path: root/modpack.txt
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--holds code for the track-placing system. the default 'track' item will be a craftitem that places rails as needed. this will neither place or change switches nor place vertical rails.

--all new trackplacer code
local tp={

--[[ New in version 2.5:

The track placer no longer uses hacky nodename pattern matching.
The base criterion for rotating or matching tracks is the common "ndef.advtrains.track_place_group" property.
Only rails where this field is set are considered for replacement. Other rails can still be considered for connection.
Replacement ("bending") of rails can only happen within their respective track place group. Only two-conn rails are allowed in the trackplacer.

The track registration functions register the candidates for any given track_place_group in two separate collections:
- double: tracks that can be used to connect both ends of the rail
- single: tracks that will be used to connect conn1 when only a single end is to be connected

When track placing is requested, the calling code just supplies the track_place_group to be placed.


local function rotate(conn, rot)
	return (conn + rot) % 16

-- Register a track node as candidate
-- tpg: the track place group to register the candidates for
-- name, ndef: the node name and node definition table to register
-- as_single: whether the rail should be considered as candidate for one-endpoint connection
--            Typically only set for the straight rail variants
-- as_double: whether the rail should be considered as candidate for two-endpoint connection
--            Typically set for straights and curves
function tp.register_candidate(tpg, name, ndef, as_single, as_double)
	--get or create TP group
	if not tp.groups[tpg] then
		tp.groups[tpg] = {double = {}, single1 = {}, single2 = {}, default = {name = name, param2 = 0} }
		-- note: this causes the first candidate to ever be registered to be the default (which is typically what you want)
	local g = tp.groups[tpg]
	-- get conns
	assert(#ndef.at_conns == 2)
	local c1, c2 = ndef.at_conns[1].c, ndef.at_conns[2].c
	local is_symmetrical = (rotate(c1, 8) == c2)
	-- store all possible rotations (param2 values)
	for i=0,3 do
		if as_double then
			g.double[rotate(c1,i*4).."_"..rotate(c2,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
			if not is_symmmetrical then
				g.double[rotate(c2,i*4).."_"..rotate(c1,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
				-- if the track is unsymmetric (e.g. a curve), we may require the "wrong" orientation to fill a gap.
		if as_single then
			g.single1[rotate(c1,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}
			g.single2[rotate(c2,i*4)] = {name=name, param2=i}

local function check_or_bend_rail(origin, dir, pname, commit)
	local pos = advtrains.pos_add_dir(origin, dir)
	local back_dir = advtrains.oppd(dir);
	local node_ok, conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
	if not node_ok then
		-- try the node one level below
		pos.y = pos.y - 1
		node_ok, conns = advtrains.get_rail_info_at(pos)
	if not node_ok then
		return false
	-- if one conn of the node here already points towards us, nothing to do
	for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
		if back_dir == conn.c then
			return true
	-- can we bend the node here?
	local node = advtrains.ndb.get_node(pos)
	local ndef = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name]
	if not ndef or not ndef.advtrains or not ndef.advtrains.track_place_group then
		return false
	-- now the track must be two-conn, else it wouldn't be allowed to have track_place_group set.
	assert(#conns == 2)
	-- Is player and game allowed to do this?
	if not advtrains.can_dig_or_modify_track(pos) then
		return false
	if not advtrains.check_track_protection(pos, pname) then
		return false
	-- we confirmed that track can be modified. Does there exist a suitable connection candidate?
	-- check if there are any unbound ends
	local bound_connids = {}
	for connid, conn in ipairs(conns) do
		local adj_pos, adj_connid = advtrains.get_adjacent_rail(pos, conns, connid)
		if adj_pos then
			bound_connids[#bound_connids+1] = connid
	-- depending on the nummber of ends, decide
	if #bound_connids == 2 then
		-- rail is within a fixed track, do not break up
		return false
	-- obtain the group table
	local g = tp.groups[ndef.advtrains.track_place_group]
	if #bound_connids == 1 then
		-- we can attempt double