path: root/src/voxelalgorithms.cpp
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authorDániel Juhász <juhdanad@gmail.com>2016-10-20 21:41:38 +0200
committerNer'zhul <nerzhul@users.noreply.github.com>2016-10-27 08:04:42 +0200
commitc071efaa43ad3dcba7d60a7a67e942aae2a7dc83 (patch)
tree005ca91912ba59cbe5b676b8067d82a5483ed1ce /src/voxelalgorithms.cpp
parent1fd9a07497c45364ed8396653501c6be2a2e2ade (diff)
Improved lighting
This commit rewrites the procedure that is responsible for light updating. this commit -provides iterative solutions for unlighting and light spreading -introduces a new priority queue-like container for the iteration -creates per-node MapBlock caching to reduce retrieving MapBlocks from the map -calculates with map block positions and in-block relative node coordinates -skips light updating if it is not necessary since the node's new light will be the same as its old light was
Diffstat (limited to 'src/voxelalgorithms.cpp')
1 files changed, 584 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/voxelalgorithms.cpp b/src/voxelalgorithms.cpp
index f067a221a..019ec1bc6 100644
--- a/src/voxelalgorithms.cpp
+++ b/src/voxelalgorithms.cpp
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "voxelalgorithms.h"
#include "nodedef.h"
+#include "mapblock.h"
+#include "map.h"
+#include "util/timetaker.h"
namespace voxalgo
@@ -153,5 +156,586 @@ SunlightPropagateResult propagateSunlight(VoxelManipulator &v, VoxelArea a,
return SunlightPropagateResult(bottom_sunlight_valid);
+ * A direction.
+ * 0=X+
+ * 1=Y+
+ * 2=Z+
+ * 3=Z-
+ * 4=Y-
+ * 5=X-
+ * 6=no direction
+ * Two directions ate opposite only if their sum is 5.
+ */
+typedef u8 direction;
+ * Relative node position.
+ * This represents a node's position in its map block.
+ * All coordinates must be between 0 and 15.
+ */
+typedef v3s16 relative_v3;
+ * Position of a map block.
+ * One block_pos unit is as long as 16 node position units.
+ */
+typedef v3s16 mapblock_v3;
+//! Contains information about a node whose light is about to change.
+struct ChangingLight {
+ //! Relative position of the node in its map block.
+ relative_v3 rel_position;
+ //! Position of the node's block.
+ mapblock_v3 block_position;
+ //! Reference to the node's block.
+ MapBlock *block;
+ /*!
+ * Direction from the node that caused this node's changing
+ * to this node.
+ */
+ direction source_direction;
+ ChangingLight() :
+ rel_position(),
+ block_position(),
+ block(NULL),
+ source_direction(6)
+ {}
+ ChangingLight(relative_v3 rel_pos, mapblock_v3 block_pos,
+ MapBlock *b, direction source_dir) :
+ rel_position(rel_pos),
+ block_position(block_pos),
+ block(b),
+ source_direction(source_dir)
+ {}
+ * A fast, priority queue-like container to contain ChangingLights.
+ * The ChangingLights are ordered by the given light levels.
+ * The brightest ChangingLight is returned first.
+ */
+struct LightQueue {
+ //! For each light level there is a vector.
+ std::vector<ChangingLight> lights[LIGHT_SUN + 1];
+ //! Light of the brightest ChangingLight in the queue.
+ u8 max_light;
+ /*!
+ * Creates a LightQueue.
+ * \param reserve for each light level that many slots are reserved.
+ */
+ LightQueue(size_t reserve)
+ {
+ max_light = LIGHT_SUN;
+ for (u8 i = 0; i <= LIGHT_SUN; i++) {
+ lights[i].reserve(reserve);
+ }
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Returns the next brightest ChangingLight and
+ * removes it from the queue.
+ * If there were no elements in the queue, the given parameters
+ * remain unmodified.
+ * \param light light level of the popped ChangingLight
+ * \param data the ChangingLight that was popped
+ * \returns true if there was a ChangingLight in the queue.
+ */
+ bool next(u8 &light, ChangingLight &data)
+ {
+ while (lights[max_light].empty()) {
+ if (max_light == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ max_light--;
+ }
+ light = max_light;
+ data = lights[max_light].back();
+ lights[max_light].pop_back();
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Adds an element to the queue.
+ * The parameters are the same as in ChangingLight's constructor.
+ * \param light light level of the ChangingLight
+ */
+ inline void push(u8 light, relative_v3 &rel_pos, mapblock_v3 &block_pos,
+ MapBlock *block, direction source_dir)
+ {
+ lights[light].push_back(
+ ChangingLight(rel_pos, block_pos, block, source_dir));
+ }
+ * This type of light queue is for unlighting.
+ * A node can be pushed in it only if its raw light is zero.
+ * This prevents pushing nodes twice into this queue.
+ * The light of the pushed ChangingLight must be the
+ * light of the node before unlighting it.
+ */
+typedef LightQueue UnlightQueue;
+ * This type of light queue is for spreading lights.
+ * While spreading lights, all the nodes in it must
+ * have the same light as the light level the ChangingLights
+ * were pushed into this queue with. This prevents unnecessary
+ * re-pushing of the nodes into the queue.
+ * If a node doesn't let light trough but emits light, it can be added
+ * too.
+ */
+typedef LightQueue ReLightQueue;
+ * neighbor_dirs[i] points towards
+ * the direction i.
+ * See the definition of the type "direction"
+ */
+const static v3s16 neighbor_dirs[6] = {
+ v3s16(1, 0, 0), // right
+ v3s16(0, 1, 0), // top
+ v3s16(0, 0, 1), // back
+ v3s16(0, 0, -1), // front
+ v3s16(0, -1, 0), // bottom
+ v3s16(-1, 0, 0), // left
+ * Transforms the given map block offset by one node towards
+ * the specified direction.
+ * \param dir the direction of the transformation
+ * \param rel_pos the node's relative position in its map block
+ * \param block_pos position of the node's block
+ */
+bool stepRelBlockPos(direction dir, relative_v3 &rel_pos,
+ mapblock_v3 &block_pos)
+ switch (dir) {
+ case 0:
+ if (rel_pos.X < MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1) {
+ rel_pos.X++;
+ } else {
+ rel_pos.X = 0;
+ block_pos.X++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (rel_pos.Y < MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1) {
+ rel_pos.Y++;
+ } else {
+ rel_pos.Y = 0;
+ block_pos.Y++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (rel_pos.Z < MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1) {
+ rel_pos.Z++;
+ } else {
+ rel_pos.Z = 0;
+ block_pos.Z++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (rel_pos.Z > 0) {
+ rel_pos.Z--;
+ } else {
+ rel_pos.Z = MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1;
+ block_pos.Z--;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (rel_pos.Y > 0) {
+ rel_pos.Y--;
+ } else {
+ rel_pos.Y = MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1;
+ block_pos.Y--;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if (rel_pos.X > 0) {
+ rel_pos.X--;
+ } else {
+ rel_pos.X = MAP_BLOCKSIZE - 1;
+ block_pos.X--;
+ return true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Removes all light that is potentially emitted by the specified
+ * light sources. These nodes will have zero light.
+ * Returns all nodes whose light became zero but should be re-lighted.
+ *
+ * \param bank the light bank in which the procedure operates
+ * \param from_nodes nodes whose light is removed
+ * \param light_sources nodes that should be re-lighted
+ * \param modified_blocks output, all modified map blocks are added to this
+ */
+void unspreadLight(Map *map, INodeDefManager *nodemgr, LightBank bank,
+ UnlightQueue &from_nodes, ReLightQueue &light_sources,
+ std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> & modified_blocks)
+ // Stores data popped from from_nodes
+ u8 current_light;
+ ChangingLight current;
+ // Data of the current neighbor
+ mapblock_v3 neighbor_block_pos;
+ relative_v3 neighbor_rel_pos;
+ // A dummy boolean
+ bool is_valid_position;
+ // Direction of the brightest neighbor of the node
+ direction source_dir;
+ while (from_nodes.next(current_light, current)) {
+ // For all nodes that need unlighting
+ // There is no brightest neighbor
+ source_dir = 6;
+ // The current node
+ const MapNode &node = current.block->getNodeNoCheck(
+ current.rel_position, &is_valid_position);
+ const ContentFeatures &f = nodemgr->get(node);
+ // If the node emits light, it behaves like it had a
+ // brighter neighbor.
+ u8 brightest_neighbor_light = f.light_source + 1;
+ for (direction i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ //For each neighbor
+ // The node that changed this node has already zero light
+ // and it can't give light to this node
+ if (current.source_direction + i == 5) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get the neighbor's position and block
+ neighbor_rel_pos = current.rel_position;
+ neighbor_block_pos = current.block_position;
+ MapBlock *neighbor_block;
+ if (stepRelBlockPos(i, neighbor_rel_pos, neighbor_block_pos)) {
+ neighbor_block = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(neighbor_block_pos);
+ if (neighbor_block == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ neighbor_block = current.block;
+ }
+ // Get the neighbor itself
+ MapNode neighbor = neighbor_block->getNodeNoCheck(neighbor_rel_pos,
+ &is_valid_position);
+ const ContentFeatures &neighbor_f = nodemgr->get(
+ neighbor.getContent());
+ u8 neighbor_light = neighbor.getLightRaw(bank, neighbor_f);
+ // If the neighbor has at least as much light as this node, then
+ // it won't lose its light, since it should have been added to
+ // from_nodes earlier, so its light would be zero.
+ if (neighbor_f.light_propagates && neighbor_light < current_light) {
+ // Unlight, but only if the node has light.
+ if (neighbor_light > 0) {
+ neighbor.setLight(bank, 0, neighbor_f);
+ neighbor_block->setNodeNoCheck(neighbor_rel_pos, neighbor);
+ from_nodes.push(neighbor_light, neighbor_rel_pos,
+ neighbor_block_pos, neighbor_block, i);
+ // The current node was modified earlier, so its block
+ // is in modified_blocks.
+ if (current.block != neighbor_block) {
+ modified_blocks[neighbor_block_pos] = neighbor_block;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The neighbor can light up this node.
+ if (neighbor_light < neighbor_f.light_source) {
+ neighbor_light = neighbor_f.light_source;
+ }
+ if (brightest_neighbor_light < neighbor_light) {
+ brightest_neighbor_light = neighbor_light;
+ source_dir = i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // If the brightest neighbor is able to light up this node,
+ // then add this node to the output nodes.
+ if (brightest_neighbor_light > 1 && f.light_propagates) {
+ brightest_neighbor_light--;
+ light_sources.push(brightest_neighbor_light, current.rel_position,
+ current.block_position, current.block,
+ (source_dir == 6) ? 6 : 5 - source_dir
+ /* with opposite direction*/);
+ }
+ }
+ * Spreads light from the specified starting nodes.
+ *
+ * Before calling this procedure, make sure that all ChangingLights
+ * in light_sources have as much light on the map as they have in
+ * light_sources (if the queue contains a node multiple times, the brightest
+ * occurrence counts).
+ *
+ * \param bank the light bank in which the procedure operates
+ * \param light_sources starting nodes
+ * \param modified_blocks output, all modified map blocks are added to this
+ */
+void spreadLight(Map *map, INodeDefManager *nodemgr, LightBank bank,
+ LightQueue & light_sources, std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> & modified_blocks)
+ // The light the current node can provide to its neighbors.
+ u8 spreading_light;
+ // The ChangingLight for the current node.
+ ChangingLight current;
+ // Position of the current neighbor.
+ mapblock_v3 neighbor_block_pos;
+ relative_v3 neighbor_rel_pos;
+ // A dummy boolean.
+ bool is_valid_position;
+ while (light_sources.next(spreading_light, current)) {
+ spreading_light--;
+ for (direction i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ // This node can't light up its light source
+ if (current.source_direction + i == 5) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get the neighbor's position and block
+ neighbor_rel_pos = current.rel_position;
+ neighbor_block_pos = current.block_position;
+ MapBlock *neighbor_block;
+ if (stepRelBlockPos(i, neighbor_rel_pos, neighbor_block_pos)) {
+ neighbor_block = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(neighbor_block_pos);
+ if (neighbor_block == NULL) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ } else {
+ neighbor_block = current.block;
+ }
+ // Get the neighbor itself
+ MapNode neighbor = neighbor_block->getNodeNoCheck(neighbor_rel_pos,
+ &is_valid_position);
+ const ContentFeatures &f = nodemgr->get(neighbor.getContent());
+ if (f.light_propagates) {
+ // Light up the neighbor, if it has less light than it should.
+ u8 neighbor_light = neighbor.getLightRaw(bank, f);
+ if (neighbor_light < spreading_light) {
+ neighbor.setLight(bank, spreading_light, f);
+ neighbor_block->setNodeNoCheck(neighbor_rel_pos, neighbor);
+ light_sources.push(spreading_light, neighbor_rel_pos,
+ neighbor_block_pos, neighbor_block, i);
+ // The current node was modified earlier, so its block
+ // is in modified_blocks.
+ if (current.block != neighbor_block) {
+ modified_blocks[neighbor_block_pos] = neighbor_block;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Returns true if the node gets sunlight from the
+ * node above it.
+ *
+ * \param pos position of the node.
+ */
+bool isSunlightAbove(Map *map, v3s16 pos, INodeDefManager *ndef)
+ bool sunlight = true;
+ mapblock_v3 source_block_pos;
+ relative_v3 source_rel_pos;
+ getNodeBlockPosWithOffset(pos + v3s16(0, 1, 0), source_block_pos,
+ source_rel_pos);
+ // If the node above has sunlight, this node also can get it.
+ MapBlock *source_block = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(source_block_pos);
+ if (source_block == NULL) {
+ // But if there is no node above, then use heuristics
+ MapBlock *node_block = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(getNodeBlockPos(pos));
+ if (node_block == NULL) {
+ sunlight = false;
+ } else {
+ sunlight = !node_block->getIsUnderground();
+ }
+ } else {
+ bool is_valid_position;
+ MapNode above = source_block->getNodeNoCheck(source_rel_pos,
+ &is_valid_position);
+ if (is_valid_position) {
+ if (above.getContent() == CONTENT_IGNORE) {
+ // Trust heuristics
+ if (source_block->getIsUnderground()) {
+ sunlight = false;
+ }
+ } else if (above.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef) != LIGHT_SUN) {
+ // If the node above doesn't have sunlight, this
+ // node is in shadow.
+ sunlight = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sunlight;
+static const LightBank banks[] = { LIGHTBANK_DAY, LIGHTBANK_NIGHT };
+void update_lighting_node(Map *map, INodeDefManager *ndef, v3s16 p,
+ MapNode oldnode, std::map<v3s16, MapBlock*> & modified_blocks)
+ // For node getter functions
+ bool is_valid_position;
+ // Get position and block of the changed node
+ relative_v3 rel_pos;
+ mapblock_v3 block_pos;
+ getNodeBlockPosWithOffset(p, block_pos, rel_pos);
+ MapBlock *block = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(block_pos);
+ if (block == NULL || block->isDummy()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Process each light bank separately
+ for (s32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ // Get the new node
+ MapNode n = block->getNodeNoCheck(rel_pos, &is_valid_position);
+ if (!is_valid_position) {
+ break;
+ }
+ LightBank bank = banks[i];
+ // Light of the old node
+ u8 old_light = oldnode.getLight(bank, ndef);
+ // Add the block of the added node to modified_blocks
+ modified_blocks[block_pos] = block;
+ // Get new light level of the node
+ u8 new_light = 0;
+ if (ndef->get(n).light_propagates) {
+ if (bank == LIGHTBANK_DAY && ndef->get(n).sunlight_propagates
+ && isSunlightAbove(map, p, ndef)) {
+ new_light = LIGHT_SUN;
+ } else {
+ new_light = ndef->get(n).light_source;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+ v3s16 p2 = p + neighbor_dirs[i];
+ bool is_valid;
+ MapNode n2 = map->getNodeNoEx(p2, &is_valid);
+ if (is_valid) {
+ u8 spread = n2.getLight(bank, ndef);
+ // If the neighbor is at least as bright as
+ // this node then its light is not from
+ // this node.
+ // Its light can spread to this node.
+ if (spread > new_light && spread >= old_light) {
+ new_light = spread - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // If this is an opaque node, it still can emit light.
+ new_light = ndef->get(n).light_source;
+ }
+ ReLightQueue light_sources(256);
+ if (new_light > 0) {
+ light_sources.push(new_light, rel_pos, block_pos, block, 6);
+ }
+ if (new_light < old_light) {
+ // The node became opaque or doesn't provide as much
+ // light as the previous one, so it must be unlighted.
+ LightQueue disappearing_lights(256);
+ // Add to unlight queue
+ n.setLight(bank, 0, ndef);
+ block->setNodeNoCheck(rel_pos, n);
+ disappearing_lights.push(old_light, rel_pos, block_pos, block, 6);
+ // Remove sunlight, if there was any
+ if (bank == LIGHTBANK_DAY && old_light == LIGHT_SUN) {
+ for (s16 y = p.Y - 1;; y--) {
+ v3s16 n2pos(p.X, y, p.Z);
+ MapNode n2;
+ n2 = map->getNodeNoEx(n2pos, &is_valid_position);
+ if (!is_valid_position)
+ break;
+ // If this node doesn't have sunlight, the nodes below
+ // it don't have too.
+ if (n2.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef) != LIGHT_SUN) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Remove sunlight and add to unlight queue.
+ n2.setLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, 0, ndef);
+ map->setNode(n2pos, n2);
+ relative_v3 rel_pos2;
+ mapblock_v3 block_pos2;
+ getNodeBlockPosWithOffset(n2pos, block_pos2, rel_pos2);
+ MapBlock *block2 = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(block_pos2);
+ disappearing_lights.push(LIGHT_SUN, rel_pos2, block_pos2,
+ block2, 4 /* The node above caused the change */);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove lights
+ unspreadLight(map, ndef, bank, disappearing_lights, light_sources,
+ modified_blocks);
+ } else if (new_light > old_light) {
+ // It is sure that the node provides more light than the previous
+ // one, unlighting is not necessary.
+ // Propagate sunlight
+ if (bank == LIGHTBANK_DAY && new_light == LIGHT_SUN) {
+ for (s16 y = p.Y - 1;; y--) {
+ v3s16 n2pos(p.X, y, p.Z);
+ MapNode n2;
+ n2 = map->getNodeNoEx(n2pos, &is_valid_position);
+ if (!is_valid_position)
+ break;
+ // This should not happen, but if the node has sunlight
+ // then the iteration should stop.
+ if (n2.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY, ndef) == LIGHT_SUN) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // If the node terminates sunlight, stop.
+ if (!ndef->get(n2).sunlight_propagates) {
+ break;
+ }
+ relative_v3 rel_pos2;
+ mapblock_v3 block_pos2;
+ getNodeBlockPosWithOffset(n2pos, block_pos2, rel_pos2);
+ MapBlock *block2 = map->getBlockNoCreateNoEx(block_pos2);
+ // Mark node for lighting.
+ light_sources.push(LIGHT_SUN, rel_pos2, block_pos2, block2,
+ 4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize light values for light spreading.
+ for (u8 i = 0; i <= LIGHT_SUN; i++) {
+ const std::vector<ChangingLight> &lights = light_sources.lights[i];
+ for (std::vector<ChangingLight>::const_iterator it = lights.begin();
+ it < lights.end(); it++) {
+ MapNode n = it->block->getNodeNoCheck(it->rel_position,
+ &is_valid_position);
+ n.setLight(bank, i, ndef);
+ it->block->setNodeNoCheck(it->rel_position, n);
+ }
+ }
+ // Spread lights.
+ spreadLight(map, ndef, bank, light_sources, modified_blocks);
+ }
} // namespace voxalgo