path: root/cmake
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Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Fixes for compiling with a newer (system) jsoncpp (#4429)Rogier-52016-08-10
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Move included json code to jsoncpp subdirectory This is needed to avoid having to specify the minetest src directory as a system include when fixing the json includes. * Fix json includes They used "", so that the compiler searches the project's directory first. The result was that when compiling with a system jsoncpp, the project's own version of json.h was still included, instead of the system version. The includes now use <>, so a system location, or one specified with '-Ilocation' is searched only. * Fix for jsoncpp deprecated function warning When compiling with a newer version of jsoncpp (and ENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP=true), jsoncpp emits a warning about a deprecated function that minetest uses.
* Really fix ncurses lookup on Arch Linuxsfan52016-05-16
| | | | | Commit 27ee8d8943080a5dd735c9faa47c726604bafdff forgot to add the paths without ncursesw/ to the find_path() call
* Fix ncurses lookup on Arch LinuxDavid Knapp2016-04-08
| | | | | | | | Arch Linux doesn't put it's ncursesw includes inside an ncursesw directory. This script ends up setting USE_CURSES as true, but doesn't pick up any of the headers. https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/13994
* Improve LuaJIT detectionFerdinand Thiessen2015-12-05
| | | | | | | On openSUSE luajit is not detected correctly. This is because openSUSE is using a lua version suffix, like other Linux distributions do it also. So the include directory is: include/luajit-5_1-2.0
* Add server side ncurses terminalest312015-11-06
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | This adds a chat console the server owner can use for administration or to talk with players. It runs in its own thread, which makes the user interface immune to the server's lag, behaving just like a client, except timeout. As it uses the same console code as the f10 console, things like nick completion or a scroll buffer basically come for free. The terminal itself is written in a general way so that adding a client version later on is just about implementing an interface. Fatal errors are printed after the console exists and the ncurses terminal buffer gets cleaned up with endwin(), so that the error still remains visible. The server owner can chose their username their entered text will have in chat and where players can send PMs to. Once the username is secured with a password to prevent anybody to take over the server, the owner can execute admin tasks over the console. This change includes a contribution by @kahrl who has improved ncurses library detection.
* FindJson: use PATH_SUFFIXES jsoncpp to find incdirIgor Gnatenko2015-09-26
| | | | For example, on Fedora systems jsoncpp headers is installed in `/usr/include/jsoncpp`.
* Add LibGMPest312015-05-11
| | | | Uses system provided libgmp if found, if not it falls back to mini-gmp.
* Make Git version detection use VERSION_STRING instead of tagsShadowNinja2015-05-05
| | | | | | | | | | This fixes the problem where 0.4.12-dev versions were erroneously shown as 0.4.11-dev because the tag was added on a separate branch. It also fixes a similar issue when builders didn't fetch new tags when updating. This also removes the number-of-commits-since-tag field, since it's incompatible with this. Said field doesn't seem to be useful anyway if you have the commit hash.
* Better version detection for shallow clonesest312015-05-03
* Fix typo in OpenGL ES 2 CMake fileShadowNinja2015-03-27
* Clean up and tweak build systemShadowNinja2015-03-27
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Combine client and server man pages. * Update unit test options and available databases in man page. * Add `--worldname` to man page. * Fix a bunch of places where `"Minetest"` was used directly instead of `PROJECT_NAME`. * Disable server build by default on all operating systems. * Make `ENABLE_FREETYPE` not fail if FreeType isn't found. * Enable LevelDB, Redis, and FreeType detection by default. * Remove the `VERSION_PATCH_ORIG` hack. * Add option to search for and use system JSONCPP. * Remove broken LuaJIT version detection. * Rename `DISABLE_LUAJIT` to `ENABLE_LUAJIT`. * Rename `minetest_*` variables in `version.{h,cpp}` to `g_*`. * Clean up style of CMake files.
* Fix cmake po detection bugest312015-03-23
| | | | Previously, cmake po detection would treat the "timestamp" file created by building for android as own language directory.
* Improve FindIrrlicht.cmake moduleMarkus Koschany2015-02-21
| | | | | | | | | Linux distributions prefer to link against a shared version of the Irrlicht engine instead of using embedded code copies of the same. Search for this shared version first and use that but fall back to the static version if it does not exist. This also fixes https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/2163
* Remove included SQLite3ShadowNinja2015-01-08
* OS X compatibility fixesMartin Doege2014-06-29
* Add CURL_DLL search to show up CURL_DLL in cmake gui and don't silently ↵sapier2013-11-17
| | | | ignore missing CURL_DLL
* Show git hash in version string at top left corner of windowKahrl2013-09-28
* Always use builtin JThread librarykwolekr2013-09-15
* build with ogles2 driverproller2013-03-16
* fix link if system json lib existsproller2013-03-05
* new auto masterserverproller2013-02-22
* Prefer shared cURL library instead of the static one.Ilya Zhuravlev2012-12-21
* Tweak CMake files for cURLsfan52012-12-18