path: root/src/util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/util')
16 files changed, 1599 insertions, 636 deletions
diff --git a/src/util/CMakeLists.txt b/src/util/CMakeLists.txt
index 33900a43a..0e7cbad07 100644
--- a/src/util/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/src/util/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+ ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/areastore.cpp
diff --git a/src/util/areastore.cpp b/src/util/areastore.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58f08a8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/areastore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+Copyright (C) 2015 est31 <mtest31@outlook.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#include "util/areastore.h"
+#include "util/serialize.h"
+#include "util/container.h"
+ #include <spatialindex/SpatialIndex.h>
+ #include <spatialindex/RTree.h>
+ #include <spatialindex/Point.h>
+#define AST_SMALLER_EQ_AS(p, q) (((p).X <= (q).X) && ((p).Y <= (q).Y) && ((p).Z <= (q).Z))
+#define AST_OVERLAPS_IN_DIMENSION(amine, amaxe, b, d) \
+ (!(((amine).d > (b)->maxedge.d) || ((amaxe).d < (b)->minedge.d)))
+#define AST_CONTAINS_PT(a, p) (AST_SMALLER_EQ_AS((a)->minedge, (p)) && \
+ AST_SMALLER_EQ_AS((p), (a)->maxedge))
+#define AST_CONTAINS_AREA(amine, amaxe, b) \
+ (AST_SMALLER_EQ_AS((amine), (b)->minedge) \
+ && AST_SMALLER_EQ_AS((b)->maxedge, (amaxe)))
+#define AST_AREAS_OVERLAP(amine, amaxe, b) \
+ (AST_OVERLAPS_IN_DIMENSION((amine), (amaxe), (b), X) && \
+ AST_OVERLAPS_IN_DIMENSION((amine), (amaxe), (b), Y) && \
+ AST_OVERLAPS_IN_DIMENSION((amine), (amaxe), (b), Z))
+AreaStore *AreaStore::getOptimalImplementation()
+ return new SpatialAreaStore();
+ return new VectorAreaStore();
+const Area *AreaStore::getArea(u32 id) const
+ AreaMap::const_iterator it = areas_map.find(id);
+ if (it == areas_map.end())
+ return NULL;
+ return &it->second;
+void AreaStore::serialize(std::ostream &os) const
+ writeU8(os, 0); // Serialisation version
+ // TODO: Compression?
+ writeU16(os, areas_map.size());
+ for (AreaMap::const_iterator it = areas_map.begin();
+ it != areas_map.end(); ++it) {
+ const Area &a = it->second;
+ writeV3S16(os, a.minedge);
+ writeV3S16(os, a.maxedge);
+ writeU16(os, a.data.size());
+ os.write(a.data.data(), a.data.size());
+ }
+void AreaStore::deserialize(std::istream &is)
+ u8 ver = readU8(is);
+ if (ver != 0)
+ throw SerializationError("Unknown AreaStore "
+ "serialization version!");
+ u16 num_areas = readU16(is);
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < num_areas; ++i) {
+ Area a;
+ a.minedge = readV3S16(is);
+ a.maxedge = readV3S16(is);
+ u16 data_len = readU16(is);
+ char *data = new char[data_len];
+ is.read(data, data_len);
+ a.data = std::string(data, data_len);
+ insertArea(&a);
+ }
+void AreaStore::invalidateCache()
+ if (m_cache_enabled) {
+ m_res_cache.invalidate();
+ }
+void AreaStore::setCacheParams(bool enabled, u8 block_radius, size_t limit)
+ m_cache_enabled = enabled;
+ m_cacheblock_radius = MYMAX(block_radius, 16);
+ m_res_cache.setLimit(MYMAX(limit, 20));
+ invalidateCache();
+void AreaStore::cacheMiss(void *data, const v3s16 &mpos, std::vector<Area *> *dest)
+ AreaStore *as = (AreaStore *)data;
+ u8 r = as->m_cacheblock_radius;
+ // get the points at the edges of the mapblock
+ v3s16 minedge(mpos.X * r, mpos.Y * r, mpos.Z * r);
+ v3s16 maxedge(
+ minedge.X + r - 1,
+ minedge.Y + r - 1,
+ minedge.Z + r - 1);
+ as->getAreasInArea(dest, minedge, maxedge, true);
+ /* infostream << "Cache miss with " << dest->size() << " areas, between ("
+ << minedge.X << ", " << minedge.Y << ", " << minedge.Z
+ << ") and ("
+ << maxedge.X << ", " << maxedge.Y << ", " << maxedge.Z
+ << ")" << std::endl; // */
+void AreaStore::getAreasForPos(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos)
+ if (m_cache_enabled) {
+ v3s16 mblock = getContainerPos(pos, m_cacheblock_radius);
+ const std::vector<Area *> *pre_list = m_res_cache.lookupCache(mblock);
+ size_t s_p_l = pre_list->size();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s_p_l; i++) {
+ Area *b = (*pre_list)[i];
+ if (AST_CONTAINS_PT(b, pos)) {
+ result->push_back(b);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ return getAreasForPosImpl(result, pos);
+ }
+// VectorAreaStore
+bool VectorAreaStore::insertArea(Area *a)
+ if (a->id == U32_MAX)
+ a->id = getNextId();
+ std::pair<AreaMap::iterator, bool> res =
+ areas_map.insert(std::make_pair(a->id, *a));
+ if (!res.second)
+ // ID is not unique
+ return false;
+ m_areas.push_back(&res.first->second);
+ invalidateCache();
+ return true;
+bool VectorAreaStore::removeArea(u32 id)
+ AreaMap::iterator it = areas_map.find(id);
+ if (it == areas_map.end())
+ return false;
+ Area *a = &it->second;
+ for (std::vector<Area *>::iterator v_it = m_areas.begin();
+ v_it != m_areas.end(); ++v_it) {
+ if (*v_it == a) {
+ m_areas.erase(v_it);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ areas_map.erase(it);
+ invalidateCache();
+ return true;
+void VectorAreaStore::getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_areas.size(); ++i) {
+ Area *b = m_areas[i];
+ if (AST_CONTAINS_PT(b, pos)) {
+ result->push_back(b);
+ }
+ }
+void VectorAreaStore::getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
+ v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < m_areas.size(); ++i) {
+ Area *b = m_areas[i];
+ if (accept_overlap ? AST_AREAS_OVERLAP(minedge, maxedge, b) :
+ AST_CONTAINS_AREA(minedge, maxedge, b)) {
+ result->push_back(b);
+ }
+ }
+static inline SpatialIndex::Region get_spatial_region(const v3s16 minedge,
+ const v3s16 maxedge)
+ const double p_low[] = {(double)minedge.X,
+ (double)minedge.Y, (double)minedge.Z};
+ const double p_high[] = {(double)maxedge.X, (double)maxedge.Y,
+ (double)maxedge.Z};
+ return SpatialIndex::Region(p_low, p_high, 3);
+static inline SpatialIndex::Point get_spatial_point(const v3s16 pos)
+ const double p[] = {(double)pos.X, (double)pos.Y, (double)pos.Z};
+ return SpatialIndex::Point(p, 3);
+bool SpatialAreaStore::insertArea(Area *a)
+ if (a->id == U32_MAX)
+ a->id = getNextId();
+ if (!areas_map.insert(std::make_pair(a->id, *a)).second)
+ // ID is not unique
+ return false;
+ m_tree->insertData(0, NULL, get_spatial_region(a->minedge, a->maxedge), a->id);
+ invalidateCache();
+ return true;
+bool SpatialAreaStore::removeArea(u32 id)
+ std::map<u32, Area>::iterator itr = areas_map.find(id);
+ if (itr != areas_map.end()) {
+ Area *a = &itr->second;
+ bool result = m_tree->deleteData(get_spatial_region(a->minedge,
+ a->maxedge), id);
+ areas_map.erase(itr);
+ invalidateCache();
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+void SpatialAreaStore::getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos)
+ VectorResultVisitor visitor(result, this);
+ m_tree->pointLocationQuery(get_spatial_point(pos), visitor);
+void SpatialAreaStore::getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
+ v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap)
+ VectorResultVisitor visitor(result, this);
+ if (accept_overlap) {
+ m_tree->intersectsWithQuery(get_spatial_region(minedge, maxedge),
+ visitor);
+ } else {
+ m_tree->containsWhatQuery(get_spatial_region(minedge, maxedge), visitor);
+ }
+ delete m_tree;
+ m_storagemanager =
+ SpatialIndex::StorageManager::createNewMemoryStorageManager();
+ SpatialIndex::id_type id;
+ m_tree = SpatialIndex::RTree::createNewRTree(
+ *m_storagemanager,
+ .7, // Fill factor
+ 100, // Index capacity
+ 100, // Leaf capacity
+ 3, // dimension :)
+ SpatialIndex::RTree::RV_RSTAR,
+ id);
diff --git a/src/util/areastore.h b/src/util/areastore.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bebecfd78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/areastore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+Copyright (C) 2015 est31 <mtest31@outlook.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#ifndef AREA_STORE_H_
+#define AREA_STORE_H_
+#include "irr_v3d.h"
+#include "noise.h" // for PcgRandom
+#include <map>
+#include <list>
+#include <vector>
+#include <istream>
+#include "util/container.h"
+#include "util/numeric.h"
+#ifndef ANDROID
+ #include "cmake_config.h"
+ #include <spatialindex/SpatialIndex.h>
+ #include "util/serialize.h"
+struct Area {
+ Area() : id(U32_MAX) {}
+ Area(const v3s16 &mine, const v3s16 &maxe) :
+ id(U32_MAX), minedge(mine), maxedge(maxe)
+ {
+ sortBoxVerticies(minedge, maxedge);
+ }
+ u32 id;
+ v3s16 minedge, maxedge;
+ std::string data;
+class AreaStore {
+ AreaStore() :
+ m_cache_enabled(true),
+ m_cacheblock_radius(64),
+ m_res_cache(1000, &cacheMiss, this),
+ m_next_id(0)
+ {}
+ virtual ~AreaStore() {}
+ static AreaStore *getOptimalImplementation();
+ virtual void reserve(size_t count) {};
+ size_t size() const { return areas_map.size(); }
+ /// Add an area to the store.
+ /// Updates the area's ID if it hasn't already been set.
+ /// @return Whether the area insertion was successful.
+ virtual bool insertArea(Area *a) = 0;
+ /// Removes an area from the store by ID.
+ /// @return Whether the area was in the store and removed.
+ virtual bool removeArea(u32 id) = 0;
+ /// Finds areas that the passed position is contained in.
+ /// Stores output in passed vector.
+ void getAreasForPos(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos);
+ /// Finds areas that are completely contained inside the area defined
+ /// by the passed edges. If @p accept_overlap is true this finds any
+ /// areas that intersect with the passed area at any point.
+ virtual void getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
+ v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap) = 0;
+ /// Sets cache parameters.
+ void setCacheParams(bool enabled, u8 block_radius, size_t limit);
+ /// Returns a pointer to the area coresponding to the passed ID,
+ /// or NULL if it doesn't exist.
+ const Area *getArea(u32 id) const;
+ /// Serializes the store's areas to a binary ostream.
+ void serialize(std::ostream &is) const;
+ /// Deserializes the Areas from a binary istream.
+ /// This does not currently clear the AreaStore before adding the
+ /// areas, making it possible to deserialize multiple serialized
+ /// AreaStores.
+ void deserialize(std::istream &is);
+ /// Invalidates the getAreasForPos cache.
+ /// Call after adding or removing an area.
+ void invalidateCache();
+ /// Implementation of getAreasForPos.
+ /// getAreasForPos calls this if the cache is disabled.
+ virtual void getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos) = 0;
+ /// Returns the next area ID and increments it.
+ u32 getNextId() { return m_next_id++; }
+ // Note: This can't be an unordered_map, since all
+ // references would be invalidated on rehash.
+ typedef std::map<u32, Area> AreaMap;
+ AreaMap areas_map;
+ /// Called by the cache when a value isn't found in the cache.
+ static void cacheMiss(void *data, const v3s16 &mpos, std::vector<Area *> *dest);
+ bool m_cache_enabled;
+ /// Range, in nodes, of the getAreasForPos cache.
+ /// If you modify this, call invalidateCache()
+ u8 m_cacheblock_radius;
+ LRUCache<v3s16, std::vector<Area *> > m_res_cache;
+ u32 m_next_id;
+class VectorAreaStore : public AreaStore {
+ virtual void reserve(size_t count) { m_areas.reserve(count); }
+ virtual bool insertArea(Area *a);
+ virtual bool removeArea(u32 id);
+ virtual void getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
+ v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap);
+ virtual void getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos);
+ std::vector<Area *> m_areas;
+class SpatialAreaStore : public AreaStore {
+ SpatialAreaStore();
+ virtual ~SpatialAreaStore();
+ virtual bool insertArea(Area *a);
+ virtual bool removeArea(u32 id);
+ virtual void getAreasInArea(std::vector<Area *> *result,
+ v3s16 minedge, v3s16 maxedge, bool accept_overlap);
+ virtual void getAreasForPosImpl(std::vector<Area *> *result, v3s16 pos);
+ SpatialIndex::ISpatialIndex *m_tree;
+ SpatialIndex::IStorageManager *m_storagemanager;
+ class VectorResultVisitor : public SpatialIndex::IVisitor {
+ public:
+ VectorResultVisitor(std::vector<Area *> *result, SpatialAreaStore *store) :
+ m_store(store),
+ m_result(result)
+ {}
+ ~VectorResultVisitor() {}
+ virtual void visitNode(const SpatialIndex::INode &in) {}
+ virtual void visitData(const SpatialIndex::IData &in)
+ {
+ u32 id = in.getIdentifier();
+ std::map<u32, Area>::iterator itr = m_store->areas_map.find(id);
+ assert(itr != m_store->areas_map.end());
+ m_result->push_back(&itr->second);
+ }
+ virtual void visitData(std::vector<const SpatialIndex::IData *> &v)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
+ visitData(*(v[i]));
+ }
+ private:
+ SpatialAreaStore *m_store;
+ std::vector<Area *> *m_result;
+ };
+#endif // USE_SPATIAL
+#endif // AREA_STORE_H_
diff --git a/src/util/auth.cpp b/src/util/auth.cpp
index df8940e87..912987259 100644
--- a/src/util/auth.cpp
+++ b/src/util/auth.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2015 est31 <MTest31@outlook.com>
+Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 est31 <MTest31@outlook.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
@@ -24,13 +24,14 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "sha1.h"
#include "srp.h"
#include "string.h"
+#include "debug.h"
// Get an sha-1 hash of the player's name combined with
// the password entered. That's what the server uses as
// their password. (Exception : if the password field is
// blank, we send a blank password - this is for backwards
// compatibility with password-less players).
-std::string translatePassword(const std::string &name,
+std::string translate_password(const std::string &name,
const std::string &password)
if (password.length() == 0)
@@ -45,82 +46,92 @@ std::string translatePassword(const std::string &name,
return pwd;
-void getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
+// Call lower level SRP code to generate a verifier with the
+// given pointers. Contains the preparations, call parameters
+// and error checking common to all srp verifier generation code.
+// See docs of srp_create_salted_verification_key for more info.
+static inline void gen_srp_v(const std::string &name,
const std::string &password, char **salt, size_t *salt_len,
char **bytes_v, size_t *len_v)
std::string n_name = lowercase(name);
- srp_create_salted_verification_key(SRP_SHA256, SRP_NG_2048,
+ SRP_Result res = srp_create_salted_verification_key(SRP_SHA256, SRP_NG_2048,
n_name.c_str(), (const unsigned char *)password.c_str(),
password.size(), (unsigned char **)salt, salt_len,
(unsigned char **)bytes_v, len_v, NULL, NULL);
+ FATAL_ERROR_IF(res != SRP_OK, "Couldn't create salted SRP verifier");
-// Get a db-ready SRP verifier
-// If the salt param is NULL, one is automatically generated.
-// Please free() it afterwards. You shouldn't use it for other purposes,
-// as you will need the contents of salt_len too.
-inline static std::string getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &password, char ** salt, size_t salt_len)
+/// Creates a verification key with given salt and password.
+std::string generate_srp_verifier(const std::string &name,
+ const std::string &password, const std::string &salt)
- char * bytes_v = NULL;
- size_t len_v;
- getSRPVerifier(name, password, salt, &salt_len,
- &bytes_v, &len_v);
- std::string ret_val = encodeSRPVerifier(std::string(bytes_v, len_v),
- std::string(*salt, salt_len));
+ size_t salt_len = salt.size();
+ // The API promises us that the salt doesn't
+ // get modified if &salt_ptr isn't NULL.
+ char *salt_ptr = (char *)salt.c_str();
+ char *bytes_v = NULL;
+ size_t verifier_len = 0;
+ gen_srp_v(name, password, &salt_ptr, &salt_len, &bytes_v, &verifier_len);
+ std::string verifier = std::string(bytes_v, verifier_len);
- return ret_val;
+ return verifier;
-// Get a db-ready SRP verifier
-std::string getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &password)
+/// Creates a verification key and salt with given password.
+void generate_srp_verifier_and_salt(const std::string &name,
+ const std::string &password, std::string *verifier,
+ std::string *salt)
- char * salt = NULL;
- std::string ret_val = getSRPVerifier(name,
- password, &salt, 0);
- free(salt);
- return ret_val;
+ char *bytes_v = NULL;
+ size_t verifier_len;
+ char *salt_ptr = NULL;
+ size_t salt_len;
+ gen_srp_v(name, password, &salt_ptr, &salt_len, &bytes_v, &verifier_len);
+ *verifier = std::string(bytes_v, verifier_len);
+ *salt = std::string(salt_ptr, salt_len);
+ free(bytes_v);
+ free(salt_ptr);
-// Get a db-ready SRP verifier
-std::string getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &password, const std::string &salt)
+/// Gets an SRP verifier, generating a salt,
+/// and encodes it as DB-ready string.
+std::string get_encoded_srp_verifier(const std::string &name,
+ const std::string &password)
- // The implementation won't change the salt if its set,
- // therefore we can cast.
- char *salt_cstr = (char *)salt.c_str();
- return getSRPVerifier(name, password,
- &salt_cstr, salt.size());
+ std::string verifier;
+ std::string salt;
+ generate_srp_verifier_and_salt(name, password, &verifier, &salt);
+ return encode_srp_verifier(verifier, salt);
-// Make a SRP verifier db-ready
-std::string encodeSRPVerifier(const std::string &verifier,
+/// Converts the passed SRP verifier into a DB-ready format.
+std::string encode_srp_verifier(const std::string &verifier,
const std::string &salt)
std::ostringstream ret_str;
ret_str << "#1#"
- << base64_encode((unsigned char*) salt.c_str(), salt.size()) << "#"
- << base64_encode((unsigned char*) verifier.c_str(), verifier.size());
+ << base64_encode((unsigned char *)salt.c_str(), salt.size()) << "#"
+ << base64_encode((unsigned char *)verifier.c_str(), verifier.size());
return ret_str.str();
-bool decodeSRPVerifier(const std::string &enc_pwd,
- std::string *salt, std::string *bytes_v)
+/// Reads the DB-formatted SRP verifier and gets the verifier
+/// and salt components.
+bool decode_srp_verifier_and_salt(const std::string &encoded,
+ std::string *verifier, std::string *salt)
- std::vector<std::string> pwd_components = str_split(enc_pwd, '#');
+ std::vector<std::string> components = str_split(encoded, '#');
- if ((pwd_components.size() != 4)
- || (pwd_components[1] != "1") // 1 means srp
- || !base64_is_valid(pwd_components[2])
- || !base64_is_valid(pwd_components[3]))
+ if ((components.size() != 4)
+ || (components[1] != "1") // 1 means srp
+ || !base64_is_valid(components[2])
+ || !base64_is_valid(components[3]))
return false;
- std::string salt_str = base64_decode(pwd_components[2]);
- std::string bytes_v_str = base64_decode(pwd_components[3]);
- *salt = salt_str;
- *bytes_v = bytes_v_str;
+ *salt = base64_decode(components[2]);
+ *verifier = base64_decode(components[3]);
return true;
diff --git a/src/util/auth.h b/src/util/auth.h
index 36d8c20a4..1fd6ab453 100644
--- a/src/util/auth.h
+++ b/src/util/auth.h
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Copyright (C) 2015 est31 <MTest31@outlook.com>
+Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 est31 <MTest31@outlook.com>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
@@ -20,18 +20,31 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#ifndef AUTH_H
#define AUTH_H
-std::string translatePassword(const std::string &name,
+/// Gets the base64 encoded legacy password db entry.
+std::string translate_password(const std::string &name,
const std::string &password);
-void getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &password, char **salt, size_t *salt_len,
- char **bytes_v, size_t *len_v);
-std::string getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
- const std::string &password);
-std::string getSRPVerifier(const std::string &name,
+/// Creates a verification key with given salt and password.
+std::string generate_srp_verifier(const std::string &name,
const std::string &password, const std::string &salt);
-std::string encodeSRPVerifier(const std::string &verifier,
+/// Creates a verification key and salt with given password.
+void generate_srp_verifier_and_salt(const std::string &name,
+ const std::string &password, std::string *verifier,
+ std::string *salt);
+/// Gets an SRP verifier, generating a salt,
+/// and encodes it as DB-ready string.
+std::string get_encoded_srp_verifier(const std::string &name,
+ const std::string &password);
+/// Converts the passed SRP verifier into a DB-ready format.
+std::string encode_srp_verifier(const std::string &verifier,
const std::string &salt);
-bool decodeSRPVerifier(const std::string &enc_pwd,
+/// Reads the DB-formatted SRP verifier and gets the verifier
+/// and salt components.
+bool decode_srp_verifier_and_salt(const std::string &encoded,
std::string *salt, std::string *bytes_v);
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/util/basic_macros.h b/src/util/basic_macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c100b4f25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/basic_macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#include <algorithm>
+#define ARRLEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+#define MYMIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define MYMAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#define CONTAINS(c, v) (std::find((c).begin(), (c).end(), (v)) != (c).end())
+// To disable copy constructors and assignment operations for some class
+// 'Foobar', add the macro DISABLE_CLASS_COPY(Foobar) as a private member.
+// Note this also disables copying for any classes derived from 'Foobar' as well
+// as classes having a 'Foobar' member.
+ C(const C &); \
+ C &operator=(const C &)
+#ifndef _MSC_VER
+ #define UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE __attribute__ ((unused))
+// Fail compilation if condition expr is not met.
+// Note that 'msg' must follow the format of a valid identifier, e.g.
+// STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(foobar_t) == 40), foobar_t_is_wrong_size);
+#define STATIC_ASSERT(expr, msg) \
+ UNUSED_ATTRIBUTE typedef char msg[!!(expr) * 2 - 1]
diff --git a/src/util/container.h b/src/util/container.h
index 267d54c16..7f66b89ac 100644
--- a/src/util/container.h
+++ b/src/util/container.h
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "../irrlichttypes.h"
#include "../exceptions.h"
-#include "../jthread/jmutex.h"
-#include "../jthread/jmutexautolock.h"
-#include "../jthread/jsemaphore.h"
+#include "../threading/mutex.h"
+#include "../threading/mutex_auto_lock.h"
+#include "../threading/semaphore.h"
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
@@ -81,111 +81,47 @@ template<typename Key, typename Value>
class MutexedMap
- MutexedMap()
- {
- }
+ MutexedMap() {}
void set(const Key &name, const Value &value)
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
m_values[name] = value;
- bool get(const Key &name, Value *result)
+ bool get(const Key &name, Value *result) const
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- typename std::map<Key, Value>::iterator n;
- n = m_values.find(name);
- if(n == m_values.end())
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator n =
+ m_values.find(name);
+ if (n == m_values.end())
return false;
- if(result != NULL)
+ if (result)
*result = n->second;
return true;
- std::vector<Value> getValues()
+ std::vector<Value> getValues() const
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
std::vector<Value> result;
- for(typename std::map<Key, Value>::iterator
- i = m_values.begin();
- i != m_values.end(); ++i){
- result.push_back(i->second);
+ for (typename std::map<Key, Value>::const_iterator
+ it = m_values.begin();
+ it != m_values.end(); ++it){
+ result.push_back(it->second);
return result;
- void clear ()
- {
- m_values.clear();
- }
+ void clear() { m_values.clear(); }
std::map<Key, Value> m_values;
- JMutex m_mutex;
+ mutable Mutex m_mutex;
-Generates ids for comparable values.
-Id=0 is reserved for "no value".
-Is fast at:
-- Returning value by id (very fast)
-- Returning id by value
-- Generating a new id for a value
-Is not able to:
-- Remove an id/value pair (is possible to implement but slow)
-template<typename T>
-class MutexedIdGenerator
- MutexedIdGenerator()
- {
- }
- // Returns true if found
- bool getValue(u32 id, T &value)
- {
- if(id == 0)
- return false;
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- if(m_id_to_value.size() < id)
- return false;
- value = m_id_to_value[id-1];
- return true;
- }
- // If id exists for value, returns the id.
- // Otherwise generates an id for the value.
- u32 getId(const T &value)
- {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- typename std::map<T, u32>::iterator n;
- n = m_value_to_id.find(value);
- if(n != m_value_to_id.end())
- return n->second;
- m_id_to_value.push_back(value);
- u32 new_id = m_id_to_value.size();
- m_value_to_id.insert(value, new_id);
- return new_id;
- }
- JMutex m_mutex;
- // Values are stored here at id-1 position (id 1 = [0])
- std::vector<T> m_id_to_value;
- std::map<T, u32> m_value_to_id;
-Thread-safe FIFO queue (well, actually a FILO also)
+// Thread-safe Double-ended queue
template<typename T>
class MutexedQueue
@@ -194,19 +130,18 @@ public:
template<typename Key, typename U, typename Caller, typename CallerData>
friend class RequestQueue;
- MutexedQueue()
- {
- }
- bool empty()
+ MutexedQueue() {}
+ bool empty() const
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- return (m_queue.size() == 0);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ return m_queue.empty();
void push_back(T t)
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
- m_size.Post();
+ m_signal.post();
/* this version of pop_front returns a empty element of T on timeout.
@@ -214,37 +149,35 @@ public:
T pop_frontNoEx(u32 wait_time_max_ms)
- if (m_size.Wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ if (m_signal.wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
T t = m_queue.front();
return t;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return T();
T pop_front(u32 wait_time_max_ms)
- if (m_size.Wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ if (m_signal.wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
T t = m_queue.front();
return t;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
throw ItemNotFoundException("MutexedQueue: queue is empty");
T pop_frontNoEx()
- m_size.Wait();
+ m_signal.wait();
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
T t = m_queue.front();
@@ -253,14 +186,13 @@ public:
T pop_back(u32 wait_time_max_ms=0)
- if (m_size.Wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ if (m_signal.wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
T t = m_queue.back();
return t;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
throw ItemNotFoundException("MutexedQueue: queue is empty");
@@ -268,25 +200,24 @@ public:
/* this version of pop_back returns a empty element of T on timeout.
* Make sure default constructor of T creates a recognizable "empty" element
- T pop_backNoEx(u32 wait_time_max_ms=0)
+ T pop_backNoEx(u32 wait_time_max_ms)
- if (m_size.Wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ if (m_signal.wait(wait_time_max_ms)) {
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
T t = m_queue.back();
return t;
- }
- else {
+ } else {
return T();
T pop_backNoEx()
- m_size.Wait();
+ m_signal.wait();
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
T t = m_queue.back();
@@ -294,19 +225,13 @@ public:
- JMutex & getMutex()
- {
- return m_mutex;
- }
+ Mutex &getMutex() { return m_mutex; }
- std::deque<T> & getQueue()
- {
- return m_queue;
- }
+ std::deque<T> &getQueue() { return m_queue; }
std::deque<T> m_queue;
- JMutex m_mutex;
- JSemaphore m_size;
+ mutable Mutex m_mutex;
+ Semaphore m_signal;
template<typename K, typename V>
diff --git a/src/util/numeric.cpp b/src/util/numeric.cpp
index 3fd1c9cf9..42ebd9022 100644
--- a/src/util/numeric.cpp
+++ b/src/util/numeric.cpp
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "log.h"
#include "../constants.h" // BS, MAP_BLOCKSIZE
#include "../noise.h" // PseudoRandom, PcgRandom
-#include "../jthread/jmutexautolock.h"
+#include "../threading/mutex_auto_lock.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
std::map<u16, std::vector<v3s16> > FacePositionCache::m_cache;
-JMutex FacePositionCache::m_cache_mutex;
+Mutex FacePositionCache::m_cache_mutex;
// Calculate the borders of a "d-radius" cube
// TODO: Make it work without mutex and data races, probably thread-local
std::vector<v3s16> FacePositionCache::getFacePositions(u16 d)
- JMutexAutoLock cachelock(m_cache_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock cachelock(m_cache_mutex);
if (m_cache.find(d) != m_cache.end())
return m_cache[d];
@@ -244,7 +244,10 @@ bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir,
f32 cosangle = dforward / blockpos_adj.getLength();
// If block is not in the field of view, skip it
- if(cosangle < cos(camera_fov / 2))
+ // HOTFIX: use sligthly increased angle (+10%) to fix too agressive
+ // culling. Somebody have to find out whats wrong with the math here.
+ // Previous value: camera_fov / 2
+ if(cosangle < cos(camera_fov * 0.55))
return false;
return true;
diff --git a/src/util/numeric.h b/src/util/numeric.h
index 9fe08434f..615327864 100644
--- a/src/util/numeric.h
+++ b/src/util/numeric.h
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+#include "basic_macros.h"
#include "../irrlichttypes.h"
#include "../irr_v2d.h"
#include "../irr_v3d.h"
#include "../irr_aabb3d.h"
-#include "../jthread/jmutex.h"
+#include "../threading/mutex.h"
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
-#include <algorithm>
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public:
static void generateFacePosition(u16 d);
static std::map<u16, std::vector<v3s16> > m_cache;
- static JMutex m_cache_mutex;
+ static Mutex m_cache_mutex;
class IndentationRaiser
@@ -166,9 +166,6 @@ inline v3s16 arealim(v3s16 p, s16 d)
return p;
-#define ARRLEN(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
-#define CONTAINS(c, v) (std::find((c).begin(), (c).end(), (v)) != (c).end())
// The naive swap performs better than the xor version
#define SWAP(t, x, y) do { \
t temp = x; \
@@ -279,12 +276,6 @@ bool isBlockInSight(v3s16 blockpos_b, v3f camera_pos, v3f camera_dir,
f32 camera_fov, f32 range, f32 *distance_ptr=NULL);
- Some helper stuff
-#define MYMIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
-#define MYMAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
Returns nearest 32-bit integer for given floating point number.
<cmath> and <math.h> in VC++ don't provide round().
@@ -319,9 +310,9 @@ inline v3f intToFloat(v3s16 p, f32 d)
// Random helper. Usually d=BS
-inline core::aabbox3d<f32> getNodeBox(v3s16 p, float d)
+inline aabb3f getNodeBox(v3s16 p, float d)
- return core::aabbox3d<f32>(
+ return aabb3f(
(float)p.X * d - 0.5*d,
(float)p.Y * d - 0.5*d,
(float)p.Z * d - 0.5*d,
diff --git a/src/util/serialize.cpp b/src/util/serialize.cpp
index c0168776e..99cb990f1 100644
--- a/src/util/serialize.cpp
+++ b/src/util/serialize.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,77 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
+SerializationError eof_ser_err("Attempted read past end of data");
+//// BufReader
+bool BufReader::getStringNoEx(std::string *val)
+ u16 num_chars;
+ if (!getU16NoEx(&num_chars))
+ return false;
+ if (pos + num_chars > size) {
+ pos -= sizeof(num_chars);
+ return false;
+ }
+ val->assign((const char *)data + pos, num_chars);
+ pos += num_chars;
+ return true;
+bool BufReader::getWideStringNoEx(std::wstring *val)
+ u16 num_chars;
+ if (!getU16NoEx(&num_chars))
+ return false;
+ if (pos + num_chars * 2 > size) {
+ pos -= sizeof(num_chars);
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != num_chars; i++) {
+ val->push_back(readU16(data + pos));
+ pos += 2;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool BufReader::getLongStringNoEx(std::string *val)
+ u32 num_chars;
+ if (!getU32NoEx(&num_chars))
+ return false;
+ if (pos + num_chars > size) {
+ pos -= sizeof(num_chars);
+ return false;
+ }
+ val->assign((const char *)data + pos, num_chars);
+ pos += num_chars;
+ return true;
+bool BufReader::getRawDataNoEx(void *val, size_t len)
+ if (pos + len > size)
+ return false;
+ memcpy(val, data + pos, len);
+ pos += len;
+ return true;
//// String
@@ -158,7 +229,7 @@ std::string deSerializeLongString(std::istream &is)
Buffer<char> buf2(s_size);
is.read(&buf2[0], s_size);
- if (is.gcount() != s_size)
+ if ((u32)is.gcount() != s_size)
throw SerializationError("deSerializeLongString: couldn't read all chars");
diff --git a/src/util/serialize.h b/src/util/serialize.h
index bf0d9c863..36324a675 100644
--- a/src/util/serialize.h
+++ b/src/util/serialize.h
@@ -21,14 +21,27 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "../irrlichttypes_bloated.h"
+#include "../exceptions.h" // for SerializationError
#include "../debug.h" // for assert
#include "config.h"
-#include <endian.h>
-#include <string.h> // for memcpy
+ #ifdef _WIN32
+ #define __BYTE_ORDER 0
+ #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
+ #define __BIG_ENDIAN 1
+ #elif defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)
+ #include <machine/endian.h>
+ #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ #include <sys/endian.h>
+ #else
+ #include <endian.h>
+ #endif
+#include <string.h> // for memcpy
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
+#include <vector>
#define FIXEDPOINT_FACTOR 1000.0f
@@ -405,4 +418,238 @@ bool serializeStructToString(std::string *out,
bool deSerializeStringToStruct(std::string valstr,
std::string format, void *out, size_t olen);
+//// BufReader
+extern SerializationError eof_ser_err;
+ inline bool get ## N ## NoEx(T *val) \
+ { \
+ if (pos + S > size) \
+ return false; \
+ *val = read ## N(data + pos); \
+ pos += S; \
+ return true; \
+ }
+ inline T get ## N() \
+ { \
+ T val; \
+ if (!get ## N ## NoEx(&val)) \
+ throw eof_ser_err; \
+ return val; \
+ }
+class BufReader {
+ BufReader(const u8 *data_, size_t size_) :
+ data(data_),
+ size(size_),
+ pos(0)
+ {
+ }
+ bool getStringNoEx(std::string *val);
+ bool getWideStringNoEx(std::wstring *val);
+ bool getLongStringNoEx(std::string *val);
+ bool getRawDataNoEx(void *data, size_t len);
+ MAKE_BUFREADER_GET_FXN(std::string, String);
+ MAKE_BUFREADER_GET_FXN(std::wstring, WideString);
+ MAKE_BUFREADER_GET_FXN(std::string, LongString);
+ inline void getRawData(void *val, size_t len)
+ {
+ if (!getRawDataNoEx(val, len))
+ throw eof_ser_err;
+ }
+ inline size_t remaining()
+ {
+ assert(pos <= size);
+ return size - pos;
+ }
+ const u8 *data;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t pos;
+//// Vector-based write routines
+inline void putU8(std::vector<u8> *dest, u8 val)
+ dest->push_back((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
+inline void putU16(std::vector<u8> *dest, u16 val)
+ dest->push_back((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
+inline void putU32(std::vector<u8> *dest, u32 val)
+ dest->push_back((val >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
+inline void putU64(std::vector<u8> *dest, u64 val)
+ dest->push_back((val >> 56) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 48) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 40) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 32) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 24) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 16) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
+ dest->push_back((val >> 0) & 0xFF);
+inline void putS8(std::vector<u8> *dest, s8 val)
+ putU8(dest, val);
+inline void putS16(std::vector<u8> *dest, s16 val)
+ putU16(dest, val);
+inline void putS32(std::vector<u8> *dest, s32 val)
+ putU32(dest, val);
+inline void putS64(std::vector<u8> *dest, s64 val)
+ putU64(dest, val);
+inline void putF1000(std::vector<u8> *dest, f32 val)
+ putS32(dest, val * FIXEDPOINT_FACTOR);
+inline void putV2S16(std::vector<u8> *dest, v2s16 val)
+ putS16(dest, val.X);
+ putS16(dest, val.Y);
+inline void putV3S16(std::vector<u8> *dest, v3s16 val)
+ putS16(dest, val.X);
+ putS16(dest, val.Y);
+ putS16(dest, val.Z);
+inline void putV2S32(std::vector<u8> *dest, v2s32 val)
+ putS32(dest, val.X);
+ putS32(dest, val.Y);
+inline void putV3S32(std::vector<u8> *dest, v3s32 val)
+ putS32(dest, val.X);
+ putS32(dest, val.Y);
+ putS32(dest, val.Z);
+inline void putV2F1000(std::vector<u8> *dest, v2f val)
+ putF1000(dest, val.X);
+ putF1000(dest, val.Y);
+inline void putV3F1000(std::vector<u8> *dest, v3f val)
+ putF1000(dest, val.X);
+ putF1000(dest, val.Y);
+ putF1000(dest, val.Z);
+inline void putARGB8(std::vector<u8> *dest, video::SColor val)
+ putU32(dest, val.color);
+inline void putString(std::vector<u8> *dest, const std::string &val)
+ if (val.size() > STRING_MAX_LEN)
+ throw SerializationError("String too long");
+ putU16(dest, val.size());
+ dest->insert(dest->end(), val.begin(), val.end());
+inline void putWideString(std::vector<u8> *dest, const std::wstring &val)
+ if (val.size() > WIDE_STRING_MAX_LEN)
+ throw SerializationError("String too long");
+ putU16(dest, val.size());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i != val.size(); i++)
+ putU16(dest, val[i]);
+inline void putLongString(std::vector<u8> *dest, const std::string &val)
+ if (val.size() > LONG_STRING_MAX_LEN)
+ throw SerializationError("String too long");
+ putU32(dest, val.size());
+ dest->insert(dest->end(), val.begin(), val.end());
+inline void putRawData(std::vector<u8> *dest, const void *src, size_t len)
+ dest->insert(dest->end(), (u8 *)src, (u8 *)src + len);
diff --git a/src/util/srp.cpp b/src/util/srp.cpp
index 94426db92..0d3c938a3 100644
--- a/src/util/srp.cpp
+++ b/src/util/srp.cpp
@@ -26,12 +26,14 @@
+// clang-format off
#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#include <time.h>
+// clang-format on
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
@@ -69,124 +71,137 @@ static int g_initialized = 0;
static unsigned int g_rand_idx;
static unsigned char g_rand_buff[RAND_BUFF_MAX];
-typedef struct
+void *(*srp_alloc)(size_t) = &malloc;
+void *(*srp_realloc)(void *, size_t) = &realloc;
+void (*srp_free)(void *) = &free;
+// clang-format off
+void srp_set_memory_functions(
+ void *(*new_srp_alloc)(size_t),
+ void *(*new_srp_realloc)(void *, size_t),
+ void (*new_srp_free)(void *))
+ srp_alloc = new_srp_alloc;
+ srp_realloc = new_srp_realloc;
+ srp_free = new_srp_free;
+// clang-format on
+typedef struct {
mpz_t N;
mpz_t g;
} NGConstant;
-struct NGHex
- const char* n_hex;
- const char* g_hex;
+struct NGHex {
+ const char *n_hex;
+ const char *g_hex;
/* All constants here were pulled from Appendix A of RFC 5054 */
static struct NGHex global_Ng_constants[] = {
- { /* 1024 */
- "EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C9C256576D674DF7496"
- "EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE48E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8E"
- "F4AD69B15D4982559B297BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA"
- "9AFD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3",
- "2"
- },
- { /* 2048 */
- "AC6BDB41324A9A9BF166DE5E1389582FAF72B6651987EE07FC3192943DB56050A37329CBB4"
- "A099ED8193E0757767A13DD52312AB4B03310DCD7F48A9DA04FD50E8083969EDB767B0CF60"
- "95179A163AB3661A05FBD5FAAAE82918A9962F0B93B855F97993EC975EEAA80D740ADBF4FF"
- "747359D041D5C33EA71D281E446B14773BCA97B43A23FB801676BD207A436C6481F1D2B907"
- "8717461A5B9D32E688F87748544523B524B0D57D5EA77A2775D2ECFA032CFBDBF52FB37861"
- "60279004E57AE6AF874E7303CE53299CCC041C7BC308D82A5698F3A8D0C38271AE35F8E9DB"
- "FBB694B5C803D89F7AE435DE236D525F54759B65E372FCD68EF20FA7111F9E4AFF73",
- "2"
- },
- { /* 4096 */
- "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
- "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
- "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
- "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
- "49286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8"
- "FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D"
- "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C"
- "180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718"
- "3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D"
- "04507A33A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7D"
- "B3970F85A6E1E4C7ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D226"
- "1AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200C"
- "BBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E208E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFC"
- "E0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D788719A10BDBA5B26"
- "99C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8DBBBC2DB"
- "04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2"
- "233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127"
- "D5B05AA993B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934063199"
- "5"
- },
- { /* 8192 */
- "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
- "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
- "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
- "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
- "49286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8"
- "FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D"
- "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C"
- "180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718"
- "3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D"
- "04507A33A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7D"
- "B3970F85A6E1E4C7ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D226"
- "1AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200C"
- "BBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E208E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFC"
- "E0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D788719A10BDBA5B26"
- "99C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8DBBBC2DB"
- "04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2"
- "233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127"
- "D5B05AA993B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934028492"
- "36C3FAB4D27C7026C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406"
- "AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AEB06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918"
- "DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1BDB7F1447E6CC254B33205151"
- "2BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92ECF032EA15D1721D03"
- "F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E59E7C97F"
- "BEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA"
- "CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58B"
- "B7C5DA76F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632"
- "387FE8D76E3C0468043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E"
- "6DBE115974A3926F12FEE5E438777CB6A932DF8CD8BEC4D073B931BA"
- "3BC832B68D9DD300741FA7BF8AFC47ED2576F6936BA424663AAB639C"
- "5AE4F5683423B4742BF1C978238F16CBE39D652DE3FDB8BEFC848AD9"
- "22222E04A4037C0713EB57A81A23F0C73473FC646CEA306B4BCBC886"
- "2F8385DDFA9D4B7FA2C087E879683303ED5BDD3A062B3CF5B3A278A6"
- "6D2A13F83F44F82DDF310EE074AB6A364597E899A0255DC164F31CC5"
- "0846851DF9AB48195DED7EA1B1D510BD7EE74D73FAF36BC31ECFA268"
- "359046F4EB879F924009438B481C6CD7889A002ED5EE382BC9190DA6"
- "FC026E479558E4475677E9AA9E3050E2765694DFC81F56E880B96E71"
- "13"
- },
- {0,0} /* null sentinel */
+ {/* 1024 */
+ "EEAF0AB9ADB38DD69C33F80AFA8FC5E86072618775FF3C0B9EA2314C"
+ "9C256576D674DF7496EA81D3383B4813D692C6E0E0D5D8E250B98BE4"
+ "8E495C1D6089DAD15DC7D7B46154D6B6CE8EF4AD69B15D4982559B29"
+ "7BCF1885C529F566660E57EC68EDBC3C05726CC02FD4CBF4976EAA9A"
+ "FD5138FE8376435B9FC61D2FC0EB06E3",
+ "2"},
+ {/* 2048 */
+ "AC6BDB41324A9A9BF166DE5E1389582FAF72B6651987EE07FC319294"
+ "3DB56050A37329CBB4A099ED8193E0757767A13DD52312AB4B03310D"
+ "CD7F48A9DA04FD50E8083969EDB767B0CF6095179A163AB3661A05FB"
+ "D5FAAAE82918A9962F0B93B855F97993EC975EEAA80D740ADBF4FF74"
+ "7359D041D5C33EA71D281E446B14773BCA97B43A23FB801676BD207A"
+ "436C6481F1D2B9078717461A5B9D32E688F87748544523B524B0D57D"
+ "5EA77A2775D2ECFA032CFBDBF52FB3786160279004E57AE6AF874E73"
+ "03CE53299CCC041C7BC308D82A5698F3A8D0C38271AE35F8E9DBFBB6"
+ "94B5C803D89F7AE435DE236D525F54759B65E372FCD68EF20FA7111F"
+ "9E4AFF73",
+ "2"},
+ {/* 4096 */
+ "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
+ "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
+ "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
+ "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
+ "49286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8"
+ "FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D"
+ "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C"
+ "180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718"
+ "3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D"
+ "04507A33A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7D"
+ "B3970F85A6E1E4C7ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D226"
+ "1AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200C"
+ "BBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E208E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFC"
+ "E0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D788719A10BDBA5B26"
+ "99C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8DBBBC2DB"
+ "04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2"
+ "233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127"
+ "D5B05AA993B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934063199"
+ "5"},
+ {/* 8192 */
+ "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFC90FDAA22168C234C4C6628B80DC1CD129024E08"
+ "8A67CC74020BBEA63B139B22514A08798E3404DDEF9519B3CD3A431B"
+ "302B0A6DF25F14374FE1356D6D51C245E485B576625E7EC6F44C42E9"
+ "A637ED6B0BFF5CB6F406B7EDEE386BFB5A899FA5AE9F24117C4B1FE6"
+ "49286651ECE45B3DC2007CB8A163BF0598DA48361C55D39A69163FA8"
+ "FD24CF5F83655D23DCA3AD961C62F356208552BB9ED529077096966D"
+ "670C354E4ABC9804F1746C08CA18217C32905E462E36CE3BE39E772C"
+ "180E86039B2783A2EC07A28FB5C55DF06F4C52C9DE2BCBF695581718"
+ "3995497CEA956AE515D2261898FA051015728E5A8AAAC42DAD33170D"
+ "04507A33A85521ABDF1CBA64ECFB850458DBEF0A8AEA71575D060C7D"
+ "B3970F85A6E1E4C7ABF5AE8CDB0933D71E8C94E04A25619DCEE3D226"
+ "1AD2EE6BF12FFA06D98A0864D87602733EC86A64521F2B18177B200C"
+ "BBE117577A615D6C770988C0BAD946E208E24FA074E5AB3143DB5BFC"
+ "E0FD108E4B82D120A92108011A723C12A787E6D788719A10BDBA5B26"
+ "99C327186AF4E23C1A946834B6150BDA2583E9CA2AD44CE8DBBBC2DB"
+ "04DE8EF92E8EFC141FBECAA6287C59474E6BC05D99B2964FA090C3A2"
+ "233BA186515BE7ED1F612970CEE2D7AFB81BDD762170481CD0069127"
+ "D5B05AA993B4EA988D8FDDC186FFB7DC90A6C08F4DF435C934028492"
+ "36C3FAB4D27C7026C1D4DCB2602646DEC9751E763DBA37BDF8FF9406"
+ "AD9E530EE5DB382F413001AEB06A53ED9027D831179727B0865A8918"
+ "DA3EDBEBCF9B14ED44CE6CBACED4BB1BDB7F1447E6CC254B33205151"
+ "2BD7AF426FB8F401378CD2BF5983CA01C64B92ECF032EA15D1721D03"
+ "F482D7CE6E74FEF6D55E702F46980C82B5A84031900B1C9E59E7C97F"
+ "BEC7E8F323A97A7E36CC88BE0F1D45B7FF585AC54BD407B22B4154AA"
+ "CC8F6D7EBF48E1D814CC5ED20F8037E0A79715EEF29BE32806A1D58B"
+ "B7C5DA76F550AA3D8A1FBFF0EB19CCB1A313D55CDA56C9EC2EF29632"
+ "387FE8D76E3C0468043E8F663F4860EE12BF2D5B0B7474D6E694F91E"
+ "6DBE115974A3926F12FEE5E438777CB6A932DF8CD8BEC4D073B931BA"
+ "3BC832B68D9DD300741FA7BF8AFC47ED2576F6936BA424663AAB639C"
+ "5AE4F5683423B4742BF1C978238F16CBE39D652DE3FDB8BEFC848AD9"
+ "22222E04A4037C0713EB57A81A23F0C73473FC646CEA306B4BCBC886"
+ "2F8385DDFA9D4B7FA2C087E879683303ED5BDD3A062B3CF5B3A278A6"
+ "6D2A13F83F44F82DDF310EE074AB6A364597E899A0255DC164F31CC5"
+ "0846851DF9AB48195DED7EA1B1D510BD7EE74D73FAF36BC31ECFA268"
+ "359046F4EB879F924009438B481C6CD7889A002ED5EE382BC9190DA6"
+ "FC026E479558E4475677E9AA9E3050E2765694DFC81F56E880B96E71"
+ "13"},
+ {0, 0} /* null sentinel */
static void delete_ng(NGConstant *ng)
if (ng) {
- free(ng);
+ srp_free(ng);
-static NGConstant *new_ng( SRP_NGType ng_type, const char *n_hex, const char *g_hex )
+static NGConstant *new_ng(SRP_NGType ng_type, const char *n_hex, const char *g_hex)
- NGConstant *ng = (NGConstant *) malloc(sizeof(NGConstant));
+ NGConstant *ng = (NGConstant *)srp_alloc(sizeof(NGConstant));
+ if (!ng) return 0;
- if (!ng)
- return 0;
if (ng_type != SRP_NG_CUSTOM) {
- n_hex = global_Ng_constants[ ng_type ].n_hex;
- g_hex = global_Ng_constants[ ng_type ].g_hex;
+ n_hex = global_Ng_constants[ng_type].n_hex;
+ g_hex = global_Ng_constants[ng_type].g_hex;
int rv = 0;
@@ -201,17 +216,13 @@ static NGConstant *new_ng( SRP_NGType ng_type, const char *n_hex, const char *g_
return ng;
-typedef union
- SHA_CTX sha;
+typedef union {
+ SHA_CTX sha;
SHA256_CTX sha256;
- //SHA512_CTX sha512;
+ // SHA512_CTX sha512;
} HashCTX;
-struct SRPVerifier
+struct SRPVerifier {
SRP_HashAlgorithm hash_alg;
NGConstant *ng;
@@ -224,9 +235,7 @@ struct SRPVerifier
unsigned char session_key[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
-struct SRPUser
+struct SRPUser {
SRP_HashAlgorithm hash_alg;
NGConstant *ng;
@@ -247,19 +256,23 @@ struct SRPUser
unsigned char session_key[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
+// clang-format off
static int hash_init(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *c)
switch (alg) {
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA1
case SRP_SHA1: return SHA1_Init(&c->sha);
- /*case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Init(&c->sha256);*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Init(&c->sha256);
+ */
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA256
case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_Init(&c->sha256);
- /*case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Init(&c->sha512);
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Init(&c->sha512);*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Init(&c->sha512);
+ case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Init(&c->sha512);
+ */
default: return -1;
@@ -269,12 +282,16 @@ static int hash_update( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *c, const void *data, siz
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA1
case SRP_SHA1: return SHA1_Update(&c->sha, data, len);
- /*case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Update(&c->sha256, data, len);*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Update(&c->sha256, data, len);
+ */
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA256
case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_Update(&c->sha256, data, len);
- /*case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Update( &c->sha512, data, len );
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Update( &c->sha512, data, len );*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Update(&c->sha512, data, len);
+ case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Update(&c->sha512, data, len);
+ */
default: return -1;
@@ -284,12 +301,16 @@ static int hash_final( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *c, unsigned char *md )
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA1
case SRP_SHA1: return SHA1_Final(md, &c->sha);
- /*case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Final(md, &c->sha256);*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_Final(md, &c->sha256);
+ */
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA256
case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_Final(md, &c->sha256);
- /*case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Final(md, &c->sha512);
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Final(md, &c->sha512);*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_Final(md, &c->sha512);
+ case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_Final(md, &c->sha512);
+ */
default: return -1;
@@ -299,12 +320,16 @@ static unsigned char *hash(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char *d, size_t
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA1
case SRP_SHA1: return SHA1(d, n, md);
- /*case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224( d, n, md );*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224( d, n, md );
+ */
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA256
case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256(d, n, md);
- /*case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384( d, n, md );
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512( d, n, md );*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384( d, n, md );
+ case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512( d, n, md );
+ */
default: return 0;
@@ -314,19 +339,24 @@ static size_t hash_length(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg)
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA1
- /*case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH;*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA224: return SHA224_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+ */
#ifdef CSRP_USE_SHA256
case SRP_SHA256: return SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- /*case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH;
- case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH;*/
+ /*
+ case SRP_SHA384: return SHA384_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+ case SRP_SHA512: return SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH;
+ */
default: return -1;
+// clang-format on
inline static int mpz_num_bytes(const mpz_t op)
- return (mpz_sizeinbase (op, 2) + 7) / 8;
+ return (mpz_sizeinbase(op, 2) + 7) / 8;
inline static void mpz_to_bin(const mpz_t op, unsigned char *to)
@@ -340,72 +370,77 @@ inline static void mpz_from_bin(const unsigned char *s, size_t len, mpz_t ret)
// set op to (op1 * op2) mod d, using tmp for the calculation
-inline static void mpz_mulm(mpz_t op, const mpz_t op1, const mpz_t op2, const mpz_t d, mpz_t tmp)
+inline static void mpz_mulm(
+ mpz_t op, const mpz_t op1, const mpz_t op2, const mpz_t d, mpz_t tmp)
mpz_mul(tmp, op1, op2);
mpz_mod(op, tmp, d);
// set op to (op1 + op2) mod d, using tmp for the calculation
-inline static void mpz_addm( mpz_t op, const mpz_t op1, const mpz_t op2, const mpz_t d, mpz_t tmp )
+inline static void mpz_addm(
+ mpz_t op, const mpz_t op1, const mpz_t op2, const mpz_t d, mpz_t tmp)
mpz_add(tmp, op1, op2);
mpz_mod(op, tmp, d);
// set op to (op1 - op2) mod d, using tmp for the calculation
-inline static void mpz_subm(mpz_t op, const mpz_t op1, const mpz_t op2, const mpz_t d, mpz_t tmp)
+inline static void mpz_subm(
+ mpz_t op, const mpz_t op1, const mpz_t op2, const mpz_t d, mpz_t tmp)
mpz_sub(tmp, op1, op2);
mpz_mod(op, tmp, d);
-static int H_nn(mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const mpz_t N, const mpz_t n1, const mpz_t n2)
+static SRP_Result H_nn(
+ mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const mpz_t N, const mpz_t n1, const mpz_t n2)
unsigned char buff[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
size_t len_N = mpz_num_bytes(N);
size_t len_n1 = mpz_num_bytes(n1);
size_t len_n2 = mpz_num_bytes(n2);
size_t nbytes = len_N + len_N;
- unsigned char *bin = (unsigned char *) malloc(nbytes);
- if (!bin)
- return 0;
+ unsigned char *bin = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(nbytes);
+ if (!bin) return SRP_ERR;
if (len_n1 > len_N || len_n2 > len_N) {
- free(bin);
- return 0;
+ srp_free(bin);
+ return SRP_ERR;
memset(bin, 0, nbytes);
mpz_to_bin(n1, bin + (len_N - len_n1));
mpz_to_bin(n2, bin + (len_N + len_N - len_n2));
- hash( alg, bin, nbytes, buff );
- free(bin);
+ hash(alg, bin, nbytes, buff);
+ srp_free(bin);
mpz_from_bin(buff, hash_length(alg), result);
- return 1;
+ return SRP_OK;
-static int H_ns(mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char *n, size_t len_n, const unsigned char *bytes, size_t len_bytes)
+static SRP_Result H_ns(mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char *n,
+ size_t len_n, const unsigned char *bytes, size_t len_bytes)
unsigned char buff[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
size_t nbytes = len_n + len_bytes;
- unsigned char *bin = (unsigned char *) malloc(nbytes);
- if (!bin)
- return 0;
+ unsigned char *bin = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(nbytes);
+ if (!bin) return SRP_ERR;
memcpy(bin, n, len_n);
memcpy(bin + len_n, bytes, len_bytes);
hash(alg, bin, nbytes, buff);
- free(bin);
+ srp_free(bin);
mpz_from_bin(buff, hash_length(alg), result);
- return 1;
+ return SRP_OK;
-static int calculate_x(mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char *salt, size_t salt_len, const char *username, const unsigned char *password, size_t password_len)
+static int calculate_x(mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char *salt,
+ size_t salt_len, const char *username, const unsigned char *password,
+ size_t password_len)
unsigned char ucp_hash[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
HashCTX ctx;
hash_init(alg, &ctx);
- srp_dbg_data((char*) username, strlen(username), "Username for x: ");
- srp_dbg_data((char*) password, password_len, "Password for x: ");
+ srp_dbg_data((char *)username, strlen(username), "Username for x: ");
+ srp_dbg_data((char *)password, password_len, "Password for x: ");
hash_update(alg, &ctx, username, strlen(username));
hash_update(alg, &ctx, ":", 1);
hash_update(alg, &ctx, password, password_len);
@@ -415,31 +450,31 @@ static int calculate_x(mpz_t result, SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const unsigned char
return H_ns(result, alg, salt, salt_len, ucp_hash, hash_length(alg));
-static void update_hash_n(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *ctx, const mpz_t n)
+static SRP_Result update_hash_n(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, HashCTX *ctx, const mpz_t n)
size_t len = mpz_num_bytes(n);
- unsigned char* n_bytes = (unsigned char *) malloc(len);
- if (!n_bytes)
- return;
+ unsigned char *n_bytes = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(len);
+ if (!n_bytes) return SRP_ERR;
mpz_to_bin(n, n_bytes);
hash_update(alg, ctx, n_bytes, len);
- free(n_bytes);
+ srp_free(n_bytes);
+ return SRP_OK;
-static void hash_num( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const mpz_t n, unsigned char *dest )
+static SRP_Result hash_num(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, const mpz_t n, unsigned char *dest)
int nbytes = mpz_num_bytes(n);
- unsigned char *bin = (unsigned char *) malloc(nbytes);
- if(!bin)
- return;
+ unsigned char *bin = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(nbytes);
+ if (!bin) return SRP_ERR;
mpz_to_bin(n, bin);
hash(alg, bin, nbytes, dest);
- free(bin);
+ srp_free(bin);
+ return SRP_OK;
-static void calculate_M(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, NGConstant *ng, unsigned char *dest,
- const char *I, const unsigned char *s_bytes, size_t s_len,
- const mpz_t A, const mpz_t B, const unsigned char *K)
+static SRP_Result calculate_M(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, NGConstant *ng, unsigned char *dest,
+ const char *I, const unsigned char *s_bytes, size_t s_len, const mpz_t A,
+ const mpz_t B, const unsigned char *K)
unsigned char H_N[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
unsigned char H_g[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
@@ -449,13 +484,12 @@ static void calculate_M(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, NGConstant *ng, unsigned char *de
size_t i = 0;
size_t hash_len = hash_length(alg);
- hash_num(alg, ng->N, H_N);
- hash_num(alg, ng->g, H_g);
+ if (!hash_num(alg, ng->N, H_N)) return SRP_ERR;
+ if (!hash_num(alg, ng->g, H_g)) return SRP_ERR;
hash(alg, (const unsigned char *)I, strlen(I), H_I);
- for (i = 0; i < hash_len; i++ )
+ for (i = 0; i < hash_len; i++)
H_xor[i] = H_N[i] ^ H_g[i];
hash_init(alg, &ctx);
@@ -463,54 +497,30 @@ static void calculate_M(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, NGConstant *ng, unsigned char *de
hash_update(alg, &ctx, H_xor, hash_len);
hash_update(alg, &ctx, H_I, hash_len);
hash_update(alg, &ctx, s_bytes, s_len);
- update_hash_n(alg, &ctx, A);
- update_hash_n(alg, &ctx, B);
+ if (!update_hash_n(alg, &ctx, A)) return SRP_ERR;
+ if (!update_hash_n(alg, &ctx, B)) return SRP_ERR;
hash_update(alg, &ctx, K, hash_len);
hash_final(alg, &ctx, dest);
+ return SRP_OK;
-static void calculate_H_AMK(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, unsigned char *dest, const mpz_t A, const unsigned char *M, const unsigned char *K)
+static SRP_Result calculate_H_AMK(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, unsigned char *dest,
+ const mpz_t A, const unsigned char *M, const unsigned char *K)
HashCTX ctx;
hash_init(alg, &ctx);
- update_hash_n(alg, &ctx, A);
+ if (!update_hash_n(alg, &ctx, A)) return SRP_ERR;
hash_update(alg, &ctx, M, hash_length(alg));
hash_update(alg, &ctx, K, hash_length(alg));
hash_final(alg, &ctx, dest);
+ return SRP_OK;
-struct srp_pcgrandom {
- unsigned long long int m_state;
- unsigned long long int m_inc;
-}; typedef struct srp_pcgrandom srp_pcgrandom;
-static unsigned long int srp_pcgrandom_next(srp_pcgrandom *r)
- unsigned long long int oldstate = r->m_state;
- r->m_state = oldstate * 6364136223846793005ULL + r->m_inc;
- unsigned long int xorshifted = ((oldstate >> 18u) ^ oldstate) >> 27u;
- unsigned long int rot = oldstate >> 59u;
- return (xorshifted >> rot) | (xorshifted << ((-rot) & 31));
-static void srp_pcgrandom_seed(srp_pcgrandom *r, unsigned long long int state,
- unsigned long long int seq)
- r->m_state = 0U;
- r->m_inc = (seq << 1u) | 1u;
- srp_pcgrandom_next(r);
- r->m_state += state;
- srp_pcgrandom_next(r);
-static int fill_buff()
+static SRP_Result fill_buff()
g_rand_idx = 0;
@@ -522,54 +532,48 @@ static int fill_buff()
#ifdef WIN32
- CryptGenRandom(wctx, sizeof(g_rand_buff), (BYTE*) g_rand_buff);
- CryptReleaseContext(wctx, 0);
- return 1;
+ if (!CryptAcquireContext(&wctx, NULL, NULL, PROV_RSA_FULL, CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT))
+ return SRP_ERR;
+ if (!CryptGenRandom(wctx, sizeof(g_rand_buff), (BYTE *)g_rand_buff)) return SRP_ERR;
+ if (!CryptReleaseContext(wctx, 0)) return SRP_ERR;
fp = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
- if (fp) {
- fread(g_rand_buff, sizeof(g_rand_buff), 1, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- } else {
- srp_pcgrandom *r = (srp_pcgrandom *) malloc(sizeof(srp_pcgrandom));
- srp_pcgrandom_seed(r, time(NULL) ^ clock(), 0xda3e39cb94b95bdbULL);
- size_t i = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < RAND_BUFF_MAX; i++) {
- g_rand_buff[i] = srp_pcgrandom_next(r);
- }
- }
+ if (!fp) return SRP_ERR;
+ if (fread(g_rand_buff, sizeof(g_rand_buff), 1, fp) != 1) return SRP_ERR;
+ if (fclose(fp)) return SRP_ERR;
- return 1;
+ return SRP_OK;
-static void mpz_fill_random(mpz_t num)
+static SRP_Result mpz_fill_random(mpz_t num)
// was call: BN_rand(num, 256, -1, 0);
if (RAND_BUFF_MAX - g_rand_idx < 32)
- fill_buff();
- mpz_from_bin((const unsigned char *) (&g_rand_buff[g_rand_idx]), 32, num);
+ if (fill_buff() != SRP_OK) return SRP_ERR;
+ mpz_from_bin((const unsigned char *)(&g_rand_buff[g_rand_idx]), 32, num);
g_rand_idx += 32;
+ return SRP_OK;
-static void init_random()
+static SRP_Result init_random()
- if (g_initialized)
- return;
- g_initialized = fill_buff();
+ if (g_initialized) return SRP_OK;
+ SRP_Result ret = fill_buff();
+ g_initialized = (ret == SRP_OK);
+ return ret;
#define srp_dbg_num(num, text) ;
/*void srp_dbg_num(mpz_t num, char * prevtext)
int len_num = mpz_num_bytes(num);
- char *bytes_num = (char*) malloc(len_num);
+ char *bytes_num = (char*) srp_alloc(len_num);
mpz_to_bin(num, (unsigned char *) bytes_num);
srp_dbg_data(bytes_num, len_num, prevtext);
- free(bytes_num);
+ srp_free(bytes_num);
@@ -579,35 +583,41 @@ static void init_random()
-void srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
+// clang-format off
+SRP_Result srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
SRP_NGType ng_type, const char *username_for_verifier,
const unsigned char *password, size_t len_password,
unsigned char **bytes_s, size_t *len_s,
unsigned char **bytes_v, size_t *len_v,
const char *n_hex, const char *g_hex )
+ SRP_Result ret = SRP_OK;
mpz_t v; mpz_init(v);
mpz_t x; mpz_init(x);
+ // clang-format on
NGConstant *ng = new_ng(ng_type, n_hex, g_hex);
- if(!ng)
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!ng) goto error_and_exit;
- init_random(); /* Only happens once */
+ if (init_random() != SRP_OK) /* Only happens once */
+ goto error_and_exit;
if (*bytes_s == NULL) {
- *len_s = 16;
- if (RAND_BUFF_MAX - g_rand_idx < 16)
- fill_buff();
- *bytes_s = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * 16);
- memcpy(*bytes_s, &g_rand_buff + g_rand_idx, sizeof(char) * 16);
- g_rand_idx += 16;
+ size_t size_to_fill = 16;
+ *len_s = size_to_fill;
+ if (RAND_BUFF_MAX - g_rand_idx < size_to_fill)
+ if (fill_buff() != SRP_OK) goto error_and_exit;
+ *bytes_s = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(size_to_fill);
+ if (!*bytes_s) goto error_and_exit;
+ memcpy(*bytes_s, &g_rand_buff + g_rand_idx, size_to_fill);
+ g_rand_idx += size_to_fill;
- if (!calculate_x(x, alg, *bytes_s, *len_s, username_for_verifier,
- password, len_password))
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!calculate_x(
+ x, alg, *bytes_s, *len_s, username_for_verifier, password, len_password))
+ goto error_and_exit;
srp_dbg_num(x, "Server calculated x: ");
@@ -615,20 +625,23 @@ void srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
*len_v = mpz_num_bytes(v);
- *bytes_v = (unsigned char*)malloc(*len_v);
+ *bytes_v = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(*len_v);
- if (!bytes_v)
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!*bytes_v) goto error_and_exit;
mpz_to_bin(v, *bytes_v);
- delete_ng( ng );
+ delete_ng(ng);
+ return ret;
+ ret = SRP_ERR;
+ goto cleanup_and_exit;
+// clang-format off
/* Out: bytes_B, len_B.
@@ -653,6 +666,7 @@ struct SRPVerifier *srp_verifier_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
mpz_t tmp1; mpz_init(tmp1);
mpz_t tmp2; mpz_init(tmp2);
mpz_t tmp3; mpz_init(tmp3);
+ // clang-format on
size_t ulen = strlen(username) + 1;
NGConstant *ng = new_ng(ng_type, n_hex, g_hex);
struct SRPVerifier *ver = 0;
@@ -660,27 +674,29 @@ struct SRPVerifier *srp_verifier_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
*len_B = 0;
*bytes_B = 0;
- if (!ng)
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!ng) goto cleanup_and_exit;
- ver = (struct SRPVerifier *) malloc( sizeof(struct SRPVerifier) );
+ ver = (struct SRPVerifier *)srp_alloc(sizeof(struct SRPVerifier));
- if (!ver)
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!ver) goto cleanup_and_exit;
- init_random(); /* Only happens once */
+ if (init_random() != SRP_OK) { /* Only happens once */
+ srp_free(ver);
+ ver = 0;
+ goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ }
- ver->username = (char *) malloc(ulen);
+ ver->username = (char *)srp_alloc(ulen);
ver->hash_alg = alg;
ver->ng = ng;
if (!ver->username) {
- free(ver);
+ srp_free(ver);
ver = 0;
goto cleanup_and_exit;
- memcpy((char*)ver->username, username, ulen);
+ memcpy((char *)ver->username, username, ulen);
ver->authenticated = 0;
@@ -690,25 +706,17 @@ struct SRPVerifier *srp_verifier_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
if (bytes_b) {
mpz_from_bin(bytes_b, len_b, b);
} else {
- mpz_fill_random(b);
+ if (!mpz_fill_random(b)) goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
- if (!H_nn(k, alg, ng->N, ng->N, ng->g)) {
- free(ver);
- ver = 0;
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
- }
+ if (!H_nn(k, alg, ng->N, ng->N, ng->g)) goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
/* B = kv + g^b */
mpz_mulm(tmp1, k, v, ng->N, tmp3);
mpz_powm(tmp2, ng->g, b, ng->N);
mpz_addm(B, tmp1, tmp2, ng->N, tmp3);
- if (!H_nn(u, alg, ng->N, A, B)) {
- free(ver);
- ver = 0;
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
- }
+ if (!H_nn(u, alg, ng->N, A, B)) goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
srp_dbg_num(u, "Server calculated u: ");
@@ -717,27 +725,29 @@ struct SRPVerifier *srp_verifier_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
mpz_mulm(tmp2, A, tmp1, ng->N, tmp3);
mpz_powm(S, tmp2, b, ng->N);
- hash_num(alg, S, ver->session_key);
+ if (!hash_num(alg, S, ver->session_key)) goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
- calculate_M(alg, ng, ver->M, username, bytes_s, len_s, A, B, ver->session_key);
- calculate_H_AMK(alg, ver->H_AMK, A, ver->M, ver->session_key);
+ if (!calculate_M(
+ alg, ng, ver->M, username, bytes_s, len_s, A, B, ver->session_key)) {
+ goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
+ }
+ if (!calculate_H_AMK(alg, ver->H_AMK, A, ver->M, ver->session_key)) {
+ goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
+ }
*len_B = mpz_num_bytes(B);
- *bytes_B = (unsigned char*)malloc(*len_B);
+ *bytes_B = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(*len_B);
if (!*bytes_B) {
- free(ver->username);
- free(ver);
- ver = 0;
*len_B = 0;
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ goto ver_cleanup_and_exit;
mpz_to_bin(B, *bytes_B);
ver->bytes_B = *bytes_B;
} else {
- free(ver);
+ srp_free(ver);
ver = 0;
@@ -753,52 +763,49 @@ cleanup_and_exit:
return ver;
+ srp_free(ver->username);
+ srp_free(ver);
+ ver = 0;
+ goto cleanup_and_exit;
void srp_verifier_delete(struct SRPVerifier *ver)
if (ver) {
- free(ver->username);
- free(ver->bytes_B);
+ srp_free(ver->username);
+ srp_free(ver->bytes_B);
memset(ver, 0, sizeof(*ver));
- free(ver);
+ srp_free(ver);
int srp_verifier_is_authenticated(struct SRPVerifier *ver)
return ver->authenticated;
const char *srp_verifier_get_username(struct SRPVerifier *ver)
return ver->username;
-const unsigned char *srp_verifier_get_session_key(struct SRPVerifier *ver, size_t *key_length)
+const unsigned char *srp_verifier_get_session_key(
+ struct SRPVerifier *ver, size_t *key_length)
- if (key_length)
- *key_length = hash_length(ver->hash_alg);
+ if (key_length) *key_length = hash_length(ver->hash_alg);
return ver->session_key;
size_t srp_verifier_get_session_key_length(struct SRPVerifier *ver)
return hash_length(ver->hash_alg);
/* user_M must be exactly SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH bytes in size */
-void srp_verifier_verify_session(struct SRPVerifier *ver, const unsigned char *user_M, unsigned char **bytes_HAMK)
+void srp_verifier_verify_session(
+ struct SRPVerifier *ver, const unsigned char *user_M, unsigned char **bytes_HAMK)
if (memcmp(ver->M, user_M, hash_length(ver->hash_alg)) == 0) {
ver->authenticated = 1;
@@ -811,17 +818,17 @@ void srp_verifier_verify_session(struct SRPVerifier *ver, const unsigned char *u
struct SRPUser *srp_user_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type,
const char *username, const char *username_for_verifier,
- const unsigned char *bytes_password, size_t len_password,
- const char *n_hex, const char *g_hex)
+ const unsigned char *bytes_password, size_t len_password, const char *n_hex,
+ const char *g_hex)
- struct SRPUser *usr = (struct SRPUser *) malloc(sizeof(struct SRPUser));
- size_t ulen = strlen(username) + 1;
+ struct SRPUser *usr = (struct SRPUser *)srp_alloc(sizeof(struct SRPUser));
+ size_t ulen = strlen(username) + 1;
size_t uvlen = strlen(username_for_verifier) + 1;
- if (!usr)
- goto err_exit;
+ if (!usr) goto err_exit;
- init_random(); /* Only happens once */
+ if (init_random() != SRP_OK) /* Only happens once */
+ goto err_exit;
usr->hash_alg = alg;
usr->ng = new_ng(ng_type, n_hex, g_hex);
@@ -830,16 +837,14 @@ struct SRPUser *srp_user_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type,
- if (!usr->ng)
- goto err_exit;
+ if (!usr->ng) goto err_exit;
- usr->username = (char*)malloc(ulen);
- usr->username_verifier = (char*)malloc(uvlen);
- usr->password = (unsigned char*)malloc(len_password);
+ usr->username = (char *)srp_alloc(ulen);
+ usr->username_verifier = (char *)srp_alloc(uvlen);
+ usr->password = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(len_password);
usr->password_len = len_password;
- if (!usr->username || !usr->password)
- goto err_exit;
+ if (!usr->username || !usr->password || !usr->username_verifier) goto err_exit;
memcpy(usr->username, username, ulen);
memcpy(usr->username_verifier, username_for_verifier, uvlen);
@@ -856,27 +861,22 @@ err_exit:
- if (usr->ng)
- delete_ng(usr->ng);
- if (usr->username)
- free(usr->username);
- if (usr->username_verifier)
- free(usr->username_verifier);
+ if (usr->ng) delete_ng(usr->ng);
+ srp_free(usr->username);
+ srp_free(usr->username_verifier);
if (usr->password) {
memset(usr->password, 0, usr->password_len);
- free(usr->password);
+ srp_free(usr->password);
- free(usr);
+ srp_free(usr);
return 0;
void srp_user_delete(struct SRPUser *usr)
- if(usr) {
+ if (usr) {
@@ -885,77 +885,73 @@ void srp_user_delete(struct SRPUser *usr)
memset(usr->password, 0, usr->password_len);
- free(usr->username);
- free(usr->username_verifier);
- free(usr->password);
+ srp_free(usr->username);
+ srp_free(usr->username_verifier);
+ srp_free(usr->password);
- if (usr->bytes_A)
- free(usr->bytes_A);
+ if (usr->bytes_A) srp_free(usr->bytes_A);
memset(usr, 0, sizeof(*usr));
- free(usr);
+ srp_free(usr);
int srp_user_is_authenticated(struct SRPUser *usr)
return usr->authenticated;
const char *srp_user_get_username(struct SRPUser *usr)
return usr->username;
-const unsigned char* srp_user_get_session_key(struct SRPUser* usr, size_t* key_length)
+const unsigned char *srp_user_get_session_key(struct SRPUser *usr, size_t *key_length)
- if (key_length)
- *key_length = hash_length(usr->hash_alg);
+ if (key_length) *key_length = hash_length(usr->hash_alg);
return usr->session_key;
size_t srp_user_get_session_key_length(struct SRPUser *usr)
return hash_length(usr->hash_alg);
+// clang-format off
/* Output: username, bytes_A, len_A */
-void srp_user_start_authentication(struct SRPUser *usr, char **username,
+SRP_Result srp_user_start_authentication(struct SRPUser *usr, char **username,
const unsigned char *bytes_a, size_t len_a,
unsigned char **bytes_A, size_t *len_A)
+ // clang-format on
if (bytes_a) {
mpz_from_bin(bytes_a, len_a, usr->a);
} else {
- mpz_fill_random(usr->a);
+ if (!mpz_fill_random(usr->a)) goto error_and_exit;
mpz_powm(usr->A, usr->ng->g, usr->a, usr->ng->N);
*len_A = mpz_num_bytes(usr->A);
- *bytes_A = (unsigned char*)malloc(*len_A);
+ *bytes_A = (unsigned char *)srp_alloc(*len_A);
- if (!*bytes_A) {
- *len_A = 0;
- *bytes_A = 0;
- *username = 0;
- return;
- }
+ if (!*bytes_A) goto error_and_exit;
mpz_to_bin(usr->A, *bytes_A);
usr->bytes_A = *bytes_A;
- if (username)
- *username = usr->username;
+ if (username) *username = usr->username;
+ return SRP_OK;
+ *len_A = 0;
+ *bytes_A = 0;
+ *username = 0;
+ return SRP_ERR;
+// clang-format off
/* Output: bytes_M. Buffer length is SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH */
void srp_user_process_challenge(struct SRPUser *usr,
const unsigned char *bytes_s, size_t len_s,
@@ -971,17 +967,17 @@ void srp_user_process_challenge(struct SRPUser *usr,
mpz_t tmp2; mpz_init(tmp2);
mpz_t tmp3; mpz_init(tmp3);
mpz_t tmp4; mpz_init(tmp4);
+ // clang-format on
*len_M = 0;
*bytes_M = 0;
- if (!H_nn(u, usr->hash_alg, usr->ng->N, usr->A, B))
- goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!H_nn(u, usr->hash_alg, usr->ng->N, usr->A, B)) goto cleanup_and_exit;
srp_dbg_num(u, "Client calculated u: ");
- if (!calculate_x(x, usr->hash_alg, bytes_s, len_s,
- usr->username_verifier, usr->password, usr->password_len))
+ if (!calculate_x(x, usr->hash_alg, bytes_s, len_s, usr->username_verifier,
+ usr->password, usr->password_len))
goto cleanup_and_exit;
srp_dbg_num(x, "Client calculated x: ");
@@ -990,11 +986,12 @@ void srp_user_process_challenge(struct SRPUser *usr,
goto cleanup_and_exit;
/* SRP-6a safety check */
- if ( mpz_sgn(B) != 0 && mpz_sgn(u) != 0 ) {
+ if (mpz_sgn(B) != 0 && mpz_sgn(u) != 0) {
mpz_powm(v, usr->ng->g, x, usr->ng->N);
srp_dbg_num(v, "Client calculated v: ");
+ // clang-format off
/* S = (B - k*(g^x)) ^ (a + ux) */
mpz_mul(tmp1, u, x);
mpz_add(tmp2, usr->a, tmp1); /* tmp2 = (a + ux) */
@@ -1002,23 +999,24 @@ void srp_user_process_challenge(struct SRPUser *usr,
mpz_mulm(tmp3, k, tmp1, usr->ng->N, tmp4); /* tmp3 = k*(g^x) */
mpz_subm(tmp1, B, tmp3, usr->ng->N, tmp4); /* tmp1 = (B - K*(g^x)) */
mpz_powm(usr->S, tmp1, tmp2, usr->ng->N);
+ // clang-format on
- hash_num(usr->hash_alg, usr->S, usr->session_key);
+ if (!hash_num(usr->hash_alg, usr->S, usr->session_key)) goto cleanup_and_exit;
- calculate_M( usr->hash_alg, usr->ng, usr->M, usr->username, bytes_s, len_s, usr->A,B, usr->session_key );
- calculate_H_AMK( usr->hash_alg, usr->H_AMK, usr->A, usr->M, usr->session_key );
+ if (!calculate_M(usr->hash_alg, usr->ng, usr->M, usr->username, bytes_s, len_s,
+ usr->A, B, usr->session_key))
+ goto cleanup_and_exit;
+ if (!calculate_H_AMK(usr->hash_alg, usr->H_AMK, usr->A, usr->M, usr->session_key))
+ goto cleanup_and_exit;
*bytes_M = usr->M;
- if (len_M)
- *len_M = hash_length( usr->hash_alg );
+ if (len_M) *len_M = hash_length(usr->hash_alg);
} else {
*bytes_M = NULL;
- if (len_M)
- *len_M = 0;
+ if (len_M) *len_M = 0;
@@ -1030,7 +1028,6 @@ cleanup_and_exit:
void srp_user_verify_session(struct SRPUser *usr, const unsigned char *bytes_HAMK)
if (memcmp(usr->H_AMK, bytes_HAMK, hash_length(usr->hash_alg)) == 0)
diff --git a/src/util/srp.h b/src/util/srp.h
index 15a2b8a68..2d49b076e 100644
--- a/src/util/srp.h
+++ b/src/util/srp.h
@@ -56,12 +56,10 @@
#ifndef SRP_H
#define SRP_H
struct SRPVerifier;
struct SRPUser;
-typedef enum
+typedef enum {
@@ -69,8 +67,7 @@ typedef enum
} SRP_NGType;
-typedef enum
+typedef enum {
@@ -78,6 +75,23 @@ typedef enum
} SRP_HashAlgorithm;
+typedef enum {
+} SRP_Result;
+// clang-format off
+/* Sets the memory functions used by srp.
+ * Note: this doesn't set the memory functions used by gmp,
+ * but it is supported to have different functions for srp and gmp.
+ * Don't call this after you have already allocated srp structures.
+ */
+void srp_set_memory_functions(
+ void *(*new_srp_alloc) (size_t),
+ void *(*new_srp_realloc) (void *, size_t),
+ void (*new_srp_free) (void *));
/* Out: bytes_v, len_v
* The caller is responsible for freeing the memory allocated for bytes_v
@@ -85,14 +99,18 @@ typedef enum
* The n_hex and g_hex parameters should be 0 unless SRP_NG_CUSTOM is used for ng_type.
* If provided, they must contain ASCII text of the hexidecimal notation.
- * If bytes_s == NULL, it is filled with random data. The caller is responsible for freeing.
+ * If bytes_s == NULL, it is filled with random data.
+ * The caller is responsible for freeing.
+ *
+ * Returns SRP_OK on success, and SRP_ERR on error.
+ * bytes_s might be in this case invalid, don't free it.
-void srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
+SRP_Result srp_create_salted_verification_key(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
SRP_NGType ng_type, const char *username_for_verifier,
const unsigned char *password, size_t len_password,
unsigned char **bytes_s, size_t *len_s,
unsigned char **bytes_v, size_t *len_v,
- const char * n_hex, const char *g_hex );
+ const char *n_hex, const char *g_hex);
/* Out: bytes_B, len_B.
@@ -101,6 +119,8 @@ void srp_create_salted_verification_key( SRP_HashAlgorithm alg,
* The n_hex and g_hex parameters should be 0 unless SRP_NG_CUSTOM is used for ng_type
* If bytes_b == NULL, random data is used for b.
+ *
+ * Returns pointer to SRPVerifier on success, and NULL on error.
struct SRPVerifier* srp_verifier_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type,
const char *username,
@@ -111,52 +131,54 @@ struct SRPVerifier* srp_verifier_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type,
unsigned char** bytes_B, size_t *len_B,
const char* n_hex, const char* g_hex);
+// clang-format on
-void srp_verifier_delete( struct SRPVerifier* ver );
+void srp_verifier_delete(struct SRPVerifier *ver);
+// srp_verifier_verify_session must have been called before
+int srp_verifier_is_authenticated(struct SRPVerifier *ver);
-int srp_verifier_is_authenticated( struct SRPVerifier* ver );
-const char * srp_verifier_get_username( struct SRPVerifier* ver );
+const char *srp_verifier_get_username(struct SRPVerifier *ver);
/* key_length may be null */
-const unsigned char* srp_verifier_get_session_key( struct SRPVerifier* ver,
- size_t *key_length );
-size_t srp_verifier_get_session_key_length(struct SRPVerifier* ver);
+const unsigned char *srp_verifier_get_session_key(
+ struct SRPVerifier *ver, size_t *key_length);
+size_t srp_verifier_get_session_key_length(struct SRPVerifier *ver);
-/* user_M must be exactly srp_verifier_get_session_key_length() bytes in size */
-void srp_verifier_verify_session( struct SRPVerifier* ver,
- const unsigned char* user_M, unsigned char** bytes_HAMK );
+/* Verifies session, on success, it writes bytes_HAMK.
+ * user_M must be exactly srp_verifier_get_session_key_length() bytes in size
+ */
+void srp_verifier_verify_session(
+ struct SRPVerifier *ver, const unsigned char *user_M, unsigned char **bytes_HAMK);
/* The n_hex and g_hex parameters should be 0 unless SRP_NG_CUSTOM is used for ng_type */
struct SRPUser *srp_user_new(SRP_HashAlgorithm alg, SRP_NGType ng_type,
const char *username, const char *username_for_verifier,
- const unsigned char *bytes_password, size_t len_password,
- const char *n_hex, const char *g_hex);
+ const unsigned char *bytes_password, size_t len_password, const char *n_hex,
+ const char *g_hex);
-void srp_user_delete(struct SRPUser * usr);
+void srp_user_delete(struct SRPUser *usr);
-int srp_user_is_authenticated(struct SRPUser * usr);
+int srp_user_is_authenticated(struct SRPUser *usr);
-const char* srp_user_get_username(struct SRPUser * usr);
+const char *srp_user_get_username(struct SRPUser *usr);
/* key_length may be null */
-const unsigned char* srp_user_get_session_key(struct SRPUser* usr, size_t* key_length);
+const unsigned char *srp_user_get_session_key(struct SRPUser *usr, size_t *key_length);
+size_t srp_user_get_session_key_length(struct SRPUser *usr);
-size_t srp_user_get_session_key_length(struct SRPUser* usr);
+// clang-format off
-/* Output: username, bytes_A, len_A. If you don't want it get written, set username to NULL.
+/* Output: username, bytes_A, len_A.
+ * If you don't want it get written, set username to NULL.
* If bytes_a == NULL, random data is used for a. */
-void srp_user_start_authentication(struct SRPUser* usr, char** username,
- const unsigned char* bytes_a, size_t len_a,
- unsigned char** bytes_A, size_t* len_A);
+SRP_Result srp_user_start_authentication(struct SRPUser* usr, char **username,
+ const unsigned char *bytes_a, size_t len_a,
+ unsigned char **bytes_A, size_t* len_A);
/* Output: bytes_M, len_M (len_M may be null and will always be
* srp_user_get_session_key_length() bytes in size) */
@@ -164,8 +186,9 @@ void srp_user_process_challenge(struct SRPUser *usr,
const unsigned char *bytes_s, size_t len_s,
const unsigned char *bytes_B, size_t len_B,
unsigned char **bytes_M, size_t *len_M);
+// clang-format on
/* bytes_HAMK must be exactly srp_user_get_session_key_length() bytes in size */
-void srp_user_verify_session(struct SRPUser* usr, const unsigned char* bytes_HAMK);
+void srp_user_verify_session(struct SRPUser *usr, const unsigned char *bytes_HAMK);
#endif /* Include Guard */
diff --git a/src/util/strfnd.h b/src/util/strfnd.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a7cd2badb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/strfnd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
+with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+#include <string>
+template <typename T>
+class BasicStrfnd {
+ typedef std::basic_string<T> String;
+ String str;
+ size_t pos;
+ BasicStrfnd(const String &s) : str(s), pos(0) {}
+ void start(const String &s) { str = s; pos = 0; }
+ size_t where() { return pos; }
+ void to(size_t i) { pos = i; }
+ bool at_end() { return pos >= str.size(); }
+ String what() { return str; }
+ String next(const String &sep)
+ {
+ if (pos >= str.size())
+ return String();
+ size_t n;
+ if (sep.empty() || (n = str.find(sep, pos)) == String::npos) {
+ n = str.size();
+ }
+ String ret = str.substr(pos, n - pos);
+ pos = n + sep.size();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ // Returns substr up to the next occurence of sep that isn't escaped with esc ('\\')
+ String next_esc(const String &sep, T esc=static_cast<T>('\\'))
+ {
+ if (pos >= str.size())
+ return String();
+ size_t n, old_p = pos;
+ do {
+ if (sep.empty() || (n = str.find(sep, pos)) == String::npos) {
+ pos = n = str.size();
+ break;
+ }
+ pos = n + sep.length();
+ } while (n > 0 && str[n - 1] == esc);
+ return str.substr(old_p, n - old_p);
+ }
+ void skip_over(const String &chars)
+ {
+ size_t p = str.find_first_not_of(chars, pos);
+ if (p != String::npos)
+ pos = p;
+ }
+typedef BasicStrfnd<char> Strfnd;
+typedef BasicStrfnd<wchar_t> WStrfnd;
diff --git a/src/util/string.h b/src/util/string.h
index 793baad0e..40ef3e4d3 100644
--- a/src/util/string.h
+++ b/src/util/string.h
@@ -32,8 +32,26 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
+// Checks whether a value is an ASCII printable character
+ (((unsigned int)(x) >= 0x20) && \
+ ( (unsigned int)(x) <= 0x7e))
// Checks whether a byte is an inner byte for an utf-8 multibyte sequence
-#define IS_UTF8_MULTB_INNER(x) (((unsigned char)x >= 0x80) && ((unsigned char)x < 0xc0))
+#define IS_UTF8_MULTB_INNER(x) \
+ (((unsigned char)(x) >= 0x80) && \
+ ( (unsigned char)(x) <= 0xbf))
+// Checks whether a byte is a start byte for an utf-8 multibyte sequence
+#define IS_UTF8_MULTB_START(x) \
+ (((unsigned char)(x) >= 0xc2) && \
+ ( (unsigned char)(x) <= 0xf4))
+// Given a start byte x for an utf-8 multibyte sequence
+// it gives the length of the whole sequence in bytes.
+#define UTF8_MULTB_START_LEN(x) \
+ (((unsigned char)(x) < 0xe0) ? 2 : \
+ (((unsigned char)(x) < 0xf0) ? 3 : 4))
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StringMap;
@@ -281,15 +299,6 @@ inline s32 mystoi(const std::string &str, s32 min, s32 max)
-/// Returns a 64-bit value represented by the string \p str (decimal).
-inline s64 stoi64(const std::string &str)
- std::stringstream tmp(str);
- s64 t;
- tmp >> t;
- return t;
// MSVC2010 includes it's own versions of these
//#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER < 1600
@@ -328,9 +337,22 @@ inline float mystof(const std::string &str)
#define stoi mystoi
#define stof mystof
+/// Returns a value represented by the string \p val.
+template <typename T>
+inline T from_string(const std::string &str)
+ std::stringstream tmp(str);
+ T t;
+ tmp >> t;
+ return t;
+/// Returns a 64-bit signed value represented by the string \p str (decimal).
+inline s64 stoi64(const std::string &str) { return from_string<s64>(str); }
// TODO: Replace with C++11 std::to_string.
-/// Returns A string representing the value \p val.
+/// Returns a string representing the value \p val.
template <typename T>
inline std::string to_string(T val)
@@ -364,7 +386,6 @@ inline void str_replace(std::string &str, const std::string &pattern,
* Replace all occurrences of the character \p from in \p str with \p to.
@@ -447,7 +468,7 @@ inline std::string wrap_rows(const std::string &from,
* Removes backslashes from an escaped string (FormSpec strings)
template <typename T>
-inline std::basic_string<T> unescape_string(std::basic_string<T> &s)
+inline std::basic_string<T> unescape_string(const std::basic_string<T> &s)
std::basic_string<T> res;
@@ -463,6 +484,40 @@ inline std::basic_string<T> unescape_string(std::basic_string<T> &s)
return res;
+ * Remove all escape sequences in \p s.
+ *
+ * @param s The string in which to remove escape sequences.
+ * @return \p s, with escape sequences removed.
+ */
+template <typename T>
+std::basic_string<T> unescape_enriched(const std::basic_string<T> &s)
+ std::basic_string<T> output;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while (i < s.length()) {
+ if (s[i] == '\x1b') {
+ ++i;
+ if (i == s.length()) continue;
+ if (s[i] == '(') {
+ ++i;
+ while (i < s.length() && s[i] != ')') {
+ if (s[i] == '\\') {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ } else {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ output += s[i];
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return output;
* Checks that all characters in \p to_check are a decimal digits.
diff --git a/src/util/thread.h b/src/util/thread.h
index b3a5e68a2..5ed63544c 100644
--- a/src/util/thread.h
+++ b/src/util/thread.h
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
#include "../irrlichttypes.h"
-#include "../jthread/jthread.h"
-#include "../jthread/jmutex.h"
-#include "../jthread/jmutexautolock.h"
+#include "../threading/thread.h"
+#include "../threading/mutex.h"
+#include "../threading/mutex_auto_lock.h"
#include "porting.h"
#include "log.h"
@@ -36,27 +36,27 @@ public:
T get()
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
return m_value;
void set(T value)
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex);
m_value = value;
// You'll want to grab this in a SharedPtr
- JMutexAutoLock *getLock()
+ MutexAutoLock *getLock()
- return new JMutexAutoLock(m_mutex);
+ return new MutexAutoLock(m_mutex);
// You pretty surely want to grab the lock when accessing this
T m_value;
- JMutex m_mutex;
+ Mutex m_mutex;
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public:
typename std::list<CallerInfo<Caller, CallerData, Key, T> >::iterator j;
- JMutexAutoLock lock(m_queue.getMutex());
+ MutexAutoLock lock(m_queue.getMutex());
If the caller is already on the list, only update CallerData
@@ -192,59 +192,47 @@ private:
MutexedQueue<GetRequest<Key, T, Caller, CallerData> > m_queue;
-class UpdateThread : public JThread {
+class UpdateThread : public Thread
- UpdateThread() {}
- virtual ~UpdateThread() {}
+ UpdateThread(const std::string &name) : Thread(name + "Update") {}
+ ~UpdateThread() {}
- void deferUpdate()
- {
- m_update_sem.Post();
- }
+ void deferUpdate() { m_update_sem.post(); }
- void Stop()
+ void stop()
- JThread::Stop();
+ Thread::stop();
// give us a nudge
- m_update_sem.Post();
+ m_update_sem.post();
- void *Thread()
+ void *run()
- ThreadStarted();
- const char *thread_name = getName();
- log_register_thread(thread_name);
- porting::setThreadName(thread_name);
- while (!StopRequested()) {
- m_update_sem.Wait();
- // Empty the queue, just in case doUpdate() is expensive
- while (m_update_sem.GetValue())
- m_update_sem.Wait();
+ while (!stopRequested()) {
+ m_update_sem.wait();
+ // Set semaphore to 0
+ while (m_update_sem.wait(0));
- if (StopRequested())
- break;
+ if (stopRequested()) break;
return NULL;
virtual void doUpdate() = 0;
- virtual const char *getName() = 0;
- JSemaphore m_update_sem;
+ Semaphore m_update_sem;