--Minetest --Copyright (C) 2013 sapier -- --This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify --it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by --the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or --(at your option) any later version. -- --This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the --GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- --You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along --with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., --51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --modstore implementation modstore = {} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#modstore] init function modstore.init(size, unsortedmods, searchmods) modstore.mods_on_unsorted_page = unsortedmods modstore.mods_on_search_page = searchmods modstore.modsperpage = modstore.mods_on_unsorted_page modstore.basetexturedir = core.get_texturepath() .. DIR_DELIM .. "base" .. DIR_DELIM .. "pack" .. DIR_DELIM modstore.lastmodtitle = "" modstore.last_search = "" modstore.searchlist = filterlist.create( function() if modstore.modlist_unsorted ~= nil and modstore.modlist_unsorted.data ~= nil then return modstore.modlist_unsorted.data end return {} end, function(element,modid) if element.id == modid then return true end return false end, --compare fct nil, --uid match fct function(element,substring) if substring == nil or substring == "" then return false end substring = substring:upper() if element.title ~= nil and element.title:upper():find(substring) ~= nil then return true end if element.details ~= nil and element.details.author ~= nil and element.details.author:upper():find(substring) ~= nil then return true end if element.details ~= nil and element.details.description ~= nil and element.details.description:upper():find(substring) ~= nil then return true end return false end --filter fct ) modstore.current_list = nil modstore.tv_store = tabview_create("modstore",size,{x=0,y=0}) modstore.tv_store:set_global_event_handler(modstore.handle_events) modstore.tv_store:add( { name = "unsorted", caption = fgettext("Unsorted"), cbf_formspec = modstore.unsorted_tab, cbf_button_handler = modstore.handle_buttons, on_change = function() modstore.modsperpage = modstore.mods_on_unsorted_page end } ) modstore.tv_store:add( { name = "search", caption = fgettext("Search"), cbf_formspec = modstore.getsearchpage, cbf_button_handler = modstore.handle_buttons, on_change = modstore.activate_search_tab } ) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#modstore] nametoindex function modstore.nametoindex(name) for i=1,#modstore.tabnames,1 do if modstore.tabnames[i] == name then return i end end return 1 end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#modstore] showdownloading function modstore.showdownloading(title) local new_dlg = dialog_create("store_downloading", function(data) return "size[6,2]label[0.25,0.75;" .. fgettext("Downloading") .. " " .. data.title .. " " .. fgettext("please wait...") .. "]" end, function(this,fields) if fields["btn_hidden_close_download"] ~= nil then if fields["btn_hidden_close_download"].successfull then modstore.lastmodentry = fields["btn_hidden_close_download"] modstore.successfulldialog() else modstore.lastmodtitle = "" end this:delete() return true end return false end, nil, modstore.tv_store) new_dlg.data.title = title new_dlg:show() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#modstore] successfulldialog function modstore.successfulldialog() local new_dlg = dialog_create("store_downloading", function(data) local retval = "" retval = retval .. "size[6,2,true]" if modstore.lastmodentry ~= nil then retval = retval .. "label[0,0.25;" .. fgettext("Successfully installed:") .. "]" retval = retval .. "label[3,0.25;" .. modstore.lastmodentry.moddetails.title .. "]" retval = retval .. "label[0,0.75;" .. fgettext("Shortname:") .. "]" retval = retval .. "label[3,0.75;" .. core.formspec_escape(modstore.lastmodentry.moddetails.basename) .. "]" end retval = retval .. "button[2.5,1.5;1,0.5;btn_confirm_mod_successfull;" .. fgettext("ok") .. "]" end, function(this,fields) if fields["btn_confirm_mod_successfull"] ~= nil then this.parent:show() this:hide() this:delete() return true end return false end, nil, modstore.tv_store) new_dlg.data.title = title new_dlg:show() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- @function [parent=#modstore] handle_buttons function modstore.handle_buttons(parent, fields, name, data) if fields["btn_modstore_page_up"] then if modstore.current_list ~= nil and modstore.current_list.page > 0 then modstore.current_list.page = modstore.current_list.page - 1 end return true end if fields["btn_modstore_page_down"] then if modstore.current_list ~= nil and modstore.current_list.page /* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 kwolekr, Ryan Kwolek <kwolekr@minetest.net> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifndef L_VMANIP_H_ #define L_VMANIP_H_ #include "lua_api/l_base.h" #include "irr_v3d.h" #include <map> class Map; class MapBlock; class ManualMapVoxelManipulator; /* VoxelManip */ class LuaVoxelManip : public ModApiBase { private: ManualMapVoxelManipulator *vm; std::map<v3s16, MapBlock *> modified_blocks; bool is_mapgen_vm; static const char className[]; static const luaL_reg methods[]; static int gc_object(lua_State *L); static int l_read_from_map(lua_State *L); static int l_get_data(lua_State *L); static int l_set_data(lua_State *L); static int l_write_to_map(lua_State *L); static int l_get_node_at(lua_State *L); static int l_set_node_at(lua_State *L); static int l_update_map(lua_State *L); static int l_update_liquids(lua_State *L); static int l_calc_lighting(lua_State *L); static int l_set_lighting(lua_State *L); static int l_get_light_data(lua_State *L); static int l_set_light_data(lua_State *L); static int l_get_param2_data(lua_State *L); static int l_set_param2_data(lua_State *L); static int l_was_modified(lua_State *L); public: LuaVoxelManip(ManualMapVoxelManipulator *mmvm, bool is_mapgen_vm); LuaVoxelManip(Map *map); ~LuaVoxelManip(); // LuaVoxelManip() // Creates a LuaVoxelManip and leaves it on top of stack static int create_object(lua_State *L); static LuaVoxelManip *checkobject(lua_State *L, int narg); static void Register(lua_State *L); }; #endif /* L_VMANIP_H_ */ [parent=#modstore] getshortmodinfo function modstore.getshortmodinfo(ypos,listentry,details) local retval = "" retval = retval .. "box[0," .. ypos .. ";11.4,1.75;#FFFFFF]" --screenshot retval = retval .. modstore.getscreenshot(ypos,listentry) --title + author retval = retval .."label[2.75," .. ypos .. ";" .. core.formspec_escape(details.title) .. " (" .. details.author .. ")]" --description local descriptiony = ypos + 0.5 retval = retval .. "textarea[3," .. descriptiony .. ";6.5,1.55;;" .. core.formspec_escape(details.description) .. ";]" --rating local ratingy = ypos retval = retval .."label[7," .. ratingy .. ";" .. fgettext("Rating") .. ":]" retval = retval .. "label[8.7," .. ratingy .. ";" .. details.rating .."]" --versions (IMPORTANT has to be defined AFTER rating) if details.versions ~= nil and #details.versions > 1 then local versiony = ypos + 0.05 retval = retval .. "dropdown[9.1," .. versiony .. ";2.48,0.25;dd_version" .. details.id .. ";" local versions = "" for i=1,#details.versions , 1 do if versions ~= "" then versions = versions .. "," end versions = versions .. details.versions[i].date:sub(1,10) end retval = retval .. versions .. ";1]" end if details.basename then --install button local buttony = ypos + 1.2 retval = retval .."button[9.1," .. buttony .. ";2.5,0.5;btn_install_mod_" .. details.id .. ";" if modmgr.mod_exists(details.basename) then retval = retval .. fgettext("re-Install") .."]" else retval = retval .. fgettext("Install") .."]" end end return retval end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --@function [parent=#modstore] getmodlist function modstore.getmodlist(list,yoffset) modstore.current_list = list if yoffset == nil then yoffset = 0 end local sb_y_start = 0.2 + yoffset local sb_y_end = (modstore.modsperpage * 1.75) + ((modstore.modsperpage-1) * 0.15) local close_button = "button[4," .. (sb_y_end + 0.3 + yoffset) .. ";4,0.5;btn_modstore_close;" .. fgettext("Close store") .. "]" if #list.data == 0 then return close_button end local scrollbar = "" scrollbar = scrollbar .. "label[0.1,".. (sb_y_end + 0.25 + yoffset) ..";" .. fgettext("Page $1 of $2", list.page+1, list.pagecount) .. "]" scrollbar = scrollbar .. "box[11.6," .. sb_y_start .. ";0.28," .. sb_y_end .. ";#000000]" local scrollbarpos = (sb_y_start + 0.5) + ((sb_y_end -1.6)/(list.pagecount-1)) * list.page scrollbar = scrollbar .. "box[11.6," ..scrollbarpos .. ";0.28,0.5;#32CD32]" scrollbar = scrollbar .. "button[11.6," .. (sb_y_start) .. ";0.5,0.5;btn_modstore_page_up;^]" scrollbar = scrollbar .. "button[11.6," .. (sb_y_start + sb_y_end - 0.5) .. ";0.5,0.5;btn_modstore_page_down;v]" local retval = "" local endmod = (list.page * modstore.modsperpage) + modstore.modsperpage if (endmod > #list.data) then endmod = #list.data end for i=(list.page * modstore.modsperpage) +1, endmod, 1 do --getmoddetails local details = list.data[i].details if details == nil then details = {} details.title = list.data[i].title details.author = "" details.rating = -1 details.description = "" end if details ~= nil then local screenshot_ypos = yoffset +(i-1 - (list.page * modstore.modsperpage))*1.9 +0.2 retval = retval .. modstore.getshortmodinfo(screenshot_ypos, list.data[i], details) end end return retval .. scrollbar .. close_button end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --@function [parent=#modstore] getsearchpage function modstore.getsearchpage(tabview, name, tabdata) local retval = "" local search = "" if modstore.last_search ~= nil then search = modstore.last_search end retval = retval .. "button[9.5,0.2;2.5,0.5;btn_modstore_search;".. fgettext("Search") .. "]" .. "field[0.5,0.5;9,0.5;te_modstore_search;;" .. search .. "]" retval = retval .. modstore.getmodlist( modstore.currentlist, 1.75) return retval; end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --@function [parent=#modstore] unsorted_tab function modstore.unsorted_tab() return modstore.getmodlist(modstore.modlist_unsorted) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --@function [parent=#modstore] activate_search_tab function modstore.activate_search_tab(type, old_tab, new_tab) if old_tab == new_tab then return end filterlist.set_filtercriteria(modstore.searchlist,modstore.last_search) filterlist.refresh(modstore.searchlist) modstore.modsperpage = modstore.mods_on_search_page modstore.currentlist = { page = 0, pagecount = math.ceil(filterlist.size(modstore.searchlist) / modstore.modsperpage), data = filterlist.get_list(modstore.searchlist), } end