path: root/textures/base
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Mainmenu: Improve "Join Game" tab (#11078)sfan52021-03-20
* Use "Aux1" key name consistently everywhereWuzzy2021-02-24
* "Browse online content" formspec improvement (#10756)Zughy2021-01-02
* MainMenu: Add clear button and icon for search input (#10363)Andrey2020-12-19
* Improve default inventory+wield images of node drawtypes (#9299)Wuzzy2020-07-23
* Add buttons to ContentDB in game bar and configure world (#9944)rubenwardy2020-06-04
* Update ContentDB dialog (#9949)rubenwardy2020-05-29
* Add support for statbar “off state” icons (#9462)Wuzzy2020-05-11
* Tweak default textures (#9237)Wuzzy2020-01-04
* Add 4 missing fallback/default textures (#8845)Wuzzy2019-10-23
* Add player sprite textures back into the engine as a fallback (#8823)Paramat2019-08-20
* Mirror 'sunrisebg' texture to fix chopped right edge (#7935)Paramat2018-12-04
* Re-master and improve touchscreen gui icons (#7931)stujones112018-12-03
* Android: Improve UI scaling on smaller high-density displays (#7834)stujones112018-11-18
* Android buttons: Inset 'rare controls', inset and resize 'gear icon' (#7792)Paramat2018-10-19
* Android: Add 'aux' button (#7477)Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto2018-07-10
* Android: Resize jump and sneak buttons' touch target (#7498)Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto2018-06-30
* Add screenshots to online content browserrubenwardy2018-05-20
* Android: Modify touch screen GUI's buttons (#7240)Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto2018-04-18
* Android: Replace movement buttons with joystick (#7126)Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto2018-04-10
* Add a refresh button to the serverlist (#6957)Tre2018-02-19
* Minimap: Leaner minimap arrow makes it easier to see the directionJens Rottmann2017-08-09
* GUI: Convert loading screen's progress bar to image (#5362)kilbith2017-03-10
* Add textures for air and ignore items (#5196)Wuzzy2017-02-10
* Serverlist: Add ping indicators (#5164)kilbith2017-02-03
* Halo: Highlight selected faceRealBadAngel2016-11-12
* Textures: New 'smoke puff' texture from TNT modparamat2016-10-04
* Main menu, lua_api.txt: Fix mod/texture pack screenshot size issuesWuzzy2016-07-27
* Textures: Replace menu background fallback dirt_bg.png with empty sky textureparamat2016-04-21
* Mainmenu: Unify favorite servers with main serverlistkilbith2016-04-20
* Minimap: revert change from RGBA to IndexedAuke Kok2016-04-11
* Minimap: "North" indicator arrow for circle minimapAuke Kok2016-04-08
* Update menu header imageJean-Patrick Guerrero2016-03-25
* Resize object_marker_red.png to 16x16ShadowNinja2016-02-28
* Minimap: show player markersRealBadAngel2016-02-19
* Cleanup selection mesh code, add shaders for halo and selection boxesRealBadAngel2016-02-08
* Android: Implement Autohiding button bars to cleanup screenSapier2015-12-18
* Compress textures and fontsMaksim Gamarnik2015-10-15
* Fix relief mapping issuesRealBadAngel2015-07-16
* Add minimap featureRealBadAngel2015-06-27
* Use frame instead of words 'no screenshot available'rubenwardy2015-06-24
* Add extra buttons to Android GUI. All icons are licensed by freepik.com under...Kodexky2014-12-30
* Regenerate server_flags_creative.png from XCFKahrl2014-12-21
* Fix background of creative icon (was black, now transparent)Kahrl2014-12-14
* Display serverlist flags as iconsKahrl2014-12-13
* Fix MSVC compiling warnings and remove an unused textureSmallJoker2014-12-12
* Change default halo.png for better visibility.RealBadAngel2014-09-19
* Node highlighting.RealBadAngel2014-09-17
* Add support for Android 2.3+sapier2014-06-29
* Fix regression dirt texture not beeing default in non cloud menusapier2014-06-14
for z=2,100 do pos_list[i] = {x=ppos.x + x,y = ppos.y + y,z = ppos.z + z} i = i + 1 end end end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Benchmarking minetest.bulk_set_node. Warming up ..."); -- warm up with stone to prevent having different callbacks -- due to different node topology minetest.bulk_set_node(pos_list, {name = "mapgen_stone"}) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Warming up finished, now benchmarking ..."); local start_time = minetest.get_us_time() for i=1,#pos_list do minetest.set_node(pos_list[i], {name = "mapgen_stone"}) end local middle_time = minetest.get_us_time() minetest.bulk_set_node(pos_list, {name = "mapgen_stone"}) local end_time = minetest.get_us_time() local msg = string.format("Benchmark results: minetest.set_node loop: %.2f ms; minetest.bulk_set_node: %.2f ms", ((middle_time - start_time)) / 1000, ((end_time - middle_time)) / 1000 ) return true, msg end, }) local function advance_pos(pos, start_pos, advance_z) if advance_z then pos.z = pos.z + 2 pos.x = start_pos.x else pos.x = pos.x + 2 end if pos.x > 30900 or pos.x - start_pos.x > 46 then pos.x = start_pos.x pos.z = pos.z + 2 end if pos.z > 30900 then -- We ran out of space! Aborting aborted = true return false end return pos end local function place_nodes(param) local nodes = param.nodes local name = param.name local pos = param.pos local start_pos = param.start_pos table.sort(nodes) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Placing nodes …") local nodes_placed = 0 local aborted = false for n=1, #nodes do local itemstring = nodes[n] local def = minetest.registered_nodes[itemstring] local p2_max = 0 if param.param ~= "no_param2" then -- Also test the param2 values of the nodes -- ... but we only use permissible param2 values if def.paramtype2 == "wallmounted" then p2_max = 5 elseif def.paramtype2 == "facedir" then p2_max = 23 elseif def.paramtype2 == "glasslikeliquidlevel" then p2_max = 63 elseif def.paramtype2 == "meshoptions" and def.drawtype == "plantlike" then p2_max = 63 elseif def.paramtype2 == "leveled" then p2_max = 127 elseif def.paramtype2 == "degrotate" and def.drawtype == "plantlike" then p2_max = 179 elseif def.paramtype2 == "colorfacedir" or def.paramtype2 == "colorwallmounted" or def.paramtype2 == "color" then p2_max = 255 end end for p2 = 0, p2_max do -- Skip undefined param2 values if not ((def.paramtype2 == "meshoptions" and p2 % 8 > 4) or (def.paramtype2 == "colorwallmounted" and p2 % 8 > 5) or (def.paramtype2 == "colorfacedir" and p2 % 32 > 23)) then minetest.set_node(pos, { name = itemstring, param2 = p2 }) nodes_placed = nodes_placed + 1 pos = advance_pos(pos, start_pos) if not pos then aborted = true break end end end if aborted then break end end if aborted then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Not all nodes could be placed, please move further away from the world boundary. Nodes placed: "..nodes_placed) end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Nodes placed: "..nodes_placed..".") end local function after_emerge(blockpos, action, calls_remaining, param) if calls_remaining == 0 then place_nodes(param) end end minetest.register_chatcommand("test_place_nodes", { params = "[ no_param2 ]", description = "Test: Place all non-experimental nodes and optionally their permissible param2 variants", func = function(name, param) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false, "No player." end local pos = vector.floor(player:get_pos()) pos.x = math.ceil(pos.x + 3) pos.z = math.ceil(pos.z + 3) pos.y = math.ceil(pos.y + 1) local start_pos = table.copy(pos) if pos.x > 30800 then return false, "Too close to world boundary (+X). Please move to X < 30800." end if pos.z > 30800 then return false, "Too close to world boundary (+Z). Please move to Z < 30800." end local aborted = false local nodes = {} local emerge_estimate = 0 for itemstring, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if itemstring ~= "ignore" and string.sub(itemstring, 1, 13) ~= "experimental:" then table.insert(nodes, itemstring) if def.paramtype2 == 0 then emerge_estimate = emerge_estimate + 1 else emerge_estimate = emerge_estimate + 255 end end end -- Emerge area to make sure that all nodes are being placed. -- Note we will emerge much more than we need to (overestimation), -- the estimation code could be improved performance-wise … local length = 16 + math.ceil(emerge_estimate / 24) * 2 minetest.emerge_area(start_pos, { x = start_pos.x + 46, y = start_pos.y, z = start_pos.z + length }, after_emerge, { nodes = nodes, name = name, pos = pos, start_pos = start_pos, param = param }) return true, "Emerging area …" end, })