diff options
3 files changed, 462 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a937710
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# colour_chat
+A minetest CSM mod for changing the colour of text sent to the server.
+### Usage
+Use .set_colour to set the colour of chat sent to the server, you can
+use either HTML named colours or HTML hexdecimal colour codes. Use
+.rainbow to generate rainbow text
diff --git a/colournames.lua b/colournames.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9e9ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/colournames.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+-- This list of colour names was extracted and converted from
+-- https://drafts.csswg.org/css-color/#named-colors
+local colournames = {}
+colournames["aliceblue"] = "#F0F8FF"
+colournames["antiquewhite"] = "#FAEBD7"
+colournames["aqua"] = "#00FFFF"
+colournames["aquamarine"] = "#7FFFD4"
+colournames["azure"] = "#F0FFFF"
+colournames["beige"] = "#F5F5DC"
+colournames["bisque"] = "#FFE4C4"
+colournames["black"] = "#000000"
+colournames["blanchedalmond"] = "#FFEBCD"
+colournames["blue"] = "#0000FF"
+colournames["blueviolet"] = "#8A2BE2"
+colournames["brown"] = "#A52A2A"
+colournames["burlywood"] = "#DEB887"
+colournames["cadetblue"] = "#5F9EA0"
+colournames["chartreuse"] = "#7FFF00"
+colournames["chocolate"] = "#D2691E"
+colournames["coral"] = "#FF7F50"
+colournames["cornflowerblue"] = "#6495ED"
+colournames["cornsilk"] = "#FFF8DC"
+colournames["crimson"] = "#DC143C"
+colournames["cyan"] = "#00FFFF"
+colournames["darkblue"] = "#00008B"
+colournames["darkcyan"] = "#008B8B"
+colournames["darkgoldenrod"] = "#B8860B"
+colournames["darkgray"] = "#A9A9A9"
+colournames["darkgreen"] = "#006400"
+colournames["darkgrey"] = "#A9A9A9"
+colournames["darkkhaki"] = "#BDB76B"
+colournames["darkmagenta"] = "#8B008B"
+colournames["darkolivegreen"] = "#556B2F"
+colournames["darkorange"] = "#FF8C00"
+colournames["darkorchid"] = "#9932CC"
+colournames["darkred"] = "#8B0000"
+colournames["darksalmon"] = "#E9967A"
+colournames["darkseagreen"] = "#8FBC8F"
+colournames["darkslateblue"] = "#483D8B"
+colournames["darkslategray"] = "#2F4F4F"
+colournames["darkslategrey"] = "#2F4F4F"
+colournames["darkturquoise"] = "#00CED1"
+colournames["darkviolet"] = "#9400D3"
+colournames["deeppink"] = "#FF1493"
+colournames["deepskyblue"] = "#00BFFF"
+colournames["dimgray"] = "#696969"
+colournames["dimgrey"] = "#696969"
+colournames["dodgerblue"] = "#1E90FF"
+colournames["firebrick"] = "#B22222"
+colournames["floralwhite"] = "#FFFAF0"
+colournames["forestgreen"] = "#228B22"
+colournames["fuchsia"] = "#FF00FF"
+colournames["gainsboro"] = "#DCDCDC"
+colournames["ghostwhite"] = "#F8F8FF"
+colournames["gold"] = "#FFD700"
+colournames["goldenrod"] = "#DAA520"
+colournames["gray"] = "#808080"
+colournames["green"] = "#008000"
+colournames["greenyellow"] = "#ADFF2F"
+colournames["grey"] = "#808080"
+colournames["honeydew"] = "#F0FFF0"
+colournames["hotpink"] = "#FF69B4"
+colournames["indianred"] = "#CD5C5C"
+colournames["indigo"] = "#4B0082"
+colournames["ivory"] = "#FFFFF0"
+colournames["khaki"] = "#F0E68C"
+colournames["lavender"] = "#E6E6FA"
+colournames["lavenderblush"] = "#FFF0F5"
+colournames["lawngreen"] = "#7CFC00"
+colournames["lemonchiffon"] = "#FFFACD"
+colournames["lightblue"] = "#ADD8E6"
+colournames["lightcoral"] = "#F08080"
+colournames["lightcyan"] = "#E0FFFF"
+colournames["lightgoldenrodyellow"] = "#FAFAD2"
+colournames["lightgray"] = "#D3D3D3"
+colournames["lightgreen"] = "#90EE90"
+colournames["lightgrey"] = "#D3D3D3"
+colournames["lightpink"] = "#FFB6C1"
+colournames["lightsalmon"] = "#FFA07A"
+colournames["lightseagreen"] = "#20B2AA"
+colournames["lightskyblue"] = "#87CEFA"
+colournames["lightslategray"] = "#778899"
+colournames["lightslategrey"] = "#778899"
+colournames["lightsteelblue"] = "#B0C4DE"
+colournames["lightyellow"] = "#FFFFE0"
+colournames["lime"] = "#00FF00"
+colournames["limegreen"] = "#32CD32"
+colournames["linen"] = "#FAF0E6"
+colournames["magenta"] = "#FF00FF"
+colournames["maroon"] = "#800000"
+colournames["mediumaquamarine"] = "#66CDAA"
+colournames["mediumblue"] = "#0000CD"
+colournames["mediumorchid"] = "#BA55D3"
+colournames["mediumpurple"] = "#9370DB"
+colournames["mediumseagreen"] = "#3CB371"
+colournames["mediumslateblue"] = "#7B68EE"
+colournames["mediumspringgreen"] = "#00FA9A"
+colournames["mediumturquoise"] = "#48D1CC"
+colournames["mediumvioletred"] = "#C71585"
+colournames["midnightblue"] = "#191970"
+colournames["mintcream"] = "#F5FFFA"
+colournames["mistyrose"] = "#FFE4E1"
+colournames["moccasin"] = "#FFE4B5"
+colournames["navajowhite"] = "#FFDEAD"
+colournames["navy"] = "#000080"
+colournames["oldlace"] = "#FDF5E6"
+colournames["olive"] = "#808000"
+colournames["olivedrab"] = "#6B8E23"
+colournames["orange"] = "#FFA500"
+colournames["orangered"] = "#FF4500"
+colournames["orchid"] = "#DA70D6"
+colournames["palegoldenrod"] = "#EEE8AA"
+colournames["palegreen"] = "#98FB98"
+colournames["paleturquoise"] = "#AFEEEE"
+colournames["palevioletred"] = "#DB7093"
+colournames["papayawhip"] = "#FFEFD5"
+colournames["peachpuff"] = "#FFDAB9"
+colournames["peru"] = "#CD853F"
+colournames["pink"] = "#FFC0CB"
+colournames["plum"] = "#DDA0DD"
+colournames["powderblue"] = "#B0E0E6"
+colournames["purple"] = "#800080"
+colournames["rebeccapurple"] = "#663399"
+colournames["red"] = "#FF0000"
+colournames["rosybrown"] = "#BC8F8F"
+colournames["royalblue"] = "#4169E1"
+colournames["saddlebrown"] = "#8B4513"
+colournames["salmon"] = "#FA8072"
+colournames["sandybrown"] = "#F4A460"
+colournames["seagreen"] = "#2E8B57"
+colournames["seashell"] = "#FFF5EE"
+colournames["sienna"] = "#A0522D"
+colournames["silver"] = "#C0C0C0"
+colournames["skyblue"] = "#87CEEB"
+colournames["slateblue"] = "#6A5ACD"
+colournames["slategray"] = "#708090"
+colournames["slategrey"] = "#708090"
+colournames["snow"] = "#FFFAFA"
+colournames["springgreen"] = "#00FF7F"
+colournames["steelblue"] = "#4682B4"
+colournames["tan"] = "#D2B48C"
+colournames["teal"] = "#008080"
+colournames["thistle"] = "#D8BFD8"
+colournames["tomato"] = "#FF6347"
+colournames["turquoise"] = "#40E0D0"
+colournames["violet"] = "#EE82EE"
+colournames["wheat"] = "#F5DEB3"
+colournames["white"] = "#FFFFFF"
+colournames["whitesmoke"] = "#F5F5F5"
+colournames["yellow"] = "#FFFF00"
+colournames["yellowgreen"] = "#9ACD32"
+function colourname2hex(colname)
+ if not colname then return "" end
+ if colname == "" then return "" end
+ if colname:sub(1,1) == "#" then
+ if #colname == 7 then
+ -- let's guess it's a hexcode as colour
+ return colname
+ end
+ end
+ if colournames[colname] then
+ return colournames[colname]
+ end
+ -- be safe and return nothing
+ return ""
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55419d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+local modstorage = core.get_mod_storage()
+local register_on_message = core.register_on_sending_chat_message
+if core.register_on_sending_chat_messages then
+ register_on_message = core.register_on_sending_chat_messages
+local function rgb_to_hex(rgb)
+ local hexadecimal = '#'
+ for key, value in pairs(rgb) do
+ local hex = ''
+ while(value > 0)do
+ local index = math.fmod(value, 16) + 1
+ value = math.floor(value / 16)
+ hex = string.sub('0123456789ABCDEF', index, index) .. hex
+ end
+ if(string.len(hex) == 0)then
+ hex = '00'
+ elseif(string.len(hex) == 1)then
+ hex = '0' .. hex
+ end
+ hexadecimal = hexadecimal .. hex
+ end
+ return hexadecimal
+local function color_from_hue(hue)
+ local h = hue / 60
+ local c = 255
+ local x = (1 - math.abs(h%2 - 1)) * 255
+ local i = math.floor(h);
+ if (i == 0) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({c, x, 0})
+ elseif (i == 1) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({x, c, 0})
+ elseif (i == 2) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({0, c, x})
+ elseif (i == 3) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({0, x, c});
+ elseif (i == 4) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({x, 0, c});
+ else
+ return rgb_to_hex({c, 0, x});
+ end
+local function pastel_from_hue(hue)
+ local h = hue / 60
+ local c = 255
+ local d = 192
+ local x = (1 - math.abs(h%2 - 1)) * 255
+ local i = math.floor(h);
+ if (i == 0) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({c, x, d})
+ elseif (i == 1) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({x, c, d})
+ elseif (i == 2) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({d, c, x})
+ elseif (i == 3) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({d, x, c});
+ elseif (i == 4) then
+ return rgb_to_hex({x, d, c});
+ else
+ return rgb_to_hex({c, d, x});
+ end
+function hex2rgb(hex) -- added - found on github
+ hex = hex:gsub("#","")
+ return {tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(1,2)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(3,4)), tonumber("0x"..hex:sub(5,6))}
+local function color_step(pos, col1, col2) -- added - gets a color between colors
+ local rgb1 = hex2rgb(col1)
+ local rgb2 = hex2rgb(col2)
+ local rgb = {}
+ for i, v in pairs(rgb1) do
+ rgb[i] = rgb1[i]+(rgb2[i]-rgb1[i])*(pos/255)
+ end
+ return rgb_to_hex(rgb)
+local function canTalk()
+ if core.get_privilege_list then
+ return core.get_privilege_list().shout
+ else
+ return true
+ end
+local function say(message)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ minetest.display_chat_message("You need 'shout' in order to talk")
+ return
+ end
+ minetest.send_chat_message(message)
+ if minetest.get_server_info().protocol_version < 29 then
+ local name = minetest.localplayer:get_name()
+ minetest.display_chat_message("<"..name.."> " .. message)
+ end
+function fade(parameter)
+ local col1 = string.sub(parameter, 1, 7)
+ local col2 = string.sub(parameter, 9, 15)
+ local message = string.sub(parameter, 17)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ return false, "You need 'shout' in order to use this command"
+ end
+ if col1 == col2 then
+ say(core.get_color_escape_sequence(col1) .. message)
+ return true
+ end
+ local step = 255 / message:len()
+ local pos = 0
+ local output = ""
+ for i = 1, message:len() do
+ local char = message:sub(i,i)
+ if char:match("%s") then
+ output = output .. char
+ else
+ output = output .. core.get_color_escape_sequence(color_step(pos, col1, col2)) .. char
+ end
+ pos = pos + step
+ end
+ say(output)
+ return true
+ if message:sub(1,1) == "/" or modstorage:get_string("colour") == "" or modstorage:get_string("colour") == "white" then
+ return false
+ end
+ fade(modstorage:get_string("colour") .. " " .. message)
+ return true
+core.register_chatcommand("set_colour", {
+ description = core.gettext("Change chat colour"),
+ func = function(colour)
+ if colour:len() == 7 then
+ modstorage:set_string("colour", colour.." "..colour)
+ else
+ modstorage:set_string("colour", colour)
+ end
+ return true, "Chat colour changed."
+ end,
+core.register_chatcommand("get_colour", {
+ description = core.gettext("Display chat colour"),
+ func = function()
+ local cc = modstorage:get_string("colour")
+ return true, "Current chat colour: " .. cc
+ end,
+ })
+core.register_chatcommand("rainbow", {
+ description = core.gettext("rainbow text"),
+ func = function(param)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ return false, "You need 'shout' in order to use this command"
+ end
+ local step = 360 / param:len()
+ local hue = 0
+ -- iterate the whole 360 degrees
+ local output = ""
+ for i = 1, param:len() do
+ local char = param:sub(i,i)
+ if char:match("%s") then
+ output = output .. char
+ else
+ output = output .. core.get_color_escape_sequence(colour_from_hue(hue)) .. char
+ end
+ hue = hue + step
+ end
+ say(output)
+ return true
+core.register_chatcommand("fade", { -- added - fades between any two colors
+ description = core.gettext("fade message between two colors"),
+ func = fade,
+core.register_chatcommand("pastel", {
+ description = core.gettext("pastel rainbow text"),
+ func = function(param)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ return false, "You need 'shout' in order to use this command"
+ end
+ local step = 360 / param:len()
+ local hue = 0
+ -- iterate the whole 360 degrees
+ local output = ""
+ for i = 1, param:len() do
+ local char = param:sub(i,i)
+ if char:match("%s") then
+ output = output .. char
+ else
+ output = output .. core.get_color_escape_sequence(pastel_from_hue(hue)) .. char
+ end
+ hue = hue + step
+ end
+ say(output)
+ return true
+core.register_chatcommand("mw", {
+ description = core.gettext("moderator warning"),
+ func = function(param)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ return false, "You need 'shout' in order to use this comand"
+ end
+ local output = ""
+ output = core.get_color_escape_sequence("#ffdf00") .. "MODERATOR WARNING: "
+ output = output .. core.get_color_escape_sequence("#ff7fff") ..param
+ say(output)
+ return true
+core.register_chatcommand("mi", {
+ description = core.gettext("moderator info"),
+ func = function(param)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ return false, "You need 'shout' in order to use this command"
+ end
+ local output = ""
+ output = core.get_color_escape_sequence("#d0ff00") .. "MODERATOR INFO: "
+ output = output .. core.get_color_escape_sequence("#dfdfff") .. param
+ say(output)
+ return true
+core.register_chatcommand("rainbow", {
+ description = core.gettext("rainbow text"),
+ func = function(param)
+ if not canTalk() then
+ return false, "You need 'shout' in order to use this command"
+ end
+ local step = 360 / param:len()
+ local hue = 0
+ -- iterate the whole 360 degrees
+ local output = ""
+ for i = 1, param:len() do
+ local char = param:sub(i,i)
+ if char:match("%s") then
+ output = output .. char
+ else
+ output = output .. core.get_color_escape_sequence(color_from_hue(hue)) .. char
+ end
+ hue = hue + step
+ end
+ say(output)
+ return true
+core.register_chatcommand("say", {
+ description = core.gettext("Send text without applying colour to it"),
+ func = function(text)
+ say(text)
+ return true
+ end,