path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
11 files changed, 842 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/src/client.cpp b/src/client.cpp
index 64b01a5a4..1f8b9caca 100644
--- a/src/client.cpp
+++ b/src/client.cpp
@@ -2040,6 +2040,73 @@ void Client::ProcessData(u8 *data, u32 datasize, u16 sender_peer_id)
+ else if(command == TOCLIENT_HUDADD)
+ {
+ std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2);
+ std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);
+ u32 id = readU32(is);
+ u8 type = readU8(is);
+ core::vector2df pos = readV2F1000(is);
+ std::string name = deSerializeString(is);
+ core::vector2df scale = readV2F1000(is);
+ std::string text = deSerializeString(is);
+ u32 number = readU32(is);
+ u32 item = readU32(is);
+ u32 dir = readU32(is);
+ ClientEvent event;
+ event.type = CE_HUDADD;
+ event.hudadd.id = id;
+ event.hudadd.type = type;
+ event.hudadd.pos = new v2f(pos);
+ event.hudadd.name = new std::string(name);
+ event.hudadd.scale = new v2f(scale);
+ event.hudadd.text = new std::string(text);
+ event.hudadd.number = number;
+ event.hudadd.item = item;
+ event.hudadd.dir = dir;
+ m_client_event_queue.push_back(event);
+ }
+ else if(command == TOCLIENT_HUDRM)
+ {
+ std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2);
+ std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);
+ u32 id = readU32(is);
+ ClientEvent event;
+ event.type = CE_HUDRM;
+ event.hudrm.id = id;
+ m_client_event_queue.push_back(event);
+ }
+ else if(command == TOCLIENT_HUDCHANGE)
+ {
+ std::string datastring((char*)&data[2], datasize-2);
+ std::istringstream is(datastring, std::ios_base::binary);
+ u32 id = readU32(is);
+ u8 stat = readU8(is);
+ core::vector2df v2fdata;
+ std::string sdata;
+ u32 data = 0;
+ if(stat == 0 || stat == 2) {
+ v2fdata = readV2F1000(is);
+ } else if(stat == 1 || stat == 3) {
+ sdata = deSerializeString(is);
+ } else {
+ data = readU32(is);
+ }
+ ClientEvent event;
+ event.type = CE_HUDCHANGE;
+ event.hudchange.id = id;
+ event.hudchange.stat = stat;
+ event.hudchange.v2fdata = new v2f(v2fdata);
+ event.hudchange.sdata = new std::string(sdata);
+ event.hudchange.data = data;
+ m_client_event_queue.push_back(event);
+ }
infostream<<"Client: Ignoring unknown command "
diff --git a/src/client.h b/src/client.h
index 16cdc237f..696385a9a 100644
--- a/src/client.h
+++ b/src/client.h
@@ -160,7 +160,10 @@ enum ClientEventType
struct ClientEvent
@@ -217,6 +220,27 @@ struct ClientEvent
u32 id;
} delete_particlespawner;
+ struct{
+ u32 id;
+ u8 type;
+ v2f* pos;
+ std::string* name;
+ v2f* scale;
+ std::string* text;
+ u32 number;
+ u32 item;
+ u32 dir;
+ } hudadd;
+ struct{
+ u32 id;
+ } hudrm;
+ struct{
+ u32 id;
+ u8 stat;
+ v2f* v2fdata;
+ std::string* sdata;
+ u32 data;
+ } hudchange;
diff --git a/src/clientserver.h b/src/clientserver.h
index 8b1e0a7e4..6f7bb4402 100644
--- a/src/clientserver.h
+++ b/src/clientserver.h
@@ -90,9 +90,13 @@ SharedBuffer<u8> makePacket_TOCLIENT_TIME_OF_DAY(u16 time, float time_speed);
sound_place added to ItemDefinition
// Server's supported network protocol range
@@ -433,6 +437,39 @@ enum ToClientCommand
u16 command
u32 id
+ /*
+ u16 command
+ u32 id
+ u8 type
+ v2f1000 pos
+ u32 len
+ u8[len] name
+ v2f1000 scale
+ u32 len2
+ u8[len2] text
+ u32 number
+ u32 item
+ u32 dir
+ */
+ /*
+ u16 command
+ u32 id
+ */
+ /*
+ u16 command
+ u32 id
+ u8 stat
+ [v2f1000 data |
+ u32 len
+ u8[len] data |
+ u32 data]
+ */
enum ToServerCommand
diff --git a/src/game.cpp b/src/game.cpp
index aae88fe90..046b7bdbf 100644
--- a/src/game.cpp
+++ b/src/game.cpp
@@ -228,6 +228,154 @@ public:
std::string m_formspec;
FormspecFormSource** m_game_formspec;
+ Item draw routine
+void draw_item(video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font, IGameDef *gamedef,
+ v2s32 upperleftpos, s32 imgsize, s32 itemcount,
+ InventoryList *mainlist, u16 selectitem, unsigned short int direction)
+ //NOTE: selectitem = 0 -> no selected; selectitem 1-based
+ //NOTE: direction: 0-> left-right, 1-> right-left, 2->top-bottom, 3->bottom-top
+ s32 padding = imgsize/12;
+ s32 height = imgsize + padding*2;
+ s32 width = itemcount*(imgsize+padding*2);
+ if(direction == 2 or direction == 3){
+ width = imgsize + padding*2;
+ height = itemcount*(imgsize+padding*2);
+ }
+ s32 fullimglen = imgsize + padding*2;
+ // Position of upper left corner of bar
+ v2s32 pos = upperleftpos;
+ // Draw background color
+ /*core::rect<s32> barrect(0,0,width,height);
+ barrect += pos;
+ video::SColor bgcolor(255,128,128,128);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(bgcolor, barrect, NULL);*/
+ core::rect<s32> imgrect(0,0,imgsize,imgsize);
+ for(s32 i=0; i<itemcount; i++)
+ {
+ const ItemStack &item = mainlist->getItem(i);
+ v2s32 steppos;
+ if(direction == 1){
+ steppos = v2s32(-(padding+i*fullimglen), padding);
+ } else if(direction == 2) {
+ steppos = v2s32(padding, padding+i*fullimglen);
+ } else if(direction == 3) {
+ steppos = v2s32(padding, -(padding+i*fullimglen));
+ } else {
+ steppos = v2s32(padding+i*fullimglen, padding);
+ }
+ core::rect<s32> rect = imgrect + pos
+ + steppos;
+ if(selectitem == (i+1))
+ {
+ video::SColor c_outside(255,255,0,0);
+ //video::SColor c_outside(255,0,0,0);
+ //video::SColor c_inside(255,192,192,192);
+ s32 x1 = rect.UpperLeftCorner.X;
+ s32 y1 = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y;
+ s32 x2 = rect.LowerRightCorner.X;
+ s32 y2 = rect.LowerRightCorner.Y;
+ // Black base borders
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_outside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x1 - padding, y1 - padding),
+ v2s32(x2 + padding, y1)
+ ), NULL);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_outside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x1 - padding, y2),
+ v2s32(x2 + padding, y2 + padding)
+ ), NULL);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_outside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x1 - padding, y1),
+ v2s32(x1, y2)
+ ), NULL);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_outside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x2, y1),
+ v2s32(x2 + padding, y2)
+ ), NULL);
+ /*// Light inside borders
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_inside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x1 - padding/2, y1 - padding/2),
+ v2s32(x2 + padding/2, y1)
+ ), NULL);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_inside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x1 - padding/2, y2),
+ v2s32(x2 + padding/2, y2 + padding/2)
+ ), NULL);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_inside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x1 - padding/2, y1),
+ v2s32(x1, y2)
+ ), NULL);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(c_inside,
+ core::rect<s32>(
+ v2s32(x2, y1),
+ v2s32(x2 + padding/2, y2)
+ ), NULL);
+ */
+ }
+ video::SColor bgcolor2(128,0,0,0);
+ driver->draw2DRectangle(bgcolor2, rect, NULL);
+ drawItemStack(driver, font, item, rect, NULL, gamedef);
+ }
+ Statbar draw routine
+void draw_statbar(video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font, IGameDef *gamedef,
+ v2s32 upperleftpos, std::string texture, s32 count)
+ //NOTE: selectitem = 0 -> no selected; selectitem 1-based
+ //NOTE: direction: 0-> left-right, 1-> right-left, 2->top-bottom, 3->bottom-top
+ video::ITexture *stat_texture =
+ gamedef->getTextureSource()->getTextureRaw(texture);
+ if(stat_texture)
+ {
+ v2s32 p = upperleftpos;
+ for(s32 i=0; i<count/2; i++)
+ {
+ core::dimension2di srcd(stat_texture->getOriginalSize());
+ const video::SColor color(255,255,255,255);
+ const video::SColor colors[] = {color,color,color,color};
+ core::rect<s32> rect(0,0,srcd.Width,srcd.Height);
+ rect += p;
+ driver->draw2DImage(stat_texture, rect,
+ core::rect<s32>(core::position2d<s32>(0,0), srcd),
+ NULL, colors, true);
+ p += v2s32(srcd.Width,0);
+ }
+ if(count % 2 == 1)
+ {
+ core::dimension2di srcd(stat_texture->getOriginalSize());
+ const video::SColor color(255,255,255,255);
+ const video::SColor colors[] = {color,color,color,color};
+ core::rect<s32> rect(0,0,srcd.Width/2,srcd.Height);
+ rect += p;
+ srcd.Width /= 2;
+ driver->draw2DImage(stat_texture, rect,
+ core::rect<s32>(core::position2d<s32>(0,0), srcd),
+ NULL, colors, true);
+ p += v2s32(srcd.Width*2,0);
+ }
+ }
Hotbar draw routine
@@ -242,7 +390,7 @@ void draw_hotbar(video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font,
errorstream<<"draw_hotbar(): mainlist == NULL"<<std::endl;
+#if 0
s32 padding = imgsize/12;
//s32 height = imgsize + padding*2;
s32 width = itemcount*(imgsize+padding*2);
@@ -323,7 +471,14 @@ void draw_hotbar(video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font,
driver->draw2DRectangle(bgcolor2, rect, NULL);
drawItemStack(driver, font, item, rect, NULL, gamedef);
+ s32 padding = imgsize/12;
+ s32 width = itemcount*(imgsize+padding*2);
+ v2s32 pos = centerlowerpos - v2s32(width/2, imgsize+padding*2);
+ draw_item(driver, font, gamedef, pos, imgsize, itemcount,
+ mainlist, playeritem + 1, 0);
+#if 0
Draw hearts
@@ -358,6 +513,10 @@ void draw_hotbar(video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font,
p += v2s32(16,0);
+ draw_statbar(driver, font, gamedef, pos + v2s32(0, -20),
+ "heart.png", halfheartcount);
@@ -2229,6 +2388,45 @@ void the_game(
delete_particlespawner (event.delete_particlespawner.id);
+ else if (event.type == CE_HUDADD)
+ {
+ HudElement* e = new HudElement;
+ e->type = event.hudadd.type;
+ e->pos = *event.hudadd.pos;
+ e->name = *event.hudadd.name;
+ e->scale = *event.hudadd.scale;
+ e->text = *event.hudadd.text;
+ e->number = event.hudadd.number;
+ e->item = event.hudadd.item;
+ e->dir = event.hudadd.dir;
+ player->hud[event.hudadd.id] = e;
+ delete(event.hudadd.pos);
+ delete(event.hudadd.name);
+ delete(event.hudadd.scale);
+ delete(event.hudadd.text);
+ }
+ else if (event.type == CE_HUDRM)
+ {
+ player->hud.erase(event.hudrm.id);
+ }
+ else if (event.type == CE_HUDCHANGE)
+ {
+ HudElement* e = player->hud[event.hudchange.id];
+ if(event.hudchange.stat == 0)
+ e->pos = *event.hudchange.v2fdata;
+ else if(event.hudchange.stat == 1)
+ e->name = *event.hudchange.sdata;
+ else if(event.hudchange.stat == 2)
+ e->scale = *event.hudchange.v2fdata;
+ else if(event.hudchange.stat == 3)
+ e->text = *event.hudchange.sdata;
+ else if(event.hudchange.stat == 4)
+ e->number = event.hudchange.data;
+ else if(event.hudchange.stat == 5)
+ e->item = event.hudchange.data;
+ else if(event.hudchange.stat == 6)
+ e->dir = event.hudchange.data;
+ }
@@ -3213,12 +3411,71 @@ void the_game(
+ Draw lua hud items
+ */
+ std::deque<gui::IGUIStaticText *> luaguitexts;
+ if(show_hud)
+ {
+ for(std::map<u32, HudElement*>::iterator it = player->hud.begin();
+ it != player->hud.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ HudElement* e = it->second;
+ v2f posp(e->pos * v2f(screensize.X, screensize.Y));
+ core::vector2d<s32> pos(posp.X, posp.Y);
+ if(e->type == 'I'){ //Img
+ video::ITexture *texture =
+ gamedef->getTextureSource()->getTextureRaw(e->text);
+ const video::SColor color(255,255,255,255);
+ const video::SColor colors[] = {color,color,color,color};
+ core::dimension2di imgsize(texture->getOriginalSize());
+ core::rect<s32> rect(0, 0, imgsize.Width*e->scale.X,
+ imgsize.Height*e->scale.X);
+ rect += pos;
+ driver->draw2DImage(texture, rect,
+ core::rect<s32>(core::position2d<s32>(0,0), imgsize),
+ NULL, colors, true);
+ } else if(e->type == 'T') { //Text
+ std::wstring t;
+ t.assign(e->text.begin(), e->text.end());
+ gui::IGUIStaticText *luaguitext = guienv->addStaticText(
+ t.c_str(),
+ core::rect<s32>(0, 0, e->scale.X, text_height*(e->scale.Y))+pos,
+ false, false);
+ luaguitexts.push_back(luaguitext);
+ } else if(e->type == 'S') { //Statbar
+ draw_statbar(driver, font, gamedef, pos, e->text, e->number);
+ } else if(e->type == 's') { //Non-conflict Statbar
+ v2s32 p(displaycenter.X - 143, screensize.Y - 76);
+ p.X += e->pos.X*173;
+ p.Y += e->pos.X*20;
+ p.Y -= e->pos.Y*20;
+ draw_statbar(driver, font, gamedef, p, e->text, e->number);
+ } else if(e->type == 'i') { //Inv
+ InventoryList* inv = local_inventory.getList(e->text);
+ draw_item(driver, font, gamedef, pos, hotbar_imagesize,
+ e->number, inv, e->item, e->dir);
+ } else {
+ actionstream<<"luadraw: ignoring drawform "<<it->second<<
+ "of key "<<it->first<<" due to incorrect command."<<std::endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
Draw gui
// 0-1ms
+ Remove lua-texts
+ */
+ for(std::deque<gui::IGUIStaticText *>::iterator it = luaguitexts.begin();
+ it != luaguitexts.end(); ++it)
+ (*it)->remove();
+ /*
End scene
diff --git a/src/player.h b/src/player.h
index d95e535ff..fc80769c2 100644
--- a/src/player.h
+++ b/src/player.h
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ class Map;
class IGameDef;
struct CollisionInfo;
class PlayerSAO;
+struct HudElement;
class Player
@@ -243,6 +244,9 @@ public:
u32 keyPressed;
+ std::map<u32, HudElement*> hud;
+ std::map<u8, u32> hud_bars;
IGameDef *m_gamedef;
@@ -253,6 +257,18 @@ protected:
v3f m_position;
+struct HudElement {
+ u8 type;
+ core::vector2df pos;
+ std::string name;
+ core::vector2df scale;
+ std::string text;
+ u32 number;
+ u32 item;
+ u32 dir;
Player on the server
diff --git a/src/scriptapi_object.cpp b/src/scriptapi_object.cpp
index 05433a598..8f92ca439 100644
--- a/src/scriptapi_object.cpp
+++ b/src/scriptapi_object.cpp
@@ -700,6 +700,209 @@ int ObjectRef::l_get_player_control_bits(lua_State *L)
return 1;
+// hud_add(self, form)
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_add(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if(player == NULL) return 0;
+ u32 id = hud_get_next_id(L);
+ HudElement* form = new HudElement;
+ std::string SS = getstringfield_default(L, 3, "type", "I");
+ form->type = SS[0];
+ lua_getfield(L, 3, "position");
+ if(lua_istable(L, -1))
+ form->pos = read_v2f(L, -1);
+ else
+ form->pos = v2f();
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ form->name = getstringfield_default(L, 3, "name", "");
+ lua_getfield(L, 3, "scale");
+ if(lua_istable(L, -1))
+ form->scale = read_v2f(L, -1);
+ else
+ form->scale = v2f();
+ lua_pop(L, 1);
+ form->text = getstringfield_default(L, 3, "text", "");
+ form->number = getintfield_default(L, 3, "number", 0);
+ form->item = getintfield_default(L, 3, "item", 0);
+ form->dir = getintfield_default(L, 3, "dir", 0);
+ get_server(L)->hudadd(player->getName(), id, form);
+ player->hud[id] = form;
+ lua_pushnumber(L, id);
+ return 1;
+// hud_rm(self, id)
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_rm(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if(player == NULL) return 0;
+ u32 id = -1;
+ if(!lua_isnil(L, 2))
+ id = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
+ get_server(L)->hudrm(player->getName(), id);
+ player->hud.at(id)->type = (u8)NULL;
+ lua_pushboolean(L, true);
+ return 1;
+// hud_change(self, id, stat, data)
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_change(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if(player == NULL) return 0;
+ u32 id = -1;
+ if(!lua_isnil(L, 2))
+ id = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
+ u8 stat = -1;
+ if(!lua_isnil(L, 3))
+ stat = lua_tonumber(L, 3);
+ if(stat == 0 || stat == 2) {
+ get_server(L)->hudchange(player->getName(), id, stat, read_v2f(L, 4));
+ } else if(stat == 1 || stat == 3) {
+ get_server(L)->hudchange(player->getName(), id, stat, lua_tostring(L, 4));
+ } else {
+ get_server(L)->hudchange(player->getName(), id, stat, lua_tonumber(L, 4));
+ }
+ HudElement* e = player->hud[id];
+ switch(stat) {
+ case HUD_STAT_POS: e->pos = read_v2f(L, 4);
+ case HUD_STAT_NAME: e->name = lua_tostring(L, 4);
+ case HUD_STAT_SCALE: e->scale = read_v2f(L, 4);
+ case HUD_STAT_TEXT: e->text = lua_tostring(L, 4);
+ case HUD_STAT_NUMBER: e->number = lua_tonumber(L, 4);
+ case HUD_STAT_ITEM: e->item = lua_tonumber(L, 4);
+ case HUD_STAT_DIR: e->dir = lua_tonumber(L, 4);
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean(L, true);
+ return 1;
+u32 ObjectRef::hud_get_next_id(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ for(std::map<u32, HudElement*>::iterator it=player->hud.begin();
+ it!=player->hud.end();it++) {
+ if(it->second->type == (u8)NULL) {
+ return it->first;
+ }
+ }
+ return player->hud.size();
+// hud_get(self, id)
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_get(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if(player == NULL) return 0;
+ HudElement* e = player->hud.at(lua_tonumber(L, -1));
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushstring(L, std::string(1, e->type).c_str());
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "type");
+ push_v2f(L, e->pos);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "position");
+ lua_pushstring(L, e->name.c_str());
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "name");
+ push_v2f(L, e->scale);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "scale");
+ lua_pushstring(L, e->text.c_str());
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "text");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, e->number);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "number");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, e->item);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "item");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, e->dir);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "dir");
+ return 1;
+// hud_lock_next_bar(self, texture, right)
+// return id on success, false otherwise
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_lock_next_bar(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if(player == NULL) return 0;
+ bool right = false;
+ if(!lua_isnil(L, 2))
+ right = lua_toboolean(L, 2);
+ v2f pos(0, 0);
+ u8 i = 0;
+ if(right)
+ pos.X = 1;
+ i += 3;
+ for(u8 it = 0; it < 4; it++) {
+ if(player->hud_bars.count(i+it) == 1) {
+ if(it == 3) {
+ lua_pushboolean(L, false);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ i += it;
+ pos.Y = it;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ HudElement* form = new HudElement;
+ form->type = 's';
+ form->pos = pos;
+ form->name = "";
+ form->scale = v2f();
+ form->text = "";
+ form->number = 0;
+ form->item = 0;
+ form->dir = 0;
+ u32 id = hud_get_next_id(L);
+ get_server(L)->hudadd(player->getName(), id, form);
+ player->hud[id] = form;
+ player->hud_bars[i] = id;
+ lua_pushnumber(L, id);
+ return 1;
+// hud_unlock_bar(self, id)
+int ObjectRef::l_hud_unlock_bar(lua_State *L)
+ ObjectRef *ref = checkobject(L, 1);
+ Player *player = getplayer(ref);
+ if(player == NULL) return 0;
+ u32 id = 0;
+ if(!lua_isnil(L, 2))
+ id = lua_tonumber(L, 2);
+ for(std::map<u8, u32>::iterator it=player->hud_bars.begin();
+ it!=player->hud_bars.end();it++) {
+ if(it->second == id) {
+ player->hud_bars.erase(it->first);
+ get_server(L)->hudrm(player->getName(), id);
+ player->hud.at(id)->type = (u8)NULL;
+ lua_pushboolean(L, true);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ lua_pushboolean(L, false);
+ return 1;
ObjectRef::ObjectRef(ServerActiveObject *object):
@@ -807,6 +1010,12 @@ const luaL_reg ObjectRef::methods[] = {
luamethod(ObjectRef, get_inventory_formspec),
luamethod(ObjectRef, get_player_control),
luamethod(ObjectRef, get_player_control_bits),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_add),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_rm),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_change),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_get),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_lock_next_bar),
+ luamethod(ObjectRef, hud_unlock_bar),
diff --git a/src/scriptapi_object.h b/src/scriptapi_object.h
index a44016933..6df4366bb 100644
--- a/src/scriptapi_object.h
+++ b/src/scriptapi_object.h
@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@ extern "C" {
#include "content_sao.h"
#include "player.h"
+#define HUD_STAT_POS 0
+#define HUD_STAT_NAME 1
+#define HUD_STAT_SCALE 2
+#define HUD_STAT_TEXT 3
+#define HUD_STAT_NUMBER 4
+#define HUD_STAT_ITEM 5
+#define HUD_STAT_DIR 6
@@ -190,6 +198,27 @@ private:
// get_player_control_bits(self)
static int l_get_player_control_bits(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_add(self, id, form)
+ static int l_hud_add(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_rm(self, id)
+ static int l_hud_rm(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_change(self, id, stat, data)
+ static int l_hud_change(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_get_next_id(self)
+ static u32 hud_get_next_id(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_get(self, id)
+ static int l_hud_get(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_lock_next_bar(self, right)
+ static int l_hud_lock_next_bar(lua_State *L);
+ // hud_unlock_bar(self, id)
+ static int l_hud_unlock_bar(lua_State *L);
ObjectRef(ServerActiveObject *object);
diff --git a/src/scriptapi_types.cpp b/src/scriptapi_types.cpp
index 01a9b3bc3..f30451108 100644
--- a/src/scriptapi_types.cpp
+++ b/src/scriptapi_types.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@ void push_v3f(lua_State *L, v3f p)
lua_setfield(L, -2, "z");
+void push_v2f(lua_State *L, v2f p)
+ lua_newtable(L);
+ lua_pushnumber(L, p.X);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "x");
+ lua_pushnumber(L, p.Y);
+ lua_setfield(L, -2, "y");
v2s16 read_v2s16(lua_State *L, int index)
v2s16 p;
diff --git a/src/scriptapi_types.h b/src/scriptapi_types.h
index 1eeed66df..dd0b125e6 100644
--- a/src/scriptapi_types.h
+++ b/src/scriptapi_types.h
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ std::vector<aabb3f>
void push_v3s16 (lua_State *L, v3s16 p);
void pushFloatPos (lua_State *L, v3f p);
void push_v3f (lua_State *L, v3f p);
+void push_v2f (lua_State *L, v2f p);
MapNode readnode(lua_State *L, int index, INodeDefManager *ndef);
diff --git a/src/server.cpp b/src/server.cpp
index b7287c91f..a9632c93c 100644
--- a/src/server.cpp
+++ b/src/server.cpp
@@ -3595,6 +3595,115 @@ void Server::SendDeleteParticleSpawnerAll(u32 id)
+void Server::SendHUDAdd(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, HudElement* form)
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
+ u8 buf[12];
+ // Write command
+ writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_HUDADD);
+ os.write((char*)buf, 2);
+ writeU32(os, id);
+ writeU8(os, form->type);
+ writeV2F1000(os, form->pos);
+ os<<serializeString(form->name);
+ writeV2F1000(os, form->scale);
+ os<<serializeString(form->text);
+ writeU32(os, form->number);
+ writeU32(os, form->item);
+ writeU32(os, form->dir);
+ // Make data buffer
+ std::string s = os.str();
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size());
+ // Send as reliable
+ m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true);
+void Server::SendHUDRm(u16 peer_id, const u32 id)
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
+ u8 buf[12];
+ // Write command
+ writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_HUDRM);
+ os.write((char*)buf, 2);
+ writeU32(os, id);
+ // Make data buffer
+ std::string s = os.str();
+ SharedBuffer<u8> data((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size());
+ // Send as reliable
+ m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, data, true);
+void Server::SendHUDChange(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, const u8 stat, v2f data)
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
+ u8 buf[12];
+ // Write command
+ writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_HUDCHANGE);
+ os.write((char*)buf, 2);
+ writeU32(os, id);
+ writeU8(os, stat);
+ writeV2F1000(os, data);
+ // Make data buffer
+ std::string s = os.str();
+ SharedBuffer<u8> ddata((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size());
+ // Send as reliable
+ m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, ddata, true);
+void Server::SendHUDChange(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, const u8 stat, std::string data)
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
+ u8 buf[12];
+ // Write command
+ writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_HUDCHANGE);
+ os.write((char*)buf, 2);
+ writeU32(os, id);
+ writeU8(os, stat);
+ os<<serializeString(data);
+ // Make data buffer
+ std::string s = os.str();
+ SharedBuffer<u8> ddata((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size());
+ // Send as reliable
+ m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, ddata, true);
+void Server::SendHUDChange(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, const u8 stat, u32 data)
+ std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary);
+ u8 buf[12];
+ // Write command
+ writeU16(buf, TOCLIENT_HUDCHANGE);
+ os.write((char*)buf, 2);
+ writeU32(os, id);
+ writeU8(os, stat);
+ writeU32(os, data);
+ // Make data buffer
+ std::string s = os.str();
+ SharedBuffer<u8> ddata((u8*)s.c_str(), s.size());
+ // Send as reliable
+ m_con.Send(peer_id, 0, ddata, true);
void Server::BroadcastChatMessage(const std::wstring &message)
for(std::map<u16, RemoteClient*>::iterator
@@ -4548,6 +4657,76 @@ bool Server::showFormspec(const char *playername, const std::string &formspec, c
return true;
+bool Server::hudadd(const char *playername, const u32 &id, HudElement* form)
+ Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
+ if(!player)
+ {
+ infostream<<"hudadd: couldn't find player:"<<playername<<std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SendHUDAdd(player->peer_id, id, form);
+ return true;
+bool Server::hudrm(const char *playername, const u32 &id)
+ Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
+ if(!player)
+ {
+ infostream<<"hudrm: couldn't find player:"<<playername<<std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SendHUDRm(player->peer_id, id);
+ return true;
+bool Server::hudchange(const char *playername, const u32 &id, const u8 &stat, v2f data)
+ Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
+ if(!player)
+ {
+ infostream<<"hudchange: couldn't find player:"<<playername<<std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SendHUDChange(player->peer_id, id, stat, data);
+ return true;
+bool Server::hudchange(const char *playername, const u32 &id, const u8 &stat, std::string data)
+ Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
+ if(!player)
+ {
+ infostream<<"hudchange: couldn't find player:"<<playername<<std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SendHUDChange(player->peer_id, id, stat, data);
+ return true;
+bool Server::hudchange(const char *playername, const u32 &id, const u8 &stat, u32 data)
+ Player *player = m_env->getPlayer(playername);
+ if(!player)
+ {
+ infostream<<"hudchange: couldn't find player:"<<playername<<std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ SendHUDChange(player->peer_id, id, stat, data);
+ return true;
void Server::notifyPlayers(const std::wstring msg)
diff --git a/src/server.h b/src/server.h
index ea1cb79af..ef0c45a6a 100644
--- a/src/server.h
+++ b/src/server.h
@@ -534,6 +534,11 @@ public:
bool showFormspec(const char *name, const std::string &formspec, const std::string &formname);
+ bool hudadd(const char *pname, const u32 &id, HudElement *element);
+ bool hudrm(const char *pname, const u32 &id);
+ bool hudchange(const char *pname, const u32 &id, const u8 &stat, v2f data);
+ bool hudchange(const char *pname, const u32 &id, const u8 &stat, std::string data);
+ bool hudchange(const char *pname, const u32 &id, const u8 &stat, u32 data);
// con::PeerHandler implementation.
@@ -573,6 +578,11 @@ private:
void SendPlayerPrivileges(u16 peer_id);
void SendPlayerInventoryFormspec(u16 peer_id);
void SendShowFormspecMessage(u16 peer_id, const std::string formspec, const std::string formname);
+ void SendHUDAdd(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, HudElement* form);
+ void SendHUDRm(u16 peer_id, const u32 id);
+ void SendHUDChange(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, const u8 stat, v2f data);
+ void SendHUDChange(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, const u8 stat, std::string data);
+ void SendHUDChange(u16 peer_id, const u32 id, const u8 stat, u32 data);
Send a node removal/addition event to all clients except ignore_id.
Additionally, if far_players!=NULL, players further away than