path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 155 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 2430f94f6..12baa252a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -284,165 +284,77 @@ Library specific options:
VORBIS_LIBRARY - Only if building with sound; path to libvorbis.a/
XXF86VM_LIBRARY - Only on Linux; path to libXXf86vm.a/
ZLIB_DLL - Only on Windows; path to zlib1.dll
- ZLIBWAPI_DLL - Only on Windows; path to zlibwapi.dll
ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR - Directory that contains zlib.h
- ZLIB_LIBRARY - Path to libz.a/
+ ZLIB_LIBRARY - Path to libz.a/
### Compiling on Windows
-* This section is outdated. In addition to what is described here:
- * In addition to minetest, you need to download [minetest_game](
- * If you wish to have sound support, you need libogg, libvorbis and libopenal
-* You need:
- * CMake:
- * A compiler
- * MinGW:
- * or Visual Studio:
- * Irrlicht SDK 1.7:
- * Zlib headers (
- * Zlib library (zlibwapi.lib and zlibwapi.dll from
- * SQLite3 headers and library
- * Optional: gettext library and tools:
- * This is used for other UI languages. Feel free to leave it out.
- * And, of course, Minetest:
-* Steps:
- * Select a directory called DIR hereafter in which you will operate.
- * Make sure you have CMake and a compiler installed.
- * Download all the other stuff to DIR and extract them into there.
- ("extract here", not "extract to packagename/")
- * NOTE: needs to be extracted into zlib125dll
- * NOTE: You need to extract sqlite3.h & sqlite3ext.h from the SQLite 3
- source and sqlite3.dll & sqlite3.def from the SQLite 3 precompiled
- binaries into "sqlite3" directory, and generate sqlite3.lib using
- command "LIB /DEF:sqlite3.def /OUT:sqlite3.lib"
- * All those packages contain a nice base directory in them, which
- should end up being the direct subdirectories of DIR.
- * You will end up with a directory structure like this (+=dir, -=file):
- -----------------
- + DIR
- * zlib-1.2.5.tar.gz
- *
- *
- * (SQLite3 headers)
- * (SQLite3 library for 32bit system)
- * (or whatever, this is the minetest source)
- + zlib-1.2.5
- * zlib.h
- + win32
- ...
- + zlib125dll
- * readme.txt
- + dll32
- ...
- + irrlicht-1.8.3
- + lib
- + include
- ...
- + sqlite3
- sqlite3.h
- sqlite3ext.h
- sqlite3.lib
- sqlite3.dll
- + gettext (optional)
- +bin
- +include
- +lib
- + minetest
- + src
- + doc
- * CMakeLists.txt
- ...
- -----------------
- * Start up the CMake GUI
- * Select "Browse Source..." and select DIR/minetest
- * Now, if using MSVC:
- * Select "Browse Build..." and select DIR/minetest-build
- * Else if using MinGW:
- * Select "Browse Build..." and select DIR/minetest
- * Select "Configure"
- * Select your compiler
- * It will warn about missing stuff, ignore that at this point. (later don't)
- * Make sure the configuration is as follows
- (note that the versions may differ for you):
- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX DIR/minetest-install
- IRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR DIR/irrlicht-1.8.3
- WARN_ALL [ ]
- ZLIB_DLL DIR/zlib125dll/dll32/zlibwapi.dll
- ZLIB_LIBRARIES DIR/zlib125dll/dll32/zlibwapi.lib
- GETTEXT_BIN_DIR DIR/gettext/bin
- GETTEXT_INCLUDE_DIR DIR/gettext/include
- GETTEXT_LIBRARIES DIR/gettext/lib/intl.lib
- GETTEXT_MSGFMT DIR/gettext/bin/msgfmt
- * If CMake complains it couldn't find SQLITE3, choose "Advanced" box on the
- right top corner, then specify the location of SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR and
- SQLITE3_LIBRARY manually.
- * If you want to build 64-bit minetest, you will need to build 64-bit version
- of irrlicht engine manually, as only 32-bit pre-built library is provided.
- * Hit "Configure"
- * Hit "Configure" once again 8)
- * If something is still coloured red, you have a problem.
- * Hit "Generate"
- If using MSVC:
- * Open the generated minetest.sln
- * The project defaults to the "Debug" configuration. Make very sure to
- select "Release", unless you want to debug some stuff (it's slower
- and might not even work at all)
- * Build the ALL_BUILD project
- * Build the INSTALL project
- * You should now have a working game with the executable in
- DIR/minetest-install/bin/minetest.exe
- * Additionally you may create a zip package by building the PACKAGE
- project.
- If using MinGW:
- * Using the command line, browse to the build directory and run 'make'
- (or mingw32-make or whatever it happens to be)
- * You may need to copy some of the downloaded DLLs into bin/, see what
- running the produced executable tells you it doesn't have.
- * You should now have a working game with the executable in
- DIR/minetest/bin/minetest.exe
-### Bat script to build Windows releases of Minetest
-This is how we build Windows releases.
- set sourcedir=%CD%
- set installpath="C:\tmp\minetest_install"
- set irrlichtpath="C:\tmp\irrlicht-1.7.2"
- set builddir=%sourcedir%\bvc10
- mkdir %builddir%
- pushd %builddir%
- cmake %sourcedir% -G "Visual Studio 10" -DIRRLICHT_SOURCE_DIR=%irrlichtpath% -DRUN_IN_PLACE=TRUE -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%installpath%
- if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
- "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
- if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
- "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" INSTALL.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
- if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
- "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" PACKAGE.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release
- if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto fail
- popd
- echo Finished.
- exit /b 0
- :fail
- popd
- echo Failed.
- exit /b 1
+### Requirements
+* Visual Studio 2015 or newer
+* CMake
+* vcpkg
+* git
+### Compiling and Installing the dependencies
+It is highly recommended to use vcpkg as package manager.
+#### a) Using vcpkg to install dependencies
+After you successfully built vcpkg you can easily install the required libaries.
+vcpkg install irrlicht zlib curl[winssl] openal-soft libvorbis libogg sqlite3 freetype luajit --triplet x64-windows
+`curl` is optional, but required to read the serverlist, `curl[winssl]` is required to use the content store.
+`openal-soft`, `libvorbis` and `libogg` are optional, but required to use sound.
+`freetype` is optional, it allows true-type font rendering.
+`luajit` is optional and replaces the integrated lua interpreter with a faster just in time interpreter
+There are other libaries that are optional, but are not tested if they can build and linked correctly.
+`--triplet` specify the target triplet e.g. x64-windows x86-windows
+#### b) Compile the dependencies on your own
+This is outdated and not recommended. Follow the instructions on
+### Compile Minetest
+#### a) Using the vcpkg toolchain and CMakeGUI
+1. Start up the CMake GUI
+2. Select "Browse Source..." and select DIR/minetest
+3. Select "Browse Build..." and select DIR/minetest-build
+4. Select "Configure"
+5. Choose the right visual Studio version and target platform. It has to match the version of the installed dependencies
+6. Choose "Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling"
+7. Click "Next"
+8. Select the vcpkg toolchain file e.g. `D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake`
+9. Click Finish
+10. Wait until cmake have generated the cash file
+11. If there are any errors, solve them and hit "Configure"
+12. Click "Generate"
+13. Click "Open Project"
+14. Compile Minetest inside Visual studio.
+#### b) Using the vcpkg toolchain and the commandline
+Run the following script in Powershell:
+cmake . -G"Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DENABLE_GETTEXT=0 -DENABLE_CURSES=0
+cmake --build . --config Release
+Make sure that the right compiler is selected and the path to the vcpkg toolchain is correct.
+#### c) Using your own compiled libaries
+**This is outdated and not recommended**
+Follow the instructions on
### Windows Installer using WIX Toolset