path: root/gridgen.lua
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authororwell96 <>2020-10-18 15:27:55 +0200
committerorwell96 <>2020-10-18 15:41:08 +0200
commit7000c5220d9ce8864e028d3b035d86040e7de7aa (patch)
treefae8c7d0d6e83dfa10e41d2c7fd88269469f4085 /gridgen.lua
Initial working stateHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'gridgen.lua')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gridgen.lua b/gridgen.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770f1f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gridgen.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+-- gridgen.lua
+-- Actual cell generation process. These methods are called by the mapgen callback to allocate enough structure cells.
+-- All randomness happens here.
+The mapgen callback initiates the gridgen as follows:
+1. mapgen builds a list of unallocated cells it requires to generate the current chunk
+2. as long as there are some left, pick one cell that has at least one neighbor generated, randomly
+The neighbor cell should have an exit towards the picked unallocated cell, only if there are no such cells it may fall back to any cell.
+3. instruct gridgen to generate from the cell that is present, into the direction of the missing cell.
+Given a cell and a direction, the gridgen then performs the following heuristic:
+1. initialize an area with the unallocated cell that was passed.
+2. assuming the passed direction as "forward", expand the area left, right, up and down as long as there's free space or the maximum structure size is hit.
+3. expand the area forward as long as there's space or the maximum structure size is hit
+ -> maybe extend randomly into each of the 5 directions. Could lead to problems otherwise
+The area now represents the maximum size of structures that would fit.
+4. filter the structures that do not fit into the frame.
+5. randomly select one of the remaining structures, taking their chance into account.
+6. using the degrees of freedom the structure has inside the frame, choose a random position of the new structure.
+if the origin cell had an exit: try to find a position so that the exit matches one of the new structure
+local gg_verbose = function() end
+--local gg_verbose = cellworld.log
+-- Make gridgen generate at least the area specified by gp_min, gp_max (in grid units)
+-- Important: area may span 255x255x255 cells at maximum!
+function cellworld.gridgen_generate_cells(gp_min, gp_max)
+ cellworld.log("Gridgen: generating area", gp_min, gp_max)
+ -- let the allocation efficiently check whether one, all or some cells are allocated
+ local alloc = cellworld.alloc_check_some_cells_allocated(gp_min, gp_max)
+ if alloc == 2 then
+ -- nothing to do
+ cellworld.log("All cells allocated, nothing to do")
+ return
+ elseif alloc == 0 then
+ -- no cells allocated. seed a 1x1 structure somewhere
+ local posx, posy, posz = cellworld.random(gp_min.x, gp_max.x), cellworld.random(gp_min.y, gp_max.y), cellworld.random(gp_min.z, gp_max.z)
+ local posv =, posy, posz)
+ local ones =,1,1)
+ local seedst = cellworld.structure_set.seed_structure
+ assert(seedst, "No seed structure defined")
+ cellworld.log("No cells allocated, seeding", seedst,"at",posv)
+ assert(vector.equals(cellworld.structures[seedst].size, ones))
+ cellworld.alloc_set_structure(posv, seedst, 0, ones, true)
+ end
+ gg_verbose("generate_cells searching sprout positions")
+ local count = 0
+ while true do
+ -- find cells as starting points
+ -- {cell = <pos>, dir = <dir>}
+ local cells_with_exit = {}
+ local cells_without_exit = {}
+ local ox, oy, oz = gp_min.x, gp_min.y, gp_min.z
+ for x,y,z,cid in cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator(gp_min, gp_max) do
+ local stname, relpos, rotation = cellworld.alloc_resolve_cid(x,y,z,cid)
+ assert(stname, "alloc_resolve_cid failed to resolve")
+ assert(rotation==0, "Rotation is not supported yet")
+ local struct = cellworld.structures[stname]
+ if struct then
+ -- check_borders
+ local borders = cellworld.get_border_sides(relpos, struct.size)
+ for _,dir in ipairs(borders) do
+ local off = cellworld.direction_to_vector[dir]
+ if not cellworld.alloc_get_cid(x+off.x, y+off.y, z+off.z) then
+ -- possible candidate
+ local cell = cellworld.get_structure_cell(struct, relpos)
+ -- has it an exit here?
+ if cell.exits and cell.exits[dir] then
+ --gg_verbose(" found with exit",x,y,z,"dir",cellworld.dirrev[dir])
+ table.insert(cells_with_exit, {,y,z), dir=dir})
+ else
+ --gg_verbose(" found without exit",x,y,z,"dir",cellworld.dirrev[dir])
+ table.insert(cells_without_exit, {,y,z), dir=dir})
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ gg_verbose("generate_cells sprouting, found",#cells_with_exit,"cells with exit,",#cells_without_exit,"without.")
+ -- select one of the sprouts randomly
+ local selected_sprout, exit_present
+ if #cells_with_exit > 0 then
+ selected_sprout = cellworld.select_random_element(cells_with_exit)
+ exit_present = true
+ elseif #cells_without_exit > 0 then
+ selected_sprout = cellworld.select_random_element(cells_without_exit)
+ else
+ -- both lists are empty. We're either done, or there was another problem.
+ cellworld.log("generate_cells sprouted",count,"times")
+ return
+ end
+ cellworld.gridgen_fit_structure(selected_sprout.cell, selected_sprout.dir, exit_present)
+ count = count + 1
+ end
+local function can_i_has_space(lx, ly, lz, ux, uy, uz)
+ -- this calls the iterator once to see if it produces a result
+ local res = cellworld.alloc_get_area_iterator_raw(lx, ly, lz, ux, uy, uz)() ~= nil
+ gg_verbose("Space check for area",lx,ly,lz,"<->",ux,uy,uz,"resulted in",(res and "BLOCKED" or "FREE"))
+ return not res
+-- Allocate and place a random structure in the space ahead of sprout_pos towards sprout_dir, try to match exits if requested.
+function cellworld.gridgen_fit_structure(sprout_pos, sprout_dir, exit_present)
+ gg_verbose("fit_structure started with sprout",sprout_pos,"direction",cellworld.dirrev[sprout_dir],"exit present",exit_present)
+ local start_pos = vector.add(sprout_pos, cellworld.direction_to_vector[sprout_dir])
+ local stx, sty, stz = cellworld.v_decompose(start_pos) -- Start position
+ local slx, sly, slz = stx, sty, stz -- lower bound of free space
+ local sux, suy, suz = stx, sty, stz -- upper bound of free space
+ local max_struct_size = cellworld.maximum_structure_size
+ local msx, msy, msz = cellworld.v_decompose(max_struct_size) -- maximum structure size of all registered structures
+ local can_into_dir = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, cellworld.opposite_directions[sprout_dir]+1)-- cannot into the sprout cell
+ -- extend the space randomly into directions
+ while #can_into_dir > 0 do
+ gg_verbose("Directions left: ",table.concat(can_into_dir,","))
+ local diridx = cellworld.random(1, #can_into_dir)
+ local dir = can_into_dir[diridx]
+ gg_verbose("area is now",slx,sly,slz,"<>",sux, suy, suz,", extending",cellworld.dirrev[dir],"(index",diridx,")")
+ if dir == cellworld.NORTH then
+ if suz-stz < msz and can_i_has_space(slx, sly, suz+1, sux, suy, suz+1) then
+ suz = suz + 1
+ else
+ gg_verbose("extending NORTH failed, hit limit",suz-stz < msz)
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, diridx)
+ end
+ end
+ if dir == cellworld.EAST then
+ if sux-stx < msx and can_i_has_space(sux+1, sly, slz, sux+1, suy, suz) then
+ sux = sux + 1
+ else
+ gg_verbose("extending EAST failed, hit limit",sux-stx < msx)
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, diridx)
+ end
+ end
+ if dir == cellworld.SOUTH then
+ if stz-slz < msz and can_i_has_space(slx, sly, slz-1, sux, suy, slz-1) then
+ slz = slz - 1
+ else
+ gg_verbose("extending SOUTH failed, hit limit",stz-slz < msz)
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, diridx)
+ end
+ end
+ if dir == cellworld.WEST then
+ if stx-slx < msx and can_i_has_space(slx-1, sly, slz, slx-1, suy, suz) then
+ slx = slx - 1
+ else
+ gg_verbose("extending WEST failed, hit limit",sux-stx < msx)
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, diridx)
+ end
+ end
+ if dir == cellworld.UP then
+ if suy-sty < msy and can_i_has_space(slx, suy+1, slz, sux, suy+1, suz) then
+ suy = suy + 1
+ else
+ gg_verbose("extending UP failed, hit limit",suy-sty < msy)
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, diridx)
+ end
+ end
+ if dir == cellworld.DOWN then
+ if sty-sly < msy and can_i_has_space(slx, sly-1, slz, sux, sly-1, suz) then
+ sly = sly - 1
+ else
+ gg_verbose("extending DOWN failed, hit limit",sty-sly < msy)
+ table.remove(can_into_dir, diridx)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- determine how much space we have produced
+ local spx, spy, spz = sux-slx+1, suy-sly+1, suz-slz+1
+ gg_verbose("extending done, area is now",slx,sly,slz,"<>",sux, suy, suz,", space",spx, spy, spz)
+ -- filter available structures by their size and insert according to probability
+ local selstructs = {}
+ for stname, struct in pairs(cellworld.structures) do
+ local extx, exty, extz = cellworld.v_decompose(struct.size)
+ if extx <= spx and exty <= spy and extz <= spz then
+ gg_verbose("structure",stname,struct.size,"fits")
+ -- structure fits. insert chance times
+ for i=1,struct.chance do
+ selstructs[#selstructs+1] = stname
+ end
+ else
+ gg_verbose("structure",stname,struct.size,"doesnt fit")
+ end
+ end
+ if #selstructs==0 then
+ error("Failed to fit a structure into a space of",spx,spy,spz,", make sure that the structure set includes 1x1x1 structures as fallback!")
+ end
+ local stname = cellworld.select_random_element(selstructs)
+ local struct = cellworld.structures[stname]
+ gg_verbose("Selected ",stname, struct.size)
+ -- determine degrees of freedom
+ local extx, exty, extz = cellworld.v_decompose(struct.size)
+ -- we still want the structure to overlap with our sprout cell
+ local frlx, frly, frlz = math.max(slx, stx-extx+1), math.max(sly, sty-exty+1), math.max(slz, stz-extz+1)
+ local frux, fruy, fruz = math.min(sux-extx+1, stx), math.min(suy-exty+1, sty), math.min(suz-extz+1, stz)
+ gg_verbose("degrees of freedom",frlx, frly, frlz,"<>",frux, fruy, fruz)
+ local posx, posy, posz
+ if exit_present then
+ local opp_dir = cellworld.opposite_directions[sprout_dir]
+ -- find alignments with matching exits
+ for x in iterate_random_order(frlx, frux) do
+ for y in iterate_random_order(frly, fruy) do
+ for z in iterate_random_order(frlz, fruz) do
+ -- which structure cell borders our sprout cell?
+ local pos_in_struct = - x, sty - y, stz - z)
+ local cell = cellworld.get_structure_cell(struct, pos_in_struct)
+ if cell.exits and cell.exits[opp_dir] then
+ gg_verbose("Alignment ",x,y,z,", in struct",pos_in_struct,", has matching exit")
+ posx, posy, posz = x,y,z
+ break --break out of the inner loop
+ end
+ end
+ if posx then break end --break out of the outer loop if inner loop broken
+ end
+ if posx then break end --break out of the outer loop if inner loop broken
+ end
+ end
+ -- if no matching exit found or none present on sprout cell, select one alignment randomly
+ if not posx then
+ posx, posy, posz = cellworld.random(frlx, frux), cellworld.random(frly, fruy), cellworld.random(frlz, fruz),
+ gg_verbose("Alignment ",posx, posy, posz,"selected randomly")
+ end
+ -- place the structure
+ gg_verbose("-!- placing",stname,"at",posx, posy, posz)
+ cellworld.alloc_set_structure(, posy, posz), stname, 0, struct.size, true)