path: root/games/minimal/mods/default/textures/default_tree.png
blob: 65abfc243e868f5e03a058bdd26ab473adae4f6d (plain)
ofshex dumpascii
0000 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 10 08 02 00 00 00 90 91 68 .PNG........IHDR...............h
0020 36 00 00 03 00 50 4c 54 45 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ff 00 ff ff 00 00 00 ff ff 00 ff 00 ff ff ff ff 6....PLTE.......................
0040 ff db db db b6 b6 b6 92 92 92 6d 6d 6d 49 49 49 24 24 24 db 00 00 b6 00 00 92 00 00 6d 00 00 49 ..........mmmIII$$$.........m..I
0060 00 00 24 00 00 00 db 00 00 b6 00 00 92 00 00 6d 00 00 49 00 00 24 00 db db 00 b6 b6 00 92 92 00 ..$............m..I..$..........
0080 6d 6d 00 49 49 00 24 24 00 00 00 db 00 00 b6 00 00 92 00 00 6d 00 00 49 00 00 24 db 00 db b6 00 mm.II.$$............m..I..$.....
00a0 b6 92 00 92 6d 00 6d 49 00 49 24 00 24 00 db db 00 b6 b6 00 92 92 00 6d 6d 00 49 49 00 24 24 ff ....m.mI.I$.$..........mm.II.$$.
00c0 db db db b6 b6 b6 92 92 92 6d 6d 6d 49 49 49 24 24 ff b6 b6 db 92 92 b6 6d 6d 92 49 49 6d 24 24 .........mmmIII$$.......mm.IIm$$
00e0 ff 92 92 db 6d 6d b6 49 49 92 24 24 ff 6d 6d db 49 49 b6 24 24 ff 49 49 db 24 24 ff 24 24 db ff ....mm.II.$$.mm.II.$$.II.$$.$$..
0100 db b6 db b6 92 b6 92 6d 92 6d 49 6d 49 24 49 24 b6 ff b6 92 db 92 6d b6 6d 49 92 49 24 6d 24 92 .......m.mImI$I$......m.mI.I$m$.
0120 ff 92 6d db 6d 49 b6 49 24 92 24 6d ff 6d 49 db 49 24 b6 24 49 ff 49 24 db 24 24 ff 24 db db ff ..m.mI.I$.$m.mI.I$.$I.I$.$$.$...
0140 b6 b6 db 92 92 b6 6d 6d 92 49 49 6d 24 24 49 b6 b6 ff 92 92 db 6d 6d b6 49 49 92 24 24 6d 92 92 ......mm.IIm$$I......mm.II.$$m..
0160 ff 6d 6d db 49 49 b6 24 24 92 6d 6d ff 49 49 db 24 24 b6 49 49 ff 24 24 db 24 24 ff ff ff db db .mm.II.$$.mm.II.$$.II.$$.$$.....
0180 db b6 b6 b6 92 92 92 6d 6d 6d 49 49 49 24 ff ff b6 db db 92 b6 b6 6d 92 92 49 6d 6d 24 ff ff 92 .......mmmIII$........m..Imm$...
01a0 db db 6d b6 b6 49 92 92 24 ff ff 6d db db 49 b6 b6 24 ff ff 49 db db 24 ff ff 24 ff db ff db b6 ..m..I..$..m..I..$..I..$..$.....
01c0 db b6 92 b6 92 6d 92 6d 49 6d 49 24 49 ff b6 ff db 92 db b6 6d b6 92 49 92 6d 24 6d ff 92 ff db .....m.mImI$I.......m..I.m$m....
01e0 6d db b6 49 b6 92 24 92 ff 6d ff db 49 db b6 24 b6 ff 49 ff db 24 db ff 24 ff db ff ff b6 db db m..I..$..m..I..$..I..$..$.......
0200 92 b6 b6 6d 92 92 49 6d 6d 24 49 49 b6 ff ff 92 db db 6d b6 b6 49 92 92 24 6d 6d 92 ff ff 6d db ...m..Imm$II......m..I..$mm...m.
0220 db 49 b6 b6 24 92 92 6d ff ff 49 db db 24 b6 b6 49 ff ff 24 db db 24 ff ff ff db b6 db b6 92 b6 .I..$..m..I..$..I..$..$.........
0240 92 6d 92 6d 49 6d 49 24 49 24 00 ff b6 92 db 92 6d b6 6d 49 92 49 24 6d 24 00 ff b6 db db 92 b6 .m.mImI$I$......m.mI.I$m$.......
0260 b6 6d 92 92 49 6d 6d 24 49 49 00 24 ff 92 b6 db 6d 92 b6 49 6d 92 24 49 6d 00 24 db b6 ff b6 92 .m..Imm$II.$....m..Im.$Im.$.....
0280 db 92 6d b6 6d 49 92 49 24 6d 24 00 49 b6 92 ff 92 6d db 6d 49 b6 49 24 92 24 00 6d b6 db ff 92 ..m.mI.I$m$.I....m.mI.I$.$.m....
02a0 b6 db 6d 92 b6 49 6d 92 24 49 6d 00 24 49 92 b6 ff 6d 92 db 49 6d b6 24 49 92 00 24 6d b6 ff db ..m..Im.$Im.$I...m..Im.$I..$m...
02c0 92 db b6 6d b6 92 49 92 6d 24 6d 49 00 49 24 92 ff b6 6d db 92 49 b6 6d 24 92 49 00 6d 24 db ff ...m..I.m$mI.I$...m..I.m$.I.m$..
02e0 b6 b6 db 92 92 b6 6d 6d 92 49 49 6d 24 24 49 00 b6 ff 92 92 db 6d 6d b6 49 49 92 24 24 6d 00 ff ......mm.IIm$$I......mm.II.$$m..
0300 b6 00 db 92 00 b6 6d 00 92 49 00 ff 00 b6 db 00 92 b6 00 6d 92 00 49 00 b6 ff 00 92 db 00 6d b6 ......m..I.........m..I.......m.
0320 00 49 92 00 00 00 00 00 00 cf 2a 02 04 00 00 02 60 49 44 41 54 28 cf 05 c1 db 6e db 36 18 00 60 .I........*.....`IDAT(....n.6..`
0340 f2 e7 59 b4 e4 58 76 6b 07 c9 c5 36 74 c0 80 01 bb e9 13 f4 ae 4f b0 d7 1e 76 3d b4 68 91 b5 71 ..Y..Xvk...6t........O...v=.h..q
0360 a3 58 b2 a9 03 29 1e fb 7d f8 ef 8f 7f 08 93 be b9 05 8a fe 4d 09 ab e7 c9 d8 c3 ee cd 6b ea ad .X...)..}...........M........k..
0380 61 69 5a 7a 4c 3e fc f9 f0 cf a7 e7 03 df 5c d0 08 e3 ec 5e 1c dc 29 0e 5b f4 b4 4c 08 c9 ef b7 aiZzL>........\....^..).[..L....
03a0 b8 7a 1f 2d 47 44 7c 49 81 8a 1c 28 3a 2f 6e 40 79 bf e7 00 95 3a 1e d9 a6 52 ef 8f aa 24 0f 21 .z.-GD|I...(:/n@y....:...R...$.!
03c0 ef 4f 6d f0 eb 8e 90 a6 66 bb 48 73 c0 b7 cb f2 16 53 db 59 6b 0b 34 91 d5 85 71 4f 6e 90 22 13 .Om.....f.Hs.....S.Yk.4...qOn.".
03e0 33 0e 79 8a 9f 27 17 6c ec ce 7d 89 a5 1f c2 6c 92 b8 6f 2b 55 c0 14 78 38 29 aa 17 fd 28 ef 1a 3.y..'.l..}....l..o+U..x8)...(..
0400 f9 ae a1 40 18 4e 41 31 1a b9 e8 43 d9 1e 76 35 c1 e7 b1 6f f8 f2 ca 0a bb c3 30 4c b0 49 0c f9 ...@.NA1...C..v5...o......0L.I..
0420 c9 e5 78 7a d7 d4 58 17 04 8f 95 3a e7 95 ae f0 d7 2f ad 27 f1 32 96 4a 8a 3d d9 58 4f 60 f6 ee ..xz..X....:...../.'.2.J.=.XO`..
0440 7b cc 61 e5 fd bf 23 64 ff e6 98 9e 26 2b 14 e9 fb 68 a2 eb 9c d1 9c 67 82 69 14 6d cb ee 36 00 {.a...#d....&+...h.....g.i.m..6.
0460 ff ff 77 76 f6 d6 0d 73 6f c9 d9 88 6d 69 31 41 2d 17 92 48 a5 69 4b c4 f6 50 b7 02 5c 42 69 b0 ..wv...so...mi1A-..H.iK..P..\Bi.
0480 36 22 78 f6 29 d1 6a c8 fc f3 78 6d 1b 76 01 bb d1 18 6b 32 ce a6 46 68 75 9e 5e ed fd a3 12 40 6"x.).j...xm.v....k2..Fhu.^....@
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04e0 44 aa 79 49 71 70 68 42 70 d0 94 09 67 17 49 25 23 90 7f 74 dd 64 ed d5 84 e9 52 24 47 3f cc f2 D.yIqphBp...g.I%#..t.d....R$G?..
0500 34 e0 25 bf 84 69 5e 3d 49 5b 02 a7 5a af 5e c7 3c 6e 72 a6 25 bd 8c 3e 79 3f 78 27 69 92 6f 45 4.%..i^=I[..Z.^.<nr.%..>y?x'i.oE
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0540 fc 8a 91 9f f0 15 d2 56 e9 eb 05 5d 82 85 9b bf 25 c5 0f 9c 2e 05 a5 03 d3 b8 84 46 08 c0 3b 19 .......V...]....%..........F..;.
0560 87 10 96 69 54 c2 72 21 5e d9 2a 35 f7 be 50 6e bc 49 38 d7 ac 0a 74 9b e0 61 af 04 01 72 62 c3 ...iT.r!^.*5..Pn.I8...t..a...rb.
0580 9a 68 8e a0 18 a2 f4 54 a1 6f af eb 71 c7 20 8a 9f f0 4a 7a 15 76 1d 55 0f 00 00 00 00 49 45 4e .h.....T.o..q.....Jz.v.U.....IEN
05a0 44 ae 42 60 82 D.B`.
Accumulated logged time since last sample. -- This helps determining, the relative time a mod used up. logged_time = 0 -- The measurements taken through instrumentation since last sample. logged_data = {} profile = { -- Current mod statistics (max/min over the entire mod lifespan) -- Mod specific instrumentation statistics are nested within. stats = {}, -- Current stats over all mods. stats_total = setmetatable({ samples = 0, time_min = huge, time_max = 0, time_all = 0, part_min = 100, part_max = 100 }, _stat_mt) } stats_total = profile.stats_total -- Provide access to the most recent profile. sampler.profile = profile end --- -- Log a measurement for the sampler to pick up later. -- Keep `log` and its often called functions lean. -- It will directly add to the instrumentation overhead. -- function sampler.log(modname, instrument_name, time_diff) if time_diff <= 0 then if time_diff < 0 then -- This **might** have happened on a semi-regular basis with huge mods, -- resulting in negative statistics (perhaps midnight time jumps or ntp corrections?). core.log("warning", format( "Time travel of %s::%s by %dµs.", modname, instrument_name, time_diff )) end -- Throwing these away is better, than having them mess with the overall result. return end local mod_data = logged_data[modname] if mod_data == nil then mod_data = {} logged_data[modname] = mod_data end mod_data[instrument_name] = (mod_data[instrument_name] or 0) + time_diff -- Update logged time since last sample. logged_time = logged_time + time_diff end --- -- Return a requested statistic. -- Initialize if necessary. -- local function get_statistic(stats_table, name) local statistic = stats_table[name] if statistic == nil then statistic = setmetatable({ samples = 0, time_min = huge, time_max = 0, time_all = 0, part_min = 100, part_max = 0, part_all = 0, }, _stat_mt) stats_table[name] = statistic end return statistic end --- -- Update a statistic table -- local function update_statistic(stats_table, time) stats_table.samples = stats_table.samples + 1 -- Update absolute time (µs) spend by the subject stats_table.time_min = min(stats_table.time_min, time) stats_table.time_max = max(stats_table.time_max, time) stats_table.time_all = stats_table.time_all + time -- Update relative time (%) of this sample spend by the subject local current_part = (time/logged_time) * 100 stats_table.part_min = min(stats_table.part_min, current_part) stats_table.part_max = max(stats_table.part_max, current_part) stats_table.part_all = stats_table.part_all + current_part end --- -- Sample all logged measurements each server step. -- Like any globalstep function, this should not be too heavy, -- but does not add to the instrumentation overhead. -- local function sample(dtime) -- Rare, but happens and is currently of no informational value. if logged_time == 0 then return end for modname, instruments in pairs(logged_data) do local mod_stats = get_statistic(profile.stats, modname) if mod_stats.instruments == nil then -- Current statistics for each instrumentation component mod_stats.instruments = {} end local mod_time = 0 for instrument_name, time in pairs(instruments) do if time > 0 then mod_time = mod_time + time local instrument_stats = get_statistic(mod_stats.instruments, instrument_name) -- Update time of this sample spend by the instrumented function. update_statistic(instrument_stats, time) -- Reset logged data for the next sample. instruments[instrument_name] = 0 end end -- Update time of this sample spend by this mod. update_statistic(mod_stats, mod_time) end -- Update the total time spend over all mods. stats_total.time_min = min(stats_total.time_min, logged_time) stats_total.time_max = max(stats_total.time_max, logged_time) stats_total.time_all = stats_total.time_all + logged_time