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-- railwaytime.lua
-- Advtrains uses a desynchronized time for train movement. Everything is counted relative to this time counter.
-- The advtrains-internal time is in no way synchronized to the real-life time, due to:
-- - Lag
-- - Server stops/restarts
-- However, this means that implementing a "timetable" system using the "real time" is not practical. Therefore,
-- we introduce a custom time system, the RWT(Railway Time), which has nothing to do with RLT(Real-Life Time)
-- RWT has a time cycle of 1 hour. This should be sufficient for most train lines that will ever be built in Minetest.
-- A RWT looks like this:    37;25
-- The ; is to distinguish it from a normal RLT (which has colons e.g. 12:34:56). Left number is minutes, right number is seconds.
-- The minimum RWT is 00;00, the maximum is 59;59.
-- It is OK to leave one places out at either end, esp. when writing relative times, such as:
-- 43;3   22;0   2;30   0;10  ;10
-- Those places are then filled with zeroes. Indeed, ";" would be valid for 00;00 .

-- There is an "adapt mode", which was proposed by gpcf, and results in RWT automatically adapting itself to real-world time.
-- It works by shifting the minute/second after the realtime minute/second, adjusting the cycle value as needed.

-- Using negative times is discouraged. If you need a negative time, you may insert a minus (-) ONLY in the "c" place

1;23;45 = {
	c=1, -- Cycle(~hour), not displayed most time

Railway times can exist in 3 forms:
- as table (see above)
- as string (like "12;34")
- as number (of seconds)

Forms are automagically converted as needed by the converter functions to_*
To be sure a rwt is in the required form, explicitly use a converter.