path: root/src/script/scripting_client.h
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an class="hl opt">(dtime) time = time + dtime if time < time_next then return end time_next = math.huge -- Iterate backwards so that we miss any new timers added by -- a timer callback. for i = #jobs, 1, -1 do local job = jobs[i] if time >= job.expire then core.set_last_run_mod(job.mod_origin) job.func(unpack(job.arg)) local jobs_l = #jobs jobs[i] = jobs[jobs_l] jobs[jobs_l] = nil elseif job.expire < time_next then time_next = job.expire end end end) function core.after(after, func, ...) assert(tonumber(after) and type(func) == "function", "Invalid minetest.after invocation") local expire = time + after jobs[#jobs + 1] = { func = func, expire = expire, arg = {...}, mod_origin = core.get_last_run_mod() } time_next = math.min(time_next, expire) end