/* Minetest-c55 Copyright (C) 2010 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mapsector.h" #include "jmutexautolock.h" #include "client.h" #include "exceptions.h" MapSector::MapSector(NodeContainer *parent, v2s16 pos): differs_from_disk(true), usage_timer(0.0), m_parent(parent), m_pos(pos), m_block_cache(NULL) { m_mutex.Init(); assert(m_mutex.IsInitialized()); } MapSector::~MapSector() { deleteBlocks(); } void MapSector::deleteBlocks() { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); // Clear cache m_block_cache = NULL; // Delete all core::map::Iterator i = m_blocks.getIterator(); for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { delete i.getNode()->getValue(); } // Clear container m_blocks.clear(); } MapBlock * MapSector::getBlockBuffered(s16 y) { MapBlock *block; if(m_block_cache != NULL && y == m_block_cache_y){ return m_block_cache; } // If block doesn't exist, return NULL core::map::Node *n = m_blocks.find(y); if(n == NULL) { block = NULL; } // If block exists, return it else{ block = n->getValue(); } // Cache the last result m_block_cache_y = y; m_block_cache = block; return block; } MapBlock * MapSector::getBlockNoCreate(s16 y) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); MapBlock *block = getBlockBuffered(y); if(block == NULL) throw InvalidPositionException(); return block; } MapBlock * MapSector::createBlankBlockNoInsert(s16 y) { // There should not be a block at this position if(getBlockBuffered(y) != NULL) throw AlreadyExistsException("Block already exists"); v3s16 blockpos_map(m_pos.X, y, m_pos.Y); MapBlock *block = new MapBlock(m_parent, blockpos_map); return block; } MapBlock * MapSector::createBlankBlock(s16 y) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); MapBlock *block = createBlankBlockNoInsert(y); m_blocks.insert(y, block); return block; } void MapSector::insertBlock(MapBlock *block) { s16 block_y = block->getPos().Y; { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); MapBlock *block2 = getBlockBuffered(block_y); if(block2 != NULL){ throw AlreadyExistsException("Block already exists"); } v2s16 p2d(block->getPos().X, block->getPos().Z); assert(p2d == m_pos); // Insert into container m_blocks.insert(block_y, block); } } void MapSector::removeBlock(MapBlock *block) { s16 block_y = block->getPos().Y; JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); // Clear from cache m_block_cache = NULL; // Remove from container m_blocks.remove(block_y); } void MapSector::getBlocks(core::list &dest) { JMutexAutoLock lock(m_mutex); core::list ref_list; core::map::Iterator bi; bi = m_blocks.getIterator(); for(; bi.atEnd() == false; bi++) { MapBlock *b = bi.getNode()->getValue(); dest.push_back(b); } } /* ServerMapSector */ ServerMapSector::ServerMapSector(NodeContainer *parent, v2s16 pos, u16 hm_split): MapSector(parent, pos), m_hm_split(hm_split), m_objects(NULL) { // hm_split has to be 1 or 2^x assert(hm_split == 0 || hm_split == 1 || (hm_split & (hm_split-1)) == 0); assert(hm_split * hm_split <= MAPSECTOR_FIXEDHEIGHTMAPS_MAXCOUNT); for(u16 i=0; igetGroundHeight(p_in_hm); /*if(h < GROUNDHEIGHT_VALID_MINVALUE) { std::cout<<"Sector heightmap ("<setGroundHeight(p_in_hm, y); differs_from_disk = true; } void ServerMapSector::serialize(std::ostream &os, u8 version) { if(!ser_ver_supported(version)) throw VersionMismatchException("ERROR: MapSector format not supported"); /* [0] u8 serialization version + heightmap data */ // Server has both of these, no need to support not having them. assert(m_objects != NULL); // Write version os.write((char*)&version, 1); /* Serialize heightmap(s) */ // Version with single heightmap if(version <= 7) { u32 heightmap_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); SharedBuffer data(heightmap_size); m_heightmaps[0]->serialize(*data, version); os.write((const char*)*data, heightmap_size); if(version >= 5) { /* Write objects */ u16 object_count; if(m_objects->size() > 65535) object_count = 65535; else object_count = m_objects->size(); u8 b[2]; writeU16(b, object_count); os.write((char*)b, 2); core::map::Iterator i; i = m_objects->getIterator(); for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey(); u8 d = i.getNode()->getValue(); u8 b[7]; writeV3S16(&b[0], p); b[6] = d; os.write((char*)b, 7); } } } // Version with multiple heightmaps else { u8 buf[2]; if(m_hm_split > 255) throw SerializationError("Sector has too many heightmaps"); // Write heightmap split ratio writeU8(buf, m_hm_split); os.write((char*)buf, 1); // If there are heightmaps, write them if(m_hm_split != 0) { u16 hm_d = MAP_BLOCKSIZE / m_hm_split; u32 hm_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, hm_d); SharedBuffer data(hm_size); u16 hm_count = m_hm_split * m_hm_split; // Write heightmaps for(u16 i=0; iserialize(*data, version); os.write((const char*)*data, hm_size); } } /* Write objects */ u16 object_count; if(m_objects->size() > 65535) object_count = 65535; else object_count = m_objects->size(); u8 b[2]; writeU16(b, object_count); os.write((char*)b, 2); core::map::Iterator i; i = m_objects->getIterator(); for(; i.atEnd() == false; i++) { v3s16 p = i.getNode()->getKey(); u8 d = i.getNode()->getValue(); u8 b[7]; writeV3S16(&b[0], p); b[6] = d; os.write((char*)b, 7); } } } ServerMapSector* ServerMapSector::deSerialize( std::istream &is, NodeContainer *parent, v2s16 p2d, Heightmap *master_hm, core::map & sectors ) { /* [0] u8 serialization version + heightmap data */ /* Read stuff */ // Read version u8 version = SER_FMT_VER_INVALID; is.read((char*)&version, 1); if(!ser_ver_supported(version)) throw VersionMismatchException("ERROR: MapSector format not supported"); /* Read heightmap(s) */ FixedHeightmap *hms[MAPSECTOR_FIXEDHEIGHTMAPS_MAXCOUNT]; u16 hm_split = 0; // Version with a single heightmap if(version <= 7) { hm_split = 1; u32 hm_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); SharedBuffer data(hm_size); is.read((char*)*data, hm_size); hms[0] = new FixedHeightmap(master_hm, p2d, MAP_BLOCKSIZE); hms[0]->deSerialize(*data, version); } // Version with multiple heightmaps else { u8 buf[2]; // Read split ratio is.read((char*)buf, 1); hm_split = readU8(buf); // If there are heightmaps, read them if(hm_split != 0) { u16 hm_count = hm_split * hm_split; if(hm_count > MAPSECTOR_FIXEDHEIGHTMAPS_MAXCOUNT) throw SerializationError("Sector has too many heightmaps"); u16 hm_d = MAP_BLOCKSIZE / hm_split; u32 hm_size = FixedHeightmap::serializedLength(version, hm_d); u16 i=0; for(s16 y=0; y data(hm_size); is.read((char*)*data, hm_size); hms[i] = new FixedHeightmap(master_hm, p2d+v2s16(x,y), hm_d); hms[i]->deSerialize(*data, version); i++; } } } /* Read objects */ core::map *objects = new core::map; if(version >= 5) { u8 b[2]; is.read((char*)b, 2); u16 object_count = readU16(b); for(u16 i=0; iinsert(p, d); } } /* Get or create sector */ ServerMapSector *sector = NULL; core::map::Node *n = sectors.find(p2d); if(n != NULL) { dstream<<"deSerializing existent sectors not supported " "at the moment, because code hasn't been tested." <getValue(); } else { sector = new ServerMapSector(parent, p2d, hm_split); sectors.insert(p2d, sector); } /* Set stuff in sector */ // Set heightmaps sector->m_hm_split = hm_split; u16 hm_count = hm_split * hm_split; for(u16 i=0; im_heightmaps[i]; sector->m_heightmaps[i] = hms[i]; if(oldhm != NULL) delete oldhm; } // Set (or change) objects core::map *oldfo = sector->m_objects; sector->m_objects = objects; if(oldfo) delete oldfo; return sector; } #ifndef SERVER /* ClientMapSector */ ClientMapSector::ClientMapSector(NodeContainer *parent, v2s16 pos): MapSector(parent, pos) { } ClientMapSector::~ClientMapSector() { } void ClientMapSector::deSerialize(std::istream NameToIdMap::const_iterator i; i = m_name_to_id.find(name); if (i == m_name_to_id.end()) return false; result = i->second; return true; } u16 size() const