-rw-r--r-- | lfunc.c | 4
ClientActiveObject(u16 id, IGameDef *gamedef, ClientEnvironment *env);
virtual ~ClientActiveObject();
virtual void addToScene(scene::ISceneManager *smgr, ITextureSource *tsrc,
IrrlichtDevice *irr){}
virtual void removeFromScene(bool permanent){}
// 0 <= light_at_pos <= LIGHT_SUN
virtual void updateLight(u8 light_at_pos){}
virtual v3s16 getLightPosition(){return v3s16(0,0,0);}
virtual core::aabbox3d<f32>* getSelectionBox(){return NULL;}
virtual bool getCollisionBox(aabb3f *toset){return false;}
virtual bool collideWithObjects(){return false;}
virtual v3f getPosition(){return v3f(0,0,0);}
virtual scene::ISceneNode *getSceneNode(){return NULL;}
virtual scene::IMeshSceneNode *getMeshSceneNode(){return NULL;}
virtual scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode *getAnimatedMeshSceneNode(){return NULL;}
virtual WieldMeshSceneNode *getWieldMeshSceneNode(){return NULL;}
virtual scene::IBillboardSceneNode *getSpriteSceneNode(){return NULL;}
virtual bool isPlayer() const {return false;}
virtual bool isLocalPlayer() const {return false;}
virtual void setAttachments(){}
virtual bool doShowSelectionBox(){return true;}
virtual void updateCameraOffset(v3s16 camera_offset){};
// Step object in time
virtual void step(float dtime, ClientEnvironment *env){}
// Process a message sent by the server side object
virtual void processMessage(const std::string &data){}
virtual std::string infoText() {return "";}
virtual std::string debugInfoText() {return "";}
This takes the return value of
virtual void initialize(const std::string &data){}
// Create a certain type of ClientActiveObject
static ClientActiveObject* create(u8 type, IGameDef *gamedef,
ClientEnvironment *env);
// If returns true, punch will not be sent to the server
virtual bool directReportPunch(v3f dir, const ItemStack *punchitem=NULL,
float time_from_last_punch=1000000)
{ return false; }
// Used for creating objects based on type
typedef ClientActiveObject* (*Factory)(IGameDef *gamedef, ClientEnvironment *env);
static void registerType(u16 type, Factory f);
IGameDef *m_gamedef;
ClientEnvironment *m_env;
// Used for creating objects based on type
static std::map<u16, Factory> m_types;
struct DistanceSortedActiveObject
ClientActiveObject *obj;
f32 d;
DistanceSortedActiveObject(ClientActiveObject *a_obj, f32 a_d)
obj = a_obj;
d = a_d;
bool operator < (const DistanceSortedActiveObject &other) const
return d < other.d;