/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2010-2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "game.h" #include #include "camera.h" #include "client.h" #include "client/tile.h" // For TextureSource #include "clientmap.h" #include "clouds.h" #include "config.h" #include "content_cao.h" #include "drawscene.h" #include "event_manager.h" #include "fontengine.h" #include "itemdef.h" #include "log.h" #include "filesys.h" #include "gettext.h" #include "guiChatConsole.h" #include "guiFormSpecMenu.h" #include "guiKeyChangeMenu.h" #include "guiPasswordChange.h" #include "guiVolumeChange.h" #include "hud.h" #include "mainmenumanager.h" #include "mapblock.h" #include "nodedef.h" // Needed for determining pointing to nodes #include "nodemetadata.h" #include "particles.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "quicktune_shortcutter.h" #include "server.h" #include "settings.h" #include "shader.h" // For ShaderSource #include "sky.h" #include "subgame.h" #include "tool.h" #include "util/directiontables.h" #include "util/pointedthing.h" #include "version.h" #include "minimap.h" #include "mapblock_mesh.h" #include "sound.h" #if USE_SOUND #include "sound_openal.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI #include "touchscreengui.h" #endif extern Settings *g_settings; extern Profiler *g_profiler; /* Text input system */ struct TextDestNodeMetadata : public TextDest { TextDestNodeMetadata(v3s16 p, Client *client) { m_p = p; m_client = client; } // This is deprecated I guess? -celeron55 void gotText(std::wstring text) { std::string ntext = wide_to_utf8(text); infostream << "Submitting 'text' field of node at (" << m_p.X << "," << m_p.Y << "," << m_p.Z << "): " << ntext << std::endl; StringMap fields; fields["text"] = ntext; m_client->sendNodemetaFields(m_p, "", fields); } void gotText(const StringMap &fields) { m_client->sendNodemetaFields(m_p, "", fields); } v3s16 m_p; Client *m_client; }; struct TextDestPlayerInventory : public TextDest { TextDestPlayerInventory(Client *client) { m_client = client; m_formname = ""; } TextDestPlayerInventory(Client *client, std::string formname) { m_client = client; m_formname = formname; } void gotText(const StringMap &fields) { m_client->sendInventoryFields(m_formname, fields); } Client *m_client; }; struct LocalFormspecHandler : public TextDest { LocalFormspecHandler(); LocalFormspecHandler(std::string formname) : m_client(0) { m_formname = formname; } LocalFormspecHandler(std::string formname, Client *client) : m_client(client) { m_formname = formname; } void gotText(std::wstring message) { errorstream << "LocalFormspecHandler::gotText old style message received" << std::endl; } void gotText(const StringMap &fields) { if (m_formname == "MT_PAUSE_MENU") { if (fields.find("btn_sound") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->changeVolume(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_key_config") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->keyConfig(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_exit_menu") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->disconnect(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_exit_os") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->exitToOS(); return; } if (fields.find("btn_change_password") != fields.end()) { g_gamecallback->changePassword(); return; } if (fields.find("quit") != fields.end()) { return; } if (fields.find("btn_continue") != fields.end()) { return; } } if (m_formname == "MT_CHAT_MENU") { assert(m_client != 0); if ((fields.find("btn_send") != fields.end()) || (fields.find("quit") != fields.end())) { StringMap::const_iterator it = fields.find("f_text"); if (it != fields.end()) m_client->typeChatMessage(utf8_to_wide(it->second)); return; } } if (m_formname == "MT_DEATH_SCREEN") { assert(m_client != 0); if ((fields.find("btn_respawn") != fields.end())) { m_client->sendRespawn(); return; } if (fields.find("quit") != fields.end()) { m_client->sendRespawn(); return; } } // don't show error message for unhandled cursor keys if ((fields.find("key_up") != fields.end()) || (fields.find("key_down") != fields.end()) || (fields.find("key_left") != fields.end()) || (fields.find("key_right") != fields.end())) { return; } errorstream << "LocalFormspecHandler::gotText unhandled >" << m_formname << "< event" << std::endl; int i = 0; StringMap::const_iterator it; for (it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) { errorstream << "\t" << i << ": " << it->first << "=" << it->second << std::endl; i++; } } Client *m_client; }; /* Form update callback */ class NodeMetadataFormSource: public IFormSource { public: NodeMetadataFormSource(ClientMap *map, v3s16 p): m_map(map), m_p(p) { } std::string getForm() { NodeMetadata *meta = m_map->getNodeMetadata(m_p); if (!meta) return ""; return meta->getString("formspec"); } std::string resolveText(std::string str) { NodeMetadata *meta = m_map->getNodeMetadata(m_p); if (!meta) return str; return meta->resolveString(str); } ClientMap *m_map; v3s16 m_p; }; class PlayerInventoryFormSource: public IFormSource { public: PlayerInventoryFormSource(Client *client): m_client(client) { } std::string getForm() { LocalPlayer *player = m_client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); return player->inventory_formspec; } Client *m_client; }; /* Check if a node is pointable */ inline bool isPointableNode(const MapNode &n, Client *client, bool liquids_pointable) { const ContentFeatures &features = client->getNodeDefManager()->get(n); return features.pointable || (liquids_pointable && features.isLiquid()); } /* Find what the player is pointing at */ PointedThing getPointedThing(Client *client, Hud *hud, const v3f &player_position, const v3f &camera_direction, const v3f &camera_position, core::line3d shootline, f32 d, bool liquids_pointable, bool look_for_object, const v3s16 &camera_offset, ClientActiveObject *&selected_object) { PointedThing result; std::vector *selectionboxes = hud->getSelectionBoxes(); selectionboxes->clear(); selected_object = NULL; INodeDefManager *nodedef = client->getNodeDefManager(); ClientMap &map = client->getEnv().getClientMap(); f32 mindistance = BS * 1001; // First try to find a pointed at active object if (look_for_object) { selected_object = client->getSelectedActiveObject(d * BS, camera_position, shootline); if (selected_object != NULL) { if (selected_object->doShowSelectionBox()) { aabb3f *selection_box = selected_object->getSelectionBox(); // Box should exist because object was // returned in the first place assert(selection_box); v3f pos = selected_object->getPosition(); selectionboxes->push_back(aabb3f( selection_box->MinEdge, selection_box->MaxEdge)); hud->setSelectionPos(pos, camera_offset); } mindistance = (selected_object->getPosition() - camera_position).getLength(); result.type = POINTEDTHING_OBJECT; result.object_id = selected_object->getId(); } } // That didn't work, try to find a pointed at node v3s16 pos_i = floatToInt(player_position, BS); /*infostream<<"pos_i=("< 0 ? a : 1); s16 zend = pos_i.Z + (camera_direction.Z > 0 ? a : 1); s16 xend = pos_i.X + (camera_direction.X > 0 ? a : 1); // Prevent signed number overflow if (yend == 32767) yend = 32766; if (zend == 32767) zend = 32766; if (xend == 32767) xend = 32766; for (s16 y = ystart; y <= yend; y++) for (s16 z = zstart; z <= zend; z++) for (s16 x = xstart; x <= xend; x++) { MapNode n; bool is_valid_position; n = map.getNodeNoEx(v3s16(x, y, z), &is_valid_position); if (!is_valid_position) continue; if (!isPointableNode(n, client, liquids_pointable)) continue; std::vector boxes = n.getSelectionBoxes(nodedef); v3s16 np(x, y, z); v3f npf = intToFloat(np, BS); for (std::vector::const_iterator i = boxes.begin(); i != boxes.end(); ++i) { aabb3f box = *i; box.MinEdge += npf; box.MaxEdge += npf; for (u16 j = 0; j < 6; j++) { v3s16 facedir = g_6dirs[j]; aabb3f facebox = box; f32 d = 0.001 * BS; if (facedir.X > 0) facebox.MinEdge.X = facebox.MaxEdge.X - d; else if (facedir.X < 0) facebox.MaxEdge.X = facebox.MinEdge.X + d; else if (facedir.Y > 0) facebox.MinEdge.Y = facebox.MaxEdge.Y - d; else if (facedir.Y < 0) facebox.MaxEdge.Y = facebox.MinEdge.Y + d; else if (facedir.Z > 0) facebox.MinEdge.Z = facebox.MaxEdge.Z - d; else if (facedir.Z < 0) facebox.MaxEdge.Z = facebox.MinEdge.Z + d; v3f centerpoint = facebox.getCenter(); f32 distance = (centerpoint - camera_position).getLength(); if (distance >= mindistance) continue; if (!facebox.intersectsWithLine(shootline)) continue; v3s16 np_above = np + facedir; result.type = POINTEDTHING_NODE; result.node_undersurface = np; result.node_abovesurface = np_above; mindistance = distance; selectionboxes->clear(); for (std::vector::const_iterator i2 = boxes.begin(); i2 != boxes.end(); ++i2) { aabb3f box = *i2; box.MinEdge += v3f(-d, -d, -d); box.MaxEdge += v3f(d, d, d); selectionboxes->push_back(box); } hud->setSelectionPos(npf, camera_offset); } } } // for coords // Update selection mesh light level and vertex colors if (selectionboxes->size() > 0) { v3f pf = hud->getSelectionPos(); v3s16 p = floatToInt(pf, BS); // Get selection mesh light level MapNode n = map.getNodeNoEx(p); u16 node_light = getInteriorLight(n, -1, nodedef); u16 light_level = node_light; for (u8 i = 0; i < 6; i++) { n = map.getNodeNoEx(p + g_6dirs[i]); node_light = getInteriorLight(n, -1, nodedef); if (node_light > light_level) light_level = node_light; } video::SColor c = MapBlock_LightColor(255, light_level, 0); u8 day = c.getRed(); u8 night = c.getGreen(); u32 daynight_ratio = client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); finalColorBlend(c, day, night, daynight_ratio); // Modify final color a bit with time u32 timer = porting::getTimeMs() % 5000; float timerf = (float)(irr::core::PI * ((timer / 2500.0) - 0.5)); float sin_r = 0.08 * sin(timerf); float sin_g = 0.08 * sin(timerf + irr::core::PI * 0.5); float sin_b = 0.08 * sin(timerf + irr::core::PI); c.setRed(core::clamp(core::round32(c.getRed() * (0.8 + sin_r)), 0, 255)); c.setGreen(core::clamp(core::round32(c.getGreen() * (0.8 + sin_g)), 0, 255)); c.setBlue(core::clamp(core::round32(c.getBlue() * (0.8 + sin_b)), 0, 255)); // Set mesh final color hud->setSelectionMeshColor(c); } return result; } /* Profiler display */ void update_profiler_gui(gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_profiler, FontEngine *fe, u32 show_profiler, u32 show_profiler_max, s32 screen_height) { if (show_profiler == 0) { guitext_profiler->setVisible(false); } else { std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); g_profiler->printPage(os, show_profiler, show_profiler_max); std::wstring text = utf8_to_wide(os.str()); guitext_profiler->setText(text.c_str()); guitext_profiler->setVisible(true); s32 w = fe->getTextWidth(text.c_str()); if (w < 400) w = 400; unsigned text_height = fe->getTextHeight(); core::position2di upper_left, lower_right; upper_left.X = 6; upper_left.Y = (text_height + 5) * 2; lower_right.X = 12 + w; lower_right.Y = upper_left.Y + (text_height + 1) * MAX_PROFILER_TEXT_ROWS; if (lower_right.Y > screen_height * 2 / 3) lower_right.Y = screen_height * 2 / 3; core::rect rect(upper_left, lower_right); guitext_profiler->setRelativePosition(rect); guitext_profiler->setVisible(true); } } class ProfilerGraph { private: struct Piece { Profiler::GraphValues values; }; struct Meta { float min; float max; video::SColor color; Meta(float initial = 0, video::SColor color = video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255)): min(initial), max(initial), color(color) {} }; std::deque m_log; public: u32 m_log_max_size; ProfilerGraph(): m_log_max_size(200) {} void put(const Profiler::GraphValues &values) { Piece piece; piece.values = values; m_log.push_back(piece); while (m_log.size() > m_log_max_size) m_log.erase(m_log.begin()); } void draw(s32 x_left, s32 y_bottom, video::IVideoDriver *driver, gui::IGUIFont *font) const { std::map m_meta; for (std::deque::const_iterator k = m_log.begin(); k != m_log.end(); ++k) { const Piece &piece = *k; for (Profiler::GraphValues::const_iterator i = piece.values.begin(); i != piece.values.end(); ++i) { const std::string &id = i->first; const float &value = i->second; std::map::iterator j = m_meta.find(id); if (j == m_meta.end()) { m_meta[id] = Meta(value); continue; } if (value < j->second.min) j->second.min = value; if (value > j->second.max) j->second.max = value; } } // Assign colors static const video::SColor usable_colors[] = { video::SColor(255, 255, 100, 100), video::SColor(255, 90, 225, 90), video::SColor(255, 100, 100, 255), video::SColor(255, 255, 150, 50), video::SColor(255, 220, 220, 100) }; static const u32 usable_colors_count = sizeof(usable_colors) / sizeof(*usable_colors); u32 next_color_i = 0; for (std::map::iterator i = m_meta.begin(); i != m_meta.end(); ++i) { Meta &meta = i->second; video::SColor color(255, 200, 200, 200); if (next_color_i < usable_colors_count) color = usable_colors[next_color_i++]; meta.color = color; } s32 graphh = 50; s32 textx = x_left + m_log_max_size + 15; s32 textx2 = textx + 200 - 15; s32 meta_i = 0; for (std::map::const_iterator i = m_meta.begin(); i != m_meta.end(); ++i) { const std::string &id = i->first; const Meta &meta = i->second; s32 x = x_left; s32 y = y_bottom - meta_i * 50; float show_min = meta.min; float show_max = meta.max; if (show_min >= -0.0001 && show_max >= -0.0001) { if (show_min <= show_max * 0.5) show_min = 0; } s32 texth = 15; char buf[10]; snprintf(buf, 10, "%.3g", show_max); font->draw(utf8_to_wide(buf).c_str(), core::rect(textx, y - graphh, textx2, y - graphh + texth), meta.color); snprintf(buf, 10, "%.3g", show_min); font->draw(utf8_to_wide(buf).c_str(), core::rect(textx, y - texth, textx2, y), meta.color); font->draw(utf8_to_wide(id).c_str(), core::rect(textx, y - graphh / 2 - texth / 2, textx2, y - graphh / 2 + texth / 2), meta.color); s32 graph1y = y; s32 graph1h = graphh; bool relativegraph = (show_min != 0 && show_min != show_max); float lastscaledvalue = 0.0; bool lastscaledvalue_exists = false; for (std::deque::const_iterator j = m_log.begin(); j != m_log.end(); ++j) { const Piece &piece = *j; float value = 0; bool value_exists = false; Profiler::GraphValues::const_iterator k = piece.values.find(id); if (k != piece.values.end()) { value = k->second; value_exists = true; } if (!value_exists) { x++; lastscaledvalue_exists = false; continue; } float scaledvalue = 1.0; if (show_max != show_min) scaledvalue = (value - show_min) / (show_max - show_min); if (scaledvalue == 1.0 && value == 0) { x++; lastscaledvalue_exists = false; continue; } if (relativegraph) { if (lastscaledvalue_exists) { s32 ivalue1 = lastscaledvalue * graph1h; s32 ivalue2 = scaledvalue * graph1h; driver->draw2DLine(v2s32(x - 1, graph1y - ivalue1), v2s32(x, graph1y - ivalue2), meta.color); } lastscaledvalue = scaledvalue; lastscaledvalue_exists = true; } else { s32 ivalue = scaledvalue * graph1h; driver->draw2DLine(v2s32(x, graph1y), v2s32(x, graph1y - ivalue), meta.color); } x++; } meta_i++; } } }; class NodeDugEvent: public MtEvent { public: v3s16 p; MapNode n; NodeDugEvent(v3s16 p, MapNode n): p(p), n(n) {} const char *getType() const { return "NodeDug"; } }; class SoundMaker { ISoundManager *m_sound; INodeDefManager *m_ndef; public: float m_player_step_timer; SimpleSoundSpec m_player_step_sound; SimpleSoundSpec m_player_leftpunch_sound; SimpleSoundSpec m_player_rightpunch_sound; SoundMaker(ISoundManager *sound, INodeDefManager *ndef): m_sound(sound), m_ndef(ndef), m_player_step_timer(0) { } void playPlayerStep() { if (m_player_step_timer <= 0 && m_player_step_sound.exists()) { m_player_step_timer = 0.03; m_sound->playSound(m_player_step_sound, false); } } static void viewBobbingStep(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->playPlayerStep(); } static void playerRegainGround(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->playPlayerStep(); } static void playerJump(MtEvent *e, void *data) { //SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker*)data; } static void cameraPunchLeft(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(sm->m_player_leftpunch_sound, false); } static void cameraPunchRight(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(sm->m_player_rightpunch_sound, false); } static void nodeDug(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; NodeDugEvent *nde = (NodeDugEvent *)e; sm->m_sound->playSound(sm->m_ndef->get(nde->n).sound_dug, false); } static void playerDamage(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(SimpleSoundSpec("player_damage", 0.5), false); } static void playerFallingDamage(MtEvent *e, void *data) { SoundMaker *sm = (SoundMaker *)data; sm->m_sound->playSound(SimpleSoundSpec("player_falling_damage", 0.5), false); } void registerReceiver(MtEventManager *mgr) { mgr->reg("ViewBobbingStep", SoundMaker::viewBobbingStep, this); mgr->reg("PlayerRegainGround", SoundMaker::playerRegainGround, this); mgr->reg("PlayerJump", SoundMaker::playerJump, this); mgr->reg("CameraPunchLeft", SoundMaker::cameraPunchLeft, this); mgr->reg("CameraPunchRight", SoundMaker::cameraPunchRight, this); mgr->reg("NodeDug", SoundMaker::nodeDug, this); mgr->reg("PlayerDamage", SoundMaker::playerDamage, this); mgr->reg("PlayerFallingDamage", SoundMaker::playerFallingDamage, this); } void step(float dtime) { m_player_step_timer -= dtime; } }; // Locally stored sounds don't need to be preloaded because of this class GameOnDemandSoundFetcher: public OnDemandSoundFetcher { std::set m_fetched; public: void fetchSounds(const std::string &name, std::set &dst_paths, std::set &dst_datas) { if (m_fetched.count(name)) return; m_fetched.insert(name); std::string base = porting::path_share + DIR_DELIM + "testsounds"; dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".0.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".1.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".2.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".3.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".4.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".5.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".6.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".7.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".8.ogg"); dst_paths.insert(base + DIR_DELIM + name + ".9.ogg"); } }; class GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter : public IShaderConstantSetter { Sky *m_sky; bool *m_force_fog_off; f32 *m_fog_range; Client *m_client; bool m_fogEnabled; public: void onSettingsChange(const std::string &name) { if (name == "enable_fog") m_fogEnabled = g_settings->getBool("enable_fog"); } static void SettingsCallback(const std::string &name, void *userdata) { reinterpret_cast(userdata)->onSettingsChange(name); } GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter(Sky *sky, bool *force_fog_off, f32 *fog_range, Client *client) : m_sky(sky), m_force_fog_off(force_fog_off), m_fog_range(fog_range), m_client(client) { g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_fog", SettingsCallback, this); m_fogEnabled = g_settings->getBool("enable_fog"); } ~GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter() { g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_fog", SettingsCallback, this); } virtual void onSetConstants(video::IMaterialRendererServices *services, bool is_highlevel) { if (!is_highlevel) return; // Background color video::SColor bgcolor = m_sky->getBgColor(); video::SColorf bgcolorf(bgcolor); float bgcolorfa[4] = { bgcolorf.r, bgcolorf.g, bgcolorf.b, bgcolorf.a, }; services->setPixelShaderConstant("skyBgColor", bgcolorfa, 4); // Fog distance float fog_distance = 10000 * BS; if (m_fogEnabled && !*m_force_fog_off) fog_distance = *m_fog_range; services->setPixelShaderConstant("fogDistance", &fog_distance, 1); // Day-night ratio u32 daynight_ratio = m_client->getEnv().getDayNightRatio(); float daynight_ratio_f = (float)daynight_ratio / 1000.0; services->setPixelShaderConstant("dayNightRatio", &daynight_ratio_f, 1); u32 animation_timer = porting::getTimeMs() % 100000; float animation_timer_f = (float)animation_timer / 100000.0; services->setPixelShaderConstant("animationTimer", &animation_timer_f, 1); services->setVertexShaderConstant("animationTimer", &animation_timer_f, 1); LocalPlayer *player = m_client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); v3f eye_position = player->getEyePosition(); services->setPixelShaderConstant("eyePosition", (irr::f32 *)&eye_position, 3); services->setVertexShaderConstant("eyePosition", (irr::f32 *)&eye_position, 3); v3f minimap_yaw_vec = m_client->getMapper()->getYawVec(); services->setPixelShaderConstant("yawVec", (irr::f32 *)&minimap_yaw_vec, 3); // Uniform sampler layers // before 1.8 there isn't a "integer interface", only float #if (IRRLICHT_VERSION_MAJOR == 1 && IRRLICHT_VERSION_MINOR < 8) f32 layer0 = 0; f32 layer1 = 1; f32 layer2 = 2; services->setPixelShaderConstant("baseTexture" , (irr::f32 *)&layer0, 1); services->setPixelShaderConstant("normalTexture" , (irr::f32 *)&layer1, 1); services->setPixelShaderConstant("textureFlags" , (irr::f32 *)&layer2, 1); #else s32 layer0 = 0; s32 layer1 = 1; s32 layer2 = 2; services->setPixelShaderConstant("baseTexture" , (irr::s32 *)&layer0, 1); services->setPixelShaderConstant("normalTexture" , (irr::s32 *)&layer1, 1); services->setPixelShaderConstant("textureFlags" , (irr::s32 *)&layer2, 1); #endif } }; bool nodePlacementPrediction(Client &client, const ItemDefinition &playeritem_def, v3s16 nodepos, v3s16 neighbourpos) { std::string prediction = playeritem_def.node_placement_prediction; INodeDefManager *nodedef = client.ndef(); ClientMap &map = client.getEnv().getClientMap(); MapNode node; bool is_valid_position; node = map.getNodeNoEx(nodepos, &is_valid_position); if (!is_valid_position) return false; if (prediction != "" && !nodedef->get(node).rightclickable) { verbosestream << "Node placement prediction for " << playeritem_def.name << " is " << prediction << std::endl; v3s16 p = neighbourpos; // Place inside node itself if buildable_to MapNode n_under = map.getNodeNoEx(nodepos, &is_valid_position); if (is_valid_position) { if (nodedef->get(n_under).buildable_to) p = nodepos; else { node = map.getNodeNoEx(p, &is_valid_position); if (is_valid_position &&!nodedef->get(node).buildable_to) return false; } } // Find id of predicted node content_t id; bool found = nodedef->getId(prediction, id); if (!found) { errorstream << "Node placement prediction failed for " << playeritem_def.name << " (places " << prediction << ") - Name not known" << std::endl; return false; } // Predict param2 for facedir and wallmounted nodes u8 param2 = 0; if (nodedef->get(id).param_type_2 == CPT2_WALLMOUNTED) { v3s16 dir = nodepos - neighbourpos; if (abs(dir.Y) > MYMAX(abs(dir.X), abs(dir.Z))) { param2 = dir.Y < 0 ? 1 : 0; } else if (abs(dir.X) > abs(dir.Z)) { param2 = dir.X < 0 ? 3 : 2; } else { param2 = dir.Z < 0 ? 5 : 4; } } if (nodedef->get(id).param_type_2 == CPT2_FACEDIR) { v3s16 dir = nodepos - floatToInt(client.getEnv().getLocalPlayer()->getPosition(), BS); if (abs(dir.X) > abs(dir.Z)) { param2 = dir.X < 0 ? 3 : 1; } else { param2 = dir.Z < 0 ? 2 : 0; } } assert(param2 <= 5); //Check attachment if node is in group attached_node if (((ItemGroupList) nodedef->get(id).groups)["attached_node"] != 0) { static v3s16 wallmounted_dirs[8] = { v3s16(0, 1, 0), v3s16(0, -1, 0), v3s16(1, 0, 0), v3s16(-1, 0, 0), v3s16(0, 0, 1), v3s16(0, 0, -1), }; v3s16 pp; if (nodedef->get(id).param_type_2 == CPT2_WALLMOUNTED) pp = p + wallmounted_dirs[param2]; else pp = p + v3s16(0, -1, 0); if (!nodedef->get(map.getNodeNoEx(pp)).walkable) return false; } // Add node to client map MapNode n(id, 0, param2); try { LocalPlayer *player = client.getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); // Dont place node when player would be inside new node // NOTE: This is to be eventually implemented by a mod as client-side Lua if (!nodedef->get(n).walkable || g_settings->getBool("enable_build_where_you_stand") || (client.checkPrivilege("noclip") && g_settings->getBool("noclip")) || (nodedef->get(n).walkable && neighbourpos != player->getStandingNodePos() + v3s16(0, 1, 0) && neighbourpos != player->getStandingNodePos() + v3s16(0, 2, 0))) { // This triggers the required mesh update too client.addNode(p, n); return true; } } catch (InvalidPositionException &e) { errorstream << "Node placement prediction failed for " << playeritem_def.name << " (places " << prediction << ") - Position not loaded" << std::endl; } } return false; } static inline void create_formspec_menu(GUIFormSpecMenu **cur_formspec, InventoryManager *invmgr, IGameDef *gamedef, IWritableTextureSource *tsrc, IrrlichtDevice *device, IFormSource *fs_src, TextDest *txt_dest, Client *client) { if (*cur_formspec == 0) { *cur_formspec = new GUIFormSpecMenu(device, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr, invmgr, gamedef, tsrc, fs_src, txt_dest, client); (*cur_formspec)->doPause = false; /* Caution: do not call (*cur_formspec)->drop() here -- the reference might outlive the menu, so we will periodically check if *cur_formspec is the only remaining reference (i.e. the menu was removed) and delete it in that case. */ } else { (*cur_formspec)->setFormSource(fs_src); (*cur_formspec)->setTextDest(txt_dest); } } #ifdef __ANDROID__ #define SIZE_TAG "size[11,5.5]" #else #define SIZE_TAG "size[11,5.5,true]" // Fixed size on desktop #endif static void show_chat_menu(GUIFormSpecMenu **cur_formspec, InventoryManager *invmgr, IGameDef *gamedef, IWritableTextureSource *tsrc, IrrlichtDevice *device, Client *client, std::string text) { std::string formspec = FORMSPEC_VERSION_STRING SIZE_TAG "field[3,2.35;6,0.5;f_text;;" + text + "]" "button_exit[4,3;3,0.5;btn_send;" + strgettext("Proceed") + "]" ; /* Create menu */ /* Note: FormspecFormSource and LocalFormspecHandler * are deleted by guiFormSpecMenu */ FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(formspec); LocalFormspecHandler *txt_dst = new LocalFormspecHandler("MT_CHAT_MENU", client); create_formspec_menu(cur_formspec, invmgr, gamedef, tsrc, device, fs_src, txt_dst, NULL); } static void show_deathscreen(GUIFormSpecMenu **cur_formspec, InventoryManager *invmgr, IGameDef *gamedef, IWritableTextureSource *tsrc, IrrlichtDevice *device, Client *client) { std::string formspec = std::string(FORMSPEC_VERSION_STRING) + SIZE_TAG "bgcolor[#320000b4;true]" "label[4.85,1.35;" + gettext("You died.") + "]" "button_exit[4,3;3,0.5;btn_respawn;" + gettext("Respawn") + "]" ; /* Create menu */ /* Note: FormspecFormSource and LocalFormspecHandler * are deleted by guiFormSpecMenu */ FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(formspec); LocalFormspecHandler *txt_dst = new LocalFormspecHandler("MT_DEATH_SCREEN", client); create_formspec_menu(cur_formspec, invmgr, gamedef, tsrc, device, fs_src, txt_dst, NULL); } /******************************************************************************/ static void show_pause_menu(GUIFormSpecMenu **cur_formspec, InventoryManager *invmgr, IGameDef *gamedef, IWritableTextureSource *tsrc, IrrlichtDevice *device, bool singleplayermode) { #ifdef __ANDROID__ std::string control_text = strgettext("Default Controls:\n" "No menu visible:\n" "- single tap: button activate\n" "- double tap: place/use\n" "- slide finger: look around\n" "Menu/Inventory visible:\n" "- double tap (outside):\n" " -->close\n" "- touch stack, touch slot:\n" " --> move stack\n" "- touch&drag, tap 2nd finger\n" " --> place single item to slot\n" ); #else std::string control_text = strgettext("Default Controls:\n" "- WASD: move\n" "- Space: jump/climb\n" "- Shift: sneak/go down\n" "- Q: drop item\n" "- I: inventory\n" "- Mouse: turn/look\n" "- Mouse left: dig/punch\n" "- Mouse right: place/use\n" "- Mouse wheel: select item\n" "- T: chat\n" ); #endif float ypos = singleplayermode ? 0.5 : 0.1; std::ostringstream os; os << FORMSPEC_VERSION_STRING << SIZE_TAG << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_continue;" << strgettext("Continue") << "]"; if (!singleplayermode) { os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_change_password;" << strgettext("Change Password") << "]"; } #ifndef __ANDROID__ os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_sound;" << strgettext("Sound Volume") << "]"; os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_key_config;" << strgettext("Change Keys") << "]"; #endif os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_exit_menu;" << strgettext("Exit to Menu") << "]"; os << "button_exit[4," << (ypos++) << ";3,0.5;btn_exit_os;" << strgettext("Exit to OS") << "]" << "textarea[7.5,0.25;3.9,6.25;;" << control_text << ";]" << "textarea[0.4,0.25;3.5,6;;" << PROJECT_NAME_C "\n" << g_build_info << "\n" << "path_user = " << wrap_rows(porting::path_user, 20) << "\n;]"; /* Create menu */ /* Note: FormspecFormSource and LocalFormspecHandler * * are deleted by guiFormSpecMenu */ FormspecFormSource *fs_src = new FormspecFormSource(os.str()); LocalFormspecHandler *txt_dst = new LocalFormspecHandler("MT_PAUSE_MENU"); create_formspec_menu(cur_formspec, invmgr, gamedef, tsrc, device, fs_src, txt_dst, NULL); std::string con("btn_continue"); (*cur_formspec)->setFocus(con); (*cur_formspec)->doPause = true; } /******************************************************************************/ static void updateChat(Client &client, f32 dtime, bool show_debug, const v2u32 &screensize, bool show_chat, u32 show_profiler, ChatBackend &chat_backend, gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_chat) { // Add chat log output for errors to be shown in chat static LogOutputBuffer chat_log_error_buf(g_logger, LL_ERROR); // Get new messages from error log buffer while (!chat_log_error_buf.empty()) { chat_backend.addMessage(L"", utf8_to_wide(chat_log_error_buf.get())); } // Get new messages from client std::wstring message; while (client.getChatMessage(message)) { chat_backend.addUnparsedMessage(message); } // Remove old messages chat_backend.step(dtime); // Display all messages in a static text element unsigned int recent_chat_count = chat_backend.getRecentBuffer().getLineCount(); std::wstring recent_chat = chat_backend.getRecentChat(); unsigned int line_height = g_fontengine->getLineHeight(); guitext_chat->setText(recent_chat.c_str()); // Update gui element size and position s32 chat_y = 5 + line_height; if (show_debug) chat_y += line_height; // first pass to calculate height of text to be set s32 width = std::min(g_fontengine->getTextWidth(recent_chat) + 10, porting::getWindowSize().X - 20); core::rect rect(10, chat_y, width, chat_y + porting::getWindowSize().Y); guitext_chat->setRelativePosition(rect); //now use real height of text and adjust rect according to this size rect = core::rect(10, chat_y, width, chat_y + guitext_chat->getTextHeight()); guitext_chat->setRelativePosition(rect); // Don't show chat if disabled or empty or profiler is enabled guitext_chat->setVisible( show_chat && recent_chat_count != 0 && !show_profiler); } /**************************************************************************** Fast key cache for main game loop ****************************************************************************/ /* This is faster than using getKeySetting with the tradeoff that functions * using it must make sure that it's initialised before using it and there is * no error handling (for example bounds checking). This is really intended for * use only in the main running loop of the client (the_game()) where the faster * (up to 10x faster) key lookup is an asset. Other parts of the codebase * (e.g. formspecs) should continue using getKeySetting(). */ struct KeyCache { KeyCache() { populate(); } enum { // Player movement KEYMAP_ID_FORWARD, KEYMAP_ID_BACKWARD, KEYMAP_ID_LEFT, KEYMAP_ID_RIGHT, KEYMAP_ID_JUMP, KEYMAP_ID_SPECIAL1, KEYMAP_ID_SNEAK, KEYMAP_ID_AUTORUN, // Other KEYMAP_ID_DROP, KEYMAP_ID_INVENTORY, KEYMAP_ID_CHAT, KEYMAP_ID_CMD, KEYMAP_ID_CONSOLE, KEYMAP_ID_MINIMAP, KEYMAP_ID_FREEMOVE, KEYMAP_ID_FASTMOVE, KEYMAP_ID_NOCLIP, KEYMAP_ID_CINEMATIC, KEYMAP_ID_SCREENSHOT, KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_HUD, KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_CHAT, KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_FORCE_FOG_OFF, KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_UPDATE_CAMERA, KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_DEBUG, KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_PROFILER, KEYMAP_ID_CAMERA_MODE, KEYMAP_ID_INCREASE_VIEWING_RANGE, KEYMAP_ID_DECREASE_VIEWING_RANGE, KEYMAP_ID_RANGESELECT, KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_NEXT, KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_PREV, KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_INC, KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_DEC, KEYMAP_ID_DEBUG_STACKS, // Fake keycode for array size and internal checks KEYMAP_INTERNAL_ENUM_COUNT }; void populate(); KeyPress key[KEYMAP_INTERNAL_ENUM_COUNT]; }; void KeyCache::populate() { key[KEYMAP_ID_FORWARD] = getKeySetting("keymap_forward"); key[KEYMAP_ID_BACKWARD] = getKeySetting("keymap_backward"); key[KEYMAP_ID_LEFT] = getKeySetting("keymap_left"); key[KEYMAP_ID_RIGHT] = getKeySetting("keymap_right"); key[KEYMAP_ID_JUMP] = getKeySetting("keymap_jump"); key[KEYMAP_ID_SPECIAL1] = getKeySetting("keymap_special1"); key[KEYMAP_ID_SNEAK] = getKeySetting("keymap_sneak"); key[KEYMAP_ID_AUTORUN] = getKeySetting("keymap_autorun"); key[KEYMAP_ID_DROP] = getKeySetting("keymap_drop"); key[KEYMAP_ID_INVENTORY] = getKeySetting("keymap_inventory"); key[KEYMAP_ID_CHAT] = getKeySetting("keymap_chat"); key[KEYMAP_ID_CMD] = getKeySetting("keymap_cmd"); key[KEYMAP_ID_CONSOLE] = getKeySetting("keymap_console"); key[KEYMAP_ID_MINIMAP] = getKeySetting("keymap_minimap"); key[KEYMAP_ID_FREEMOVE] = getKeySetting("keymap_freemove"); key[KEYMAP_ID_FASTMOVE] = getKeySetting("keymap_fastmove"); key[KEYMAP_ID_NOCLIP] = getKeySetting("keymap_noclip"); key[KEYMAP_ID_CINEMATIC] = getKeySetting("keymap_cinematic"); key[KEYMAP_ID_SCREENSHOT] = getKeySetting("keymap_screenshot"); key[KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_HUD] = getKeySetting("keymap_toggle_hud"); key[KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_CHAT] = getKeySetting("keymap_toggle_chat"); key[KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_FORCE_FOG_OFF] = getKeySetting("keymap_toggle_force_fog_off"); key[KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_UPDATE_CAMERA] = getKeySetting("keymap_toggle_update_camera"); key[KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_DEBUG] = getKeySetting("keymap_toggle_debug"); key[KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_PROFILER] = getKeySetting("keymap_toggle_profiler"); key[KEYMAP_ID_CAMERA_MODE] = getKeySetting("keymap_camera_mode"); key[KEYMAP_ID_INCREASE_VIEWING_RANGE] = getKeySetting("keymap_increase_viewing_range_min"); key[KEYMAP_ID_DECREASE_VIEWING_RANGE] = getKeySetting("keymap_decrease_viewing_range_min"); key[KEYMAP_ID_RANGESELECT] = getKeySetting("keymap_rangeselect"); key[KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_NEXT] = getKeySetting("keymap_quicktune_next"); key[KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_PREV] = getKeySetting("keymap_quicktune_prev"); key[KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_INC] = getKeySetting("keymap_quicktune_inc"); key[KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_DEC] = getKeySetting("keymap_quicktune_dec"); key[KEYMAP_ID_DEBUG_STACKS] = getKeySetting("keymap_print_debug_stacks"); } /**************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************/ const float object_hit_delay = 0.2; struct FpsControl { u32 last_time, busy_time, sleep_time; }; /* The reason the following structs are not anonymous structs within the * class is that they are not used by the majority of member functions and * many functions that do require objects of thse types do not modify them * (so they can be passed as a const qualified parameter) */ struct CameraOrientation { f32 camera_yaw; // "right/left" f32 camera_pitch; // "up/down" }; struct GameRunData { u16 dig_index; u16 new_playeritem; PointedThing pointed_old; bool digging; bool ldown_for_dig; bool left_punch; bool update_wielded_item_trigger; bool reset_jump_timer; float nodig_delay_timer; float dig_time; float dig_time_complete; float repeat_rightclick_timer; float object_hit_delay_timer; float time_from_last_punch; ClientActiveObject *selected_object; float jump_timer; float damage_flash; float update_draw_list_timer; float statustext_time; f32 fog_range; v3f update_draw_list_last_cam_dir; u32 profiler_current_page; u32 profiler_max_page; // Number of pages float time_of_day; float time_of_day_smooth; }; struct Jitter { f32 max, min, avg, counter, max_sample, min_sample, max_fraction; }; struct RunStats { u32 drawtime; u32 beginscenetime; u32 endscenetime; Jitter dtime_jitter, busy_time_jitter; }; /* Flags that can, or may, change during main game loop */ struct VolatileRunFlags { bool invert_mouse; bool show_chat; bool show_hud; bool show_minimap; bool force_fog_off; bool show_debug; bool show_profiler_graph; bool disable_camera_update; bool first_loop_after_window_activation; bool camera_offset_changed; }; /**************************************************************************** THE GAME ****************************************************************************/ /* This is not intended to be a public class. If a public class becomes * desirable then it may be better to create another 'wrapper' class that * hides most of the stuff in this class (nothing in this class is required * by any other file) but exposes the public methods/data only. */ class Game { public: Game(); ~Game(); bool startup(bool *kill, bool random_input, InputHandler *input, IrrlichtDevice *device, const std::string &map_dir, const std::string &playername, const std::string &password, // If address is "", local server is used and address is updated std::string *address, u16 port, std::string &error_message, bool *reconnect, ChatBackend *chat_backend, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, // Used for local game bool simple_singleplayer_mode); void run(); void shutdown(); protected: void extendedResourceCleanup(); // Basic initialisation bool init(const std::string &map_dir, std::string *address, u16 port, const SubgameSpec &gamespec); bool initSound(); bool createSingleplayerServer(const std::string map_dir, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, u16 port, std::string *address); // Client creation bool createClient(const std::string &playername, const std::string &password, std::string *address, u16 port); bool initGui(); // Client connection bool connectToServer(const std::string &playername, const std::string &password, std::string *address, u16 port, bool *connect_ok, bool *aborted); bool getServerContent(bool *aborted); // Main loop void updateInteractTimers(GameRunData *runData, f32 dtime); bool checkConnection(); bool handleCallbacks(); void processQueues(); void updateProfilers(const GameRunData &runData, const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime); void addProfilerGraphs(const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime); void updateStats(RunStats *stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime); void processUserInput(VolatileRunFlags *flags, GameRunData *runData, f32 dtime); void processKeyboardInput(VolatileRunFlags *flags, float *statustext_time, float *jump_timer, bool *reset_jump_timer, u32 *profiler_current_page, u32 profiler_max_page); void processItemSelection(u16 *new_playeritem); void dropSelectedItem(); void openInventory(); void openConsole(); void toggleFreeMove(float *statustext_time); void toggleFreeMoveAlt(float *statustext_time, float *jump_timer); void toggleFast(float *statustext_time); void toggleNoClip(float *statustext_time); void toggleCinematic(float *statustext_time); void toggleAutorun(float *statustext_time); void toggleChat(float *statustext_time, bool *flag); void toggleHud(float *statustext_time, bool *flag); void toggleMinimap(float *statustext_time, bool *flag, bool show_hud, bool shift_pressed); void toggleFog(float *statustext_time, bool *flag); void toggleDebug(float *statustext_time, bool *show_debug, bool *show_profiler_graph); void toggleUpdateCamera(float *statustext_time, bool *flag); void toggleProfiler(float *statustext_time, u32 *profiler_current_page, u32 profiler_max_page); void increaseViewRange(float *statustext_time); void decreaseViewRange(float *statustext_time); void toggleFullViewRange(float *statustext_time); void updateCameraDirection(CameraOrientation *cam, VolatileRunFlags *flags); void updateCameraOrientation(CameraOrientation *cam, const VolatileRunFlags &flags); void updatePlayerControl(const CameraOrientation &cam); void step(f32 *dtime); void processClientEvents(CameraOrientation *cam, float *damage_flash); void updateCamera(VolatileRunFlags *flags, u32 busy_time, f32 dtime, float time_from_last_punch); void updateSound(f32 dtime); void processPlayerInteraction(GameRunData *runData, f32 dtime, bool show_hud, bool show_debug); void handlePointingAtNothing(GameRunData *runData, const ItemStack &playerItem); void handlePointingAtNode(GameRunData *runData, const PointedThing &pointed, const ItemDefinition &playeritem_def, const ToolCapabilities &playeritem_toolcap, f32 dtime); void handlePointingAtObject(GameRunData *runData, const PointedThing &pointed, const ItemStack &playeritem, const v3f &player_position, bool show_debug); void handleDigging(GameRunData *runData, const PointedThing &pointed, const v3s16 &nodepos, const ToolCapabilities &playeritem_toolcap, f32 dtime); void updateFrame(ProfilerGraph *graph, RunStats *stats, GameRunData *runData, f32 dtime, const VolatileRunFlags &flags, const CameraOrientation &cam); void updateGui(float *statustext_time, const RunStats &stats, const GameRunData& runData, f32 dtime, const VolatileRunFlags &flags, const CameraOrientation &cam); void updateProfilerGraphs(ProfilerGraph *graph); // Misc void limitFps(FpsControl *fps_timings, f32 *dtime); void showOverlayMessage(const wchar_t *msg, float dtime, int percent, bool draw_clouds = true); static void settingChangedCallback(const std::string &setting_name, void *data); void readSettings(); private: InputHandler *input; Client *client; Server *server; IWritableTextureSource *texture_src; IWritableShaderSource *shader_src; // When created, these will be filled with data received from the server IWritableItemDefManager *itemdef_manager; IWritableNodeDefManager *nodedef_manager; GameOnDemandSoundFetcher soundfetcher; // useful when testing ISoundManager *sound; bool sound_is_dummy; SoundMaker *soundmaker; ChatBackend *chat_backend; GUIFormSpecMenu *current_formspec; EventManager *eventmgr; QuicktuneShortcutter *quicktune; GUIChatConsole *gui_chat_console; // Free using ->Drop() MapDrawControl *draw_control; Camera *camera; Clouds *clouds; // Free using ->Drop() Sky *sky; // Free using ->Drop() Inventory *local_inventory; Hud *hud; Mapper *mapper; /* 'cache' This class does take ownership/responsibily for cleaning up etc of any of these items (e.g. device) */ IrrlichtDevice *device; video::IVideoDriver *driver; scene::ISceneManager *smgr; bool *kill; std::string *error_message; bool *reconnect_requested; IGameDef *gamedef; // Convenience (same as *client) scene::ISceneNode *skybox; bool random_input; bool simple_singleplayer_mode; /* End 'cache' */ /* Pre-calculated values */ int crack_animation_length; /* GUI stuff */ gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext; // First line of debug text gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext2; // Second line of debug text gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_info; // At the middle of the screen gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_status; gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_chat; // Chat text gui::IGUIStaticText *guitext_profiler; // Profiler text std::wstring infotext; std::wstring statustext; KeyCache keycache; IntervalLimiter profiler_interval; /* * TODO: Local caching of settings is not optimal and should at some stage * be updated to use a global settings object for getting thse values * (as opposed to the this local caching). This can be addressed in * a later release. */ bool m_cache_doubletap_jump; bool m_cache_enable_clouds; bool m_cache_enable_particles; bool m_cache_enable_fog; f32 m_cache_mouse_sensitivity; f32 m_repeat_right_click_time; #ifdef __ANDROID__ bool m_cache_hold_aux1; #endif }; Game::Game() : client(NULL), server(NULL), texture_src(NULL), shader_src(NULL), itemdef_manager(NULL), nodedef_manager(NULL), sound(NULL), sound_is_dummy(false), soundmaker(NULL), chat_backend(NULL), current_formspec(NULL), eventmgr(NULL), quicktune(NULL), gui_chat_console(NULL), draw_control(NULL), camera(NULL), clouds(NULL), sky(NULL), local_inventory(NULL), hud(NULL), mapper(NULL) { g_settings->registerChangedCallback("doubletap_jump", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_clouds", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_particles", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("enable_fog", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("mouse_sensitivity", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->registerChangedCallback("repeat_rightclick_time", &settingChangedCallback, this); readSettings(); #ifdef __ANDROID__ m_cache_hold_aux1 = false; // This is initialised properly later #endif } /**************************************************************************** MinetestApp Public ****************************************************************************/ Game::~Game() { delete client; delete soundmaker; if (!sound_is_dummy) delete sound; delete server; // deleted first to stop all server threads delete hud; delete local_inventory; delete camera; delete quicktune; delete eventmgr; delete texture_src; delete shader_src; delete nodedef_manager; delete itemdef_manager; delete draw_control; extendedResourceCleanup(); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("doubletap_jump", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_clouds", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_particles", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("enable_fog", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("mouse_sensitivity", &settingChangedCallback, this); g_settings->deregisterChangedCallback("repeat_rightclick_time", &settingChangedCallback, this); } bool Game::startup(bool *kill, bool random_input, InputHandler *input, IrrlichtDevice *device, const std::string &map_dir, const std::string &playername, const std::string &password, std::string *address, // can change if simple_singleplayer_mode u16 port, std::string &error_message, bool *reconnect, ChatBackend *chat_backend, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, bool simple_singleplayer_mode) { // "cache" this->device = device; this->kill = kill; this->error_message = &error_message; this->reconnect_requested = reconnect; this->random_input = random_input; this->input = input; this->chat_backend = chat_backend; this->simple_singleplayer_mode = simple_singleplayer_mode; driver = device->getVideoDriver(); smgr = device->getSceneManager(); smgr->getParameters()->setAttribute(scene::OBJ_LOADER_IGNORE_MATERIAL_FILES, true); if (!init(map_dir, address, port, gamespec)) return false; if (!createClient(playername, password, address, port)) return false; return true; } void Game::run() { ProfilerGraph graph; RunStats stats = { 0 }; CameraOrientation cam_view_target = { 0 }; CameraOrientation cam_view = { 0 }; GameRunData runData = { 0 }; FpsControl draw_times = { 0 }; VolatileRunFlags flags = { 0 }; f32 dtime; // in seconds runData.time_from_last_punch = 10.0; runData.profiler_max_page = 3; runData.update_wielded_item_trigger = true; flags.show_chat = true; flags.show_hud = true; flags.show_minimap = g_settings->getBool("enable_minimap"); flags.show_debug = g_settings->getBool("show_debug"); flags.invert_mouse = g_settings->getBool("invert_mouse"); flags.first_loop_after_window_activation = true; /* Clear the profiler */ Profiler::GraphValues dummyvalues; g_profiler->graphGet(dummyvalues); draw_times.last_time = device->getTimer()->getTime(); shader_src->addGlobalConstantSetter(new GameGlobalShaderConstantSetter( sky, &flags.force_fog_off, &runData.fog_range, client)); set_light_table(g_settings->getFloat("display_gamma")); #ifdef __ANDROID__ m_cache_hold_aux1 = g_settings->getBool("fast_move") && client->checkPrivilege("fast"); #endif while (device->run() && !(*kill || g_gamecallback->shutdown_requested || (server && server->getShutdownRequested()))) { /* Must be called immediately after a device->run() call because it * uses device->getTimer()->getTime() */ limitFps(&draw_times, &dtime); updateStats(&stats, draw_times, dtime); updateInteractTimers(&runData, dtime); if (!checkConnection()) break; if (!handleCallbacks()) break; processQueues(); infotext = L""; hud->resizeHotbar(); updateProfilers(runData, stats, draw_times, dtime); processUserInput(&flags, &runData, dtime); // Update camera before player movement to avoid camera lag of one frame updateCameraDirection(&cam_view_target, &flags); float cam_smoothing = 0; if (g_settings->getBool("cinematic")) cam_smoothing = 1 - g_settings->getFloat("cinematic_camera_smoothing"); else cam_smoothing = 1 - g_settings->getFloat("camera_smoothing"); cam_smoothing = rangelim(cam_smoothing, 0.01f, 1.0f); cam_view.camera_yaw += (cam_view_target.camera_yaw - cam_view.camera_yaw) * cam_smoothing; cam_view.camera_pitch += (cam_view_target.camera_pitch - cam_view.camera_pitch) * cam_smoothing; updatePlayerControl(cam_view); step(&dtime); processClientEvents(&cam_view_target, &runData.damage_flash); updateCamera(&flags, draw_times.busy_time, dtime, runData.time_from_last_punch); updateSound(dtime); processPlayerInteraction(&runData, dtime, flags.show_hud, flags.show_debug); updateFrame(&graph, &stats, &runData, dtime, flags, cam_view); updateProfilerGraphs(&graph); // Update if minimap has been disabled by the server flags.show_minimap &= !client->isMinimapDisabledByServer(); } } void Game::shutdown() { if (g_settings->get("3d_mode") == "pageflip") { driver->setRenderTarget(irr::video::ERT_STEREO_BOTH_BUFFERS); } showOverlayMessage(wgettext("Shutting down..."), 0, 0, false); if (clouds) clouds->drop(); if (gui_chat_console) gui_chat_console->drop(); if (sky) sky->drop(); /* cleanup menus */ while (g_menumgr.menuCount() > 0) { g_menumgr.m_stack.front()->setVisible(false); g_menumgr.deletingMenu(g_menumgr.m_stack.front()); } if (current_formspec) { current_formspec->drop(); current_formspec = NULL; } chat_backend->addMessage(L"", L"# Disconnected."); chat_backend->addMessage(L"", L""); if (client) { client->Stop(); while (!client->isShutdown()) { assert(texture_src != NULL); assert(shader_src != NULL); texture_src->processQueue(); shader_src->processQueue(); sleep_ms(100); } } } /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Startup ****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ bool Game::init( const std::string &map_dir, std::string *address, u16 port, const SubgameSpec &gamespec) { showOverlayMessage(wgettext("Loading..."), 0, 0); texture_src = createTextureSource(device); shader_src = createShaderSource(device); itemdef_manager = createItemDefManager(); nodedef_manager = createNodeDefManager(); eventmgr = new EventManager(); quicktune = new QuicktuneShortcutter(); if (!(texture_src && shader_src && itemdef_manager && nodedef_manager && eventmgr && quicktune)) return false; if (!initSound()) return false; // Create a server if not connecting to an existing one if (*address == "") { if (!createSingleplayerServer(map_dir, gamespec, port, address)) return false; } return true; } bool Game::initSound() { #if USE_SOUND if (g_settings->getBool("enable_sound")) { infostream << "Attempting to use OpenAL audio" << std::endl; sound = createOpenALSoundManager(&soundfetcher); if (!sound) infostream << "Failed to initialize OpenAL audio" << std::endl; } else infostream << "Sound disabled." << std::endl; #endif if (!sound) { infostream << "Using dummy audio." << std::endl; sound = &dummySoundManager; sound_is_dummy = true; } soundmaker = new SoundMaker(sound, nodedef_manager); if (!soundmaker) return false; soundmaker->registerReceiver(eventmgr); return true; } bool Game::createSingleplayerServer(const std::string map_dir, const SubgameSpec &gamespec, u16 port, std::string *address) { showOverlayMessage(wgettext("Creating server..."), 0, 5); std::string bind_str = g_settings->get("bind_address"); Address bind_addr(0, 0, 0, 0, port); if (g_settings->getBool("ipv6_server")) { bind_addr.setAddress((IPv6AddressBytes *) NULL); } try { bind_addr.Resolve(bind_str.c_str()); } catch (ResolveError &e) { infostream << "Resolving bind address \"" << bind_str << "\" failed: " << e.what() << " -- Listening on all addresses." << std::endl; } if (bind_addr.isIPv6() && !g_settings->getBool("enable_ipv6")) { *error_message = "Unable to listen on " + bind_addr.serializeString() + " because IPv6 is disabled"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } server = new Server(map_dir, gamespec, simple_singleplayer_mode, bind_addr.isIPv6()); server->start(bind_addr); return true; } bool Game::createClient(const std::string &playername, const std::string &password, std::string *address, u16 port) { showOverlayMessage(wgettext("Creating client..."), 0, 10); draw_control = new MapDrawControl; if (!draw_control) return false; bool could_connect, connect_aborted; if (!connectToServer(playername, password, address, port, &could_connect, &connect_aborted)) return false; if (!could_connect) { if (error_message->empty() && !connect_aborted) { // Should not happen if error messages are set properly *error_message = "Connection failed for unknown reason"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; } return false; } if (!getServerContent(&connect_aborted)) { if (error_message->empty() && !connect_aborted) { // Should not happen if error messages are set properly *error_message = "Connection failed for unknown reason"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; } return false; } // Update cached textures, meshes and materials client->afterContentReceived(device); /* Camera */ camera = new Camera(smgr, *draw_control, gamedef); if (!camera || !camera->successfullyCreated(*error_message)) return false; client->setCamera(camera); /* Clouds */ if (m_cache_enable_clouds) { clouds = new Clouds(smgr->getRootSceneNode(), smgr, -1, time(0)); if (!clouds) { *error_message = "Memory allocation error (clouds)"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } } /* Skybox */ sky = new Sky(smgr->getRootSceneNode(), smgr, -1, texture_src); skybox = NULL; // This is used/set later on in the main run loop local_inventory = new Inventory(itemdef_manager); if (!(sky && local_inventory)) { *error_message = "Memory allocation error (sky or local inventory)"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } /* Pre-calculated values */ video::ITexture *t = texture_src->getTexture("crack_anylength.png"); if (t) { v2u32 size = t->getOriginalSize(); crack_animation_length = size.Y / size.X; } else { crack_animation_length = 5; } if (!initGui()) return false; /* Set window caption */ std::wstring str = utf8_to_wide(PROJECT_NAME_C); str += L" ["; str += driver->getName(); str += L"]"; device->setWindowCaption(str.c_str()); LocalPlayer *player = client->getEnv().getLocalPlayer(); player->hurt_tilt_timer = 0; player->hurt_tilt_strength = 0; hud = new Hud(driver, smgr, guienv, gamedef, player, local_inventory); if (!hud) { *error_message = "Memory error: could not create HUD"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } mapper = client->getMapper(); mapper->setMinimapMode(MINIMAP_MODE_OFF); return true; } bool Game::initGui() { // First line of debug text guitext = guienv->addStaticText( utf8_to_wide(PROJECT_NAME_C).c_str(), core::rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, false, guiroot); // Second line of debug text guitext2 = guienv->addStaticText( L"", core::rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, false, guiroot); // At the middle of the screen // Object infos are shown in this guitext_info = guienv->addStaticText( L"", core::rect(0, 0, 400, g_fontengine->getTextHeight() * 5 + 5) + v2s32(100, 200), false, true, guiroot); // Status text (displays info when showing and hiding GUI stuff, etc.) guitext_status = guienv->addStaticText( L"", core::rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, false, guiroot); guitext_status->setVisible(false); // Chat text guitext_chat = guienv->addStaticText( L"", core::rect(0, 0, 0, 0), //false, false); // Disable word wrap as of now false, true, guiroot); // Remove stale "recent" chat messages from previous connections chat_backend->clearRecentChat(); // Chat backend and console gui_chat_console = new GUIChatConsole(guienv, guienv->getRootGUIElement(), -1, chat_backend, client); if (!gui_chat_console) { *error_message = "Could not allocate memory for chat console"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } // Profiler text (size is updated when text is updated) guitext_profiler = guienv->addStaticText( L"", core::rect(0, 0, 0, 0), false, false, guiroot); guitext_profiler->setBackgroundColor(video::SColor(120, 0, 0, 0)); guitext_profiler->setVisible(false); guitext_profiler->setWordWrap(true); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI if (g_touchscreengui) g_touchscreengui->init(texture_src); #endif return true; } bool Game::connectToServer(const std::string &playername, const std::string &password, std::string *address, u16 port, bool *connect_ok, bool *aborted) { *connect_ok = false; // Let's not be overly optimistic *aborted = false; bool local_server_mode = false; showOverlayMessage(wgettext("Resolving address..."), 0, 15); Address connect_address(0, 0, 0, 0, port); try { connect_address.Resolve(address->c_str()); if (connect_address.isZero()) { // i.e. INADDR_ANY, IN6ADDR_ANY //connect_address.Resolve("localhost"); if (connect_address.isIPv6()) { IPv6AddressBytes addr_bytes; addr_bytes.bytes[15] = 1; connect_address.setAddress(&addr_bytes); } else { connect_address.setAddress(127, 0, 0, 1); } local_server_mode = true; } } catch (ResolveError &e) { *error_message = std::string("Couldn't resolve address: ") + e.what(); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } if (connect_address.isIPv6() && !g_settings->getBool("enable_ipv6")) { *error_message = "Unable to connect to " + connect_address.serializeString() + " because IPv6 is disabled"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } client = new Client(device, playername.c_str(), password, *draw_control, texture_src, shader_src, itemdef_manager, nodedef_manager, sound, eventmgr, connect_address.isIPv6()); if (!client) return false; gamedef = client; // Client acts as our GameDef infostream << "Connecting to server at "; connect_address.print(&infostream); infostream << std::endl; client->connect(connect_address, *address, simple_singleplayer_mode || local_server_mode); /* Wait for server to accept connection */ try { input->clear(); FpsControl fps_control = { 0 }; f32 dtime; f32 wait_time = 0; // in seconds fps_control.last_time = device->getTimer()->getTime(); while (device->run()) { limitFps(&fps_control, &dtime); // Update client and server client->step(dtime); if (server != NULL) server->step(dtime); // End condition if (client->getState() == LC_Init) { *connect_ok = true; break; } // Break conditions if (client->accessDenied()) { *error_message = "Access denied. Reason: " + client->accessDeniedReason(); *reconnect_requested = client->reconnectRequested(); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; break; } if (input->wasKeyDown(EscapeKey) || input->wasKeyDown(CancelKey)) { *aborted = true; infostream << "Connect aborted [Escape]" << std::endl; break; } wait_time += dtime; // Only time out if we aren't waiting for the server we started if ((*address != "") && (wait_time > 10)) { *error_message = "Connection timed out."; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; break; } // Update status showOverlayMessage(wgettext("Connecting to server..."), dtime, 20); } } catch (con::PeerNotFoundException &e) { // TODO: Should something be done here? At least an info/error // message? return false; } return true; } bool Game::getServerContent(bool *aborted) { input->clear(); FpsControl fps_control = { 0 }; f32 dtime; // in seconds fps_control.last_time = device->getTimer()->getTime(); while (device->run()) { limitFps(&fps_control, &dtime); // Update client and server client->step(dtime); if (server != NULL) server->step(dtime); // End condition if (client->mediaReceived() && client->itemdefReceived() && client->nodedefReceived()) { break; } // Error conditions if (!checkConnection()) return false; if (client->getState() < LC_Init) { *error_message = "Client disconnected"; errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } if (input->wasKeyDown(EscapeKey) || input->wasKeyDown(CancelKey)) { *aborted = true; infostream << "Connect aborted [Escape]" << std::endl; return false; } // Display status int progress = 25; if (!client->itemdefReceived()) { const wchar_t *text = wgettext("Item definitions..."); progress = 25; draw_load_screen(text, device, guienv, dtime, progress); delete[] text; } else if (!client->nodedefReceived()) { const wchar_t *text = wgettext("Node definitions..."); progress = 30; draw_load_screen(text, device, guienv, dtime, progress); delete[] text; } else { std::stringstream message; message.precision(3); message << gettext("Media..."); if ((USE_CURL == 0) || (!g_settings->getBool("enable_remote_media_server"))) { float cur = client->getCurRate(); std::string cur_unit = gettext("KiB/s"); if (cur > 900) { cur /= 1024.0; cur_unit = gettext("MiB/s"); } message << " (" << cur << ' ' << cur_unit << ")"; } progress = 30 + client->mediaReceiveProgress() * 35 + 0.5; draw_load_screen(utf8_to_wide(message.str()), device, guienv, dtime, progress); } } return true; } /****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************************************** Run ****************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************/ inline void Game::updateInteractTimers(GameRunData *runData, f32 dtime) { if (runData->nodig_delay_timer >= 0) runData->nodig_delay_timer -= dtime; if (runData->object_hit_delay_timer >= 0) runData->object_hit_delay_timer -= dtime; runData->time_from_last_punch += dtime; } /* returns false if game should exit, otherwise true */ inline bool Game::checkConnection() { if (client->accessDenied()) { *error_message = "Access denied. Reason: " + client->accessDeniedReason(); *reconnect_requested = client->reconnectRequested(); errorstream << *error_message << std::endl; return false; } return true; } /* returns false if game should exit, otherwise true */ inline bool Game::handleCallbacks() { if (g_gamecallback->disconnect_requested) { g_gamecallback->disconnect_requested = false; return false; } if (g_gamecallback->changepassword_requested) { (new GUIPasswordChange(guienv, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr, client))->drop(); g_gamecallback->changepassword_requested = false; } if (g_gamecallback->changevolume_requested) { (new GUIVolumeChange(guienv, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr, client))->drop(); g_gamecallback->changevolume_requested = false; } if (g_gamecallback->keyconfig_requested) { (new GUIKeyChangeMenu(guienv, guiroot, -1, &g_menumgr))->drop(); g_gamecallback->keyconfig_requested = false; } if (g_gamecallback->keyconfig_changed) { keycache.populate(); // update the cache with new settings g_gamecallback->keyconfig_changed = false; } return true; } void Game::processQueues() { texture_src->processQueue(); itemdef_manager->processQueue(gamedef); shader_src->processQueue(); } void Game::updateProfilers(const GameRunData &runData, const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime) { float profiler_print_interval = g_settings->getFloat("profiler_print_interval"); bool print_to_log = true; if (profiler_print_interval == 0) { print_to_log = false; profiler_print_interval = 5; } if (profiler_interval.step(dtime, profiler_print_interval)) { if (print_to_log) { infostream << "Profiler:" << std::endl; g_profiler->print(infostream); } update_profiler_gui(guitext_profiler, g_fontengine, runData.profiler_current_page, runData.profiler_max_page, driver->getScreenSize().Height); g_profiler->clear(); } addProfilerGraphs(stats, draw_times, dtime); } void Game::addProfilerGraphs(const RunStats &stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime) { g_profiler->graphAdd("mainloop_other", draw_times.busy_time / 1000.0f - stats.drawtime / 1000.0f); if (draw_times.sleep_time != 0) g_profiler->graphAdd("mainloop_sleep", draw_times.sleep_time / 1000.0f); g_profiler->graphAdd("mainloop_dtime", dtime); g_profiler->add("Elapsed time", dtime); g_profiler->avg("FPS", 1. / dtime); } void Game::updateStats(RunStats *stats, const FpsControl &draw_times, f32 dtime) { f32 jitter; Jitter *jp; /* Time average and jitter calculation */ jp = &stats->dtime_jitter; jp->avg = jp->avg * 0.96 + dtime * 0.04; jitter = dtime - jp->avg; if (jitter > jp->max) jp->max = jitter; jp->counter += dtime; if (jp->counter > 0.0) { jp->counter -= 3.0; jp->max_sample = jp->max; jp->max_fraction = jp->max_sample / (jp->avg + 0.001); jp->max = 0.0; } /* Busytime average and jitter calculation */ jp = &stats->busy_time_jitter; jp->avg = jp->avg + draw_times.busy_time * 0.02; jitter = draw_times.busy_time - jp->avg; if (jitter > jp->max) jp->max = jitter; if (jitter < jp->min) jp->min = jitter; jp->counter += dtime; if (jp->counter > 0.0) { jp->counter -= 3.0; jp->max_sample = jp->max; jp->min_sample = jp->min; jp->max = 0.0; jp->min = 0.0; } } /**************************************************************************** Input handling ****************************************************************************/ void Game::processUserInput(VolatileRunFlags *flags, GameRunData *runData, f32 dtime) { // Reset input if window not active or some menu is active if (device->isWindowActive() == false || noMenuActive() == false || guienv->hasFocus(gui_chat_console)) { input->clear(); #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI g_touchscreengui->hide(); #endif } #ifdef HAVE_TOUCHSCREENGUI else if (g_touchscreengui) { /* on touchscreengui step may generate own input events which ain't * what we want in case we just did clear them */ g_touchscreengui->step(dtime); } #endif if (!guienv->hasFocus(gui_chat_console) && gui_chat_console->isOpen()) { gui_chat_console->closeConsoleAtOnce(); } // Input handler step() (used by the random input generator) input->step(dtime); #ifdef __ANDROID__ if (current_formspec != 0) current_formspec->getAndroidUIInput(); #endif // Increase timer for double tap of "keymap_jump" if (m_cache_doubletap_jump && runData->jump_timer <= 0.2) runData->jump_timer += dtime; processKeyboardInput( flags, &runData->statustext_time, &runData->jump_timer, &runData->reset_jump_timer, &runData->profiler_current_page, runData->profiler_max_page); processItemSelection(&runData->new_playeritem); } void Game::processKeyboardInput(VolatileRunFlags *flags, float *statustext_time, float *jump_timer, bool *reset_jump_timer, u32 *profiler_current_page, u32 profiler_max_page) { //TimeTaker tt("process kybd input", NULL, PRECISION_NANO); if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_DROP])) { dropSelectedItem(); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_AUTORUN])) { toggleAutorun(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_INVENTORY])) { openInventory(); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(EscapeKey) || input->wasKeyDown(CancelKey)) { show_pause_menu(¤t_formspec, client, gamedef, texture_src, device, simple_singleplayer_mode); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_CHAT])) { show_chat_menu(¤t_formspec, client, gamedef, texture_src, device, client, ""); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_CMD])) { show_chat_menu(¤t_formspec, client, gamedef, texture_src, device, client, "/"); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_CONSOLE])) { openConsole(); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_FREEMOVE])) { toggleFreeMove(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_JUMP])) { toggleFreeMoveAlt(statustext_time, jump_timer); *reset_jump_timer = true; } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_FASTMOVE])) { toggleFast(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_NOCLIP])) { toggleNoClip(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_CINEMATIC])) { toggleCinematic(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_SCREENSHOT])) { client->makeScreenshot(device); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_HUD])) { toggleHud(statustext_time, &flags->show_hud); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_MINIMAP])) { toggleMinimap(statustext_time, &flags->show_minimap, flags->show_hud, input->isKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_SNEAK])); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_CHAT])) { toggleChat(statustext_time, &flags->show_chat); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_FORCE_FOG_OFF])) { toggleFog(statustext_time, &flags->force_fog_off); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_UPDATE_CAMERA])) { toggleUpdateCamera(statustext_time, &flags->disable_camera_update); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_DEBUG])) { toggleDebug(statustext_time, &flags->show_debug, &flags->show_profiler_graph); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_TOGGLE_PROFILER])) { toggleProfiler(statustext_time, profiler_current_page, profiler_max_page); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_INCREASE_VIEWING_RANGE])) { increaseViewRange(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_DECREASE_VIEWING_RANGE])) { decreaseViewRange(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_RANGESELECT])) { toggleFullViewRange(statustext_time); } else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_NEXT])) quicktune->next(); else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_PREV])) quicktune->prev(); else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_INC])) quicktune->inc(); else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_QUICKTUNE_DEC])) quicktune->dec(); else if (input->wasKeyDown(keycache.key[KeyCache::KEYMAP_ID_DEBUG_STACKS])) { // Print debug stacks dstream << "-----------------------------------------" << std::endl; dstream << "Printing debug stacks:" << std::endl; dstream << "-----------------------------------------" << std::endl; debug_stacks_print(); } if (!input->isKeyDown(getKeySetting("keymap_jump")) && *reset_jump_time if(name == ""){ infostream<<"getShaderIdDirect(): name is empty"<<std::endl; return 0; } // Check if already have such instance for(u32 i=0; i<m_shaderinfo_cache.size(); i++){ ShaderInfo *info = &m_shaderinfo_cache[i]; if(info->name == name && info->material_type == material_type && info->drawtype == drawtype) return i; } /* Calling only allowed from main thread */ if (!thr_is_current_thread(m_main_thread)) { errorstream<<"ShaderSource::getShaderIdDirect() " "called not from main thread"<<std::endl; return 0; } ShaderInfo info = generate_shader(name, material_type, drawtype, m_device, m_callbacks, m_setter_factories, &m_sourcecache); /* Add shader to caches (add dummy shaders too) */ MutexAutoLock lock(m_shaderinfo_cache_mutex); u32 id = m_shaderinfo_cache.size(); m_shaderinfo_cache.push_back(info); infostream<<"getShaderIdDirect(): " <<"Returning id="<<id<<" for name \""<<name<<"\""<<std::endl; return id; } ShaderInfo ShaderSource::getShaderInfo(u32 id) { MutexAutoLock lock(m_shaderinfo_cache_mutex); if(id >= m_shaderinfo_cache.size()) return ShaderInfo(); return m_shaderinfo_cache[id]; } void ShaderSource::processQueue() { } void ShaderSource::insertSourceShader(const std::string &name_of_shader, const std::string &filename, const std::string &program) { /*infostream<<"ShaderSource::insertSourceShader(): " "name_of_shader=\""<<name_of_shader<<"\", " "filename=\""<<filename<<"\""<<std::endl;*/ sanity_check(thr_is_current_thread(m_main_thread)); m_sourcecache.insert(name_of_shader, filename, program, true); } void ShaderSource::rebuildShaders() { MutexAutoLock lock(m_shaderinfo_cache_mutex); /*// Oh well... just clear everything, they'll load sometime. m_shaderinfo_cache.clear(); m_name_to_id.clear();*/ /* FIXME: Old shader materials can't be deleted in Irrlicht, or can they? (This would be nice to do in the destructor too) */ // Recreate shaders for(u32 i=0; i<m_shaderinfo_cache.size(); i++){ ShaderInfo *info = &m_shaderinfo_cache[i]; if(info->name != ""){ *info = generate_shader(info->name, info->material_type, info->drawtype, m_device, m_callbacks, m_setter_factories, &m_sourcecache); } } } ShaderInfo generate_shader(std::string name, u8 material_type, u8 drawtype, IrrlichtDevice *device, std::vector<ShaderCallback *> &callbacks, const std::vector<IShaderConstantSetterFactory*> &setter_factories, SourceShaderCache *sourcecache) { ShaderInfo shaderinfo; shaderinfo.name = name; shaderinfo.material_type = material_type; shaderinfo.drawtype = drawtype; shaderinfo.material = video::EMT_SOLID; switch(material_type){ case TILE_MATERIAL_BASIC: shaderinfo.base_material = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF; break; case TILE_MATERIAL_ALPHA: shaderinfo.base_material = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL; break; case TILE_MATERIAL_LIQUID_TRANSPARENT: shaderinfo.base_material = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_VERTEX_ALPHA; break; case TILE_MATERIAL_LIQUID_OPAQUE: shaderinfo.base_material = video::EMT_SOLID; break; case TILE_MATERIAL_WAVING_LEAVES: shaderinfo.base_material = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF; break; case TILE_MATERIAL_WAVING_PLANTS: shaderinfo.base_material = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF; break; } bool enable_shaders = g_settings->getBool("enable_shaders"); if (!enable_shaders) return shaderinfo; video::IVideoDriver* driver = device->getVideoDriver(); sanity_check(driver); video::IGPUProgrammingServices *gpu = driver->getGPUProgrammingServices(); if(!gpu){ errorstream<<"generate_shader(): " "failed to generate \""<<name<<"\", " "GPU programming not supported." <<std::endl; return shaderinfo; } // Choose shader language depending on driver type and settings // Then load shaders std::string vertex_program; std::string pixel_program; std::string geometry_program; bool is_highlevel; load_shaders(name, sourcecache, driver->getDriverType(), enable_shaders, vertex_program, pixel_program, geometry_program, is_highlevel); // Check hardware/driver support if(vertex_program != "" && !driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_VERTEX_SHADER_1_1) && !driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_ARB_VERTEX_PROGRAM_1)){ infostream<<"generate_shader(): vertex shaders disabled " "because of missing driver/hardware support." <<std::endl; vertex_program = ""; } if(pixel_program != "" && !driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_PIXEL_SHADER_1_1) && !driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_1)){ infostream<<"generate_shader(): pixel shaders disabled " "because of missing driver/hardware support." <<std::endl; pixel_program = ""; } if(geometry_program != "" && !driver->queryFeature(video::EVDF_GEOMETRY_SHADER)){ infostream<<"generate_shader(): geometry shaders disabled " "because of missing driver/hardware support." <<std::endl; geometry_program = ""; } // If no shaders are used, don't make a separate material type if(vertex_program == "" && pixel_program == "" && geometry_program == "") return shaderinfo; // Create shaders header std::string shaders_header = "#version 120\n"; static const char* drawTypes[] = { "NDT_NORMAL", "NDT_AIRLIKE", "NDT_LIQUID", "NDT_FLOWINGLIQUID", "NDT_GLASSLIKE", "NDT_ALLFACES", "NDT_ALLFACES_OPTIONAL", "NDT_TORCHLIKE", "NDT_SIGNLIKE", "NDT_PLANTLIKE", "NDT_FENCELIKE", "NDT_RAILLIKE", "NDT_NODEBOX", "NDT_GLASSLIKE_FRAMED", "NDT_FIRELIKE", "NDT_GLASSLIKE_FRAMED_OPTIONAL" }; for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++){ shaders_header += "#define "; shaders_header += drawTypes[i]; shaders_header += " "; shaders_header += itos(i); shaders_header += "\n"; } static const char* materialTypes[] = { "TILE_MATERIAL_BASIC", "TILE_MATERIAL_ALPHA", "TILE_MATERIAL_LIQUID_TRANSPARENT", "TILE_MATERIAL_LIQUID_OPAQUE", "TILE_MATERIAL_WAVING_LEAVES", "TILE_MATERIAL_WAVING_PLANTS" }; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++){ shaders_header += "#define "; shaders_header += materialTypes[i]; shaders_header += " "; shaders_header += itos(i); shaders_header += "\n"; } shaders_header += "#define MATERIAL_TYPE "; shaders_header += itos(material_type); shaders_header += "\n"; shaders_header += "#define DRAW_TYPE "; shaders_header += itos(drawtype); shaders_header += "\n"; if (g_settings->getBool("generate_normalmaps")) { shaders_header += "#define GENERATE_NORMALMAPS 1\n"; } else { shaders_header += "#define GENERATE_NORMALMAPS 0\n"; } shaders_header += "#define NORMALMAPS_STRENGTH "; shaders_header += ftos(g_settings->getFloat("normalmaps_strength")); shaders_header += "\n"; float sample_step; int smooth = (int)g_settings->getFloat("normalmaps_smooth"); switch (smooth){ case 0: sample_step = 0.0078125; // 1.0 / 128.0 break; case 1: sample_step = 0.00390625; // 1.0 / 256.0 break; case 2: sample_step = 0.001953125; // 1.0 / 512.0 break; default: sample_step = 0.0078125; break; } shaders_header += "#define SAMPLE_STEP "; shaders_header += ftos(sample_step); shaders_header += "\n"; if (g_settings->getBool("enable_bumpmapping")) shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_BUMPMAPPING\n"; if (g_settings->getBool("enable_parallax_occlusion")){ int mode = g_settings->getFloat("parallax_occlusion_mode"); float scale = g_settings->getFloat("parallax_occlusion_scale"); float bias = g_settings->getFloat("parallax_occlusion_bias"); int iterations = g_settings->getFloat("parallax_occlusion_iterations"); shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_PARALLAX_OCCLUSION\n"; shaders_header += "#define PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_MODE "; shaders_header += itos(mode); shaders_header += "\n"; shaders_header += "#define PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_SCALE "; shaders_header += ftos(scale); shaders_header += "\n"; shaders_header += "#define PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_BIAS "; shaders_header += ftos(bias); shaders_header += "\n"; shaders_header += "#define PARALLAX_OCCLUSION_ITERATIONS "; shaders_header += itos(iterations); shaders_header += "\n"; } shaders_header += "#define USE_NORMALMAPS "; if (g_settings->getBool("enable_bumpmapping") || g_settings->getBool("enable_parallax_occlusion")) shaders_header += "1\n"; else shaders_header += "0\n"; if (g_settings->getBool("enable_waving_water")){ shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_WAVING_WATER 1\n"; shaders_header += "#define WATER_WAVE_HEIGHT "; shaders_header += ftos(g_settings->getFloat("water_wave_height")); shaders_header += "\n"; shaders_header += "#define WATER_WAVE_LENGTH "; shaders_header += ftos(g_settings->getFloat("water_wave_length")); shaders_header += "\n"; shaders_header += "#define WATER_WAVE_SPEED "; shaders_header += ftos(g_settings->getFloat("water_wave_speed")); shaders_header += "\n"; } else{ shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_WAVING_WATER 0\n"; } shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_WAVING_LEAVES "; if (g_settings->getBool("enable_waving_leaves")) shaders_header += "1\n"; else shaders_header += "0\n"; shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_WAVING_PLANTS "; if (g_settings->getBool("enable_waving_plants")) shaders_header += "1\n"; else shaders_header += "0\n"; if (g_settings->getBool("tone_mapping")) shaders_header += "#define ENABLE_TONE_MAPPING\n"; shaders_header += "#define FOG_START "; shaders_header += ftos(rangelim(g_settings->getFloat("fog_start"), 0.0f, 0.99f)); shaders_header += "\n"; // Call addHighLevelShaderMaterial() or addShaderMaterial() const c8* vertex_program_ptr = 0; const c8* pixel_program_ptr = 0; const c8* geometry_program_ptr = 0; if (!vertex_program.empty()) { vertex_program = shaders_header + vertex_program; vertex_program_ptr = vertex_program.c_str(); } if (!pixel_program.empty()) { pixel_program = shaders_header + pixel_program; pixel_program_ptr = pixel_program.c_str(); } if (!geometry_program.empty()) { geometry_program = shaders_header + geometry_program; geometry_program_ptr = geometry_program.c_str(); } ShaderCallback *cb = new ShaderCallback(setter_factories); s32 shadermat = -1; if(is_highlevel){ infostream<<"Compiling high level shaders for "<<name<<std::endl; shadermat = gpu->addHighLevelShaderMaterial( vertex_program_ptr, // Vertex shader program "vertexMain", // Vertex shader entry point video::EVST_VS_1_1, // Vertex shader version pixel_program_ptr, // Pixel shader program "pixelMain", // Pixel shader entry point video::EPST_PS_1_2, // Pixel shader version geometry_program_ptr, // Geometry shader program "geometryMain", // Geometry shader entry point video::EGST_GS_4_0, // Geometry shader version scene::EPT_TRIANGLES, // Geometry shader input scene::EPT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, // Geometry shader output 0, // Support maximum number of vertices cb, // Set-constant callback shaderinfo.base_material, // Base material 1 // Userdata passed to callback ); if(shadermat == -1){ errorstream<<"generate_shader(): " "failed to generate \""<<name<<"\", " "addHighLevelShaderMaterial failed." <<std::endl; dumpShaderProgram(warningstream, "Vertex", vertex_program); dumpShaderProgram(warningstream, "Pixel", pixel_program); dumpShaderProgram(warningstream, "Geometry", geometry_program); delete cb; return shaderinfo; } } else{ infostream<<"Compiling assembly shaders for "<<name<<std::endl; shadermat = gpu->addShaderMaterial( vertex_program_ptr, // Vertex shader program pixel_program_ptr, // Pixel shader program cb, // Set-constant callback shaderinfo.base_material, // Base material 0 // Userdata passed to callback ); if(shadermat == -1){ errorstream<<"generate_shader(): " "failed to generate \""<<name<<"\", " "addShaderMaterial failed." <<std::endl; dumpShaderProgram(warningstream, "Vertex", vertex_program); dumpShaderProgram(warningstream,"Pixel", pixel_program); delete cb; return shaderinfo; } } callbacks.push_back(cb); // HACK, TODO: investigate this better // Grab the material renderer once more so minetest doesn't crash on exit driver->getMaterialRenderer(shadermat)->grab(); // Apply the newly created material type shaderinfo.material = (video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE) shadermat; return shaderinfo; } void load_shaders(std::string name, SourceShaderCache *sourcecache, video::E_DRIVER_TYPE drivertype