Minetest mods
serialize_lib.gitserialize library for minetestorwell3 years
signs_lib.gitsigns with text for minetestorwell4 years
smartshop.gitSmartshop mod, improvedgpcf3 years
technictrain.gitTechnic train for minetestgit repository hosting8 months
tnt.gitTNT mod for minetestgpcf
trainblocks.gitvarious useful blocks for railways in minetestgit repository hosting
walkway.gitmoving walkway for minetestgpcf5 years
xban2.gitExtended ban for Minetestgpcf2 years
Random Stuff
sandbox.gitSandbox repo to test this installationgit repository hosting14 months
gpcfhw.gitUseful macros and LaTeX class for math homeworkgpcf5 years
pgf-pie.gitPie charts for TikZgpcf5 years
bvg-grabber.gitQuerying the upcoming public transport departures in Berlingpcf
mensa.gitMenu fetcher for several canteens around Berlin's universitiesgpcf23 months