/* Minetest Copyright (C) 2013 celeron55, Perttu Ahola This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "mapblock.h" #include #include "map.h" #include "light.h" #include "nodedef.h" #include "nodemetadata.h" #include "gamedef.h" #include "log.h" #include "nameidmapping.h" #include "content_mapnode.h" // For legacy name-id mapping #include "content_nodemeta.h" // For legacy deserialization #include "serialization.h" #ifndef SERVER #include "mapblock_mesh.h" #endif #include "util/string.h" #include "util/serialize.h" #define PP(x) "("<<(x).X<<","<<(x).Y<<","<<(x).Z<<")" /* MapBlock */ MapBlock::MapBlock(Map *parent, v3s16 pos, IGameDef *gamedef, bool dummy): heat(0), humidity(0), heat_last_update(0), humidity_last_update(0), m_parent(parent), m_pos(pos), m_gamedef(gamedef), m_modified(MOD_STATE_WRITE_NEEDED), m_modified_reason("initial"), m_modified_reason_too_long(false), is_underground(false), m_lighting_expired(true), m_day_night_differs(false), m_day_night_differs_expired(true), m_generated(false), m_timestamp(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_UNDEFINED), m_disk_timestamp(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_UNDEFINED), m_usage_timer(0), m_refcount(0) { data = NULL; if(dummy == false) reallocate(); #ifndef SERVER mesh = NULL; #endif } MapBlock::~MapBlock() { #ifndef SERVER { //JMutexAutoLock lock(mesh_mutex); if(mesh) { delete mesh; mesh = NULL; } } #endif if(data) delete[] data; } bool MapBlock::isValidPositionParent(v3s16 p) { if(isValidPosition(p)) { return true; } else{ return m_parent->isValidPosition(getPosRelative() + p); } } MapNode MapBlock::getNodeParent(v3s16 p) { if(isValidPosition(p) == false) { return m_parent->getNode(getPosRelative() + p); } else { if(data == NULL) throw InvalidPositionException(); return data[p.Z*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + p.Y*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + p.X]; } } void MapBlock::setNodeParent(v3s16 p, MapNode & n) { if(isValidPosition(p) == false) { m_parent->setNode(getPosRelative() + p, n); } else { if(data == NULL) throw InvalidPositionException(); data[p.Z*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + p.Y*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + p.X] = n; } } MapNode MapBlock::getNodeParentNoEx(v3s16 p) { if(isValidPosition(p) == false) { try{ return m_parent->getNode(getPosRelative() + p); } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { return MapNode(CONTENT_IGNORE); } } else { if(data == NULL) { return MapNode(CONTENT_IGNORE); } return data[p.Z*MAP_BLOCKSIZE*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + p.Y*MAP_BLOCKSIZE + p.X]; } } /* Propagates sunlight down through the block. Doesn't modify nodes that are not affected by sunlight. Returns false if sunlight at bottom block is invalid. Returns true if sunlight at bottom block is valid. Returns true if bottom block doesn't exist. If there is a block above, continues from it. If there is no block above, assumes there is sunlight, unless is_underground is set or highest node is water. All sunlighted nodes are added to light_sources. if remove_light==true, sets non-sunlighted nodes black. if black_air_left!=NULL, it is set to true if non-sunlighted air is left in block. */ bool MapBlock::propagateSunlight(std::set & light_sources, bool remove_light, bool *black_air_left) { INodeDefManager *nodemgr = m_gamedef->ndef(); // Whether the sunlight at the top of the bottom block is valid bool block_below_is_valid = true; v3s16 pos_relative = getPosRelative(); for(s16 x=0; xndef()) != LIGHT_SUN) { no_sunlight = true; } } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { no_top_block = true; // NOTE: This makes over-ground roofed places sunlighted // Assume sunlight, unless is_underground==true if(is_underground) { no_sunlight = true; } else { MapNode n = getNode(v3s16(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE-1, z)); if(m_gamedef->ndef()->get(n).sunlight_propagates == false) { no_sunlight = true; } } // NOTE: As of now, this just would make everything dark. // No sunlight here //no_sunlight = true; } #endif #if 0 // Doesn't work; nothing gets light. bool no_sunlight = true; bool no_top_block = false; // Check if node above block has sunlight try{ MapNode n = getNodeParent(v3s16(x, MAP_BLOCKSIZE, z)); if(n.getLight(LIGHTBANK_DAY) == LIGHT_SUN) { no_sunlight = false; } } catch(InvalidPositionException &e) { no_top_block = true; } #endif /*std::cout<<"("<*/ #include "timetaker.h" #include "porting.h" #include "log.h" #include <ostream> TimeTaker::TimeTaker(const std::string &name, u64 *result, TimePrecision prec) { m_name = name; m_result = result; m_precision = prec; m_time1 = porting::getTime(prec); } u64 TimeTaker::stop(bool quiet) { if (m_running) { u64 dtime = porting::getTime(m_precision) - m_time1; if (m_result != nullptr) { (*m_result) += dtime; } else { if (!quiet) { static const char* const units[] = { "s" /* PRECISION_SECONDS */, "ms" /* PRECISION_MILLI */, "us" /* PRECISION_MICRO */, "ns" /* PRECISION_NANO */, }; infostream << m_name << " took " << dtime << units[m_precision] << std::endl; } } m_running = false; return dtime; } return 0; } u64 TimeTaker::getTimerTime() { return porting::getTime(m_precision) - m_time1; } ping.insert(std::make_pair(global_id, id)); const ContentFeatures &f = nodedef->get(global_id); const std::string &name = f.name; if(name == "") unknown_contents.insert(global_id); else nimap->set(id, name); } // Update the MapNode nodes[i].setContent(id); } for(std::set::const_iterator i = unknown_contents.begin(); i != unknown_contents.end(); i++){ errorstream<<"getBlockNodeIdMapping(): IGNORING ERROR: " <<"Name for node id "<<(*i)<<" not known"<ndef(); // This means the block contains incorrect ids, and we contain // the information to convert those to names. // nodedef contains information to convert our names to globally // correct ids. std::set unnamed_contents; std::set unallocatable_contents; for(u32 i=0; igetName(local_id, name); if(!found){ unnamed_contents.insert(local_id); continue; } content_t global_id; found = nodedef->getId(name, global_id); if(!found){ global_id = gamedef->allocateUnknownNodeId(name); if(global_id == CONTENT_IGNORE){ unallocatable_contents.insert(name); continue; } } nodes[i].setContent(global_id); } for(std::set::const_iterator i = unnamed_contents.begin(); i != unnamed_contents.end(); i++){ errorstream<<"correctBlockNodeIds(): IGNORING ERROR: " <<"Block contains id "<<(*i) <<" with no name mapping"<::const_iterator i = unallocatable_contents.begin(); i != unallocatable_contents.end(); i++){ errorstream<<"correctBlockNodeIds(): IGNORING ERROR: " <<"Could not allocate global id for node name \"" <<(*i)<<"\""<ndef()); u8 content_width = 2; u8 params_width = 2; writeU8(os, content_width); writeU8(os, params_width); MapNode::serializeBulk(os, version, tmp_nodes, nodecount, content_width, params_width, true); delete[] tmp_nodes; } else { u8 content_width = 2; u8 params_width = 2; writeU8(os, content_width); writeU8(os, params_width); MapNode::serializeBulk(os, version, data, nodecount, content_width, params_width, true); } /* Node metadata */ std::ostringstream oss(std::ios_base::binary); m_node_metadata.serialize(oss); compressZlib(oss.str(), os); /* Data that goes to disk, but not the network */ if(disk) { if(version <= 24){ // Node timers m_node_timers.serialize(os, version); } // Static objects m_static_objects.serialize(os); // Timestamp writeU32(os, getTimestamp()); // Write block-specific node definition id mapping nimap.serialize(os); if(version >= 25){ // Node timers m_node_timers.serialize(os, version); } } } void MapBlock::serializeNetworkSpecific(std::ostream &os, u16 net_proto_version) { if(data == NULL) { throw SerializationError("ERROR: Not writing dummy block."); } if(net_proto_version >= 21){ int version = 1; writeU8(os, version); writeF1000(os, heat); writeF1000(os, humidity); } } void MapBlock::deSerialize(std::istream &is, u8 version, bool disk) { if(!ser_ver_supported(version)) throw VersionMismatchException("ERROR: MapBlock format not supported"); TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<= 23) m_node_metadata.deSerialize(iss, m_gamedef); else content_nodemeta_deserialize_legacy(iss, &m_node_metadata, &m_node_timers, m_gamedef); } catch(SerializationError &e) { errorstream<<"WARNING: MapBlock::deSerialize(): Ignoring an error" <<" while deserializing node metadata at (" <= 25){ TRACESTREAM(<<"MapBlock::deSerialize "<=25)"<= 1) { heat = readF1000(is); humidity = readF1000(is); } } catch(SerializationError &e) { errorstream<<"WARNING: MapBlock::deSerializeNetworkSpecific(): Ignoring an error" <<": "< databuf_nodelist(nodecount * ser_length); // These have no compression if(version <= 3 || version == 5 || version == 6) { char tmp; is.read(&tmp, 1); if(is.gcount() != 1) throw SerializationError ("MapBlock::deSerialize: no enough input data"); is_underground = tmp; is.read((char*)*databuf_nodelist, nodecount * ser_length); if((u32)is.gcount() != nodecount * ser_length) throw SerializationError ("MapBlock::deSerialize: no enough input data"); } else if(version <= 10) { u8 t8; is.read((char*)&t8, 1); is_underground = t8; { // Uncompress and set material data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if(s.size() != nodecount) throw SerializationError ("MapBlock::deSerialize: invalid format"); for(u32 i=0; i= 10) { // Uncompress and set param2 data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if(s.size() != nodecount) throw SerializationError ("MapBlock::deSerialize: invalid format"); for(u32 i=0; i= 18) m_generated = (flags & 0x08) ? false : true; // Uncompress data std::ostringstream os(std::ios_base::binary); decompress(is, os, version); std::string s = os.str(); if(s.size() != nodecount*3) throw SerializationError ("MapBlock::deSerialize: decompress resulted in size" " other than nodecount*3"); // deserialize nodes from buffer for(u32 i=0; i= 14) { // Ignore errors try{ if(version <= 15) { std::string data = deSerializeString(is); std::istringstream iss(data, std::ios_base::binary); content_nodemeta_deserialize_legacy(iss, &m_node_metadata, &m_node_timers, m_gamedef); } else { //std::string data = deSerializeLongString(is); std::ostringstream oss(std::ios_base::binary); decompressZlib(is, oss); std::istringstream iss(oss.str(), std::ios_base::binary); content_nodemeta_deserialize_legacy(iss, &m_node_metadata, &m_node_timers, m_gamedef); } } catch(SerializationError &e) { errorstream<<"WARNING: MapBlock::deSerialize(): Ignoring an error" <<" while deserializing node metadata"<= 9){ u16 count = readU16(is); // Not supported and length not known if count is not 0 if(count != 0){ errorstream<<"WARNING: MapBlock::deSerialize_pre22(): " <<"Ignoring stuff coming at and after MBOs"<= 15) m_static_objects.deSerialize(is); // Timestamp if(version >= 17){ setTimestamp(readU32(is)); m_disk_timestamp = m_timestamp; } else { setTimestamp(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_UNDEFINED); } // Dynamically re-set ids based on node names NameIdMapping nimap; // If supported, read node definition id mapping if(version >= 21){ nimap.deSerialize(is); // Else set the legacy mapping } else { content_mapnode_get_name_id_mapping(&nimap); } correctBlockNodeIds(&nimap, data, m_gamedef); } // Legacy data changes // This code has to convert from pre-22 to post-22 format. INodeDefManager *nodedef = m_gamedef->ndef(); for(u32 i=0; iget(data[i].getContent()); // Mineral if(nodedef->getId("default:stone") == data[i].getContent() && data[i].getParam1() == 1) { data[i].setContent(nodedef->getId("default:stone_with_coal")); data[i].setParam1(0); } else if(nodedef->getId("default:stone") == data[i].getContent() && data[i].getParam1() == 2) { data[i].setContent(nodedef->getId("default:stone_with_iron")); data[i].setParam1(0); } // facedir_simple if(f.legacy_facedir_simple) { data[i].setParam2(data[i].getParam1()); data[i].setParam1(0); } // wall_mounted if(f.legacy_wallmounted) { u8 wallmounted_new_to_old[8] = {0x04, 0x08, 0x01, 0x02, 0x10, 0x20, 0, 0}; u8 dir_old_format = data[i].getParam2(); u8 dir_new_format = 0; for(u8 j=0; j<8; j++) { if((dir_old_format & wallmounted_new_to_old[j]) != 0) { dir_new_format = j; break; } } data[i].setParam2(dir_new_format); } } } /* Get a quick string to describe what a block actually contains */ std::string analyze_block(MapBlock *block) { if(block == NULL) return "NULL"; std::ostringstream desc; v3s16 p = block->getPos(); char spos[20]; snprintf(spos, 20, "(%2d,%2d,%2d), ", p.X, p.Y, p.Z); desc<getModified()) { case MOD_STATE_CLEAN: desc<<"CLEAN, "; break; case MOD_STATE_WRITE_AT_UNLOAD: desc<<"WRITE_AT_UNLOAD, "; break; case MOD_STATE_WRITE_NEEDED: desc<<"WRITE_NEEDED, "; break; default: desc<<"unknown getModified()="+itos(block->getModified())+", "; } if(block->isGenerated()) desc<<"is_gen [X], "; else desc<<"is_gen [ ], "; if(block->getIsUnderground()) desc<<"is_ug [X], "; else desc<<"is_ug [ ], "; if(block->getLightingExpired()) desc<<"lighting_exp [X], "; else desc<<"lighting_exp [ ], "; if(block->isDummy()) { desc<<"Dummy, "; } else { bool full_ignore = true; bool some_ignore = false; bool full_air = true; bool some_air = false; for(s16 z0=0; z0getNode(p); content_t c = n.getContent(); if(c == CONTENT_IGNORE) some_ignore = true; else full_ignore = false; if(c == CONTENT_AIR) some_air = true; else full_air = false; } desc<<"content {"; std::ostringstream ss; if(full_ignore) ss<<"IGNORE (full), "; else if(some_ignore) ss<<"IGNORE, "; if(full_air) ss<<"AIR (full), "; else if(some_air) ss<<"AIR, "; if(ss.str().size()>=2) desc<