path: root/src/main.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Flatten share/ and user/ in the source and for the RUN_IN_PLACE buildPerttu Ahola2012-03-20
* Rework directory structurePerttu Ahola2012-03-19
* Create main menu tab "Settings" for client settingsPerttu Ahola2012-03-15
* Add "simple singleplayer mode"; Fix a number of GUI thingsPerttu Ahola2012-03-15
* Save selected tabPerttu Ahola2012-03-15
* Add [new] to world name when supplying a non-existent world on command linePerttu Ahola2012-03-13
* Allow directly supplying world as a parameter, including world.mtPerttu Ahola2012-03-13
* Add confirmation menu and make world deletion possible in GUIPerttu Ahola2012-03-13
* World creation button and dialog and functionalityPerttu Ahola2012-03-13
* Remember selected world by pathPerttu Ahola2012-03-12
* Make finish quicktune and leave it unused (as intended)Perttu Ahola2012-03-12
* Handle certain errors properly when using --goPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Use default_game when making a new world using --world without --gameidPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* World selection box in main menu (and random fixing)Perttu Ahola2012-03-11
* --world implies local gamePerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* --logfile '' = no loggingPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Remove useless debug output (log at info level)Perttu Ahola2012-03-11
* --gameid listPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* command-line/world game selectionPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Improve command-line parametersPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Prettify --help outputPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Move huge comment from the beginning of main.cpp to doc/ancient_main_comment.txtPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* --verbose, not --info-on-stderrPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Clean up log messages everywherePerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Fix configuration file behaviourPerttu Ahola2012-03-11
* Chat console, including a number of rebases and modifications.Kahrl2012-03-10
* Tidy up server log output a bitPerttu Ahola2012-03-10
* Remove servermain.cpp, use main.cpp with a couple of #ifdefs insteadPerttu Ahola2012-03-10
* Fix addon and configuration file pathsPerttu Ahola2012-03-10
* Initial directory structure reworkPerttu Ahola2012-03-10
* Digging time groups WIPPerttu Ahola2012-03-10
* Add descriptions to command line argumentsJuhani Numminen2012-02-28
* Node placement / mineral / serialization / iron freq / node_dig callbackKahrl2012-01-22
* On SIGINT in main menu, don't connect before shutting downPerttu Ahola2011-12-03
* Note about debug.txt in error message dialog when mod fails to loadPerttu Ahola2011-12-03
* Better mod loading error handlingPerttu Ahola2011-12-03
* Rename menu background to menubg.png, move unknown_block.png and unknown_obje...Perttu Ahola2011-11-29
* Remove content_mapnode.h and nodedef.h #includesPerttu Ahola2011-11-29
* GameDef compilesPerttu Ahola2011-11-29
* Create framework for getting rid of global definitions of node/tool/item/what...Perttu Ahola2011-11-29
* Move ContentFeatures to mapnode_contentfeatures.{h,cpp} and clean stuffPerttu Ahola2011-11-29
* Add option to set water opaque (mainly for stylistic choice)Perttu Ahola2011-11-03
* Disable mipmapping because it is sometimes uglyPerttu Ahola2011-11-03
* Add 3d cloud checkbox in main menu (and rename setting from enable_2d_clouds ...Perttu Ahola2011-11-02
* Improve Connection with threading and some kind of congestion controlPerttu Ahola2011-10-20
* Automate texture listing for texture atlas makingPerttu Ahola2011-10-18
* Fix partly double printed debug.txtceleron552011-10-17
* Fix map delete on windows (concatenate paths correctly with / or \ depending ...Perttu Ahola2011-10-16
* Use the logger; also, default to not showing much crap in console. Use --info...Perttu Ahola2011-10-16
* Header file tweaking; mainly for speedPerttu Ahola2011-10-12
0' href='#n450'>450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752
#!/usr/bin/env python2
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
# the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
# To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
# COPYING for more details.

# Made by Jogge, modified by celeron55
# 2011-05-29: j0gge: initial release
# 2011-05-30: celeron55: simultaneous support for sectors/sectors2, removed
# 2011-06-02: j0gge: command line parameters, coordinates, players, ...
# 2011-06-04: celeron55: added #!/usr/bin/python2 and converted \r\n to \n
#                        to make it easily executable on Linux
# 2011-07-30: WF: Support for content types extension, refactoring
# 2011-07-30: erlehmann: PEP 8 compliance.

# Requires Python Imaging Library: http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/

# Some speed-up: ...lol, actually it slows it down.
#import psyco ; psyco.full()
#from psyco.classes import *

import zlib
import os
import string
import time
import getopt
import sys
import array
import cStringIO
import traceback
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageColor

    1: 0x800,  # CONTENT_GRASS
    4: 0x801,  # CONTENT_TREE
    5: 0x802,  # CONTENT_LEAVES
    7: 0x804,  # CONTENT_MESE
    8: 0x805,  # CONTENT_MUD
    10: 0x806,  # CONTENT_CLOUD
    11: 0x807,  # CONTENT_COALSTONE
    12: 0x808,  # CONTENT_WOOD
    13: 0x809,  # CONTENT_SAND
    18: 0x80a,  # CONTENT_COBBLE
    19: 0x80b,  # CONTENT_STEEL
    20: 0x80c,  # CONTENT_GLASS
    22: 0x80d,  # CONTENT_MOSSYCOBBLE
    23: 0x80e,  # CONTENT_GRAVEL
    24: 0x80f,  # CONTENT_SANDSTONE
    25: 0x810,  # CONTENT_CACTUS
    26: 0x811,  # CONTENT_BRICK
    27: 0x812,  # CONTENT_CLAY
    28: 0x813,  # CONTENT_PAPYRUS
    29: 0x814}  # CONTENT_BOOKSHELF

def hex_to_int(h):
    i = int(h, 16)
    if(i > 2047):
        i -= 4096
    return i

def hex4_to_int(h):
    i = int(h, 16)
    if(i > 32767):
        i -= 65536
    return i

def int_to_hex3(i):
    if(i < 0):
        return "%03X" % (i + 4096)
        return "%03X" % i

def int_to_hex4(i):
    if(i < 0):
        return "%04X" % (i + 65536)
        return "%04X" % i

def getBlockAsInteger(p):
    return p[2]*16777216 + p[1]*4096 + p[0]

def unsignedToSigned(i, max_positive):
    if i < max_positive:
        return i
        return i - 2*max_positive

def getIntegerAsBlock(i):
    x = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048)
    i = int((i - x) / 4096)
    y = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048)
    i = int((i - y) / 4096)
    z = unsignedToSigned(i % 4096, 2048)
    return x,y,z

def limit(i, l, h):
    if(i > h):
        i = h
    if(i < l):
        i = l
    return i

def readU8(f):
    return ord(f.read(1))

def readU16(f):
    return ord(f.read(1))*256 + ord(f.read(1))

def readU32(f):
    return ord(f.read(1))*256*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256 + ord(f.read(1))

def readS32(f):
    return unsignedToSigned(ord(f.read(1))*256*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256*256 + ord(f.read(1))*256 + ord(f.read(1)), 2**31)

usagetext = """minetestmapper.py [options]
  -i/--input <world_path>
  -o/--output <output_image.png>
  --bgcolor <color>
  --scalecolor <color>
  --playercolor <color>
  --origincolor <color>
Color format: '#000000'"""

def usage():

    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:o:", ["help", "input=",
        "output=", "bgcolor=", "scalecolor=", "origincolor=",
        "playercolor=", "draworigin", "drawplayers", "drawscale",
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
    # print help information and exit:
    print(str(err))  # will print something like "option -a not recognized"

path = None
output = "map.png"
border = 0
scalecolor = "black"
bgcolor = "white"
origincolor = "red"
playercolor = "red"
drawscale = False
drawplayers = False
draworigin = False
drawunderground = False

sector_xmin = -1500 / 16
sector_xmax = 1500 / 16
sector_zmin = -1500 / 16
sector_zmax = 1500 / 16

for o, a in opts:
    if o in ("-h", "--help"):
    elif o in ("-i", "--input"):
        path = a
    elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
        output = a
    elif o == "--bgcolor":
        bgcolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a)
    elif o == "--scalecolor":
        scalecolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a)
    elif o == "--playercolor":
        playercolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a)
    elif o == "--origincolor":
        origincolor = ImageColor.getrgb(a)
    elif o == "--drawscale":
        drawscale = True
        border = 40
    elif o == "--drawplayers":
        drawplayers = True
    elif o == "--draworigin":
        draworigin = True
    elif o == "--drawunderground":
        drawunderground = True
        assert False, "unhandled option"

if path is None:
    print("Please select world path (eg. -i ../worlds/yourworld) (or use --help)")

if path[-1:] != "/" and path[-1:] != "\\":
    path = path + "/"

# Load color information for the blocks.
colors = {}
    f = file("colors.txt")
except IOError:
    f = file(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "colors.txt"))
for line in f:
    values = string.split(line)
    if len(values) < 4:
    identifier = values[0]
    is_hex = True
    for c in identifier:
        if c not in "0123456789abcdefABCDEF":
            is_hex = False
    if is_hex:
        colors[int(values[0], 16)] = (
        colors[values[0]] = (

#print("colors: "+repr(colors))

xlist = []
zlist = []

# List all sectors to memory and calculate the width and heigth of the
# resulting picture.

conn = None
cur = None
if os.path.exists(path + "map.sqlite"):
    import sqlite3
    conn = sqlite3.connect(path + "map.sqlite")
    cur = conn.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT `pos` FROM `blocks`")
    while True:
        r = cur.fetchone()
        if not r:
        x, y, z = getIntegerAsBlock(r[0])
        if x < sector_xmin or x > sector_xmax:
        if z < sector_zmin or z > sector_zmax:

if os.path.exists(path + "sectors2"):
    for filename in os.listdir(path + "sectors2"):
        for filename2 in os.listdir(path + "sectors2/" + filename):
            x = hex_to_int(filename)
            z = hex_to_int(filename2)
            if x < sector_xmin or x > sector_xmax:
            if z < sector_zmin or z > sector_zmax:

if os.path.exists(path + "sectors"):
    for filename in os.listdir(path + "sectors"):
        x = hex4_to_int(filename[:4])
        z = hex4_to_int(filename[-4:])
        if x < sector_xmin or x > sector_xmax:
        if z < sector_zmin or z > sector_zmax:

if len(xlist) == 0 or len(zlist) == 0:
    print("World does not exist.")

# Get rid of doubles
xlist, zlist = zip(*sorted(set(zip(xlist, zlist))))

minx = min(xlist)
minz = min(zlist)
maxx = max(xlist)
maxz = max(zlist)

w = (maxx - minx) * 16 + 16
h = (maxz - minz) * 16 + 16

print("Result image (w=" + str(w) + " h=" + str(h) + ") will be written to "
        + output)

im = Image.new("RGB", (w + border, h + border), bgcolor)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
impix = im.load()

stuff = {}

unknown_node_names = []
unknown_node_ids = []

starttime = time.time()


def content_is_ignore(d):
    return d in [0, "ignore"]

def content_is_water(d):
    return d in [2, 9]

def content_is_air(d):
    return d in [126, 127, 254, "air"]

def read_content(mapdata, version, datapos):
    if version >= 24:
        return (mapdata[datapos*2] << 8) | (mapdata[datapos*2 + 1])
    elif version >= 20:
        if mapdata[datapos] < 0x80:
            return mapdata[datapos]
            return (mapdata[datapos] << 4) | (mapdata[datapos + 0x2000] >> 4)
    elif 16 <= version < 20:
        return TRANSLATION_TABLE.get(mapdata[datapos], mapdata[datapos])
        raise Exception("Unsupported map format: " + str(version))

def read_mapdata(mapdata, version, pixellist, water, day_night_differs, id_to_name):
    global stuff  # oh my :-)
    global unknown_node_names
    global unknown_node_ids

    if(len(mapdata) < 4096):
        print("bad: " + xhex + "/" + zhex + "/" + yhex + " " + \
        chunkxpos = xpos * 16
        chunkypos = ypos * 16
        chunkzpos = zpos * 16
        content = 0
        datapos = 0
        for (x, z) in reversed(pixellist):
            for y in reversed(range(16)):
                datapos = x + y * 16 + z * 256
                content = read_content(mapdata, version, datapos)
                # Try to convert id to name
                    content = id_to_name[content]
                except KeyError:

                if content_is_ignore(content):
                elif content_is_air(content):
                elif content_is_water(content):
                    water[(x, z)] += 1
                    # Add dummy stuff for drawing sea without seabed
                    stuff[(chunkxpos + x, chunkzpos + z)] = (
                        chunkypos + y, content, water[(x, z)], day_night_differs)
                elif content in colors:
                    # Memorize information on the type and height of
                    # the block and for drawing the picture.
                    stuff[(chunkxpos + x, chunkzpos + z)] = (
                        chunkypos + y, content, water[(x, z)], day_night_differs)
                    pixellist.remove((x, z))
                    if type(content) == str:
                        if content not in unknown_node_names:
                        #print("unknown node: %s/%s/%s x: %d y: %d z: %d block name: %s"
                        #        % (xhex, zhex, yhex, x, y, z, content))
                        if content not in unknown_node_ids:
                        #print("unknown node: %s/%s/%s x: %d y: %d z: %d block id: %x"
                        #        % (xhex, zhex, yhex, x, y, z, content))

# Go through all sectors.
for n in range(len(xlist)):
    #if n > 500:
    #   break
    if n % 200 == 0:
        nowtime = time.time()
        dtime = nowtime - starttime
            n_per_second = 1.0 * n / dtime
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            n_per_second = 0
        if n_per_second != 0:
            seconds_per_n = 1.0 / n_per_second
            time_guess = seconds_per_n * len(xlist)
            remaining_s = time_guess - dtime
            remaining_minutes = int(remaining_s / 60)
            remaining_s -= remaining_minutes * 60
            print("Processing sector " + str(n) + " of " + str(len(xlist))
                    + " (" + str(round(100.0 * n / len(xlist), 1)) + "%)"
                    + " (ETA: " + str(remaining_minutes) + "m "
                    + str(int(remaining_s)) + "s)")

    xpos = xlist[n]
    zpos = zlist[n]

    xhex = int_to_hex3(xpos)
    zhex = int_to_hex3(zpos)
    xhex4 = int_to_hex4(xpos)
    zhex4 = int_to_hex4(zpos)

    sector1 = xhex4.lower() + zhex4.lower()
    sector2 = xhex.lower() + "/" + zhex.lower()

    ylist = []

    sectortype = ""

    if cur:
        psmin = getBlockAsInteger((xpos, -2048, zpos))
        psmax = getBlockAsInteger((xpos, 2047, zpos))
        cur.execute("SELECT `pos` FROM `blocks` WHERE `pos`>=? AND `pos`<=? AND (`pos` - ?) % 4096 = 0", (psmin, psmax, psmin))
        while True:
            r = cur.fetchone()
            if not r:
            pos = getIntegerAsBlock(r[0])[1]
            sectortype = "sqlite"
        for filename in os.listdir(path + "sectors/" + sector1):
            if(filename != "meta"):
                pos = int(filename, 16)
                if(pos > 32767):
                    pos -= 65536
                sectortype = "old"
    except OSError:

    if sectortype == "":
            for filename in os.listdir(path + "sectors2/" + sector2):
                if(filename != "meta"):
                    pos = int(filename, 16)
                    if(pos > 32767):
                        pos -= 65536
                    sectortype = "new"
        except OSError:

    if sectortype == "":


    # Make a list of pixels of the sector that are to be looked for.
    pixellist = []
    water = {}
    for x in range(16):
        for z in range(16):
            pixellist.append((x, z))
            water[(x, z)] = 0

    # Go through the Y axis from top to bottom.
    for ypos in reversed(ylist):

            yhex = int_to_hex4(ypos)

            if sectortype == "sqlite":
                ps = getBlockAsInteger((xpos, ypos, zpos))
                cur.execute("SELECT `data` FROM `blocks` WHERE `pos`==? LIMIT 1", (ps,))
                r = cur.fetchone()
                if not r:
                f = cStringIO.StringIO(r[0])
                if sectortype == "old":
                    filename = path + "sectors/" + sector1 + "/" + yhex.lower()
                    filename = path + "sectors2/" + sector2 + "/" + yhex.lower()
                f = file(filename, "rb")

            # Let's just memorize these even though it's not really necessary.
            version = readU8(f)
            flags = f.read(1)

            # Check flags
            is_underground = ((ord(flags) & 1) != 0)
            day_night_differs = ((ord(flags) & 2) != 0)
            lighting_expired = ((ord(flags) & 4) != 0)
            generated = ((ord(flags) & 8) != 0)
            if version >= 22:
                content_width = readU8(f)
                params_width = readU8(f)

            # Node data
            dec_o = zlib.decompressobj()
                mapdata = array.array("B", dec_o.decompress(f.read()))
                mapdata = []
            # Reuse the unused tail of the file
            f = cStringIO.StringIO(dec_o.unused_data)
            #print("unused data: "+repr(dec_o.unused_data))

            # zlib-compressed node metadata list
            dec_o = zlib.decompressobj()
                metaliststr = array.array("B", dec_o.decompress(f.read()))
                # And do nothing with it
                metaliststr = []
            # Reuse the unused tail of the file
            f = cStringIO.StringIO(dec_o.unused_data)
            #print("* dec_o.unused_data: "+repr(dec_o.unused_data))
            data_after_node_metadata = dec_o.unused_data

            if version <= 21:
                # mapblockobject_count

            if version == 23:
                readU8(f) # Unused node timer version (always 0)
            if version == 24:
                ver = readU8(f)
                if ver == 1:
                    num = readU16(f)
                    for i in range(0,num):

            static_object_version = readU8(f)
            static_object_count = readU16(f)
            for i in range(0, static_object_count):
                # u8 type (object type-id)
                object_type = readU8(f)
                # s32 pos_x_nodes * 10000
                pos_x_nodes = readS32(f)/10000
                # s32 pos_y_nodes * 10000
                pos_y_nodes = readS32(f)/10000
                # s32 pos_z_nodes * 10000
                pos_z_nodes = readS32(f)/10000
                # u16 data_size
                data_size = readU16(f)
                # u8[data_size] data
                data = f.read(data_size)
            timestamp = readU32(f)
            #print("* timestamp="+str(timestamp))
            id_to_name = {}
            if version >= 22:
                name_id_mapping_version = readU8(f)
                num_name_id_mappings = readU16(f)
                #print("* num_name_id_mappings: "+str(num_name_id_mappings))
                for i in range(0, num_name_id_mappings):
                    node_id = readU16(f)
                    name_len = readU16(f)
                    name = f.read(name_len)
                    #print(str(node_id)+" = "+name)
                    id_to_name[node_id] = name

            # Node timers
            if version >= 25:
                timer_size = readU8(f)
                num = readU16(f)
                for i in range(0,num):

            read_mapdata(mapdata, version, pixellist, water, day_night_differs, id_to_name)

            # After finding all the pixels in the sector, we can move on to
            # the next sector without having to continue the Y axis.
            if(len(pixellist) == 0):
        except Exception as e:
            print("Error at ("+str(xpos)+","+str(ypos)+","+str(zpos)+"): "+str(e))
            sys.stdout.write("Block data: ")
            for c in r[0]:
                sys.stdout.write("%2.2x "%ord(c))
            sys.stdout.write("Data after node metadata: ")
            for c in data_after_node_metadata:
                sys.stdout.write("%2.2x "%ord(c))

print("Drawing image")
# Drawing the picture
starttime = time.time()
n = 0
for (x, z) in stuff.iterkeys():
    if n % 500000 == 0:
        nowtime = time.time()
        dtime = nowtime - starttime
            n_per_second = 1.0 * n / dtime
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            n_per_second = 0
        if n_per_second != 0:
            listlen = len(stuff)
            seconds_per_n = 1.0 / n_per_second
            time_guess = seconds_per_n * listlen
            remaining_s = time_guess - dtime
            remaining_minutes = int(remaining_s / 60)
            remaining_s -= remaining_minutes * 60
            print("Drawing pixel " + str(n) + " of " + str(listlen)
                    + " (" + str(round(100.0 * n / listlen, 1)) + "%)"
                    + " (ETA: " + str(remaining_minutes) + "m "
                    + str(int(remaining_s)) + "s)")
    n += 1

    (r, g, b) = colors[stuff[(x, z)][1]]

    dnd = stuff[(x, z)][3]  # day/night differs?
    if not dnd and not drawunderground:
        if stuff[(x, z)][2] > 0:  # water
            (r, g, b) = colors[CONTENT_WATER]

    # Comparing heights of a couple of adjacent blocks and changing
    # brightness accordingly.
        c = stuff[(x, z)][1]
        c1 = stuff[(x - 1, z)][1]
        c2 = stuff[(x, z + 1)][1]
        dnd1 = stuff[(x - 1, z)][3]
        dnd2 = stuff[(x, z + 1)][3]
        if not dnd:
            d = -69
        elif not content_is_water(c1) and not content_is_water(c2) and \
            not content_is_water(c):
            y = stuff[(x, z)][0]
            y1 = stuff[(x - 1, z)][0] if dnd1 else y
            y2 = stuff[(x, z + 1)][0] if dnd2 else y
            d = ((y - y1) + (y - y2)) * 12
            d = 0

        if(d > 36):
            d = 36

        r = limit(r + d, 0, 255)
        g = limit(g + d, 0, 255)
        b = limit(b + d, 0, 255)

    # Water
    if(stuff[(x, z)][2] > 0):
        r = int(r * .15 + colors[2][0] * .85)
        g = int(g * .15 + colors[2][1] * .85)
        b = int(b * .15 + colors[2][2] * .85)

    impix[x - minx * 16 + border, h - 1 - (z - minz * 16) + border] = (r, g, b)

if draworigin:
    draw.ellipse((minx * -16 - 5 + border, h - minz * -16 - 6 + border,
        minx * -16 + 5 + border, h - minz * -16 + 4 + border),

font = ImageFont.load_default()

if drawscale:
    draw.text((24, 0), "X", font=font, fill=scalecolor)
    draw.text((2, 24), "Z", font=font, fill=scalecolor)

    for n in range(int(minx / -4) * -4, maxx, 4):
        draw.text((minx * -16 + n * 16 + 2 + border, 0), str(n * 16),
            font=font, fill=scalecolor)
        draw.line((minx * -16 + n * 16 + border, 0,
            minx * -16 + n * 16 + border, border - 1), fill=scalecolor)

    for n in range(int(maxz / 4) * 4, minz, -4):
        draw.text((2, h - 1 - (n * 16 - minz * 16) + border), str(n * 16),
            font=font, fill=scalecolor)
        draw.line((0, h - 1 - (n * 16 - minz * 16) + border, border - 1,
            h - 1 - (n * 16 - minz * 16) + border), fill=scalecolor)

if drawplayers:
        for filename in os.listdir(path + "players"):
            f = file(path + "players/" + filename)
            lines = f.readlines()
            name = ""
            position = []
            for line in lines:
                p = string.split(line)
                if p[0] == "name":
                    name = p[2]
                    print(filename + ": name = " + name)
                if p[0] == "position":
                    position = string.split(p[2][1:-1], ",")
                    print(filename + ": position = " + p[2])
            if len(name) > 0 and len(position) == 3:
                x = (int(float(position[0]) / 10 - minx * 16))
                z = int(h - (float(position[2]) / 10 - minz * 16))
                draw.ellipse((x - 2 + border, z - 2 + border,
                    x + 2 + border, z + 2 + border), outline=playercolor)
                draw.text((x + 2 + border, z + 2 + border), name,
                    font=font, fill=playercolor)
    except OSError:


if unknown_node_names:
    sys.stdout.write("Unknown node names:")
    for name in unknown_node_names:
        sys.stdout.write(" "+name)
if unknown_node_ids:
    sys.stdout.write("Unknown node ids:")
    for node_id in unknown_node_ids:
        sys.stdout.write(" "+str(hex(node_id)))