path: root/builtin
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Tunnels: Completely disable generation when 'cave width' >= 10.0 (#9093)Paramat2019-11-09
* Randomwalk caves: Add parameters for number, proportion flooded. Allow small ...Paramat2019-11-08
* Improve documentation around banning (#9088)sfan52019-11-05
* Formspec: add hypertext elementPierre-Yves Rollo2019-11-03
* Builtin: Improve /clearobjects message (#9084)Alistair Findlay2019-11-02
* Change some usages of "deprecated" to "obsolete" (#9062)random-geek2019-10-29
* Add help texts for settings that lack one (#9007)Wuzzy2019-10-25
* Improve light curve parameter limits and documentation (#9054)Paramat2019-10-24
* Settingtypes.txt: Various improvements (#9047)Paramat2019-10-14
* Fix rotate_node to return the correct itemstack.Aaron Suen2019-10-13
* Merge pull request #8166 from Warr1024/fix7020Warr10242019-10-05
* All Settings: Set min limit for crtitical settings (#9000)Wuzzy2019-10-01
* Allow grep-ing for on_grant and on_revoke (#8958)DS2019-09-29
* All settings: Fix missing flags checkbox caused by 'possible flags' order (#8...Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto2019-09-27
* Automatically enable depends of mods when enabling the mods in the world conf...HybridDog2019-09-26
* Rename "private messages" to "direct messages" (#8971)Hugo Locurcio2019-09-22
* Punchwear (improved) (#8959)sfan52019-09-22
* Fix AreaStore's IDs persistence (#8888)SmallJoker2019-09-21
* Also print help commands to chat for server terminal (#8869)Tim Myers2019-09-19
* Improve undersampling settingsHugo Locurcio2019-09-17
* Formspecs: Introduce formspec_version to modsSmallJoker2019-09-14
* Dungeons: Remove non-functional 'projecting dungeons' setting (#8897)Paramat2019-09-08
* Move debug.txt after it grows too big (#8904)HybridDog2019-09-07
* Force item entities out of solid nodes (simpler) (#8885)sfan52019-09-04
* 'All Settings': Don't use checkboxes for 'no...' mapgen flags (#7847)Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto2019-09-01
* Various settingtypes.txt improvements (#8867)Paramat2019-08-28
* Fix default hand definition not using wieldhand.pngWuzzy2019-08-23
* Fix undeclared global warning because of _ (#8798)DS2019-08-14
* Add player knockback on punch to builtinsfan52019-08-10
* Builtin UI: Move box element to ensure correct draw orderSmallJoker2019-08-08
* Allow customizing chat message format (#8529)ANAND2019-08-08
* Fix usage of wrong variable in builtin chat command handling (#8762)Beha2019-08-07
* Add luacheck to check builtin (#7895)rubenwardy2019-08-06
* Add styles to most elementsrubenwardy2019-08-03
* Add style[] tag with button supportrubenwardy2019-08-03
* Builtin: Forward old return valuesSmallJoker2019-08-02
* Mainmenu: Use textarea in error formspecsSmallJoker2019-08-01
* Group "immortal" also protects players from damageWuzzy2019-08-01
* Check for 'action' field in ABMs & LBMsSmallJoker2019-07-27
* Re-order mapgens in mainmenu and 'all settings' mapgen selection (#8705)Paramat2019-07-25
* Mgfractal: Make non-fractal terrain optional (#8702)Paramat2019-07-25
* Add /help formspec for commands and privileges (#8385)SmallJoker2019-07-20
* Document the deprecation of hardcoded cave liquids (#8692)Paramat2019-07-20
* Use vector.dot and vector.cross in vector.angleHybridDog2019-07-16
* Add vector.dot and vector.crossHybridDog2019-07-16
* Docs: Clarify where to check for 'protection_bypass' (#8675)SmallJoker2019-07-14
* Increase upper limit of display_gamma to 10 (#8618)ANAND2019-06-27
* Mapgen Carpathian: Add optional rivers (#7977)Paramat2019-06-19
* Use CDB author and name in installed package's config (#8550)Paul Ouellette2019-06-10
* Save forceloaded blocks file periodically (#8535)Thomas Rudin2019-06-10
the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local dd_filter_labels = { fgettext("No Filter"), fgettext("Bilinear Filter"), fgettext("Trilinear Filter") } local filters = { {dd_filter_labels[1]..","..dd_filter_labels[2]..","..dd_filter_labels[3]}, {"", "bilinear_filter", "trilinear_filter"}, } local dd_mipmap_labels = { fgettext("No Mipmap"), fgettext("Mipmap"), fgettext("Mipmap + Aniso. Filter") } local mipmap = { {dd_mipmap_labels[1]..","..dd_mipmap_labels[2]..","..dd_mipmap_labels[3]}, {"", "mip_map", "anisotropic_filter"}, } local function getFilterSettingIndex() if (core.setting_get(filters[2][3]) == "true") then return 3 end if (core.setting_get(filters[2][3]) == "false" and core.setting_get(filters[2][2]) == "true") then return 2 end return 1 end local function getMipmapSettingIndex() if (core.setting_get(mipmap[2][3]) == "true") then return 3 end if (core.setting_get(mipmap[2][3]) == "false" and core.setting_get(mipmap[2][2]) == "true") then return 2 end return 1 end local function video_driver_fname_to_name(selected_driver) local video_drivers = core.get_video_drivers() for i=1, #video_drivers do if selected_driver == video_drivers[i].friendly_name then return video_drivers[i].name:lower() end end return "" end local function dlg_confirm_reset_formspec(data) local retval = "size[8,3]" .. "label[1,1;".. fgettext("Are you sure to reset your singleplayer world?") .. "]".. "button[1,2;2.6,0.5;dlg_reset_singleplayer_confirm;".. fgettext("Yes") .. "]" .. "button[4,2;2.8,0.5;dlg_reset_singleplayer_cancel;".. fgettext("No!!!") .. "]" return retval end local function dlg_confirm_reset_btnhandler(this, fields, dialogdata) if fields["dlg_reset_singleplayer_confirm"] ~= nil then local worldlist = core.get_worlds() local found_singleplayerworld = false for i=1,#worldlist,1 do if worldlist[i].name == "singleplayerworld" then found_singleplayerworld = true gamedata.worldindex = i end end if found_singleplayerworld then core.delete_world(gamedata.worldindex) end core.create_world("singleplayerworld", 1) worldlist = core.get_worlds() found_singleplayerworld = false for i=1,#worldlist,1 do if worldlist[i].name == "singleplayerworld" then found_singleplayerworld = true gamedata.worldindex = i end end end this.parent:show() this:hide() this:delete() return true end local function showconfirm_reset(tabview) local new_dlg = dialog_create("reset_spworld", dlg_confirm_reset_formspec, dlg_confirm_reset_btnhandler, nil) new_dlg:set_parent(tabview) tabview:hide() new_dlg:show() end local function gui_scale_to_scrollbar() local current_value = tonumber(core.setting_get("gui_scaling")) if (current_value == nil) or current_value < 0.25 then return 0 end if current_value <= 1.25 then return ((current_value - 0.25)/ 1.0) * 700 end if current_value <= 6 then return ((current_value -1.25) * 100) + 700 end return 1000 end local function scrollbar_to_gui_scale(value) value = tonumber(value) if (value <= 700) then return ((value / 700) * 1.0) + 0.25 end if (value <=1000) then return ((value - 700) / 100) + 1.25 end return 1 end local function formspec(tabview, name, tabdata) local video_drivers = core.get_video_drivers() local current_video_driver = core.setting_get("video_driver"):lower() local driver_formspec_string = "" local driver_current_idx = 0 for i=2, #video_drivers do driver_formspec_string = driver_formspec_string .. video_drivers[i].friendly_name if i ~= #video_drivers then driver_formspec_string = driver_formspec_string .. "," end if current_video_driver == video_drivers[i].name:lower() then driver_current_idx = i - 1 end end local tab_string = "box[0,0;3.5,3.9;#999999]" .. "checkbox[0.25,0;cb_smooth_lighting;".. fgettext("Smooth Lighting") .. ";".. dump(core.setting_getbool("smooth_lighting")) .. "]".. "checkbox[0.25,0.5;cb_particles;".. fgettext("Enable Particles") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_particles")) .. "]".. "checkbox[0.25,1;cb_3d_clouds;".. fgettext("3D Clouds") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_3d_clouds")) .. "]".. "checkbox[0.25,1.5;cb_fancy_trees;".. fgettext("Fancy Trees") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("new_style_leaves")) .. "]".. "checkbox[0.25,2.0;cb_opaque_water;".. fgettext("Opaque Water") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("opaque_water")) .. "]".. "checkbox[0.25,2.5;cb_connected_glass;".. fgettext("Connected Glass") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("connected_glass")) .. "]".. "checkbox[0.25,3.0;cb_node_highlighting;".. fgettext("Node Highlighting") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_node_highlighting")) .. "]".. "box[3.75,0;3.75,3.45;#999999]" .. "label[3.85,0.1;".. fgettext("Texturing:") .. "]".. "dropdown[3.85,0.55;3.85;dd_filters;" .. filters[1][1] .. ";" .. getFilterSettingIndex() .. "]" .. "dropdown[3.85,1.35;3.85;dd_mipmap;" .. mipmap[1][1] .. ";" .. getMipmapSettingIndex() .. "]" .. "label[3.85,2.15;".. fgettext("Rendering:") .. "]".. "dropdown[3.85,2.6;3.85;dd_video_driver;" .. driver_formspec_string .. ";" .. driver_current_idx .. "]" .. "tooltip[dd_video_driver;" .. fgettext("Restart minetest for driver change to take effect") .. "]" .. "box[7.75,0;4,4;#999999]" .. "checkbox[8,0;cb_shaders;".. fgettext("Shaders") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_shaders")) .. "]" if PLATFORM ~= "Android" then tab_string = tab_string .. "button[8,4.75;3.75,0.5;btn_change_keys;".. fgettext("Change keys") .. "]" else tab_string = tab_string .. "button[8,4.75;3.75,0.5;btn_reset_singleplayer;".. fgettext("Reset singleplayer world") .. "]" end tab_string = tab_string .. "box[0,4.25;3.5,1.1;#999999]" .. "label[0.25,4.25;" .. fgettext("GUI scale factor") .. "]" .. "scrollbar[0.25,4.75;3,0.4;sb_gui_scaling;horizontal;" .. gui_scale_to_scrollbar() .. "]" .. "tooltip[sb_gui_scaling;" .. fgettext("Scaling factor applied to menu elements: ") .. dump(core.setting_get("gui_scaling")) .. "]" if PLATFORM == "Android" then tab_string = tab_string .. "box[3.75,3.55;3.75,1.8;#999999]" .. "checkbox[3.9,3.45;cb_touchscreen_target;".. fgettext("Touch free target") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("touchtarget")) .. "]" end if core.setting_get("touchscreen_threshold") ~= nil then tab_string = tab_string .. "label[4.3,4.1;" .. fgettext("Touchthreshold (px)") .. "]" .. "dropdown[3.85,4.55;3.85;dd_touchthreshold;0,10,20,30,40,50;" .. ((tonumber(core.setting_get("touchscreen_threshold"))/10)+1) .. "]" end if core.setting_getbool("enable_shaders") then tab_string = tab_string .. "checkbox[8,0.5;cb_bumpmapping;".. fgettext("Bumpmapping") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_bumpmapping")) .. "]".. "checkbox[8,1.0;cb_generate_normalmaps;".. fgettext("Generate Normalmaps") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("generate_normalmaps")) .. "]".. "checkbox[8,1.5;cb_parallax;".. fgettext("Parallax Occlusion") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_parallax_occlusion")) .. "]".. "checkbox[8,2.0;cb_waving_water;".. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_waving_water")) .. "]".. "checkbox[8,2.5;cb_waving_leaves;".. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_waving_leaves")) .. "]".. "checkbox[8,3.0;cb_waving_plants;".. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";" .. dump(core.setting_getbool("enable_waving_plants")) .. "]" else tab_string = tab_string .. "textlist[8.33,0.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Bumpmapping") .. ";0;true]" .. "textlist[8.33,1.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Generate Normalmaps") .. ";0;true]" .. "textlist[8.33,1.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Parallax Occlusion") .. ";0;true]" .. "textlist[8.33,2.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Water") .. ";0;true]" .. "textlist[8.33,2.7;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Leaves") .. ";0;true]" .. "textlist[8.33,3.2;4,1;;#888888" .. fgettext("Waving Plants") .. ";0;true]" end return tab_string end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function handle_settings_buttons(this, fields, tabname, tabdata) if fields["cb_fancy_trees"] then core.setting_set("new_style_leaves", fields["cb_fancy_trees"]) return true end if fields["cb_smooth_lighting"] then core.setting_set("smooth_lighting", fields["cb_smooth_lighting"]) return true end if fields["cb_3d_clouds"] then core.setting_set("enable_3d_clouds", fields["cb_3d_clouds"]) return true end if fields["cb_opaque_water"] then core.setting_set("opaque_water", fields["cb_opaque_water"]) return true end if fields["cb_shaders"] then if (core.setting_get("video_driver") == "direct3d8" or core.setting_get("video_driver") == "direct3d9") then core.setting_set("enable_shaders", "false") gamedata.errormessage = fgettext("To enable shaders the OpenGL driver needs to be used.") else core.setting_set("enable_shaders", fields["cb_shaders"]) end return true end if fields["cb_connected_glass"] then core.setting_set("connected_glass", fields["cb_connected_glass"]) return true end if fields["cb_node_highlighting"] then core.setting_set("enable_node_highlighting", fields["cb_node_highlighting"]) return true end if fields["cb_particles"] then core.setting_set("enable_particles", fields["cb_particles"]) return true end if fields["cb_bumpmapping"] then core.setting_set("enable_bumpmapping", fields["cb_bumpmapping"]) end if fields["cb_generate_normalmaps"] then core.setting_set("generate_normalmaps", fields["cb_generate_normalmaps"]) end if fields["cb_parallax"] then core.setting_set("enable_parallax_occlusion", fields["cb_parallax"]) return true end if fields["cb_waving_water"] then core.setting_set("enable_waving_water", fields["cb_waving_water"]) return true end if fields["cb_waving_leaves"] then core.setting_set("enable_waving_leaves", fields["cb_waving_leaves"]) end if fields["cb_waving_plants"] then core.setting_set("enable_waving_plants", fields["cb_waving_plants"]) return true end if fields["btn_change_keys"] ~= nil then core.show_keys_menu() return true end if fields["sb_gui_scaling"] then local event = core.explode_scrollbar_event(fields["sb_gui_scaling"]) if event.type == "CHG" then local tosave = string.format("%.2f",scrollbar_to_gui_scale(event.value)) core.setting_set("gui_scaling",tosave) return true end end if fields["cb_touchscreen_target"] then core.setting_set("touchtarget", fields["cb_touchscreen_target"]) return true end if fields["btn_reset_singleplayer"] then showconfirm_reset(this) return true end --Note dropdowns have to be handled LAST! local ddhandled = false if fields["dd_touchthreshold"] then core.setting_set("touchscreen_threshold",fields["dd_touchthreshold"]) ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_video_driver"] then core.setting_set("video_driver", video_driver_fname_to_name(fields["dd_video_driver"])) ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_filters"] == dd_filter_labels[1] then core.setting_set("bilinear_filter", "false") core.setting_set("trilinear_filter", "false") ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_filters"] == dd_filter_labels[2] then core.setting_set("bilinear_filter", "true") core.setting_set("trilinear_filter", "false") ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_filters"] == dd_filter_labels[3] then core.setting_set("bilinear_filter", "false") core.setting_set("trilinear_filter", "true") ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_mipmap"] == dd_mipmap_labels[1] then core.setting_set("mip_map", "false") core.setting_set("anisotropic_filter", "false") ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_mipmap"] == dd_mipmap_labels[2] then core.setting_set("mip_map", "true") core.setting_set("anisotropic_filter", "false") ddhandled = true end if fields["dd_mipmap"] == dd_mipmap_labels[3] then core.setting_set("mip_map", "true") core.setting_set("anisotropic_filter", "true") ddhandled = true end return ddhandled end tab_settings = { name = "settings", caption = fgettext("Settings"), cbf_formspec = formspec, cbf_button_handler = handle_settings_buttons }