path: root/htdocs/leafletjs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'htdocs/leafletjs')
1 files changed, 1946 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/htdocs/leafletjs/Leaflet.Editable.js b/htdocs/leafletjs/Leaflet.Editable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41b496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/htdocs/leafletjs/Leaflet.Editable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1946 @@
+'use strict';
+(function (factory, window) {
+ /*globals define, module, require*/
+ // define an AMD module that relies on 'leaflet'
+ if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+ define(['leaflet'], factory);
+ // define a Common JS module that relies on 'leaflet'
+ } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
+ module.exports = factory(require('leaflet'));
+ }
+ // attach your plugin to the global 'L' variable
+ if(typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.L){
+ factory(window.L);
+ }
+}(function (L) {
+ // 🍂miniclass CancelableEvent (Event objects)
+ // 🍂method cancel()
+ // Cancel any subsequent action.
+ // 🍂miniclass VertexEvent (Event objects)
+ // 🍂property vertex: VertexMarker
+ // The vertex that fires the event.
+ // 🍂miniclass ShapeEvent (Event objects)
+ // 🍂property shape: Array
+ // The shape (LatLngs array) subject of the action.
+ // 🍂miniclass CancelableVertexEvent (Event objects)
+ // 🍂inherits VertexEvent
+ // 🍂inherits CancelableEvent
+ // 🍂miniclass CancelableShapeEvent (Event objects)
+ // 🍂inherits ShapeEvent
+ // 🍂inherits CancelableEvent
+ // 🍂miniclass LayerEvent (Event objects)
+ // 🍂property layer: object
+ // The Layer (Marker, Polyline…) subject of the action.
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class Editable; 🍂aka L.Editable
+ // Main edition handler. By default, it is attached to the map
+ // as `map.editTools` property.
+ // Leaflet.Editable is made to be fully extendable. You have three ways to customize
+ // the behaviour: using options, listening to events, or extending.
+ L.Editable = L.Evented.extend({
+ statics: {
+ },
+ options: {
+ // You can pass them when creating a map using the `editOptions` key.
+ // 🍂option zIndex: int = 1000
+ // The default zIndex of the editing tools.
+ zIndex: 1000,
+ // 🍂option polygonClass: class = L.Polygon
+ // Class to be used when creating a new Polygon.
+ polygonClass: L.Polygon,
+ // 🍂option polylineClass: class = L.Polyline
+ // Class to be used when creating a new Polyline.
+ polylineClass: L.Polyline,
+ // 🍂option markerClass: class = L.Marker
+ // Class to be used when creating a new Marker.
+ markerClass: L.Marker,
+ // 🍂option rectangleClass: class = L.Rectangle
+ // Class to be used when creating a new Rectangle.
+ rectangleClass: L.Rectangle,
+ // 🍂option circleClass: class = L.Circle
+ // Class to be used when creating a new Circle.
+ circleClass: L.Circle,
+ // 🍂option drawingCSSClass: string = 'leaflet-editable-drawing'
+ // CSS class to be added to the map container while drawing.
+ drawingCSSClass: 'leaflet-editable-drawing',
+ // 🍂option drawingCursor: const = 'crosshair'
+ // Cursor mode set to the map while drawing.
+ drawingCursor: 'crosshair',
+ // 🍂option editLayer: Layer = new L.LayerGroup()
+ // Layer used to store edit tools (vertex, line guide…).
+ editLayer: undefined,
+ // 🍂option featuresLayer: Layer = new L.LayerGroup()
+ // Default layer used to store drawn features (Marker, Polyline…).
+ featuresLayer: undefined,
+ // 🍂option polylineEditorClass: class = PolylineEditor
+ // Class to be used as Polyline editor.
+ polylineEditorClass: undefined,
+ // 🍂option polygonEditorClass: class = PolygonEditor
+ // Class to be used as Polygon editor.
+ polygonEditorClass: undefined,
+ // 🍂option markerEditorClass: class = MarkerEditor
+ // Class to be used as Marker editor.
+ markerEditorClass: undefined,
+ // 🍂option rectangleEditorClass: class = RectangleEditor
+ // Class to be used as Rectangle editor.
+ rectangleEditorClass: undefined,
+ // 🍂option circleEditorClass: class = CircleEditor
+ // Class to be used as Circle editor.
+ circleEditorClass: undefined,
+ // 🍂option lineGuideOptions: hash = {}
+ // Options to be passed to the line guides.
+ lineGuideOptions: {},
+ // 🍂option skipMiddleMarkers: boolean = false
+ // Set this to true if you don't want middle markers.
+ skipMiddleMarkers: false
+ },
+ initialize: function (map, options) {
+ L.setOptions(this, options);
+ this._lastZIndex = this.options.zIndex;
+ = map;
+ this.editLayer = this.createEditLayer();
+ this.featuresLayer = this.createFeaturesLayer();
+ this.forwardLineGuide = this.createLineGuide();
+ this.backwardLineGuide = this.createLineGuide();
+ },
+ fireAndForward: function (type, e) {
+ e = e || {};
+ e.editTools = this;
+, e);
+, e);
+ },
+ createLineGuide: function () {
+ var options = L.extend({dashArray: '5,10', weight: 1, interactive: false}, this.options.lineGuideOptions);
+ return L.polyline([], options);
+ },
+ createVertexIcon: function (options) {
+ return && L.Browser.touch ? new L.Editable.TouchVertexIcon(options) : new L.Editable.VertexIcon(options);
+ },
+ createEditLayer: function () {
+ return this.options.editLayer || new L.LayerGroup().addTo(;
+ },
+ createFeaturesLayer: function () {
+ return this.options.featuresLayer || new L.LayerGroup().addTo(;
+ },
+ moveForwardLineGuide: function (latlng) {
+ if (this.forwardLineGuide._latlngs.length) {
+ this.forwardLineGuide._latlngs[1] = latlng;
+ this.forwardLineGuide._bounds.extend(latlng);
+ this.forwardLineGuide.redraw();
+ }
+ },
+ moveBackwardLineGuide: function (latlng) {
+ if (this.backwardLineGuide._latlngs.length) {
+ this.backwardLineGuide._latlngs[1] = latlng;
+ this.backwardLineGuide._bounds.extend(latlng);
+ this.backwardLineGuide.redraw();
+ }
+ },
+ anchorForwardLineGuide: function (latlng) {
+ this.forwardLineGuide._latlngs[0] = latlng;
+ this.forwardLineGuide._bounds.extend(latlng);
+ this.forwardLineGuide.redraw();
+ },
+ anchorBackwardLineGuide: function (latlng) {
+ this.backwardLineGuide._latlngs[0] = latlng;
+ this.backwardLineGuide._bounds.extend(latlng);
+ this.backwardLineGuide.redraw();
+ },
+ attachForwardLineGuide: function () {
+ this.editLayer.addLayer(this.forwardLineGuide);
+ },
+ attachBackwardLineGuide: function () {
+ this.editLayer.addLayer(this.backwardLineGuide);
+ },
+ detachForwardLineGuide: function () {
+ this.forwardLineGuide.setLatLngs([]);
+ this.editLayer.removeLayer(this.forwardLineGuide);
+ },
+ detachBackwardLineGuide: function () {
+ this.backwardLineGuide.setLatLngs([]);
+ this.editLayer.removeLayer(this.backwardLineGuide);
+ },
+ blockEvents: function () {
+ // Hack: force map not to listen to other layers events while drawing.
+ if (!this._oldTargets) {
+ this._oldTargets =;
+ = {};
+ }
+ },
+ unblockEvents: function () {
+ if (this._oldTargets) {
+ // Reset, but keep targets created while drawing.
+ = L.extend(, this._oldTargets);
+ delete this._oldTargets;
+ }
+ },
+ registerForDrawing: function (editor) {
+ if (this._drawingEditor) this.unregisterForDrawing(this._drawingEditor);
+ this.blockEvents();
+ editor.reset(); // Make sure editor tools still receive events.
+ this._drawingEditor = editor;
+'mousemove touchmove', editor.onDrawingMouseMove, editor);
+'mousedown', this.onMousedown, this);
+'mouseup', this.onMouseup, this);
+ L.DomUtil.addClass(, this.options.drawingCSSClass);
+ this.defaultMapCursor =;
+ = this.options.drawingCursor;
+ },
+ unregisterForDrawing: function (editor) {
+ this.unblockEvents();
+ L.DomUtil.removeClass(, this.options.drawingCSSClass);
+ = this.defaultMapCursor;
+ editor = editor || this._drawingEditor;
+ if (!editor) return;
+'mousemove touchmove', editor.onDrawingMouseMove, editor);
+'mousedown', this.onMousedown, this);
+'mouseup', this.onMouseup, this);
+ if (editor !== this._drawingEditor) return;
+ delete this._drawingEditor;
+ if (editor._drawing) editor.cancelDrawing();
+ },
+ onMousedown: function (e) {
+ if (e.originalEvent.which != 1) return;
+ this._mouseDown = e;
+ this._drawingEditor.onDrawingMouseDown(e);
+ },
+ onMouseup: function (e) {
+ if (this._mouseDown) {
+ var editor = this._drawingEditor,
+ mouseDown = this._mouseDown;
+ this._mouseDown = null;
+ editor.onDrawingMouseUp(e);
+ if (this._drawingEditor !== editor) return; // onDrawingMouseUp may call unregisterFromDrawing.
+ var origin = L.point(mouseDown.originalEvent.clientX, mouseDown.originalEvent.clientY);
+ var distance = L.point(e.originalEvent.clientX, e.originalEvent.clientY).distanceTo(origin);
+ if (Math.abs(distance) < 9 * (window.devicePixelRatio || 1)) this._drawingEditor.onDrawingClick(e);
+ }
+ },
+ // 🍂section Public methods
+ // You will generally access them by the `map.editTools`
+ // instance:
+ //
+ // `map.editTools.startPolyline();`
+ // 🍂method drawing(): boolean
+ // Return true if any drawing action is ongoing.
+ drawing: function () {
+ return this._drawingEditor && this._drawingEditor.drawing();
+ },
+ // 🍂method stopDrawing()
+ // When you need to stop any ongoing drawing, without needing to know which editor is active.
+ stopDrawing: function () {
+ this.unregisterForDrawing();
+ },
+ // 🍂method commitDrawing()
+ // When you need to commit any ongoing drawing, without needing to know which editor is active.
+ commitDrawing: function (e) {
+ if (!this._drawingEditor) return;
+ this._drawingEditor.commitDrawing(e);
+ },
+ connectCreatedToMap: function (layer) {
+ return this.featuresLayer.addLayer(layer);
+ },
+ // 🍂method startPolyline(latlng: L.LatLng, options: hash): L.Polyline
+ // Start drawing a Polyline. If `latlng` is given, a first point will be added. In any case, continuing on user click.
+ // If `options` is given, it will be passed to the Polyline class constructor.
+ startPolyline: function (latlng, options) {
+ var line = this.createPolyline([], options);
+ line.enableEdit(;
+ return line;
+ },
+ // 🍂method startPolygon(latlng: L.LatLng, options: hash): L.Polygon
+ // Start drawing a Polygon. If `latlng` is given, a first point will be added. In any case, continuing on user click.
+ // If `options` is given, it will be passed to the Polygon class constructor.
+ startPolygon: function (latlng, options) {
+ var polygon = this.createPolygon([], options);
+ polygon.enableEdit(;
+ return polygon;
+ },
+ // 🍂method startMarker(latlng: L.LatLng, options: hash): L.Marker
+ // Start adding a Marker. If `latlng` is given, the Marker will be shown first at this point.
+ // In any case, it will follow the user mouse, and will have a final `latlng` on next click (or touch).
+ // If `options` is given, it will be passed to the Marker class constructor.
+ startMarker: function (latlng, options) {
+ latlng = latlng ||;
+ var marker = this.createMarker(latlng, options);
+ marker.enableEdit(;
+ return marker;
+ },
+ // 🍂method startRectangle(latlng: L.LatLng, options: hash): L.Rectangle
+ // Start drawing a Rectangle. If `latlng` is given, the Rectangle anchor will be added. In any case, continuing on user drag.
+ // If `options` is given, it will be passed to the Rectangle class constructor.
+ startRectangle: function(latlng, options) {
+ var corner = latlng || L.latLng([0, 0]);
+ var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(corner, corner);
+ var rectangle = this.createRectangle(bounds, options);
+ rectangle.enableEdit(;
+ return rectangle;
+ },
+ // 🍂method startCircle(latlng: L.LatLng, options: hash): L.Circle
+ // Start drawing a Circle. If `latlng` is given, the Circle anchor will be added. In any case, continuing on user drag.
+ // If `options` is given, it will be passed to the Circle class constructor.
+ startCircle: function (latlng, options) {
+ latlng = latlng ||;
+ var circle = this.createCircle(latlng, options);
+ circle.enableEdit(;
+ return circle;
+ },
+ startHole: function (editor, latlng) {
+ editor.newHole(latlng);
+ },
+ createLayer: function (klass, latlngs, options) {
+ options = L.Util.extend({editOptions: {editTools: this}}, options);
+ var layer = new klass(latlngs, options);
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:created: LayerEvent
+ // Fired when a new feature (Marker, Polyline…) is created.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:created', {layer: layer});
+ return layer;
+ },
+ createPolyline: function (latlngs, options) {
+ return this.createLayer(options && options.polylineClass || this.options.polylineClass, latlngs, options);
+ },
+ createPolygon: function (latlngs, options) {
+ return this.createLayer(options && options.polygonClass || this.options.polygonClass, latlngs, options);
+ },
+ createMarker: function (latlng, options) {
+ return this.createLayer(options && options.markerClass || this.options.markerClass, latlng, options);
+ },
+ createRectangle: function (bounds, options) {
+ return this.createLayer(options && options.rectangleClass || this.options.rectangleClass, bounds, options);
+ },
+ createCircle: function (latlng, options) {
+ return this.createLayer(options && options.circleClass || this.options.circleClass, latlng, options);
+ }
+ });
+ L.extend(L.Editable, {
+ makeCancellable: function (e) {
+ e.cancel = function () {
+ e._cancelled = true;
+ };
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Map; 🍂class Map
+ // Leaflet.Editable add options and events to the `L.Map` object.
+ // See `Editable` events for the list of events fired on the Map.
+ // 🍂example
+ //
+ // ```js
+ // var map ='map', {
+ // editable: true,
+ // editOptions: {
+ // …
+ // }
+ // });
+ // ```
+ // 🍂section Editable Map Options
+ L.Map.mergeOptions({
+ // 🍂namespace Map
+ // 🍂section Map Options
+ // 🍂option editToolsClass: class = L.Editable
+ // Class to be used as vertex, for path editing.
+ editToolsClass: L.Editable,
+ // 🍂option editable: boolean = false
+ // Whether to create a L.Editable instance at map init.
+ editable: false,
+ // 🍂option editOptions: hash = {}
+ // Options to pass to L.Editable when instantiating.
+ editOptions: {}
+ });
+ L.Map.addInitHook(function () {
+ this.whenReady(function () {
+ if (this.options.editable) {
+ this.editTools = new this.options.editToolsClass(this, this.options.editOptions);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ L.Editable.VertexIcon = L.DivIcon.extend({
+ options: {
+ iconSize: new L.Point(8, 8)
+ }
+ });
+ L.Editable.TouchVertexIcon = L.Editable.VertexIcon.extend({
+ options: {
+ iconSize: new L.Point(20, 20)
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class VertexMarker; Handler for dragging path vertices.
+ L.Editable.VertexMarker = L.Marker.extend({
+ options: {
+ draggable: true,
+ className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-vertex-icon'
+ },
+ // 🍂section Public methods
+ // The marker used to handle path vertex. You will usually interact with a `VertexMarker`
+ // instance when listening for events like `editable:vertex:ctrlclick`.
+ initialize: function (latlng, latlngs, editor, options) {
+ // We don't use this._latlng, because on drag Leaflet replace it while
+ // we want to keep reference.
+ this.latlng = latlng;
+ this.latlngs = latlngs;
+ this.editor = editor;
+, latlng, options);
+ this.options.icon ={className: this.options.className});
+ this.latlng.__vertex = this;
+ this.editor.editLayer.addLayer(this);
+ this.setZIndexOffset( + 1);
+ },
+ onAdd: function (map) {
+, map);
+ this.on('drag', this.onDrag);
+ this.on('dragstart', this.onDragStart);
+ this.on('dragend', this.onDragEnd);
+ this.on('mouseup', this.onMouseup);
+ this.on('click', this.onClick);
+ this.on('contextmenu', this.onContextMenu);
+ this.on('mousedown touchstart', this.onMouseDown);
+ this.on('mouseover', this.onMouseOver);
+ this.on('mouseout', this.onMouseOut);
+ this.addMiddleMarkers();
+ },
+ onRemove: function (map) {
+ if (this.middleMarker) this.middleMarker.delete();
+ delete this.latlng.__vertex;
+'drag', this.onDrag);
+'dragstart', this.onDragStart);
+'dragend', this.onDragEnd);
+'mouseup', this.onMouseup);
+'click', this.onClick);
+'contextmenu', this.onContextMenu);
+'mousedown touchstart', this.onMouseDown);
+'mouseover', this.onMouseOver);
+'mouseout', this.onMouseOut);
+, map);
+ },
+ onDrag: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerDrag(e);
+ var iconPos = L.DomUtil.getPosition(this._icon),
+ latlng = this._map.layerPointToLatLng(iconPos);
+ this.latlng.update(latlng);
+ this._latlng = this.latlng; // Push back to Leaflet our reference.
+ this.editor.refresh();
+ if (this.middleMarker) this.middleMarker.updateLatLng();
+ var next = this.getNext();
+ if (next && next.middleMarker) next.middleMarker.updateLatLng();
+ },
+ onDragStart: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerDragStart(e);
+ },
+ onDragEnd: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerDragEnd(e);
+ },
+ onClick: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerClick(e);
+ },
+ onMouseup: function (e) {
+ L.DomEvent.stop(e);
+ e.vertex = this;
+'mouseup', e);
+ },
+ onContextMenu: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerContextMenu(e);
+ },
+ onMouseDown: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerMouseDown(e);
+ },
+ onMouseOver: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerMouseOver(e);
+ },
+ onMouseOut: function (e) {
+ e.vertex = this;
+ this.editor.onVertexMarkerMouseOut(e);
+ },
+ // 🍂method delete()
+ // Delete a vertex and the related LatLng.
+ delete: function () {
+ var next = this.getNext(); // Compute before changing latlng
+ this.latlngs.splice(this.getIndex(), 1);
+ this.editor.editLayer.removeLayer(this);
+ this.editor.onVertexDeleted({latlng: this.latlng, vertex: this});
+ if (!this.latlngs.length) this.editor.deleteShape(this.latlngs);
+ if (next) next.resetMiddleMarker();
+ this.editor.refresh();
+ },
+ // 🍂method getIndex(): int
+ // Get the index of the current vertex among others of the same LatLngs group.
+ getIndex: function () {
+ return this.latlngs.indexOf(this.latlng);
+ },
+ // 🍂method getLastIndex(): int
+ // Get last vertex index of the LatLngs group of the current vertex.
+ getLastIndex: function () {
+ return this.latlngs.length - 1;
+ },
+ // 🍂method getPrevious(): VertexMarker
+ // Get the previous VertexMarker in the same LatLngs group.
+ getPrevious: function () {
+ if (this.latlngs.length < 2) return;
+ var index = this.getIndex(),
+ previousIndex = index - 1;
+ if (index === 0 && this.editor.CLOSED) previousIndex = this.getLastIndex();
+ var previous = this.latlngs[previousIndex];
+ if (previous) return previous.__vertex;
+ },
+ // 🍂method getNext(): VertexMarker
+ // Get the next VertexMarker in the same LatLngs group.
+ getNext: function () {
+ if (this.latlngs.length < 2) return;
+ var index = this.getIndex(),
+ nextIndex = index + 1;
+ if (index === this.getLastIndex() && this.editor.CLOSED) nextIndex = 0;
+ var next = this.latlngs[nextIndex];
+ if (next) return next.__vertex;
+ },
+ addMiddleMarker: function (previous) {
+ if (!this.editor.hasMiddleMarkers()) return;
+ previous = previous || this.getPrevious();
+ if (previous && !this.middleMarker) this.middleMarker = this.editor.addMiddleMarker(previous, this, this.latlngs, this.editor);
+ },
+ addMiddleMarkers: function () {
+ if (!this.editor.hasMiddleMarkers()) return;
+ var previous = this.getPrevious();
+ if (previous) this.addMiddleMarker(previous);
+ var next = this.getNext();
+ if (next) next.resetMiddleMarker();
+ },
+ resetMiddleMarker: function () {
+ if (this.middleMarker) this.middleMarker.delete();
+ this.addMiddleMarker();
+ },
+ // 🍂method split()
+ // Split the vertex LatLngs group at its index, if possible.
+ split: function () {
+ if (!this.editor.splitShape) return; // Only for PolylineEditor
+ this.editor.splitShape(this.latlngs, this.getIndex());
+ },
+ // 🍂method continue()
+ // Continue the vertex LatLngs from this vertex. Only active for first and last vertices of a Polyline.
+ continue: function () {
+ if (!this.editor.continueBackward) return; // Only for PolylineEditor
+ var index = this.getIndex();
+ if (index === 0) this.editor.continueBackward(this.latlngs);
+ else if (index === this.getLastIndex()) this.editor.continueForward(this.latlngs);
+ }
+ });
+ L.Editable.mergeOptions({
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂option vertexMarkerClass: class = VertexMarker
+ // Class to be used as vertex, for path editing.
+ vertexMarkerClass: L.Editable.VertexMarker
+ });
+ L.Editable.MiddleMarker = L.Marker.extend({
+ options: {
+ opacity: 0.5,
+ className: 'leaflet-div-icon leaflet-middle-icon',
+ draggable: true
+ },
+ initialize: function (left, right, latlngs, editor, options) {
+ this.left = left;
+ this.right = right;
+ this.editor = editor;
+ this.latlngs = latlngs;
+, this.computeLatLng(), options);
+ this._opacity = this.options.opacity;
+ this.options.icon ={className: this.options.className});
+ this.editor.editLayer.addLayer(this);
+ this.setVisibility();
+ },
+ setVisibility: function () {
+ var leftPoint = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(this.left.latlng),
+ rightPoint = this._map.latLngToContainerPoint(this.right.latlng),
+ size = L.point(this.options.icon.options.iconSize);
+ if (leftPoint.distanceTo(rightPoint) < size.x * 3) this.hide();
+ else;
+ },
+ show: function () {
+ this.setOpacity(this._opacity);
+ },
+ hide: function () {
+ this.setOpacity(0);
+ },
+ updateLatLng: function () {
+ this.setLatLng(this.computeLatLng());
+ this.setVisibility();
+ },
+ computeLatLng: function () {
+ var leftPoint =,
+ rightPoint =,
+ y = (leftPoint.y + rightPoint.y) / 2,
+ x = (leftPoint.x + rightPoint.x) / 2;
+ return[x, y]);
+ },
+ onAdd: function (map) {
+, map);
+ L.DomEvent.on(this._icon, 'mousedown touchstart', this.onMouseDown, this);
+ map.on('zoomend', this.setVisibility, this);
+ },
+ onRemove: function (map) {
+ delete this.right.middleMarker;
+, 'mousedown touchstart', this.onMouseDown, this);
+'zoomend', this.setVisibility, this);
+, map);
+ },
+ onMouseDown: function (e) {
+ var iconPos = L.DomUtil.getPosition(this._icon),
+ latlng =;
+ e = {
+ originalEvent: e,
+ latlng: latlng
+ };
+ if (this.options.opacity === 0) return;
+ L.Editable.makeCancellable(e);
+ this.editor.onMiddleMarkerMouseDown(e);
+ if (e._cancelled) return;
+ this.latlngs.splice(this.index(), 0, e.latlng);
+ this.editor.refresh();
+ var icon = this._icon;
+ var marker = this.editor.addVertexMarker(e.latlng, this.latlngs);
+ this.editor.onNewVertex(marker);
+ /* Hack to workaround browser not firing touchend when element is no more on DOM */
+ var parent = marker._icon.parentNode;
+ parent.removeChild(marker._icon);
+ marker._icon = icon;
+ parent.appendChild(marker._icon);
+ marker._initIcon();
+ marker._initInteraction();
+ marker.setOpacity(1);
+ /* End hack */
+ // Transfer ongoing dragging to real marker
+ L.Draggable._dragging = false;
+ marker.dragging._draggable._onDown(e.originalEvent);
+ this.delete();
+ },
+ delete: function () {
+ this.editor.editLayer.removeLayer(this);
+ },
+ index: function () {
+ return this.latlngs.indexOf(this.right.latlng);
+ }
+ });
+ L.Editable.mergeOptions({
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂option middleMarkerClass: class = VertexMarker
+ // Class to be used as middle vertex, pulled by the user to create a new point in the middle of a path.
+ middleMarkerClass: L.Editable.MiddleMarker
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class BaseEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.BaseEditor
+ // When editing a feature (Marker, Polyline…), an editor is attached to it. This
+ // editor basically knows how to handle the edition.
+ L.Editable.BaseEditor = L.Handler.extend({
+ initialize: function (map, feature, options) {
+ L.setOptions(this, options);
+ = map;
+ this.feature = feature;
+ this.feature.editor = this;
+ this.editLayer = new L.LayerGroup();
+ = this.options.editTools || map.editTools;
+ },
+ // 🍂method enable(): this
+ // Set up the drawing tools for the feature to be editable.
+ addHooks: function () {
+ if (this.isConnected()) this.onFeatureAdd();
+ else this.feature.once('add', this.onFeatureAdd, this);
+ this.onEnable();
+ this.feature.on(this._getEvents(), this);
+ },
+ // 🍂method disable(): this
+ // Remove the drawing tools for the feature.
+ removeHooks: function () {
+, this);
+ if (this.feature.dragging) this.feature.dragging.disable();
+ this.editLayer.clearLayers();
+ this.onDisable();
+ if (this._drawing) this.cancelDrawing();
+ },
+ // 🍂method drawing(): boolean
+ // Return true if any drawing action is ongoing with this editor.
+ drawing: function () {
+ return !!this._drawing;
+ },
+ reset: function () {},
+ onFeatureAdd: function () {
+ if (this.feature.dragging) this.feature.dragging.enable();
+ },
+ hasMiddleMarkers: function () {
+ return !this.options.skipMiddleMarkers && !;
+ },
+ fireAndForward: function (type, e) {
+ e = e || {};
+ e.layer = this.feature;
+, e);
+, e);
+ },
+ onEnable: function () {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:enable: Event
+ // Fired when an existing feature is ready to be edited.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:enable');
+ },
+ onDisable: function () {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:disable: Event
+ // Fired when an existing feature is not ready anymore to be edited.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:disable');
+ },
+ onEditing: function () {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:editing: Event
+ // Fired as soon as any change is made to the feature geometry.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:editing');
+ },
+ onStartDrawing: function () {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:start: Event
+ // Fired when a feature is to be drawn.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:start');
+ },
+ onEndDrawing: function () {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:end: Event
+ // Fired when a feature is not drawn anymore.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:end');
+ },
+ onCancelDrawing: function () {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:cancel: Event
+ // Fired when user cancel drawing while a feature is being drawn.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:cancel');
+ },
+ onCommitDrawing: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:commit: Event
+ // Fired when user finish drawing a feature.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:commit', e);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseDown: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:mousedown: Event
+ // Fired when user `mousedown` while drawing.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:mousedown', e);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseUp: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:mouseup: Event
+ // Fired when user `mouseup` while drawing.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:mouseup', e);
+ },
+ startDrawing: function () {
+ if (!this._drawing) this._drawing = L.Editable.FORWARD;
+ this.onStartDrawing();
+ },
+ commitDrawing: function (e) {
+ this.onCommitDrawing(e);
+ this.endDrawing();
+ },
+ cancelDrawing: function () {
+ // If called during a vertex drag, the vertex will be removed before
+ // the mouseup fires on it. This is a workaround. Maybe better fix is
+ // To have L.Draggable reset it's status on disable (Leaflet side).
+ L.Draggable._dragging = false;
+ this.onCancelDrawing();
+ this.endDrawing();
+ },
+ endDrawing: function () {
+ this._drawing = false;
+ this.onEndDrawing();
+ },
+ onDrawingClick: function (e) {
+ if (!this.drawing()) return;
+ L.Editable.makeCancellable(e);
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:click: CancelableEvent
+ // Fired when user `click` while drawing, before any internal action is being processed.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:click', e);
+ if (e._cancelled) return;
+ if (!this.isConnected()) this.connect(e);
+ this.processDrawingClick(e);
+ },
+ isConnected: function () {
+ return;
+ },
+ connect: function () {
+ },
+ onMove: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:move: Event
+ // Fired when `move` mouse while drawing, while dragging a marker, and while dragging a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:move', e);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseMove: function (e) {
+ this.onMove(e);
+ },
+ _getEvents: function () {
+ return {
+ dragstart: this.onDragStart,
+ drag: this.onDrag,
+ dragend: this.onDragEnd,
+ remove: this.disable
+ };
+ },
+ onDragStart: function (e) {
+ this.onEditing();
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:dragstart: Event
+ // Fired before a path feature is dragged.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:dragstart', e);
+ },
+ onDrag: function (e) {
+ this.onMove(e);
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:drag: Event
+ // Fired when a path feature is being dragged.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drag', e);
+ },
+ onDragEnd: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂event editable:dragend: Event
+ // Fired after a path feature has been dragged.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:dragend', e);
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class MarkerEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.MarkerEditor
+ // 🍂inherits BaseEditor
+ // Editor for Marker.
+ L.Editable.MarkerEditor = L.Editable.BaseEditor.extend({
+ onDrawingMouseMove: function (e) {
+, e);
+ if (this._drawing) this.feature.setLatLng(e.latlng);
+ },
+ processDrawingClick: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Drawing events
+ // 🍂event editable:drawing:clicked: Event
+ // Fired when user `click` while drawing, after all internal actions.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:clicked', e);
+ this.commitDrawing(e);
+ },
+ connect: function (e) {
+ // On touch, the latlng has not been updated because there is
+ // no mousemove.
+ if (e) this.feature._latlng = e.latlng;
+, e);
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class PathEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.PathEditor
+ // 🍂inherits BaseEditor
+ // Base class for all path editors.
+ L.Editable.PathEditor = L.Editable.BaseEditor.extend({
+ CLOSED: false,
+ addHooks: function () {
+ if (this.feature) this.initVertexMarkers();
+ return this;
+ },
+ initVertexMarkers: function (latlngs) {
+ if (!this.enabled()) return;
+ latlngs = latlngs || this.getLatLngs();
+ if (isFlat(latlngs)) this.addVertexMarkers(latlngs);
+ else for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) this.initVertexMarkers(latlngs[i]);
+ },
+ getLatLngs: function () {
+ return this.feature.getLatLngs();
+ },
+ // 🍂method reset()
+ // Rebuild edit elements (Vertex, MiddleMarker, etc.).
+ reset: function () {
+ this.editLayer.clearLayers();
+ this.initVertexMarkers();
+ },
+ addVertexMarker: function (latlng, latlngs) {
+ return new, latlngs, this);
+ },
+ onNewVertex: function (vertex) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:new: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a new vertex is created.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:new', {latlng: vertex.latlng, vertex: vertex});
+ },
+ addVertexMarkers: function (latlngs) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
+ this.addVertexMarker(latlngs[i], latlngs);
+ }
+ },
+ refreshVertexMarkers: function (latlngs) {
+ latlngs = latlngs || this.getDefaultLatLngs();
+ for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
+ latlngs[i].__vertex.update();
+ }
+ },
+ addMiddleMarker: function (left, right, latlngs) {
+ return new, right, latlngs, this);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerClick: function (e) {
+ L.Editable.makeCancellable(e);
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:click: CancelableVertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` is issued on a vertex, before any internal action is being processed.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:click', e);
+ if (e._cancelled) return;
+ if ( && !== this) return;
+ var index = e.vertex.getIndex(), commit;
+ if (e.originalEvent.ctrlKey) {
+ this.onVertexMarkerCtrlClick(e);
+ } else if (e.originalEvent.altKey) {
+ this.onVertexMarkerAltClick(e);
+ } else if (e.originalEvent.shiftKey) {
+ this.onVertexMarkerShiftClick(e);
+ } else if (e.originalEvent.metaKey) {
+ this.onVertexMarkerMetaKeyClick(e);
+ } else if (index === e.vertex.getLastIndex() && this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD) {
+ if (index >= this.MIN_VERTEX - 1) commit = true;
+ } else if (index === 0 && this._drawing === L.Editable.BACKWARD && this._drawnLatLngs.length >= this.MIN_VERTEX) {
+ commit = true;
+ } else if (index === 0 && this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD && this._drawnLatLngs.length >= this.MIN_VERTEX && this.CLOSED) {
+ commit = true; // Allow to close on first point also for polygons
+ } else {
+ this.onVertexRawMarkerClick(e);
+ }
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:clicked: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` is issued on a vertex, after all internal actions.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:clicked', e);
+ if (commit) this.commitDrawing(e);
+ },
+ onVertexRawMarkerClick: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:rawclick: CancelableVertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` is issued on a vertex without any special key and without being in drawing mode.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:rawclick', e);
+ if (e._cancelled) return;
+ if (!this.vertexCanBeDeleted(e.vertex)) return;
+ e.vertex.delete();
+ },
+ vertexCanBeDeleted: function (vertex) {
+ return vertex.latlngs.length > this.MIN_VERTEX;
+ },
+ onVertexDeleted: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:deleted: VertexEvent
+ // Fired after a vertex has been deleted by user.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:deleted', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerCtrlClick: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:ctrlclick: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` with `ctrlKey` is issued on a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:ctrlclick', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerShiftClick: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:shiftclick: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` with `shiftKey` is issued on a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:shiftclick', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerMetaKeyClick: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:metakeyclick: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` with `metaKey` is issued on a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:metakeyclick', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerAltClick: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:altclick: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `click` with `altKey` is issued on a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:altclick', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerContextMenu: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:contextmenu: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a `contextmenu` is issued on a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:contextmenu', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerMouseDown: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:mousedown: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when user `mousedown` a vertex.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:mousedown', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerMouseOver: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:mouseover: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a user's mouse enters the vertex
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:mouseover', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerMouseOut: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:mouseout: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a user's mouse leaves the vertex
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:mouseout', e);
+ },
+ onMiddleMarkerMouseDown: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section MiddleMarker events
+ // 🍂event editable:middlemarker:mousedown: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when user `mousedown` a middle marker.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:middlemarker:mousedown', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerDrag: function (e) {
+ this.onMove(e);
+ if (this.feature._bounds) this.extendBounds(e);
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:drag: VertexEvent
+ // Fired when a vertex is dragged by user.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:drag', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerDragStart: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:dragstart: VertexEvent
+ // Fired before a vertex is dragged by user.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:dragstart', e);
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerDragEnd: function (e) {
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Vertex events
+ // 🍂event editable:vertex:dragend: VertexEvent
+ // Fired after a vertex is dragged by user.
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:vertex:dragend', e);
+ },
+ setDrawnLatLngs: function (latlngs) {
+ this._drawnLatLngs = latlngs || this.getDefaultLatLngs();
+ },
+ startDrawing: function () {
+ if (!this._drawnLatLngs) this.setDrawnLatLngs();
+ },
+ startDrawingForward: function () {
+ this.startDrawing();
+ },
+ endDrawing: function () {
+ if (this._drawnLatLngs && this._drawnLatLngs.length < this.MIN_VERTEX) this.deleteShape(this._drawnLatLngs);
+ delete this._drawnLatLngs;
+ },
+ addLatLng: function (latlng) {
+ if (this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD) this._drawnLatLngs.push(latlng);
+ else this._drawnLatLngs.unshift(latlng);
+ this.feature._bounds.extend(latlng);
+ var vertex = this.addVertexMarker(latlng, this._drawnLatLngs);
+ this.onNewVertex(vertex);
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ newPointForward: function (latlng) {
+ this.addLatLng(latlng);
+ },
+ newPointBackward: function (latlng) {
+ this.addLatLng(latlng);
+ },
+ // 🍂namespace PathEditor
+ // 🍂method push()
+ // Programmatically add a point while drawing.
+ push: function (latlng) {
+ if (!latlng) return console.error('L.Editable.PathEditor.push expect a valid latlng as parameter');
+ if (this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD) this.newPointForward(latlng);
+ else this.newPointBackward(latlng);
+ },
+ removeLatLng: function (latlng) {
+ latlng.__vertex.delete();
+ this.refresh();
+ },
+ // 🍂method pop(): L.LatLng or null
+ // Programmatically remove last point (if any) while drawing.
+ pop: function () {
+ if (this._drawnLatLngs.length <= 1) return;
+ var latlng;
+ if (this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD) latlng = this._drawnLatLngs[this._drawnLatLngs.length - 1];
+ else latlng = this._drawnLatLngs[0];
+ this.removeLatLng(latlng);
+ if (this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD)[this._drawnLatLngs.length - 1]);
+ else[0]);
+ return latlng;
+ },
+ processDrawingClick: function (e) {
+ if (e.vertex && e.vertex.editor === this) return;
+ if (this._drawing === L.Editable.FORWARD) this.newPointForward(e.latlng);
+ else this.newPointBackward(e.latlng);
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:drawing:clicked', e);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseMove: function (e) {
+, e);
+ if (this._drawing) {
+ }
+ },
+ refresh: function () {
+ this.feature.redraw();
+ this.onEditing();
+ },
+ // 🍂namespace PathEditor
+ // 🍂method newShape(latlng?: L.LatLng)
+ // Add a new shape (Polyline, Polygon) in a multi, and setup up drawing tools to draw it;
+ // if optional `latlng` is given, start a path at this point.
+ newShape: function (latlng) {
+ var shape = this.addNewEmptyShape();
+ if (!shape) return;
+ this.setDrawnLatLngs(shape[0] || shape); // Polygon or polyline
+ this.startDrawingForward();
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Shape events
+ // 🍂event editable:shape:new: ShapeEvent
+ // Fired when a new shape is created in a multi (Polygon or Polyline).
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:shape:new', {shape: shape});
+ if (latlng) this.newPointForward(latlng);
+ },
+ deleteShape: function (shape, latlngs) {
+ var e = {shape: shape};
+ L.Editable.makeCancellable(e);
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Shape events
+ // 🍂event editable:shape:delete: CancelableShapeEvent
+ // Fired before a new shape is deleted in a multi (Polygon or Polyline).
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:shape:delete', e);
+ if (e._cancelled) return;
+ shape = this._deleteShape(shape, latlngs);
+ if (this.ensureNotFlat) this.ensureNotFlat(); // Polygon.
+ this.feature.setLatLngs(this.getLatLngs()); // Force bounds reset.
+ this.refresh();
+ this.reset();
+ // 🍂namespace Editable
+ // 🍂section Shape events
+ // 🍂event editable:shape:deleted: ShapeEvent
+ // Fired after a new shape is deleted in a multi (Polygon or Polyline).
+ this.fireAndForward('editable:shape:deleted', {shape: shape});
+ return shape;
+ },
+ _deleteShape: function (shape, latlngs) {
+ latlngs = latlngs || this.getLatLngs();
+ if (!latlngs.length) return;
+ var self = this,
+ inplaceDelete = function (latlngs, shape) {
+ // Called when deleting a flat latlngs
+ shape = latlngs.splice(0, Number.MAX_VALUE);
+ return shape;
+ },
+ spliceDelete = function (latlngs, shape) {
+ // Called when removing a latlngs inside an array
+ latlngs.splice(latlngs.indexOf(shape), 1);
+ if (!latlngs.length) self._deleteShape(latlngs);
+ return shape;
+ };
+ if (latlngs === shape) return inplaceDelete(latlngs, shape);
+ for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
+ if (latlngs[i] === shape) return spliceDelete(latlngs, shape);
+ else if (latlngs[i].indexOf(shape) !== -1) return spliceDelete(latlngs[i], shape);
+ }
+ },
+ // 🍂namespace PathEditor
+ // 🍂method deleteShapeAt(latlng: L.LatLng): Array
+ // Remove a path shape at the given `latlng`.
+ deleteShapeAt: function (latlng) {
+ var shape = this.feature.shapeAt(latlng);
+ if (shape) return this.deleteShape(shape);
+ },
+ // 🍂method appendShape(shape: Array)
+ // Append a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
+ appendShape: function (shape) {
+ this.insertShape(shape);
+ },
+ // 🍂method prependShape(shape: Array)
+ // Prepend a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline.
+ prependShape: function (shape) {
+ this.insertShape(shape, 0);
+ },
+ // 🍂method insertShape(shape: Array, index: int)
+ // Insert a new shape to the Polygon or Polyline at given index (default is to append).
+ insertShape: function (shape, index) {
+ this.ensureMulti();
+ shape = this.formatShape(shape);
+ if (typeof index === 'undefined') index = this.feature._latlngs.length;
+ this.feature._latlngs.splice(index, 0, shape);
+ this.feature.redraw();
+ if (this._enabled) this.reset();
+ },
+ extendBounds: function (e) {
+ this.feature._bounds.extend(e.vertex.latlng);
+ },
+ onDragStart: function (e) {
+ this.editLayer.clearLayers();
+, e);
+ },
+ onDragEnd: function (e) {
+ this.initVertexMarkers();
+, e);
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class PolylineEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.PolylineEditor
+ // 🍂inherits PathEditor
+ L.Editable.PolylineEditor = L.Editable.PathEditor.extend({
+ startDrawingBackward: function () {
+ this._drawing = L.Editable.BACKWARD;
+ this.startDrawing();
+ },
+ // 🍂method continueBackward(latlngs?: Array)
+ // Set up drawing tools to continue the line backward.
+ continueBackward: function (latlngs) {
+ if (this.drawing()) return;
+ latlngs = latlngs || this.getDefaultLatLngs();
+ this.setDrawnLatLngs(latlngs);
+ if (latlngs.length > 0) {
+ }
+ this.startDrawingBackward();
+ },
+ // 🍂method continueForward(latlngs?: Array)
+ // Set up drawing tools to continue the line forward.
+ continueForward: function (latlngs) {
+ if (this.drawing()) return;
+ latlngs = latlngs || this.getDefaultLatLngs();
+ this.setDrawnLatLngs(latlngs);
+ if (latlngs.length > 0) {
+[latlngs.length - 1]);
+ }
+ this.startDrawingForward();
+ },
+ getDefaultLatLngs: function (latlngs) {
+ latlngs = latlngs || this.feature._latlngs;
+ if (!latlngs.length || latlngs[0] instanceof L.LatLng) return latlngs;
+ else return this.getDefaultLatLngs(latlngs[0]);
+ },
+ ensureMulti: function () {
+ if (this.feature._latlngs.length && isFlat(this.feature._latlngs)) {
+ this.feature._latlngs = [this.feature._latlngs];
+ }
+ },
+ addNewEmptyShape: function () {
+ if (this.feature._latlngs.length) {
+ var shape = [];
+ this.appendShape(shape);
+ return shape;
+ } else {
+ return this.feature._latlngs;
+ }
+ },
+ formatShape: function (shape) {
+ if (isFlat(shape)) return shape;
+ else if (shape[0]) return this.formatShape(shape[0]);
+ },
+ // 🍂method splitShape(latlngs?: Array, index: int)
+ // Split the given `latlngs` shape at index `index` and integrate new shape in instance `latlngs`.
+ splitShape: function (shape, index) {
+ if (!index || index >= shape.length - 1) return;
+ this.ensureMulti();
+ var shapeIndex = this.feature._latlngs.indexOf(shape);
+ if (shapeIndex === -1) return;
+ var first = shape.slice(0, index + 1),
+ second = shape.slice(index);
+ // We deal with reference, we don't want twice the same latlng around.
+ second[0] = L.latLng(second[0].lat, second[0].lng, second[0].alt);
+ this.feature._latlngs.splice(shapeIndex, 1, first, second);
+ this.refresh();
+ this.reset();
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class PolygonEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.PolygonEditor
+ // 🍂inherits PathEditor
+ L.Editable.PolygonEditor = L.Editable.PathEditor.extend({
+ CLOSED: true,
+ newPointForward: function (latlng) {
+, latlng);
+ if (!;
+ if (this._drawnLatLngs.length === 2);
+ },
+ addNewEmptyHole: function (latlng) {
+ this.ensureNotFlat();
+ var latlngs = this.feature.shapeAt(latlng);
+ if (!latlngs) return;
+ var holes = [];
+ latlngs.push(holes);
+ return holes;
+ },
+ // 🍂method newHole(latlng?: L.LatLng, index: int)
+ // Set up drawing tools for creating a new hole on the Polygon. If the `latlng` param is given, a first point is created.
+ newHole: function (latlng) {
+ var holes = this.addNewEmptyHole(latlng);
+ if (!holes) return;
+ this.setDrawnLatLngs(holes);
+ this.startDrawingForward();
+ if (latlng) this.newPointForward(latlng);
+ },
+ addNewEmptyShape: function () {
+ if (this.feature._latlngs.length && this.feature._latlngs[0].length) {
+ var shape = [];
+ this.appendShape(shape);
+ return shape;
+ } else {
+ return this.feature._latlngs;
+ }
+ },
+ ensureMulti: function () {
+ if (this.feature._latlngs.length && isFlat(this.feature._latlngs[0])) {
+ this.feature._latlngs = [this.feature._latlngs];
+ }
+ },
+ ensureNotFlat: function () {
+ if (!this.feature._latlngs.length || isFlat(this.feature._latlngs)) this.feature._latlngs = [this.feature._latlngs];
+ },
+ vertexCanBeDeleted: function (vertex) {
+ var parent = this.feature.parentShape(vertex.latlngs),
+ idx = L.Util.indexOf(parent, vertex.latlngs);
+ if (idx > 0) return true; // Holes can be totally deleted without removing the layer itself.
+ return, vertex);
+ },
+ getDefaultLatLngs: function () {
+ if (!this.feature._latlngs.length) this.feature._latlngs.push([]);
+ return this.feature._latlngs[0];
+ },
+ formatShape: function (shape) {
+ // [[1, 2], [3, 4]] => must be nested
+ // [] => must be nested
+ // [[]] => is already nested
+ if (isFlat(shape) && (!shape[0] || shape[0].length !== 0)) return [shape];
+ else return shape;
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class RectangleEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.RectangleEditor
+ // 🍂inherits PathEditor
+ L.Editable.RectangleEditor = L.Editable.PathEditor.extend({
+ CLOSED: true,
+ options: {
+ skipMiddleMarkers: true
+ },
+ extendBounds: function (e) {
+ var index = e.vertex.getIndex(),
+ next = e.vertex.getNext(),
+ previous = e.vertex.getPrevious(),
+ oppositeIndex = (index + 2) % 4,
+ opposite = e.vertex.latlngs[oppositeIndex],
+ bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(e.latlng, opposite);
+ // Update latlngs by hand to preserve order.
+ previous.latlng.update([, opposite.lng]);
+ next.latlng.update([, e.latlng.lng]);
+ this.updateBounds(bounds);
+ this.refreshVertexMarkers();
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseDown: function (e) {
+, e);
+ this.connect();
+ var latlngs = this.getDefaultLatLngs();
+ // L.Polygon._convertLatLngs removes last latlng if it equals first point,
+ // which is the case here as all latlngs are [0, 0]
+ if (latlngs.length === 3) latlngs.push(e.latlng);
+ var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(e.latlng, e.latlng);
+ this.updateBounds(bounds);
+ this.updateLatLngs(bounds);
+ this.refresh();
+ this.reset();
+ // Stop dragging map.
+ // L.Draggable has two workflows:
+ // - mousedown => mousemove => mouseup
+ // - touchstart => touchmove => touchend
+ // Problem: L.Map.Tap does not allow us to listen to touchstart, so we only
+ // can deal with mousedown, but then when in a touch device, we are dealing with
+ // simulated events (actually simulated by L.Map.Tap), which are no more taken
+ // into account by L.Draggable.
+ // Ref.:
+ e.originalEvent._simulated = false;
+ // Now transfer ongoing drag action to the bottom right corner.
+ // Should we refine which corner will handle the drag according to
+ // drag direction?
+ latlngs[3].__vertex.dragging._draggable._onDown(e.originalEvent);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseUp: function (e) {
+ this.commitDrawing(e);
+ e.originalEvent._simulated = false;
+, e);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseMove: function (e) {
+ e.originalEvent._simulated = false;
+, e);
+ },
+ getDefaultLatLngs: function (latlngs) {
+ return latlngs || this.feature._latlngs[0];
+ },
+ updateBounds: function (bounds) {
+ this.feature._bounds = bounds;
+ },
+ updateLatLngs: function (bounds) {
+ var latlngs = this.getDefaultLatLngs(),
+ newLatlngs = this.feature._boundsToLatLngs(bounds);
+ // Keep references.
+ for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
+ latlngs[i].update(newLatlngs[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class CircleEditor; 🍂aka L.Editable.CircleEditor
+ // 🍂inherits PathEditor
+ L.Editable.CircleEditor = L.Editable.PathEditor.extend({
+ options: {
+ skipMiddleMarkers: true
+ },
+ initialize: function (map, feature, options) {
+, map, feature, options);
+ this._resizeLatLng = this.computeResizeLatLng();
+ },
+ computeResizeLatLng: function () {
+ // While circle is not added to the map, _radius is not set.
+ var delta = (this.feature._radius || this.feature._mRadius) * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4),
+ point =;
+ return[point.x + delta, point.y - delta]);
+ },
+ updateResizeLatLng: function () {
+ this._resizeLatLng.update(this.computeResizeLatLng());
+ this._resizeLatLng.__vertex.update();
+ },
+ getLatLngs: function () {
+ return [this.feature._latlng, this._resizeLatLng];
+ },
+ getDefaultLatLngs: function () {
+ return this.getLatLngs();
+ },
+ onVertexMarkerDrag: function (e) {
+ if (e.vertex.getIndex() === 1) this.resize(e);
+ else this.updateResizeLatLng(e);
+, e);
+ },
+ resize: function (e) {
+ var radius = this.feature._latlng.distanceTo(e.latlng);
+ this.feature.setRadius(radius);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseDown: function (e) {
+, e);
+ this._resizeLatLng.update(e.latlng);
+ this.feature._latlng.update(e.latlng);
+ this.connect();
+ // Stop dragging map.
+ e.originalEvent._simulated = false;
+ // Now transfer ongoing drag action to the radius handler.
+ this._resizeLatLng.__vertex.dragging._draggable._onDown(e.originalEvent);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseUp: function (e) {
+ this.commitDrawing(e);
+ e.originalEvent._simulated = false;
+, e);
+ },
+ onDrawingMouseMove: function (e) {
+ e.originalEvent._simulated = false;
+, e);
+ },
+ onDrag: function (e) {
+, e);
+ this.feature.dragging.updateLatLng(this._resizeLatLng);
+ }
+ });
+ // 🍂namespace Editable; 🍂class EditableMixin
+ // `EditableMixin` is included to `L.Polyline`, `L.Polygon`, `L.Rectangle`, `L.Circle`
+ // and `L.Marker`. It adds some methods to them.
+ // *When editing is enabled, the editor is accessible on the instance with the
+ // `editor` property.*
+ var EditableMixin = {
+ createEditor: function (map) {
+ map = map || this._map;
+ var tools = (this.options.editOptions || {}).editTools || map.editTools;
+ if (!tools) throw Error('Unable to detect Editable instance.');
+ var Klass = this.options.editorClass || this.getEditorClass(tools);
+ return new Klass(map, this, this.options.editOptions);
+ },
+ // 🍂method enableEdit(map?: L.Map): this.editor
+ // Enable editing, by creating an editor if not existing, and then calling `enable` on it.
+ enableEdit: function (map) {
+ if (!this.editor) this.createEditor(map);
+ this.editor.enable();
+ return this.editor;
+ },
+ // 🍂method editEnabled(): boolean
+ // Return true if current instance has an editor attached, and this editor is enabled.
+ editEnabled: function () {
+ return this.editor && this.editor.enabled();
+ },
+ // 🍂method disableEdit()
+ // Disable editing, also remove the editor property reference.
+ disableEdit: function () {
+ if (this.editor) {
+ this.editor.disable();
+ delete this.editor;
+ }
+ },
+ // 🍂method toggleEdit()
+ // Enable or disable editing, according to current status.
+ toggleEdit: function () {
+ if (this.editEnabled()) this.disableEdit();
+ else this.enableEdit();
+ },
+ _onEditableAdd: function () {
+ if (this.editor) this.enableEdit();
+ }
+ };
+ var PolylineMixin = {
+ getEditorClass: function (tools) {
+ return (tools && tools.options.polylineEditorClass) ? tools.options.polylineEditorClass : L.Editable.PolylineEditor;
+ },
+ shapeAt: function (latlng, latlngs) {
+ // We can have those cases:
+ // - latlngs are just a flat array of latlngs, use this
+ // - latlngs is an array of arrays of latlngs, loop over
+ var shape = null;
+ latlngs = latlngs || this._latlngs;
+ if (!latlngs.length) return shape;
+ else if (isFlat(latlngs) && this.isInLatLngs(latlng, latlngs)) shape = latlngs;
+ else for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) if (this.isInLatLngs(latlng, latlngs[i])) return latlngs[i];
+ return shape;
+ },
+ isInLatLngs: function (l, latlngs) {
+ if (!latlngs) return false;
+ var i, k, len, part = [], p,
+ w = this._clickTolerance();
+ this._projectLatlngs(latlngs, part, this._pxBounds);
+ part = part[0];
+ p = this._map.latLngToLayerPoint(l);
+ if (!this._pxBounds.contains(p)) { return false; }
+ for (i = 1, len = part.length, k = 0; i < len; k = i++) {
+ if (L.LineUtil.pointToSegmentDistance(p, part[k], part[i]) <= w) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ var PolygonMixin = {
+ getEditorClass: function (tools) {
+ return (tools && tools.options.polygonEditorClass) ? tools.options.polygonEditorClass : L.Editable.PolygonEditor;
+ },
+ shapeAt: function (latlng, latlngs) {
+ // We can have those cases:
+ // - latlngs are just a flat array of latlngs, use this
+ // - latlngs is an array of arrays of latlngs, this is a simple polygon (maybe with holes), use the first
+ // - latlngs is an array of arrays of arrays, this is a multi, loop over
+ var shape = null;
+ latlngs = latlngs || this._latlngs;
+ if (!latlngs.length) return shape;
+ else if (isFlat(latlngs) && this.isInLatLngs(latlng, latlngs)) shape = latlngs;
+ else if (isFlat(latlngs[0]) && this.isInLatLngs(latlng, latlngs[0])) shape = latlngs;
+ else for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) if (this.isInLatLngs(latlng, latlngs[i][0])) return latlngs[i];
+ return shape;
+ },
+ isInLatLngs: function (l, latlngs) {
+ var inside = false, l1, l2, j, k, len2;
+ for (j = 0, len2 = latlngs.length, k = len2 - 1; j < len2; k = j++) {
+ l1 = latlngs[j];
+ l2 = latlngs[k];
+ if ((( > !== ( > &&
+ (l.lng < (l2.lng - l1.lng) * ( - / ( - + l1.lng)) {
+ inside = !inside;
+ }
+ }
+ return inside;
+ },
+ parentShape: function (shape, latlngs) {
+ latlngs = latlngs || this._latlngs;
+ if (!latlngs) return;
+ var idx = L.Util.indexOf(latlngs, shape);
+ if (idx !== -1) return latlngs;
+ for (var i = 0; i < latlngs.length; i++) {
+ idx = L.Util.indexOf(latlngs[i], shape);
+ if (idx !== -1) return latlngs[i];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var MarkerMixin = {
+ getEditorClass: function (tools) {
+ return (tools && tools.options.markerEditorClass) ? tools.options.markerEditorClass : L.Editable.MarkerEditor;
+ }
+ };
+ var RectangleMixin = {
+ getEditorClass: function (tools) {
+ return (tools && tools.options.rectangleEditorClass) ? tools.options.rectangleEditorClass : L.Editable.RectangleEditor;
+ }
+ };
+ var CircleMixin = {
+ getEditorClass: function (tools) {
+ return (tools && tools.options.circleEditorClass) ? tools.options.circleEditorClass : L.Editable.CircleEditor;
+ }
+ };
+ var keepEditable = function () {
+ // Make sure you can remove/readd an editable layer.
+ this.on('add', this._onEditableAdd);
+ };
+ var isFlat = L.LineUtil.isFlat || L.LineUtil._flat || L.Polyline._flat; // <=> 1.1 compat.
+ if (L.Polyline) {
+ L.Polyline.include(EditableMixin);
+ L.Polyline.include(PolylineMixin);
+ L.Polyline.addInitHook(keepEditable);
+ }
+ if (L.Polygon) {
+ L.Polygon.include(EditableMixin);
+ L.Polygon.include(PolygonMixin);
+ }
+ if (L.Marker) {
+ L.Marker.include(EditableMixin);
+ L.Marker.include(MarkerMixin);
+ L.Marker.addInitHook(keepEditable);
+ }
+ if (L.Rectangle) {
+ L.Rectangle.include(EditableMixin);
+ L.Rectangle.include(RectangleMixin);
+ }
+ if (L.Circle) {
+ L.Circle.include(EditableMixin);
+ L.Circle.include(CircleMixin);
+ }
+ L.LatLng.prototype.update = function (latlng) {
+ latlng = L.latLng(latlng);
+ =;
+ this.lng = latlng.lng;
+ }
+}, window));