diff options
6 files changed, 101 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/doc/lua_api.txt b/doc/lua_api.txt
index 03b2d5609..50fa25273 100644
--- a/doc/lua_api.txt
+++ b/doc/lua_api.txt
@@ -2737,6 +2737,10 @@ If you chose the parameter-less constructor, a fast implementation will be autom
block_radius = number, -- the radius (in nodes) of the areas the cache generates prefiltered lists for, minimum 16, default 64
limit = number, -- the cache's size, minimum 20, default 1000
+* `to_string()`: Experimental. Returns area store serialized as a (binary) string.
+* `to_file(filename)`: Experimental. Like `to_string()`, but writes the data to a file.
+* `from_string(str)`: Experimental. Deserializes string and loads it into the AreaStore. Returns success and, optionally, an error message.
+* `from_file(filename)`: Experimental. Like `from_string()`, but reads the data from a file.
### `ItemStack`
An `ItemStack` is a stack of items.
diff --git a/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.cpp b/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.cpp
index 8e9b2c7d5..261baf6c9 100644
--- a/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.cpp
+++ b/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.cpp
@@ -70,6 +70,22 @@ static inline void push_areas(lua_State *L, const std::vector<Area *> &areas,
+// Deserializes value and handles errors
+static int deserialization_helper(lua_State *L, AreaStore *as,
+ std::istream &is)
+ try {
+ as->deserialize(is);
+ } catch (const SerializationError &e) {
+ lua_pushboolean(L, false);
+ lua_pushstring(L, e.what());
+ return 2;
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean(L, true);
+ return 1;
// garbage collector
int LuaAreaStore::gc_object(lua_State *L)
@@ -217,17 +233,15 @@ int LuaAreaStore::l_set_cache_params(lua_State *L)
return 0;
-#if 0
// to_string()
int LuaAreaStore::l_to_string(lua_State *L)
LuaAreaStore *o = checkobject(L, 1);
- AreaStore *ast = o->as;
std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
- ast->serialize(os);
+ o->as->serialize(os);
std::string str = os.str();
lua_pushlstring(L, str.c_str(), str.length());
@@ -258,16 +272,12 @@ int LuaAreaStore::l_from_string(lua_State *L)
LuaAreaStore *o = checkobject(L, 1);
- AreaStore *ast = o->as;
size_t len;
const char *str = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &len);
std::istringstream is(std::string(str, len), std::ios::binary);
- bool success = ast->deserialize(is);
- lua_pushboolean(L, success);
- return 1;
+ return deserialization_helper(L, o->as, is);
// from_file(filename)
@@ -276,18 +286,13 @@ int LuaAreaStore::l_from_file(lua_State *L)
LuaAreaStore *o = checkobject(L, 1);
- AreaStore *ast = o->as;
const char *filename = luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
std::ifstream is(filename, std::ios::binary);
- bool success = ast->deserialize(is);
- lua_pushboolean(L, success);
- return 1;
+ return deserialization_helper(L, o->as, is);
@@ -377,9 +382,9 @@ const luaL_reg LuaAreaStore::methods[] = {
luamethod(LuaAreaStore, reserve),
luamethod(LuaAreaStore, remove_area),
luamethod(LuaAreaStore, set_cache_params),
- /* luamethod(LuaAreaStore, to_string),
+ luamethod(LuaAreaStore, to_string),
luamethod(LuaAreaStore, to_file),
luamethod(LuaAreaStore, from_string),
- luamethod(LuaAreaStore, from_file),*/
+ luamethod(LuaAreaStore, from_file),
diff --git a/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.h b/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.h
index 6321de6d1..4bd94cebe 100644
--- a/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.h
+++ b/src/script/lua_api/l_areastore.h
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ private:
static int l_set_cache_params(lua_State *L);
- /* static int l_to_string(lua_State *L);
+ static int l_to_string(lua_State *L);
static int l_to_file(lua_State *L);
static int l_from_string(lua_State *L);
- static int l_from_file(lua_State *L); */
+ static int l_from_file(lua_State *L);
AreaStore *as;
diff --git a/src/unittest/test_areastore.cpp b/src/unittest/test_areastore.cpp
index cac9e0b58..62d446f5c 100644
--- a/src/unittest/test_areastore.cpp
+++ b/src/unittest/test_areastore.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ public:
void genericStoreTest(AreaStore *store);
void testVectorStore();
void testSpatialStore();
+ void testSerialization();
static TestAreaStore g_test_instance;
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ void TestAreaStore::runTests(IGameDef *gamedef)
+ TEST(testSerialization);
@@ -121,3 +123,40 @@ void TestAreaStore::genericStoreTest(AreaStore *store)
+void TestAreaStore::testSerialization()
+ VectorAreaStore store;
+ Area a(v3s16(-1, 0, 1), v3s16(0, 1, 2));
+ a.data = "Area A";
+ store.insertArea(&a);
+ Area b(v3s16(123, 456, 789), v3s16(32000, 100, 10));
+ b.data = "Area B";
+ store.insertArea(&b);
+ std::ostringstream os;
+ store.serialize(os);
+ std::string str = os.str();
+ std::string str_wanted("\x00" // Version
+ "\x00\x02" // Count
+ "\xFF\xFF\x00\x00\x00\x01" // Area A min edge
+ "\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x02" // Area A max edge
+ "\x00\x06" // Area A data length
+ "Area A" // Area A data
+ "\x00\x7B\x00\x64\x00\x0A" // Area B min edge (last two swapped with max edge for sorting)
+ "\x7D\x00\x01\xC8\x03\x15" // Area B max edge (^)
+ "\x00\x06" // Area B data length
+ "Area B", // Area B data
+ 1 + 2 +
+ 6 + 6 + 2 + 6 +
+ 6 + 6 + 2 + 6);
+ UASSERTEQ(std::string, str, str_wanted);
+ std::istringstream is(str);
+ store.deserialize(is);
+ UASSERTEQ(size_t, store.size(), 4); // deserialize() doesn't clear the store
diff --git a/src/util/areastore.cpp b/src/util/areastore.cpp
index 357ce37f0..17addb3af 100644
--- a/src/util/areastore.cpp
+++ b/src/util/areastore.cpp
@@ -62,57 +62,42 @@ const Area *AreaStore::getArea(u32 id) const
return &it->second;
-#if 0
-Currently, serialisation is commented out. This is because of multiple reasons:
-1. Why do we store the areastore into a file, why not into the database?
-2. We don't use libspatial's serialisation, but we should, or perhaps not, because
- it would remove the ability to switch. Perhaps write migration routines?
-3. Various things need fixing, e.g. the size is serialized as
- c++ implementation defined size_t
-bool AreaStore::deserialize(std::istream &is)
+void AreaStore::serialize(std::ostream &os) const
- u8 ver = readU8(is);
- if (ver != 1)
- return false;
- u16 count_areas = readU16(is);
- for (u16 i = 0; i < count_areas; i++) {
- // deserialize an area
- Area a;
- a.id = readU32(is);
- a.minedge = readV3S16(is);
- a.maxedge = readV3S16(is);
- a.datalen = readU16(is);
- a.data = new char[a.datalen];
- is.read((char *) a.data, a.datalen);
- insertArea(a);
+ writeU8(os, 0); // Serialisation version
+ // TODO: Compression?
+ writeU16(os, areas_map.size());
+ for (AreaMap::const_iterator it = areas_map.begin();
+ it != areas_map.end(); ++it) {
+ const Area &a = it->second;
+ writeV3S16(os, a.minedge);
+ writeV3S16(os, a.maxedge);
+ writeU16(os, a.data.size());
+ os.write(a.data.data(), a.data.size());
- return true;
-static bool serialize_area(void *ostr, Area *a)
+void AreaStore::deserialize(std::istream &is)
- std::ostream &os = *((std::ostream *) ostr);
- writeU32(os, a->id);
- writeV3S16(os, a->minedge);
- writeV3S16(os, a->maxedge);
- writeU16(os, a->datalen);
- os.write(a->data, a->datalen);
- return false;
+ u8 ver = readU8(is);
+ if (ver != 0)
+ throw SerializationError("Unknown AreaStore "
+ "serialization version!");
-void AreaStore::serialize(std::ostream &os) const
- // write initial data
- writeU8(os, 1); // serialisation version
- writeU16(os, areas_map.size()); //DANGER: not platform independent
- forEach(&serialize_area, &os);
+ u16 num_areas = readU16(is);
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < num_areas; ++i) {
+ Area a;
+ a.minedge = readV3S16(is);
+ a.maxedge = readV3S16(is);
+ u16 data_len = readU16(is);
+ char *data = new char[data_len];
+ is.read(data, data_len);
+ a.data = std::string(data, data_len);
+ insertArea(&a);
+ }
void AreaStore::invalidateCache()
if (m_cache_enabled) {
@@ -226,18 +211,6 @@ void VectorAreaStore::getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
-#if 0
-bool SimpleAreaStore::forEach(ForEachCallback callback, void *arg) const
- for (size_t i = 0; i < m_areas.size(); ++i) {
- if (callback(m_areas[i], arg)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
static inline SpatialIndex::Region get_spatial_region(const v3s16 minedge,
@@ -301,14 +274,6 @@ void SpatialAreaStore::getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
-#if 0
-bool SpatialAreaStore::forEach(ForEachCallback callback, void *arg) const
- // TODO ?? (this is only needed for serialisation, but libspatial has its own serialisation)
- return false;
delete m_tree;
diff --git a/src/util/areastore.h b/src/util/areastore.h
index 5b4e9a71f..ab6bd76a3 100644
--- a/src/util/areastore.h
+++ b/src/util/areastore.h
@@ -92,16 +92,14 @@ public:
/// or NULL if it doesn't exist.
const Area *getArea(u32 id) const;
-#if 0
- typedef bool (*ForEachCallback)(const Area *a, void *arg);
- /// Calls a passed function for every stored area, until the
- /// callback returns true. If that happens, it returns true,
- /// if the search is exhausted, it returns false.
- virtual bool forEach(ForEachCallback, void *arg=NULL) const = 0;
+ /// Serializes the store's areas to a binary ostream.
void serialize(std::ostream &is) const;
- bool deserialize(std::istream &is);
+ /// Deserializes the Areas from a binary istream.
+ /// This does not currently clear the AreaStore before adding the
+ /// areas, making it possible to deserialize multiple serialized
+ /// AreaStores.
+ void deserialize(std::istream &is);
/// Invalidates the getAreasForPos cache.
@@ -141,7 +139,6 @@ public:
virtual bool removeArea(u32 id);
virtual void getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap);
- //virtual bool forEach(ForEachCallback, void *arg) const;
virtual void getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos);
@@ -162,7 +159,6 @@ public:
virtual bool removeArea(u32 id);
virtual void getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap);
- //virtual bool forEach(ForEachCallback, void *arg) const;
virtual void getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos);