path: root/init.lua
diff options
authorOch Noe <och_noe@forksworld.de>2020-06-14 22:36:03 +0200
committerOch Noe <och_noe@forksworld.de>2020-06-14 22:36:03 +0200
commite13528233065897b20cf63a785bf57a23e8d8d07 (patch)
treebc23d2618d2f2541097349eed03f30dd4848c27c /init.lua
changes: no player tp, no random, places with spaces, correct rounding
Diffstat (limited to 'init.lua')
1 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/init.lua b/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70ab5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+local mod_name = minetest.get_current_modname()
+local function log(level, message)
+ minetest.log(level, ('[%s] %s'):format(mod_name, message))
+log('action', 'CSM loading...')
+local mod_storage = minetest.get_mod_storage()
+local function load_waypoints()
+ if string.find(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints'), 'return') then
+ return minetest.deserialize(mod_storage:get_string('waypoints'))
+ else
+ return {}
+ end
+local waypoints = load_waypoints()
+local function safe(func)
+ -- wrap a function w/ logic to avoid crashing the game
+ local f = function(...)
+ local status, out = pcall(func, ...)
+ if status then
+ return out
+ else
+ log('warning', 'Error (func): ' .. out)
+ return nil
+ end
+ end
+ return f
+local function round(x)
+ -- approved by kahan
+-- if x % 2 ~= 0.5 then
+ return math.floor(x+0.5)
+-- else
+-- return x - 0.5
+-- end
+local function pairsByKeys(t, f)
+ local a = {}
+ for n in pairs(t) do
+ table.insert(a, n)
+ end
+ table.sort(a, f)
+ local i = 0
+ return function()
+ i = i + 1
+ if a[i] == nil then
+ return nil
+ else
+ return a[i], t[a[i]]
+ end
+ end
+local function lc_cmp(a, b)
+ return a:lower() < b:lower()
+local function tostring_point(point)
+ return ('%i %i.5 %i'):format(round(point.x), round(point.y), round(point.z))
+minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_set', {
+ params = '<name>',
+ description = 'set a waypoint',
+ func = safe(function(param)
+ waypoints = load_waypoints()
+ local point = minetest.localplayer:get_pos()
+ waypoints[param] = point
+ mod_storage:set_string('waypoints', minetest.serialize(waypoints))
+ minetest.display_chat_message(
+ ('set waypoint "%s" to "%s"'):format(param, tostring_point(point))
+ )
+ end),
+minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_unset', {
+ params = '<name>',
+ description = 'remove a waypoint',
+ func = safe(function(param)
+ waypoints = load_waypoints()
+ waypoints[param] = nil
+ mod_storage:set_string('waypoints', minetest.serialize(waypoints))
+ minetest.display_chat_message(
+ ('removed waypoint "%s"'):format(param)
+ )
+ end),
+minetest.register_chatcommand('wp_list', {
+ params = '',
+ description = 'lists waypoints',
+ func = safe(function(_)
+ for name, point in pairsByKeys(waypoints, lc_cmp) do
+ minetest.display_chat_message(
+ ('%s -> %s'):format(name, tostring_point(point))
+ )
+ end
+ end),
+minetest.register_chatcommand('tw', {
+ params = '(<playernamename>) <waypoint>',
+ description = 'teleport (a player) to a waypoint',
+ func = safe(function(param)
+-- local playername, wpname = string.match(param, '^(%S+)%s+(%S+)$')
+-- if playername and wpname then
+-- local waypoint = waypoints[wpname]
+-- if waypoint ~= nil then
+-- local args = ('%s %s'):format(playername, tostring_point(waypoint))
+-- minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', args)
+-- else
+-- minetest.display_chat_message(('waypoint "%s" not found.'):format(wpname))
+-- end
+-- else
+ local wpname = param
+ local waypoint = waypoints[wpname]
+ if waypoint ~= nil then
+ minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', tostring_point(waypoint))
+ else
+ minetest.display_chat_message(('waypoint "%s" not found.'):format(wpname))
+ end
+-- end
+ end),
+-- 2019-07-11 Och_Noe disabled
+-- random teleporting is too dangerous
+-- minetest.register_chatcommand('tr', {
+-- params = '<ELEV> | <PLAYER> | <PLAYER> <ELEV>',
+-- description = '/teleport (a player) to a random location',
+-- func = safe(function(param)
+-- local x = math.random(-30912, 30927)
+-- local y = math.random(-30912, 30927)
+-- local z = math.random(-30912, 30927)
+-- local name = ''
+-- if string.match(param, '^([%a%d_-]+) (%d+)$') ~= nil then
+-- name, y = string.match(param, "^([%a%d_-]+) (%d+)$")
+-- elseif string.match(param, '^([%d-]+)$') then
+-- y = string.match(param, '^([%d-]+)$')
+-- elseif string.match(param, '^([%a%d_-]+)$') ~= nil then
+-- name = string.match(param, '^([%a%d_-]+)$')
+-- end
+-- local args = ('%s %s %s %s'):format(name, x, y, z)
+-- minetest.run_server_chatcommand('teleport', args)
+-- end),
+-- })