diff options
4 files changed, 129 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/builtin/misc_helpers.lua b/builtin/misc_helpers.lua
index 38909ec1d..55c5798d7 100644
--- a/builtin/misc_helpers.lua
+++ b/builtin/misc_helpers.lua
@@ -205,6 +205,62 @@ function tbl.formspec_escape(text)
return text
+function tbl.splittext(text,charlimit)
+ local retval = {}
+ local current_idx = 1
+ local start,stop = string.find(text," ",current_idx)
+ local nl_start,nl_stop = string.find(text,"\n",current_idx)
+ local gotnewline = false
+ if nl_start ~= nil and (start == nil or nl_start < start) then
+ start = nl_start
+ stop = nl_stop
+ gotnewline = true
+ end
+ local last_line = ""
+ while start ~= nil do
+ if string.len(last_line) + (stop-start) > charlimit then
+ table.insert(retval,last_line)
+ last_line = ""
+ end
+ if last_line ~= "" then
+ last_line = last_line .. " "
+ end
+ last_line = last_line .. string.sub(text,current_idx,stop -1)
+ if gotnewline then
+ table.insert(retval,last_line)
+ last_line = ""
+ gotnewline = false
+ end
+ current_idx = stop+1
+ start,stop = string.find(text," ",current_idx)
+ nl_start,nl_stop = string.find(text,"\n",current_idx)
+ if nl_start ~= nil and (start == nil or nl_start < start) then
+ start = nl_start
+ stop = nl_stop
+ gotnewline = true
+ end
+ end
+ --add last part of text
+ if string.len(last_line) + (string.len(text) - current_idx) > charlimit then
+ table.insert(retval,last_line)
+ table.insert(retval,string.sub(text,current_idx))
+ else
+ last_line = last_line .. " " .. string.sub(text,current_idx)
+ table.insert(retval,last_line)
+ end
+ return retval
if minetest then
diff --git a/builtin/modmgr.lua b/builtin/modmgr.lua
index d9579c652..04f19ec86 100644
--- a/builtin/modmgr.lua
+++ b/builtin/modmgr.lua
@@ -235,13 +235,14 @@ function modmgr.tab()
local retval =
"vertlabel[0,-0.25;".. fgettext("MODS") .. "]" ..
"label[0.8,-0.25;".. fgettext("Installed Mods:") .. "]" ..
- "textlist[0.75,0.25;4.5,4.3;modlist;" ..
+ "textlist[0.75,0.25;4.5,4;modlist;" ..
modmgr.render_modlist(modmgr.global_mods) ..
";" .. modmgr.selected_mod .. "]"
retval = retval ..
- "button[1,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_install_local;".. fgettext("Install") .. "]" ..
- "button[3,4.85;2,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_download;".. fgettext("Download") .. "]"
+ "label[0.8,4.2;" .. fgettext("Add mod:") .. "]" ..
+ "button[0.75,4.85;1.8,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_install_local;".. fgettext("Local install") .. "]" ..
+ "button[2.45,4.85;3.05,0.5;btn_mod_mgr_download;".. fgettext("Online mod repository") .. "]"
local selected_mod = nil
@@ -250,25 +251,66 @@ function modmgr.tab()
if selected_mod ~= nil then
+ local modscreenshot = nil
+ --check for screenshot beeing available
+ local screenshotfilename = selected_mod.path .. DIR_DELIM .. "screenshot.png"
+ local error = nil
+ screenshotfile,error = io.open(screenshotfilename,"r")
+ if error == nil then
+ screenshotfile:close()
+ modscreenshot = screenshotfilename
+ end
+ if modscreenshot == nil then
+ modscreenshot = modstore.basetextur #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include "sha1.h" // print out memory in hexadecimal void SHA1::hexPrinter( unsigned char* c, int l ) { assert( c ); assert( l > 0 ); while( l > 0 ) { printf( " %02x", *c ); l--; c++; } } // circular left bit rotation. MSB wraps around to LSB Uint32 SHA1::lrot( Uint32 x, int bits ) { return (x<<bits) | (x>>(32 - bits)); }; // Save a 32-bit unsigned integer to memory, in big-endian order void SHA1::storeBigEndianUint32( unsigned char* byte, Uint32 num ) { assert( byte ); byte[0] = (unsigned char)(num>>24); byte[1] = (unsigned char)(num>>16); byte[2] = (unsigned char)(num>>8); byte[3] = (unsigned char)num; } // Constructor ******************************************************* SHA1::SHA1() { // make sure that the data type is the right size assert( sizeof( Uint32 ) * 5 == 20 ); // initialize H0 = 0x67452301; H1 = 0xefcdab89; H2 = 0x98badcfe; H3 = 0x10325476; H4 = 0xc3d2e1f0; unprocessedBytes = 0; size = 0; } // Destructor ******************************************************** SHA1::~SHA1() { // erase data H0 = H1 = H2 = H3 = H4 = 0; for( int c = 0; c < 64; c++ ) bytes[c] = 0; unprocessedBytes = size = 0; } // process *********************************************************** void SHA1::