diff options
authorGabriel Pérez-Cerezo <>2020-07-02 02:04:10 +0200
committerGabriel Pérez-Cerezo <>2020-07-02 02:04:10 +0200
commit2ba5a52fe2d4be16ccd84bf48f04cc08d04479ac (patch)
parent49a47330b383ae9bceeac6b74b5b0ce36dc3b034 (diff)
add small script to create json files for use with lifomapserver
These json files can then be used to help with train routing through the network
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/routes.lua b/routes.lua
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25b4293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/routes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+-- Small script to generate json files for lifomapserver to use for routing
+advtrains = {}
+minetest = {}
+core = minetest
+math.hypot = function(a,b) return math.sqrt(a*a + b*b) end
+function attrans(str) return str end
+function parse_args(argv)
+ local i = 1
+ local no_trains = false
+ local datapath, mappath, worldimage
+ while i <= #argv do
+ local a = argv[i]
+ if (a == "-m") or (a == "--map-file") then
+ -- only draw trains – requires specifying an already drawn file
+ i = i+1
+ if not argv[i] then
+ error(("missing filename after `%s'"):format(a))
+ end
+ mappath = argv[i]
+ elseif (a == "-t") or (a == "--no-trains") then
+ -- do not draw trains
+ no_trains = true
+ elseif (a == "-w") or (a == "--world-image") then
+ -- overlay over world image
+ i = i+1
+ if not argv[i] then
+ error(("missing filename after `%s'"):format(a))
+ end
+ worldimage = argv[i]
+ else
+ datapath = a
+ end
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return datapath, mappath, no_trains, worldimage
+datapath, mappath, no_trains, worldimage = parse_args(arg)
+function ars_to_text(arstab)
+ if not arstab then
+ return "{}"
+ end
+ local txt = {}
+ local ln = {}
+ local rc = {}
+ for i, arsent in ipairs(arstab) do
+ local n = ""
+ if arsent.n then
+ n = "!"
+ end
+ if arsent.ln then
+ ln[#ln+1] = '"'..n..arsent.ln..'"'
+ elseif arsent.rc then
+ rc[#ln+1] = '"'..n..arsent.rc..'"'
+ elseif arsent.c then
+ txt[#txt+1] = "#"..arsent.c
+ end
+ end
+ return '{"LN": ['..table.concat(ln,',')..'], "RC" : ['..table.concat(rc,",")..']'.. ',"default": '..(arstab.default and "true" or "false").."}\n"
+local file ="advtrains_interlocking_tcbs", "r")
+local tbl = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*a"))
+advtrains.tcbs = tbl
+local jsonfile ="signals.json", "w")
+tcbstr = {}
+for k,v in pairs(advtrains.tcbs) do
+ local routes = v[1].routes or {}
+ if v[2].routes then
+ for a,b in ipairs(v[2].routes) do
+ routes[#routes+1] = b
+ end
+ end
+ local pos = k:sub(2,-2)
+ local sp = {}
+ for j in (pos..","):gmatch("([^,]+),") do
+ sp[#sp+1] = j
+ end
+ local sigpos = sp[1]..","..-sp[3].." "
+ local routestr = {}
+ for i,r in pairs(routes) do
+ local pl = sigpos
+ local tcbps = {}
+ -- svgfile:write("<circle cx=\""..sp[1].."\" cy=\""..-sp[3].."\" r=\"3\" stroke=\"".."purple".."\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" />")
+ for ind,ps in ipairs(r) do
+ if then
+ local tcb =
+ -- print(minetest.serialize(
+ if tcb and tcb.x then
+ tcbps[#tcbps+1] = tcb.x..","..tcb.y..","..tcb.z
+ pl = pl.." "..tcb.x..","..-tcb.z
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if #tcbps > 0 then
+ routestr[#routestr+1] = '{ "name": "''",\n"endpoint": "'..tcbps[#tcbps]..'",\n"ars": '..ars_to_text(r.ars)..' }'
+ end
+ color = "blue"
+ if r.ars and r.ars.default then
+ color = "green"
+ end
+ if pl~="" then
+ -- svgfile:write("<polyline points=\"""\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\""..color.."\" />")
+ end
+ end
+ if #routestr > 0 then
+ tcbstr[#tcbstr+1] = '"'..pos..'": { "type" : "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ '..sp[1]..","..sp[3]..']}, "properties" : { "pos": "'..pos..'", "routes" : [\n'..table.concat(routestr,",\n").."]}}"
+ end