path: root/src/jthread/win32
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Fix win32 build (typo in jthread lock cleanup)sapier2014-04-19
* jthread remove locks that aren't absolutely requiredsapier2014-04-19
| | | | add c++11 atomic support (optional)
* Fix win32 reading semaphore count not working (broke all queues)sapier2014-01-15
* Make MutexQueue use jsemaphore for signalingsapier2014-01-10
* Fix win32 jthread implementationsapier2013-12-06
* Fix broken async locking in release buildsapier2013-12-03
* Cleanup jthread and fix win32 buildsapier2013-12-01
* Fix log threadname lookup handling not beeing threadsafesapier2013-11-30
* Fix MSVC build.Ilya Zhuravlev2013-11-30
* Fix broken thread stop handlingsapier2013-11-30
* Fix modstore/favourites hang by adding asynchronous lua job supportsapier2013-11-29
* Always use builtin JThread librarykwolekr2013-09-15
* Add minetest.get_mapgen_object to APIkwolekr2013-06-27
* CMake working on Linux (not on windows)Perttu Ahola2011-01-08
--HG-- rename : Makefile => Makefile.bak
/span> "lua_api/l_internal.h" #include "cpp_api/s_base.h" #include "content/mods.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "server.h" #include <algorithm> #include <cmath> ScriptApiBase *ModApiBase::getScriptApiBase(lua_State *L) { // Get server from registry lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, CUSTOM_RIDX_SCRIPTAPI); ScriptApiBase *sapi_ptr = (ScriptApiBase*) lua_touserdata(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); return sapi_ptr; } Server *ModApiBase::getServer(lua_State *L) { return getScriptApiBase(L)->getServer(); } #ifndef SERVER Client *ModApiBase::getClient(lua_State *L) { return getScriptApiBase(L)->getClient(); } #endif IGameDef *ModApiBase::getGameDef(lua_State *L) { return getScriptApiBase(L)->getGameDef(); } Environment *ModApiBase::getEnv(lua_State *L) { return getScriptApiBase(L)->getEnv(); } GUIEngine *ModApiBase::getGuiEngine(lua_State *L) { return getScriptApiBase(L)->getGuiEngine(); } std::string ModApiBase::getCurrentModPath(lua_State *L) { lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, CUSTOM_RIDX_CURRENT_MOD_NAME); std::string current_mod_name = readParam<std::string>(L, -1, ""); if (current_mod_name.empty()) return "."; const ModSpec *mod = getServer(L)->getModSpec(current_mod_name); if (!mod) return "."; return mod->path; } bool ModApiBase::registerFunction(lua_State *L, const char *name, lua_CFunction func, int top) { // TODO: Check presence first! lua_pushcfunction(L, func); lua_setfield(L, top, name); return true; } std::unordered_map<std::string, luaL_Reg> ModApiBase::m_deprecated_wrappers; bool ModApiBase::m_error_deprecated_calls = false; int ModApiBase::l_deprecated_function(lua_State *L) { thread_local std::vector<u64> deprecated_logged; u64 start_time = porting::getTimeUs(); lua_Debug ar; // Get function name for lookup FATAL_ERROR_IF(!lua_getstack(L, 0, &ar), "lua_getstack() failed"); FATAL_ERROR_IF(!lua_getinfo(L, "n", &ar), "lua_getinfo() failed"); // Combine name with line and script backtrace FATAL_ERROR_IF(!lua_getstack(L, 1, &ar), "lua_getstack() failed"); FATAL_ERROR_IF(!lua_getinfo(L, "Sl", &ar), "lua_getinfo() failed"); // Get parent class to get the wrappers map luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TUSERDATA); void *ud = lua_touserdata(L, 1); ModApiBase *o = *(ModApiBase**)ud; // New function and new function name auto it = o->m_deprecated_wrappers.find(ar.name); // Get backtrace and hash it to reduce the warning flood std::string backtrace = ar.short_src; backtrace.append(":").append(std::to_string(ar.currentline)); u64 hash = murmur_hash_64_ua(backtrace.data(), backtrace.length(), 0xBADBABE); if (std::find(deprecated_logged.begin(), deprecated_logged.end(), hash) == deprecated_logged.end()) { deprecated_logged.emplace_back(hash); warningstream << "Call to deprecated function '" << ar.name << "', please use '" << it->second.name << "' at " << backtrace << std::endl; if (m_error_deprecated_calls) script_error(L, LUA_ERRRUN, NULL, NULL); } u64 end_time = porting::getTimeUs(); g_profiler->avg("l_deprecated_function", end_time - start_time); return it->second.func(L); } void ModApiBase::markAliasDeprecated(luaL_Reg *reg) { std::string value = g_settings->get("deprecated_lua_api_handling"); m_error_deprecated_calls = value == "error"; if (!m_error_deprecated_calls && value != "log") return; const char *last_name = nullptr; lua_CFunction last_func = nullptr; // ! Null termination ! while (reg->func) { if (last_func == reg->func) { // Duplicate found luaL_Reg original_reg; // Do not inline struct. Breaks MSVC or is error-prone original_reg.name = last_name; original_reg.func = reg->func; m_deprecated_wrappers.emplace( std::pair<std::string, luaL_Reg>(reg->name, original_reg)); reg->func = l_deprecated_function; } last_func = reg->func; last_name = reg->name; ++reg; } }