pl)
-- while there are entries in the nodedb
-- 1. find a starting point
+if not mappath then
local stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point()
-while stpos do
- writec("Restart at position "..pts(stpos))
- for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
- table.insert(bfs_rsp, {pos = stpos, connid = connid, conn = conn})
- end
- advtrains.ndb.clear(stpos)
- -- 2. while there are BFS entries
- while #bfs_rsp > 0 do
- -- make polylines
- local current_rsp = bfs_rsp[#bfs_rsp]
- bfs_rsp[#bfs_rsp] = nil
- --print("Starting polyline at "..pts(current_rsp.pos).."/"..current_rsp.connid)
+ while stpos do
- current_polyline = {}
- gen_rsp_polyline(current_rsp)
- polyline_write(current_polyline)
+ writec("Restart at position "..pts(stpos))
+ for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
+ table.insert(bfs_rsp, {pos = stpos, connid = connid, conn = conn})
+ end
+ advtrains.ndb.clear(stpos)
- io.write("Progress ", ndb_nodes_handled, "+", ndb_nodes_notrack, "/", ndb_nodes_total, "=", math.floor(((ndb_nodes_handled+ndb_nodes_notrack)/ndb_nodes_total)*100), "%\r")
+ -- 2. while there are BFS entries
+ while #bfs_rsp > 0 do
+ -- make polylines
+ local current_rsp = bfs_rsp[#bfs_rsp]
+ bfs_rsp[#bfs_rsp] = nil
+ --print("Starting polyline at "..pts(current_rsp.pos).."/"..current_rsp.connid)
+ current_polyline = {}
+ gen_rsp_polyline(current_rsp)
+ polyline_write(current_polyline)
+ io.write("Progress ", ndb_nodes_handled, "+", ndb_nodes_notrack, "/", ndb_nodes_total, "=", math.floor(((ndb_nodes_handled+ndb_nodes_notrack)/ndb_nodes_total)*100), "%\r")
+ end
+ stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point()
- stpos, conns = advtrains.ndb.mapper_find_starting_point()
-- draw trains
trains = 0
-for i,v in pairs(advtrains.trains) do
- pos = v.last_pos
- color = "green"
- if v.velocity == 0 then
- color = "orange"
- end
- svgfile:write("<circle cx=\""..pos.x.."\" cy=\""..-pos.z.."\" r=\"3\" stroke=\""..color.."\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" />")
- if v.line then
- svgfile:write(" <text x=\""..(pos.x+5).."\" y=\""..-pos.z.."\" class=\"trainline\">"..v.line.."</text>")
+stopped = 0
+lines = {}
+running = {}
+if not no_trains then
+ for i,v in pairs(advtrains.trains) do
+ pos = v.last_pos
+ color = "green"
+ if v.velocity == 0 then
+ color = "orange"
+ stopped = stopped + 1
+ end
+ svgfile:write("<circle cx=\""..pos.x.."\" cy=\""..-pos.z.."\" r=\"3\" stroke=\""..color.."\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" />")
+ if v.line then
+ lines[v.line] = (lines[v.line] or 0) + 1
+ if v.velocity ~= 0 then
+ running[v.line] = (running[v.line] or 0) + 1
+ end
+ svgfile:write(" <text x=\""..(pos.x+5).."\" y=\""..-pos.z.."\" class=\"trainline\">"..v.line.."</text>")
+ end
+ trains = trains+1
- trains = trains+1
print("\nWrote",plcnt,"polylines. Processed", ndb_nodes_handled, "track,",ndb_nodes_notrack, "non-track nodes out of", ndb_nodes_total)
-print("Drew "..trains.." trains")
+print("Drew "..trains.." trains. "..stopped.." stopped trains.")
+print("\n Number of trains moving/total:")
+for i,v in pairs(lines) do
+ print(i..": "..(running[i] or 0).."/"..v)