path: root/clientmods
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* [CSM] Fix crash when the minimap is disabled. Caused by e25a38eSmallJoker2017-05-20
* [CSM] add `on_item_use` (#5544)red-0012017-05-06
* Add function to get server info.red-0012017-05-04
* [CSM] Add event on_place_node API lua (#5548)Vincent Glize2017-04-29
* [CSM] Add function to set minimap shape (#5569)bigfoot5472017-04-14
* [CSM] Move `.list_players` and `.disconnect` to builtin. (#5550)red-0012017-04-10
* [CSM] Add event on_connect player API lua (#5540)Vincent Glize2017-04-08
* [CSM] Add function to get the server protocol version. (#5529)red-0012017-04-06
* [CSM] Add function and chat command to disconnect from server. (#5487)red-0012017-04-01
* [CSM] Add function to get player names in range (#5435)bigfoot5472017-03-22
* Give CSM access to use `core.colorize()` (#5113)red-0012017-03-17
* [CSM] Fix minimap problems (#5405)Loïc Blot2017-03-17
* [CSM] Add core.get_timeofday & core.get_day_count env calls (#5401)Loïc Blot2017-03-17
* [CSM] Add minimap API modifiers (#5399)Loïc Blot2017-03-16
* Add ModStorageAPI to client side modding (#5396)Loïc Blot2017-03-16
* Add `get_wielded_item`red-0012017-03-13
* [CSM] Add `on_punchnode` callbackred-0012017-03-13
* [CSM] Add `get_node` and `get_node_or_nil`red-0012017-03-13
* [CSM] Add `on_dignode` callback (#5140)red-0012017-03-13
* [CSM] storage + fixesLoic Blot2017-03-13
* [CSM] implement client side mod loading (#5123)Loïc Blot2017-03-13
sser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #pragma once #include "irr_v3d.h" #include <string> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include "exceptions.h" #include "inventory.h" class Map; class IGameDef; struct MapNode; class InventoryManager; struct RollbackNode { std::string name; int param1 = 0; int param2 = 0; std::string meta; bool operator == (const RollbackNode &other) { return (name == other.name && param1 == other.param1 && param2 == other.param2 && meta == other.meta); } bool operator != (const RollbackNode &other) { return !(*this == other); } RollbackNode() = default; RollbackNode(Map *map, v3s16 p, IGameDef *gamedef); }; struct RollbackAction { enum Type{ TYPE_NOTHING, TYPE_SET_NODE, TYPE_MODIFY_INVENTORY_STACK, } type = TYPE_NOTHING; time_t unix_time = 0; std::string actor; bool actor_is_guess = false; v3s16 p; RollbackNode n_old; RollbackNode n_new; std::string inventory_location; std::string inventory_list; u32 inventory_index; bool inventory_add; ItemStack inventory_stack; RollbackAction() = default; void setSetNode(v3s16 p_, const RollbackNode &n_old_, const RollbackNode &n_new_) { type = TYPE_SET_NODE; p = p_; n_old = n_old_; n_new = n_new_; } void setModifyInventoryStack(const std::string &inventory_location_, const std::string &inventory_list_, u32 index_, bool add_, const ItemStack &inventory_stack_) { type = TYPE_MODIFY_INVENTORY_STACK; inventory_location = inventory_location_; inventory_list = inventory_list_; inventory_index = index_; inventory_add = add_; inventory_stack = inventory_stack_; } // String should not contain newlines or nulls std::string toString() const; // Eg. flowing water level changes are not important bool isImportant(IGameDef *gamedef) const; bool getPosition(v3s16 *dst) const; bool applyRevert(Map *map, InventoryManager *imgr, IGameDef *gamedef) const; }; class IRollbackManager { public: virtual void reportAction(const RollbackAction &action) = 0; virtual std::string getActor() = 0; virtual bool isActorGuess() = 0; virtual void setActor(const std::string &actor, bool is_guess) = 0; virtual std::string getSuspect(v3s16 p, float nearness_shortcut, float min_nearness) = 0; virtual ~IRollbackManager() = default;; virtual void flush() = 0; // Get all actors that did something to position p, but not further than // <seconds> in history virtual std::list<RollbackAction> getNodeActors(v3s16 pos, int range, time_t seconds, int limit) = 0; // Get actions to revert <seconds> of history made by <actor> virtual std::list<RollbackAction> getRevertActions(const std::string &actor, time_t seconds) = 0; }; class RollbackScopeActor { public: RollbackScopeActor(IRollbackManager * rollback_, const std::string & actor, bool is_guess = false) : rollback(rollback_) { if (rollback) { old_actor = rollback->getActor(); old_actor_guess = rollback->isActorGuess(); rollback->setActor(actor, is_guess); } } ~RollbackScopeActor() { if (rollback) { rollback->setActor(old_actor, old_actor_guess); } } private: IRollbackManager * rollback; std::string old_actor; bool old_actor_guess; };