path: root/assets/manual/tex
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3 files changed, 3 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/assets/manual/tex/dev-advtrains.tex b/assets/manual/tex/dev-advtrains.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 4bfbeab..0000000
--- a/assets/manual/tex/dev-advtrains.tex
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-\part{Developer's Manual}
-This part is mostly relevant only to those interested in working on internal mechanisms of \advtrains{} or making mods related to \advtrains{}. Please note that this part is still incomplete.
-\section{The \texttt{advtrains} table}\label{s:tadvtrains}
-The \texttt{speed} library allows comparison of speed limits, which can be represented with:
-\item $v \geq 0$, which stands for a speed restriction of $v$.
-\item $-1$ or \luanil, which lifts the speed restriction.
-The use of other values (in particular, \luanan{} and $\pm\infty$) may result in undefined behavior.
-Note that the meaning of \luanil{} here differ from the meaning used in signal aspect tables (see section \ref{s:sigasp}): \luanil{} lifts the speed limit instead of keeping it.
-For speed limits, it is said that $a < b$ if $a$ is more strict than $b$, and $a = b$ if $a$ and $b$ refer to the same speed limit.
-The following entries are present in \texttt{advtrains.speed}:
-\item \apifunc{lessp}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns a boolean indicating whether $a < b$.
-\item \apifunc{greaterp}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns a boolean indicating whether $a > b$.
-\item \apifunc{equalp}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns a boolean indicating whether $a = b$.
-\item \apifunc{not\_lessp}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns a boolean indicating whether $a \ge b$.
-\item \apifunc{not\_greaterp}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns a boolean indicating whether $a \le b$.
-\item \apifunc{not\_equalp}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns a boolean indicating whether $a \ne b$.
-\item \apifunc{min}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns the strictest limit of \var{a} and \var{b}.
-\item \apifunc{max}{\var{a},\var{b}} Returns the less strict limit of \var{a} and \var{b}.
-\item \apifunc{set\_restriction}{\var{train},\var{type},\var{val}} Set speed restriction of type \var{type} of \var{train} to \var{val} and update the \texttt{speed\_restriction} field of \var{train} accordingly. \var{Type} defaults to \texttt{main}.
-\item \apifunc{merge\_aspect}{\var{train},\var{asp}} Merge the signal aspect \var{asp} into the speed restriction table of \var{train} and update the \texttt{speed\_restriction} field of \var{train} accordingly.
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% TeX-master: "a4manual"
-%%% End: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/manual/tex/introduction.tex b/assets/manual/tex/introduction.tex
index 1351fbf..752e098 100644
--- a/assets/manual/tex/introduction.tex
+++ b/assets/manual/tex/introduction.tex
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ A notable portion of the manual is influenced by various other guides and manual
\item The format of the API documentation is influenced by R$^7$RS.
\item Section \ref{s:interlocking} is written with reference to orwell's interlocking guide and Blockhead's video explaining the three-station setup. The links to both sources can be found in that section.
\item Section \ref{s:luaatc} is a reformatted and restructured version of the LuaATC documentation, written by orwell and Maverick2797.
-\item The manuals related to railway-time are modifed from the railway time API documentation written by orwell. Part of the section is also taken from \texttt{advtrains\_line\_automation/railwaytime.lua}
+\item The manuals related to railway time are modifed from the railway time API documentation written by orwell. Part of the section is also taken from \texttt{advtrains\_line\_automation/railwaytime.lua}
diff --git a/assets/manual/tex/main.tex b/assets/manual/tex/main.tex
index 17d327d..593c749 100644
--- a/assets/manual/tex/main.tex
+++ b/assets/manual/tex/main.tex
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@