path: root/allocation.lua
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authororwell96 <>2020-10-18 15:27:55 +0200
committerorwell96 <>2020-10-18 15:41:08 +0200
commit7000c5220d9ce8864e028d3b035d86040e7de7aa (patch)
treefae8c7d0d6e83dfa10e41d2c7fd88269469f4085 /allocation.lua
Initial working stateHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'allocation.lua')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/allocation.lua b/allocation.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f34059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/allocation.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+-- allocation.lua - Maintains the grid node allocation table
+In contrast to classical mapgens, cellworld does not rely on perlin noise and "reproducable randomness".
+Because structures can have varying size, and it is not specified which direction is explored first,
+we cannot safely reconstruct the existing structures easily only from noise.
+Gridmine instead stores an "allocation map" along with the map, which stores which structures have been placed where.
+Generated structures are selected during generation on a "what fits" basis.
+Binary file format:
+1byte version
+2byte number of structureID entries
+2byte structure id
+string structure name
+6byte cellPosition
+4byte indirection entry or structure entry
+<gnx 2byte><gny 2byte><gnz 2byte>
+Indirection entry:
+I<xoff 1byte><yoff 1byte><zoff 1byte>
+This node is part of a structure whose origin is at x-xoff .. z-zoff
+Structure entry:
+S<rotation char><structureId 2bytes>
+All entries have a length of 4 bytes.
+local function int_to_bytes(i, clip)
+ local x = i
+ if clip then
+ x=i+32768--clip to positive integers
+ end
+ local cH = math.floor(x / 256) % 256;
+ local cL = math.floor(x ) % 256;
+ return(string.char(cH, cL));
+local function bytes_to_int(bytes, clip)
+ local t={string.byte(bytes,1,-1)}
+ local n =
+ t[1] * 256 +
+ t[2]
+ if clip then
+ return n-32768
+ else
+ return n
+ end
+-- quick unit test
+assert(bytes_to_int(int_to_bytes(-42))~=-42)-- this must not work!
+--local variables for performance
+local gma_structids={}
+local gma_entries={}
+local function gmaget(x,y,z)
+ local ny=gma_entries[y]
+ if ny then
+ local nx=ny[x]
+ if nx then
+ return nx[z]
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+cellworld.alloc_get_cid = gmaget
+local function gmaset(x,y,z,v)
+ if not gma_entries[y] then
+ gma_entries[y]={}
+ end
+ if not gma_entries[y][x] then
+ gma_entries[y][x]={}
+ end
+ gma_entries[y][x][z]=v
+local function format_cid(x,y,z,cid)
+ if not cid then
+ return "<nil>"
+ end
+ local indirection = string.sub(cid, 1, 1)
+ if indirection == "I" then
+ local ox,oy,oz = string.byte(cid, 2, 4)
+ local icid = gmaget(x-ox, y-oy, z-oz)
+ return "I "..ox.." "..oy.." "..oz.." -> "..x-ox.." "..y-oy.." "..z-oz.." "..format_cid(x-ox, y-oy, z-oz, icid)
+ elseif indirection == "S" then
+ local rotation = string.sub(cid, 2, 2)
+ local stid_char = string.sub(cid, 3, 4)
+ local stid = bytes_to_int(stid_char)
+ local stna = gma_structids[stid]
+ return "S str="..stid.." ("..(stna or "?")..")"
+ else
+ return "???"
+ end
+local path=minetest.get_worldpath()..DIR_DELIM.."cellworld_allocation_map"
+function cellworld.load_allocation()
+ cellworld.log("loading structure allocation map")
+ local file, err =, "rb")
+ if not file then
+ cellworld.log("Couldn't load the allocation database: ", err or "Unknown Error")
+ else
+ -- read version
+ local vers_byte = file:read(1)
+ local version = string.byte(vers_byte)
+ if version~=1 then
+ error("Doesn't support allocation file of version "..version)
+ end
+ -- read structure ids
+ local nstr_byte = file:read(2)
+ local nstr = bytes_to_int(nstr_byte)
+ for i = 1,nstr do
+ local stid_byte = file:read(2)
+ local stid = bytes_to_int(stid_byte)
+ local stna = file:read("*l")
+ cellworld.log("structure id:", stid, "->", stna)
+ gma_structids[stid] = stna
+ end
+ cellworld.log("read", nstr, "structure ids.")
+ -- read nodes. code suspiciously resembles advtrains ndb, not that I copied it :) ...
+ local cnt=0
+ local hst_x=file:read(2)
+ local hst_y=file:read(2)
+ local hst_z=file:read(2)
+ local cid=file:read(4)
+ while hst_z and hst_y and hst_x and cid and #hst_z==2 and #hst_y==2 and #hst_x==2 and #cid==4 do
+ gmaset(bytes_to_int(hst_x,true), bytes_to_int(hst_y,true), bytes_to_int(hst_z,true), cid)
+ cnt=cnt+1
+ hst_x=file:read(2)
+ hst_y=file:read(2)
+ hst_z=file:read(2)
+ cid=file:read(4)
+ end
+ cellworld.log("read", cnt, "structure allocations.")
+ file:close()
+ end
+function cellworld.save_allocation()
+ local tmppath = path
+ local file, err =, "wb")
+ if not file then
+ cellworld.log("Couldn't save the allocation database: ", err or "Unknown Error")
+ else
+ cellworld.log("Saving allocation database...")
+ -- write version
+ file:write(string.char(1))
+ -- how many structid entries
+ local cnt = 0
+ for _,_ in pairs(gma_structids) do
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ end
+ -- write structids
+ local nstr = 0
+ file:write(int_to_bytes(cnt))
+ for stid,stna in pairs(gma_structids) do
+ file:write(int_to_bytes(stid))
+ file:write(stna)
+ file:write("\n")
+ nstr = nstr+1
+ end
+ cellworld.log("wrote", nstr, "structure ids.")
+ -- write entries
+ local cnt = 0
+ for y, ny in pairs(gma_entries) do
+ for x, nx in pairs(ny) do
+ for z, cid in pairs(nx) do
+ file:write(int_to_bytes(x,true))
+ file:write(int_to_bytes(y,true))
+ file:write(int_to_bytes(z,true))
+ file:write(cid)
+ cnt=cnt+1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ cellworld.log("wrote", cnt, "structure allocations.")
+ file:close()
+ end
+function cellworld.dump_allocation()
+ for y, ny in pairs(gma_entries) do
+ for x, nx in pairs(ny) do
+ for z, cid in pairs(nx) do
+ cellworld.log(x,y,z,format_cid(x,y,z,cid))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function cellworld.alloc_dump_area(lx,ly,lz,ux,uy,uz)
+ cellworld.log("-- allocation dumping area",lx,ly,lz,"<>",ux,uy,uz)
+ for dx,dy,dz,dcid in cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator_raw(lx,ly,lz,ux,uy,uz) do
+ cellworld.log(dx,dy,dz,format_cid(dx,dy,dz,dcid))
+ end
+ cellworld.log("-- end of dump")
+local function resolve_structure(cid, ox, oy, oz)
+ local rotation = string.sub(cid, 2, 2)
+ local stid_char = string.sub(cid, 3, 4)
+ local stid = bytes_to_int(stid_char)
+ local stna = gma_structids[stid]
+ --cellworld.debug(" structure rot=",rotation,"stid=",stid,"stna=",stna)
+ if stna then
+ return stna,,oy,oz), string.byte(rotation)
+ end
+ cellworld.log("[allocation] Warn: unknown structure name for id",stid,". Ignored")
+ return nil
+cellworld.alloc_get_cid = gmaget
+-- returns:
+-- structure_name, relative_pos, rotation
+-- Note: structure rotation not calculated here yet
+function cellworld.alloc_get_structure_at(cell_pos)
+ local cid = gmaget(cell_pos.x, cell_pos.y, cell_pos.z)
+ if not cid then return nil end
+ return cellworld.alloc_resolve_cid(cell_pos.x, cell_pos.y, cell_pos.z, cid)
+-- returns:
+-- structure_name, relative_pos, rotation
+function cellworld.alloc_resolve_cid(x, y, z, cid)
+ --cellworld.debug("alloc_resolve_cid(", x, y, z,")")
+ local indirection = string.sub(cid, 1, 1)
+ if indirection == "I" then
+ local ox,oy,oz = string.byte(cid, 2, 4)
+ --cellworld.debug("alloc_resolve_cid(", x, y, z,")")
+ local icid = gmaget(x-ox, y-oy, z-oz)
+ --cellworld.debug(" indirection +",ox,oy,oz,format_cid(x-ox, y-oy, z-oz,icid))
+ if not icid then
+ cellworld.log("[allocation] Warn: Indirection at",,y,z),"has nil target. Ignored")
+ cellworld.alloc_dump_area(x-3,y-3,z-3,x+3,y+3,z+3)
+ return nil
+ end
+ indirection = string.sub(icid, 1, 1)
+ if indirection ~= "S" then
+ cellworld.log("[allocation] Warn: Indirection at",,y,z),"points to something other than S. Ignored")
+ cellworld.alloc_dump_area(x-3,y-3,z-3,x+3,y+3,z+3)
+ return nil
+ end
+ return resolve_structure(icid, ox, oy, oz)
+ elseif indirection == "S" then
+ return resolve_structure(cid, 0,0,0)
+ else
+ cellworld.log("[allocation] Warn: Unknown node type",indirection,"at gridpos",,y,z),". Ignored")
+ return nil
+ end
+function cellworld.alloc_set_structure(cell_pos, structure_name, rotation, structure_extent, no_clobber)
+ --cellworld.debug("alloc_set_structure(",cell_pos, structure_name, rotation, structure_extent, no_clobber,")")
+ for x=0,structure_extent.x-1 do
+ for y=0,structure_extent.y-1 do
+ for z=0,structure_extent.z-1 do
+ -- write indirection
+ if x==0 and y==0 and z==0 then
+ --continue
+ elseif no_clobber and gmaget(cell_pos.x + x, cell_pos.y + y, cell_pos.z + z) then
+ local ocid = gmaget(cell_pos.x + x, cell_pos.y + y, cell_pos.z + z)
+ cellworld.log("[allocation] While trying to place",structure_name,"at grid position",cell_pos,"extent",structure_extent)
+ cellworld.log("[allocation] Not clobbering ", + x, cell_pos.y + y, cell_pos.z + z),"which has entry",format_cid(cell_pos.x + x, cell_pos.y + y, cell_pos.z + z, ocid))
+ error("Failed to place structure; see log...")
+ --continue
+ else
+ local indir = "I"..string.char(x)..string.char(y)..string.char(z)
+ --cellworld.debug(" indirection ",cell_pos,"+",x,y,z)
+ gmaset(cell_pos.x + x, cell_pos.y + y, cell_pos.z + z, indir)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if no_clobber and gmaget(cell_pos.x, cell_pos.y, cell_pos.z) then
+ return
+ end
+ -- write structure
+ local stid
+ for istid, istna in ipairs(gma_structids) do
+ if istna==structure_name then
+ stid = istid
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not stid then
+ stid = #gma_structids + 1
+ cellworld.debug(" allocating new structure id ",stid,"for",structure_name)
+ gma_structids[stid] = structure_name
+ end
+ local struct = "S"..string.char(rotation)..int_to_bytes(stid)
+ --cellworld.debug(" structure ",cell_pos,"rot=",rotation,"stid=",stid)
+ gmaset(cell_pos.x, cell_pos.y, cell_pos.z, struct)
+function cellworld.alloc_has_space(cell_pos, structure_extent)
+ for _ in cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator(cell_pos, vector.add(cell_pos, structure_extent)) do
+ --if any result, no space
+ return false
+ end
+ return true
+-- Returns an iterator function that iterates over all allocation entries in the given area, in raw format.
+-- Iterator returns: x, y, z, cid
+-- where cid can be decrypted by calling cellworld.alloc_resolve_cid(x,y,z,cid)
+function cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator(gp_min, gp_max)
+ return cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator_raw(gp_min.x, gp_min.y, gp_min.z, gp_max.x, gp_max.y, gp_max.z)
+function cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator_raw(lx, ly, lz, ox, oy, oz)
+ local x, y, z = lx - 1, ly - 1, lz - 1
+ local it_y, it_x
+ return function()
+ while y<=oy do
+ if it_y then
+ while x<=ox do
+ if it_x then
+ while z<oz do
+ -- locating next z
+ z=z+1
+ if it_x[z] then
+ --[[local realcid = gmaget(x,y,z)
+ if realcid ~= it_x[z] then
+ cellworld.log(x,y,z,"CIDs dont match real=",
+ format_cid(x,y,z,realcid),"found=",
+ format_cid(x,y,z,it_x[z]))
+ cellworld.dump_allocation()
+ error("CIDs dont match in iterator")
+ end]]--
+ return x, y, z, it_x[z]
+ end
+ end
+ -- through with iterating it_x
+ z=lz-1
+ end
+ -- locating next x
+ x = x + 1
+ it_x = it_y[x]
+ end
+ -- through with iterating it_y
+ x=lx-1
+ it_x = nil
+ end
+ -- locating next y
+ y = y + 1
+ it_y = gma_entries[y]
+ end
+ -- through with iterating everything
+ return nil
+ end
+local TEST_table = {
+ [1] = {
+ [1] = {
+ [1]="A",
+ [4]="B",
+ [5]="C",
+ },
+ [3] = {
+ [2]="D",
+ },
+ [5] = {
+ },
+ },
+ [2] = {
+ [3] = {
+ [2]="E",
+ },
+ },
+ [4] = {
+ [1] = {
+ [1]="F",
+ [4]="G",
+ },
+ }
+function cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator_TEST(lx, ly, lz, ox, oy, oz)
+ local x, y, z = lx - 1, ly - 1, lz - 1
+ local it_y, it_x
+ return function()
+ while y<=oy do
+ if it_y then
+ while x<=ox do
+ if it_x then
+ while z<oz do
+ -- locating next z
+ z=z+1
+ cellworld.log("next z",z)
+ if it_x[z] then
+ return x, y, z, it_x[z]
+ end
+ end
+ -- through with iterating it_x
+ z=lz-1
+ end
+ -- locating next x
+ x = x + 1
+ it_x = it_y[x]
+ cellworld.log("next x",x,it_x~=nil)
+ end
+ -- through with iterating it_y
+ x=lx-1
+ end
+ -- locating next y
+ y = y + 1
+ it_y = TEST_table[y]
+ cellworld.log("next y",y,it_y~=nil)
+ end
+ -- through with iterating everything
+ return nil
+ end
+for x,y,z,letter in cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator_TEST(1,1,1,5,5,5) do
+ cellworld.log(x,y,z,letter)
+-- Checks efficiently whether no, some or all cells in the given area are allocated
+-- returns:
+-- 0 - no cells allocated
+-- 1 - some cells, but not all, allocated
+-- 2 - all cells allocated
+function cellworld.alloc_check_some_cells_allocated(gp_min, gp_max)
+ local have_skipped = false
+ local have_any_cell = false
+ for y=gp_min.y, gp_max.y do
+ local ly = gma_entries[y]
+ if ly then
+ for x=gp_min.x, gp_max.x do
+ local lx = ly[x]
+ if lx then
+ for z=gp_min.z, gp_max.z do
+ if lx[z] then
+ have_any_cell = true
+ else have_skipped=true end
+ end
+ else have_skipped=true end
+ end
+ else have_skipped=true end
+ end
+ if not have_any_cell then return 0 end
+ if have_skipped then return 1 end
+ return 2