path: root/src
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Build and link gmp correctly on MSVCSmallJoker2015-05-12
* is_player() is no player-only functionest312015-05-12
* Mapgen v5/6/7: Cleanup node resolver and aliasesparamat2015-05-12
* Make early protocol auth mechanism generic, and add SRPest312015-05-11
* Add LibGMPest312015-05-11
* Change lower limit of display_gamma to 1.0 (linear light)Craig Robbins2015-05-11
* Schematics: Add per-node force placement optionkwolekr2015-05-09
* Fix typo in WieldMesh::setItem()kwolekr2015-05-08
* Ensure that Map::findNodesWithMetadata() reports nodes strictly within the no...kwolekr2015-05-08
* Replace Wieldmesh::setItem assertion that could be triggered by the server wi...kwolekr2015-05-08
* Fix release build warningest312015-05-08
* Fix compilation for non-client builds, and fix signed comparison warningkwolekr2015-05-08
* Tests: Add schematic unittestskwolekr2015-05-08
* Gracefully handle PacketErrorsest312015-05-08
* Fix missing Y component assignment in check_v3fkwolekr2015-05-08
* Remove duplicate lua_getfield() in c_converter.cppKevin Ott2015-05-07
* Schematics: Add indent-with-space option for schematic Lua table serializationkwolekr2015-05-07
* NodeResolver: Remove NodeResolveMethodkwolekr2015-05-07
* Fix connection speed unit namesShadowNinja2015-05-06
* Fix error messages for type-checking Lua reading functionsShadowNinja2015-05-06
* Improve Redis error messagesShadowNinja2015-05-06
* Fix build on Debian broken by b45df9d (missing include, somehow?)kwolekr2015-05-05
* NodeDefManager: Improve const-correctness of interfaceskwolekr2015-05-05
* Add core.find_nodes_with_meta() script APIkwolekr2015-05-05
* Tests: Add NodeResolver unittestskwolekr2015-05-05
* Make Git version detection use VERSION_STRING instead of tagsShadowNinja2015-05-05
* Fix GCC compiler warningShadowNinja2015-05-04
* Stop NetworkPacket methods from producing bloated packetsJay Arndt2015-05-05
* Cache enable_3d_clouds flagest312015-05-04
* Clouds: Make cloud area radius settable in .confparamat2015-05-04
* Add a check for animation when getting an extruded meshKevin Ott2015-05-04
* Fix pathfinder to produce more useful pathsobneq2015-05-03
* Tests: Add ObjDef unittestskwolekr2015-05-03
* ObjDefManager: Set replacement object's handle info after calling set()kwolekr2015-05-03
* RotateAlongYAxis: For facedir case, return if param2 >= 4paramat2015-05-03
* Fix several MSVC issues numeric.hSmallJoker2015-05-01
* Fix MSVC compatibilitykwolekr2015-04-29
* Tests: Add random unittestskwolekr2015-04-29
* Revert the upper-case PROJECT_NAME nonsense that was part of #2402sfan52015-04-27
* Revert "Only lowercase project name at compile time"sfan52015-04-27
* Noise: Fix PcgRandom::randNormalDist() when range contains negative numberskwolekr2015-04-27
* Replace PRNG assertions with PrngExceptionkwolekr2015-04-27
* Remove craftdef serialisationest312015-04-26
* Craftdef refactorest312015-04-26
* Tests: Modularize unit testingkwolekr2015-04-26
* Fix fast leaves with texture_clean_transparent enabled.Aaron Suen2015-04-26
* Fix player pitch and yaw not being set properlyKevin Ott2015-04-26
* Remove unused variable Client::m_active_blocksnerzhul2015-04-24
* DecoSchematic: Fix missing trees in rough terrainparamat2015-04-23
* Protocol 25: wstring -> string for custom access denial reasonsest312015-04-22
an>); } if (polyline) { polyline.remove(mymap); polyline = undefined; } if (str) { coords = strToPoints(str); for (var i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { coords[i] = [coords[i][1], coords[i][0]]; } polyline = L.polyline(coords).addTo(mymap); // polyline.on('dragend', onDragEnd); // TODO: Doesn't work, see "workaround" below polyline.enableEdit(); if (interactive) { latlng = L.latLng(polyline_get_middle_coords(coords)); jump_to(latlng, 8); } } } function editor_onHashChange() { if (("#" + get_location_string()) != window.location.hash) { onLoad(0); } } window.removeEventListener("hashchange", onHashChange, false); window.addEventListener("hashchange", editor_onHashChange, false); window.addEventListener("mouseup", onDragEnd, false); // Workaround as polyline.on(dragend, ) doesn't seem to work // Configure map for better editing document.getElementById('mapid').classList.add("no-aa"); mymap.setMaxZoom(14); mymap.off('click', onMapClick); function get_location_string() { var latlngs = polyline.getLatLngs(); var str = ""; for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) { latlng = resolve_latlng(latlngs[i], 1); if (i != 0) str += ","; str += "[" + (latlng.lng) + "," + (latlng.lat) + "]"; } return str; } function show_location_string(e) { prompt("Copy this string back into the Wiki and wait for the server to refresh the maps:", get_location_string()); } function reset_path(e) { onLoad(1); } L.EditControl = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', callback: null, kind: '', html: '' }, onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'leaflet-control leaflet-bar'), link = L.DomUtil.create('a', '', container); link.href = '#'; link.title = this.options.title; link.innerHTML = this.options.html; L.DomEvent.on(link, 'click', L.DomEvent.stop) .on(link, 'click', function () { window.LAYER = this.options.callback.call(map.editTools); }, this); return container; } }); L.ResetPathControl = L.EditControl.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', callback: reset_path, title: 'Enter path coordinates', html: '📂' } }); L.StartEditControl = L.EditControl.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', callback: start_editing, title: 'Start editing (forward)', html: '\\/\\' } }); L.StartReverseEditControl = L.EditControl.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', callback: start_reverse_editing, title: 'Start editing (backward)', html: '↺' } }); L.NewLineControl = L.EditControl.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft', callback: show_location_string, title: 'Get location string', html: '💾' } }); mymap.addControl(new L.NewLineControl()); mymap.addControl(new L.ResetPathControl()); mymap.addControl(new L.StartEditControl()); mymap.addControl(new L.StartReverseEditControl()); onLoad(); }