path: root/data/mods/experimental
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/mods/experimental')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/data/mods/experimental/init.lua b/data/mods/experimental/init.lua
index 45f16738f..fdfc8a780 100644
--- a/data/mods/experimental/init.lua
+++ b/data/mods/experimental/init.lua
@@ -41,148 +41,6 @@ minetest.register_on_placenode(function(pos, newnode, placer)
-function stackstring_take_item(stackstring)
- if stackstring == nil then
- return '', nil
- end
- local stacktype = nil
- stacktype = string.match(stackstring,
- '([%a%d]+Item[%a%d]*)')
- if stacktype == "NodeItem" or stacktype == "CraftItem" then
- local itemtype = nil
- local itemname = nil
- local itemcount = nil
- itemtype, itemname, itemcount = string.match(stackstring,
- '([%a%d]+Item[%a%d]*) "([^"]*)" (%d+)')
- itemcount = tonumber(itemcount)
- if itemcount == 0 then
- return '', nil
- elseif itemcount == 1 then
- return '', {type=itemtype, name=itemname}
- else
- return itemtype.." \""..itemname.."\" "..(itemcount-1),
- {type=itemtype, name=itemname}
- end
- elseif stacktype == "ToolItem" then
- local itemtype = nil
- local itemname = nil
- local itemwear = nil
- itemtype, itemname, itemwear = string.match(stackstring,
- '([%a%d]+Item[%a%d]*) "([^"]*)" (%d+)')
- itemwear = tonumber(itemwear)
- return '', {type=itemtype, name=itemname, wear=itemwear}
- end
-function stackstring_put_item(stackstring, item)
- if item == nil then
- return stackstring, false
- end
- stackstring = stackstring or ''
- local stacktype = nil
- stacktype = string.match(stackstring,
- '([%a%d]+Item[%a%d]*)')
- stacktype = stacktype or ''
- if stacktype ~= '' and stacktype ~= item.type then
- return stackstring, false
- end
- if item.type == "NodeItem" or item.type == "CraftItem" then
- local itemtype = nil
- local itemname = nil
- local itemcount = nil
- itemtype, itemname, itemcount = string.match(stackstring,
- '([%a%d]+Item[%a%d]*) "([^"]*)" (%d+)')
- itemtype = itemtype or item.type
- itemname = itemname or item.name
- if itemcount == nil then
- itemcount = 0
- end
- itemcount = itemcount + 1
- return itemtype.." \""..itemname.."\" "..itemcount, true
- elseif item.type == "ToolItem" then
- if stacktype ~= nil then
- return stackstring, false
- end
- local itemtype = nil
- local itemname = nil
- local itemwear = nil
- itemtype, itemname, itemwear = string.match(stackstring,
- '([%a%d]+Item[%a%d]*) "([^"]*)" (%d+)')
- itemwear = tonumber(itemwear)
- return itemtype.." \""..itemname.."\" "..itemwear, true
- end
- return stackstring, false
-function stackstring_put_stackstring(stackstring, src)
- while src ~= '' do
- --print("src="..dump(src))
- src, item = stackstring_take_item(src)
- --print("src="..dump(src).." item="..dump(item))
- local success
- stackstring, success = stackstring_put_item(stackstring, item)
- if not success then
- return stackstring, false
- end
- end
- return stackstring, true
-function test_stack()
- local stack
- local item
- local success
- stack, item = stackstring_take_item('NodeItem "TNT" 3')
- assert(stack == 'NodeItem "TNT" 2')
- assert(item.type == 'NodeItem')
- assert(item.name == 'TNT')
- stack, item = stackstring_take_item('CraftItem "with spaces" 2')
- assert(stack == 'CraftItem "with spaces" 1')
- assert(item.type == 'CraftItem')
- assert(item.name == 'with spaces')
- stack, item = stackstring_take_item('CraftItem "with spaces" 1')
- assert(stack == '')
- assert(item.type == 'CraftItem')
- assert(item.name == 'with spaces')
- stack, item = stackstring_take_item('CraftItem "s8df2kj3" 0')
- assert(stack == '')
- assert(item == nil)
- stack, item = stackstring_take_item('ToolItem "With Spaces" 32487')
- assert(stack == '')
- assert(item.type == 'ToolItem')
- assert(item.name == 'With Spaces')
- assert(item.wear == 32487)
- stack, success = stackstring_put_item('NodeItem "With Spaces" 40',
- {type='NodeItem', name='With Spaces'})
- assert(stack == 'NodeItem "With Spaces" 41')
- assert(success == true)
- stack, success = stackstring_put_item('CraftItem "With Spaces" 40',
- {type='CraftItem', name='With Spaces'})
- assert(stack == 'CraftItem "With Spaces" 41')
- assert(success == true)
- stack, success = stackstring_put_item('ToolItem "With Spaces" 32487',
- {type='ToolItem', name='With Spaces'})
- assert(stack == 'ToolItem "With Spaces" 32487')
- assert(success == false)
- stack, success = stackstring_put_item('NodeItem "With Spaces" 40',
- {type='ToolItem', name='With Spaces'})
- assert(stack == 'NodeItem "With Spaces" 40')
- assert(success == false)
- assert(stackstring_put_stackstring('NodeItem "With Spaces" 2',
- 'NodeItem "With Spaces" 1') == 'NodeItem "With Spaces" 3')
nodenames = {"luafurnace"},
interval = 1.0,
@@ -426,7 +284,7 @@ print("setting max_users = " .. dump(minetest.setting_get("max_users")))
print("setting asdf = " .. dump(minetest.setting_get("asdf")))
minetest.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
- print("on_chat_message: name="..dump(name).." message="..dump(message))
+ --[[print("on_chat_message: name="..dump(name).." message="..dump(message))
local cmd = "/testcommand"
if message:sub(0, #cmd) == cmd then
print(cmd.." invoked")
@@ -437,7 +295,7 @@ minetest.register_on_chat_message(function(name, message)
print("script-overridden help command")
minetest.chat_send_all("script-overridden help command")
return true
- end
+ end]]
-- Grow papyrus on TNT every 10 seconds